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Married To Medicine - General Discussion

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I wholly agree about Contessa.  She wanted to live a nomadic lifestyle and, as she tells it, after she had her second kid, she was basically like, "what's next?" And Scott said they were staying put.  I mean, this is poor planning of the highest order.  They should have had that discussion when they first started dating; not after two kids, but I just don't see how Contessa can be so selfish and think her kids are going to be as extroverted and nonchalant as she is when it comes to packing up their lives to start over every few years.  Maybe Scott never visited her in Nashville because he was working full-time and raising three kids, and traversing several hundred miles and back didn't fit the itinerary.

I love how Contessa tried to equate Scott switching jobs to Contessa basically changing her whole life.  She's frustrated and I don't see this marriage lasting either.  She's always going to extremes.  In an earlier episode Contessa told, I think, Heavenly, that she has to do this now, because if she waits for her youngest to be in college, she'll be in her sixties.  Well, that's the price you pay for having a third child when you're in your forties.  I'm sorry no one explained trade-offs to Contessa.


I missed so much of the episode, because the couple questions sparked discussion between my husband and me.  One thing I wondered, though, is why do people's minds always go to threesomes?  Three is literally an odd number.  Why not a foursome?  Two men, two women.  Not that my husband or I would ever do a group thing, but why the threesome?  Because men want two women?  Get the fuck out of here with that.


Daddy and Cecil really annoyed me this episode, with a side of Aydin.  Full disclosure:  I don't think strip clubs are innocent.  I couldn't imagine a monogamous relationship where a man gets a lap dance.  Or even a monogamous relationship where a man pays to see naked women dance without his spouse.  So when Cecil said he was just bringing the men to dinner, when he was clearly lying, I realized I wouldn't speak to him again if he tried to do that with me.  It's so disrespectful, it's startling.  

Every time I see Aydin, I am reminded that he was or is cheating, yet he prides himself on being this great husband, and I almost can't look at him.

Daddy--holy shit.  I lost so much respect for him, although I kind of always lightweight suspected he was cheating.  First of all, when the stripper asked him if he wanted to have sex, he responded, "I can't."  You can't?  You mean, you don't want to, because you have a loving wife?  And then next morning at the hotel, Daddy being all evasive about nipples when there were asses and vaginas everywhere and he got a lap dance?  Dude, get the fuck out of here.  Just answer your wife's questions honestly, and if you don't like how the answers sound, maybe don't do it next time.

I would never let any of these men be my doctors after last night's display.  Do what you do in Mexico; I don't care, but if you purposely air that for TV?  Be prepared to lose clients.  Especially Dr Buffie's Husband with his disgusting facial hair (what is that, a mustache growing up his nose?  Lovely). Yeah, I really want that guy helping me with my psychological problems!  

Heavenly catches blame, because she only gets mad--and she gets mad at the woman!--but she doesn't lay down a standard that Damon may not cross, and she doesn't adhere to her own.  She just storms out like a child and rants and raves, but I think that ultimately she's like Mariah in that she will look the other way for the lifestyle.

As for the women who didn't give a shit, like Simone and Toya?  If that works in their marriages--penis parties and strip clubs--to each his own.  It's not where I'd let a relationship take me, but if they're ok, fine.  I guess if I'm allowed to hold the opinion that sexually-charged physical contact is never ok within a relationship, they are allowed to hold other opinions.  It just makes me kind of sad.  

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Is it me, or is that not how you play Fuck, Marry, Kill? I always played it where somebody names three people and everybody has to decide who they'd fuck, who they'd marry, and who they'd kill. This group was just naming random people, right? Everybody named three different people?

Edited by Empress1
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The strip club was not a good look for any of these men. I’m embarrassed for their kids. And why am I not surprised that Curtis frequents strip clubs? 🙄 And yes, Empress1, that’s definitely not how the game is played. I don’t know what the hell those women were playing, but it made for a very boring “game”.

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17 minutes ago, Momager said:

The strip club was not a good look for any of these men. I’m embarrassed for their kids. And why am I not surprised that Curtis frequents strip clubs? 🙄 And yes, Empress1, that’s definitely not how the game is played. I don’t know what the hell those women were playing, but it made for a very boring “game”.

