Guest May 26, 2014 Share May 26, 2014 The Little Couple looks back on how their lives have changed, answering questions and sharing insight into parenting with rare behind the scene moments. Link to comment
Absolom May 26, 2014 Share May 26, 2014 What TLC does rather than actually produce a new episode. Has anything really informative ever come out of one TLC's question shows? 2 Link to comment
MrMattyMatt May 26, 2014 Share May 26, 2014 Not really, it's just usually info and scenes that never came into the episodes. The "viewer" questions usually seem fake, but you never know. Link to comment
joanne3482 May 26, 2014 Share May 26, 2014 I like them when they show clips and behind the scenes stuff we don't usually get to see. I hate the "user questions" segment because like MattyMatt says, they always seem so fake. Link to comment
MrMattyMatt May 26, 2014 Share May 26, 2014 Claudine from Backwater Kansas on Twitter wants to know, "How excited were you to finally meet Will an Zoey?" "We were very excited!" 3 Link to comment
jodo May 26, 2014 Share May 26, 2014 Several weeks ago on their FB page they asked for questions that they might put on the show. I asked if they planned to home school their children so am hoping that is answered. Bill has referred to Will going to school being just around the corner although he is only 4 and not ready to go into much other than daycare. 1 Link to comment
MrMattyMatt May 26, 2014 Share May 26, 2014 I highly doubt they will home-school, but you never know. Bill did mention they will both be going to "school" in fall, I am assuming it's bascially daycare. Link to comment
Absolom May 26, 2014 Share May 26, 2014 They'll probably be attending pre-school. Will is ready for K-4 which is four year old kindergarten. Good day care includes pre-school, but babysitting daycare does not. Link to comment
mbutterfly May 26, 2014 Share May 26, 2014 I would assume Will will attend a reputable pre-kindergarten program. I'm a retired teacher and have volunteered in such programs. They are academically-based programs that include speech pathology (as needed) physical education, and basic living skills to prepare a child for kindergarten. Teachers, at least lead teachers, will have degrees in early childhood education. I'm guessing we'll see some of it. It shouldn't be confused with day care. 2 Link to comment
all4mom May 27, 2014 Share May 27, 2014 (edited) I'm not so sure Will is ready for pre-K or K-4 since, as someone here once said, "he has fewer words than Boy in 'Tarzan'"... Certainly hope they're as concerned about this as they were prior to his ear tubes being placed. What is going on there? Perhaps if they took away the electronic device he seems to always have in his hand (I'm no techie, but looks like he watches vidoes on that thing) and put him among other children, his speech would -- by necessity -- improve... Expecting pre-packaged questions and answers. It's TLC! Edited May 27, 2014 by all4mom Link to comment
MrMattyMatt May 27, 2014 Share May 27, 2014 I wonder if one of the questions will be about Will's potty training and how it's going. I hope and doubt it's not addressed as we saw too much of that on another show. Does he need to be out of diapers for "school" or have things changed these days? Link to comment
jodo May 27, 2014 Share May 27, 2014 Will is seen using that device a lot! He always has it or is reaching for it that is when he doesn't have food happening. He would pick up words much quicker interacting with other kids instead of being allowed to isolate himself with a device. He doesn't even speak with Zoey? They are not even playing together, they are side by side sure while on the hotel room floor or in the strollers but not smiling/laughing together or hey Zoey look at this and pointing at it...nothing....they are becoming more isolated using them and this is not helping him speak. It is something to keep him occupied and is a hand held babysitter to keep him/them quiet. I hope we hear tonight a question/answer about a speech therapy app that is available for Will in particular who is seriously lagging behind in his speech development. If it is just a game player then time is being wasted for Will. It is great Jen and Bill chattering a lot but Jen is talking a mile a minute, she needs to slow it down big time and take a page out of the speech therapist's book. Both Bill and Jen should be learning tools from the speech therapist on how they can help as what they are doing now is clearly not working. Will has hardly improved. He tunes them out as most kids do their parents. And if Will is staring into his device completely immersed in his game he is paying no attention to what is going on around him. Zoey is now doing the same thing. Will and Zoey are not even playing together or trying to talk to each other....they just seem to be along for the ride. Does he need to be out of diapers for "school" or have things changed these days? I heard last week that most daycares do potty training for the parents now as it is easier than changing tons of diapers so I guess that makes it easy for the parents......back in the day it was a different story. 1 Link to comment
