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Jesus God, Leah!!

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Frankly, I think it is a slap in the face of step-parents, like Miranda, who have had to pick up the slack for the parent who couldn't do their job. Yes, Leah is not doing her job as parent and yes, step-parents are parents too.


Co-sign your entire post. Miranda has to see all the shit those girlses go through. She cares for them on the weekend and helps their dad make up for the crap they put up with during the week. They try to make sure the girls feel loved, safe, and secure; are properly dressed and fed. They are trying to tip that scale back and give the girls some balance. Yet she shouldn't have an opinion? No. I just can't get on board with that. 

  • Love 6

I feel like Leah needs a push and her mother is just being a  real destructive force. You can see Leah almost wanting someone to tell her to admit it (someone she can trust) and get help etc. She had this pleading look on her face while talking to her mother and her mother just keeps dissapointing her. What is wrong with this woman. Im not a fan of Dr.Phil at all but he sure is right about one thing. The family and friends of addicts can sometime be more of a problem to deal with then the addict himself. And with Leah I can see why that is. She is trying to express how she feels but no one really hears her. It is just a sad mess if you ask me.

  • Love 8

I feel like Leah needs a push and her mother is just being a  real destructive force. You can see Leah almost wanting someone to tell her to admit it (someone she can trust) and get help etc. She had this pleading look on her face while talking to her mother and her mother just keeps dissapointing her. What is wrong with this woman. Im not a fan of Dr.Phil at all but he sure is right about one thing. The family and friends of addicts can sometime be more of a problem to deal with then the addict himself. And with Leah I can see why that is. She is trying to express how she feels but no one really hears her. It is just a sad mess if you ask me.


It reminds me of the families on My 600 lb. Life who continue to feed their obese relative junk food even though they're supposed to be on a strict diet. There's been several instances where husbands have said they fear their wives will leave them once they lose weight. The co-dependency in these types of relationships is crazy. Part of me thinks Dawn looks at this whole thing strictly from the white trash perspective of "no girlses means no child support checkses" so she's hell bent on Leah keeping the kids even though she's incapable of caring for them properly. 

  • Love 9

In the sneak peek for next week, Dawn (is she really not pregnant? She has a 9 month pregnant belly) tells Corey Leah wants the girls to go visit her in the "therapy at like a facility or something like that" for Mother's Day and when Corey asks where it is Dawn won't say. What an asshole. So Corey is supposed to just say yes sure take them anywhere I don't need to know a single detail about where they are going.

  • Love 9

In the sneak peek for next week, Dawn (is she really not pregnant? She has a 9 month pregnant belly) tells Corey Leah wants the girls to go visit her in the "therapy at like a facility or something like that" for Mother's Day and when Corey asks where it is Dawn won't say. What an asshole. So Corey is supposed to just say yes sure take them anywhere I don't need to know a single detail about where they are going.

Yeah, Dawn annoys me so much that I wanted Corey to walk out and go file for emergency custody right then and there. I really think this would be a whole different situation if Dawn weren't involved.
  • Love 8

My opinion: my only problem with Miranda is the one question. "Are you finally ready to admit you haven't been the best mom?"

I get it. I agree with Miranda and Cory. I just don't like that one question. I don't even like Leah. I can think of at least 20 sentences where I could insert "rehab" and still let Leah pretend for the cameras that she is going to "therapy". I think Miranda would have come out golden if she had just done that. She's been biting her tongue this long, why not one more day?

  • Love 7

Because Miranda is human, and even the most patient person on the planet is going to get fed up. Considering how much Corey and Miranda have held their tongues over the last few years of (typically) unprovoked attacks from Leah and her gang, things must be much worse then what we as the audience are seeing. And what we are seeing is pretty bad.

  • Love 12

My opinion: my only problem with Miranda is the one question. "Are you finally ready to admit you haven't been the best mom?"

I get it. I agree with Miranda and Cory. I just don't like that one question. I don't even like Leah. I can think of at least 20 sentences where I could insert "rehab" and still let Leah pretend for the cameras that she is going to "therapy". I think Miranda would have come out golden if she had just done that. She's been biting her tongue this long, why not one more day?