RIGHT?  I mean, I could be like, I'd shag this super hot actor, marry this even more super hot actor, and kill my garbage man because he broke the lid off my trash can and now it's irritating to roll to the curb.  Where's the fun in that?  You pick 3 that generally everyone likes or hates and then you have to make a choice.

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2 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I wholly agree about Contessa.  She wanted to live a nomadic lifestyle and, as she tells it, after she had her second kid, she was basically like, "what's next?" And Scott said they were staying put.  I mean, this is poor planning of the highest order.  They should have had that discussion when they first started dating; not after two kids, but I just don't see how Contessa can be so selfish and think her kids are going to be as extroverted and nonchalant as she is when it comes to packing up their lives to start over every few years.  Maybe Scott never visited her in Nashville because he was working full-time and raising three kids, and traversing several hundred miles and back didn't fit the itinerary.

I love how Contessa tried to equate Scott switching jobs to Contessa basically changing her whole life.  She's frustrated and I don't see this marriage lasting either.  She's always going to extremes.  In an earlier episode Contessa told, I think, Heavenly, that she has to do this now, because if she waits for her youngest to be in college, she'll be in her sixties.  Well, that's the price you pay for having a third child when you're in your forties.  I'm sorry no one explained trade-offs to Contessa.

But Contessa was raised by a military family and joined the military. Every kid she knew growing up packed up their lives and started over again. No biggie. So why would she think it was a problem for her kids? She was raised that kids followed their parents wherever the parent was, it's second nature to her, and all her friends. 

Which also helps explain why she equates switching jobs to basically changing your whole life - because in the military, you might be working on a base in CA today and posted to Europe or Guam tomorrow. Her normal growing up was a job change = a life change. So to her its not a big deal. Contrast that with Scott who was the youngest of ten. I bet dollars to donuts that his clan didn't move for any reason. How can you even find a big enough home for ten kids??? Scott and Contessa really are yin and yang

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Good point about Contessa thinking this is the norm to move, but you know what did it for me?  When she was ready to "hang up the white lab coat" to be a full-time mom the first season she was on, and then how quickly she reversed herself.  I feel like that was fool me once.  Public health in Nashville was fool me twice.  Of course we don't know as much about Scott, but he never completely reversed himself that we know of.

I think the most about the children, because they didn't ask to be here.  I've said before on this board that the military life is hard, but someone has to do it, and there's usually a greater support system in place.  What Contessa is attempting is something completely different; an adventure because she's bored.  She's also on reality Tv; what else does she want?  I also think some or a lot of her behavior on this show disqualifies her for being surgeon general, especially the derogatory statement she made about Eugene's weight.  

The biggest factor is planning.  I never got the indication that Scott would be ok if Contessa uprooted their family to do something for herself.  No one asked her to have three kids.  But when you do, you have to focus on their stability first, and I don't see that coming off of her in words, deeds or attitudes.

When Contessa came home with the McDonalds for the kids at 9:30 at night, right after Scott had just fed them a nutritious meal, it convinced me she's an immature, irresponsible, impulsive, non-communicative, dizzy bitch who is frustrating as hell to be with.  

Another clue is Contessa's co-stars.  I get the impression that Simone, Heavenly, Toya and Mariah are involved with their kids and their lives because they think family is important, and you can almost see them physically backing up when Contessa talks about her selfish dreams.  No one who knows her seems to be on board with her plans.  That's a warning sign.

Maybe she thrives on chaos because her dad was such an unstable factor in her life.  She needs therapy, probably.  She's working against herself.  She's displaying a hair-trigger temper.  I seriously doubt she's happy.

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I can not stand Cecil. He's a realtor now? I would like to know what he has listed and sold. I know they are using their south house as an AirBNB so he takes reservations for that, collects the money and makes sure the house is clean. I bet that is the extend of Cecil's job. I also think their "couples trips" suck. He takes the men to a strip club and the wives don't know about it until after the fact. What an asshole. 