ginger90 May 27, 2014 Share May 27, 2014 Here's a pretty good article, The age-appropriate stages of play: Link to comment
jodo May 27, 2014 Share May 27, 2014 Nice article...thanks....I think Will is solitary and Zoey is parallel. Link to comment
Jellybeans May 27, 2014 Share May 27, 2014 My son who is hearing lagged behind in speech because oh no, his mother is deaf! And he also had fluid in his ears. By the time he started first grade (yes, first grade) he caught up. He graduated with honors from the local university last year. Everybody is always comparing developmental charts. It is obvious Will is smart. When he is ready, he will talk. Do you REALLY think he will never be potty trained? LOL!!! Everyone is always in a hurry. Oh yeah... I love these episodes because I like seeing the exchanges between Bill and Jen. 11 Link to comment
MrMattyMatt May 27, 2014 Share May 27, 2014 We get to find out why Bill is such a stud! I'm sorry, is this The Little Couple we're watching or maybe they are mixing it up with the 5 wives guy.... or Party Down South?? 1 Link to comment
Absolom May 27, 2014 Share May 27, 2014 TLC taking us to the dark side of reality? Link to comment
Steff May 27, 2014 Share May 27, 2014 Bill is a stud because of the amazing qualities in a husband he shows. He's caring, concerned, loving, aware of others needs & wants, helpful, attentive, supportive, polite, and tends to see others needs before his own. The way he takes care of his wife and children is VERY attractive. We've never seen him have a meltdown, a fit over something not being perfect or going his way. We've watched him stand strong while his wife was sick, stepping up and dealing with everything else so her focus is on her health, without ever complaining about how much extra he took on. We've seen the love in his face, eyes, actions and heard it in his voice when he talks about his wife and children. He doesn't complain about much if anything. He's the ultimate "roll with it" kinda guy. No matter what has been thrown at him, he's cool and calm under pressure. He sets a goal and puts in the hard work to achieve it. He understands compromise and teamwork in a marriage and family. Hell, on some levels, he's more attractive than my hubby. LOL 18 Link to comment
Lillybee May 28, 2014 Share May 28, 2014 I think that I got something in my eye when Jen said that it was an honor and a privilege to raise their children. 7 Link to comment
4leafclover May 28, 2014 Share May 28, 2014 They sure put to rest a few of the rumors about how their family functions! 4 Link to comment
millk May 28, 2014 Share May 28, 2014 I heard last week that most daycares do potty training for the parents now as it is easier than changing tons of diapers so I guess that makes it easy for the parents......back in the day it was a different story. Hahahahaha! I've been a day care teacher (registered early childhood educator) for 20 years and potty training is my least favorite part. We do it in concert with the parents because if there isn't consistency at home it isn't going to go anywhere fast. And pull ups are awful, a diaper by another name. Day cares will take kids who aren't trained but a 3 hours/day preschool isn't likely. Something like a Montessori or Waldorf philosophy type place, no way. Anyway, show. Nothing new but nice anyway. 2 Link to comment
leighroda May 28, 2014 Share May 28, 2014 I'm sorry but the question from the 10 yr old... Maybe it was legit, but I don't know many 10 yr olds who write so formally, or would be concerned with how they told Will about Jenns cancer. I don't mind audience questions, but I don't know if many of these were truly the audience or producer driven. 2 Link to comment
mbutterfly May 28, 2014 Share May 28, 2014 They sure put to rest a few of the rumors about how their family functions! It was amazing for reality tv. Usually you watch and the Qs and As have no similarity to questions anyone has (at least on discussion forum). Usually there is a disconnect. Jen and Bill addressed point-by-point nearly everything people have wondered throughout the history of the show. 5 Link to comment
