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Jesus God, Leah!!

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7 hours ago, Mkay said:

I know I'm not the only licensed mental health clinician on here. We are all rolling our eyes with this "Life Coach" bullshit.  I went through 6 years of college, a year long clinical internship. Then, 2 years under supervision before I had a basic independent license -- and even at that point in my career years ago I felt like I didn't have enough education and experience at times.  Good luck with the 5 YouTube videos, Leah! You're going to be a great life coach. 

  • Love 13

It just amazes me how much she lacks self-awareness. Does she really think she has a handle on her life, or even wisdom to offer the average person? I suppose she could be a "life coach" to a sixteen-year-old girl who was starring on a reality show for the first time, but even then, she couldn't articulate anything well enough. If the girl asked, "so, how should I choose which friends get to be on the show?" Leah's answer of, "mahhhh...mah friends were on the show? Find people you TRUST, yeah, that's the thing," wouldn't cut it. 

  • Love 10
On April 1, 2017 at 0:43 PM, Christina87 said:

Haha, to those of you saying thirteen-year-olds believe they are in love (and I believe it...I was soooo in love with Nick Carter at that age), it makes me glad that I was super tall and towered over all the boys in my grade. I had a "boyfriend" in sixth grade, and never again until I was sixteen, because I was almost my current height of 5'9" in middle school! I was too busy playing basketball, and while I lusted  after grown adult men, I'm glad I didn't have a "relationship" at that age. 

Wait...are you me? Everything checks out except I played volleyball rather than basketball. LOL. In retrospect, I'm very glad I didn't have many guys interested in me in high school and none in middle school when I was basically a mutant powered by hormones. Ha.


Leah as a "life coach":

Like CofCinci said, this whole "I'm going to be a life coach with no actual psych training or education & no boards to be accountable to" stuff is just nonsense that anyone who is familiar with actual mental health disciplines and professionals. The only valid advice Leah could give anyone is what not to do - basically don't do anything she's done and do the opposite of whatever she suggests. Ugh. 

I'm trying to think of some sort of program Leah could complete - it would have to be a very brief program that wasn't too demanding academically that will at least give her some skills and education. I don't think she could handle CNA or medical assistant. She attended and dropped out of beauty school back when she was with Jeremy (and nursing school). I seriously cannot think of any program off the top of my head that is brief enough that Leah could stick with it and that she'd be able to do the required academic work for. Sigh....maybe her best bet is to get a good financial advisor to invest for her and focus on gaining a little weight back and gaining "her looks" and hope and pray she can find another guy with a job like Jeremy to support her after the show ends....of course she'd have to commit to actually staying away from Robbie's guy parts, and we know that ain't gonna happen....

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 6
9 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Wait...are you me? Everything checks out except I played volleyball rather than basketball. LOL. In retrospect, I'm very glad I didn't have many guys interested in me in high school and none in middle school when I was basically a mutant powered by hormones. Ha.


Leah as a "life coach":

Like CofCinci said, this whole "I'm going to be a life coach with no actual psych training or education & no boards to be accountable to" stuff is just nonsense that anyone who is familiar with actual mental health disciplines and professionals. The only valid advice Leah could give anyone is what not to do - basically don't do anything she's done and do the opposite of whatever she suggests. Ugh. 

I'm trying to think of some sort of program Leah could complete - it would have to be a very brief program that wasn't too demanding academically that will at least give her some skills and education. I don't think she could handle CNA or medical assistant. She attended and dropped out of beauty school back when she was with Jeremy (and nursing school). I seriously cannot think of any program off the top of my head that is brief enough that Leah could stick with it and that she'd be able to do the required academic work for. Sigh....maybe her best bet is to get a good financial advisor to invest for her and focus on gaining a little weight back and gaining "her looks" and hope and pray she can find another guy with a job like Jeremy to support her after the show ends....of course she'd have to commit to actually staying away from Robbie's guy parts, and we know that ain't gonna happen....

