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Jesus God, Leah!!

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I am so glad the twins are living the majority of the time with Corey and Miranda. I feel so bad for Addie being found and brought home by the police officer. This is beyond sad that she was probably scared out of her mind wandering around looking for her mom. Even worse now it is documented that she was lost and found by the police and her mom was doing what while this went on.


Poor kid. I give parents a pass on a lot of stuff, because every little screw up gets scrutinized and I think it'd be hard having your entire life documented, but I feel so bad thinking Addie may or may not have been out wandering alone for how long? Even if she was just having fun and in her mind it was a great day, that's pretty scary.

  • Love 3

Eh I'm not comfortable commenting on Facebook stories since it links to my real name and anyone crazy enough to defend Leah or Jenelle is not someone I want to wave my profile out. Looks like everyone else got it covered though, pointing out that A. Anti depressants are not addictive and you don't get "hooked" on them, and B. Prescription pill abuse is no different than using street drugs, both in legality and the effect on your actions.

  • Love 3

I wonder if this is when Corey deleted his social media accounts? I read it on twitter a while back, and people thought it was because of the Unseen Moments episode being the last straw. I don't follow any of the teen moms, so I'm not sure where I read it. Good for him, though. It's unfortunate that it took police contact with Leah for Corey to get custody, based on everything we know.


About anti-depressants causing you not to nod out, well, they did me. I have a pain condition and was prescribed both Cymbalta and Lexapro (at different times) and had that response to both of them. With the Cymbalta, I would be feeling fine and then suddenly become so tired I couldn't hold my eyes open, could not control my tongue, slurred and walked like I was drunk. The best time was at the grocery store, with a man trying to get me help and me trying to tell him my mom was around the corner. It hit out of no where and I ended up sleeping in the car for about 15 minutes before I could function at all. After reporting it to the doctor, I was told that it wasn't uncommon and would pass after about 2 weeks. The Lexapro wasn't as bad, but I still slept non-stop for the first few days after starting it.


Leah is an addict. Whether it is to pain pills, or Xanax, I don't know and she won't say. But I keep seeing that anti-depressants don't cause nodding off, and they can. It can hit out of nowhere when you first start taking them, and it looks like you are drunk or drugged. If anyone is taking one and having that side effect, it does get better.

  • Love 3

I have a lot of feelings about this considering I do not actually know any of these people.

I think for sure its what is best for the twins but it makes me sad that Addy is kinda stuck.

As crazy as Leah is I hope this is a wake up call to quit denying her problems and really work on them. I think the best thing for her would be to slip into obscurity. I don't like her but I will say I don't doubt that she loves her kids, and I'm sure the change in custody is hard for her, but the change in custody really isn't about her, it's about the kids.

Every time I start to feel a little bit of sympathy for her she opens her mouth with her pointed tweets about spending time with her family and that's all that matters, I'm sure her mom and sandy will comment soon.

I also think it's interesting about Jeremy working to get custody especially after Leah keeps singing his praises about he is so easy to co-parent with, don't get me wrong I for sure think he should, but I just have a feeling we won't be hearing how great he is anymore

  • Love 3


About anti-depressants causing you not to nod out, well, they did me. I have a pain condition and was prescribed both Cymbalta and Lexapro (at different times) and had that response to both of them. With the Cymbalta, I would be feeling fine and then suddenly become so tired I couldn't hold my eyes open, could not control my tongue, slurred and walked like I was drunk. The best time was at the grocery store, with a man trying to get me help and me trying to tell him my mom was around the corner. It hit out of no where and I ended up sleeping in the car for about 15 minutes before I could function at all. After reporting it to the doctor, I was told that it wasn't uncommon and would pass after about 2 weeks. The Lexapro wasn't as bad, but I still slept non-stop for the first few days after starting it.


Leah is an addict. Whether it is to pain pills, or Xanax, I don't know and she won't say. But I keep seeing that anti-depressants don't cause nodding off, and they can. It can hit out of nowhere when you first start taking them, and it looks like you are drunk or drugged. If anyone is taking one and having that side effect, it does get better.

