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Jesus God, Leah!!

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I actually think Jeremy was relieved to be cheated on, honestly. I think he wanted out of that marriage and Leah gave him a guilt free way to do it. He may or may not have cheated himself, but either way, I think sympathy is not really in order.

I wouldn't want to be married to Leah either, but then again, I wouldn't pressure her into marriage and having a baby when she had just told me maybe she still has feelings for another man, JEREMY.

  • Love 14
17 minutes ago, SPLAIN said:

Let me try to take a stab at it. The cultural thing may be the best reason. Perhaps the idea of  being alone or not having kids is looked upon as a taboo? LOL Best to have kids to hopefully ensure child support for 18 years after the marriage fails. Marriage is the ultimate goal here. One cannot date too long. One must get hitched or at least live together to give the appearance that one is serious about the relationship.

It seems like in their circles it's embarrassing not to have at least one child, engagement, or marriage pre-21. In my college years it would have been taboo to get engaged or have a child. Different strokes for different folks, but it makes people rush if they feel like they have to. Both of Leah's marriages were rushed and pressured and none of them had any business being married at the time, much less to each other. Of course, when you get pregnant/get someone pregnant after a 3-week casual relationship, I guess "rushing" is relative. 

ETA, yeah, @Tatum, I forgot that Jeremy was pressuring Leah to have a baby and she was pressuring him to commit while she was still back and forth doing it with Corey...and telling Jeremy she still had feelings! Are you even really "married" in that instance, or are you just putting on your nicest camos for a pre-divorce party? 

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 10
9 minutes ago, truelovekiss said:

I know this is NOT going to be a popular statement, since thereare a lot of big Chelsea fans here. But...

Does anyone else feel like Cole looks kind of freaked out, the more Chelsea talks about how "we're getting mawwwwied" and "that baybeh fever?" I'm sure he loves her and Aubree. And I'm sure part of it is discomfort at having his life be fodder for MTV. But I know someone slightly freaked out by commitment when I see it. Now I'm absolutely sure they'll go through with it and he'll be happy he did. But right now, he looks very stressed.

On the last episode Cole looked like he was about to have a heart attack when Chelsea said she wanted kids right away. I think he's a nice guy but his affect is very strange sometimes. He looks like he's scared shitless to disagree with Chelsea or present a contrasting opinion. I just find it kind of odd that he's 27 and Chelsea is his first girlfriend. Part of me wonders if he has some sort of social anxiety disorder.

  • Love 5

LM2162,That's what I think. When he first came on I noticed it. I was like, "Wow, girl, simma down. He's just not that into you". But now that he's been on awhile, I think that's his normal filming reaction to everything. She could say, "Are you excited to go out to dinner" and he'd have this deer-in-headlights startled expression. I think some people adjust better to filming than others. Some are NEVER going to be very comfortable with it. Jo still strikes me as someone very aware of the cameras and awkward. 

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 10

Exactly Tatum. Jeremy took Leah back after Cory turned her down! This was after the miscarraiage. What do they do? Get pregnant again and get married. No sympathy.

Didn't someone here once refer to Nathan's legs and overall look as Foghorn Leghorn? Too funny.

Jo had me laughing in the after show. Solar panels. LOL

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Evie said:

I was reading through all the posts and I was going to say Corey and Miranda got married after Leah and Jeremy. I remember wondering when the reunion aired if "Monkey" yelling Leah realized she had just admitted to cheating on Jeremy.

I'd forgotten about Grandma Sandy. What is with that family and their "The truth will be revealed" mantra.

This totally made me remember that time when Corey met up with Leah & Jeremy at a custody exchange and Jeremy yelled at Leah "are those my shorts?" about the shorts Corey had on. Jeremy knew what was up.

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Evie said:

I was reading through all the posts and I was going to say Corey and Miranda got married after Leah and Jeremy. I remember wondering when the reunion aired if "Monkey" yelling Leah realized she had just admitted to cheating on Jeremy.

