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Jesus God, Leah!!

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That's what I think she meant as well. But still....7 by age, what? 23? And she was married part of that time, has kids, etc. I'm not trying to judge, but I just found it funny that was she was all, "I'm not a whore! I've ONLY been with seven guys!" 


Well, she wrote that tweet in early 2013, so she would have been a month or two shy of 21, and married to Jeremy, so presumably he was her 7th.


But I'm not one to judge. 7 partners was a good weekend where I went to college. My own number at age 21 was much closer to Leah's than Jessica Simpson's (at age 21, if the media can be believed, Jessica certainly made up for lost time).


A few years ago, my husband, who grew up in a very small town where it was very common for people to marry right out of high school, and also went to a small trade school instead of a traditional 4 year university, was like, hey, the radio station I listen to says the average person has had 7 partners in his or her lifetime. Doesn't that seem like kind of a lot? And I'm biting my lip because I was 25 at the time, and believe me, I had passed 7 quite awhile previous to that convo.

  • Love 3

Well, she wrote that tweet in early 2013, so she would have been a month or two shy of 21, and married to Jeremy, so presumably he was her 7th.

But I'm not one to judge. 7 partners was a good weekend where I went to college. My own number at age 21 was much closer to Leah's than Jessica Simpson's (at age 21, if the media can be believed, Jessica certainly made up for lost time).

A few years ago, my husband, who grew up in a very small town where it was very common for people to marry right out of high school, and also went to a small trade school instead of a traditional 4 year university, was like, hey, the radio station I listen to says the average person has had 7 partners in his or her lifetime. Doesn't that seem like kind of a lot? And I'm biting my lip because I was 25 at the time, and believe me, I had passed 7 quite awhile previous to that convo.

I seem to remember an earlier source saying it was 7 prior to Corey & hence the depo shot.

Why couldn't Leah call up Miranda and ask her if she could take Ali to school? I'm sure she would have understood the situation and would have taken Ali. Leah makes life harder than it has to be.


I thought the same thing or even Cory.


But hello she couldn't play the martyr. Oh whoa is me, I couldn't get her to her therapy because evilness was sick. Oh whoa is me, I'm so stressed. Whoa is me, my head hurts. Whoa is me, I have three kids to look after (even though two are in school).


This is what Cory was talking about, he wants to help. Call him up and say, hey can you help me out, either take the one twin the doctors or the other to therapy.


But then she couldn't play the martyr and couldn't bitch to her mom how evil Cory was being, even though she still would because she would say he was trying to take over or some shit and put it back on oh whoa is me, Cory helped me (because they are his children too) and he's being mean to me and saying I'm a bad parent.


This chick I just can't with anymore. She needs a big cup of stfu. You have all these people trying to help you and you won't accept it. so stfu and deal with it.

  • Love 1

Why did Robbie and Leah break up?


Leah is just so needy that perhaps she wears people out. Men especially. 


During her 16 and Pregnant episode, she said they broke up because he was too jealous, and implied she was the one who instigated the break up. I found that very hard to believe, since she always seemed way more into him than he was into her, and also, the guy seems perpetually stoned and I find it hard to believe he could work up the energy to be jealous or controlling.

  • Love 5

I would not be shocked to find out Leah was a victim of some kind of sexual abuse as a child.  I hope that's not the case, but with her issues...I dunno.  I just wouldn't be surprised. Could be a reason why her mother would spoil her, as well. 

There is a news article from a few years back about Dawn's own experience as a teen mom (the pregnancy that yielded Leah).




She said that she really wanted to marry this older man from church, so her parents gave her permission. She said that he had both drug and infidelity issues and that she stayed in the marriage for years despite her family telling her that he was no good for her.

So maybe that is why she spoiled and enabled the kids. She felt guilty for keeping a bad father in their lives.

The girl probably used a lot of ice packs on her nether region.

Jenelle would see that as a product endorsement opportunity on Instagram!

Them plastic bike-handle tassels she glues to her head ain't gon pay for their self, y'all.

LOL! And here I thought those were stripper pasties.

How are people watching the old episodes? All I can find on MTV are clips, and they're not on Netflix. Are you just watching MTV marathons?


I was able to watch the old episodes free off MTV's Australian site a few weeks ago. I didn't have to hide my American IP address to do that or anything.