jodo May 28, 2014 Share May 28, 2014 Agree! The question from the 10 year old was a TLC contrived question. All Will knew was "Mama ick." Jen goes to the hospital anyway, Will didn't need to hear more than that at his age and knew enough for his stage of development. Liked how they cleared up the "dress conspiracy" with Zoey on Gotcha Day. And talked about staging it. Guess they were reading the I thought Jen was quite calm for the most part and it was nice to see her settled. The kids seem to put her on her last nerve with anxiety. Was glad to hear Bill use the OCD reference when Jen said she had to clean out the pots in the garden. I really enjoyed seeing more of the kids playing and laughing together.....FINALLY! Jen said Will liked to be close to Zoey at meals so he could be there for the food she doesn't want....bang on. The one thing Jen and Bill said in the intro to the show was how many questions the viewers had about the kids and it was clear the kids were the focus of THEIR show....I think they were making a point to the viewers that the show is still about them but they have added kids and the kids have piggy-backed on the show itself or something. TLC changed the logo to include kids to complete the little family. I hope Bill and Jen don't think they have much more to offer to viewers than we already know, am done with them, had stopped watching the show seasons ago until they got Will. I liked the information about the cameras too. Will was oblivious to them from the get go and I imagine he was quite used to them at New Day so it was seamless. Zoey not so much. 1 Link to comment
joanne3482 May 28, 2014 Share May 28, 2014 I'm sorry but the question from the 10 yr old... Maybe it was legit, but I don't know many 10 yr olds who write so formally, or would be concerned with how they told Will about Jenns cancer. Hard to know. My nephew was about that age when his mom got diagnosed with cancer. Cancer really ages kids. 5 Link to comment
all4mom May 28, 2014 Share May 28, 2014 (edited) Wow, that was an excellent job of damage control! Great spin. I even realized that it isn't "Jen the wife" or "Jen the doctor" I find uber-irritating (although they both have their moments), but just "Jen the parent"; she is SO awkward and uncomfortable in most scenes with those two kids but, naturally, those weren't the scenes they selected to show last night. Loved how they morphed Zoey's post-tea party meltdown with Jen's mania for shoes; very clever, TLC! Sure; Zoey is a mini-Jen just like Will is a mini-Bill. Would Jen have it any other way? And, what? Zoey initially clung to Bill (they couldn't really deny that; it's on film), THEN became repelled by him for the six weeks they didn't film (okay; if they say so), and THEN suddenly liked him again? Suuure... And suddenly was fearless around all the men in the camera crew? OK! To address criticism that Jen isn't as close to Will as to Zoey, we were treated to many, many scenes of Jen/Will kissing Will/Jen, her one SUCCESSFUL act of discipline (although she had misinterpreted the initial offense -- Will was painting his hand because Bill had laughed at that, not scolded him as Jen did, but anyway -- watch your own show, Jen!), and words of affection and admiration for Will... We're back to his being "loving and generous" again after so many accusations of being unable to share or behave. And, finally, "That's why we do the show... RIGHT???" (only to educate the public about bullying little people) Sure, Jen. Alrighty then! I'm sure they DO read these posts and/or those on TWOP and/or other message boards and someone on staff reads them and they find a way of addressing them; Bill even mentioned that he "read online"... That's pretty standard fare for TLC shows (the less-popular ones, anyway, by which I mean every TLC show except this one). At any rate, it was kind of the "old Jen" tonight; just being halfway normal and not screeching or scolding in that prissy way or directing activities or high-fiving or waving her hands in air... It made for a nice change. Next week: more zany fun with two parents, two kids, one nanny, and a dozen or so TLC employees; bring on the zany music! Edited May 28, 2014 by all4mom Link to comment
Jellybeans May 28, 2014 Share May 28, 2014 Loved the Q&A! The chemistry between Bill and Jen is soooo endearing! I kept saying awwww... and awwww! The kids love their mama and baba. Seeing the interactions between the siblings was so cute. Loved seeing Will push Zoey around. I cracked up when Bill the "Stud" turned around and all the wires were running down his back. Can't wait to see the Easter episode. Hard to know. My nephew was about that age when his mom got diagnosed with cancer. Cancer really ages kids. Yes I agree. I know a child a little younger than that who went through something similar and he asked very intelligent questions. Parents often shelter their kids from these things and these parents did not thankfully. They KNOW... and when things are more open, they cope better IMO. 6 Link to comment
