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S01.E01: MAFS: Happily Ever After?

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48 minutes ago, Palomar said:

The show has to have drama to get people to watch.  Having to give a rating to your spouse is not a good thing....it is an exercise to provide conflict for the show.

I asked my DH the other day. He was like “A 9. No one is perfect.” ? I guess he has Ashley logic. Im just glad he didn’t rate it a 7.5 like Dave ?

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I know it's been said but I feel so bad for shawniece. Jephte doesn't even like her. He just sees her as the woman carrying his precious child and once the kid is born she will become worthless to him while he is totally enthralled with his daighter. He's shown shawniece exactly who he is (imo he's a pos who wants to claim he was so depressed he had to have sex with other women to make himself feel better while his wife was pregnant. But yet he didn't want to talk to her for fear it would upset her and hurt the baby but yeah let's go screw other women because on what planet would that hurt shawniece and cause her anxiety and stress? Good god.  

I think Bobby and Danielle are cute together but I don't like Danielle. I had very easy pregnancies aside from being exhausted at times. Had no morning sickness either time so I pretty much carried on with life as usual. Didn't lay in bed all day, exercised, worked and intimacy went on just like before we got pregnant. So I really don't understsnd Danielle's oh woe is me act. Give Bobby a little attention once in awhile. Danielle comes off as totally self centered and one day Bobby is going to reset that he's running around taking care of her every need while very few of his own get met. Danielle needs to stop letting Bobby take care of everything because he's going to get burnt out doing so much while she just lounges around. I hope she doesn't expect him to take care of the baby like he took care of her fosters. 

I still like Ashley and Anthony. I'm happy for them. Don't care for Ashley's jealousy toward Danielle tho. 

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8 hours ago, ShowFan said:

Yep..my husband is saying the same. He thinks the trigger will be when she criticizes him for not doing something and he blows up about how he does everything else. Bobby and Daniele will not last for sure. Too early for baby popping. They have no foundation 

I honestly think the baby is the result of a broken condom or drunken/heat of the moment quickie. Both of them stated they wanted a year or two without kids. Then, HEA came along and they took the opportunity to make the best out of their accidental pregnancy and make it an extension of their lovebird image and bask in solidifying their place as franchise darlings while Shawniece/Jephte crumble and Ashley makes herself jealous with her own insecurities.

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35 minutes ago, Sterling said:

I watched this episode, and I got that Jephte had moved out for a while.  

But I missed it.....when did it come out that he had slept with other women?

Was it just one?  Multiple?  How did Shawniece find out?

Jephte made the comment at the start that he needed to "do his own thing and get back to himself" after the season starting airing due to the slamming he was getting on social mediaI and since Shawneice was at a high risk of miscarrying he couldn't talk to her so to protect her he went out to do his 'thing' to feel better as he was depressed. The timeline was a bit confusing, Jephte said they didn't talk for about 3 weeks, Shawneice said they had seperated for 2 months after 8 months of marriage (5 months pregnant) but I think more details will come out next episode as Dr Trauma talks to a mystery woman (who else but Shawneice would still be there) about finding condoms that her husband was using with other women. My assumption is that since she was 33 weeks at the start of filming that they were seperated when offered the show and thought the experts might help them or more likely the cash was needed for the baby. Jephte just seems so checked out of the marriage, he wants the baby so just tolerates Shawneice.

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7 hours ago, kira28 said:

I think Bobby and Danielle are cute together but I don't like Danielle. I had very easy pregnancies aside from being exhausted at times. Had no morning sickness either time so I pretty much carried on with life as usual. Didn't lay in bed all day, exercised, worked and intimacy went on just like before we got pregnant. So I really don't understsnd Danielle's oh woe is me act. Give Bobby a little attention once in awhile. Danielle comes off as totally self centered and one day Bobby is going to reset that he's running around taking care of her every need while very few of his own get met. Danielle needs to stop letting Bobby take care of everything because he's going to get burnt out doing so much while she just lounges around. I hope she doesn't expect him to take care of the baby like he took care of her fosters. 

