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19 minutes ago, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

In my mind's eye, I'm thinking that they hadn't met each other between the episode I described from a couple seasons+ back, and when Daryl was taken to the Sanctuary as a prisoner and there learned Dwight was in with Negan.

There was also that little interlude at the train tracks between those two events where Dwight shot Denise in the head while aiming at Daryl with Daryl's stolen crossbow and then pretty much had the drop on Daryl and company until Eugene helpfully bit him in the crotch.  Which interestingly has never come up in all their Itchy and Scratchy interactions at the Sanctuary.  I want to say Dwight was also part of the crew that captured Daryl to drag him into the baseball bat of death circle.

At no point has Daryl been shown as more than begrudgingly letting him live on Rick's say-so because he was supplying the gang with inside information.  I know it's hard to tell how Daryl feels about much of anything between all the mumbling and hair in the face.

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I didn't think that the dog food sandwich Dwight gave Darryl was a cruel thing to do. Meat seems to be scarce, and it was probably better for him than the zombie-fed pork Negan has. Which, by the way, reminds me to ask: Why haven't Negan's people turned from eating that pork?

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1 hour ago, Gobi said:

I didn't think that the dog food sandwich Dwight gave Darryl was a cruel thing to do. Meat seems to be scarce, and it was probably better for him than the zombie-fed pork Negan has. Which, by the way, reminds me to ask: Why haven't Negan's people turned from eating that pork?

If he got the good kind, like Merrick dog food, he'd have been eating better than anyone in Alexandria but I have a feeling he got something like Ol' Roy.

12 hours ago, Ohwell said:

Dwight and Daryl should star in a sequel to Dumb and Dumber.  

For quite some time now, Rick and Daryl have been doing a good impersonation of D&D.


13 hours ago, nodorothyparker said:

I know it's hard to tell how Daryl feels about much of anything between all the mumbling and hair in the face.

It's only going to get worse.



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2 hours ago, Gobi said:

Which, by the way, reminds me to ask: Why haven't Negan's people turned from eating that pork?

IKR. Or why didn't Rick's crew turn when they ate the dogs back in S5. The only thing those dogs must have eaten was dead/alive human flesh.

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2 hours ago, Smad said:

IKR. Or why didn't Rick's crew turn when they ate the dogs back in S5. The only thing those dogs must have eaten was dead/alive human flesh.

Which is why I have said for a long time that ZA survivors should be raising pigs and dogs as a food source. And they should be clearing the vicinity of their settlement of walkers and bringing back the bodies to feed them. It's a proven way to convert zombie flesh into edible protein. Until the rules suddenly change and the flesh from those who have eaten walkers starts transmiting the affliction.

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6 hours ago, Gobi said:

Why haven't Negan's people turned from eating that pork?


1 hour ago, Bongo Fury said:

Until the rules suddenly change and the flesh from those who have eaten walkers starts transmiting the affliction.

Shhh! You're not supposed to remember or mention that. I mean if we can accept that Rick got sliced with a knife covered in zombie goo and didn't get sick... well, that was then and this is now. Get with the program. New Rules!

I just hope there's no more conversations between Daryl and Tara. Between the mumbling and the bad acting, it's pure torture.

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4 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

And weren't we led by the writers to assume that the cannibals (forgot their names) turned because they ate Bob's Tainted Meat! leg? 

Holy feces, I forgot about that.

But they were all slaughtered or bitten/eaten anyways, so we have to - unfortunately - overlook the writers' stupidity in that case.

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Yahoo accidentally published a day too early an interview with Steven Ogg about how he's gonna die tonight in episode 8.15.  They caught their mistake pretty quickly and deleted the article, but someone on The Spoiling Dead Fans forum (not facebook page) had already copied and posted it.  So, if you have any interest remaining in how Simon gonna die tonight, here you go:


In Sunday night’s penultimate episode of “The Walking Dead” Season 8, an epic showdown erupted between Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) and (not Rick!) his right-hand man, Simon (Steven Ogg).

