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Season 5 Discussion

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5 hours ago, brgjoe said:

Just wondering how long she will remain there.  I like her and hope she would remain on the show in some capacity. 

Heck, I wish she would remain and Gregorio would go.  But it doesn't look like that will happen. 

In one of the past few episodes since Hannah showed up, she replied to someone else about not wanting to miss "girl time" with Gregorio. We haven't seen anything about her personal life. I am wondering if (more like when) Pride comes back from Suiteville, she and Gregorio might become "a thing". And speaking of couples, I love that LaSalle and that woman who worked for his dad are going to have dinner. She's cute and a good person. And they did say she had moved to New Orleans. 

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I love that LaSalle and that woman who worked for his dad are going to have dinner. She's cute and a good person. And they did say she had moved to New Orleans. 

I liked her.  I hope she and LaSalle get together.

One nitpick--at the beginning, when the shrimp boat brought up that big net with their catch, I just knew that it would be full of shrimp only.  And it was.  I used to go shrimping with my dad (in our family boat) and those nets don't catch just shrimp.  They catch a lot of shrimp if they pass through a school (?) of them, but the net also catches everything else that gets in the way.  My job on the boat was always to 'pick shrimp', which means pick the shrimp out of the trash fish, seaweed, shells, and whatever else got caught (we used to keep some of the squid for fishing bait and blue crabs for eating purposes if they were big enough, but threw everything else back).  I didn't mind doing it because I got paid in shrimp (yum!), but I was always glad that I didn't have to do it for a living.  And, I think they kept using the word 'shrimping' way too much (I already deleted the episode or I would check).  We would go shrimping, but the boats are called shrimp boats, not shrimping boats (and they aren't shrimping docks, or shrimping processing plants, etc.).  

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After Pride’s assistant, Ginny Young, escapes from a kidnapper, the NCIS team uncovers evidence of a suspect who is harvesting organs from multiple victims. Also, Pride turns to his friend, Commander Calvin Atkins, M.D., for medical and spiritual guidance as he struggles with the ramifications of his recent brush with death.

Tuesday, Oct. 30

22 hours ago, Trey said:

Me too.  Hope he doesn't go the way of the veteran Pride had hired to run the bar - I liked him too.

I also liked Percy and Merry but I can't say I really miss them.  Gregorio has really grown on me.

I like Tammy too, since they toned her down.  I hope they keep Jimmy around too. He’s quite a character !

im really liking Hannah! Yay  that she’s in the opening credits. Should be around a while. 

I’m really tired of the “timekeeper”..or whoever she is...who keeps popping up. Can’t Pride tell her to “take a hike” or something...she keeps saying it’s “his” dreams and “his” choices and all. He needs to choose to have her disappear. She’s annoying.

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Pride may keep breaking the rules but I can'thelp but think that Sebastian is still not agent material. How many times as he gotten caught up in such a situation by now? He's still as green as they come and yet, he keeps ignoring advice from experienced agents and claims to have good instincts and gut feelings and what-not. It's annoying me a hell of a lot more than Pride because he, at least, knows what he's doing and he's competent and experienced. I can't say the same for Sebastian. I like him but not as an agent, at least not if he doesn't learn and starts accepting advice and make smart decisions in the field some time soon.

That said, I like the dynamic/chemistry between Pride and the new agent. I wouldn't mind if they started working together. I think the new agent would have the potential of keeping Pride a little more grounded. (Of course, she would have to be allowed to do so but if she was, she could).

Edited by CheshireCat

If I wanted to watch a paranormal show, there’s plenty to choose from. The timekeeper needs to go away- and take Pride along. Every week we get less and less of the team and more and more of Pride.   

We are supposed to believe that Cassius was in prison for 20 years, and Pride didn’t know who his visitors were? Jimmys’  name never came to Prides’ attention. 

How does Pride still have a job? Let alone special agent in charge? 

Edited by mythoughtis
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That was a fairly creepy Halloween episode.  Geoffrey Owens sure didn't have much of a part.  Hopefully, he'll be back (I didn't recognize him until he smiled and then I said 'Elvin!').

