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In The Media: DWTS

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Not enthused about Allison's return. I'd much prefer Emma to come back. :(  And would much rather Tristan return than Gleb but I know that's not happening.

I thought for sure Mark was sounding like this past season was his last so I actually will be surprised to an extent if he's back. Not shocked, but I thought he was ready to move on with his music.

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Eh......I suppose as a "celebreality" contestant the show could do much much worse than Amber Rose.

I've never actually heard her speak mind you. PureDWTS seems pretty confident that this isn't one of the annual red herring names that are thrown out too.

From Val's morning interview and Mark's appearance last night as a choreographer....I think it's pretty safe to say that a few of the kids from SYTYCD's Next Generation show will be appearing periodically on DWTS this season. There's one, a Latin Ballroom dancer named Ruby who legitimately needs to be scouted for whatever numbered seasons come up in 2021 or 2022.

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
8 hours ago, legaleagle53 said:

Hmmmm...the way I read it was that she was only "hanging up her dance shoes".  I hope she might still be open for judging, co-hosting, commentary on All-Access, etc.

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4 hours ago, Uke said:

Hmmmm...the way I read it was that she was only "hanging up her dance shoes".  I hope she might still be open for judging, co-hosting, commentary on All-Access, etc.

She said that she would still be a part of All-Access.  She simply won't be a pro on the show, although she might be a guest judge at some point (which is not at all clear right now).  But she is definitely done being a competitive pro.

Edited by legaleagle53

Didn't Maks swear the second retirement was absolutely it for him and the show? I mean I understand why the show would pair those two because they're hoping for Amber to have all kinds of attitude (I think she'll actually surprise people in how sweet she is. She's just not afraid to stand up for herself but she's actually a very nice woman from everything I've read) and the two clash but Maks agreeing is just ridiculous after all his posturing. Who knows, maybe it's a fakeout and she met Maks while doing her shoot with Val since he does seem to hang around the show all the time. 

If Maks was really confirmed and had a signed partner, I think DWTS would be shouting that from the rooftops.  I can't imagine they'd leave him as a last minute social media announcement.  They would have had him sitting next to Val on GMA if they could.

But I can see him doing it for the $$$.  He's got a kid on the way and a wedding to pay for. Retirement means nothing when responsibilities change like that.

I'd still be skeptical about US Weekly and "a source", but the official DWTS Twitter is teasing "guess who's back" and a surprise pro reveal tomorrow morning, so I'd say that's enough evidence. Especially since I don't think Gleb is a big enough name to tease a confirmation of pro (have they confirmed he's a pro and not a troupe member? though I don't see them really bringing him back to just throw him in the troupe. I'd be annoyed if I were Alan) and Emma's already announced she's back. We're any of the other regulars a question mark?

Unless it's Derek ... or Julianne. 

But it's probably Maks. 

1 hour ago, McManda said:

I'd still be skeptical about US Weekly and "a source", but the official DWTS Twitter is teasing "guess who's back" and a surprise pro reveal tomorrow morning, so I'd say that's enough evidence. Especially since I don't think Gleb is a big enough name to tease a confirmation of pro (have they confirmed he's a pro and not a troupe member? though I don't see them really bringing him back to just throw him in the troupe. I'd be annoyed if I were Alan) and Emma's already announced she's back. We're any of the other regulars a question mark?

Unless it's Derek ... or Julianne. 

But it's probably Maks. 

Derek has already been confirmed as being out this season, and Julianne is a judge on the panel.  It's Maks who is returning.

Julianne's been confirmed as a judge? This is the first I'm seeing or reading anything about this. 



I'd still be skeptical about US Weekly and "a source", 


US Weekly is owned by the same people who own People Magazine, which means they have an in with many agents/publicists/shows, etc. I know some here often like to dismiss them still as a tabloid, but considering the number of legitimate A-List entertainment news story the magazine has broken, I highly doubt they can't confirm something for DWTS, a show of C-Listers at best. It's not that hard. 



(have they confirmed he's a pro and not a troupe member? though I don't see them really bringing him back to just throw him in the troupe. I'd be annoyed if I were Alan)


Gleb was confirmed as a Pro in the initial Pro announcement that listed the first 8 Pros for the season. And I'm not sure what Alan would have to be mad about. Gleb has already been a Pro on the show before, he won a season in some other version in another country and did well on SCD. Alan has barely been in the troupe that long and certainly not as long as poor Jenna who's still waiting for a shot at Pro. I have yet to see where this Alan deserves a chance at Pro sentiment is coming from. And doing a good job in two dances that Mark choreographed last season is not enough to convince me of that. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I like Amber Rose. If you look past her start as a stripper to being Kanye's ex girlfriend to being rapper Wiz Khalifa's ex wife she's really branded herself and marketed herself well. She's very well spoken and is an advocate against slut shaming women/rape culture among things (last year she held a Slut Walk in LA, those types of events have taken place in other cities)  She may not be everyone's cup of tea but I respect her hustle. She's also a mother so people can relate to that as well. 