I'd forgotten about Grandma Sandy. What is with that family and their "The truth will be revealed" mantra.

Yeah, I believe Jeremy and Leah got married spring/summer of 2012. Addy was born Feb 2013, and Addy was born prior to Corey's wedding to Miranda. When Leah hooked up with Corey she was still married to Jeremy, but they may have been unofficially separated at that time. There were tweets regarding Jeremy getting girls' numbers at Buffalo Wild Wings at that time as well.


The episode around Corey's wedding, he comes up to get the girls, and Leah is sitting on the floor with baby Addy. Leah and Corey are talking pretty casually while the girls are getting their stuff together and in that moment, I thought Corey was making a mistake to marry Miranda. I can't remember the exact comment he made, but something about the way they were talking suggested to me that if Corey thought he could trust Leah, that the minute he failed to shower her with enough attention she wouldn't retaliate by cheating on him, she would by far be his first choice. I think Corey did appreciate everything Miranda brought to the table, but I think he was, even at the time of his wedding, still infatuated with Leah, and continued to be, probably until Leah more or less imploded. Why Corey would be more into Leah than Miranda is a mystery to me, even 2013 Leah vs 2015-2016 Leah. It may be a first love thing, but sometimes I do wonder if he's simply just more physically attracted to Leah.

  • Love 7
12 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

We have already seen Cory getting the girls ready in the morning. It seems a given that the both of them will work as a team -as many parents do - in order to ensure the girls are properly cared for while in their custody.

Not sure what the deal is with some (not you directly) thinking this was something Cory and Miranda did to spite Leah. This was not a wish as much as it was something that had to be done for the sake of the children. Cory made many offers to help Leah with getting the girls to school, therapy, and medical appointments. Leah declined.

When a judge ordeed Cory to have primary custody for a majority of the week because Leah failed at the basics of parenting, to me, that does not constitute the Simms having a "wish" as much as it means they knew Leah was an addict.

Reminder: The girls were not suddenly dropped in Miranda's care. Miranda has been their step-mother for a while now. The new custody arrangement added another day to the already existing schedule. Miranda has been caring for the girls just like a mother. Her having a newborn does not mean she won't have help. Leah had all kinds of help. She still does. Who is to say Miranda does not get help from her family?  Plenty of women have newborns and children to care for on a daily basis as SAHM. Miranda is no different. The difference between her and Leah is, Miranda is no addict and the girls are well cared for in her care and custody. 

Speaking for myself (hope this isn't what constitutes "board on boards"), my post did not imply that Corey and his wife were out to spite Leah. What I did say, in so many words, was that I believed money played a role and that Corey's dad may have been influential in Corey's decision to seek full custody. 

Now, with that out of the way, there is something else that bothers me about the custody arrangement.  While it was not explicitly stated (not that I recall) that Leah was an "addict," it may as well have been announced to the world; granted, Leah did nothing to discourage that label and, indeed, went so far as to promote it at times.  So, between Leah's rather obvious displays of "impairment" and her refusal to accept help in getting the twins to school, therapy, and medical appointments, why would the Custody Agreement grant Leah custody on weekends when she will be required to drive her girls here and there for cheerleading, dance, and whatever else (I'm assuming kids' birthday parties, etc.). Yes, there are always going to be offers of help from family members and from parents of the twins' friends, but you see what I'm saying here.   

In summary, I'm questioning why the hell the judge didn't grant FULL custody to Corey, in light of Leah's issues with substance abuse and the insinuations that these problems have not been resolved?  At the very least, I'm thinking supervised visits might have been better than nothing and would have definitely trumped putting two kids in a car with a parent who can barely keep her eyes open.