This is true for me as well. Both Seroquel and Neurontin (at different times) caused me to be damn near narcoleptic, among other things and I had to stop taking them because I couldn't adjust. So it is actually true that certain psych meds can cause nodding out, especially when you first start taking them. Xanax, Ativan, and Klonopin are usually the main offenders, but certain antidepressants can cause it too. And you can be addicted to antidepressants, which is why most doctors won't suggest quitting a drug cold turkey, they generally want you to taper off because your body has to re-adjust to not having the drug in your system. It isn't quite the same as like a heroin addiction (and you're not getting high from it) but there is definitely a addictive type factor.

  • Love 1

Jermy seemed more laid back about the whole custody thing until it was HIS kid that was found wandering outside and had to be brought in by the police. That was a big wake up call for him in realizing Addy isn't safe with Leah right now.

As for Corey, I'm glad he got primary custody. Clearly his home is the more stable environment for his girls and they'll probably do a lot better in school.

  • Love 6

Are they filming now? Will this be a storyline? If Corey's not doing the show and he has primary custody I wonder if Leah will get dropped by default.

Train Wrecks Amber and Jenelle lost custody, and they are still part of the TM family.  Leah will be there for the next season unless she voluntarily drops out.  Even if Corey is done, they can still film her with the twins on weekends.

Edited by Bella Roche
  • Love 4

I wonder if this is when Corey deleted his social media accounts? I read it on twitter a while back, and people thought it was because of the Unseen Moments episode being the last straw. I don't follow any of the teen moms, so I'm not sure where I read it. Good for him, though. It's unfortunate that it took police contact with Leah for Corey to get custody, based on everything we know.

About anti-depressants causing you not to nod out, well, they did me. I have a pain condition and was prescribed both Cymbalta and Lexapro (at different times) and had that response to both of them. With the Cymbalta, I would be feeling fine and then suddenly become so tired I couldn't hold my eyes open, could not control my tongue, slurred and walked like I was drunk. The best time was at the grocery store, with a man trying to get me help and me trying to tell him my mom was around the corner. It hit out of no where and I ended up sleeping in the car for about 15 minutes before I could function at all. After reporting it to the doctor, I was told that it wasn't uncommon and would pass after about 2 weeks. The Lexapro wasn't as bad, but I still slept non-stop for the first few days after starting it.

Leah is an addict. Whether it is to pain pills, or Xanax, I don't know and she won't say. But I keep seeing that anti-depressants don't cause nodding off, and they can. It can hit out of nowhere when you first start taking them, and it looks like you are drunk or drugged. If anyone is taking one and having that side effect, it does get better.

Drowsiness is definitely something that CAN happen with antidepressant use, however, like in your story when someone feels like that the medications are adjusted to keep that from happening. That's what makes me so mad that Leah blows off her symptoms as drug effects, if you are so drowsy that you cannot care for your children then fix it! It's also the reason I call bs on it being a drug effect, a (good) doctor would never keep you on a medication that zones you out to that extreme, there are cases where you kinda have to power through, like this person said the 2 weeks for lexapro, but a drug should never interfere that much with daily life and it especially not put other people in danger long term.

This is unrelated to the post I quoted but I just wanted to add, even at the reunion special Leah was claiming narcolepsy, and I'm sure something along those lines will be the excuse she makes if she ever comments on the Addie incident, but whatever Leah wants to pretend her issue is, it doesn't change that the children are not safe in her care and this proved it. I really don't care why Leah didn't notice Addie leaving, whether she was in a drugged out stupor, or a legit physical issue like narcolepsy, either way the kids simply are not safe, and had God forbid anything bad happened to Addie, the reason for Leah not noticing would have made no difference in the outcome.

  • Love 7

I wonder if this is when Corey deleted his social media accounts? I read it on twitter a while back, and people thought it was because of the Unseen Moments episode being the last straw. I don't follow any of the teen moms, so I'm not sure where I read it. Good for him, though. It's unfortunate that it took police contact with Leah for Corey to get custody, based on everything we know.