Kohola3 May 28, 2014 Share May 28, 2014 It was as if they read these boards. I thought the same thing. Several of the critcisms were brought up and addressed with good humor, for example the discussion of how they were sensitive to the fact that extra camera crew would be a distraction when meeting WIll for the first time and the snarking about why Joey had two different dresses when they brought her back from the orphanage. Did we learn a whole lot of new information? Not really but for me it reinforced what a truly special family this is. I, too, loved the chemistry between Jen and Bill. They are clearly gaga over each other. And I also liked seeing the crew interacting with the kids. 9 Link to comment
Everh May 28, 2014 Share May 28, 2014 A couple of posters have already commented on this, but I too realized how relaxed Jen was sans children on last nights show. Her laugh was present on high though. I also found it interesting that either they read the forums or their staff does and they have the time or interest, if as they say they are only doing this show for educational value. So, they address the Zoey clothes switch? This is important to them? I do not believe their answer, as I think the last thing anyone would do with a terrified and screaming child would be to think about a change of clothes. What I wanted to know is why Jen did not hold Zoey and comfort her in a normal position? I think a lot of people would like to be 'educated" on this. I think it has been asked, but not answered because if it were indeed because of some physical limitation they would of said so. I wonder if its because Jen is afraid of getting dirty? What really struck me as so sad is Jen and Bill waiting to set up the scene in the hallway of the hotel right before they met Will for the first time. They take one of the most special, private and beautiful moments in their lives and its all made for TV. I always wondered why an adoption agency would ever allow it. I also do not believe any of the Zoey/Bill rejection story. It makes zero sense as another poster pointed out. I clearly remember their People Magazine article explanation was that Zoey did not want either Bill or Jen near her as she thought they were children not adults. It just further convinces me that Zoey and Will are child actors with no say being molded into roles to portray, Zoey the mommies girl and Will the daddys boy. 1 Link to comment
jodo May 28, 2014 Share May 28, 2014 (edited) I do not believe their answer, as I think the last thing anyone would do with a terrified and screaming child would be to think about a change of clothes. What I wanted to know is why Jen did not hold Zoey and comfort her in a normal position? I think a lot of people would like to be 'educated" on this. I think it has been asked, but not answered because if it were indeed because of some physical limitation they would of said so. I wonder if its because Jen is afraid of getting dirty? Zoey being changed into a different dress I think was a Jen thing...she didn't know how to comfort the poor thing which was obvious from the way she held her sitting face forward on a knee/leg that was too tiny to begin with? Jen should have held her like the baby she was, face forward with her beating heart next to Zoey's to help calm her, she might as well have perched her on a ledge for all the comfort she was. I too am wondering about this sudden lack of bonding with Bill that happened. Before Jen left India she was seen holding Zoey and she was cradling her face forward like an infant should be...I guess someone taught her how to do that since the day prior she didn't have a clue...maybe Kate. And maybe Jen wanted Zoey's orphanage clothes removed asap because they were dirty! And that might explain why she held her at arm's length in the orphanage clothes. The dress was much prettier than the dress Jen put her in too and did not look dirty, it looked crisp and she looked like a little doll in it. comes that ocd again, now where are those pots.... Edited May 28, 2014 by jodo Link to comment
all4mom May 28, 2014 Share May 28, 2014 (edited) Jen held Zoey in an awkward fashion -- and set her totally on edge at first, as compared to Bill, who was comforting to her -- for the same reason Jen is hyper, nervous, and strained around the kids and so painfully inept in dealing with them; Jen is not a "natural" parent. Bill is. You may recall that Jen was essentially infertile, while Bill was Mr. Super Sperm... Could there be something to Darwinism after all? I found it notable, as well, that neither any of the cherry-picked questioners nor the parents themselves addressed the continuing speech or potty-training delay. Granted, it's none of our business, but then neither is ANY of these kids' lives; why draw an arbitrary line in the sand there? Edited May 28, 2014 by all4mom Link to comment
