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S20.E26: Veto Ceremony#8; Live Eviction #8; Head of Household #9


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  On 8/24/2018 at 5:08 AM, Halting Hex said:

"Sam came up with a cuckoo plan."  Funny, when JC had the same plan (get Faysal to turn on his ally), the producers were all "JC is a manipulative genius!".  I mean, he did succeed where Sam failed, but still, I can smell the sexism.

"I've always had your back…except when I let Fessy put you up rather than fight him on it." —Haleigh, if she'd been being honest with Scottie.

So, we're not getting a Jury House Bayleigh/Angie segment?  That blows.

And of course, the House still has the numbers to break up the trio that Rockstar called out:  Angela/Tyler/Kaycee.  Haleigh + JC+ Sam, with Fessy as the tiebreaker.  Even those (Sam, JC) who think they have something going with Tyler should be looking to cut off Tyler's other options.  But of course, they'd all rather just try to sniff Tyler's balls.  Even Haleigh and Faysal want to do that now.  Those must be some sweet-smelling balls.

Sure, Julie talks about Bayleigh and Rockstar being surprised by the new arrival, be we don't get any Jury House footage.  Fuck you.

Wow, Julie's not even trying to pretend that Scottie might stay.

Kaycee needs to turn down the volume, ffs.

That's pretty cheap of the producers to have Haleigh be the "deciding" vote to evict Scottie. (The secret word this week is "radiant")

Man, if I was a HG, I would get so fucking tired of jumping around like a clown, week after week, just because I can see a bunch of strangers in the audience for ten seconds.  I mean, I'm not expecting famewhores to have much shame, but it just seems so boring…

I see Bratt got the message about not leaving the asshole goodbye messages.  Thanks, Zingbot!  (Not really.)

"This could be the most important HoH of the summer!" Except it won't be.  Tyler's throwing it, and everyone else will keep kissing his ass.  It's like drama, only boring.

So Level 6 will give all their tokens to Brett.  And nobody will suspect a thing.  Fessy may be king of the morons, but there's a fine population for him to rule over, I'm guessing.

Oh, goodie! Scottie has a chance to get back in the house next week.  And be immediately isolated, targeted, and re-evicted.  Yay?


You have saved me a lot of time typing because I pretty much agree on everything you posted !

I, too, don't get the jumping around like fools when the door is opened for a few seconds. I guess they do it because it's always done ?? The only funny part this is is seeing JC , right at the front every time ( since he's about 3 feet shorter than everyone else), bouncing up and down like he's on a pogo stick. I find him annoying in the house, but that part is funny.


It's too bad that if Scottie would win his way back in, he will probably only last one or two evictions, at the most. Has anyone, ever, won their way back into the house and done any damage ? I don't remember any, but I don't have the best memory regarding past seasons.

  On 8/24/2018 at 8:27 PM, willco said:

Has anyone, ever, won their way back into the house and done any damage ? I don't remember any, but I don't have the best memory regarding past seasons.



Amy Crews-Ouellette (S3) won a HG vote to re-enter at F8.  (This was where Lisa Donahue voted against her showmance, Erik, to keep the target off her back.)  The rest of the HGs threw the ensuing HoH to her so she could break up outgoing HoH Ciara and her partner, Roddy, who had proposed an "Operation Revolving Door" to send the vote winner right back out, but the rest of the house was more interested in targeting Roddy/Ciara.  Amy stuck around as a pawn for a while (Roddy nearly talked her into using the Veto on him when they were nommed together at F6 [this was before you could use the Veto on yourself], but she eventually demurred, and she was nominated opposite Marcellas at F5 when he somehow thought he was safe enough to not use the Golden Veto on himself), and exited in 4th.

Kaysar Ridha (S6) won a fan vote to return at F10, lasted 14 hours in the "pressure cooker" HoH before Jenny Vasquez lied him into giving it to her, then felt over-confident enough in the "deal" to throw the Veto and press Jenny too hard about the renom, and before he knew it he was backdoored and right back out of the house.

"Crazy James" Zinkland (S9) won a HG vote to return at F9, won the ensuing endurance HoH and got rid of Matty McDonald, who had been a key part of James's backdooring.  He then won a couple of Vetos to survive as the House Target, but wiped out trying to please OTEV the Aztec Temple God (he didn't know his days and brought back the wrong tiles) and left in 6th place.