I had no problem with that question. Leah needs to cut the bullshit and her delusions about herself and her situation. She can't admit that she has a drug problem and she can't admit that it effects her children. Rehab won't mean diddly squat until she gets real with herself and if it takes Miranda and Corey to do it then so be it. What's the worry? That she won't go? Well so what! Leah is not their kid. If she wants folks to lie to her about what a great mom she is, then she needs to run to Mama Dawn.
  • Love 9

Because Miranda is human, and even the most patient person on the planet is going to get fed up. Considering how much Corey and Miranda have held their tongues over the last few years of (typically) unprovoked attacks from Leah and her gang, things must be much worse then what we as the audience are seeing. And what we are seeing is pretty bad.


I had no problem with that question. Leah needs to cut the bullshit and her delusions about herself and her situation. She can't admit that she has a drug problem and she can't admit that it effects her children. Rehab won't mean diddly squat until she gets real with herself and if it takes Miranda and Corey to do it then so be it. What's the worry? That she won't go? Well so what! Leah is not their kid. If she wants folks to lie to her about what a great mom she is, then she needs to run to Mama Dawn.

Yes, yes, and yes. All the above.


Leah called this meeting, and she wanted both Cory and Miranda to be there to discuss the situation at hand. That was the time to throw her cards on the table and let it be known what exactly was going down. None of this bullshit crap about stress, therapeutic treatment, and walking in with her defensive attitude, which is what set the tone for that crapfest. Cory and Miranda were hoping to hear Leah be open and honest. Instead, they get (again!) this circus life that is called Leah's world where everyone is pussy-footing around and walking on eggshells. It is why she has been allowed to get to this point because all anyone cares about is how Leah feels, not what the girls are going through.

  • Love 6

Leah has been using rehab as a manipulation tool on those around her. Jeremy serves her divorce papers and she uses rehab to try and get him back. She meets with Corey and Miranda and tries to use rehab to halt any custody issues. I can't blame the people she is trying to manipulate for not falling for her foolishness. She didn't worry about anybody's feelings when she was cheating on her husbands but they are suppose to care about her little fee fees now that she is a junkie endangering their children and spending up all of their money on drugs? Nope. Not in my book.

  • Love 10

This thread reminds me of that old joke "Did you hear that loud sound this morning? It was the crack of dawn!" So Leah's mom will forever be Mama Delta Crack of Dawn to me.

Watching Leah's actions around the girlses Scares. Me. SILLY. And this stuff has happened already, months ago! When I try to imagine what the heck is going on with her and them now? Is she driving them back from a weekend at Corey's all depressed out and "stressed out?" With her hoarder's paradise falling down around all of em in that vehicle. Shudder.

  • Love 1

Leah has been using rehab as a manipulation tool on those around her. Jeremy serves her divorce papers and she uses rehab to try and get him back. She meets with Corey and Miranda and tries to use rehab to halt any custody issues. I can't blame the people she is trying to manipulate for not falling for her foolishness. She didn't worry about anybody's feelings when she was cheating on her husbands but they are suppose to care about her little fee fees now that she is a junkie endangering their children and spending up all of their money on drugs? Nope. Not in my book.

Exactly. This is why I can't get behind (not yet) on the idea that MTV told her to get into rehab or else. Leah is an addict. Addicts are manipulative. Once Jeremy told her he was not coming home, she lost it. She thought for sure going to rehab would keep Jeremy around.

  • Love 5

I'm not saying Cory or Miranda should have fell for her shit. I get it. Been there, done that, and have my sister's ashes on her dresser to prove it. Sometimes you have to pick your battles/words.

I just feel that one question was close to a kick while Leah was down. Other than that, I'm all on their side because they are on the girlses side. If rehab works, Leah will be able to admit her wrongs later on. Get her on the plane is first. IMO.

  • Love 10


Leah called this meeting, and she wanted both Cory and Miranda to be there to discuss the situation at hand. That was the time to throw her cards on the table and let it be known what exactly was going down. None of this bullshit crap about stress, therapeutic treatment, and walking in with her defensive attitude, which is what set the tone for that crapfest. Cory and Miranda were hoping to hear Leah be open and honest. Instead, they get (again!) this circus life that is called Leah's world where everyone is pussy-footing around and walking on eggshells. It is why she has been allowed to get to this point because all anyone cares about is how Leah feels, not what the girls are going through.