It's pretty sad, and I don't like writing anyone off, but some people are just completely incompetent. Leah can't handle academics, sticking with anything, raising kids, or staying married, nor is she smart enough to realize she'll have to give one of these pursuits an effort if she's planning on surviving past TM2. I think Jeremy is a jerk, but seriously, who cheats on their high-earning husband when they have NOTHING to fall back on? If Leah could have focused on trying to make that marriage happy, things could be going so much better for her. That means realizing she doesn't get her way all the time (aka not cheating), and trying the TWO days a week he's home to make things happy. I'm not saying it's all on her, or they would have worked out anyway, but most people with nothing going for them than a high-earning husband at least try to make it work because they know their other options are minimal. 

Some people are just incompetent at life, and I'm sorry, but Leah is. I would have loved all the opportunities she's had, as would so many others! She just squanders everything while being ungrateful, and 100% will end up on welfare because she thinks she's entitled to just be how she is, and everyone else deserves to end up holding the bag. 

  • Love 12
18 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:


She might be best off applying for cart retrieval person at the local grocery store.  I was going to say cashier, but I wouldn't trust her to count change correctly, or even stock shelves, for that matter.


Nah, she'd go out for a cart, find some scummy dude to bang/buy drugs off of in the parking lot, and never be heard from again. 

  • Love 7
5 hours ago, Christina87 said:

It's pretty sad, and I don't like writing anyone off, but some people are just completely incompetent. ...

Some people are just incompetent at life, and I'm sorry, but Leah is.

I totally agree. I honestly cannot think of one course of study (no matter how brief or basic) that Leah would be good at. Nor can I think of any job she would have even adequate performance at. The closest I can guess is a bartender at like a VFW, where she mostly just has to pour beer into mugs and occasionally pour a shot, and the computer/credit card reader does all the work with settling tabs. Sure, she would use the job looking for suitable men, and she'd probably give poor service to anyone she deemed not helpful to her future goals (or, goal, which is get married to someone else who can take care of her), but to the few men she wanted to impress, she'd probably be a decent barmaid.

  • Love 10
6 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Nah, she'd go out for a cart, find some scummy dude to bang/buy drugs off of in the parking lot, and never be heard from again. 

Good point.  I didn't think about that.  I was just trying to keep her away from the cash and credit card numbers.  

Actually, now that I think about it...with her job skills and level of motivation, she'd be (unfortunately) perfect for the MVA.  

  • Love 1

The only thing it seems like she's stuck with for any amount of time is cheerleading, and she was presumably good at it! Too bad she can't get a job working at a cheer place, but you know she couldn't do those afternoon, weekend, and evening hours. She'd say it was because of "tahm with mah girls," but it would really cut into her pillses / looking for dudes schedule. 

  • Love 7
37 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

What is the MVA?

Motor Vehicle Authority.  y'know where  you wait in line to get you're driver's license renewed, or license plate and registration stuff.  Where, at least in MD, you wait in a barely moving line to get a number so you can wait in a slowly moving line and just when it's about to be your turn, there is a shift change and half the attendants leave for lunch.  

  • Love 1
41 minutes ago, leighroda said:

It would probably make me a little sadistic, but I'm not going to lie... I'm a little curious what she would have to offer in a life coaching session... in a train wreck watching sort of way, not literal advice.

She listened to that Barenaked Ladies song that mentions Pavlov's dogs in an elevator once -- so she an expert on Relational Frame Theory and provides ACT to her clients.

Or, she just texts them inspirational memes because she has to reschedule their appointments as she won't make it in that day.

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

Motor Vehicle Authority.  y'know where  you wait in line to get you're driver's license renewed, or license plate and registration stuff.  Where, at least in MD, you wait in a barely moving line to get a number so you can wait in a slowly moving line and just when it's about to be your turn, there is a shift change and half the attendants leave for lunch.  

Ah. It's called the DMV down here in the bayou. :)

  • Love 6
On April 13, 2017 at 5:39 PM, CofCinci said:

How about educating yourself on your daughter's fatal disease, Leah?  Go to seminars on MD. Join an MD organization. Make keeping your kid alive in comfort your job. 

