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Jesus God, Leah!!

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It's not a bad makeup job considering the atrocities she did in 2012 but still a bit sad how much she resembles a mid 40s soccer mom when she's only 25.

Leah, no amount of mascara and lip gloss can counteract cigarettes, excessive tanning, dehydration, and poor diet and sleep patterns. Put down the iphone and pick up a bottle of water and a nicotine patch.

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The loss of fat in her face has truly changed her look. I was watching a Princess Diana documentary and I noticed she too had what appeared to be a different nose later in life. I then realized it was due to the weight loss. Diana had that baby fat going on in the early years and it gave her nose a certain look. Later, she lost that weight due to her eating disorder and when she got thin in the face, it made her nose more prominent. Still, Diana was gorgeous. Leah ends up with that witchy nose. 

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On ‎5‎/‎7‎/‎2017 at 4:26 PM, BitterApple said:

Right? I adore Ali, but I'm sure Dr. Tsao has a packed schedule. I'd rather see her appointment slot go to a child whose parents are going to take his directives seriously. 

Seriously--so many folks would LOVE the privilege to see someone so great for themselves or their child. It's so messed up to see people go because MTV told them to (most likely) and then act like he's stupid and they know better because book learnin' is for chumps or something.

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On ‎5‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 9:19 AM, Tatum said:

Very true. I guess Leah and Corey have failed to consider that while they themselves may be horrified to wake up one morning finding themselves unable to walk on their own, for Ali, walking and running isn't the holy grail they consider it to be. Sure, she may wish she could run effortlessly like Gracie, but in practice, it probably is slow, painful, and frustrating.


This is so true. Ali wasn't their teen or 20-something daughter who lost her ability to participate in ballet or sports after she was in a car accident. She's NEVER been able to walk or move like a typical kid, she has a congenital issue. So that "kid who plays sports and runs all over and walks down the aisle for her wedding day" is an image that only ever existed in their mind, it wasn't ever Ali. I'm not saying she never cares, but she probably doesn't more than any kid with a learning disability, bad asthma, diabetes, or some other difficulty that they notice occasionally when compared with other children. And she could develop a very healthy attitude about it if it was modeled.  They need to realize that it's THEIR loss, not hers, that they're mourning. (That's so far above their heads though that I know it's a total lost cause).

Edited by Lm2162
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I actually caught a few minutes of Leah's instagram live thing for lipsense... I rarely check instagram and I didn't even realize I followed her, but I got an alert she was going live, and I was hoping she was gonna dish some dirt like Jeremy does so I popped in and popped right back out when she said she was filling lipsense orders. 

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Ali is adorable and makes me sad all at once. I'm no Dr. but from what I take from her Dr in Ohio is that as she ages and gains weight it will compromise her major organs. Her lifespan is virtually unknown but they are guessing 20's. I don't think any of them understand this. Maybe I misheard. Please jump in to set me straight.  

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On 5/9/2017 at 9:10 PM, FairyDusted said:

Ali is adorable and makes me sad all at once. I'm no Dr. but from what I take from her Dr in Ohio is that as she ages and gains weight it will compromise her major organs. Her lifespan is virtually unknown but they are guessing 20's. I don't think any of them understand this. Maybe I misheard. Please jump in to set me straight.  

My opinion is that Corey and Leah aren't stupid, but that they and their families are in denial.  They're ignoring Ali's inevitable deterioration (that I hope never happens because  treatment is invented in time) as a defense mechanism because the pain of confronting that fact is too much to bear.  But it's only going to get more painful the longer they put off confronting it.

Edited by polandspring
wrong dad
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On ‎5‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 1:22 PM, polandspring said:

My opinion is that Jeremy and Leah aren't stupid, but that they and their families are in denial.  They're ignoring Ali's inevitable deterioration (that I hope never happens because  treatment is invented in time) as a defense mechanism because the pain of confronting that fact is too much to bear.  But it's only going to get more painful the longer they put off confronting it.

Wrong dad. It is Cory not Jeremy.  

On ‎5‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 1:48 PM, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I think it's a combination of intense denial, some stupidity, and lack of education with these people.