I'm not quite sure what I think about Pride's 'visions'.

I'm liking the new organization of the group.  I'm a Bakula fan, but he's settling (kind of) into his new role and I like the new head of the team (Hannah?).  Where was Patton? I missed him.

The abandoned medical lab looked like Charity Hospital, abandoned since Katrina.  That's one creepy-looking place!  

  • Love 3

Oh man, now that is how to do a Halloween episode!  I loved every moment of them clearing the abandoned hospital, that was creeptastic.  Gregorio freaking out at every little thing was just so perfect.  The victim popping up and gasping just after Sebastian declared him dead was a good moment.  I also hope the voodoo shop girl stays on as an occasional pop-up character. 

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On 10/7/2018 at 4:28 PM, Raja said:
On 10/7/2018 at 12:13 PM, UncleChuck said:

Was it ever explained why NOPD has an officer assigned to guard a FEDERAL agency?

Brand marketing. In this specific case the plot was built on the office being in a s secret location as if it was a rejected NCIS:LA script.

Except the NOLA office is not secret.  There is a very large NCIS logo/seal mounted on the outside wall visible from the sidewalk.  The office is a very unique space--but not a secret.

I really enjoyed that episode! And as an herbalist, I was fist pumping when Pride spoke about his stance on pharmaceuticals.  I wonder if that was Scott interjecting some of his really feelings? And, he went with an herbal tea, which worked! (Yea, Pride, it’s just Herbs, no magic!)

I like Jenny.   I hope she sticks around. I also enjoyed Zaire in the cafe/herb shop. I’m enjoying Tammy this season. And I really do like Hannah too. 

Really creepy story with the black market organ harvesting. I wonder how common it is here in the US?

I still love the new agent, and still can't stand Pride.  Seems like both Chris and Gregorio are being put on kind of a back burner.  And I know I've mentioned it in prior seasons, but is the hair/costume budget for ALL of these NCIS shows in the range of $100 per episode?   Gregorio always looks like a hot mess (and did the actress gain some weight; especially around the middle?) - seems she wears the same 3 tops throughout the entire series (kind of like the LL Cool J character on NCIS LA).  And her hair and makeup always looks as if she just rolled out of bed.   The original NCIS seems to have the same problem with it's characters.  I don't expect the actresses to look as if they stepped out of Vogue or a makeup ad, but c'mon.

Don't the bombers/terrorists/whatever know that if you keep asking "what's the time?", they're going to screw with the time, making you think it's later than it is! At which point, of course, the suspect always happily rattles off all the details/locations of the attacks (which they think have already taken place). They did it 10 years ago on Criminal Minds (kept shortening the time between prayers for the Muslim) and I'm sure they've done it elsewhere. Heck, there has even been movies where "you've been in a coma for a year. Tell us all about the plan that would have happened just after you fell into that coma" type plots.

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Not my favourite episode this season. 

1 hour ago, illdoc said:

Don't the bombers/terrorists/whatever know that if you keep asking "what's the time?", they're going to screw with the time, making you think it's later than it is! At which point, of course, the suspect always happily rattles off all the details/locations of the attacks (which they think have already taken place).

Probably because of the above - we've just seen it too many times.

How is it that we have never seen the guy who was formerly in Prides current position the entire series, but we see Pride every episode? 

I have a question for any commenters well versed in American Muslim culture. Jasmine identified Hannah as Muslim. Hannah’s V neck top was very low cut.  Is that normal/acceptable in the USA for Muslims?   I truly don’t know, but thought there were rules about attire.  

Edited by mythoughtis

I got a chuckle at the scene in the professors office, when the student berated Pride for profiling Yasmine for being Muslim....when the entire group profiled Pride the moment he walked in the door because he was a federal agent. 

Yasmine’s snarky crooked smile just made me want to knock her senseless. 

I like Hannah, and I hope she has a REAL GOOD reason for not seeing her daughter! Because , as a mom, leaving her kid behind..and then returning to town and still avoiding her ..is not very endearing to me.

