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Jesus God, Leah!!

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I'm sure it's a Messer cousin. If it were Gramma Sandy, it would be much harder to decipher what she was actually saying.

And right, it was the magic of editing that gave us a scene of Jeremy and Corey sitting down. Is Leah and her camp trying to seriously claim that scene didn't happen? And that the number of pictures circulating of the guys out are all doctored? Does Leah think she's starring in some millennial Truman Show where are these people are that invested in manipulating her life story?

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Right. Jeremy just doesn't really have the ability to go after Leah for custody like Corey does. He's single and works out of state. What's he going to do, cart Addy around the pipelines on his back? 


(Still probably safer than riding in Leah's car.)

I thought that he'd rather have his parents watch Addy at least half the week so she wouldn't always be at the mercy of Leah's, um, "narcolepsy" and "anxiety". But perhaps they don't have the free time that the Messers do.

I thought that he'd rather have his parents watch Addy at least half the week so she wouldn't always be at the mercy of Leah's, um, "narcolepsy" and "anxiety". But perhaps they don't have the free time that the Messers do.

That would be very difficult for him (and his parents) to do. The court would expect him to be responsible for her care and not his parents. He would need to show Leah as unfit and get primary physical custody for that to fly.

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Yeah if Corey couldn't get the custody arrangement revised when he lived and worked in town and had a stay at home wife to boot, I don't have high hopes for Jeremy being able to convince a judge that Leah should have joint custody with his parents, even if the Calverts were able and willing.

Tragically, Jeremy getting 50% custody would probably involve not only a career change (at a significant income drop) But also Leah doing something- officially documented, not counting mtv- that endangers the girls. Considering how biased those family court judges appear to be, she might have to do it more than once. Jeremy and Corey must just live in fear every day of what Leah's going to do. What a horrible situation for any parent.

Edited by Tatum
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That would be very difficult for him (and his parents) to do. The court would expect him to be responsible for her care and not his parents. He would need to show Leah as unfit and get primary physical custody for that to fly.

Well, sort of. The court expects the primary parent to take care of the kids, minus the other parent, during their time. This means babysitters, aunties and uncles, grandparents-whatever. If needed.

I can leave my kids 24/7 with a neighbor as long as they get to their dad's during his time. It makes no damn sense. But it's true. I can't leave my kids with their dad, though. The court will look at that like we made a mistake picking me to care for the kids. Again, it makes no damn sense.

I always hope that any "source close to Leah" is Gracie. I can picture her on the phone with InTouch, online gossip sites, etc while her mom is in her opiate nod (once she's made her sisters breakfast and all).

I do too! After all, Gracie is 1/3 the reason why Leah gets to sit on her ass and rake in 100k a year, so she's entitled to her piece of the reality tv pie.

  • Love 5

Yeah if Corey couldn't get the custody arrangement revised when he lived and worked in town and had a stay at home wife to boot, I don't have high hopes for Jeremy being able to convince a judge that Leah should have joint custody with his parents, even if the Calverts were able and willing.

Tragically, Jeremy getting 50% custody would probably involve not only a career change (at a significant income drop) But also Leah doing something- officially documented, not counting mtv- that endangers the girls. Considering how biased those family court judges appear to be, she might have to do it more than once. Jeremy and Corey must just live in fear every day of what Leah's going to do. What a horrible situation for any parent.

I agree. It is just sitting by and waiting for something terrible to happen. Ahh the life of an addict. Never-ending worries and drama.


I also agree about the documentation of something which shows Leah is an unfit parent. The courts don't care about a child being in a dysfunctional home. The courts want to hear and be shown proof of children being in grave danger before they give the other parent full custody.  The only other option would be Leah willingly giving up the girls to Cory, just like Amber did when she handed over Leah to Gary and he was made the primary custodial and legal parent. We know that shit ain't gonna happen. Hell will freeze over before that occurs.

  • Love 3

What I don't understand is that the MTV footage is not admissible in court, but what about when/if something happens to the kids in Leah's care? We've all seen stuff on the show that endangers her children, so do we have to wait until something happens for the court to be like "well we did have footage of that, but we couldn't consider it, too late now"? I get the edited version not being admissible, but why can't they subpoena MTV for the original footage? I don't want anything bad to happen to the girls (or even Leah for that matter, I don't like her but I don't wish her to be hurt or die), but I worry that it's only a matter of time at this rate without any intervention.

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What I don't understand is that the MTV footage is not admissible in court, but what about when/if something happens to the kids in Leah's care? We've all seen stuff on the show that endangers her children, so do we have to wait until something happens for the court to be like "well we did have footage of that, but we couldn't consider it, too late now"? I get the edited version not being admissible, but why can't they subpoena MTV for the original footage? I don't want anything bad to happen to the girls (or even Leah for that matter, I don't like her but I don't wish her to be hurt or die), but I worry that it's only a matter of time at this rate without any intervention.