About anti-depressants causing you not to nod out, well, they did me. I have a pain condition and was prescribed both Cymbalta and Lexapro (at different times) and had that response to both of them. With the Cymbalta, I would be feeling fine and then suddenly become so tired I couldn't hold my eyes open, could not control my tongue, slurred and walked like I was drunk. The best time was at the grocery store, with a man trying to get me help and me trying to tell him my mom was around the corner. It hit out of no where and I ended up sleeping in the car for about 15 minutes before I could function at all. After reporting it to the doctor, I was told that it wasn't uncommon and would pass after about 2 weeks. The Lexapro wasn't as bad, but I still slept non-stop for the first few days after starting it.


Leah is an addict. Whether it is to pain pills, or Xanax, I don't know and she won't say. But I keep seeing that anti-depressants don't cause nodding off, and they can. It can hit out of nowhere when you first start taking them, and it looks like you are drunk or drugged. If anyone is taking one and having that side effect, it does get better.


Oh wow, I truly had no idea and I thank you for posting this. I have been to a funeral of someone who didn't survive the first few days of a new anti-depressant so I know they can be very serious, just didn't know they could cause the nodding off.

Train Wrecks Amber and Jenelle lost custody, and they are still part of the TM family. Leah will be there for the next season unless she voluntarily drops out. Even if Corey is done, they can still film her with the twins on weekends.

True, but in both cases Barb and Gary were willing to be filmed. If Corey has primary custody he might be able to not only refuse to be filmed himself but also refuse to allow the twins to be filmed, whether at his house or Leah's. If she loses Addie as well, and Jeremy also refuses to allow Addie to be filmed, she'll have no kids to film with.

  • Love 6

True, but in both cases Barb and Gary were willing to be filmed. If Corey has primary custody he might be able to not only refuse to be filmed himself but also refuse to allow the twins to be filmed, whether at his house or Leah's. If she loses Addie as well, and Jeremy also refuses to allow Addie to be filmed, she'll have no kids to film with.


She'll have to get a puppy! Isn't that one of the things the other girls have tried? Ugh. It's kind of heartbreaking to think these girls will either have several kids or none still under their care by the age of 25.

  • Love 3

Uh yes... I'm sure I would be too. Having been a handicapped child I feel awful for what my parents went through. However I'm so proud of Corey for taking matters (and the girlses!) into his own hands. I can't believe people are commenting otherwise. Did they not watch the last season or two? 

I'm a handicapped child as well and I hated/still hate at times what my parents had to go through. I also had a younger sibling, while many years younger than me who was not handicapped, my mom still made sure our house was clean and our clothes were clean and our hair was taken care of. Also, are we forgetting that Ali the handicap child is also COREY'S as well? I'm sure he is overwhelmed and stressed by the situation as well. 

  • Love 6

I'm a handicapped child as well and I hated/still hate at times what my parents had to go through. I also had a younger sibling, while many years younger than me who was not handicapped, my mom still made sure our house was clean and our clothes were clean and our hair was taken care of. Also, are we forgetting that Ali the handicap child is also COREY'S as well? I'm sure he is overwhelmed and stressed by the situation as well.

That's so true that Corey has the same experience, on top of a full time (I think he works full time but I'm not positive) job. I even forget that aspect of when Leah goes into how overwhelmed she is. Corey even said it at the reunion, that he is stressed too, but he doesn't have the luxury of disappearing to "find himself". Don't get me wrong, Leah definitely needs the help, so I don't really fault her for taking that time if that's what she needs to do, but it seems like she used that time more like a vacation and slipp d right back into her old habits, I really hope that's not the case, but it sure seems like it.

  • Love 6

I'm a handicapped child as well and I hated/still hate at times what my parents had to go through. I also had a younger sibling, while many years younger than me who was not handicapped, my mom still made sure our house was clean and our clothes were clean and our hair was taken care of. Also, are we forgetting that Ali the handicap child is also COREY'S as well? I'm sure he is overwhelmed and stressed by the situation as well. 