If you didn’t have the morning sickness and had very easy pregnancies I’m not sure you can compare. Who knows how Danielle really feels (although she does seem to be getting along fine on this couples retreat). But I felt like complete shit almost my entire pregnancy. After the morning sickness left I had some mysterious upper rib pain that never went away. I was crying in my car on my way home from work it was so bad some days. So I really appreciated my husband picking up the slack and being ok with us very rarely being intimate. Pregnancy is really hard for some people. 

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13 hours ago, scruffy73 said:

I think I’m going to take this off my DVR. Y’all make it seem like this show is horrible. What happened to “HAPPILY”??

The Happily isn’t a given in any marriage but i felt like the so called professional relationship experts were baiting them and purposely pitting them against each other as well. It was all just very uncomfortable and awkward at times, like they are looking too deep for any little cracks then exposing them but not in a kind or supportive way, more malicious.  They all seem to use facial expressions to communicate as well which seems so manipulative.  I got the impression that Bobby and Dannielle were feeling very manipulated, their body language became very aloof and almost defensive. 

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I honestly don't understand all these "oops" babies.  Today there are very effective forms of birth control.  I would not have pictured Danielle as someone that would be lax about that.  I realize no form of birth control is 100% effective, but it seems to happen a lot more now than when I was young and we didn't even have as many effective choices.

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Good job "experts"...took exactly 1 couples exercise for you to divide the couples...Danielle looked like she was a deer in the headlights when Ashley called their marriage bullshit...Bobby was holding his tongue, remembering his gentlemanly manners pretending to enjoy the appetizers and drinks...

Bobby and Danielle will circle the wagons and be a strong defense to the others' snide remarks and shade...having just survived the Dallas season with Dave's and Amber's withering looks and eye rolling.

Anthony knows he can't temper Ashley's comments, nor will he try...Anthony will not come off well at all.

  Jephte is his own worse nightmare, a some time father, unable to live in the same household as Laura Denise because he and Shawniece cannot continue their sham of a marriage.

His tears are real and while you feel for the guy, is he really in a head space for more SM blasting?...

Shawniece doesn't need Jephte and his tears may also be reflecting the realization that the baby will thrive with or without him...

Spa time versus a sad game of corn hole..I call bullshit!

Edited by humbleopinion
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I can't stand how the experts are trying to stir up drama between Bobby and Danielle.  Even if they do have a fight down the road, so what....they aren't fighting now, and they're saying their marriage is super easy.  Why is that so hard to believe?

One of my best friend's marriage is like this.  For 20 years or so, I might add.  They've had exactly one screaming, yelling fight, about 18 years ago, and after that fight, they just never have fought again.  Literally.  They. Just. Don't. Fight.  Hard to believe, but it's possible.  And they still do a lot of stuff together, still hold hands, still have weekly date nights.  

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2 hours ago, Sterling said:

I can't stand how the experts are trying to stir up drama between Bobby and Danielle.  Even if they do have a fight down the road, so what....they aren't fighting now, and they're saying their marriage is super easy.  Why is that so hard to believe?

Because this show exists to exploit people's insecurities and create relationship dysfunction with stressful, artificial deadlines. Bobby and Danielle are evidence the experts don't care about the supposed point of the entire show - they're everything they've been dreaming of, madly in love and pregnant in a few months. But the experts are essentially tasked with creating a reality show, so where there is no conflict, they go out of their way to try to make some. Bobby and Danielle, entertainingly, don't seem to give a shit and brush off their bullshit attempts to create drama.

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Everyone has issues in life & in marriage, including the "golden couple". Sometimes people don't fight because they communicate well, others don't fight because they can't deal with conflict.

