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Magnum P.I. (2018) - General Discussion

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On 1/18/2021 at 4:46 PM, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

To me, the whole thing is tedious.  We all know M/H is endgame, so this H/E is just filler and not nearly as interesting as its supposed to be.

If they don't want to pair M/H up yet, fine, but don't make it seem like one or the other could potentially be in the process of obtaining a 'life partner' when its obviously not in the cards (for the long run).

You know, I was really excited last season because it seemed like even if they weren't going to get them together yet, they were at least moving them an inch closer and had gotten rid of third parties. And then the spoiler about Ethan dropped *RME*


I'm honestly fine with them dragging it out, it is third season and they just cemented their partnership last season, but come on! I really REALLY hate third parties. And as everyone has already said - we know TM/JH are endgame, so this just seems like a total waste of time. Focus on the "family," the cases, and the ongoing stories of Higgins' green card, the estate, the bar, and the helicopter service. 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Maren said:

I'm honestly fine with them dragging it out, it is third season and they just cemented their partnership last season, but come on! I really REALLY hate third parties. And as everyone has already said - we know TM/JH are endgame, so this just seems like a total waste of time. Focus on the "family," the cases, and the ongoing stories of Higgins' green card, the estate, the bar, and the helicopter service. 

Agreed, like when Thomas had that lawyer girlfriend who was PERFECT and yet it couldn't work, so it just didn't happen and it was so painful (especially when she said it was because of Thomas' feeling for Higgins and he was all, "What is she talking about?" Ugh). 

  • Love 3
22 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

Agreed, like when Thomas had that lawyer girlfriend who was PERFECT and yet it couldn't work, so it just didn't happen and it was so painful (especially when she said it was because of Thomas' feeling for Higgins and he was all, "What is she talking about?" Ugh). 

Yep. And it's frustrating because I really thought that was going to mean something, and yet...here we are. Although I guess at least Thomas is realizing he has feelings for Higgins, even if it's just wanting her attention to himself. Ethan is clearing being set up as a step on the way to M/H (although wow, over the top much, show, on how awesome he is? LOL), but he looks like he's going to hang around longer than Thomas' and it's just a waste of time. We know it's pointless, they know it's pointless, so what's the point? LOL.

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, Maren said:

Yep. And it's frustrating because I really thought that was going to mean something, and yet...here we are. Although I guess at least Thomas is realizing he has feelings for Higgins, even if it's just wanting her attention to himself. Ethan is clearing being set up as a step on the way to M/H (although wow, over the top much, show, on how awesome he is? LOL), but he looks like he's going to hang around longer than Thomas' and it's just a waste of time. We know it's pointless, they know it's pointless, so what's the point? LOL.

This is my biggest frustration with the whole of H/E.  Its basically only being used as a vehicle to make Magnum see Higgins as a romantic life partner, instead of just a PI partner.  Ethan is a plot contrivance, not an actual character.

They really couldn't have used anything else, saving time and wasted script writing efforts, to make Magnum realize his true feelings?   Say, something as mundane as getting riled up by somebody flirting with Higgins during one of their one-off cases, etc??   

I don't know how to sugar-coat it, but this episode was B.o.r.i.n.g.  And Uber predictable. 

And I'm glad they brought up Magnum's financial "problems" - again and again, and again - because I keep letting that slip from my mind in the 6 days between episodes.  Its appreciated to be reminded every. single. episode. that Magnum is a pushover with his clients [accepts whatever they can give in recompense], doesn't have money and mooches off his friends.  I hope they keep highlighting these character flaws every hour because I'd hate to ever forget.  [/very thick sarcasm]

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Yeah, not sure why 3.05 was a bottle episode when nothing of significance happened here.

It did get me wondering though.

Do they really only charge 900 dollars for their services? I figured with the whole former SEAL/MI6 experience, they'd be a bit more pricey then that. Not sure what the going rate for a private detective is, but that seemed a bit cutthroat. I mean, I suppose they don't charge that amount for lost cats or whatever, but missing rich women must bring in a higher paycheck, no?

Does Robin not pay Thomas a wage? Since he's the security consultant for the estate and everything?

If the bar tab is really that high, say a few hundred bucks, why the hell does Rick even serve him anything other then tapwater anymore?


  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Aliferously said:

Yeah, not sure why 3.05 was a bottle episode when nothing of significance happened here.

It did get me wondering though.