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

How is it that we have never seen the guy who was formerly in Prides current position the entire series, but we see Pride every episode? 

Ha! Good question. I'm waiting for the episode that reverses Pride's promotion. They can't come up with plausible and semi-plausible plots to put Pride back together with his old team forever. Fall finale maybe?


5 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

I have a question for any commenters well versed in American Muslim culture. Jasmine identified Hannah as Muslim. Hannah’s V neck top was very low cut.  Is that normal/acceptable in the USA for Muslims?   I truly don’t know, but thought there were rules about attire.  

As far as I know, the attire is not a (mandatory) part of the faith. 


There are far too many terrorists in New Orleans for my taste. It's a fun city but come on, show. It's New Orleans, not New York City. The number of terrorist attacks is getting ridiculous. Maybe hire some new writers who can come up with new ideas?

12 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

How is it that we have never seen the guy who was formerly in Prides current position the entire series, but we see Pride every episode? 

I have a question for any commenters well versed in American Muslim culture. Jasmine identified Hannah as Muslim. Hannah’s V neck top was very low cut.  Is that normal/acceptable in the USA for Muslims?   I truly don’t know, but thought there were rules about attire.  

And on S.W,A,T, they just did a story line with ex IDF vigilante armed robbers sporting full tattoos and mentioning that it was  against the written word of the Jewish faith. Being raised in and only following parts of the old books, or their fundamentalist enforcers is as American as apple pie. What was stranger to me was that Gregorio was introduced as the hotshot profiler from the FBI and suddenly for this episode every needs to be explain to her, us as if she was a recruit watching her first interrogation.


The production must be starved of money, when finding the bomb the ATF and FBI agents along for the ride did not have their protective vest on.


NCIS must be the weirdest franchise of them all. On the Washington show when the agency director goes missing a field agent is suddenly the acting director. Meanwhile in Los Angeles assistant and deputy directors are running around in the field pulling missions and now suddenly we have a regional Special Agent in Charge who is introduced in a meeting talking about a sailor going unauthorized absence with a JAG in a big meeting. But Pride is a field leader, not a desk jockey like the man he replaced. And the show got a shot in the arm by kicking him upstairs.

Although LaSalle seems to be missing in a lot of action.  You would think that Lucas Black is getting a lot of time off like Scott Caan on 5-0, or there is another cast shake up among the many the Washington and New Orleans shows have had

7 minutes ago, Raja said:

And on S.W,A,T, they just did a story line with ex IDF vigilante armed robbers sporting full tattoos and mentioning that it was  against the written word of the Jewish faith. Being raised in and only following parts of the old books, or their fundamentalist enforcers is as American as apple pie. What was stranger to me was that Gregorio was introduced as the hotshot profiler from the FBI and suddenly for this episode every needs to be explain to her, us as if she was a recruit watching her first interrogation.


The production must be starved of money, when finding the bomb the ATF and FBI agents along for the ride did not have their protective vest on.


NCIS must be the weirdest franchise of them all. On the Washington show when the agency director goes missing a field agent is suddenly the acting director. Meanwhile in Los Angeles assistant and deputy directors are running around in the field pulling missions and now suddenly we have a regional Special Agent in Charge who is introduced in a meeting talking about a sailor going unauthorized absence with a JAG in a big meeting. But Pride is a field leader, not a desk jockey like the man he replaced. And the show got a shot in the arm by kicking him upstairs.

Although LaSalle seems to be missing in a lot of action.  You would think that Lucas Black is getting a lot of time off like Scott Caan on 5-0, or there is another cast shake up among the many the Washington and New Orleans shows have had

I also noticed that we barely see LaSalle or Patton unless the story is about them. My guess is that they have so many actors that they either can’t write for them all or need to save money by not paying them as much. 

This week seemed to be the Hannah-Gregorio-Pride week. Sebastian  and Patton in support. 