Danielle looks pretty good for someone with such 'severe' sickness, & is able to travel just fine. They may just be making up drama there or she's already past the first trimester & starting to feel better but they're milking it for the show. But if things are as they say it will be Bobby doing all the heavy lifting in parenting.

I don't believe Jephte's tears were real. That whole disgusting scene of excuses for being a cheater was a lame attempt at 'damage control' & a smack in the face to Shawniece.

Edited by gonecrackers
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What did Jephte mean about social media backlash?  What were people saying about him on SM that was so bad?  Did he not realize, when he accepted the check from TLC, that it was for a reality show, and that this is part of the deal?

Jephte said early on that he was disappointed in Shawniece's appearance, because he was hoping for an Instagram supermodel.  

So dude just ain't right to me.

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3 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

she's already past the first trimester & starting to feel better

I think it might be this because she did say she was at 12 weeks which is nearing the end of the first trimester. A lot of women start feeling better about that time. My husband was questioning how she was downing all those huge meals they showed her eating if she was always queasy - maybe filming started after she started feeling better?

8 hours ago, Yeah No said:

I honestly don't understand all these "oops" babies.  

Although I prefer to call them "surprise" babies, I agree. It's kind of baffling - it's seems a pretty high percentage considering the sample size when removing couples who never had sex. I do think that Anthony and Ashley waited and then were actively trying though.

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44 minutes ago, Ilovepie said:

I think it might be this because she did say she was at 12 weeks which is nearing the end of the first trimester. A lot of women start feeling better about that time. My husband was questioning how she was downing all those huge meals they showed her eating if she was always queasy - maybe filming started after she started feeling better?

Although I prefer to call them "surprise" babies, I agree. It's kind of baffling - it's seems a pretty high percentage considering the sample size when removing couples who never had sex. I do think that Anthony and Ashley waited and then were actively trying though.

I think Anthony said they planned for the baby during Dr Pepper’s visit. 

But the other two. Who knows. I know this couple who’s 3 kids were surprises. Like one time, ok, but 3! 

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None of the unplanned babies surprise me. I spent a day shadowing the medical staff at the health department, I could tell that they frequently wanted to literally slap some sense into people who admitted to being careless with contraception despite already having one or more children they were struggling with. 

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15 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

I think it might be this because she did say she was at 12 weeks which is nearing the end of the first trimester. A lot of women start feeling better about that time. My husband was questioning how she was downing all those huge meals they showed her eating if she was always queasy - maybe filming started after she started feeling better?

Although I prefer to call them "surprise" babies, I agree. It's kind of baffling - it's seems a pretty high percentage considering the sample size when removing couples who never had sex. I do think that Anthony and Ashley waited and then were actively trying though.

Ironic, isn't it, that Ashley [the one who was "married" to Dave] last season actually *wanted* a 'honeymoon baby' --and as he was fond of repeatedly saying, they were having sex every night and sometimes in the morning.

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I can imagine Dave would not abide by any oops babies so he would be taking extra precautions...

Double bagging his groceries... disposing of all his seed responsibly.

Watching Amber take her bc pill and asking to see under tongue...not unlike rehab procedures.

Dave picking up her bc pills at the pharmacy for her...not that she is untrustworthy...oh wait, she's a stranger who has a baby clock running....

Buying and caring for his own "grocery bags"...don't want them too near any sewing supplies which could puncture them...

Of course, I don't know Dave...just tossing possible scenarios...

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5 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

I can imagine Dave would not abide by any oops babies so he would be taking extra precautions...

Double bagging his groceries... disposing of all his seed responsibly.

Watching Amber take her bc pill and asking to see under tongue...not unlike rehab procedures.

Dave picking up her bc pills at the pharmacy for her...not that she is untrustworthy...oh wait, she's a stranger who has a baby clock running....

Buying and caring for his own "grocery bags"...don't want them too near any sewing supplies which could puncture them...

Of course, I don't know Dave...just tossing possible scenarios...