Do they really only charge 900 dollars for their services? I figured with the whole former SEAL/MI6 experience, they'd be a bit more pricey then that. Not sure what the going rate for a private detective is, but that seemed a bit cutthroat. I mean, I suppose they don't charge that amount for lost cats or whatever, but missing rich women must bring in a higher paycheck, no?

Does Robin not pay Thomas a wage? Since he's the security consultant for the estate and everything?

If the bar tab is really that high, say a few hundred bucks, why the hell does Rick even serve him anything other then tapwater anymore?


The former SEAL/MI6 is almost irreverent to most cases to what I hope is bread and butter private investigator work. There is the occasional big thing like ransom negotiations. But then the only reference on PI payment that I have is from a pardoned ex convict in the 70s.

On both shows Robin Masters offered a home and use of the estate cars while Higgins mostly turned the other way when Magnum raided the wine cellar. He seems more than generous. The Cadillac Records movie just snapped to my mind where most of the performers where distracted by the car given to sign the bad contract while Howlin' Wolf wouldn't have any of that.

As for Rick, they were POWs together. As the club manager in the original he had to answer to others about the tab. Here as owner along with the other squad mate TC while a business Thomas drinking there is little different than Thomas drinking at his apartment as they probably would if they were 9 to 5ers.

Edited by Raja
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9 hours ago, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

I don't know how to sugar-coat it, but this episode was B.o.r.i.n.g.  And Uber predictable. 

And I'm glad they brought up Magnum's financial "problems" - again and again, and again - because I keep letting that slip from my mind in the 6 days between episodes.  Its appreciated to be reminded every. single. episode. that Magnum is a pushover with his clients [accepts whatever they can give in recompense], doesn't have money and mooches off his friends.  I hope they keep highlighting these character flaws every hour because I'd hate to ever forget.  [/very thick sarcasm]

The lack of money reminders is annoying to me as well.  Especially because most of the work he does he goes out of his way to help others, putting himself in danger.  He is also the one that figures out the case most of the time, and Higgins just follows along to help.  He always sees the piece that is important to solving the issue.  I just think if they want him doing that, and Higgins hasn’t figured out a way for them to make more money, then let him have a home and car to drive in peace.  

  • Love 2

Surely the money situation is building to something. They’ve established now that Magnum is routinely short and how it inconveniences those around him. They’ve also established that his friends are justifiably running out of patience with him. TC and Rick have been shown to need their money for the business. Juliet is past being willing to spot him anymore, and she needs her car to stay out of trouble. Just leaving a car like that on the side of the road or having it impounded is not okay, especially when it doesn’t even actually belong to Magnum. Even his bribery attempts are being met with impatience and calling him out. So the situation has come to a head. I don’t know what the purpose of it is, but surely it’s all building to something. Maybe Magnum taking it more seriously? He doesn’t even seem embarrassed to be called out which blows my mind. Maybe raising their PI fees and the type of cases they take? Contracting with someone for more consistent income?

So their fee is a flat $450? That’s ridiculous. 

This case was pretty obvious. Of course the husband did it. Even having it be the brother because he was pissed he wasn’t being paid would have been more original than the husband did it. I did like the brief guilt trip aspect. It was a very human response that the show doesn’t often include. 

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How old did they say that picture of the wife tied up was? It was stupid to use world class encryption but not remember to remove the geotag. They never did explain how the kidnapper managed to switch cars in the tunnel, that sounds like a two person scenario where it seems like it was accomplished by one person.

  • Love 1
19 hours ago, l star said:

Surely the money situation is building to something. They’ve established now that Magnum is routinely short and how it inconveniences those around him. They’ve also established that his friends are justifiably running out of patience with him. TC and Rick have been shown to need their money for the business. Juliet is past being willing to spot him anymore, and she needs her car to stay out of trouble. Just leaving a car like that on the side of the road or having it impounded is not okay, especially when it doesn’t even actually belong to Magnum. Even his bribery attempts are being met with impatience and calling him out. So the situation has come to a head. I don’t know what the purpose of it is, but surely it’s all building to something. Maybe Magnum taking it more seriously? He doesn’t even seem embarrassed to be called out which blows my mind. Maybe raising their PI fees and the type of cases they take? Contracting with someone for more consistent income?

So their fee is a flat $450? That’s ridiculous.

I hope you're right, because the constant mentions are ticking me off.  We viewers don't need any more constant reminders, when they are provided at least once every episode.  Or dozens of times per, in a few episodes, like this one.