  • Love 1

From what I understand, the issues Corey brought up were not that Leah was an addict or drove around impaired, but that she continually failed to get the girls to school on time. Corey did try to bring up substance abuse issues to the judge and Leah passed her drug test and the judge did not allow footage of what appeared to be a non sober Leah driving as evidence. I guess the assumption with the weekends is that if Leah can't get her girls to cheerleading and other activities on time, well these are optional anyways, unlike school.

  • Love 3
16 minutes ago, Tatum said:

From what I understand, the issues Corey brought up were not that Leah was an addict or drove around impaired, but that she continually failed to get the girls to school on time. Corey did try to bring up substance abuse issues to the judge and Leah passed her drug test and the judge did not allow footage of what appeared to be a non sober Leah driving as evidence. I guess the assumption with the weekends is that if Leah can't get her girls to cheerleading and other activities on time, well these are optional anyways, unlike school.

Fair enough. Makes sense to me.

  • Love 1

In summary, I'm questioning why the hell the judge didn't grant FULL custody to Corey, in light of Leah's issues with substance abuse and the insinuations that these problems have not been resolved?  At the very least, I'm thinking supervised visits might have been better than nothing and would have definitely trumped putting two kids in a car with a parent who can barely keep her eyes open.

Apparently, WV very much favors mothers in the courts still and they haven't got the memo that fathers can sometimes be the better option. Since there has been no proof as to substance issues or real neglect/abuse, I'm guessing that is why Leah got off pretty easily thus far.


It seems like in their circles it's embarrassing not to have at least one child, engagement, or marriage pre-21. In my college years it would have been taboo to get engaged or have a child. Different strokes for different folks, but it makes people rush if they feel like they have to.

Could you image trying to live in the Messer's holler and not wanting to get married as soon as possible? Not wanting to have kids? Wanting to sleep/date around or be in an open relationship with your partner? The hillbillies would have a meltdown. Better to be knocked up, married and miserable by 21 rather then take your time and explore your options. Not proper and Christian like, ya'know. I'm guessing anyone with any ambition or newfangled ideas from Leah's neck of the woods gets the hell out as soon as possible, that's why we only see a bunch of teen/young parents in Leah's circle.

  • Love 6
56 minutes ago, HeySandyStrange said:

The hillbillies would have a meltdown. Better to be knocked up, married and miserable by 21 rather then take your time and explore your options. Not proper and Christian like, ya'know. I'm guessing anyone with any ambition or newfangled ideas from Leah's neck of the woods gets the hell out as soon as possible, that's why we only see a bunch of teen/young parents in Leah's circle.

I currently live in the Deep South, rather than the Appalachian South, but that's how the kids around here are.  The dominant religion says "no sex before marriage", so they get married very young to have sex, generally followed (or perhaps initiated) quickly by babies (since they either don't bother with birth control or consider it sinful), and these marriages often implode after a few years.

It's not a coincidence that the Bible Belt not only has (on average) the youngest people getting married, but it also has the highest rate of divorce in the country.

  • Love 9
11 minutes ago, Fosca said:

I currently live in the Deep South, rather than the Appalachian South, but that's how the kids around here are.  The dominant religion says "no sex before marriage", so they get married very young to have sex, generally followed (or perhaps initiated) quickly by babies (since they either don't bother with birth control or consider it sinful), and these marriages often implode after a few years.

It's not a coincidence that the Bible Belt not only has (on average) the youngest people getting married, but it also has the highest rate of divorce in the country.

Ironically, Corey, Jeremy, and Leah have ALL cheated on their spouses, gotten divorced, and had sex days or weeks after getting together (and kids after, oh, 9 months or so), despite being supposedly so 'old school' and 'traditional.' The only one who hasn't is Miranda, and I don't think Corey even really loves her. Might be wrong. At least I don't think he did when they got married.

I understand having traditional values, but you can't half-ass them. You can't say you want a good ol' country man who will be forever faithful and then cheat on him all over the place or screw him in the back of a truck. You can't say you want some good small town woman and then cheat on her, or have sex with her after a few dates and wonder why it all went wrong. Those actions pretty much guarantee you are NOT finding traditional partners.