Double bagging those kinds of grocery bags actually makes them more likely to break. 

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2 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

All the friction between the layers is problematic..

Dave  most probably researched the fail rate and adjusted his methods of contraceptive responsibility...

 Important PSA...take heed...

I think you give Dave way too much credit. 

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What a bunch of suck! I hope the couples are getting paid enough to put up with this garbage - loan repayments, baby needs, savings, whatever - just some good moola.

First takeaway: The other couples and the “experts” are really, really invested in Bobby and Danielle’s first fight. Repeatedly stating that there’s no perfect couple and always room for improvement eventually begins to smell of bitter grapes. (Looking at you Ashley.) Ricky Bobby and Danielle both said they didn’t consider themselves perfect but that their relationship was great and they each felt like it was a ten to them. Since that was a stupid exercise designed to stir up divisiveness and competitiveness I would’ve been tempted to write 11 or 12 just to screw with everyone. The experts sighing, rolling their eyes, and all-around expressing disbelief and disgust with the lack of fighting makes me want to punch each of them in the face repeatedly. It’s almost as though they would get joy from their fighting. 

Second takeaway: Shawneice and Jepthe are miserable. As much as he cries for the love of his daughter he really doesn’t seem to like Shawneice much. They are uncomfortable to watch. Forget drama for reality tv, there a tiny baby girl in the world with parents who are drama. I imagine I’ll be fast forwarding their parts. 

Final takeaway: My enjoyment of Ashley and Anthony may be seriously tested if this first episide is any indication. She seems jaded or bitter or something. I can’t quit identify it. He seems sort of resigned. If I didn’t know better I’d think they had been married years and just settled for these patterns of behavior as inevitable. 

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The tone of the show is grim.

The title  of the show should be...

Your MAFS Was a Fluke So Don't Think You or Your life is Special

Bobby and Danielle needed a hook to be cast...so the Never Bickersons is their story line.

Pretty much a continuation of their Season 7...

Shawniece and Jephte desperately need a divorce so they can parent their daughter without the hassle of being married to each other any more.

Ashley has Anthony's balls in her designer handbag....he doesn't mind.

He escapes her sour face with his online life...fantasy leagues, SM, forums and since she works evenings at the bar/restaurant he has lots of free time...

Daddy duty will put an end to all his unfettered time.....

I want to like the show because I am incapable of watching the MAFS Honeymoon Island

Episode 1 Dog Report...Keke!

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@humbleopinion, I agree with you 100%, especially about being incapable of watching MAFS Honeymoon Island.  

I think the question mark at the end of "Happily Ever After" is a clear hint of that not really being the case.  If they have to give us any doubt about it going in, that can't be good.

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I will continue to watch this show if ANY of these things has even a slim chance of happening....

-Bobby and Anthony get in a fist fight...Bobby will whip D'Amico with one arm behind his back. Anthony is too old and slow....

-Ashley can have a civil conversation with Danielle...no eye rolling, no hands thrown up out of exasperation, no side eye, no vocal fry...never gonna happen...

-Jon Francetic shows up as the resort's beach towel boy

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On 11/2/2018 at 1:56 PM, Sterling said:

What did Jephte mean about social media backlash?  What were people saying about him on SM that was so bad?  Did he not realize, when he accepted the check from TLC, that it was for a reality show, and that this is part of the deal?

Jephte said early on that he was disappointed in Shawniece's appearance, because he was hoping for an Instagram supermodel.  

So dude just ain't right to me.

Literally everything said hear (and our once great podcast) is what was said to him.

He's an asshole. He doesn't deserve her. He's a mommas boy. So on and so on. 

If one doesn't believe they will ever come off that way on tv, they will be surprised or pissed. And then there is the whole it's the editing crutch people use. He never liked being called out for anything. He wont want strangers doing it either.