Oh wow your situation sounds so similar to mine.  And yep, good point, the house was always relatively clean and my hair was brushed.  I feel for all of them, really, but I feel like Corey and Miranda at least care right now. I'm glad the girls are with him/them.

  • Love 1

Interesting, they probably were watching and taking care of her. No wonder she got outside while Leah was 'distracted'. I shudder to think if someone had taken Addie.

  Distracted = Leah posting on Twitter about what a great mom she is while Addy toddles off to flirt with becoming a milk carton poster girl. Irony goes great with Cheetos. And it's a vitamin! They put irony in cerealses and bread! Why y'all all care if the kids are late to school, the schools aren't well there, remember?

  • Love 9

True, but in both cases Barb and Gary were willing to be filmed. If Corey has primary custody he might be able to not only refuse to be filmed himself but also refuse to allow the twins to be filmed, whether at his house or Leah's. If she loses Addie as well, and Jeremy also refuses to allow Addie to be filmed, she'll have no kids to film with.

One can only hope this will be the case!!

I can't watch these baseball playoffs without being reminded of Corey every time they show a player spitting. Maybe while spending more time living with him, the girlses will get him off that habit.


The accounts make it sound like Addy wandered out onto a country road. I thought that Leah's latest place was in Charleston?

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 1

Wow, y'all. Just.....wow. I never thought it would happen. I wonder what happened to make the judge immediately give Corey custody. Was there an emergency hearing called because Addie was found wandering around?

Thank goodness Addie is okay. I'm glad the girls are with Corey. (I'd be much happier though if Leah could get her life together, provide a safe environment, and share custody/co-parent with Corey and Jeremy.) I'm sure Leah is probably sad and embarrassed but I bet to some extent she's also relieved. I think she did see that letting the girlses stay more with Corey would help her be less stressed but then Mama Dawn started saying "that don't make no sense" and all.

Has Leah said anything on social media? What about Mama Dawn? Victoria? Grandma Sandy?

Unlike Jenelle (who IMO only loves herself), I really do think Leah does love her kids. I hope she can get her life together for them.

  • Love 5

A. Anti depressants are not addictive and you don't get "hooked" on them

A physical dependence on a drug and an addiction are not the same thing. Many become physically addicted to legitimately prescribed opiods, but they don't necessarily become addicts since there has to be a psychological component. Eh, I'm the latter since I'm an addict but I have known quite a lot of people who have become physically dependent but tapered off with no problems since they had no emotional attachment to the feelings opiods produce.

With most antidepressants, you're advised to taper since they can produce some withdrawal-like symptoms which may not be comparable to opiod or benzo withdrawal but are real side effects, all the same. Many cold turkey them (I have) and are fine but for others, they do need to taper.

Edited by FaithsMum
  • Love 4

I wish this could serve as a wakeup call for Leah, but I worry it will only speed up her downward spiral.  I sincerely hope she gets it together.  When I saw her name pop up as a trending topic on Facebook, my first thought was that she had OD'ed or gotten in a car accident or something.  I think Leah, unlike Jenelle, does care about her kids and could be a decent mother in the future if she wises up and gets a whole lot of help (and not the Mama Dawn/enabling/therapyNOTrehab version).

Sorry to say that this won't even be close to a wake up for Leah. Why? She has to admit she's an addict to receive the help she needs and at this point she refuses to.

  • Love 7

I'm really happy for Corey. His concerns were all justified and he always had the best interest of the girlses at heart. Kudos to Miranda that she just had her first child and she is now the custodial step-parent of twin girls. I truly think she was 100% with Corey in trying to get custody and hopefully this alleviates a lot of stress that they know the girls are safe. 

  • Love 6

Jesus take the wheel. This is the response I received based on a comment I made about Leah's drug use:

"She doesn't do DRUGS! She got hooked on anti-depressants after her doctor gave her too high a dosage, so it's partly his fault! Either way it's not like she was doing CRACK COCAINE! She tried to get HELP and what did Cory do? Refused to let her see the kids on MOTHER'S DAY! So shameful!"

