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The View in the Media


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So what do you think about this?




Might work but only if Whoopi's out of there. . . also Raven and Michelle. Still could use a millennial. 

Are they f-ing insane?  The person voted the most hated celebrity a few short years ago?  The person who is constantly referred to as out of touch with real people and the real world?  How does hiring someone like THAT help save the show?


Clearly the producers of this show need an intervention, followed by many, many, many months (years) of group therapy because of all the bone-headed, ridiculous, out of their minds decisions this group has made, this one is mind-blowing in it's absurdity.  


Of course if they are looking to piss people off daily then maybe this is the most brilliant.decision.ever.  Whenever Raven fails to deliver with the stupid and delusional, Paltrow can pick up the slack.

Edited by onthebrink03
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The sad thing is I could see Paltrow accepting this job, if it was really offered to her. The chance to condescend and "teach" the unwashed masses how to live healthy? She'd eat that up.


I just can't believe anyone could think hiring the most-hated female celebrity in Hollywood makes sense. Even for The View.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
  • Love 4

Just get rid of Whoopi is what this show needs. Joy as moderator with Paula getting a bigger chance to interview. I watched GMA Sunday morning for the first time and Paula does quite well there. Paula must think she's in hell with The View after having such a great group of people around her on Sunday. lol


Paltrow doesn't sound interesting to me. Not a good idea.

  • Love 5

I hope whoopi gets yanked before it goes down for the third time. It's getting pretty close to done and I'd miss it.

Well, I wouldn't say I'd miss it, but I definitely would miss all the terrific posters here, some of us who have been snarking for six or seven years together. 


Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 8

To be fair, Whoopi didn't/doesn't just bully Rosie O'Donnell, but also Paula, Sherri, Jenny, Elisabeth, Padma, and Rosie Perez to varying degrees, not even speaking of guests like Beverly Johnson and the audience. There was also that day she bullied producers sitting in the audience about, "They know which side their bread is buttered on!!" when some article was written about how she's always looking to start a fight with everyone.

  • Love 12


Nene Leakes should be kissing the Lord's good earth for any (over)exposure she's granted and for the $$$ she earns in the process.  She's a no talent loudmouthed famewhore who fell into a pile of turd and came up smelling like roses.  Isn't it about time for her "15 minutes" to run out?   Please, please, please...

  • Love 20

Nene Leakes should be kissing the Lord's good earth for any (over)exposure she's granted and for the $$$ she earns in the process.  She's a no talent loudmouthed famewhore who fell into a pile of turd and came up smelling like roses.  Isn't it about time for her "15 minutes" to run out?   Please, please, please...

All true, and yet I'd really LOVE to hear what some of the guests say in their limo/car immediately after appearing on this show.  Do they call their agent and curse them out for booking them on The View?  Do they have six martini's in a row?  Or do they and whomever came with them just crack up at how bad the whole thing was?  

  • Love 7

Yesterday Nene was on E News and she commented that she did not enjoy her time on The View. She felt the ladies were mean and she noticed all of their eye rolls and up and down looks. She said she wasn't sure how much appeared on camera but in person she noticed every single one.

Aww, poor Nene ... LOL.  The Queen of Eyerolls, rudeness & back-biting didn't like turn-around is fair play.  TOUGH!!

  • Love 15

Aww, poor Nene ... LOL.  The Queen of Eyerolls, rudeness & back-biting didn't like turn-around is fair play.  TOUGH!!

She was the rude one throwing shade at Joy..If the ladies responded in kind..Tough!..Nene walks around like she is part of the Hollywood elite. She acts like she is on the same level as  Meryl Streep. She is and will always be a no talent social climber....She represents everything that I loathe about reality stars...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 15

Yesterday Nene was on E News and she commented that she did not enjoy her time on The View. She felt the ladies were mean and she noticed all of their eye rolls and up and down looks. She said she wasn't sure how much appeared on camera but in person she noticed every single one.

Translation:   These bitches did not bow down to me and give me the admiration and respect I DESERVE!   I am a STAR on BROADWAY!  they were lucky I made time to grace their little shit show with my presence!   

Edited by backformore
  • Love 13

All true, and yet I'd really LOVE to hear what some of the guests say in their limo/car immediately after appearing on this show.  Do they call their agent and curse them out for booking them on The View?  Do they have six martini's in a row?  Or do they and whomever came with them just crack up at how bad the whole thing was?  

I'm sure it's the latter every time. 

Yesterday Nene was on E News and she commented that she did not enjoy her time on The View. She felt the ladies were mean and she noticed all of their eye rolls and up and down looks. She said she wasn't sure how much appeared on camera but in person she noticed every single one.