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Episode 13:


"Swap Till You Drop"

In Cabo San Lucas, the group participates in a good old fashioned wife swap - with games on the beach! Heavenly's anger at Damon going to the strip club boils over. Contessa and Scott put on a brave face for the group, but their marriage issues are bubbling under the surface. Back in Atlanta, Quad's divorce proceedings inch closer to the finish line.

Airs December 8, 2019.

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Jackie authentic friendship means having boundaries i.e. not announcing to a room full of people that Buffie is infertile. Then she has the audacity to be upset because Buffie is genuinely upset and does not wish to roll over and play dead for her. I understand why Contessa is resentful, she gave up her career in the Navy for Scott and now she gave up school because of him being unsupportive. Scott is undercover shady, he did plant seeds in those kids minds with his negative comments and now wants to act innocent. I feel like Buffie may eventually become pregnant if she stops thinking about being infertile and becomes more relaxed. I’ve seen it happen before with other women.

Edited by spunky
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Wow, I felt like Curtis was threatening to cheat again if Jackie didn't fawn over him more. What a sick creep. I became enraged listening to his little talk with Jackie. I don't know why she wants to be with him. For all of her big women empowerment talk, Jackie must have very low self esteem and feel she can't be without a man. She needs to kick him to the curb and get herself into therapy.

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11 hours ago, TexasGal said:

Hey Curtis, eff you complaining about Jackie working too hard.  Cheating bastard.  Shut it. 

This drives me nuts. She was a doctor when he met her. If he wanted a woman who would be home every evening at 5:30, he should have married one. I've always said that the message Curtis and Jackie seem to take from him cheating is that he was right to cheat because Jackie works a lot, and that's really fucked up.

There was something about the way Simone asked the event organizer if she could win all the games that made me laugh. It was the delivery.

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Can’t help thinking that Jackie’s work provides great satisfaction, and also an escape from things she doesn’t want to see or deal with. imo she would be happier living alone and dating a workaholic like herself.

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On 12/2/2019 at 5:17 PM, Rlb8031 said:

But Contessa was raised by a military family and joined the military. Every kid she knew growing up packed up their lives and started over again.

I know Contessa was in the military and enjoyed it but wasn't aware she was raised by a military family. Wasn't her father a drug addict who was never around? 

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Curtis is a tool.  I wonder if he’s jealous of Jackie’s success and uses threats of cheating to reign her in.  And I wholeheartedly agree that the home and business renovations are purposeful distractions so they don’t have to deal with their marital issues.  What will happen when both are complete?  On to the next big project, I guess.

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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

I know Contessa was in the military and enjoyed it but wasn't aware she was raised by a military family. Wasn't her father a drug addict who was never around? 

Me neither. Her father is an addict who was incarcerated at different points in her life; I think she's said that she's only now having a relationship with him as an adult. I believe her mother died of cancer. 

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I remembered how much better I like this show when they're on vacation (of course I still find 99 things to bitch about lol).

The strip club, excuse me, the gentleman's club, was the injury.  The insult is for Cecil to say he had to stick up for Damon, because Damon didn't want to go.  Oh, so Damon doesn't have free will now?

I was underwhelmed by their medical visit.  Even Eugene said it was a short visit.  I hope those Mexican girls Jackie was asking about sex knew she was going to spread their business all over front street.

Toya hates the face that Quad is on the couples' trip, but she doesn't care about strippers?  Huh? And, yes, Quad wore jeans because you would have given her shit if she wore anything else, Toya.

Didn't Simone make a whole talking head about Toya's "gut" on a couples' trip two seasons ago, saying how it's probably sexy as hell for Eugene, but Toya needs to put the gut away.  Erm, maybe don't throw stones if you live in Burberry bikini houses?

I usually like Eugene, but when he floated the idea that men should go to strip clubs and get all hot and bothered and then come home to their wives to fuck them, I was like...is this the same guy who said Curtis's cheating was ungodly?  Because that didn't sound particularly godly to me.

I am so over "let's leave something behind that we want to change."  They did that two seasons ago when they put everything they wanted to leave behind in a conch shell.  That's not how change works, that's not how psychology works, that's not how any of this works, and the proof is that none of these people seem to change for the better. 