And its more the picture it paints of the MC & his treatment by his so-called friends, that irritates me.  Its been 2.25 seasons, his "ohana" know him and his means & ways by now.  Higgins' treatment of him bothers me mostly, because she knows him and his background by now, but yet treats him like an immature malcontent when its not a time to be serious.  But then there are times when she goes way out of her way to do special things for him, like getting his dad's watch back. 

Either have all of it mean something/go somewhere, or drop the constant character flaw reminders, TPTB.  Its been old for a long time now.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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I think Jay has gotten better as time has gone on.  I'm sorry to say that I feel Perdita Weeks is a terrible actress and has only gotten worse.  Her posing with her arms and shoulders pinned back to stick out her chest, is sickening along with her poor acting.  Also, her hair is always in her face and she looks awful.  "Rick" in this new series is a better actor than the one who played in the original series with Tom.  T.C. is better in this new series also.  Please get rid of Perdita Weeks.  She is so bad, I can't watch.  Get a good actress to replace her.  You might have to pay her a few bucks, but it would be worth it.

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On 1/30/2021 at 3:52 PM, Lovemydogs said:

I think Jay has gotten better as time has gone on.  I'm sorry to say that I feel Perdita Weeks is a terrible actress and has only gotten worse.  Her posing with her arms and shoulders pinned back to stick out her chest, is sickening along with her poor acting.  Also, her hair is always in her face and she looks awful.  "Rick" in this new series is a better actor than the one who played in the original series with Tom.  T.C. is better in this new series also.  Please get rid of Perdita Weeks.  She is so bad, I can't watch.  Get a good actress to replace her.  You might have to pay her a few bucks, but it would be worth it.

I really like Jay in this series, and he is the main reason along with the chemistry of the cast that I watch.  I didn’t watch Magnum back in the day, and watched a few episodes a year or so ago.  I honestly didn’t care for it much...I don’t love the vibe of Tom Selleck’s character.  And it is not because it is older, as I love the old MacGyver and have been watching that for the first time as well.   

As for Perdita I am not sure if it is her acting or the character, but I understand what you mean.  

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Still not a Jin fan, but at least he got an episode arc that was more than just him being a merry idiot.

Maui (was that his name?) was a Jin clone.  Like, irritatingly so.

Instead of using a nightmare sequence to remind us of the white SUV subplot, maybe we could get some actual backstory there instead?  A 'peek behind the curtain', so to speak.  Just spitballing.

And for the weekly subtle-as-a-sledgehammer-to-the-face future M/H hint, Higgins gets to play with Magnum's butt while they basically spoon standing up.

 Please, stop with the Bobby Lee character.   His schtick got old about 1/3 of the way through his first season on MadTV a hundred years ago.   It has not magically been refreshed in the intervening years.  

 Is this the first reference to the white can since the season premiere?   Apparently the ice rink isn't the only cold in Hawaii since this plot is moving at a glacial pace.  

9 hours ago, Maverick said:

 Please, stop with the Bobby Lee character.   His schtick got old about 1/3 of the way through his first season on MadTV a hundred years ago.   It has not magically been refreshed in the intervening years.  

 Is this the first reference to the white can since the season premiere?   Apparently the ice rink isn't the only cold in Hawaii since this plot is moving at a glacial pace.  

While I agree, there has been a couple "blink and miss it" mentions of the white SUV subplot in a couple other episodes.


As we're on the subject, they continue to paint Higgins in an unkind light when it comes to Magnum & his personal life/problems.  While she did call him a great investigator, she basically laughed at him for his concern and losing sleep over it.  What a wonderful friend & partner.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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I like Perdita Weeks. I think she’s better in her warmer moments though. Playing bitchy doesn’t seem to be her strength. 

This ep encapsulated one of my biggest issues with this show- they make the cases too big and easy. I don’t think the tone suits major cases like this or the one where they took down the mob. 

It helped that they met all the idiots along the way. How did no one rescuing those girls ever go to the cops? The whole thing just didn’t make sense to me. 

  • Love 4
10 hours ago, DavidWeis1 said:

I really found Higgins obnoxious in this last episode. Playing footsie under the table. Really?

That whole poker scene - leading to the coitus interruptus - was extremely gag worthy.  Rick spoke for all of us, when he said "sorry, I was just throwing up in my mouth".  Two grown adults - a surgeon and a former MI-6 agent - were worse than two horny teenagers.  That whole 2 minutes was cringe to the max.  Was it supposed to be humorous?  Cause it just gave me acid reflux.