The Hannah character was growing on me until this week, but LaSalle could have been team leader. He functioned somewhat in that capacity assisting Pride until Gregorio came along.  As a child of divorce who never saw her father again, I’m not ok with Hannah avoiding her daughter. 

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When the half-brother showed up a few episodes ago, I was kind of "meh" on, but knew it would happen, the fact that he was going to get involved in their cases.  Now that we've had on of "those" episodes, I'm kind OK with it.  I like the actor, and I like the easy chemistry he has with Scott Bakula.  I also like when Jimmy tweaks Pride over his childhood with their mutual father.  I also like it when they kind of wordlessly agree on what a horrible father he was, in different ways, to both of them.

I hope Jimmy ends up managing the bar.

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Jimmy was the best thing about the episode.

I am surprised Pride hasn’t had his ass fired. Poor Steven! Having to cover for his absentee boss, because the guy insists on micro managing his old team. And why? Because his brother was a witness? Let the team handle it! Seriously, Pride shouldn’t have received this promotion. He shouldn’t have been able to pass any psych that was given to him. Aside from the psychological issues, I doubt he was really up to the task physically.

at any rate, when he got the phone call from Chris and he was THANKFUL because he got out of a boring meeting, I was pretty pissed. He left Steven holding the bag (love Reggie Lee!). And apparently he really doesn’t appear to LIKE his job. 


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12 hours ago, UncleChuck said:

Please, don't fire him because if he comes back to his old team, we could lose Hannah, and she is a great new addition to the cast.

Good Point!  I like her to. But now that she is in the opening credits, I think she’s probably pretty safe for now.  Except, I guess they could sideline her like they do to Patton.

On 11/20/2018 at 11:16 PM, j5cochran said:

I know that I tend to watch this show half-heartedly,

Unfortunately, I have been watching this way for about a year or so now. The true test for me is if I need to take a potty break and I don't make my husband pause the show, then I'm not that interested. But then again, I don't want to give it up all the way just yet.

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Dear show, I can suspend my disbelief that Pride would be up for field work at his age after being shot point-blank like he was, WAY more easily than I can suspend my disbelief that everyone at his desk job just lets him run off on his merry way back to the team every 14 seconds instead of doing his desk job. I want to keep the new girl, but not at the expense of the ridiculousness of everyone being all, "Just let us know when you're done!" when Pride just randomly leaves meetings with the freaking DOD. Either have him back with the team for real, or keep him at the desk job for real; this back and forth is ridiculous.

Excuse me while I yawn at Pride being all surrogate father to the kid, who thankfully called him out on it. I did think that Loretta was going to pull an "I adopt ALL the lost boys!". And the kid being all "OMG really?!" at being offered a foster home was slightly unrealistic for a hardened CI gang kid.

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I know for a fact it is almost impossible for a special agent to get fired. Especially one that is supposedly as decorated as Pride is. (as if all of the shenanigans that he's pulled over the years hadn't cancelled it all out) The usual route to promote them and transfer them to an office where little happens and they can do the least damage. As for agent Steven (can't remember his full name), he can't really boss around his boss which is what Pride is. If Pride is SAIC, then he can galavant off as much as he likes until he pisses off his higher ups. (I've seen it) Blowing off DOD, yeah, bad move but the whole FBI oversight crap they pulled in other seasons was bull too. NCIS is a pretty laid back agency and very small compared to others and they don't get as much PR as the FBI does. This and the other NCIS shows are the most publicity they've ever gotten.

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All I can say is...I guess the writer is a big fan of The Americans!  Which featured


a plot where at one point the spy couple has an "adopted" son, who is really another spy as part of the cover story. Furthermore, the spy couple has a teenage daughter, who they bring into the spy business and an eight(?) year old son, who knows nothing of the spy business, but who their handler would like to become a spy too, when the time is right.

The second "legitimate" family is the only new feature. BTW, based on the scene at the end, did Pride indicate that the suit Jimmy was wearing was his?? If so, it must have been an old one---Pride's at least 2 sizes bigger than Jimmy, yet the suit fit perfectly on him.

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