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Lm2162 said:


I understand having traditional values, but you can't half-ass them. You can't say you want a good ol' country man who will be forever faithful and then cheat on him all over the place or screw him in the back of a truck. You can't say you want some good small town woman and then cheat on her, or have sex with her after a few dates and wonder why it all went wrong. Those actions pretty much guarantee you are NOT finding traditional partners.

For some reason, the first time I read that last sentence I thought it said "functional partners," not "traditional." Then I realized "functional" would have worked, too.....

  • Love 4
21 hours ago, StayingAfterSunday said:

Speaking for myself (hope this isn't what constitutes "board on boards"), my post did not imply that Corey and his wife were out to spite Leah. What I did say, in so many words, was that I believed money played a role and that Corey's dad may have been influential in Corey's decision to seek full custody. 

Now, with that out of the way, there is something else that bothers me about the custody arrangement.  While it was not explicitly stated (not that I recall) that Leah was an "addict," it may as well have been announced to the world; granted, Leah did nothing to discourage that label and, indeed, went so far as to promote it at times.  So, between Leah's rather obvious displays of "impairment" and her refusal to accept help in getting the twins to school, therapy, and medical appointments, why would the Custody Agreement grant Leah custody on weekends when she will be required to drive her girls here and there for cheerleading, dance, and whatever else (I'm assuming kids' birthday parties, etc.). Yes, there are always going to be offers of help from family members and from parents of the twins' friends, but you see what I'm saying here.   

In summary, I'm questioning why the hell the judge didn't grant FULL custody to Corey, in light of Leah's issues with substance abuse and the insinuations that these problems have not been resolved?  At the very least, I'm thinking supervised visits might have been better than nothing and would have definitely trumped putting two kids in a car with a parent who can barely keep her eyes open.

Cory could not prove Leah is an addict. She was tested for drug use, but passed. Unfortunately, the court saw she was a girl with prescriptions which legally allowed her to have meds in her system. Cory could not use MTV footage either. Basically, it came down to the girls' basic needs not being met during the school week such as being tardy, missing school, missing doctor appointments, and going to bed late. 

You noted money being a factor. Not clear why since Cory and Miranda will fork over MORE money for the care of the girls. Child support is not the same as having one's children in their care for the majority of the time. It costs more to care for two young children in Cory's home than it does to pay Leah child support. The two cannot compare. Leah is a fool if she thinks this is about Cory wanting to pay less child support. Cory pays more as a primary custodial parent.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 10
48 minutes ago, SPLAIN said:

 Leah is a fool if she thinks this is about Cory wanting to pay less child support.

She's wrong, but if she does believe that, I find it slightly less obnoxious than when she was telling all the mags that Corey was doing it specifically to spite her. It wasn't financial, it wasn't about having more time with the girls, it wasn't about fearing for their safety- Corey wakes up every day and thinks, huh, how can I fuck with Leah today? because clearly the reason for anything that everyone does revolves around Leah.

  • Love 7
19 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

She is.  And the comment that made me laugh at her when she said about Corey, "He jumps into this family lifestyle."   Bitch, Corey has been a dad to your kids since the moment they were born.  The lifestyle that changed......WAS YOURS.  And then finishes by saying that she doesn't care if Corey takes another breath.  Great mom there Leah...wanting your kids' dad dead.  

The other clip on there was Leah with an update on Ali using her wheelchair....since it tends to be a hot topic around here.  It does sound like they use it more, but it also sounds like they don'r hear that she should be using it full time now.  It's better than before, but it still needs and could be better than it is.  


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She complains that Corey is doing this to "my girls" -- where was this faux "my girls" concern when you were driving them around high and distracted as they cried that they were cold and hungry?!!  Leah is one of the most delusional mothers in this entire franchise. 

It's hard to understand Leah, but did she just wish death on Corey in that clip?! Wtf.  Fuck him for wanting his kids to go to school on time and be fed. 