And while I appreciated the immediate message shared between Higgins and Magnum with the whole "Cone of Silence" thing at the end, it was about as obviously 'endgame' as could be.  "Its inevitable that you'll come up in my conversations with Ethan when I'm talking about my day, because you are a very important part of my day ... of my.. life."  "Back at you."  I mean, some writer clearly attended How One Character Unintentionally Says 'I Love You (romantically)' to Another Character, Without Saying the Actual Words 101, while taking copious notes and studying hard for the final.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
  • Love 8

As a general rule I find Higgins and Ethan super cute, but the PDA was a bit much. I thought Magnum was being ridiculous- who cares if they’re playing footsie in their own space under the table- then the giggling started. I did appreciate that when told to get a room, they did. Usually it just gets more awkward. 

I liked this case. This is the kind of case this show is made for. I liked the twist too that the dad never intended to run. Hopefully the brothers can learn to appreciate that. 

I liked the conversation at the end. I didn’t really understand what Magnum was SO bent out of shape over all episode, but what he said made sense. I still think there’s a fair amount of jealousy coloring things from his end, but they’re trying. I can appreciate an adult conversation. 

  • Love 5

If Hamler's son turns out to have been the 'driving the White SUV' storyline, what a waste of a (potentially) mysteriously intriguing storyline.  I'm trying to remember an either current show or a very recently ended one that mangled potentially interesting storylines in the same type of fashion.  Will be a huge letdown if so.

It was a good action episode, only 'slow moments', before the very end, were the very first 1.5 minutes, Katsumoto/son moments & the flashbacks. 

Have to be honest, was waiting for a big M/H moment at the end, but Ethan buzzed her before it could reach that point.  I don't think Magnum was a big fan of the interruption, judging by his reaction.  I was sure, in the final moments, that there would be another admonition by Higgins of Magnum for trading himself for her, and he'd tell her "There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you" soulfully.  I guess that makes me a bigger M/H shipper than this episode's writer(s).  lol

This show is far, far, FAR from the only show that does this (Gunsmoke would do it CONSTANTLY, for instance), but for crying out loud, just once could we have a "return of a not famous old villain" where the not famous old villain is an ACTUAL not famous old villain? Obviously, shows bring back big villains all the time, but whenever they do a "Character X that was arrested by the star of the show returns," it's never an actual bad guy from the earliest episodes. 

  • Love 2
22 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

This show is far, far, FAR from the only show that does this (Gunsmoke would do it CONSTANTLY, for instance), but for crying out loud, just once could we have a "return of a not famous old villain" where the not famous old villain is an ACTUAL not famous old villain? Obviously, shows bring back big villains all the time, but whenever they do a "Character X that was arrested by the star of the show returns," it's never an actual bad guy from the earliest episodes. 


Not even Rick or TC had the slightest clue about this Hamler guy before Magnum filled them in.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

If Hamler's son turns out to have been the 'driving the White SUV' storyline, what a waste of a (potentially) mysteriously intriguing storyline.  I'm trying to remember an either current show or a very recently ended one that mangled potentially interesting storylines in the same type of fashion.  Will be a huge letdown if so.

Nah, that is almost certainly connected to the eventual return of Ivan. If this was the white van people, the show would make a big to-do about that. So while I am sure that these are not the white van guys, I will admit that these are most of the same producers that were behind Hawaii Five-O's continual "Okay, THIS is the new big bad...wait, no, never mind, they're dead. Okay, THIS is the new big bad...oh...wait, no, they're arrested" (rinse and repeat ad infinitum once they killed off Wo-Fat). 

Minor little bit at the end that made me laugh a bit was when the show wanted to have Magnum and TC have a private conversation, Kumu just inexplicably goes to just, sort of sway in the dance floor for no reason. They couldn't even have a bit where she's, like, "It looks like you two have something to talk about" or SOMEthing. She just wanders away in time for their private talk. That sort of artifice happens on LOTS of shows, but it still struck me as amusing. 

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I was waiting for some interesting twist like the son had figured out that Dad had killed Mum and just broke him out to deliver some patricidal justice that Higgins and Magnum then would have to stop. But nope, it just went down pretty predictably.

The rest of the plot required a lot of hand waving but my wrists are still strong from the Hawaii Five-0 years. That said at this point Katsumoto has become my favorite character, he's smart, takes risks for his friends and has by far the best dress sense of the bunch. Now let's see how long it takes until Dennis gets in trouble/is kidnapped.