Exactly. I get that Leah is in complete denial, but that does not mean that everyone in her life has to tiptoe around her issues, because they are a big fucking deal. She's endangering the life of her (and Corey's) children, one of which has special needs. He has every right to call her out on her shit and be fed up with this ridiculous charade. Miranda too, especially with her police background. I'm sure she's heard the same shit over and over from people she's arrested and had it up to her eyeballs with Leah's bullshit. They are the only ones (besides Jermy) that are calling Leah out on her shit...which is exactly what she needs. Admitting there's a problem is the first step to getting better. I don't see Miranda as being cruel, it was a legit question, and even phrased in a way to not come off as being too mean, she just asked if when Leah finishes treatment does she think she'll be a better mom and more able to deal with her kids and life at home. It's an honest concern. Leah's drowning...and she really isn't being a good mom to those girlses. Sometimes the truth hurts....but someone's gotta say it. No one likes criticism but that's what helps us grow as people.


Leah has been using rehab as a manipulation tool on those around her. Jeremy serves her divorce papers and she uses rehab to try and get him back. She meets with Corey and Miranda and tries to use rehab to halt any custody issues. I can't blame the people she is trying to manipulate for not falling for her foolishness. She didn't worry about anybody's feelings when she was cheating on her husbands but they are suppose to care about her little fee fees now that she is a junkie endangering their children and spending up all of their money on drugs? Nope. Not in my book.

Yes, yes, a million times yes. Leah is the queen of the quick fix. She's manipulative and constantly looking for ways to be the victim. Nothing is ever her fault, it's all outside influences or somebody else. The girlses, Jermy's job,the  STRESS. I swear, with all the babysitters and help she has at her disposal there's no reason she should be claiming to be so stressed out 24/7. And since we all know she can't (or won't) take care of her house - cleaning, laundry, cooking anything that *isn't* a microwaveable meal or from a can...she (in theory) should have money for a local Merry Maids service to come over once a week or so and do the heavy cleaning. Buuuuuttt...we all know where that extra money really goes.


I just am wishing that Jermy and his IDGAF attitude would just put her on blast, so far it's been pretty mild, and totally omitting "deer cam-gate". Enough with coddling this girl. It's not working, obviously. Lay it all out and maybe if she feels there are some real consequences to her actions she might finally put in some real effort to change. 2 days in rehab won't make a difference at all. Though, speaking of...did she actually "complete" treatment somewhere else, or did she cut out of that early too? I know she's been in and out of rehabs at least twice now.

Edited by fliptopbox
  • Love 8

I'm not saying Cory or Miranda should have fell for her shit. I get it. Been there, done that, and have my sister's ashes on her dresser to prove it. Sometimes you have to pick your battles/words.

I just feel that one question was close to a kick while Leah was down. Other than that, I'm all on their side because they are on the girlses side. If rehab works, Leah will be able to admit her wrongs later on. Get her on the plane is first. IMO.

I just don't see how getting Leah to admit how her actions have affected her children's lives is kicking her while she is down. If basic questions keep her from getting on that plane, she didn't want to go in the first place. It will take her 3-5 days to detox which leaves only 25 days of actual therapy. That isn't enough time if she is only going to appease others. I have no problems with them trying to assess what level her actual commitment is to getting sober. Their main concern are the kids, not Leah. They aren't her friends or family. Her well being isn't and shouldn't be a primary, or even secondary, concern.
  • Love 5


I'm not saying Cory or Miranda should have fell for her shit. I get it. Been there, done that, and have my sister's ashes on her dresser to prove it. Sometimes you have to pick your battles/words.

I just feel that one question was close to a kick while Leah was down. Other than that, I'm all on their side because they are on the girlses side. If rehab works, Leah will be able to admit her wrongs later on. Get her on the plane is first. IMO.

I am sorry for your loss. I had to deal with some losses as well due to addiction. I can sympathize with you. I just know, from my own experience, that the truth is what needs to be told. I don't see it as Miranda kicking Leah while she's down. Not telling Leah the truth is what is keeping her in denial.

  • Love 4

I totally understand. I also agree. We also know she was forced to go. And her mother is a huge obstacle.

My point is just that, at this point on the show, I think it would have been better to just suck it up for one more day. Leah was already doing what everyone wanted of her. Getting tough on her after she agreed to go? IMO is not the best idea.