Edited by cheatincheetos

So Leah and trainer dude bought a big new house in Charleston. The twins aren't getting along and acting out and she's going to move them in with two new step siblings. What could possibly go wrong...


One silver lining is that they might now be in George Washington public school district, one of the few good ones in West Virginia.


"The school consistently wins awards as a National School of Excellence. It is currently ranked as the 363rd best school out of Newsweek's America's top 1300 public high schools. In 2005 it was the only high school in West Virginia to win a blue ribbon for excelling in No Child Left Behind requirements. Additionally, the school offers a wide array of Advanced Placement courses to students"

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 3

Somehow I don't think Leah has the credit (or cash) to purchase a house on her own. Unless the guy went in on it....but from what we've been reading he didn't sound all that financially stable. I bet if they are living together and not at Delta Dawn's they are just renting. Wouldn't be surprised if she's already got baby #4 on the way, which would explain why she needs a new home. All of which, she really needs like another hole in her head or another set of ratty ass purple extensions. And I don't wanna sound like a dick, but I am a bit surprised Leah is down with the swirl. In her neck of the holler that could be quite scandalous all on its own.

Edited by fliptopbox
  • Love 10

So Leah and trainer dude bought a big new house in Charleston. The twins aren't getting along and acting out and she's going to move them in with two new step siblings. What could possibly go wrong...

Jesus take the mother-effing wheel. Is she even officially divorced from Jeremy? Now she's taking up with another man and moving the kids, one who has a disability and the other with serious behavioral issues? Throwing other kids into the mix is going to be an absolute nightmare. I can't believe Leah is this stupid.

Fliptopbox, regarding Leah dating a black guy, I've actually been to WV several times and was surprised at how many bi-racial kids I saw. This was in Charleston, however so I'm not sure if it would be as common out in the sticks.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 10

Jesus take the mother-effing wheel. Is she even officially divorced from Jeremy? Now she's taking up with another man and moving the kids, one who has a disability and the other with serious behavioral issues? Throwing other kids into the mix is going to be an absolute nightmare. I can't believe Leah is this stupid.


That first line..... just slayed me!!!  LOL

  • Love 6


Now she's taking up with another man and moving the kids, one who has a disability and the other with serious behavioral issues? Throwing other kids into the mix is going to be an absolute nightmare.

So does this mean that Corey is going to seek full custody of the girlses?  I just don't see him letting Leah move off with his daughters in her current state.

  • Love 6

Jesus take the mother-effing wheel. Is she even officially divorced from Jeremy? Now she's taking up with another man and moving the kids, one who has a disability and the other with serious behavioral issues? Throwing other kids into the mix is going to be an absolute nightmare. I can't believe Leah is this stupid.

Fliptopbox, regarding Leah dating a black guy, I've actually been to WV several times and was surprised at how many bi-racial kids I saw. This was in Charleston, however so I'm not sure if it would be as common out in the sticks.

I think they are officially divorced.


The only reason I mentioned it was cos of remarks from Jermy (on Twitter, which were later deleted) about Leah's new beau. Not exactly kind....so yeah. I even know some folks around here who would make nasty remarks about interracial couples and I'm above the Mason Dixon line. But ignorance is everywhere..


I can just see Leah now, trying to cope with the twins, living further from Cory, Addie, and this guy's kids....all while prego again. Yeah, there's no relapse in her future. Not at all.

  • Love 2

So does this mean that Corey is going to seek full custody of the girlses? I just don't see him letting Leah move off with his daughters in her current state.

I think I read somewhere they have another court date coming up. I hope he gets full custody, but I have my doubts.

The whole situation is skeevy. So this guy has his kids? Is the mother the one who has been trashtalking Leah on social media and stuff?

I think I read somewhere they have another court date coming up. I hope he gets full custody, but I have my doubts.

The whole situation is skeevy. So this guy has his kids? Is the mother the one who has been trashtalking Leah on social media and stuff?

I swear when Chelsea who has a baby daddy that gets arrested twice a year and has to have supervised visitation at a family center is the most boring cast member, there is just too much drama.  Why did she need a personal trainer anyway?

  • Love 10

So does this mean that Corey is going to seek full custody of the girlses?  I just don't see him letting Leah move off with his daughters in her current state.


I don't think she was talking about moving far with them (Kail style).  I think they were just moving out of Mama Dawn's, which seemed like it had to horribly overcrowded, so I can see why.  I can see all kinds of reasons for Corey to go for full custody, but I don't think moving - again!- would be one of them.