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, shelley1005 said:


The other clip on there was Leah with an update on Ali using her wheelchair....since it tends to be a hot topic around here.  It does sound like they use it more, but it also sounds like they don'r hear that she should be using it full time now.  It's better than before, but it still needs and could be better than it is.  


Leah said in this video Ali is the only child in the world with Titin Muscular Dystrophy, which is true. And that made me think perhaps that is part of the issue with neither Corey nor Leah taking Dr. Tsao's advice about Ali's use of the wheelchair.

With Ali being the only child in the world with Titin, they may think something like "Well, because Ali is the only child in the world with Titin, the doctors don't really know for sure what the right treatment is for her - they're only guessing."

Now that's not really true - there are other forms of MD that are quite similar to Titin, so treatment recommendations for Ali aren't just "guesses" or "stabs in the dark" - they are based not only upon how Ali presents clinically, but also what is known about children with very similar forms of MD. But neither Leah nor Corey are savvy enough to understand that.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, TwirlyGirly said:

Leah said in this video Ali is the only child in the world with Titin Muscular Dystrophy, which is true. And that made me think perhaps that is part of the issue with neither Corey nor Leah taking Dr. Tsao's advice about Ali's use of the wheelchair.

With Ali being the only child in the world with Titin, they may think something like "Well, because Ali is the only child in the world with Titin, the doctors don't really know for sure what the right treatment is for her - they're only guessing."

Now that's not really true - there are other forms of MD that are quite similar to Titin, so treatment recommendations for Ali aren't just "guesses" or "stabs in the dark" - they are based not only upon how Ali presents clinically, but also what is known about children with very similar forms of MD. But neither Leah nor Corey are savvy enough to understand that.

Corey and Leah don't need no fancy book learnin' doctor to tell them what to do! 

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, toodywoody said:

Wow. Saying she wishes the girls father is ducked up. Haven't liked Leah in awhile but that sneak peek just sealed it. And her saying what he was doing to the girls. Please how much have harm has Leah done with screaming at them, calling Ali a liar, making her cry, doing drugs, going from man to man. 

Stfu Leah. Done with her and her shit.

Jesus, God Leah!   Don't make me send Nathan over there to tell you to Stop it.

  • Love 2

I've always thought that a primary reason for Jeremy's attraction to Leah was Corey.  I think Jeremy sort of looked up to Corey; also, Corey was "there first," so to speak, with respect to Leah. He seemed to want Leah because Corey found her appealing.  Sort of similar to the mindset that goes along with wanting to buy a certain outfit or shoes or whatever because someone you admire has that particular thing.  

If Jeremy is the jealous/possessive type, which his behavior at times indicates, then any suspicion that Leah has rekindled a flame with Corey will send him into a rage and he will want to reclaim Leah as his own --- for the timebeing. You know, just to put his "taken" stamp on Leah so that he has "one up" on Corey.  Even if Corey has no intentions of pursuing Leah.  Then the whole mess will start up again, with Jeremy finding fault with Leah, Leah whining about Jeremy, etc. etc., which Jeremy will use as a neat excuse to make his exit.   He's not as smooth as he seems to think he is.

Edited by StayingAfterSunday
  • Love 3
8 hours ago, shelley1005 said:

She is.  And the comment that made me laugh at her when she said about Corey, "He jumps into this family lifestyle."   Bitch, Corey has been a dad to your kids since the moment they were born.

No shit, even when the twins were little babies and they were split up, Cory would come over and haul them and their big carseats into his truck to take them for the weekend. He never shirked his dad duties, which I think a lot of dads would if they had twins, one with special needs. We've seen so many dads on these shows always being too busy, not showing up, etc. She hit the lottery with Cory, as far as TEEN dads goes, she needs to shut up. 