Back in Atlanta:

Quad changes her signature!

Jackie almost misses faucet shopping and Curtis gives her a yellow light!

Contessa (the one who wants to be "do[ing] something different in medicine," is having a cocktail for lunch and dinner and before therapy.  OMG, she is the pits!  Scott didn't turn the children against her.  She also lost me (not that she ever found me) when she was saying that "if my school is here," then what am I supposed to do? Bitch, your school could be in Atlanta.  You chose to go to school out of state, and you want people to clean up your messes.  

Contessa, if you were really a woman who builds a stadium (which is a strange metaphor), you will build the damn stadium, and if your family falls apart as a result, that is considered collateral damage.  Either accept that you chose to have three kids far apart and a husband with his own career and make peace with it, or build a stadium and let the chips fall where they may, but stop beating your breast and crying about it and telling Dr Littlejohn you build stadiums, cause you kinda sound like a loon.

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So, I was really bugged by that medical visit footage.

1. No Jackie, everyone does not have power to push partners to use condoms. In many cases, teenage girls and adults  are in coercive or even physically unsafe situations where they are not in a position to enforce male condom usage.

This is a general pet peeve I have with verbiage around sexual health education in the US too. What I have heard mainly assumes an audience whose principle issue is self-esteem or "personal power" and leaves little room for dialogue with a person like a teenager who is engaging in sex with an older, more powerful partner or even someone engaging in transactional sex where many times "no glove, no love" is not a realistic option. 

2. I don't know the laws of Mexico but, can minors legally consent to be on tv? Is there a Mexican equivalent to HIPAA? It felt invasive to watch the girls be asked personal questions about sex on TV.

In general, I was uncomfortable with most of the messaging behind this medical mission visit. It felt similar to something that may have happened with white doctors on a "mission" to an inner city clinic back in the day. 

Edited by red12
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I understand and generally agree with the previously stated sentiments towards Curtis.

I also think Jackie is in a pickle now and either has to make it work with him or just resolve herself to the idea that her life as a single, 57 yr old successful doctor of high social standing and decent health will be worth the trouble of getting rid of Curtis, even though it might not line up to the ideal she envisioned years ago.

If she didn't want to pay alimony to Curtis when he first cheated and they considered divorce, she's actually in a worse situation now that he is "retired". In my opinion, peace is worth a cash payout but, everyone does not agree. The fact that Curtis was unfaithful doesn't help one make peace with his possible financial betterment on your dime either.  But, at some point Jackie has got to stop investing both tangible and intangible assets in a situation that will never truly work for either of them. This is a mess all around.

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What OB/GYN counsels young women to stay away from the “ one eyed monster” ?! Jackie is sadly out of touch and has a difficult time relating to anyone. 

I really like Buffie and Dave. They are cute together and seem to enjoy each other. 

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RE: the medical mission trip - 

I have never been on one, but seen a couple on a few other shows..something is missing when they do them on the show- trying to put my finger on it... organization maybe? too much standing around? people not working in the their talent area ?

For example Dr Heavenly. Being the only dentist, surely she can do more than hang on her husbands shoulder. Even in the US ,when jobs/$$/ins. are hard, dental work can some times take a 2nd,3rd,4th seat. No - I am not saying she should be doing fillings, crowns, ortho, etc, but at least talk about brushing, flossing, give a cursory look at the mouth, check for TMJ, bite, show what a waterpik can do (which can be a luxury given the country) etc. Give out dental products.

The OBs - I would have preferred them to work with pregnant women - checking their health, the baby's vitals, talk to them about nutrition, labor and delivery, breastfeeding/formula etc. Next on the list I would say menopausal women, where again, the information in the countries may be limited and/or the discussion not as free flowing as it is in the US.  I didn't care for Jackie asking if the teens were sexually active. I wish she would have approached the subject regardless of the answer - meaning don't ask the question: (1) give a talk about if there were active followed by (2) a talk if they were not active.  