I don't care if they may be try to shake up Bobby and Danielle for drama. There is nothing there if they don't. No conflict is boring as fuck to watch. I don't need them to yell and fight. That's not even really what's being expected of them. Just show some emotions. Open up. Express yourselves. Just do something. 

Fast forward material if I ever saw one.

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Jephte was hoping for an 'Instagram model" - WTF is that anyway? Just someone who poses half naked & uses a ton of filters - not real. If that's what he was looking for he was DTF someone he couldn't find on his own (because they don't exist), not looking for a forever marriage partner.

8 hours ago, Racj82 said:

I don't care if they may be try to shake up Bobby and Danielle for drama. There is nothing there if they don't. No conflict is boring as fuck to watch. I don't need them to yell and fight. That's not even really what's being expected of them. Just show some emotions. Open up. Express yourselves. Just do something. 

Yes exactly. It's not about wanting them to fight or ridiculous made up drama. There's just nothing there, so far. They come off extremely repressed, especially Danielle. Honestly she's like a freakin' fake eyed mannequin with no personality or self expression. And if they're not this repressed for real & just self-protective on camera, maybe they should have re-thought putting their lives on camera. Most likely this show is good money for them which is why they signed. They obviously just want to sit there blankly for it & collect, & whether that works out for them remains to be seen.

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On 10/31/2018 at 3:36 PM, LeeluDallas said:

Also im pretty sure I caught Bobby early on saying he hoped she would be able to fall in love with him eventually...so they are having unprotected sex to bring a human into this world but he’s not sure she even loves him? So strange. 

That was a flashback to their MAFS gig.  She announced her love for him in the finale (naturally)


On 11/2/2018 at 5:55 AM, endure said:

The Happily isn’t a given in any marriage but i felt like the so called professional relationship experts were baiting them and purposely pitting them against each other as well. It was all just very uncomfortable and awkward at times, like they are looking too deep for any little cracks then exposing them but not in a kind or supportive way, more malicious.  They all seem to use facial expressions to communicate as well which seems so manipulative.  I got the impression that Bobby and Dannielle were feeling very manipulated, their body language became very aloof and almost defensive. 

And they are fresh off their first show and familiar with the evil experts.  I bet they made a pact to do things like rate their marriage a 10!  All the show needs is a few shots of Danielle looking cold and Bobby looking forlorn and voila!



1 hour ago, gonecrackers said:

Yes exactly. It's not about wanting them to fight or ridiculous made up drama. There's just nothing there, so far. They come off extremely repressed, especially Danielle. Honestly she's like a freakin' fake eyed mannequin with no personality or self expression. And if they're not this repressed for real & just self-protective on camera, maybe they should have re-thought putting their lives on camera. Most likely this show is good money for them which is why they signed. They obviously just want to sit there blankly for it & collect, & whether that works out for them remains to be seen.

IMO that's exactly their plan.  And if the evil experts didn't like it they shouldn't have invited them on the show.

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No one will begrudge Bobby and Danielle for signing on for more MAFS money.

Don't be expecting either of them to crack and blurt out stupid stuff like Mia or Amber...

The Dodds act as a counter balance to the emotionally over wrought, tear soaked Jackson-Pierres.

Bobby and Danielle present as the fresh faced honeymooners versus the jaded and marriage fatigued Ashley and Anthony...

In reality their casting was to carry the Season 7 audience into this spin off show....

TLC is hoping you will love more Ricky Bobby, Danielle, Mr. Henry and Nellie if you don't remember Ashley and Anthony or missed Shawniece's and Jephte's season...

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I'm not an "expert" or anything, so take this for what it's worth: while all fights begin as disagreements, not all disagreements dissolve into fights.


If those involved in a disagreement have good communication skills, are able to negotiate, and are willing to compromise, then it's entirely possible to disagree but not fight


However, if one or both partners have poor communication skills and/or are "win at all cost" types, then disagreements often DO escalate into fights.