And, spoiler alert: Negan took out Simon with his bare hands in a no-weapons wrestling match to the death. And it was a doozy.

TheWrap caught up with Ogg to discuss his exit from the show, and the actor said Simon actually died “on his own terms.”

“I never took Simon to be a man with regret,” he said, explaining that’s why earlier in the episode he didn’t bow his head when Negan asked him to get on his knees.

When Negan finds out about Simon’s mutiny plan from Dwight, the leader still has some respect for “that psychopath that went out and did that at Oceanside and wiped out everyone — and the heapsters.”

“I don’t think it’s necessarily like a power thing with Simon or like he got to take over from Negan, so it’s like, ‘Mom and Dad are gone, let’s have a house party!'” Ogg said of the Savior’s plan. “I don’t think it was that. It’s just he stepped up and decided to do things his way.”

Part of why Simon wanted to oust Negan is because old tactics stopped working.

“They had tried with Negan all these things and nothing had happened,” Ogg said. “It wasn’t about going against Negan so much as just doing his own thing and going back and asking for forgiveness.”

And forgiveness seemed to be granted early on in Sunday’s episode. At a meeting with several key Saviors, Negan told Simon to get on his knees, and it seemed like he was about to bash his head in with Lucille.

“He was ready to take what Negan was gonna give him,” Ogg said of that moment. “I mean, he had to assume that that was going to be the bat.”

But Negan decides to extend a little mercy and keep Ogg alive. Of course, until a few minutes later, when he proposes a fight to the death to determine who leads the saviors.

Ogg said that there’s “mutual respect” in a gladiator, man-to-man fight.

“It was sort of reciprocating that respect in a sense,” he said. “OK, we’re gonna go at it hand-to-hand if you beat me, you beat me; if I beat you, I beat you.”

Simon, according to Ogg, wanted Negan to have to watch him die; he was ready to accept his fate.

“So that was sort of Simon’s thinking, that he was ready to go on his own terms with his own sense of honor or whatever one wants to call it.”

Edited by SnarkyTart
link to unpublished article
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4 minutes ago, raven said:

I would much rather see Simon kill Negan with his bare hands but whatever.

Me toooo.  Oh, they also debunked the rumor that Sherry would be in this episode.  However, for those who elect to watch 8.15 tonight, we will see Dwight imprisoned by Negan and wearing the orange jumpsuit after Laura rats him out.

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59 minutes ago, SnarkyTart said:

Yahoo accidentally published a day too early an interview with Steven Ogg about how he's gonna die tonight in episode 8.15

I didn't read that because my masochism only goes so far. But - good riddance to Snidely Whiplash.

49 minutes ago, nodorothyparker said:

Better stock up on extra whatever everyone's drinking.

I"m starting to think alcohol isn't going to do it for me. Drugs may be on the agenda.

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3 minutes ago, raven said:

So there will be even more long winded speechifying about trust. loyalty, punishment, blah blah.

.. with both of them referring numerous times to their manly naughty bits, and whose is bigger.

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1 hour ago, SnarkyTart said:

When Negan finds out about Simon’s mutiny plan from Dwight, the leader still has some respect for “that psychopath that went out and did that at Oceanside and wiped out everyone — and the heapsters.”

A mildly interesting point buried in Negan's interminable monologuing is this toss-away line, revealing that Simon's the one who wiped out everyone at Oceanside.  Maybe they bury this in Negan's verbal diarrhea because they know by now no one cares what happened to Oceanside, if they even remember who Oceanside is...though that speculative awareness gives the show much more credit than it deserves.

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1 hour ago, nodorothyparker said:

So an episode of endless dick measuring that Motormouth survives?  Better stock up on extra whatever everyone's drinking.

And sadly, I was too lazy to go out and buy more vodka. I have "almost" enough, but have gin or wine if I have too. I believe in never mix grape and grain but tonight I may have to.