  • Love 1

I don't think she was talking about moving far with them (Kail style).  I think they were just moving out of Mama Dawn's, which seemed like it had to horribly overcrowded, so I can see why.  I can see all kinds of reasons for Corey to go for full custody, but I don't think moving - again!- would be one of them.

Oh.  When I saw Charleston I assumed South Carolina.  I still wouldn't be keen on my kids moving in with some strange dude I barely know.

  • Love 1

Oh.  When I saw Charleston I assumed South Carolina.  I still wouldn't be keen on my kids moving in with some strange dude I barely know.


Oh could be... I missed the city name. I remember reading not too long ago that Mama Dawn was asking about recommendations for rentals near her on Facebook, so I just assumed Leah was looking for a rental nearby. Guess we'll find out eventually.


And I agree, I wouldn't be okay with that at all! Even if it is in the same area near Corey and the rest of her family, LEAH barely even knows the guy never mind Corey (and presumably Jeremy) barely knowing him. I'm thinking she really, really wanted out of her Mom's house.

  • Love 1

I don't think she was talking about moving far with them (Kail style).  I think they were just moving out of Mama Dawn's, which seemed like it had to horribly overcrowded, so I can see why.  I can see all kinds of reasons for Corey to go for full custody, but I don't think moving - again!- would be one of them.

Charleston is more or less in the same county where they already lived, and not far from Corey's home. I was just thinking of how that district in Charleston was the highest rated in WV according to (I think) Us News and World Report's district ratings, and if the schools were 'not well' why not move into that one when it's so close? But Leah probably goes by criteria such as "do they have a good cheer program? is there a future cosmeticians club?"

Also wondered why she doesn't have the school bus pick up the kids if she has issues getting there on time, but maybe it's harder for Ali's disability to get on and off a bus. Is that wheelchair still working after all the trouble to get it from the insurance company?

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 4

 And I don't wanna sound like a dick, but I am a bit surprised Leah is down with the swirl. In her neck of the holler that could be quite scandalous all on its own.

Googling "west virginia most racist state" gave me an eyeful. On the other hand, looking at the surnames of student council members in that Charleston high school, it seems like the city is more diverse than the rest of the state. (scroll down the district's home page at http://gwhs.kana.k12.wv.us)

  • Love 1

Charleston is more or less in the same county where they already lived, and not far from Corey's home. I was just thinking of how that district in Charleston was the highest rated in WV according to (I think) Us News and World Report's district ratings, and if the schools were 'not well' why not move into that one when it's so close? But Leah probably goes by criteria such as "do they have a good cheer program? is there a future cosmeticians club?"

Also wondered why she doesn't have the school bus pick up the kids if she has issues getting there on time, but maybe it's harder for Ali's disability to get on and off a bus. Is that wheelchair still working after all the trouble to get it from the insurance company?


Ah thank you!   I seriously doubt Leah considers the school district ratings too much when deciding where to go.


I too have been wondering about the wheelchair. I'm glad for Ali if she doesn't need it most of the time, but it's weird that we don't see her use it at all.


I also wonder, do they have school buses there?  They've practically eliminated them in my area (Northern CA so a long way from Leah obviously).  The main exception, actually, is for kids with special needs.  A number of the buses have wheelchair lifts on them. Kids not in wheelchairs can also be picked up by those buses. I think the drivers have some extra training on how to deal with various issues kids with disabilities might have (not sure on that though). I'm not entirely sure if she'd do any better getting the kids ready and to the bus stop on time either, but it's a good thought.

Edited by NikSac
  • Love 1

I could swear that the TM blogs just the other week said that Leah and Trainer Guy were finished because he found out about her hooking up with someone at the rehab clinic...

heyyyyy, I know, let's have a baby together! That'll make it all better!

Well, according to Jenelle if two people have a baby together they won't have time to argue anymore!

  • LOL 1
  • Love 3

You know, I was under the impression that Leah was slightly more likable in her original 16 and pregnant episode, but nope-- she's slightly more aware of her issues but she has no self-control whatsoever. Yes, she's clearly depressed and had a difficult pregnancy but, wow, she treated Corey like crap. She's never treated Cory well at all.... Leah isn't capable of growing or self-reflection. 

  • Love 2

Wow Leah will never learn. This is just WAY too fast. Buying/renting, whatever. Anyways I just hope for the girlses sake that they can have some kind of stability in their lives.