20 hours ago, poopchute said:

I think Leah is definitely very stupid.

Stupidity is definitely at play here. They have done their research and they have been given the information from the top doctor. Denial is one thing, but to the degree these people are neglecting this child's needs, it is also abusive. Being abusive is reckless and stupid. 

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On ‎5‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 4:48 PM, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I think it's a combination of intense denial, some stupidity, and lack of education with these people.

You forgot a healthy dose of ".....but....but.....JESUS!"

Because Jesus will heal Ali, fer sure.

Honestly, I'm surprised we haven't had a scene with Leah, Corey, and Ali on a stage at some megachurch, with the pastor "laying hands" on poor Ali's head by now.

I am not claiming these people are fundamentalists/evangelicals (pre-marital sex, unwed mothers, drugs, divorce, extramarital affairs, etc.), but so much of what they seem to believe has those underpinnings, which I attribute to the culture in which they were raised, combined with their collective lack of education. IMO, religious dogma is often the fallback position of those without the education to understand certain things.

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On 5/9/2017 at 10:45 AM, Tatum said:

It's not a bad makeup job considering the atrocities she did in 2012 but still a bit sad how much she resembles a mid 40s soccer mom when she's only 25.

Leah, no amount of mascara and lip gloss can counteract cigarettes, excessive tanning, dehydration, and poor diet and sleep patterns. Put down the iphone and pick up a bottle of water and a nicotine patch.

I give Leah some credit for not running off to the plastic surgeon with her new found MTV cash like most of these ho's. In retrospect though I guess a lot of that money went towards pills.

Relatedly - I think Chelsea looks great now (there were some years of very bad hair and makeup) and I don't think she's had anything done at all? IMO - Farrah is worst offender.  She was a naturally pretty girl before and now looks like a wax creature from Madame Tussaud's.

My husband (he's five episodes behind in current season) is incredulous about the size of Kail's ass now. When I told him she did that on purpose - he asked "why? - does she really think that's a good look for her"...

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I was looking through Leah's Instagram and under a picture of her with Addie, someone made a comment that Leah was going to give some man the most amazing family one of these days. On what planet, and how low do a guy's standards have to be to think Leah would make a good wife and mother?

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9 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I was looking through Leah's Instagram and under a picture of her with Addie, someone made a comment that Leah was going to give some man the most amazing family one of these days. On what planet, and how low do a guy's standards have to be to think Leah would make a good wife and mother?

WV Standards

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Well, no posts or tags from Leah  saying first year of College down.  Ha! Wonder how long she lasted. #iquitschool #noschoolforgirlsessss #teenmomdropout #nonotebookforleah

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14 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

Wasn't there a bet here on the boards as to how long she would last? Who won? 

Me. You guys were all nice and gave her at least a semester. I said she'd be done by Valentines Day. Her school related social media posts stopped two weeks into the semester, I think.

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Oh, there's no shame in figuring out that academia isn't for you. Maybe she just doesn't have the mental capacity. She seems best suited to work in a salon and gossip all day about who Robby is dating now. 

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3 minutes ago, EmeraldGirl said:

Oh, there's no shame in figuring out that academia isn't for you. Maybe she just doesn't have the mental capacity. She seems best suited to work in a salon and gossip all day about who Robby is dating now. 

That's fine and dandy. But own it, for Pete's sake! Don't make phony excuses or give everyone a bunch of BS.

Leah has trouble speaking the truth even if it came up and bacon slapped her in the face.

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21 minutes ago, Miss Chevious said:

That's fine and dandy. But own it, for Pete's sake! Don't make phony excuses or give everyone a bunch of BS.

Leah has trouble speaking the truth even if it came up and bacon slapped her in the face.


This is the second time she has enrolled in school and not completed her studies. 

Leah does things that she thinks she should be doing or is trying to impress people. But if she has no goal to go to school then, DON'T ENROLL IN SCHOOL!. Get your bony ass into some other field. Get a real 9-5 job or volunteer at your kids' school or somewhere else. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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Yea, I didn't go to college and neither did my husband. We're doing just fine. It's not for everyone. But Leah made this big production about it. She just HAD to go to college to make something of herself and be a good example for her girlses. And she likely crapped out before giving it a real try anyway. How long did she go back when she was still living in that trailer? I swear it was only a few weeks, if that. It's all for show, with her. She wants attention and people praising her for going to school, but the actual school part she doesn't give a shit about. 