walnutqueen May 28, 2014 Share May 28, 2014 I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this episode. Of course, the obvious chemistry between these two is off the charts, but they really seem to enjoy each other's humor. I like that Jen teases Bill almost as often as he teases her. All the extra footage of the kids was golden, just golden. I could watch those two for hours, they're just that stinkin' cute. One thing that hit home for me, on a very personal level, was the easy affection this family shows towards each other. I know hugs, kisses and expressions of love are "normal" for many folks, but as someone who didn't get much of that in my childhood, seeing it made my heart swell a little. Because you can do a lot of things for your kids, but showing and teaching love and affection gives them the foundation to establish healthy relationships later in life (in my humble opinion). And that is a gift that keeps on giving. I could care less whether they addressed the accusations and suspicions of anyone, or whether they or their horde of helpers read the forums. As far as I'm concerned, these are non-issues anyways; acknowledging them just lends credence to the internet trolls and conspiracy theorists, so to speak. The questions were a good vehicle for showing unaired footage and providing a little more information on a variety of subjects, so it was all cool for me. :-) 17 Link to comment
Jellybeans May 28, 2014 Share May 28, 2014 Makes sense Zoey changed clothes because of a diaper change. A baby poops off camera and TLC did not film it. It has to be Eeeeevvvviiiillll Jen's fault. She wanted to force crying Zoey into a new dress that's why. 9 Link to comment
all4mom May 28, 2014 Share May 28, 2014 (yawn) Link to comment
4leafclover May 28, 2014 Share May 28, 2014 I agree Jellybeans--can't you just see Eeeeeevil Jen toss poopy-diaper Zoey to the nearest production crew member and tell them to change the diaper so she can put another dress on Zoey? And don't forget to wipe her face! 3 Link to comment
Kohola3 May 28, 2014 Share May 28, 2014 And don't forget to wipe her face! And her hands. And the crew members hands. And the cameras. And maybe the floor. After all, she has self-induced OCD. 3 Link to comment
4leafclover May 28, 2014 Share May 28, 2014 While she rubs her little hands together and laughs in that wicked way......haha! I could go on and on...................... 2 Link to comment
Everh May 28, 2014 Share May 28, 2014 I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this episode. Of course, the obvious chemistry between these two is off the charts, but they really seem to enjoy each other's humor. I like that Jen teases Bill almost as often as he teases her. All the extra footage of the kids was golden, just golden. I could watch those two for hours, they're just that stinkin' cute. One thing that hit home for me, on a very personal level, was the easy affection this family shows towards each other. I know hugs, kisses and expressions of love are "normal" for many folks, but as someone who didn't get much of that in my childhood, seeing it made my heart swell a little. Because you can do a lot of things for your kids, but showing and teaching love and affection gives them the foundation to establish healthy relationships later in life (in my humble opinion). And that is a gift that keeps on giving. I could care less whether they addressed the accusations and suspicions of anyone, or whether they or their horde of helpers read the forums. As far as I'm concerned, these are non-issues anyways; acknowledging them just lends credence to the internet trolls and conspiracy theorists, so to speak. The questions were a good vehicle for showing unaired footage and providing a little more information on a variety of subjects, so it was all cool for me. :-) Because we are all different and have different opinions and feelings does not make anyone a troll or a conspiracy theorist. I would not assign you or anyone else a derogatory name because I do not agree with you. Normally, I ignore this stuff, but I am saying something because I think the mods are just about fed up with this Hatfield and McCoy nonsense and they will close it up. I like reading everyone's posts whether I agree with them or not. 3 Link to comment