It may very well be that Danielle and Bobby have disagreed on things, but were able to calmly work those disagreements out using effective communication and compromise. 


But as I said before...I'm no professional, so what do I know?

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On 11/2/2018 at 3:59 PM, JAndy said:

I think Anthony said they planned for the baby during Dr Pepper’s visit. 

But the other two. Who knows. I know this couple who’s 3 kids were surprises. Like one time, ok, but 3! 

My girlfriend had three “unplanned” babies too. For the first kid I asked her if she was on birth control. No, she wanted to give her body a break from the hormones. Are you using condoms? No, we have been tested. Me: please don’t ever tell anyone else you didn’t plan this baby bc sex with no forms of birth control sounds like a planned pregnancy for people in their 30s.

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I'm actually a bit annoyed at Danielle and Bobby. If in their minds their relationship is so satisfying (which it very well could be)... and they've been through the process of being on a show like this before (so they know what to expect in terms of questioning by the experts, etc), and if they don't like being questioned about their relationship.... then why the hell did they sign up to be on this show for a second time?

The only logical answer is they want the cash. 

They want to play their cards close to the vest, not reveal any vulnerabilities, and cash checks. I personally think that is lame. This is not professional marriage counseling. This is not a vehicle to get professional guidance to prepare for a baby. This is a trashy, low-rent reality show.  B and D seem intelligent enough to understand they are not getting actual relationship counseling... so it brings me back to - they want the coins.

So in their case... I don't feel sorry for any heat that comes to them whether its through the other couples, the "experts," or through social media.

I'm wondering how much, if any, of the first season did they get to see of themselves before this one started filming.

Edited by ChristmasJones
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I think the Dodds have areas of disagreement but choose not to treat them as problems. She has a miserable commute, they are trying to sell their house, she has bad morning sickness, and they aren’t having the amount of intimacy they used to. That said, they’ve agreed to work through these things rather than making them into fights. It annoys me that everybody acts like they’re perfect.  I don’t believe the Dodds are trying to put it out there that they’re perfect. I think they’re both just grateful to be married to each other. 

 I liked Ashley and Anthony’s season because they really grew together as a couple. I thought it was sad they could not watch that together and enjoy it. Glad to see they are pregnant and creating the family they wanted. 

 Jephte is a really shitty human being and needs to work on himself before he can have any type of relationship with another person. I can’t believe he was so mean and disrespectful to Shawniece. He forced her into being the one to take away the rings. He needs to man up, be straight with her and end this. But, at least I can see why the experts put them together. Shawniece can put up with a lot of crap, and Jephte has nothing but truckloads of crap to give.  He seriously needs a lot of therapy because he has no clue how awful of a person he is.

Edited by Booger666
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10 hours ago, ChristmasJones said:

I'm actually a bit annoyed at Danielle and Bobby. If in their minds their relationship is so satisfying (which it very well could be)... and they've been through the process of being on a show like this before (so they know what to expect in terms of questioning by the experts, etc), and if they don't like being questioned about their relationship.... then why the hell did they sign up to be on this show for a second time?

The only logical answer is they want the cash. 

They want to play their cards close to the vest, not reveal any vulnerabilities, and cash checks. I personally think that is lame. This is not professional marriage counseling. This is not a vehicle to get professional guidance to prepare for a baby. This is a trashy, low-rent reality show.  B and D seem intelligent enough to understand they are not getting actual relationship counseling... so it brings me back to - they want the coins.

So in their case... I don't feel sorry for any heat that comes to them whether its through the other couples, the "experts," or through social media.

I'm wondering how much, if any, of the first season did they get to see of themselves before this one started filming.

What's wrong with trying to get cash? Why do you honestly think the other two couples are participating?

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3 minutes ago, LilaFowler said:

What's wrong with trying to get cash? Why do you honestly think the other two couples are participating?