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How much money do you think Leah threw away in her failed college attempt part deux?  Even Hollar Colleges aren't cheap.   Do you think she qualified for any red neck scholarships or grants?  I sure don't remember her filling out the FASFA. 

What a waste.  Think of all the pillses she could have bought instead  

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And it's just so weird to go from posting about it multiple times a day to never mentioning it again.  If her FANS are so important I think it's weird to just stop talking about something that was SO SO important.

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On 5/19/2017 at 4:09 PM, Pixiebomb said:

How much money do you think Leah threw away in her failed college attempt part deux?  Even Hollar Colleges aren't cheap.   Do you think she qualified for any red neck scholarships or grants?  I sure don't remember her filling out the FASFA. 

What a waste.  Think of all the pillses she could have bought instead  

Haha, the idea that Leah would spend any time filling out all that paperwork is laughable. I'm sure she'd rather just write a check and ask her dealer if she can pay in blowjobs that week instead of cash. If she dropped out within a certain time she may have been entitled to a partial refund. Depending on the refund policy and how many classes she enrolled in- I'd put this loss at between $1,500 and $3,000.

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Is that what the two other girls wore to the wedding? I know it's WV and it's probably some chick's second shotgun wedding before the age of 22, but could you at least put them in a pretty dress?

(Also, we all know Ali most likely danced the entire night until she passed out.)

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Addie is definitely wearing mascara. You can tell by the badly applied lower lashes.

She turned out cute! I was worried there for awhile. I think it was probably her lack of hair for so long. I'm surprised Leah didn't put extensions on her then two-year old.

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Yup. She is wearing mascara. JesusgodLeah. 

Look, I wear makeup daily and if my daughter asked to try it, I'd let her. She's 5. She could play with it a bit at home, but then we'd clean her up. Somehow I don't think that's what Addie was doing, or the makeup would be all over her face. Why does she need mascara at her age? She's a beautiful little girl. No need to try and look years older. Also, at her age, I'd be worried she'd squirm around and get makeup in her eyes. 

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Not to defend but both of those photos are of her for the wedding in which she was apparently a flower girl. 

Now mind you... I'm sure Leah is letting them wear make up all the time but I can't judge letting her do it for a wedding.  I got to wear makeup every year for my dance recital. 

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I guess it's not that bad for a wedding. Still don't see the point. 

Ugh, my sister took dance and I HATED how done up they'd get for recitals. I've seen Leah do the same garish face for Gracie with cheerleading. When my sister was younger I remember my step-mom telling me it was so the kids could be seen under all the lights, but I just do NOT get it. It's like they watched the scene in My Girl when Shelly taught Vada how to put on makeup and took it to the whole next level. A girl CAN wear too much blue eye shadow. 

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Leah wrote that the girls just want to "danceeeeee".  What's the point of stretching out a silent letter?  The word still sounds the same because the letter they're stretching is a silent one. I see this all the time and it bugs the hell out of me. Somebody will write "I loveeeeeeee him",  it still just says love!  Shouldn't it be looooooove? 

Sorry, this is one of my pet peeves. 

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2 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Is that what the two other girls wore to the wedding? I know it's WV and it's probably some chick's second shotgun wedding before the age of 22, but could you at least put them in a pretty dress?

(Also, we all know Ali most likely danced the entire night until she passed out.)

Yep, apparently those were the outfits chosen. Here is Gracie dancing to the groove. You can see her full outfit:


@ghoulina we are mind-reading because just as I was ready to post this photo, you posted your comment. Yes, the outlandish make-up on Gracie for her cheerleading...