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How does scrawny Negan beat Simon in a 'no weapons' wrestling match? I have seen Simon's arms. Negan's plot armor probably would withstand a nuclear blast at this point.

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20 minutes ago, Smad said:

How does scrawny Negan beat Simon in a 'no weapons' wrestling match?

A wrestling match? Oooh! That reminds me: Last week when Negan was threatening to burn up Jadis' piccies, did he ever look at them? I was so hoping he would and see the portraits of Rick in his skivvies, and maybe tonight he can casually mention that to Rick during what is sure to be another Meep-meep Acme failure on Rick's part.

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37 minutes ago, Smad said:

How does scrawny Negan beat Simon in a 'no weapons' wrestling match? I have seen Simon's arms. Negan's plot armor probably would withstand a nuclear blast at this point.

At this point, Negan is the Black Knight from Monty Python & The Holy Grail.  Even if he could be hurt, it wouldn't matter none.  Nothing's gonna shut him up.

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From the Spoiling Dead Fans forum.  This was initially reported as being from a good source, but uncorroborated by multiple sources.  It was later updated to say that it had subsequently been corroborated by another source.  If your tolerance for the meep meep at wit's end, you might want to skip this...


We have heard some possible tidbits for a scene in episode 8.16. I am heavily labeling this as a rumor right now. Please keep in mind that this information has not been fully corroborated with multiple sources. It has passed the initial "smell tests" so that is why we are even posting it. However, when we can't corroborate details with multiple sources it's important to approach these with healthy skepticism. Enjoy, thirsty junkies!

This scene takes place in a large field (filmed in Manchester,GA)

- Negan and a large group of Saviors have several Team Family members held at gunpoint. (Rick, Michonne, Daryl, Carol, Ezekiel, Morgan, Jesus, Maggie, Rosita, Father G) . Eugene is also there along with Dwight who is now wearing one of those infamous brown and orange "prisoner" suits.

- Negan gives the order for the Saviors to shoot everyone. When they pull the trigger their guns start exploding, killing and stunning several Saviors. The bullets/guns have been sabotaged. Thanks, Eugene. Most of the Saviors die or are extremely wounded. A couple manage to run away.

- Negan starts running towards Eugene, ready to kill him. Dwight comes to his rescue and starts fighting Negan. They exchange a few blows and Negan eventually runs off. It's unclear what happens from here.

- There were still several days left of filming after this, so it's unclear which part of the episode this scene will take place. We don't know what happens with all the characters after this. At this time, our source said that no one from Team Family is hurt or killed in this particular scene.


We have now corroborated the details of this rumor with an additional source. However, this source is under the impression that EVERYONE from Team Family was there. This includes Tara, Aaron, and Enid. This source is not able to elaborate much, but did mention that when Negan runs off Rick follows him.

I wonder if they'll end the season finale with Negan running off and Rick chasing him, or if they'll end it with Rick capturing Negan and putting him in the jail that Morgan built.  Either way, there will be no end of Negan, his dick, or his nutsack...ever.

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8 minutes ago, SnarkyTart said:

From the Spoiling Dead Fans forum.  This was initially reported as being from a good source, but uncorroborated by multiple sources.  It was later updated to say that it had subsequently been corroborated by another source.  If your tolerance for the meep meep at wit's end, you might want to skip this...

I wonder if they'll end the season finale with Negan running off and Rick chasing him, or if they'll end it with Rick capturing Negan and putting him in the jail that Morgan built.  Either way, there will be no end of Negan, his dick, or his nutsack...ever.

I'm sorry to say that I believe all of this. The only thing missing will be "Yakety Sax" on the soundtrack as Rick chases Negan. Convenient for the ammo to all fail at the precise moment needed.

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40 minutes ago, raven said:

Besides the ongoing Rick/Negan idiocy, I am annoyed that Rick's group loses to the saviors and only lives because of Eugene.  Ugh.