I think you're on the right track, but still too advanced.

Leah should volunteer in her girlses classrooms weekly. She'd be doing something productive with her time, she'd be helping out a (probably) overworked and underpaid WV public school teacher, she'd be able to spend some time with/bond with her children, and, bonus...she'd be able to learn a few fundamentals she so clearly missed the first time around!

  • Love 13
9 minutes ago, druzy said:

Cute picture but I thought Ali wasn't supposed to participate in sports. Maybe she's the scorekeeper. 

Looks like she is the catcher, which is still too strenuous for the child with all the squating and throwing. 

Why are they doing this to the kid?  I get inclusion and challenging disabilities but MD is not a condition that gets better with activity -- in fact, it gets worse. It's like she's diabetic and they just keep telling her to eat the Halloween candy because all the other kids are eating it. 

  • Love 13
5 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Looks like she is the catcher, which is still too strenuous for the child with all the squating and throwing. 

Why are they doing this to the kid?  I get inclusion and challenging disabilities but MD is not a condition that gets better with activity -- in fact, it gets worse. It's like she's diabetic and they just keep telling her to eat the Halloween candy because all the other kids are eating it. 


Someone should send Dr. Tao this picture.

  • Love 4
55 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Looks like she is the catcher, which is still too strenuous for the child with all the squating and throwing. 

Why are they doing this to the kid?  I get inclusion and challenging disabilities but MD is not a condition that gets better with activity -- in fact, it gets worse. It's like she's diabetic and they just keep telling her to eat the Halloween candy because all the other kids are eating it. 

I sooooo wish Leah and Corey would read this post. Great analogy!

  • Love 4
On 4/6/2017 at 5:36 PM, DixonVixen2359 said:

I have to be honest, I gave up on watching this band of penis-fly traps(minus Chelsea of course) quite some time ago, but a friend of mine tunes into Leah's segments as "research" for a Walking Dead Dixon brother fan fiction she is working on. I find that highly offensive. The Dixon brothers are far more articulate and much easier on the eyes than Leah and the rest of her band of inbred yokels. 

As someone who reads TWD fanfic I'm dying over this and kind of want to read your friend's story.

7 hours ago, Mkay said:


  • Love 7

He's been in practice for a long time and is probably numb to poor treatment compliance at this point in his career.  

Why do these people drive to Columbus, OH to see the top doctor for this speciality if they aren't going to adhere to the treatment plan?   They see Dr. Tao because of MTV.  If the child wasn't on the series, this kid's care would the 'Little Clinic' inside a Krogers.  Jesus and Sports will heal this kid. Fuck yeah, 'Merika!

  • Love 12
12 hours ago, CofCinci said:

  If the child wasn't on the series, this kid's care would the 'Little Clinic' inside a Krogers.  Jesus and Sports will heal this kid. Fuck yeah, 'Merika!

It's not funny, so I shouldn't laugh, but I totally did just picturing Leah figuring that a minute clinic or the like would be an appropriate venue to take a disabled child.

WHY DOES NO ONE ever call out this bitch on twitter for her complete dismissal of Dr. Tao's advice?? Seriously, Leah shrieks and wrings her hands over backpackgate last season and then has pretty much has Ali training for the Holler branded Cirque du Soleil. God, she's an asshole. Maybe Papaw took the girlses without her knowledge while she was on another "comference" call.

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, EmeraldGirl said:

Well, Corey is a little bitch too for his stupidness. And then we'll toss in Miranda who must be going along with all this, "exercise girl!" philosophy. And everyone else they know whose name isn't Dr. Tao. 

Ali's entire extended family is failing her, that is true. But Leah is the only flaming hypocrite who used her daughter's degenerative condition to make her ex husband's second wife look bad to legions of uneducated, unintelligent, but highly vocal fans, while continuing to endanger her daughter herself and ignore medical advice. 


No one member of this shitshow Messer-Simms alliance is better than the other for continuing to allow Ali to compromise her health, but Leah gets the hypocrite award on top of stupidity and endangerment.