Edited by MissLucas
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8 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

Minor little bit at the end that made me laugh a bit was when the show wanted to have Magnum and TC have a private conversation, Kumu just inexplicably goes to just, sort of sway in the dance floor for no reason. They couldn't even have a bit where she's, like, "It looks like you two have something to talk about" or SOMEthing. She just wanders away in time for their private talk. That sort of artifice happens on LOTS of shows, but it still struck me as amusing. 

That confused me for a second when I saw her on the dance floor and at first thought she was with Gordon because he had patted her on the back before she got up, but right after he said he had to leave. Like, "I've got to get back to the station, but first ... we dance!" Then they showed her moving around to stay in the shot, but by herself, which was odd.

3 hours ago, MissLucas said:

That said at this point Katsumoto has become my favorite character, he's smart, takes risks for his friends and has by far the best dress sense of the bunch.

His shirts have a 70s vibe which is normally not a good thing, but it works for him. I find him the most attractive of the four guys, and I adore how exasperated he always is.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, MissLucas said:

The rest of the plot required a lot of hand waving but my wrists are still strong from the Hawaii Five-0 years. That said at this point Katsumoto has become my favorite character, he's smart, takes risks for his friends and has by far the best dress sense of the bunch. Now let's see how long it takes until Dennis gets in trouble/is kidnapped.

That was my thought too since I saw the news that Lance Lim was recurring... why bring in Katsumoto’s son unless they were going to put him in jeopardy? (Though if it gets us angry and vengeful Katsumoto, I will live with it - I started looking st Magnum because my Mentalist/Kimball Cho love was real and true, so we know Tim Kang can play it.) 

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I watch the new Magnum PI because I like Jay.H and Tim.K. Then I fall in love with the new TC & new Rick, The TM/TC/R bromance is heart-warming. I liked Higgins in season 1, but not anymore since the character has becoming more obnoxious, her condescending attitude towards Magnum is hard to watch, on top of that, Perdita Weeks is a terrible actress. Don't really care abt Kumu's storylines. And don't wanna see that "Jin thing" ever again.


Re S03/E09, I thought Ivan has returned to Hawaii, the case was lame but the actions were OK, was kinda hoping that something will happen to Higgins so that she'll be hospitalized etc, - less screen times. Am glad that the writers have decided to give Rick a love interest this season, but why it has to be Suzy, his wife in IRL? Come on show, do better!

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After some thought;

It was on Robin's Nest property that Hamler's son abducted Higgins, right?  I think it was, therefore........

It wasn't meant to be humorous, but I have to chuckle because didn't they just make a big deal about Higgins & Magnum 'infiltratiion-proofing' the property like only a few episodes ago?   The teaser opening for the MMA episode, wasn't it??

And then Higgins gets snuck up on and abducted from said property, the property that she owns and makes sure security measures are in place to prevent what happened.  Although, I guess in her 'defense', Magnum didn't test the security by using the traditional route of sneaking in via the road/surrounding terrain & motor vehicle like Hamler, Jr did....

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
  • Love 3
23 hours ago, Raja said:

It is a COVID protocol. NCIS New Orleans and Walker also brought in real life spouses to play a character's love interest 

Kinda hope that Rick will be with Quinn (H5O), but now that's not gonna happen. But hey, maybe one day Rick/TC will date someone from NCIS Hawaii - potential crossover!

  • Love 1
On 3/1/2021 at 12:47 PM, MountaineerBro10 said:

Am I the only one who has a feeling Ethan Shah (Higgins’ current love crush) is actually the guy who’s been following Magnum since beginning of season 3? Idk, I just feel there’s something fishy about him.

I think they'd have shown him in a more 'shadowy' type of way if that were the case, but you could be right.  In a way that viewers would be like "that guy is kinda odd", instead of just seeing him as Higgins' Dr Love.


Solid episode. The A-plot was well handled. Katsumoto continues his winning streak. I loved Higgins' dress in the last scene and appreciated the little nod to Bond at the beginning. But as cute as their subplot was the fact remains that Ethan is just a stumbling block. I guess it's time to take bets how he will be removed from the scene. 

a) he turns out to be evil and either Higgins or Magnum will have to kill him (drama!)

b) he dies tragically (more drama!)

c) Higgins breaks his heart and he returns to MSF (optional: then gets abducted and Magnum & Co have to rescue him) (triple drama!)

Edited by MissLucas
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