Sorry Nene, you're still not special.  These women are rude to everyone - the audience, the viewers, each other, and their guests.  It's how they roll.  

  • Love 7

Well, if she [CCB]really is looking to Paula for help on improving at interviews, that already puts her ahead of Elisabeth. Elisabeth would never attempt to improve at anything.

Yes, and Bitsy would never ever admit she's not a broadcaster.  At least CCB knows to try and think before she speaks - I think Paula is the only one at the table that currently practices doing that.  And I like that CCB is finding things she has in common with Raven rather than their differences.   


That said, being on a TV show 30 years ago is not the same thing as being in the business 30 years.  

  • Love 2

6 hosts is too many.  They can start by losing Raven Symone.  She has very little to say that is worth listening. 


Whoopi needs to step up her duties as moderator. These women have this annoying habit of jockeying for position and talking over each other. 


It's easy to see why The Talk has better ratings.

Edited by escape
  • Love 2

It sounds like they are resorting to desperate measures at the View.

"One crew member told us:
We call it the “purposefully stupid” approach. Hire one or two reasonable, intelligent people to pretend that you want to be taken seriously – then hire some who are just dummies with big mouths – and watch them generate headlines!"


Apologies for linking to such a trashy gossip site, but it’s the day before Thanksgiving and I’m cocktailing and reading the gossip, instead of vacuuming the house. I’ll regret it tomorrow.

Happy Thanksgiving!

  • Love 7

It sounds like they are resorting to desperate measures at the View.

"One crew member told us:

We call it the “purposefully stupid” approach. Hire one or two reasonable, intelligent people to pretend that you want to be taken seriously – then hire some who are just dummies with big mouths – and watch them generate headlines!"


Apologies for linking to such a trashy gossip site, but it’s the day before Thanksgiving and I’m cocktailing and reading the gossip, instead of vacuuming the house. I’ll regret it tomorrow.

Happy Thanksgiving!

"Purposefully stupid"  ?   Is that like when you embarrassingly almost trip and fall and then announce, "I meant to do that." ?     Good grief.  The only mystery is who is the reasonable - intelligent co-hosts?  Joy maybe.   Paula maybe.  The rest are dummies with big mouths to me.   Well, we've always known this show doesn't think much of it's audience so I guess that makes sense. 


The only thing the same from the original premise of this show is the name.


From Wikipedia (I know, I know but sometimes it's accurate!) 


The original opening credits for the show, featuring voice-over from Walters, explain the show's premise:


I've always wanted to do a show with women of different generations, backgrounds and views: a working mother [Vieira]; a professional in her 30s [Jones]; a young woman just starting out [Matenopoulos]; and then somebody who's done almost everything and will say almost anything [behar]. And in a perfect world, I'd get to join the group whenever I wanted...

Can you all just imagine Babs in 1997 saying, "I've always wanted to do a show with women who are mainly dummies with big mouths and then a few reasonably intelligent women who know just enough to look smarter than they are and then pretend I'm taking them all seriously: 


A washed up dyslexic movie star who loves fart jokes,  a couple of uneducated former child TV actors who still look good (CCB and Raven) and a relatively unknown comedian who will not shut up (Michelle) and then somebody with enough life experience that nothing surprises her (Joy - so what? who cares?) 

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 7

I just watched  Nene on the view, on youtube.  I had missed it.  Good god, Nene, when you say ridiculous things, you are going to get a reaction commensurate to what you put out.  Joy asks why she divorced her husband.  The answer, I needed to teach him a lesson.  Now what do you think that response will elicit?   Of course Joy asked what kind of lesson and got an even more inane explanation.  Nene plays a character, we never see the genuine woman.   

Edited by wings707
  • Love 4

Hello. I am a lurker on "The View" forums.


At any rate, I stumbled on this in The Daily Mail. Take it with a thousand grains of salt (because it's the Daily Mail.) But it's an interesting way of explaining the recent presence of Sunny Hostin and Sara Haines, and the reason contributors like Molly Sims hardly ever turn up. (If the link doesn't work, just google "The View ABC Daily Mail")


Edited by duVerre
  • Love 3

Hello. I am a lurker on "The View" forums.


At any rate, I stumbled on this in The Daily Mail. Take it with a thousand grains of salt (because it's the Daily Mail.) But it's an interesting way of explaining the recent presence of Sunny Hostin and Sara Haines, and the reason contributors like Molly Sims hardly ever turn up. (If the link doesn't work, just google "The View ABC Daily Mail")


If that's the case then GMA already has Paula under contract since she works on GMA Weekends now. Miss Whoopi could get herself on her daughter's lame reality show never to be seen again. Good riddance to her and hello to another hour of GMA with Paula and new panelists. Sounds good to me.