I didn't even bother responding, because you can't fix stupid. She must be watching a different version of the show than me.

Damn stupid idiots. They read like the same comments Kail's minions post about her. Kail can't do no wrong, Jo is always in the wrong, Kail is the best, Vee smoked weed before (as if Kail didn't either), Vee needs to get a job! Jo is lazy, blah blah blah blah blah. These fuckheads watch the same show, they just keep their heads in their own ass when it comes to the truth. They rely on what their "fave" Teen Mom puts out on social media instead.


Send me the link. I'm going in!

You go girl! We have your back!


Don't forget to use "monkey" when they start slamming you!


Those minions have shit for brains.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 7

It makes me sad because I always root for Leah. Probably due to my personal experience, and my  what my siblings-I realized I forgot to mention my older 1 as well earlier- and parents had to go through with my situation, It is probably why I kept having hope, but really, the only time I can think of when I looked how Leah lets the girls walk around is when in a very blue moon my parents allowed us to dress ourselves, which was rare and probably if we were making a short trip to get ice cream or something like that, and like I said it happened on a very rare time.


But it does make me sad because I root for her, and I feel bad she lost sole custody of the twins but I know that they will be healthier with Corey and Miranda. I do worry about Addie though. 

  • Love 3

Has Leah said anything on social media? What about Mama Dawn? Victoria? Grandma Sandy?

Unlike Jenelle (who IMO only loves herself), I really do think Leah does love her kids. I hope she can get her life together for them.


Leah D. Messer ‏@TM2LeahDawn  Oct 17

We are having a fun filled weekend together l. ENJOYING each other as a family. At the end of the day that's what matters

most! #memories


Leah D. Messer ‏@TM2LeahDawn  Oct 17

There's nothing like actually having actual QUALITY time with my girls, for once. We aren't running around to apts but INSTEAD ..

Oh wow, I truly had no idea and I thank you for posting this. I have been to a funeral of someone who didn't survive the first few days of a new anti-depressant so I know they can be very serious, just didn't know they could cause the nodding off.

Lexapro knocked me on my ass for two weeks. I was so tired I hated it.  I never did nod out, but I would crash if I ever laid my head down.  Even after my body got used to it, I stopped taking it.  The pill wasn't going to fix the cause of my depression, the situation had to change. 

  • Love 5

Leah D. Messer ‏@TM2LeahDawn  Oct 17

We are having a fun filled weekend together l. ENJOYING each other as a family. At the end of the day that's what matters

most! #memories


Leah D. Messer ‏@TM2LeahDawn  Oct 17

There's nothing like actually having actual QUALITY time with my girls, for once. We aren't running around to apts but INSTEAD ..

Did this mean that she was deliberately missing appointments for the girls "because fambly"?

  • Love 2

Cracks me up that this custody story has been picked up by the International Business Times. I would expect them to be too busy covering IPOs and rate changes and value stock recommendations to veer into this tabloid mama drama.

Despite it's lofty-sounding name, IBT is a mishmash of articles covering everything from business to sports to "media & culture" as they put it.  Employees on Glass Door talk of being told to produce click-bait rather than informative business articles.  There's currently an article about Kourtney Kardashian's nude photo shoot under a heading entitled "Art."



  • Love 4

I just had a vision of everyone in the courtroom and the judge asking Leah something, and Dawn starts shouting from the audience area "MONKEY!!!! MONKEY!!!!!

Next Grandma Sandy would rise up brandishing a length of pipe, warning everyone "not tooo mess wif us Gibsons theirs hunnerds of us an we like toooo come threw windows and well do tooo you're face what we do tooo the English langwidge"

Employees on Glass Door talk of being told to produce click-bait rather than informative business articles.  There's currently an article about Kourtney Kardashian's nude photo shoot under a heading entitled "Art."


Damn. I need to stop putting my trash out on the curb and trying to sell it on Etsy as "art".

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