  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, polandspring said:

If I reply to Jeff's photo asking why Ali isn't in her chair, will I get blocked?

Even if you don't, you will be on the receiving end of dozens of responses calling you a hater with no life and will blast you with various misspelled insults about your intelligence (ironic), your abundant free time (also ironic), and finally, your parenting skills. Not worth it.  And if Papaw does answer you, he'll just say you don't know everything.

  • Love 9
Just now, Tatum said:

Even if you don't, you will be on the receiving end of dozens of responses calling you a hater with no life and will blast you with various misspelled insults about your intelligence (ironic), your abundant free time (also ironic), and finally, your parenting skills. Not worth it.  And if Papaw does answer you, he'll just say you don't know everything.

You're right.  It just feels shitty to do nothing.  [sad trombone]

Someone get Dr. Tao on twitter!

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Tatum said:

And if Papaw does answer you, he'll just say you don't know everything.

Or he'll quote the Bible and/or mention all the very helpful praying the family does for Ali. Bless their hearts, but I don't think they understand in Simms/Messer country how religion actually works. Sometimes I wonder if they believe that faith healing hocus pocus.

Then again, I'm just a sinful Atheist so what do I know...

Edited by HeySandyStrange
  • Love 9
13 minutes ago, HeySandyStrange said:

Or he'll quote the Bible and/or mention all the very helpful praying the family does for Ali. Bless their hearts, but I don't think they understand in Simms/Messer country how religion actually works. Sometimes I wonder if they believe that faith healing hocus pocus.

Then again, I'm just a sinful Atheist so what do I know...

I don't think they're that religious.  I think it's just something they can use to defend their actions in this case.

  • Love 2

I don't know, they may not be. The few times I've ventured to Jeff or Miranda's twitters, there was quite a few "Praise God! Jesus!" posts unrelated to even Ali. I wouldn't be surprised if they are the types that think every ill, affliction, or problem can be solved by a prayer and Bible teaching. Typical Bible belt mentality.

  • Love 2
21 hours ago, CofCinci said:

He's been in practice for a long time and is probably numb to poor treatment compliance at this point in his career.  

Why do these people drive to Columbus, OH to see the top doctor for this speciality if they aren't going to adhere to the treatment plan?   They see Dr. Tao because of MTV.  If the child wasn't on the series, this kid's care would the 'Little Clinic' inside a Krogers.  Jesus and Sports will heal this kid. Fuck yeah, 'Merika!

I was just going to say the same thing. Why bother seeing a world-renowned specialist if they're not going to follow his advice? And of all positions on a freaking softball team they make Ali a catcher?! A position that is absolute murder on the knees and joints? These hillbillies will never learn.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, HeySandyStrange said:

I don't know, they may not be. The few times I've ventured to Jeff or Miranda's twitters, there was quite a few "Praise God! Jesus!" posts unrelated to even Ali. I wouldn't be surprised if they are the types that think every ill, affliction, or problem can be solved by a prayer and Bible teaching. Typical Bible belt mentality.

I dunno, I think it has more to do with cultivating a good image of yourself on social media than their actual beliefs.  We've never seen them going to church, praying, going to Bible study, or anything like that.

2 hours ago, polandspring said:

I dunno, I think it has more to do with cultivating a good image of yourself on social media than their actual beliefs.  We've never seen them going to church, praying, going to Bible study, or anything like that.

MTV doesn't work on Sundays. 

To be fair, plenty of people can be religious, have religious beliefs, pray, go to church without airing it to the world. 

  • Love 3

I know it's splitting hairs and no amount of softball/t-ball/whateverball is good for her, but I don't think Ali is the catcher. She's in the catcher position in that picture, but there's no plate near her and it looks like she's in the outfield the way the signs are set up and the grass is growing. She probably just working on fielding balls. I'm only pointing this out because at their age, hopefully, not too many balls will make it to her so it's possible a lot of her playing time will just be spent standing around waiting for something to happen instead of crouching down at home plate for the entire game. So hopefully, it's the least-worst of a bad situation?

  • Love 6

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