Exactly! Don’t forget about Danielle’s boatload of debt, and Ricky Bobby’s assertion last season that he wasn’t using his savings to pay it off. This seems like a nice easy way to get rid of it quickly before the baby comes.....

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All 6 cast members should be paid handsomely for letting the cameras back into their lives... along with the bad edits and Social Media beat downs....

The ones to give a hard side eye is Jephte, Shawniece, "experts" and the producers....

His depression, his self cure of sleeping around as a way to deal with the SM the first time around should exclude him from being cast in the show but basic cable TV drama is the goal...

Shawniece and Jephte know their marriage is over, so cashing out by doing this show SHOULD benefit Baby Laura Denise...

Bobby and Danielle are upgrading to a new home and jettisoning Danielle's college, credit card and breaking her rental lease debt and setting up a trust fund for her eyebrows....

Ashley and Anthony haven't revealed what they would do with their Lifetime pay checks....

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I think what bothers me about Danielle and Bobby is that they seem very defensive when asked about their marriage.  If they hate the intrusive questions so much, why not just stay off the show? Why expose such a personal time in their lives (pregnant with first baby) to the world?  I actually believe that its totally possible to have not had any major fights by this point in their marriage. That part doesn't bother me at all. But I would be more willing to accept this as truth if they would be a bit more open about it and discuss their process rather than act indignant that they are being asked. 

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15 minutes ago, ChristmasJones said:

I think what bothers me about Danielle and Bobby is that they seem very defensive when asked about their marriage.  If they hate the intrusive questions so much, why not just stay off the show? Why expose such a personal time in their lives (pregnant with first baby) to the world?  I actually believe that its totally possible to have not had any major fights by this point in their marriage. That part doesn't bother me at all. But I would be more willing to accept this as truth if they would be a bit more open about it and discuss their process rather than act indignant that they are being asked. 

Thus far they've stated that they have similar communication styles and neither one lets any disagreement get out of hand to the point where someone is screaming. I think that this is the truth, so what more does anyone want them to say about it? I think any normal person would be annoyed if people were constantly trying to pick apart and criticize their non-problematic relationship.

The one who seems defensive to me is Ashley. She flipped out at the mere suggestion that anyone or anything could be rated a 10. Why so bothered? Shrug and say, "good for you!"

As for why any of these couples are participating in an intrusive reality show at this personal time in their lives, the simple answer is money. They all need it and TLC will pay them $$$$ for several weeks of filming. I don't see anything wrong with it.

Edited by LilaFowler
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2 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

Thus far they've stated that they have similar communication styles and neither one lets any disagreement get out of hand to the point where someone is screaming. I think that this is the truth, so what more does anyone want them to say about it? I think any normal person would be annoyed if people were constantly trying to pick apart and criticize their non-problematic relationship.

The one who seems defensive to me is Ashley. She flipped out at the mere suggestion that anyone or anything could be rated a 10. Why so bothered? Shrug and say, "good for you!"

As for why any of these couples are participating in an intrusive reality show at this personal time in their lives, the simple answer is money. They all need it and TLC will pay them $$$$ for several weeks of filming. I don't see anything wrong with it.

I honestly think that Ashley likes Anthony well enough but probably feels like she settled a little bit in her mind. I remember in their season people were talking about how pretty she was and how he looked like a goofball, though YMMV and looks are not the most important factor in a relationship.

I actually think Jephte is doing it for the money and he will probably be out of there so fast once the Marriage at First Sight opportunities run dry. In his original season, I did not think he was such a bad guy but he should have just been honest and broke it off with Shawniece. He was not ever really into her romantically and it seems like that has not changed.

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4 hours ago, ChristmasJones said:

I think what bothers me about Danielle and Bobby is that they seem very defensive when asked about their marriage.  If they hate the intrusive questions so much, why not just stay off the show? Why expose such a personal time in their lives (pregnant with first baby) to the world?  I actually believe that its totally possible to have not had any major fights by this point in their marriage. That part doesn't bother me at all. But I would be more willing to accept this as truth if they would be a bit more open about it and discuss their process rather than act indignant that they are being asked. 