That's all I'm saying. My opinion is obviously clouded by my personal experience. I can understand not agreeing with it. I probably wouldn't have agreed with it a few years ago, either.

  • Love 4

Leah has been using rehab as a manipulation tool on those around her. Jeremy serves her divorce papers and she uses rehab to try and get him back. She meets with Corey and Miranda and tries to use rehab to halt any custody issues. I can't blame the people she is trying to manipulate for not falling for her foolishness. She didn't worry about anybody's feelings when she was cheating on her husbands but they are suppose to care about her little fee fees now that she is a junkie endangering their children and spending up all of their money on drugs? Nope. Not in my book.

Well put, my dear.


Anyone who has gone through watching a loved one go through addiction or alcoholism (I have), knows that sometimes the addict will say they will go to rehab as a means to shut everyone up. They agree to go or they will think about it. The family accepts their word and then it starts going downhill from there. One day passes and they try to put it off going to rehab. They play mind-games with their family by telling them they have stopped using. They claim they are now on their fifth day of not using. They might say they don't feel well. They will come up with all kinds of excuses to put off going to rehab but, they will eventually go. The addict knows exactly what to tell their loved ones to get them off their back. Yes, Leah has been playing the game for far too long now.


This is why I feel for Miranda and Cory because they have likely heard Leah's excuses over and over again. We, the viewers, some more than others, are beyond tired of hearing her complain about her life at home, the stresses, the pressure, the kids, everything she ever uttered on this show ever since it began. Imagine how Cory and Miranda must feel at this stage of Leah's game. 

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 5

I totally understand. I also agree. We also know she was forced to go. And her mother is a huge obstacle.

My point is just that, at this point on the show, I think it would have been better to just suck it up for one more day. Leah was already doing what everyone wanted of her. Getting tough on her after she agreed to go? IMO is not the best idea.

That's all I'm saying. My opinion is obviously clouded by my personal experience. I can understand not agreeing with it. I probably wouldn't have agreed with it a few years ago, either.

I get what you are saying, and I agree. I also understand others' point that Leah needs to admit her addiction (whether she calls it drug dependency or not) and the fact that she is not able to safely and effectively parent her children. However, Leah must admit this to herself; Miranda asking for some kind of admission was pointless, and, imo, a little vengeful. The meeting was not an intervention, and if there were one, Miranda would not be asked to be part of it.

Perhaps, as some here have said, Miranda has a right to be angry and frustrated with Leah. OK--but what about that question was helpful in any way to the situation-- whether concerning Leah or the girls? Both Corey and Miranda seemed to want to be confrontational on camera, but why? What good would it do for his children, if that was the point?

If Miranda and Corey are not really concerned about Leah-- fine-- then forget about her and file for emergency custody of the girls.

  • Love 4


The meeting was not an intervention, and if there were one, Miranda would not be asked to be part of it.

It was not an intervention, correct. However, it was a meeting that Leah called for and she asked Miranda and Cory to be there.


Miranda has an input on the health and well-being of Cory's daughters since she has been a major player in their lives.


What is it that Leah says time and time again? "I want to be a better mother to the girls." Has she not said that countless times? So, how is it so out of place for Miranda to then ask the question of Leah, is she going to be a better mother once she is out of rehab? Another point, just because one goes to rehab, that doesn't make all one's problems go away. Miranda is insightful and obviously know this. It takes a lot of post-rehab work to stay on track. I think Miranda was asking if Leah's drug issue was the only problem that affected her taking care of the girls because if there is more that Leah needs help with, then she needs to make that clear to the father of her children and to the step-parent of her children because it is Miranda who will be the girls' caretaker if Leah can't be the mother that she should be.

  • Love 3

But Guyses, Leah's mom says she is okay! If Delta Dawn was worried, she would have told Corey herself! And she didn't, for reasons I can only guess are having her head in the sand and not wanting Leah to get better.


I have an acquaintance who had an epidural that went wrong. She was originally paralyzed for about a week, I think, and then in a lot of pain where the spinal fluid was leaking. It took several months to heal, and there was a question of whether or not they were going to have to remove the disk. I believe it is a known but uncommon risk. We weren't close enough for me to ask her what meds she was given, but I took her family food, along with some others, for about a month. She went to church with my friend, but I lived really close to her.


