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S05.E06: Sub Standard

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Jessica becomes concerned when she discovers that Eddie's extended substitute English teacher has thrown out the class syllabus and is instructing the students - and her son - in a radically progressive way. Meanwhile, Louis and Honey try in vain to find a workout group that can help them both lose some weight, and Emery doubts Evan's ability to extract a painful splinter from his finger.

Original air date: 11/16/18

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7 minutes ago, Kazzy25 said:

Honey’s pregnant again?! Why?

I'm guessing Chelsey Crisp might be pregnant in real life, similar to what happened on "Big Bang Theory" when Melissa Rauch got pregnant for real.

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Honey looked stangely orange in this episode. While I understand what she was saying about how she missed the pre-baby version of herself, the specific things she named (jogging and reading) are things she can still do. If you have time to go to a step aerobics class, you have time to read or jog. Sure, you may need to plan ahead to have someone watch Maria for an hour but you can still do those things. It’s not like she was a prima ballerina who became paralyzed is incapable of doing something that was part of her identity. 

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4 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

I honestly wanted to punch Jessica in the face this entire episode.  I usually love her, but I was not here for her bullshit tonight.

Principal Jessica?!?!? Does she not realize the consequences it will have on Eddie if she does that? Teacher...okay. But Principal....no. Find another career goal, Jessica.

As for Chelsea Crisp looking orange, does somebody in the makeup department hate her or did she overslept in a tanning bed? She was looking better this season, but that look was a no. I still like Honey's husband. I must admit, I did crack up at the Irish joke when the pregnancy was announced. My mom caught on before the announcement of Honey's pregnancy.

Edited by Robert Lynch
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Oh my god, Jessica should NOT be a teacher. She is so incredibly rigid. Can you imagine if she has any students who don't learn in exactly the cookie-cutter, flawless way she envisions? What a disaster. No way.

Honey being pregnant again seems a bit lazy to me. They could have had her coming to grips with the fact that her body is just going to be a bit different now that she had a kid. Even if you lose every bit of fat, you might still have loose skin around your belly from a full-term pregnancy. 

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17 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

Oh my god, Jessica should NOT be a teacher. She is so incredibly rigid. Can you imagine if she has any students who don't learn in exactly the cookie-cutter, flawless way she envisions? What a disaster. No way.

Honey being pregnant again seems a bit lazy to me. They could have had her coming to grips with the fact that her body is just going to be a bit different now that she had a kid. Even if you lose every bit of fat, you might still have loose skin around your belly from a full-term pregnancy. 

Jessica as a teacher! Dear God, no! I'm sorry, that is the last person on TV who should be a teacher in any fictional series based off a true life story. I'm sorry, if anything this show has proven with both Jessica and Evan, the two can't help, but being "right" about everything and the winner and NEVER EVER be WRONG! No, no and no! Principal? Dear God, no way. I will stop watching the show for good. 

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Jessica was over the top, but subs who take your carefully designed curriculum and/or lesson plans and toss them in the trash for whatever cockamamie-seize the day 'I'm going be the next Mr. Keating' crap are the bane of my existance. Now when that poor woman gets back to work, she's going to have to shove an entire semester's worth of material into the last month in order to make sure that her students have the skills they'll need for the next year*.  And she'll have to do that while dealing with a bunch of "FunDadSub never made us practice grammar" attitude from her students.

*Sure, every school is different, but most schools try to organize their curriculum so things stack and so when you get a group of juniors, you know that they all know how to do A, B, and C and have all read D, E, and F so you can use that base knowledge to build the next set of skills.

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54 minutes ago, Rockstar99435 said:

Jessica was over the top, but subs who take your carefully designed curriculum and/or lesson plans and toss them in the trash for whatever cockamamie-seize the day 'I'm going be the next Mr. Keating' crap are the bane of my existance. Now when that poor woman gets back to work, she's going to have to shove an entire semester's worth of material into the last month in order to make sure that her students have the skills they'll need for the next year*.  And she'll have to do that while dealing with a bunch of "FunDadSub never made us practice grammar" attitude from her students.

*Sure, every school is different, but most schools try to organize their curriculum so things stack and so when you get a group of juniors, you know that they all know how to do A, B, and C and have all read D, E, and F so you can use that base knowledge to build the next set of skills.

That's exactly it and trust me, the school administration is going to be extremely pissed if a sub, temp or permanent did that. As much as you can say about doing a "Mr. Keating" he was still following what students needed to know in poetry. He was just doing it his way and having them experience it in an engaging way. Been common since the late 80s. However, Jessica wants to do it her way and nothing else. It doesn't work that way, doesn't work that way now. Hell, principals are vice principals are more than happy to help with perm subs to make sure the students are getting things covered. You throw everything in the trash or see all the subs you have been hiring are just doing whatever they want. Sorry, they will be banned from the school. Of course, as we know in TV land, administration are either morons who got their degrees through mail in. Or so up tight they have to follow the rules, even if the kids is dying on the floor. 

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"All of my dreams are on horseback. Sometimes...I`m the horse." 

So Jessica gets super upright and mean and judgmental about her kids lives/everything in the world,and then learns a lesson? Wow, I've never seen that plot on this show before! And as much as I love seeing Dick from Veronica Mars show up, I dont think that subs can do whatever they want just for kicks. Of course, I can imagine that spending a whole semester on every single Canterbury Tale is a great lesson plan anyway, but what do I know?

Jessica as a Principle? Oy.