Footage was used against Amber Portwood when CPS intervened after receiving a phone call from a viewer. I don't know if MTV changed up their contracts after that incident. From what was put out there, the footage from Leah's scenes could not be used because MTV contracts forbid the participants from using footage from the show in a court matter along with MTV's argument that the show is highly edited. I could see MTV deciding to add that clause in their contracts after the Amber incident just so they can continue with this show without having to fork over all footage to a judge.

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I think the difference with Amber is that the State stepped in so Mtv begrudgingly supplied the footage. In Leah's case, it is a civil matter between two cast mates so Corey and/or Jeremy would need to sue the production company for the footage and they have deeper pockets. They can still document things on their own though. That is a big (I think) reason Leah didn't want Corey or Miranda taking the girlses to school and therapy because they can document every time Leah screws up. Leah better shape up before the girlses get older because then they can testify to what is going on.

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Yikes is that recent, she looks like her anxiety has kicked in again going by her hair, or maybe it was the narcolepsy or the ADD but at least we know it wasn't the pillses


On a bigger yikes from that account this come up and gave me a heart attack




Just as I was ready to set Australia on fire I read the comments and she can't leave the USA so now I am doing a happy dance. Sorry America you can keep her forever.

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Did anyone watch the Unseen Moments special? Leah was high, high (ya both high) in the last scene driving the girls around. "My headache's so bad I can't keep my eyes open" .... Yeah, I wonder why (hint: It's the oxy). I also noticed that she had the least amount of scenes shown where the producers were breaking the 4th wall, which just supports the rumors that she was part of the reason that MTV couldn't go through with that. 

  • Love 8

So when are we changing this threads title for Leah's safe word? ;)


The unseen moments was pretty scary to watch her drive though. Don't get me wrong I known we've seen her in altered states before but that last clip was scary. She was really out of it and driving a car with her three kids in the backseat. 

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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This brings me back to my point... MTV has footage of her driving impaired... I don't care if it truly was a migraine, a narcoleptic episode or the result of a 3 day drug binge, she made the decision to drive her children in a car when she cannot keep her eyes open, but it can't be used in court as evidence of questionable parenting techniques.

Edited by leighroda
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Unless Cory can acquire Leah's medical records and proof that she was in rehab, all that footage shows is a mother who claims to have a migraine and is having a hard time keeping her eyes open. It wouldn't be enough IMO for any judge, except maybe Judge Judy, to lay the claim that it is proof of questionable parenting techniques. All a judge might say is, why couldn't she ask Miranda to drive the girls all the way home or why couldn't Leah ask one of her millions of enablers to go pick up the girls if she was suffering from a migraine. Kids are not taken from one parent and placed with another even when a home is dysfunctional. There is no law against a family being dysfunctional, although I sometimes think there should be. Leah can lay the claim that it was a one time incident, and we know she would say that to anyone who questioned her on that scene. We know what Leah is suffering from, but to actually expect a judge to make it official and rule that Leah is a danger to her kids and hand those kids over to Cory full-time based on 30 seconds of footage behind the wheel, seems a stretch.


I am not arguing with you, I am actually with you on this. We know Leah is not right in the head and her poor decisions can and will likely one day come back to haunt her and affect her kids. As I read up about what is happening to Lamar Odom, I couldn't help but think of Leah. It's all one big snarkville right now but, I do worry one day that she will make another wrong choice and there will be no turning back. Cory stating that he is worried about her having a car crash one day, made me think how many times he had to watch her drive up with the girls as she fought to keep her eyes open and was slurring her words. MTV has footage. I know they do. But, they are being giant pricks and not forking it over. How they sleep at night knowing they have Leah all drugged up on film, I will never know.

  • Love 8

No worries Splain, I don't feel like you're arguing. I get that a judge can't really rule on just the footage alone, it's just frustrating watching this play out on national television, and wondering what is it going to take for someone to step in for what is clearly a dangerous situation. I just fear that there could be an accident where the girls or even Leah (or an innocent bystander) could potentially be seriously hurt or even killed... and all the while we are all seeing signs that perhaps she should not be on the road (with or without the girls) but she gets a slap in the wrist or the benefit of the doubt every time...until it's too late.

  • Love 4

It is a sad situation all around as far as Leah's kids are concerned.  Too bad the judge in Cory's case didn't demand to see footage of everything including unseen footage. I find it hard to believe that regardless of what MTV claims about the show being highly edited, that a judge just doesn't demand to see the footage.