Vicodin caused me to nod off at a low dose, while not helping my pain, while Percocet doesn't. The Vicoden was like 10-15 mg and I felt awful. I can take 20 mg of Percocet and not nod off, but feel like my skin is being eaten alive by bugs. It funny how meds effect everyone so differently, and part of the reason there is no one-size fits all pain control. Not that I think Leah took a low dose of anything; the longer that baby was in her arms the more anxious I was getting.

  • Love 2

Correct. I think the timing is out of place, not necessarily the question. I think it was better left for after. No matter who asks it. Miranda's great grandmother's aunt could have asked Leah that question, after 30 days of rehab, and it would not have rubbed me in the least bit wrong. It was asked at a bad time, IMO. There was a bigger picture and nothing good would have come out of any answer she gave.

Again, I don't even like Leah anymore. The crap she pulled with Cory, now Jeremy, her mother, etc. She grates my last nerve. And I don't even know her. I have dealt with a woman like her though. She burned me hard. To this day, I would destroy that bitch. But if she ever came to me and said she needed a ride to rehab? I'd grab my keys and hold her hand through the front the door, because that's what's best for the children.

I might shred her afterwards, though. When she was sober and could comprehend just how bad things got. YMMV.

  • Love 2

It was not an intervention, correct. However, it was a meeting that Leah called for and she asked Miranda and Cory to be there.


Miranda has an input on the health and well-being of Cory's daughters since she has been a major player in their lives.


What is it that Leah says time and time again? "I want to be a better mother to the girls." Has she not said that countless times? So, how is it so out of place for Miranda to then ask the question of Leah, is she going to be a better mother once she is out of rehab? Another point, just because one goes to rehab, that doesn't make all one's problems go away. Miranda is insightful and obviously know this. It takes a lot of post-rehab work to stay on track. I think Miranda was asking if Leah's drug issue was the only problem that affected her taking care of the girls because if there is more that Leah needs help with, then she needs to make that clear to the father of her children and to the step-parent of her children because it is Miranda who will be the girls' caretaker if Leah can't be the mother that she should be.

Yeah, I get it about Miranda being involved and needing to know what was going on. I still think that asking a loaded question to an obviously loaded Leah was pointless.Agree to disagree, I guess. I am not unaware or unaffected personally regarding dealing with people with addiction, fwiw.

  • Love 4

In the sneak peek for next week, Dawn (is she really not pregnant? She has a 9 month pregnant belly) tells Corey Leah wants the girls to go visit her in the "therapy at like a facility or something like that" for Mother's Day and when Corey asks where it is Dawn won't say. What an asshole. So Corey is supposed to just say yes sure take them anywhere I don't need to know a single detail about where they are going.


For people like that, fathers are second class citizens.  They're not Corey's girls, they're Leah's.  Corey just donated the sperm and babysits them every weekend.  He has no right to know where they are or anything like that. 

  • Love 5



I have an acquaintance who had an epidural that went wrong. She was originally paralyzed for about a week, I think, and then in a lot of pain where the spinal fluid was leaking. It took several months to heal, and there was a question of whether or not they were going to have to remove the disk. I believe it is a known but uncommon risk. We weren't close enough for me to ask her what meds she was given, but I took her family food, along with some others, for about a month. She went to church with my friend, but I lived really close to her.


The same thing happened to my friend.  The epidural was put in and a hole was poked in the sack around your spinal cord. The fluid leaked.  She had to lay flat for at least 2 week after. Her head hurt so bad.  She couldn't walk around or hold her new baby.  She eventually went back to the hospital to have it patched so the fluid would stop leaking.  She began to feel well that same day.  She's fine. She didn't need 3 different pain killers still 6 months later.  


In the after show Leah still wouldn't call it rehab and still didn't admit to drugs.  I thought that was a big no no that kept you from recovering.  Admit and heal.  She would't call it rehab and I believe she still said it was for stress.  

  • Love 1

Why is it Leah is always saying she is "alone" in her life and struggles, but on the show, I see all of these enablers in her life? http://www.inquisitr.com/2362856/leah-messer-promotes-car-wash-adds-to-breakup-speculation-by-telling-fans-she-faces-many-issues-alone/

Well DUH, Leah has no one if she doesn't have a man in her life. Family, friends, and her daughters don't matter!