The Family Practitioners/Internists :  what happened to checking for vitals (BP. oxygen, temp, height, weight, ears/eyes, all of the stuff that is done at a yearly/sports physical minus the labs ? Dr. Scott was working with a young child who had hurting ribs... But unless he had looked at xray - he seem to diagnosis the child and sent him on is way.. that made be shiver.

ER specialty (since this show managed to have 3 ER Drs) - give me a minute... I'll think of a job for them. 😁 One of them might need to help out with pediatric/geriatric care.

Non-Medical people:here is a list from a site how they can help on a medical mission: I need to re-watch but its been a few trips where I saw others doing some work:


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Simone: Just when in hell in your life did you start all that screaming ? I know your parents didn't let you carry on like that, doubtful you do that in front the the boys, Cecil would probably just ignore your loud mouth, while turning up the volume, you work in a office (as opposed to a construction site or a place with loud machinery)...

. Why?? Lady just tell me why do you scream like that ? 


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18 hours ago, sATL said:

Simone: Just when in hell in your life did you start all that screaming ? I know your parents didn't let you carry on like that, doubtful you do that in front the the boys, Cecil would probably just ignore your loud mouth, while turning up the volume, you work in a office (as opposed to a construction site or a place with loud machinery)...

. Why?? Lady just tell me why do you scream like that ? 


My sense is that there is a direct and proportional relationship between Simone's volume and how much alcohol she has imbibed.  She is both loud(er) and messy(ier) when she's had a couple.

Edited by Rlb8031
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Contessa - answer me this...

1. "Do you want to be married to Dr Scott, as he is" ? Ol' boy is a little to set  in his ways to be major changing now..

2. Are you having a mid-life crisis?

I don't want to hear about :

• the navy 15 yrs ago ( I think your too old to rejoin anyway)..let it go. Save the war stories for Veterans day..

• the speciality of medicine you want to practice. I'm not buying the underserved medical population.  I'm sure Grady Hosp. will take your resume, if you are truly serious.

• how many times you did PT while serving.  many gyms are open 24/7 for you to get your workout on.

• the schooling you need, want or can't  be done locally and must be done before the children are older.

• what was or was not said or implied to the kids..

Dr  scott- don't tell the kids contessa  dragged you from Michigan  to Atlanta. and that she "drags" y'all to places. Wrong choice of words. Back then- you both were young and wanted "dragging" among other activities.

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Episode 14:


"Trouble in Spa-radise"

Back from Cabo, Quad celebrates being single with Cynthia Bailey; Toya starts planning her big housewarming party; Scott and Contessa have a major breakthrough in therapy; Buffie throws a spa day to recharge the friendships.

Airs December 15, 2019.

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Contessa needs verbal validation at all times, it may be a result of growing up with a father who had substance abuse issues. I’m with Contessa, Toya did not need to revisit the whole Quad\Lake/Mariah drama. They were peacefully coexisting. Why did Jackie go the spa day if she knew that she was going to be sour the whole time?

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7 minutes ago, nexxie said:


This was me when I saw Cynthia from RHOA stopping in to see Quad.  I know she says it a lot on Atlanta, but on M2M, pretty much all I heard come out of her mouth was "honey" and "chile."  It's so old.  She's pretty inarticulate for someone who came on for the express purpose of giving advice.  I can't stand her, her vapidness, the way she is constantly touching her hair, or her "wisdom."  Quad can't learn anything from Cynthia.  Quad is so much smarter than Cynthia, it's ridiculous.

 Glad to see Heavenly's other kids, and the discussion about whether Alaura could go to the movies was funny; I had the same power struggle when I was her age.  

Scott...is like a reality TV angel.  Admitting to 'sabotaging' his wife, while Contessa sits there silent, like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth.  I think Scott is the best husband here.  He and oo-gene.

I decided I definitely like Buffie, although the screaming was ridiculous.  She might have had a drink and some Adderall, what do I know?  What I liked was that she was legitimately trying to spend money and make it nice to bring these women together, not to lecture them on how fat they are (are you listening, Jackie?)  