I think they are defensive because they HAVE answered those questions, but are met with some version of "I don't believe you" from both the "experts" AND the other couples who don't want to hear it.  

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But they went through the same thing their first time on MAFS ... so wonder why they would expect differently this time? Also, if they felt like the producers of MAFS were putting such a false narrative on their relationship via editing, voice overs, coaching them in THs, etc.... then they must be OK with it since they decided to go through the same thing again while having their first child.   

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13 hours ago, ChristmasJones said:

But they went through the same thing their first time on MAFS ... so wonder why they would expect differently this time? Also, if they felt like the producers of MAFS were putting such a false narrative on their relationship via editing, voice overs, coaching them in THs, etc.... then they must be OK with it since they decided to go through the same thing again while having their first child.   

I’m not sure the timing of this statement is correct.  Didn’t MAFSHEA? Start filming before MAFS aired?  Does anyone know when they actually filmed?

While being on camera is nothing I would do, most company’s maternity leave policies don’t provide for paid time off.  This TV $$ might be what allows one or both to stay home right after the birth, or hire a nanny for the first year; so I get it.

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Rough guess at timeline

Shawneice was 33 weeks at the couples retreat, so assuming she had her baby on time that puts filming at the start of July they filmed the Pierre baby shower 4th August and her birth 20th August so it was filmed during the airing of season 7 (July 11th - October 24th).  If we use Shawneice as a guide Ashley is due around January 5th and Danielle January 19th this is where I am not sure because that puts the Dodds conception around May 1st (decision day was May 20th) which to me is insane that means they got pregnant after 5/6 weeks of meeting as strangers.


So my best guess they started filming just before the season aired and were filmed for at least the first 8 episodes airing.

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MAFS Production meeting 1- Couples Spin off show... end of April 2018

Producer 1: Okay, we have Shawniece and Jephte buttoned down and contracts signed for the spin off show,...the working title is  Disasterly Ever After, a thinly veiled reference to those two and the state of their marriage...

Producer 2: Been texting Ashley and Anthony regularly and their marriage is rocky...the bloom is off the rose, so to speak.... they could possibly be signed on...

Producer 3: For the third couple, should we book JamieO and Doug? They will turn off a good majority of the viewers, but their segments are what DVRs are for.....

MAFS Production Meeting 10-Couples Spin off show...  early August 2018

Producer 1: Shawniece and Jephte are still on board, the pregnancy and prelim filming is going well but Jephte's behavior is going to get him ten times the backlash from his first season...

Producer 2: Ashley and Anthony are pregnant, safely in the second trimester so they definitely want to participate...lucky we caught their marriage on the up side...their audience wants to see their fairy tale marriage continue...

Producer 3: Get ready for my KABOOM....

Danielle is pregnant, litttle over 3 months along so she's not bloaty for the Reunion show.  Bobby and Danielle have agreed to participate. Samantha can hype their pregnancy as a big reveal...

Producer 1: We need a new working title...

Producer 2: Something more positive...but leaves room for the ambiguity of Shawniece's and Jephte's  situation...

Producer 3: Happily...is too mocking of Shawniece and Jephte...need a way to temper their grim situation...

Let's use a question mark...adds suspense and uncertainty....

 Producer 1: Good.

The Working title is now...MAFS: Happily Ever After?

Producer 2: How did JamieO take the news she isn't on the spin off?

Producer 3: The usual...she was still pouting that she didn't host the Reunion Show.....

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16 hours ago, princelina said:

So why not?  They need the $$, MAFS is willing to give it, and the majority of the country sleeps peacefully having never heard of them :D. It's a win/win/win!

For real. But I don't care if they have to be a bit uncomfortable since they know what they signed up for. They may have to squirm to earn -& that's okay.

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