  • Love 5

In the sneak peek for next week, Dawn (is she really not pregnant? She has a 9 month pregnant belly) tells Corey Leah wants the girls to go visit her in the "therapy at like a facility or something like that" for Mother's Day and when Corey asks where it is Dawn won't say. What an asshole. So Corey is supposed to just say yes sure take them anywhere I don't need to know a single detail about where they are going.

I'm glad Corey stood up for himself and told her he was their dad and he wasn't willing to let them go to some unknown place. Now it makes me wonder exactly where Delta Dawn was planning on taking the girlses anyway? We know Leah never even got on the plane, let alone checked into the 'therapeutic treatment for stress/depression/BUT NOT REHAB place. She was probably holed up at Dawn's and that's why Dawn wouldn't tell Corey where she was. 

  • Love 5

After hearing about Leah's complaints about post-birth back pain, I decided to do some Googling. It seems shortly after giving birth, she had posted on Twitter that she was ready to take a Disney Cruise:



According to another article, Leah tweeted a month after giving birth:

"I had an interview at @tanFASTiq today! #Excited Great place, Check it out


This In Touch article, dated 2014, claims to have received information from Leah's drug supplier, who mentions  "botched spinal tap," as Leah's reason for her needing pain pills:



How is it she thinks she can say she was dealing with back pain to the point of needing three different pain killers when her social media account tells a different story? Lying liar who lies.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 11

In the sneak peek for next week, Dawn (is she really not pregnant? She has a 9 month pregnant belly) tells Corey Leah wants the girls to go visit her in the "therapy at like a facility or something like that" for Mother's Day and when Corey asks where it is Dawn won't say. What an asshole. So Corey is supposed to just say yes sure take them anywhere I don't need to know a single detail about where they are going.

9 month? Her gut and her ass both look like they're a month overdue with triplets.

I normally don't say shit about somebody's weight, being harrassed for being underweight myself but this piece of trash deserves it.

I think the poster was onto something with the comment about the child support checks.

  • Love 5

We haven't had power for about 40 hours because of a crazy wind storm yesterday and I've spent way too much time reading here tonight after charging everything up this afternoon thanks to the trusty generator :)


Leah's latest excuse of a 'spinal tap' is maddening, yet hilarious. Bitch is too stupid to know she had an epidural, not a spinal tap. Unless, of course, she was exhibiting signs of meningitis while in labor with little Adderall. And, I guess she's also too dense to realize how silly her story is since millions of women have epidurals while delivering their babies every year and don't become dope fiends as a result. Back pain, stress, anxiety, headaches, husband away at work. Which one is it, Leah? She's so wasted, she's forgotten all of the excuses she's rattled off over the years.


I also agree that Delta Dawn is worried about more than the princess of the holler's stellar reputation (you know, she doesn't want people to think she has a real bad drug problem, just a garden variety one) and I agree that it's most likely money. Leah's probably been subsidizing her with what's left over when she's done blowing through Germy's earnings. Her refusing to tell Corey where she wanted to take the girlies to see Leah is as shady as it gets. I really, really hope he's been able to get a judge to listen to him and that the girlses are getting some stability in their lives.

  • Love 3

Now that's some tea right there about Dawn and Lee divorced! It seems to me that they all have such a cavalier attitude about divorce. Janelle too! WTF?  

Maybe they get a free car wash every three divorces. Alas, the car wash doesn't include cleaning out the inside, Leah.

Leah's latest excuse of a 'spinal tap' is maddening, yet hilarious.

Spinal Tap, the West Virginia remake: "These go to elevenses"

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 3

Not feeling good today. Called in sick. Perhaps I should take some Percocet, Tylenol #3, and Vicodin.


Just read the exclusive article above with Leah's alleged drug supplier. The drug supplier mentions spinal tap.  This is interesting because he is quoted using that same incorrect term as Leah. It was an epidural, not a spinal tap. This article is dated a year ago. This is obviously before Leah referenced her back pain as coming from a spinal tap on the most recent episode. I don't think Leah ever mentioned this back pain/spinal tap before, correct? Going by Leah's Twitter comments above, and I am sure there are a lot more things she tweeted that would confirm this, she is not the victim of a botched epidural/spinal tap or any other medical condition post-Adderall's birth, that required her to be on pain killers.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 2

I'm not saying Cory or Miranda should have fell for her shit. I get it. Been there, done that, and have my sister's ashes on her dresser to prove it. Sometimes you have to pick your battles/words.