Aside from not being skinny, I think Jackie is jealous of Buffie.  Buffie has tons of money, an apparently happy marriage, and she has a joie de vivre that Jackie has kind of lost--and they're both doing it "infertile," so it's not like Jackie could even say, "oh, well, she has children to make her happy."  I heard on a podcast recently that we tend to be more jealous of the people who are in similar circumstances as us who have made it.  If someone just has everything handed to them, we don't tend to think about them one way or another, but when someone was in the same shitty place as we might have once been, and they picked themselves up and did something about it...those are the people we hone in on.  Hmmm...

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Miss Buffie and Miss Toya?  ya'll better come on through thick thighs saving lives!!  I love it.  Toya had the entire relaxation working for one purpose.   Ole selfish ass.  Lol.   

5 hours ago, Empress1 said:

I've heard of goat yoga and: hard pass. I don't see the point. I fell out when Quad asked "What's a billy goat doing here?"

Bravo Atlanta reality show crossover time (re: Cynthia Bailey)!

What the hell's a billy goat doing here is bouta be my:  "I wanna drive the boat"  of 2020.  That was a good and hearty belly laugh because Buffie sure did just prance him up on that porch like that was the most natural thing in the world.    No gawd.  Don't bring your cute lil yorkshire terrier into the Startbucks and don't bring a goat up into the "spa".     That girl called that place a cottage ya'll.   😞  that cottage kitchen could eat up my entire first floor.   I need to find me a dullard ass doctor.  

Please say that Heavenly and Damon carrying on about Alaura going to the movies was just for show.  Act like the baby is running away with David Koresh or some shit.   It's Star Wars, damn.  Can she be 13?

I thought Contessa and Scott had real beef but, between a psychiatrist who makes house calls and puts her naked toes in your shag rug and Scott's 180 degree turn in like 2 weeks....?  I don't know anymore.  This whole thing didn't seem super conversable to begin with?  Like we see her mention a nanny in the previews and I was like dammit, we legit got punked, this entire "problem" start to finish is a real life marriage talk ya'll could've had between netflx episodes.

Jackie needs to leave Curtis and be done with it.  She wasn't/isn't done with all the grief and misery he brought into her life.  Say that.   Hollering at some random lady cause she said keep my very personal business outcha mouth.  You sound crazy as hell.  

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23 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

Please say that Heavenly and Damon carrying on about Alaura going to the movies was just for show.  Act like the baby is running away with David Koresh or some shit.   It's Star Wars, damn.  Can she be 13?

And wasn't it a group of girls going? Like she just wanted to go to the movies with her friends and it wasn't a date thing at all? You can FEEL Alaura's frustration through the screen. When Heavenly was tripping about Alaura having a free period at school (!) and Alaura was like, Mommy, for real, you have to calm down, you can just tell Alaura is fed the fuck up. I couldn't stand that child when she was a sassy talk-any-type-of-way-to-her-elders kid, but now I feel sorry for her. I've said that I think she's going to put Heavenly through hell as a teenager and I really think that's coming if Heavenly doesn't loosen the damn reins.

33 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

Like we see her mention a nanny in the previews and I was like dammit, we legit got punked, this entire "problem" start to finish is a real life marriage talk ya'll could've had between netflx episodes.

I been said this! I mean, every family with two parents that work full-time and kids in school has to make some kind of arrangements for their kids between the end of the school day and the end of the work day. I am sure that Cecil and Simone and Heavenly and Damon had some kind of help or after-school program when their kids were too young to stay by themselves. If Contessa can afford to shell out however much for that "mommy guilt" triple birthday party, she can afford to hire a nanny. They had one before! Miss Renee was ridiculous but the idea that two doctors would have some kind of household help is not weird - it's expected, IMO.

I just don't get what the benefit of goats at yoga is supposed to be. I do yoga. I like to take classes but sometimes I do it at home. There's a yoga YouTuber I watch sometimes and she has a dog. Occasionally the dog will wander in the room as she's doing her thing and she will laugh but she will also push the damn dog out the way, because it is in the way. What do I need a goat for? 

Did anybody think of this when the goats showed up?