Edited by TotalHellion
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1 hour ago, PhD-Purgatory15 said:

The most recent name out in the ether is Terra Jole, a 4 foot 2 inch star of Little Women:LA.

Which gives us so far a potential cast of...

Laurie Hernandez, Ryan Lochte, JoJo the Bachelorette, Amber Rose, and this Terra Jole person.

Triple Yikes.

I hear ya. Not much interest in this season, except for Gleb. I hope he gets a decent partner.

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We've still got a minimum of 7 (maybe 8) spots to fill (if all 5 I listed in my previous post turn out to be in). So there's still time and space to turn this season around. And I think Laurie (if cast), could be a Zendaya-like prodigy on the dance floor.

I feel the same way about Emma boyznkatz. I'm excited to see who she draws as a partner...

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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1 hour ago, PhD-Purgatory15 said:

We've still got a minimum of 7 (maybe 8) spots to fill (if all 5 I listed in my previous post turn out to be in). So there's still time and space to turn this season around. And I think Laurie (if cast), could be a Zendaya-like prodigy on the dance floor.

I feel the same way about Emma boyznkatz. I'm excited to see who she draws as a partner...

Well hopefully Laurie is more Shawn and less Ally Raisman. I didn't like her dancing at all.

Is Emma back? Yay!!!


I think Laurie will be in a whole other class than Aly Raisman actually. Hers is a much more DWTS friendly personality too. Bubbly but not Bindi-level :-)

Apparently Jenna J. has been confirmed as a new pro too. My malevolent side hopes she ends up with Lochte and they flameout in spectacular fashion. The current scuttlebutt seems to suggest she might get the young actor Jake T. Austin from ABC Freeform's "The Fosters"...

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
7 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

Julianne's been confirmed as a judge? This is the first I'm seeing or reading anything about this. 



US Weekly is owned by the same people who own People Magazine, which means they have an in with many agents/publicists/shows, etc. I know some here often like to dismiss them still as a tabloid, but considering the number of legitimate A-List entertainment news story the magazine has broken, I highly doubt they can't confirm something for DWTS, a show of C-Listers at best. It's not that hard. 



Gleb was confirmed as a Pro in the initial Pro announcement that listed the first 8 Pros for the season. And I'm not sure what Alan would have to be mad about. Gleb has already been a Pro on the show before, he won a season in some other version in another country and did well on SCD. Alan has barely been in the troupe that long and certainly not as long as poor Jenna who's still waiting for a shot at Pro. I have yet to see where this Alan deserves a chance at Pro sentiment is coming from. And doing a good job in two dances that Mark choreographed last season is not enough to convince me of that. 

US Weekly is owned by Jann Wenner's Wenner Media (he used to publish [&/or own] Rolling Stone). People magazine is owned by Time Warner.

Edited by BW Manilowe
Forgot to close the parentheses.

One of the women from the unnamed web site who claims to have an inside source she calls "Deep Throat" has been tweeting about an "as yet unannounced old Pro" returning. She claims it will be a challenge to other Pros to "step up their game."  Evidently there has been a lot of Twitterite speculation, most believing it to be Maks. When Maks was announced, she tweeted that he was not the "secret Pro".  Now there is talk that it might be Derek who is returning. His Broadway show has been postponed to late 2017 which would make it possible. All pure gossip. 



32 minutes ago, Danseur said:

One of the women from the unnamed web site who claims to have an inside source she calls "Deep Throat" has been tweeting about an "as yet unannounced old Pro" returning. She claims it will be a challenge to other Pros to "step up their game."  Evidently there has been a lot of Twitterite speculation, most believing it to be Maks. When Maks was announced, she tweeted that he was not the "secret Pro".  Now there is talk that it might be Derek who is returning. His Broadway show has been postponed to late 2017 which would make it possible. All pure gossip. 

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I've seen her postings. Every season she likes to play "I know something you don't know" which is just annoying.  The wording was "the pros just got put on notice. That's all I can say. #Competition Just Got ALot Stiffer"   I figured it would be either Derek or Julianne - those are the only two those gals get excited about and would consider superior to all others.  No diss on Maks, but choreography isn't his strong point.  I'm guessing she was referring to either Julianne returning as judge - but I haven't seen her admit this was what she was hinting at.  Also Julianne as judge isn't "competition". Or Hairspray begins rehearsals around Oct. 20th-ish - not sure the exact date. It's been a long long time since I saw the original movie but I think Corny Collins is a small role. Derek may think he can do both since both are in LA and he won't be running back + forth across the country.  All this is just my guessing - don't take it as fact.

Edited by Uke
1 hour ago, Lewis said:

Pure is the worst. Spewing nothing but hatred for Val and Maks. I know we can have our disagreements with their on-screen persona, but at least enjoy the show without vilifying anyone not named Hough. 