  • Love 2

Hello. I am a lurker on "The View" forums.

At any rate, I stumbled on this in The Daily Mail. Take it with a thousand grains of salt (because it's the Daily Mail.) But it's an interesting way of explaining the recent presence of Sunny Hostin and Sara Haines, and the reason contributors like Molly Sims hardly ever turn up. (If the link doesn't work, just google "The View ABC Daily Mail")


Wasn't it also the Daily Mail who swore not long ago that ABC was showing Whoopi the door after the holiday break? Yeah, grain of salt…

  • Love 3

Hello. I am a lurker on "The View" forums.


At any rate, I stumbled on this in The Daily Mail. Take it with a thousand grains of salt (because it's the Daily Mail.) But it's an interesting way of explaining the recent presence of Sunny Hostin and Sara Haines, and the reason contributors like Molly Sims hardly ever turn up. (If the link doesn't work, just google "The View ABC Daily Mail")


Welcome du Verre!    I had trouble with the link but found the article.     I know it's The Daily Mail but they aren't always wrong.  Didn't they break the news Sherri was coming back?  And she did.   Still, any scenario that keeps Whoopi is bad news for me.   

I thought this part could explain Whoopi's ridiculous rude behavior towards Paula, although if Whoopi wants to call the shots on this show she needs to get her own show and put her own name on it.   I dare her to do that.  


'Whoopi always hinted that Sara should have been cast on the show instead of Paula this past season,' says a source.


And this rings true too: 

Things are tense again backstage at The View. Whoopi always starts acting out when the network begins to make changes and has started fussing and cussing backstage even more than she had been all season.

'Everyone knows that someone isn't going to be working on the show any longer come January,' a source tells Daily Mail Online.

For now, Whoopi and Joy will appear four days a week; Candace and Paula will appear five days a week; and Raven and Michelle will only work three days a week.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3340251/Meet-replacements-ABC-preparing-fire-TWO-hosts-View-heads-Raven-come-January-lined-musical-chairs-struggling-show.html#ixzz3tIV6ts7R

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 4

Hello. I am a lurker on "The View" forums.


At any rate, I stumbled on this in The Daily Mail. Take it with a thousand grains of salt (because it's the Daily Mail.) But it's an interesting way of explaining the recent presence of Sunny Hostin and Sara Haines, and the reason contributors like Molly Sims hardly ever turn up. (If the link doesn't work, just google "The View ABC Daily Mail")


Stop lurking & start contributing.  Everyone's opinion is valued (to a certain degree -- LOL).  Welcome!!!

  • Love 7

Welcome, DUVERRE!  Feel free to chime any time, just so long as you agree with me (haha).


From your article:


Sunny, who co-hosted yesterday, was a contender for the show in 2014, but after a last minute chemistry test in July 2014 the executives hired an unknown reality star named October Gonzalez.

October never made it to air and was replaced by Rosie Perez two weeks before the show launched.





What the? Who? What?   Is this really how they operate over there at The View?  No wonder they are in trouble.


Reading through the article reminds me of all the upheaval on this show over the years.  You get a sense of just how badly they treat the people on the panel.  They come, they go.  They are rumored to be getting fired, they quit, some get demoted, some do get fired, some quit or get fired and then brought back .... it has gone on since the Star Jones day.  It's nuts and no wonder everyone is so miserable.  And its not even the same people in charge any more.  That's what I don't understand.  Is there something in the water over there or something?  


Anyway, about who is getting supposedly getting fired this time:  please let it be Whoopi who goes.  I would put up with Raven's stupidity and Michelle's jokes every day for the rest of my life if they would just get rid of Whoopi Goldberg!

  • Love 8

Not Sunny Hostin. Heaven have mercy on my soul, please! (lol) If I was Padma or Navarro, I’d be pissed they’re going for those two mundane women, too. And why are Michelle and Raven* being singled out when Whoopi and Candace are just as dumb and offensive? Why couldn’t they have followed the plan and ditched Whoopi after the holidays. This show is just spinning the stupid wheel.


And for the last time, ABC—Sherri does not boost the ratings! They went down during her last season and up when she left. They sure love to re-write history.


*Don’t get me wrong, I’ll be happy to see Raven out the door. I have never liked her, but disliked her even more after she appeared on this show. I haven’t forgotten how condescending she was towards Rosie Perez (and Joy, too, when she guested last season), so it’d be fun to watch her not even last half a season.

  • Love 2

I doubt Facebook is considered "media" but a friend sent me this post from the show's FB page today.  I don't know the poster nor does my friend but she knows i like to trash The View.     Apparently, The Spew's rudeness isn't limited to their on camera time.