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1 hour ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

Miss Buffie and Miss Toya?  ya'll better come on through thick thighs saving lives!! 

Those are some meaty women! Not afraid to show up on camera in bathing suits, either. Gotta give them kudo's for that!

Buff, omg tone it down a little. Nobody screeches like that every time they answer the door. What was she saying about her house being "too big" to host the spa day? Bish, shut up. 

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Hey !!! Heavenly's TWO sons.... TWO .... are on camera...

surprised they let Damon Jr keep his hat on during the blessing.. and in the house..at the table , but I guess they were excited to see them... or he (all) were hungry.

Let me document this ...

Zachery, 18... Damon Jr  21.together... in one shot - Sunday December 14, 2019... 5 minutes into the episode... double checking to see if they BOTH actually spoke..

Edited by sATL
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Do we need to open a seperate thread to discuss this one? When these housewives become single, they seem to go bat-sh*t crazy on the men...Actually Cynthia Baily might be the exception


{humming... ".. I ain't saying she's a gold digger...}

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Do we know for sure that Contessa actually withdrew from her public health program in Tennessee? She and Scott sure resolved their issues quickly, with him saying she should go back to her program. Was this all just pretend for the show and she was still enrolled?

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Cedar plank salmon, spinach, mashed potatoes (I couldn't make out the 4th item).. on a school/work night ??

Baby girl snacking on a banana ??

Dr scott - will you adopt me?? Contessa can stay gone .. or at work...or off complaining..

That goes to show one can cook a good dinner just as fast as a bad one..

Edited by sATL
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18 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Those are some meaty women! Not afraid to show up on camera in bathing suits, either. Gotta give them kudo's for that!

Buff, omg tone it down a little. Nobody screeches like that every time they answer the door. What was she saying about her house being "too big" to host the spa day? Bish, shut up. 

And Toya's bunion.. right foot .. 41 minutes in...

I had a flash-back of Mary Mary ( alot of meaty women) !  

{setting alarm to hit treadmill in the morning...}

Edited by sATL
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16 hours ago, Empress1 said:

And wasn't it a group of girls going? Like she just wanted to go to the movies with her friends and it wasn't a date thing at all? You can FEEL Alaura's frustration through the screen. When Heavenly was tripping about Alaura having a free period at school (!) and Alaura was like, Mommy, for real, you have to calm down, you can just tell Alaura is fed the fuck up. I couldn't stand that child when she was a sassy talk-any-type-of-way-to-her-elders kid, but now I feel sorry for her. I've said that I think she's going to put Heavenly through hell as a teenager and I really think that's coming if Heavenly doesn't loosen the damn reins.

I feel you on this, but you got to remember, Heavenly literally was raised based on "Flowers in the Attic". I bet she thinks she's super-permissive with Alaura. Hell, the girl gets to go outside AND have friends, an now she wants to go out with them too??? 

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1 hour ago, Rlb8031 said:

I feel you on this, but you got to remember, Heavenly literally was raised based on "Flowers in the Attic". I bet she thinks she's super-permissive with Alaura. Hell, the girl gets to go outside AND have friends, an now she wants to go out with them too??? 

I know heavenly's mom is mostly the blame for the teenage years  lock-up. Given how heavenly acts as an adult, I  just don't see her getting along with too many teens 30 yrs ago.

the cursing, calling one out of their name, "yo mama..." jokes, being a bookworm and/or wanting to be #1 in everything in a braggish way,  plus if her friends  knew her mom was "different" that can make others stay far away from her.

Funny  she couldn't  come  out of the house,  but could others  come  in ?

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2 minutes ago, sATL said:

Funny  she couldn't  come  out of the house,  but could others  come  in ?

My dad was like that.  Super overprotective over us going anywhere, but friends were welcome to come over.  I think he just wanted us where he could see us.

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Episode 15: 


"Arabian Nights"

Jackie and Curtis begin renovations; Heavenly struggles to trust Alaura; Toya's Arabian Nights housewarming party hits a snag as Buffie breaks down, Jackie steps away from the ladies and Contessa and Mariah break the peace of Toya's two-story closet.

Airs December 22, 2019.

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