Exactly. The bias is horrible. Its not even so much the whole tone at Pure, but the mods who are supposed to keep things running smoothly are extremely rude and nasty. I post at and read a lot of boards and I've never seen MODS who tell posters things like "shut the fuck up" and "crawl back into your hole". Classy girls there.

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The only thing I've heard about Len is that he's not coming back to SCD so my guess is he's going to be on DWTS this season. Derek coming back does not bother me and I won't snark about it like with Maks because Derek knows where his bread is buttered and has never shut the door on the show.

He's always made it clear he's taking time off and will see what happens unlike Mr. "the show is toxic and evil and I'm 100% done but oh no wait, I guess the money's not so bad and it's the only thing that keeps me semi-relevant". Julianne being a judge is pointless not because she bugs me so much but just because I think four judges is too much and I don't care who it is.

Not to mention I do think she had a "better than the show" attitude for awhile herself so it's amusing, just like Maks to see her crawl back. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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2 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

The only thing I've heard about Len is that he's not coming back to SCD so my guess is he's going to be on DWTS this season. 

Thanks!  As if we needed another reason to dislike Julianne Hough on the judging panel, she takes time away from Len who often has interesting and relevant critiques...unlike Julianne. 

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Well, Derek doesn't simply come back if it's not a ringer or someone he sees as a unique challenge a la Amy Purdy.

So I'm wondering if they are going to give him Laurie Hernandez....or whether their all court press maybe got Simone Biles to change her mind after all...

Now, had Julianne decided to come back as a dancer I'd be mildly intrigued.....but as a return to the 4 person judging panel? Yawn.

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25 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

The only thing I've heard about Len is that he's not coming back to SCD so my guess is he's going to be on DWTS this season. Derek coming back does not bother me and I won't snark about it like with Maks because Derek knows where his bread is buttered and has never shut the door on the show.

He's always made it clear he's taking time off and will see what happens unlike Mr. "the show is toxic and evil and I'm 100% done but oh no wait, I guess the money's not so bad and it's the only thing that keeps me semi-relevant". Julianne being a judge is pointless not because she bugs me so much but just because I think four judges is too much and I don't care who it is.

Not to mention I do think she had a "better than the show" attitude for awhile herself so it's amusing, just like Maks to see her crawl back. 

IMO, that's a mischaracterization of both Derek and Maks' histories. Derek played the "last season" game several times and although Maks certainly made a stink about leaving early in the shows history, the last few years he's talked about wanting to continue to have some involvement in the show. They both play games. They both do what suits them. 

I'll be happy to see Maks back. I love watching him and his unpredictability. Apparently the producers still have some other tricks ahead so I may be to put on blinders to tune out the other machinations.

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16 minutes ago, PhD-Purgatory15 said:

Well, Derek doesn't simply come back if it's not a ringer or someone he sees as a unique challenge a la Amy Purdy.

Yep. Nothing against Derek since he's super talented and insanely creative, but we can't deny he's been given clear paths to a bunch of MBTs based on partners with talent or huge fanbases/compelling stories. I'd love to see him paired with someone that Tony would be traditionally paired with, just to test him a little. 

I'd love to see Shirley Ballas on the panel over Julianne, but I'm one of the few that doesn't mind a 4 member panel, especially since CAI and Bruno don't really offer proper notes (I LOVE Bruno, but he's my "entertainment" judge though) 

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5 minutes ago, Lewis said:

 I'm one of the few that doesn't mind a 4 member panel, especially since CAI and Bruno don't really offer proper notes (I LOVE Bruno, but he's my "entertainment" judge though) 

Agree.  They can keep Bruno on the panel for the lulz, and let CAI go home for a nice rest.

I'm one who doesn't get involved in fanbase wars, or care at all about ringers and producer machinations.  I just like to watch good dancing, creative choreography, actual ballroom dancing, and "celeb" partners who really do become better dancers during their time on the show.  For me, that means I'm happiest if Maks, Derek, and Mark are all back for the season.  If I hear confirmation about Ballas, I'll have my trifecta.

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IMO, that's a mischaracterization of both Derek and Maks' histories. Derek played the "last season" game several times and although Maks certainly made a stink about leaving early in the shows history, the last few years he's talked about wanting to continue to have some involvement in the show. They both play games. They both do what suits them. 

My comment was in relation to each individual's comments about the show. Yes, Derek has done the hemming and hawing, "I don't know if I'm coming back, we'll see..." game but he's never called the show toxic and basically act like his coming back would be a cold day in hell. Maks has. I didn't put those words in his mouth to refer to the show as toxic and my response back then when he said it was that I have no respect for someone who bites the hand that feeds them. 

I don't mind taking a stand against something. And if Maks had quit DWTS years ago and never looked back, saying the show is manipulative and toxic and not for him, then I would have been like, "good for you". But when someone perpetually knocks a show yet never actually leaves and keeps coming back, then yeah I reserve the right to snark about it and lose respect for him because of it. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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