  • Love 11

I get that Corey is a good dad, but I don't think he deserves more props for that just because he's male. He's doing the basic, normal, decent thing (except for some things related to Ali's disability) by being a decent father. Decent moms are just sort of considered the baseline. I don't know that people can have no complaints about a baby daddy just because he isn't as bad as other fathers. That only says something about the other fathers, not that that guy is especially wonderful. 

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 5
On 5/3/2016 at 7:02 PM, DangerousMinds said:

No sex before marriage, but divorce seems to be A-OK.

Because we believe in #familyvalues, y'all!

10 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

I get that Corey is a good dad, but I don't think he deserves more props for that just because he's male. He's doing the basic, normal, decent thing (except for some things related to Ali's disability) by being a decent father. Decent moms are just sort of considered the baseline. I don't know that people can have no complaints about a baby daddy just because he isn't as bad as other fathers. That only says something about the other fathers, not that that guy is especially wonderful. 

This is a really great point. I think very often society gives more credit to good dads than good moms, and  puts harsher judgement on bad moms over bad dads. I've always been pro-Corey, because I think he just looks better because Leah sucks so much.

  • Love 7
16 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

I get that Corey is a good dad, but I don't think he deserves more props for that just because he's male. He's doing the basic, normal, decent thing (except for some things related to Ali's disability) by being a decent father. Decent moms are just sort of considered the baseline. I don't know that people can have no complaints about a baby daddy just because he isn't as bad as other fathers. That only says something about the other fathers, not that that guy is especially wonderful. 


When you think about it, Corey's main praise boils down to four factors. 1. He has a steady job and has always worked. 2. He has never shirked his financial duties and has always taken advantage of his time with his daughters (so, not making a habit of dumping them at his parents than going off to do his own thing), 3. He remained mostly silent when Leah publicly bitched about him and threw out wild accusations, and 4. When Leah rather callously dumped him for Robbie during their 16 and pregnant episode, Corey promptly moved out, but still paid the rent and utilities because Leah's mom was unable to support Leah and the girls and the girls needed a place to live and someone to be their primary caretaker, which was Leah. Of those four things, I will say only the last one is really going above and beyond the call of duty. The other three ARE things you'd just expect a decent person to do (have a job, be respectful of their kids' other parent, meet their financial and parenting obligations)- the issue is....there really are not a lot of decent people involved with this show, male or female. Both Chelsea and Corey have benefited from  comparisons to other parents on this show.

  • Love 11
26 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:


I get that Corey is a good dad, but I don't think he deserves more props for that just because he's male. He's doing the basic, normal, decent thing (except for some things related to Ali's disability) by being a decent father. Decent moms are just sort of considered the baseline. I don't know that people can have no complaints about a baby daddy just because he isn't as bad as other fathers. That only says something about the other fathers, not that that guy is especially wonderful.


Right. But the fact is that SO many teenage dads bail, or barely contribute. Guys shouldn't get more of a pass, but it's generally true that the moms are left doing the lion's share. I can understand what you're saying - he doesn't necessarily deserve a standing ovation just being a dad. What *I* was saying is that he also doesn't deserve the vitriol Leah is spewing forth. I was contradicting her claims that's he's "just now" stepping up as a dad. 

  • Love 9

Yeah. I've just even seen commenters (not here) say that Kailyn and Chelsea should just be happy that Jo even wants to see Isaac or that Adam wants anything to do with Aubree and not ask for child support/employment/whatever, and even that Jenelle should be grateful because Andrew sent a few packages once for Jace and many fathers don't send anything or pretend the child isn't theirs. Um, no. Corey is not a great miracle dad, neither is Jo. They're normal and basically doing the minimum to be decent, with some flaws, some major, and one or two things in certain cases that are above the basic requirements (like, love your child, spend time with them, pay for their needs, help around the house, don't be a total dick, etc). Of course moms end up doing most of the work a lot of the time, but that doesn't make the decent dads incredible. They are doing their basic moral duty for choosing to father children. Chelsea isn't the best mom that ever lived, she's just a good mom. I don't think of fathers any differently or give them a pass because so many fathers suck. 