Edited by GreatKazu
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Yup. A girl I used to know has a daughter a few years older than Gracie who is in cheer and she just posted her photo shoot pics. I really couldn't believe it. It wasn't just how heavy the makeup was, but also the poses. She had the girl sitting in the grass, with one leg cocked up, not looking at the camera, CK1 sulk on her face - reminded me of one of Maci's TTM shoots. (There, found the Maci pic - it was exactly like this, except no boobs thrust out.) I just do not get it! What is the rush for these girls to grow up??? And blast it all over the internet. My first thought is always - someone is going to use that for kiddie porn. Horrible, I know, but I'm paranoid like that. 


maci ttm.jpg

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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Yup. A girl I used to know has a daughter a few years older than Gracie who is in cheer and she just posted her photo shoot pics. I really couldn't believe it. It wasn't just how heavy the makeup was, but also the poses. She had the girl sitting in the grass, with one leg cocked up, not looking at the camera, CK1 sulk on her face - reminded me of one of Maci's TTM shoots. (There, found the Maci pic - it was exactly like this, except no boobs thrust out.) I just do not get it! What is the rush for these girls to grow up??? And blast it all over the internet. My first thought is always - someone is going to use that for kiddie porn. Horrible, I know, but I'm paranoid like that. 


maci ttm.jpg

No you're not paranoid you're a concerned adult. Nothing wrong with little girls playing around with make up etc at home, or getting ready for a performance, but to me there is a BIG difference between "stage makeup" and sexualizing your 6yrs old. No. Just no. 

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59 minutes ago, Miss Chevious said:

I totally agree. The way she's tarting up those little girls is shameful. Just fast forward about 9 or 10 years and she'll be a grandma!

Hell yes.

4 hours ago, gunderda said:

Not to defend but both of those photos are of her for the wedding in which she was apparently a flower girl. 

Now mind you... I'm sure Leah is letting them wear make up all the time but I can't judge letting her do it for a wedding.  I got to wear makeup every year for my dance recital. 

If this was an isolated incident and there was a good reason, I'd probably agree with you, but it isn't. I don't get why teeny tiny little girls have to have any make-up put on, wedding or not. Halloween, costume parties, things of that nature, fine. Being the flower girl at a wedding? No thanks. Reminds me too much of those toddlers in the pageants. 

Leah is known for putting make-up on the girlses here and there and for no reason at all. The cheerleading just gave her a big ol' excuse to spackle the make-up on Gracie.  We heard Addie screaming in the car how she wanted to get her nails done and didn't she also scream out one time about wanting lipstick? Leah is just pushing those girls to grow up too damn fast. Is it no wonder the addiction and teen pregnancy rates are high in that neck of the woods? 

Call me what you want but I am so sick and tired of seeing children being dressed partially nude and being put out there for perverts to leer at and worse. I made the same argument about Bentley when Maci allowed him to be filmed when he was naked from the waist down. God knows how many pervs out there already grabbed that footage. And fucking MTV replays that shit AGAIN a few weeks ago!



The way she's tarting up those little girls

Speaking of tarts, that photo upthread of Maci...good lord. What a skank pose if ever there was one. Maci is used to having her legs open. 

Edited by SPLAIN
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This pic is for those of you who prayed that Ali would walk. She played t-ball last season and softball this season. #prayerworks #aligrace #determination ?

Wow...I don't even have a response to that. There is uneducated, and then there is dangerously stupid.

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25 minutes ago, Tatum said:

Wow...I don't even have a response to that. There is uneducated, and then there is dangerously stupid.

I do have a response. #stupidityrules #mommaknowsbest #letsjustcompletelywreckupherlfe

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This pic is for those of you who prayed that Ali would walk. She played t-ball last season and softball this season. #prayerworks #aligrace #determination

I want to see if my prayers were answered. Show me a pic of the following:

Leah still in college

Ali in her wheelchair

Leah finding a job

Leah getting notified that MTV has canceled this fuckery. 

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5 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

I want to see if my prayers were answered. Show me a pic of the following:

Leah still in college

Ali in her wheelchair

Leah finding a job

Leah getting notified that MTV has canceled this fuckery. 

I'm telling you, Jesus ain't got time for that. His hands are full with Jenelle and her boatload of children. 

Ali is walking because people keep her out of her motorized wheelchair. 

Is Ali walking a surprise? I mean, that has never been disputed since she has been walking for quite some time now. In fact, it is the walking that will eventually be her downfall. 

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