Where did she meet her current boyfriend? I know he's a personal trainer.

Espurr predicts that baby #4 and marriage #3 are coming soon.

Edited by TonAmi
  • Love 2

Ah thank you!   I seriously doubt Leah considers the school district ratings too much when deciding where to go.


I too have been wondering about the wheelchair. I'm glad for Ali if she doesn't need it most of the time, but it's weird that we don't see her use it at all.


I also wonder, do they have school buses there?  They've practically eliminated them in my area (Northern CA so a long way from Leah obviously).  The main exception, actually, is for kids with special needs.  A number of the buses have wheelchair lifts on them. Kids not in wheelchairs can also be picked up by those buses. I think the drivers have some extra training on how to deal with various issues kids with disabilities might have (not sure on that though). I'm not entirely sure if she'd do any better getting the kids ready and to the bus stop on time either, but it's a good thought.

Former WVan here (and also live in Silicon Valley now, so hey neighbor!), and yes, there are school buses. And the public schools are ADA compliant. They do still use school buses there--friends who still live there will send out facebook messages notifying everyone that school is back in session and to keep an eye out for kids at bus stops. If there is no lift mechanism on the regular bus they'd send a "short bus" for...oh god, which one is she? I know Addy is the little one, I think Ali is the evil one, so the disabled one is...Aleeah? So Ali and Ali. Smart, Leah.


Basically, if Leah allowed herself to outsource kid delivery and pickup, she'd have to stop martyring herself so much. Same reason she doesn't want Corey to have more time than her--her sole purpose in life is as a mother, and if she accepts help for anything other than babysitting while she has a filmed hugbox session at the local greasy spoon diner/disgusting steakhouse (I went there my freshman year for prom and I can't believe that place is still standing), she'd have to admit that perhaps she is not Supermom.

Edited by monagatuna
  • Love 2

Well, according to Jenelle if two people have a baby together they won't have time to argue anymore!

If that actually worked then she and Nipples would need a Duggar-sized family. Don't think Barb would be up for babysitting all of those in her 70s, though they could try the Duggar system and have the older kids give up their childhood to take care of the little ones full time.

You know, I was under the impression that Leah was slightly more likable in her original 16 and pregnant episode, but nope-- she's slightly more aware of her issues but she has no self-control whatsoever. Yes, she's clearly depressed and had a difficult pregnancy but, wow, she treated Corey like crap. She's never treated Cory well at all.... Leah isn't capable of growing or self-reflection. 

I think she just garnered more sympathy before people found out how much money she was raking in for being videotaped complaining for a few hours per year. I remember my heart going out to her when she was trying to bathe the twins in that horror-movie basement. Her Appalachian-Kardashian-Twitter phase going through all the expensive vehicles and weekends at the Greenbrier, not so much.

I too have been wondering about the wheelchair. I'm glad for Ali if she doesn't need it most of the time, but it's weird that we don't see her use it at all.


It's great that she is up and running around for now, though I notice that her body is kind of crooked when she walks. I am not familiar with the disease and maybe it's like that even with the best care.

  • Love 4

If that actually worked then she and Nipples would need a Duggar-sized family. Don't think Barb would be up for babysitting all of those in her 70s, though they could try the Duggar system and have the older kids give up their childhood to take care of the little ones full time.

I think she just garnered more sympathy before people found out how much money she was raking in for being videotaped complaining for a few hours per year. I remember my heart going out to her when she was trying to bathe the twins in that horror-movie basement. Her Appalachian-Kardashian-Twitter phase going through all the expensive vehicles and weekends at the Greenbrier, not so much.

It's great that she is up and running around for now, though I notice that her body is kind of crooked when she walks. I am not familiar with the disease and maybe it's like that even with the best care.

Appalachian Kardashian. I am dead

  • Love 5

I think they are officially divorced.


The only reason I mentioned it was cos of remarks from Jermy (on Twitter, which were later deleted) about Leah's new beau. Not exactly kind....so yeah. I even know some folks around here who would make nasty remarks about interracial couples and I'm above the Mason Dixon line. But ignorance is everywhere..


I can just see Leah now, trying to cope with the twins, living further from Cory, Addie, and this guy's kids....all while prego again. Yeah, there's no relapse in her future. Not at all.

When Leah and Jeremy were living in the apartment, that was Charleston as well.