I agree with this sentiment.  So, allowing one small sliver of hope that maybe Fr Gabriel sabotaged the ammo, rather than Eugene?  Unlikely, given the show's habit of saving the characters most hated by viewers.  Ugh, indeed.


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On 4/8/2018 at 1:23 PM, Ohwell said:


And weren't we led by the writers to assume that the cannibals (forgot their names) turned because they ate Bob's Tainted Meat! 


The cannibals never turned or showed signs of infection. Bob just yelled ‘Tainted meat’ and they were nauseated at the idea. Nothing else came of it, because they were slaughtered the next day. 

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So Team Family is utterly incapable of winning themselves against Negan? Like ever? I miss the days of the Gov and the Termites and even Lolicops. What the hell. This is so embarrassing. They have a kill crazy Morgan, Daryl/Michonne/Rick/Carol who are (or used to be anyway) badasses. And still we had this state of affairs for S7-8 where they all sucked and the saviors came out on top. The only people who kicked ass this Season against Saviors were Morgan and Carol. And Rick finally got kill happy again in a recent episode after almost 2 Seasons of well....nothing. Good grief.

I can't believe next episode is the finale already. Time sure does fly by when you don't watch this show.

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So we're going with a cartoon finale? All the guns explode when fired! Negan escapes by bouncing over the hills on his giant balls while Rick gives chase!

Is there still time to buy tickets to see this masterpiece in a theater? 

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Negan was all about not killing unless absolutely necessary.

In fact ended up killling Simon because he killed all the GPK and was going to kill everyone at Hilltop (even though when he tried, he ended up running away).

Now he's wanting to kill all the farmers?

Supply of bullets wasn't a problem until it was and will be again.

Supply of food was a problem but now it isn't?

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So, I just want to get things straight.

Gimple decides Carl’s death will shock Rick and perhaps even Negan into re-evaluating their worldview. Both men men have become consumed by hatred and only a tragedy such as this can change the trajectory of their lives.

Rick reads letter, he still wants to kill all the Saviors.

Negan hears the later, he wants to kill all of Rick’s people and the Hilltop. 

So Carl’s death actually doesn’t change anything or advance the plot at all.

And in fact Eugene saves the day at the finale pictured below:



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7 hours ago, jenrising said:

So we're going with a cartoon finale? All the guns explode when fired! Negan escapes by bouncing over the hills on his giant balls while Rick gives chase!

Is there still time to buy tickets to see this masterpiece in a theater? 

I can't believe they're showing it in theatres, considering the ratings. Maybe when the viewers were over 17 million in number, but now? 

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Frankly, I'm more invested in Dwight's fate than some of Rick's team. I don't know, I like the character and actor, and really want to see him find his wife and escape from Negan.

F Eugene. Whatever he does, will only be to save his own skin.

I'm guessing Oceanside will also pop in to say hey at some point, if Aaron is back with the group.

I still have a fantasy where they finally capture Negan and Rick and Maggie do Rock Paper Scissors to see who gets to kill him. Or monologue about killing him.

12 hours ago, Smad said:

So Team Family is utterly incapable of winning themselves against Negan? Like ever? I miss the days of the Gov and the Termites and even Lolicops. What the hell. This is so embarrassing.

I will never miss the bad cop story line. That whole thing was just bizarre. 


21 hours ago, SnarkyTart said:

From the Spoiling Dead Fans forum.  This was initially reported as being from a good source, but uncorroborated by multiple sources.  It was later updated to say that it had subsequently been corroborated by another source.  If your tolerance for the meep meep at wit's end, you might want to skip this...

I wonder if they'll end the season finale with Negan running off and Rick chasing him, or if they'll end it with Rick capturing Negan and putting him in the jail that Morgan built.  Either way, there will be no end of Negan, his dick, or his nutsack...ever.

Rick collapsing with the wound in his side would seem to be near the end of the episode., maybe after his one-on-one fight with Negan. Like many, I want Negan dead, but I'm assuming Rick FINALLY takes Negan down, but doesn't kill him because of Carl.