I just feel that one question was close to a kick while Leah was down. Other than that, I'm all on their side because they are on the girlses side. If rehab works, Leah will be able to admit her wrongs later on. Get her on the plane is first. IMO.

Thanks for sharing that and I really feel for you. I think sometimes only the people who know, really know. I wish we didn't have to learn the hard way and I totally get what you are saying and agree. It is good that you mention it cause most would not have picked up on that. I will not blame Miranda since I think they did try really hard as far as I can tell but in a ideal situation they didn't need to go there either. And every individual needs to be the best version of themselves. But hey. There is only so much you can do. Especially since Leah's family are the ones really lacking I feel.

Edited by TM2


Especially since Leah's family are the ones really lacking I feel.


IMO, there is something seriously off about Leah's family, particularly in regards to her relationship to Mama Dawn and the codependency between them. I don't want to let my wild, cynical imagination get the better of me, but I can't help but wonder what is really at the root of Leah's problems with drugs and depression. I'm willing to give Leah the benefit of a doubt and say it is more then she is just a spoiled, sheltered holler princess with a martyr complex. It might do Leah well to put some distance between herself and the Messer clan and learn to live in the real world, because I think a lot of her problems are made worse by the toxic family dysfunction she is surrounded by.

  • Love 6

IMO, there is something seriously off about Leah's family, particularly in regards to her relationship to Mama Dawn and the codependency between them. I don't want to let my wild, cynical imagination get the better of me, but I can't help but wonder what is really at the root of Leah's problems with drugs and depression. I'm willing to give Leah the benefit of a doubt and say it is more then she is just a spoiled, sheltered holler princess with a martyr complex. It might do Leah well to put some distance between herself and the Messer clan and learn to live in the real world, because I think a lot of her problems are made worse by the toxic family dysfunction she is surrounded by.

I wish she would go out and live in the real world. I think she really feels she is failing in life big time and she is just not intelligent enough to really comprehend the stuff she is feeling because of that. Her mother/family are even worse at understanding stuff so she must be feeling very lonely. Co signed on your whole post.

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IMO, there is something seriously off about Leah's family, particularly in regards to her relationship to Mama Dawn and the codependency between them. I don't want to let my wild, cynical imagination get the better of me, but I can't help but wonder what is really at the root of Leah's problems with drugs and depression. I'm willing to give Leah the benefit of a doubt and say it is more then she is just a spoiled, sheltered holler princess with a martyr complex. It might do Leah well to put some distance between herself and the Messer clan and learn to live in the real world, because I think a lot of her problems are made worse by the toxic family dysfunction she is surrounded by.

I just mentioned this on the episode thread.


I fully believe Muther Dawn is toxic. She thinks she is helping and giving support when in reality, she is enabling and dictating to Leah what she should be doing. It would be in the best interest of Leah if she got into therapy.

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IMO, there is something seriously off about Leah's family, particularly in regards to her relationship to Mama Dawn and the codependency between them. I don't want to let my wild, cynical imagination get the better of me, but I can't help but wonder what is really at the root of Leah's problems with drugs and depression.

The old article about Mama Dawn being a teen mother herself mentioned that Leah's father was unfaithful and had drug issues, but Dawn refused to divorce him for years in the face of pressure to do so from her family. Not an excuse for bad behavior, but that might have been the start of Leah's baggage.

Edited by cheatincheetos
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I speak from experience, too. I didn't have children until I was married for five years. Before that, I had to watch a relative whose children were being exposed to domestic violence and drug abuse. I didn't judge but, I did do what I felt I had to do in order to let those parents know that what they were exposing their children to was not acceptable. I had no problem calling CPS on their asses. To think that someone might tell me to mind my own business or that I am being judgmental because GASP! I didn't have children and therefore, who am I to look out for the best interest of a child.  If I or any other childless adult worried about feeling judged, that would mean that those kids wouldn't have received the help that they desperately needed. 


My mother and father could not have children of their own. It is why they adopted my siblings and I. Before they had children, they were known as exceptional, loving, kind, and warm people to other children. They didn't have to bear children in order to love and nurture children that belonged to other people, some of whom they took in for one reason or another.  This was back in the 1950s.