Ah thank you!   I seriously doubt Leah considers the school district ratings too much when deciding where to go.


I too have been wondering about the wheelchair. I'm glad for Ali if she doesn't need it most of the time, but it's weird that we don't see her use it at all.


I also wonder, do they have school buses there?  They've practically eliminated them in my area (Northern CA so a long way from Leah obviously).  The main exception, actually, is for kids with special needs.  A number of the buses have wheelchair lifts on them. Kids not in wheelchairs can also be picked up by those buses. I think the drivers have some extra training on how to deal with various issues kids with disabilities might have (not sure on that though). I'm not entirely sure if she'd do any better getting the kids ready and to the bus stop on time either, but it's a good thought.

I remember reading more than once (and I'm still trying to find a link from way back when) that the new pink wheelchair is broken.  The evil twin was using it as a play toy, like we saw, and it was broken very quickly after they got it. I will keep looking.

  • Love 2

When Leah and Jeremy were living in the apartment, that was Charleston as well.

I remember reading more than once (and I'm still trying to find a link from way back when) that the new pink wheelchair is broken.  The evil twin was using it as a play toy, like we saw, and it was broken very quickly after they got it. I will keep looking.

The breaky-ness is strong with this one. It looked like she was trying to bust Addy's toy ride when Leah spanked her, too. She was conceived in a truck but seems to hate things with wheels.

  • Love 8
Somehow I don't think Leah has the credit (or cash) to purchase a house on her own. Unless the guy went in on it....but from what we've been reading he didn't sound all that financially stable.


Do people still barter? Maybe she traded her trunkload of Mary Kay for the house?


Well, according to Jenelle if two people have a baby together they won't have time to argue anymore!


Tell that to Baby Kaiser Roll, who gets virtually ignored and feeds himself while his parents are screaming and hollering in front of him. Or Baby Adderall, who has a hoarder's paradise falling on her head while her parents scream at each other. 


My mind is consistently boggled by women who move in with and have men around their kids that they barely know. If I was Cory I'd be going for full custody.


This is what concerns me the most. SHE barely knows these guys! And they're sharing a home with her little girls. Ugh. 

  • Love 7


This is what concerns me the most. SHE barely knows these guys! And they're sharing a home with her little girls. Ugh.


The sad thing is, I've know people much smarter and more educated then Leah pull this kind of crap. So it is no wonder Leah, with her lack of common sense or real self-esteem, would invite every Tom, Dick, and Harry around her girlses before even getting to know them. Risky behavior, to put it mildly. 

  • Love 7

That preview of Leah on the phone getting castigated by Corey for her potty mouth in front of the kids and other things...wow. She sounded like a snottier than average teenager busted coming in after curfew and drunk-- she knows that she can't deny the facts so she gets sarcastic with her parents and accuses them of exaggerating how terrible she is.

  • Love 5

Apparently, this is a recent picture of Leah at the beach.  My only guess is from the reunion show in LA.  http://photos.toofab.com/galleries/celebrity_beach_bods#tab=eye_candy&id=1571773  The link was on TMZ today.


Edited to say when I searched her name just now this came up as news: http://radaronline.com/photos/leah-messer-bikini-monster-mom-pics/photo/1172412/  So I guess it wasn't at the reunion.  My bad. Pic number 12 has Momma Dawn in the background.  Maybe she did another beach pose so I can make an awesome avatar. The pics scream magazine photo op to me.

Edited by Mkay

Apparently, this is a recent picture of Leah at the beach. My only guess is from the reunion show in LA. http://photos.toofab.com/galleries/celebrity_beach_bods#tab=eye_candy&id=1571773 The link was on TMZ today.

Edited to say when I searched her name just now this came up as news: http://radaronline.com/photos/leah-messer-bikini-monster-mom-pics/photo/1172412/ So I guess it wasn't at the reunion. My bad. Pic number 12 has Momma Dawn in the background. Maybe she did another beach pose so I can make an awesome avatar. The pics scream magazine photo op to me.

Yep it does scream set up for image rehab with the different bikinis for her porn cover and the interaction with the girlses. Momma Dawm slepping all the equipment in the background while Leah shows what a great mom she is taking her girlses to the beach is funny.

Once Ali had the required photo with her usual WTH face she was obviously done for the day no playing with Leah in the water for her. Baby Jerms who finally has hair was the most willing to behave for the charade it seems.

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