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On 11/17/2018 at 5:07 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

While I understand what she was saying about how she missed the pre-baby version of herself, the specific things she named (jogging and reading) are things she can still do. If you have time to go to a step aerobics class, you have time to read or jog. Sure, you may need to plan ahead to have someone watch Maria for an hour but you can still do those things. It’s not like she was a prima ballerina who became paralyzed is incapable of doing something that was part of her identity. 

Why couldn't Honey and Louis just walk/jog with their strollers and Maria/produce by themselves? No babysitter required, although the produce needs to be more firmly fastened. Made no sense.

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No one was bothered by Jessica's comment to Louis about his "shelf"?

She really is terrible. But it will take her a while to get credentialed to be in school admin, and if she really does try it, she will have to submit to plenty of humbling en route. Those jobs are not just being handed out to anyone who wants them. She'd have to get hired first, and she's shown to be not so good at handling public opinion. I bet the school board already hates her. So I'm not worried she'll suddenly replace the principle at Eddie's school. Though of course, it is TV and they can just abandon all realism if they want to go that route.

But the fundamental problem I had with this episode is that they are continually leaning on "Jessica makes herself feel better by dominating everyone else and being mean." It's too much already. No one else on the show is so consistently obnoxious.

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I liked the Honey and Louis plot even if the second pregnancy was a bit strange. It struck a cord with me when Honey said she missed all the things she used to do. That was how I felt when I first had mine. I so wanted to be able to do everything I used to be able to do and I think not being able to do stuff made me even more obsessed in terms of pining over it.

Enjoyed the Evan and Emery plot as well. Cracked up when Grandma lifted out the giant knife.

The Jessica plot would have been ok had they not gone about it in the most over the top, aggressive way. They take her quirks way to far for laughs, forgetting along the way that, that type of aggressive behaviour is not funny. I get that it's a sitcom and they are exaggerating things but her going to Eddie's teacher's house is ridiculous. That kind of thing would not be tolerated in real life, at least not in my neck of the woods. They really seem to be using their sitcom licence to take it too far and most of the time it's at the expense of Jessica or Evan's characterisation. I don't even hate her because she just seems like a cartoon. No one would be that ridiculous in real life. I know a bunch of Tiger Mums in real life and no one would be caught dead carrying on like that. 

Edited by Mellowyellow
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I'm glad they at least mentioned the restaurant this episode, and that it's doing well. For a family that depends on a restaurant for income, they sure don't spend much time there.  I liked the episode, but I hope we see Cattleman's again, if only to see Eddie cook.

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Honey annoyed me in this episode.  You're married to a dentist, I'm pretty sure you can afford a babysitter for an hour so you can go take a class a few days a week.

I'm assuming that the Honey actress is pregnant in real life.  I can't imagine any other reason that the writers would otherwise go with Honey being pregnant again.

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I have to say it.  This episode was substandard.  

It was the boring same-old, same-old annoying controlling Jessica going crazy over nothing.  It got old three seasons ago. 

I saw nothing enjoyable in the school subplot at all, including the requisite smug substitute teacher who knows better than the boring bad regular teacher in a world that has no required curriculum to teach.

Devoting an entire subplot to a splinter was stretching it, but there were one or two amusing moments.  As said above, Honey and Louis could have exercised together without the crowd of strollers, and talk about repetitive storylines with Honey being pregnant again.

Don't tell me Jessica is going to have an entire arc about becoming a principal.  Which would be pretty much impossible in real life unless she opened her own school.  And I thought the author arc was bad...

Edited by Camera One
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On 11/22/2018 at 10:43 PM, Camera One said:

Don't tell me Jessica is going to have an entire arc about becoming a principal.  Which would be pretty much impossible in real life unless she opened her own school.  And I thought the author arc was bad...

Ha, I was just going to say hey, Kristina Braverman became the principal of her own charter school despite having no experience!

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2 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Ha, I was just going to say hey, Kristina Braverman became the principal of her own charter school despite having no experience!

You get people who become principals who have no business being in administration either. I've seen people who were great teachers buckle under red tape, politics and yes, helicopter parents when they became a vice or main principal. Jessica, however, no on so many levels.

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7 hours ago, readster said:

You get people who become principals who have no business being in administration either. I've seen people who were great teachers buckle under red tape, politics and yes, helicopter parents when they became a vice or main principal. Jessica, however, no on so many levels.

Usually, it's teachers already in the system who are ambitious and want to be promoted to an administrative role (usually after they get a graduate degree in educational leadership).  Jessica would need time to work towards that, which wouldn't be entertaining to watch.  Don't know if their hope is the "comedy" that results in a dictator running a school, which is basically what Jessica would be like as principal.

Edited by Camera One
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1 hour ago, Camera One said:

Usually, it's teachers already in the system who are ambitious and want to be promoted to an administrative role (usually after they get a graduate degree in educational leadership).  Jessica would need time to work towards that, which wouldn't be entertaining to watch.  Don't know if their hope is the "comedy" that results in a dictator running a school, which is basically what Jessica would be like as principal.

Right, because we don't get enough "wacky hi jinks" and comedy with principals all acting like morons on other shows who are administrators. So, why not go the opposite way and hope for the best?

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1 minute ago, readster said:

Right, because we don't get enough "wacky hi jinks" and comedy with principals all acting like morons on other shows who are administrators. So, why not go the opposite way and hope for the best?

It doesn't give me hope for this season.

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15 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Ha, I was just going to say hey, Kristina Braverman became the principal of her own charter school despite having no experience!

Shudder. That was soooo horrible. Her school was a nightmare.

They already had Jessica fail as an author. Why don't they go back to having her be successful in real estate? Do they think people watch the show to see her be horrible and then fail?

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