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 3
7 hours ago, poopchute said:

Leah owns a vacuum? And knows how to use it? 

It's the editing she's always complaining about. She went and bought a $3000 vacuum and used it for 14 seconds solely to spite us.

8 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

Leah said in this video Ali is the only child in the world with Titin Muscular Dystrophy, which is true. And that made me think perhaps that is part of the issue with neither Corey nor Leah taking Dr. Tsao's advice about Ali's use of the wheelchair.

With Ali being the only child in the world with Titin, they may think something like "Well, because Ali is the only child in the world with Titin, the doctors don't really know for sure what the right treatment is for her - they're only guessing."

Now that's not really true - there are other forms of MD that are quite similar to Titin, so treatment recommendations for Ali aren't just "guesses" or "stabs in the dark" - they are based not only upon how Ali presents clinically, but also what is known about children with very similar forms of MD. But neither Leah nor Corey are savvy enough to understand that.

I'm so sick of them doing this. Like how in the last episode, Leah told Ali she has to walk first before using the wheelchair, which is the exact opposite of what Dr. Tsao said. Leah and Corey both seem to have this "we're the parents we know best" mentality, which is not exactly true. Do they love Ali more than Dr. Tsao does? Of course. Do they know Ali's personality and regular routine better than he does? Sure. But do they know more about the way that the human body works, or the likely progression of her disorder? No. Have they done any additional research outside of the first three results that pop up on Google? Probably not. Therefore, they don't actually know what's best. Dr. Tsao does. They should listen to him.

  • Love 5
33 minutes ago, truelovekiss said:

I'm so sick of them doing this. Like how in the last episode, Leah told Ali she has to walk first before using the wheelchair, which is the exact opposite of what Dr. Tsao said. Leah and Corey both seem to have this "we're the parents we know best" mentality, which is not exactly true. Do they love Ali more than Dr. Tsao does? Of course. Do they know Ali's personality and regular routine better than he does? Sure. But do they know more about the way that the human body works, or the likely progression of her disorder? No. Have they done any additional research outside of the first three results that pop up on Google? Probably not. Therefore, they don't actually know what's best. Dr. Tsao does. They should listen to him.

The thing is, every disorder/disease/condition has online support groups now. We KNOW both Corey and Leah know how to use their phones to access the internet. With Titin MD having similarities to other forms of MD, both of them could join a MD online parents support group and chat with other parents going through the same challenges. Now I know (from personal experience) not all the information shared in these groups is always 100% accurate, but generally speaking the more popular groups (groups with lots of members) are fairly self-correcting - meaning the more well-informed members are usually not at all shy about jumping in and correcting any misinformation shared by less well-informed members. While Titan MD may be a rare form of MD, the group of muscle diseases that weaken the musculoskeletal system that fall under the umbrella term "Muscular Dystrophy" are not rare at all. Perhaps instead of spending hours texting or tweeting about the latest drama in their lives they could spend a bit of time learning about Ali's disease and why certain treatment recommendations are made by Dr. Tsao by talking with other parents. And Leah wouldn't have to get off her sofa to do it!

Edited by TwirlyGirly
  • Love 8

While I do think people give Dads credit for just doing the basic....I do think Corey is a great dad.  He's constantly engaging with his kids, he's doing fun activities with them, he's going over their homework, advocating for them and wanting their general well being.  He's provided for them financially and emotionally.  He also just seems great with kids.  Watching him chatting up and playing peek-a-bo with Addie told me a lot about who he is as a dad.  He is something special IMO.  Those girls are lucky and while Leah doesn't recognize it, she is also very lucky.  

If a woman was doing all the things above....I'd say she's a great mom too.