I think the idea that a person who has no children of their own, cannot feel love, compassion, and concern for children, is absurd. One doesn't have to lay an egg in order to know how to cook it.  Miranda has had these girls in her care for quite some time now. She is more than the person who helps put a roof over their head. As a viewer, I am deeply frustrated with Leah and those around her. I don't even know her and I am so concerned for those kids. I want to take them and hug them. Yes, even Gracie. It is no wonder that child is acting crazy. She has no choice but to live with her mother who is dragging her and her sisters through her senseless way of life.  I don't see it as Miranda judging Leah. I view her as the person who has had to hear the children tell her and Cory about the chaos at home, the fighting, the screaming, the shouting, the dirty home, going to bed at midnight only to have to get up six hours later, make their own breakfasts, and Gracie has likely had to tend to her baby sister's dirty diapers and whatnot.


Miranda is like Barb in that, Barb didn't allow Jace to go over to Jenelle's because of what she knows. Miranda is in the same spot except they have no choice but to relinquish the kids back to Leah every week. I am not involved in this situation but, even I am worried sick about those girls.


Frankly, I think it is a slap in the face of step-parents, like Miranda, who have had to pick up the slack for the parent who couldn't do their job. Yes, Leah is not doing her job as parent and yes, step-parents are parents too.  Any parent who abuses medications and drugs, claims they are so misunderstood, depressed, tired, stressed, all the while they are cheating on their spouse, is not doing their job as a parent.  She is certainly not suffering from migraines, anxiety, back pain, depression, stress, or sleepiness while she is riding Robbie. 

Wish I could like this post 100x.

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After hearing about Leah's complaints about post-birth back pain, I decided to do some Googling. It seems shortly after giving birth, she had posted on Twitter that she was ready to take a Disney Cruise:



According to another article, Leah tweeted a month after giving birth:

"I had an interview at @tanFASTiq today! #Excited Great place, Check it out


This In Touch article, dated 2014, claims to have received information from Leah's drug supplier, who mentions  "botched spinal tap," as Leah's reason for her needing pain pills:



How is it she thinks she can say she was dealing with back pain to the point of needing three different pain killers when her social media account tells a different story? Lying liar who lies.

Good find!!! I found the whole thing suspect, and wondered if it was SUCH a big deal why it was never addressed on the show. Thanks for the info!!! In so much pain...but I can go to Disney ya'll! Ugh, she's an idiot

Yes. Yes it is.  Her and Lee.

Leah just doesn't know the difference between spinal tap and spinal block.  There is a dramastic difference.


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The old article about Mama Dawn being a teen mother herself mentioned that Leah's mother was unfaithful and had drug issues, but Dawn refused to divorce him for years in the face of pressure to do so from her family. Not an excuse for bad behavior, but that might have been the start of Leah's baggage.

Dawn was unfaithful and used drugs? Or did you mean Leah's father and not her mother?

Dawn was unfaithful and used drugs? Or did you mean Leah's father and not her mother?

Leah's father was a drug user and unfaithful:




"I stayed with the children’s dad for nine years, and because I was young and dumb and was raised in a church atmosphere, I didn’t know anything about drugs and I would have NEVER thought he loved WOMEN NOT WOMAN. And when he said “8 ball” to his friends I was so naive I thought he was talking about pool. (seriously)

“Women and drugs brought our marriage to an end nine years later. My dad always told me, ‘when you get your belly full you will leave,’ and I did.

“I am now wed to Lee and we have been married for 12 years. He has been there to help me raise Leah, Victoria, and Isaac."



Good find!!! I found the whole thing suspect, and wondered if it was SUCH a big deal why it was never addressed on the show. Thanks for the info!!! In so much pain...but I can go to Disney ya'll! Ugh, she's an idiot

Thank you. I am sure I could dig up more stuff. That is just be the tip of the iceberg. Just that info alone seems to put to rest that Leah was lying about any post-birth back pain due to her botched "spinal tap". I guess her doctor advised her to take vacations, cruises, and to apply for work as a way to battle the pain.



I decided to check Mama Dawn's Twitter just to see what, if anything, had been posted. I read this and found it funny for obvious reasons:



Edited by GreatKazu
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