Steff May 28, 2014 Share May 28, 2014 Bill just added to his Super Stud legend last night when asked "why adopt from overseas" and he answered "because that's where my children were born". Just awwwwwwwwwwwwwww *sniffles*. Eeeeeevil Jen! was absolutely right when she said that he's a stud because of how he treats her & their kids. You couldn't ask for a better man to spend your life with. Plus, you know, he is kinda cute. He's not a troll under the bridge like Matt Rolloff and he doesn't have the teeth that ate your face that Zac Rolloff has. He looks like a nice looking guy who is just a little short. he cleans up nicely too. Too bad Eeeeeevil Jen! can't clone him and sell the copies to other women. 10 Link to comment
4leafclover May 28, 2014 Share May 28, 2014 I really loved that statement Bill made about the international adoption too! "Because Will was in China and Zoey was in India." In the future, if Will and Zoey see that, it will surely make them feel special! 5 Link to comment
Jellybeans May 28, 2014 Share May 28, 2014 I am betting they adopt another baby who is small stature. They left the door open. there are not that many available for adoption when you think about it... 1 Link to comment
Jellybeans May 28, 2014 Share May 28, 2014 Because we are all different and have different opinions and feelings does not make anyone a troll or a conspiracy theorist. I would not assign you or anyone else a derogatory name because I do not agree with you. Normally, I ignore this stuff, but I am saying something because I think the mods are just about fed up with this Hatfield and McCoy nonsense and they will close it up. I like reading everyone's posts whether I agree with them or not. I find the whole thing thing stupid myself. I think I know why it happens. I think some people are mystified by disabilities and I am using that word in a very nice way. :-) I am sure this drives the moderators crazy. But People say the weirdest things when it comes to disabilities. I know...I have MS and am deaf. The crap people have said to me would surprise you. It is wrong, and I can't help but defend their capabilities as it is a form of bullying. It is painful when people attack fully capable people who are living up to their full capABILITIES. People question her ability to be a mom, whether she should climb on a counter, drive, be a doctor, give a bath, take her children out "without supervision" cook, blah, blah, blah.. even whether they were the legal parents. I mean what??? I guess it brings out defenders of the ADA when you attack disabled people who are functioning very well in their own right. And no matter how many times it is shown how capable Jen is, no one believes it. 9 Link to comment
David T. Cole May 28, 2014 Share May 28, 2014 Please stop it with the needling. Group A starts it this time, Group B the next time. No one has the moral authority here. Giving out some warnings and time outs. Next time I see something like (yawn) or eeeeevil Jen it's size nine time. I am done with this schoolyard crap. Thank you to everyone else for your considered approach not throwing fuel on the fire. 3 Link to comment
joanne3482 May 28, 2014 Share May 28, 2014 addressed the continuing speech or potty-training delay. Granted, it's none of our business, but then neither is ANY of these kids' lives; why draw an arbitrary line in the sand there? But they have addressed the speech delay by showing Will at speech therapy in a previous episode. Perhaps they thought that by showing that they've shown enough. As to potty training, in my experience with children, they do it when they are ready and trying to force it makes the training worse. Will has had a lot of upheaval moving from an orphanage into a country and a language that isn't his. In the long run, this is a good outcome for him, but in the short run he's got a lot going on. And, to me, going to the bathroom is a private activity. I wouldn't want to discuss my child's toileting with strangers (viewers). If I'm frustrated I may discuss it with my friends, my parents or with my child's pediatrician. I may even anonymously post on a child directed message board looking for advice, but I wouldn't publicize it to everyone. 3 Link to comment
walnutqueen May 28, 2014 Share May 28, 2014 (edited) Back on track (I impose timeouts on myself sometimes!) with more of my favorite moments from the episode. Will & Zoey's relationship: spontaneous kisses & hugs, but also, whenever Will gets something, he says "Zoey" and wants her to get the same thing - because Will can and does share with his little sister. Also, Will pushing Zoey on the scooter at breakneck speed was freakin' adorable. Rocky & Maggie & the kids: the interactions were so cute, especially how Zoey went from hating Maggie's kisses to open-mouth affection that grosses out her parents! OK, full disclosure. My dearly departed Beanster cat gave the BEST hugs, kisses, love and affection ever. But he had a few "quirks", one of which I refer to as my "dental hygiene inspection"; it involved me opening wide & his inquisitive little nose exploring that gaping