  • Love 15
13 minutes ago, shelley1005 said:

While I do think people give Dads credit for just doing the basic....I do think Corey is a great dad.  He's constantly engaging with his kids, he's doing fun activities with them, he's going over their homework, advocating for them and wanting their general well being.  He's provided for them financially and emotionally.  

That's pretty much every dad I know except for the very rare exception. Basic dad duties. But maybe I'm lucky. 

  • Love 1
Just now, shelley1005 said:

Yep, I think you are lucky.  Appreciate it.

 Everyone should appreciate everyone who is a good parent or spouse, but I don't think women (especially the mother of the same children) should be especially "thankful" for dads fulfilling their children's emotional and physical needs. They chose to procreate, now they owe that to their kids. It's not a usual thing for men to be expected to be hugely "thankful" because their ex or current wife pays attention to her children, loves them, and fulfills their needs. Instead, she just gets vilified if she makes mistakes. 

Leah has been vilified for her mistakes because she's lucky she hasn't killed her kids because of those mistakes.  

I think Corey is pretty great as a dad.  I'd hope most people have a great dad.  Many don't, but that doesn't mean I don't recognize those who do it well.  Being thankful and grateful is also something that I think is great too.  I would weep for those girls if they didn't at least have one parent who was always there and willing to stand up for them.  

  • Love 13

I mean mothers in general, not specifically Leah. And of course, like I said, everyone should be grateful for a competent father. But no more grateful than for a competent mother. And that word is generally thrown around in reference to fathers: "She should just be grateful to have a good dad for her kids." No, she shouldn't, any more than he should be grateful that a mom is competent. It is not extra special, more special than motherhood, to be a decent father. 

Edited by Lm2162

Corey isn't a good dad for doing all of the basic minimums that any respectable parent would and should do for their kid. I think he's a good dad because he's, simply put, a good dad. Just because every parent should do the same by definition doesn't discount that. And it's not because he's the guy and there's some kind of tendency to expect less of the dads so when a dad actually steps up and even beyond it sticks out as "special," although I think the reason Corey sticks out is also because he seems like a caring, genial person in general. No, I also think Kailyn is a good mother to her boys, a very good mother. It puts a smile on my face to watch the way she engages with them, always nurtures their curiosity, plays with them, talks with them on a real one-on-one level. Which is something every mother, and father, should do, yes. Neither Kailyn nor Corey deserve medals or anything for what they do for their kids. But that doesn't discount that they are good parents and ought to be recognized as such. My mother demanded A's on my report cards when I was in school. I got A's. And she praised me for it. Even though I was merely doing what was already expected of me. Just because it's what you're supposed to do doesn't make it any less worthy of recognition as a good thing.

  • Love 16

Right. I don't see him personally as that amazing of a dad, but that's neither here nor there/ not what I was responding to-- I was responding to that because often what's brought up when talking about him is other dads, as if that makes him somehow "better" or EXTRA special in comparison. This often happens with fathers, especially young ones. Because many fathers are uninvolved, fathers who are decent are put on a pedestal, and I don't see the same dynamic with mothers. They are expected to be good mothers because women are considered to be naturally maternal. So yes, it doesn't make him NOT a good dad (I didn't suggest that), but it's also unrelated to what other fathers don't do. Their inaction doesn't matter in terms of what he does. 

Anyway, it's starting to go around in circles, so I'll bow out. Just clarifying what I initially meant. 

Edited by Lm2162

I see. Well, I agree that it's irrational to prop up Corey's being a good dad as "special" just because there are worse dads out there and he wins simply by virtue of being better than them. I don't think Corey's particularly special, and I certainly don't think he ought to be praised just for not being worse. I guess it's just worth discussing the fact that so many young fathers fall on the "not great" side and few step up and engage the way Corey seems to. Not that this makes him a great dad in and of itself, but it's something worth noting. But me, I just think Corey's a good dad, irrespective of what other dads can be like. Being a good parent involves doing universally accepted "good" things, and he does them, ergo, he's a good dad.

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