Maybe Rick will try to make peace, and then Dwight takes Negan out with an arrow through the head while Negan is wounded-monologuing, and then Dwight wanders off. I'd be down with that.

I'm still a fan, but I'm hoping the new showrunner can help next season. Apart from Morgan taking off, I really want to see as much of the main cast in the same general vicinity again. Separating everyone all the time sucked.

Edited by CrazyDog
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20 hours ago, Gobi said:

I'm sorry to say that I believe all of this. The only thing missing will be "Yakety Sax" on the soundtrack as Rick chases Negan. Convenient for the ammo to all fail at the precise moment needed.

I'm picturing more Benny Hill music.


If its true about Eugene, I'll be happy. I just could never reconcile that he'd betray Abraham's memory so easily.

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It's interesting to me to go back to episode threads from last season where most of us were pretty vocal that we didn't care about drippy Dwight, then often referred to as Dollar Store Daryl, or his sad sack backstory, considering that so many of us here and in the episode thread are acknowledging him as one of the few characters any of us still care about.  Good for the actor for growing on us, but to me that's also a pretty good indicator of just how long this interminable Negan story has dragged on and how badly so many of our longterm characters have been written or sacrificed to keep it going.

I'm on some kind of Fathom Events list because I sometimes like going to see classic movies on the big screen.  This whole Survival Sunday thing is definitely happening.  I know this because I get a promo probably once a day asking if I'd like to buy tickets for it.  Uh, no.  

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49 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

I assume he is going directly to jail, and not allowed to pass "Go" to collect $200.00.


If they do put Negan in jail, by god can they at least soundproof the cell (if it's not invisible for all eternity)? Or will we actually be subjected to monologues about his man parts for anyone who's on guard duty, etc.? I really can't believe anyone wants redemption of any kind for him. I've barely been able to watch this show since he killed Abe and especially Glenn in the way he did (and they took Polaroids of their kills remember? Seems like a decade ago). I never pay attention for a full episode. There are SOME limits. Should be -- stay in the house on this one, Ghost Carl.

Edited by EllenC
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So, Rick murdered some Saviors who wanted to join his side, including one who saved his life, but he's going to let Negan live? I hope there isn't a P.S. in Carl's letter, asking him not to kill anyone who changes sides, Rick would feel awful silly if there is.

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1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

I think that was a joke.  No way would they ever show this in a theatre. 

Oh, @icemiser69, we wish it was a joke.  As inconceivable as such a thing is, it's truly happening.  April 15, in over 750 AMC theaters nationwide, those who are weird enough to buy tickets will see larger-than-life Negan leaning, smirking, and dick-talking on the big screen.  If you do a google search on "Survival Sunday AMC", you'll find a lot of links to confirm.  I hope this ill-conceived, horrific marketing idea fails even more miserably than I predict and AMC loses a shit-ton of $$$.

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The spoilers really make clear why Gimple is so anxious about whether the fans will like the finale.  

Like some others, I'm kind of interested in Dwight.  I don't think they really explained why he went back to the Saviors as soon as the diabetic girl died but it's not as retroactively crazy as a lot of other character turns they've forced people into for the last 3 seasons. 

I think it's pretty normal on this show for there to be resistance to new characters as they join the cast but then they kind of grow on you (e.g., Abraham).  I do wish, however, that the show would think a bit about the ones where the annoyance just keeps on going or gets worse - Father Gabriel, Tara, the child-idiot who let the Saviors escape, etc. (of course, Negan).

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1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

Who are the Lolicops?

The Grady cops from back in S5A. Often called Lollicops because of the guy who sucks the lollipop and then makes Beth suck it.

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5 minutes ago, Smad said:

Often called Lollicops because of the guy who sucks the lollipop and then makes Beth suck it.

If a visual is needed;



14 hours ago, Smad said:

I miss the days of the Gov and the Termites and even Lolicops.

Yes. Yes, I do. Well, maybe I can't go so far as the Lollicops.




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