AT THE VIEW TODAY, my experience. I was so delighted to go to "THE VIEW" today. My niece had priority tickets and invited me. She is a gem. Got up at 4:30am and arrived at "The View" at 7:30am, so delighted to be there and see my favorite show. It was so cold and windy, we were frozen. This is where my fairy tale day ended. I was embarrassed and humiliated being pointed out on line (by the Audience Personnel) as if I had done something wrong or was an undesirable person. The other people on line looked at us and turned their backs upon us. I never felt so horribly degraded. I am a retired NYC School Teacher and this was one of the worst experiences of my life, awful, disgusting and humiliating. We were told to stand in line and there shouldn’t be a problem getting into the show by Ashley (View employee). We stood outside till 10:15am and then was told to leave (by Ethan and Maria, View employees). Our day was ruined. People behind us got into the show, but only AFTER the staff told us to leave. BAH HUMBUG!!!!


Just to let you know, if you get tickets to the show, there is a good possibility you are wasting your time and you will not get in. We had previously been there the first week of November but have never been treated like this. Whoopi Goldberg, Raven-Symoné, Joy Behar, PAULA FARIS, ‪#‎humiliatedandheartbroken‬


I can't imagine waiting in line to see this  shitshow, much less getting rejected,  although I once spent countless hours trying to get tickets to Oprah and flew to Chicago for the express purpose of seeing the show, so I get being excited about attending a talk show.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 3

I doubt Facebook is considered "media" but a friend sent me this post from the show's FB page today.  I don't know the poster nor does my friend but she knows i like to trash The View.     Apparently, The Spew's rudeness isn't limited to their on camera time.



I can't imagine waiting in line to see this  shitshow, much less getting rejected,  although I once spent countless hours trying to get tickets to Oprah and flew to Chicago for the express purpose of seeing the show, so I get being excited about attending a talk show.

That is dreadful! What on earth could the View people be thinking? Do,they look for their idea of photogenic people? I wish this could be made very public as in viral - wouldn't that be fun.

  • Love 4

That story is odd and I don't know what to make of it. There was something missing from this account and it doesn't make sense. They were pulled out if line and degraded but then told that they might get in anyway? It doesn't add up.

I originally read this on The View's Facebook & thought something was hinky.  Did The View staff point & say "Hey, you guys were here a few weeks ago, so get to the back of the line!"  The poster isn't saying what was said & why, so I'm wondering exactly what happened.  Just sayin'.

  • Love 3

That story is odd and I don't know what to make of it. There was something missing from this account and it doesn't make sense. They were pulled out if line and degraded but then told that they might get in anyway? It doesn't add up.

I read it a bit differently.  I didn't see where they were pulled out of line but they were pointed at while the staff "discussed" something.  Then everyone turned around to look at them as if they had done something wrong.  That was the degrading part. But they were then told to wait in line and "there shouldn't be a problem getting in".  Except there was a problem and they ended up waiting in line, in freezing weather for hours only to be told to leave, being  passed over for those behind them who were considered the right kind for the audience.


It's obvious that they were not considered the desirable age, look, etc that The View staff deemed appropriate.  And this is not a practice that only The View employs.  Being the wrong audience type, if you're lucky, you get in and shuffled off to the back row no matter that you may have been first in line.  It sucks but these shows want to appear hip and relevant and nothing will disspell that myth faster than a few grey hairs and wrinkles showing up on camera.  


I had to laugh the other day when Joy polled the audience trying to see how many , Millennials, GenXers and Baby Boomers etc. were in the crowd.  The overwhelming majority were Baby Boomers.  Yeah, keep turning away your core audience, you morons!

Edited by onthebrink03
  • Love 3

Having gotten many looks of this audience over the years including very recently, if they're looking for a particular look, they're not doing a good job at it. No offense intended, it's just that it looks like regular, normal people. This panel isn't exactly the hippest people on television so I don't know why they would try to do this.

  • Love 4

There must be more to it. I know some shows tell audience members to avoid wearing certain colors, like white or black. Perhaps they had logos or sayings on their shirts? There's something missing.

I'm sure there is more to it but whatever the reason, the show left this woman "humiliated and heartbroken."   That's not cool.  I have no problem believing the show staff is just as rude as the show 'talent'.   Seems to be a theme of The View.    There are dozen different ways someone could be turned away without feeling like shit.  Like give her one of those freebie Go Pros.   Or if it was clothing then repeat the rules and promise them seats at another show   Or something.  


And I'm with Mumbles on this - The View audience is hardly model material.  Generally, it seems composed of tourists in tourist clothing or average people looking to get out of the cold/rain/heat etc.  Once in a while there is a group probably recruited from The Today Show rope line.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
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