I hate to say it, but it is going to take something big to happen to those kids before people in Leah's life take notice at what she is really all about. I don't want anything to happen to those children, but I would feel better if a guardian was court ordered to monitor this situation.

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I really wish the producers would pull a Barb on Leah (since Jenelle says Barb *tricked* her by "telling" her to go out clubbing then called CPS & told them Jenelle was partyknb instead of taking care of Jace). Whenever the see an obviously high Leah drive off high as a kite, call 911 and report an erratic driver that seems to be impaired. Essentially, observe the TM doing whatever she was going to do anyway and then call authorities on them while they're doing it.

MTV could even get some good footage of Leah being pulled over and taken away by the cops.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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If Leah were to drive the girls, while obviously high, and the camera operators/producers should have noticed that she was high, and she got into an accident, it is possible that MTV (or the individuals) could be held somewhat liable, depending on West Virginian laws and if duty can be established between them and Leah/the girls. Don't know if there has ever been a reality show filming when an accident or similar has happened, where the production could have stopped it had they done X/Y/Z. 

I remember a million years ago on Real World Hawaii one of the housemates (Ruthie) was an alcoholic and was driving drunk while they were taping. Everyone was aghast and production stepped in and stopped her from driving and with the help of the other cast members was forced into treatment. So MTV used to have a conscience, or maybe now they just have better lawyers... But the crew at that time really did seem to care about Ruthie's recklessness and that didn't even involve 3 kids! Legalities aside, I would hold MTV partly to blame at this point, especially in the case of Leah where they are hiding so much of her issues anyway. I really hope a judge would hold them somewhat accountable too. Hopefully nothing ever happens but if she keeps up who knows...

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He really doesn't. hahaha He's just full of funnies today. 


Also, I accidentally ended up on Oct 16, 2014 when I clicked on this topic.  The conversation..... Jeremy's shorts/Cory shorts.  One yr ago today. LOL

LOL Tell your hubby "thanks". :-)   That photo cracks me up for another reason - Leah has her mouth open. lol


Not only did MTV demand Ruthie go to treatment, they PAID for it, according to this letter to an editor of the NY Times from supervising producer of MTV Real World, Matt Kunitz:



It goes without saying they also paid for Amber, Jenelle, and Leah's treatment as well. They aren't about to let the cash-cows go without at least trying to get them "help". Does anyone believe Amber paid for her Malibu treatment? Jenelle? Leah didn't have the  money or the desire to want to get help.


That letter above was sent in response to this lovely gem of an article which mentions the cast of the various Real World seasons having an impromptu sit-in at the filming of the ten year anniversary of the show:



They were putting Viacom and MTV on blast while making monetary demands.  Media lawyers were later retained by some of the cast members. Their claims were, MTV was profiting from the commercialization of their lives  It seems this may be why the Teen Moms make the kind of money that they do.


A quote from the article:


One cast member, who asked not to be named, said that Bunim-Murray Productions, which created the show, gave him a one-time $5,000 fee and that he receives no proceeds from merchandising or from syndication.

Those featured on the show's first four seasons were particularly upset by a recent syndication deal for those episodes. One cast member, who also asked not to be identified, said: "I will be stuck in rerun hell for the next 20 years, sandwiched somewhere between `Gilligan's Island' and `Seinfeld.' That is not what I originally agreed to when I signed my contract, and I think I deserve to be paid for it."

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MTV could even get some good footage of Leah being pulled over and taken away by the cops.

"You're here for my autographses, aren't you? Do you do bachelorette parties?" (twirls hair extension flirtaciously)

So I'm sitting here watching Halloween and I get a text from my husband.

That's why Leah won't do laundry. She saw Halloween and decided that Michael Myers killed all those people because they were washing clothes. Excuse me, warrrshing.



Edited by cheatincheetos
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It goes without saying they also paid for Amber, Jenelle, and Leah's treatment as well. They aren't about to let the cash-cows go without at least trying to get them "help". Does anyone believe Amber paid for her Malibu treatment? Jenelle? Leah didn't have the  money or the desire to want to get help.

Sometimes I think that MTV practices affirmative action to get promiscuous alcoholics on their shows. Haven't there been remarks over the years about them stocking the Real World group housing with lots of booze?

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Those curls! Ali has beautiful hair. See Leah, this is what happens when you comb your kid's hair and use conditioner. Radical concept, I know. 

Now I'm creeping through grandpa Jeff's instagram. The girls look so happy and clean in all of the pictures. If they spent more time with this side of their family and less with the Messy Messers they'd actually have a chance in hell at turning out ok. 

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