yaw in a way that would incite public dirision, but to me was hilarious and endearing (and, unlike his human counterparts, came without icky tongue and gaggy saliva, lol). :-) Bill waxing poetic about one of his favorite things, the smiles: the tickle smile, the smirk smile, the "I did something bad" smile, the "I did something funny" smile, the "I did something naughty" smile, the "I poopied smile", the "I want more food" smile - there's a whole bunch of smiles ... Bill & Jen's attitude towards prejudice and bullying of their kids: this actually hit home, and I have something to learn from it. They are both concerned, but hopeful that they teach their children to be strong and secure enough for hurtful remarks and actions not to bother them too much. Of course, it should hurt, that is natural, but as long as they realize, and put into perspective, that this is a moment in time and will be gone, and they don't matter as much as you think they do ... they could have been talking directly to me. hmmmm Jen talking about Bill: he's her McDreamy. He's probably a lot of women's McDreamy, and for good reason. I've kissed enough frogs (OK, too many frogs) to know a prince when I see one, and Bill is a Prince. :-) Edited May 28, 2014 by walnutqueen 12 Link to comment
Steff May 28, 2014 Share May 28, 2014 So we can bash Jen by making up scenarios of things that we've never seen or heard about, but we can't laugh at the absurdity of having to make up scenarios just to turn Jen into some evil mastermind? So, making it up okay, commenting about making it up not okay? 4 Link to comment
David T. Cole May 28, 2014 Share May 28, 2014 I hope we're not playing Fun With Semantics, so here it is to bring you up to speed: Minority, unpopular opinions expressed by a poster. Back and forth sniping between them and a group of posters on the other side. It gets personal. Warnings given out. People start speaking in Not Really Hard To Figure Out Because No One Is Really Trying To Be Covert About It language about each camp. No one breaking the letter of the law but everyone taking a big ol' steamy dump on the spirit of it. Warnings given out. Everyone reports each other for every slight, real and imagined. Repeat. 7 Link to comment
mojito May 28, 2014 Share May 28, 2014 (edited) But he had a few "quirks", one of which I refer to as my "dental hygiene inspection"; it involved me opening wide & his inquisitive little nose exploring that gaping yaw in a way that would incite public dirision, but to me was hilarious and endearing (and, unlike his human counterparts, came without icky tongue and gaggy saliva, lol). Um, walnutqueen, I'm not sure which of you was the quirkiest.... ; ) I didn't expect this show to be worthwhile, but the questions were almost all questions that I wondered about, too. I hope that means that TLC will focus the cameras on the things people are curious about (relationship between the two kids, a look at their personalities, etc.), but then you walk the thin line of being too intrusive. I think Bill and Jen are a nice couple, and are great individuals. Bill is laid back and casual undoubtedly admires Jen's ability to take the bull by the horns and get things done. And who can resist a guy who tries so hard to support you? What is the cause of Will's speech impediment or did they never state what it is? I'm looking forward to learning Zoey's point of view; right now, all she does is observe and react. Perhaps she's collecting data for a tell-all book. Edited May 28, 2014 by mojito 2 Link to comment
walnutqueen May 28, 2014 Share May 28, 2014 Um, walnutqueen, I'm not sure which of you was the quirkiest.... ; ) mojito - that's one of the nicest things anyone's said to me (I'd hate to ever be labeled "NORMAL")! I didn't teach or entice this behavior; I had to do a lot of TMJ exercises back in the day which included opening wide - the rest was kismet. :-) One thing Bill and Jen have noticed is that Zoey is a smart little girl. She watches everything, has a mind of her own, and is picking up language which, in Bill's estimation, will soon make her formidable. Although they didn't address Will's language skills, the fact that he's in speech therapy and is showing improvement makes me think it is a short-term issue (unintentional pun) that is being dealt with. 5 Link to comment
camom May 28, 2014 Share May 28, 2014 I am betting they adopt another baby who is small stature. They left the door open. there are not that many available for adoption when you think about it... I kind of hope they don't, but if they do I hope they wait several years. The difference between 2 kids and 3 kids is quite dramatic. Besides, they seem to have their hands full! Link to comment
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