Brendon Villegas (S13) won the fan vote compete against Lawon (who'd asked to be evicted to chase the non-existent power), ran smack into another Daniele Donato HoH, and got evicted all over again.  But his one-week return did give Rachel Reilly the mental strength to go on and win the season without him.  (Brendon had originally been the final pre-jury boot, and Rachel had been emotional at the thought of spending the summer apart from her fiancé.  Knowing that Brendon was now in Jury empowered her, since the worst-case scenario was now that she would join him there.  And, as it turned out, she never did.)

Judd Daughtery (S15) won the initial Battleback to return at F8 (this was combined with an HoH, won by Elissa Slater) and was conscripted into a F4 alliance by Andy Herren.  The F4 plan was disrupted when McCrae Olsen won the F5 veto, so "Party Darty" made his second exit in 5th place.

Nicole Franzel (S16) won the Battleback to return at F8, did absolutely horrible in the ensuing competitions (not only did she not know her days in the HoH, but she gave the same wrong answer three times in a row!), got a one-week pass because Derrick wanted to get rid of Donny first, and cried her way back to Jury (and her showmance, Lipless Hayden) in 7th place.

Dr. John McGuire (S17) won the Battleback on the same night he was evicted, at F8.  He lasted through the next three evictions, won the F5 veto to set the stage for Austin's boot, and then was kicked out by Vanessa at F4.

Victor Arroyo (S18) won both BattleBacks that season, one at F12 and the other at F7.  He'd spent three weeks in sequester the first time (originally going out in Week 2), but the second return was right after he'd been bounced that night.  He and Paul were able to get rid of Michelle and Natalie (the co-HoHs who had e-VIC-ted Victor), but then they were on the block together at F5 and the third time was the charm.

Cody Nickson (S19) was evicted in Week 2 and won the Battleback a week later.  His showmance (now fiancée) Jessica Graf won the ensuing HoH, and Jessica had this cool power ;) which kept them safe the next week, but after that they left in succession (Jessica first).  So Cody got another month, but was pretty ineffectual.

So the longest time in the house was Victor (7 weeks total, 5 after his first return) and the highest placement was 4th place (Amy, Johnny Mac).  Can Scottie (or whoever) beat these marks?  Time will tell.  (Well, duh. Obviously.)

  • Love 4
  On 8/24/2018 at 3:19 PM, IndyMischa said:

Sam drives me nuts on the regular, but she's definitely the Designated Adult when it comes to this kind of thing.


Yup.  I was impressed with how quickly and efficiently she handled the fire while everyone else was like "Whoa, dude, like...a fire.  Wow.  Huh.  Guess I'll wait around for Big Brother to tell me to do something."

  • Love 6

Yes, but the HGs aren't clustered by the door so much for camera time, per se, (after all, they're being filmed 24/7, and know this) as to get their weekly glimpse of the outside world [/generous interpretation]/preen for the studio audience, specifically [/less-generous].  The only way for Scottie (or any evictee) to deny them this pleasure is to slam that outer door right in their fucking faces.  


JC is always the worst of them jumping around waving, but maybe I just notice hin more.

  • Love 2
  On 8/24/2018 at 3:30 PM, Halting Hex said:

Yes, but the HGs aren't clustered by the door so much for camera time, per se, (after all, they're being filmed 24/7, and know this) as to get their weekly glimpse of the outside world [/generous interpretation]/preen for the studio audience, specifically [/less-generous].  The only way for Scottie (or any evictee) to deny them this pleasure is to slam that outer door right in their fucking faces.  

Personally, I recommend that every evicted HG do this. Sadly, none ever has.  Even Cody's high-speed bee-line for the doors was rendered somewhat ineffective by how long it took the outer door to close after he'd headed over to Julie.  Slam it in their face!  Geez, guys, do you need me to write you a book or something?


The door probably has an automatic closer so you can't slam it. They should open the door just enough to slip out instead of throwing it wide open like they usually do. Maybe they're told to do that.

  • Love 2
  On 8/24/2018 at 11:10 PM, greyflannel said:

The door probably has an automatic closer so you can't slam it. They should open the door just enough to slip out instead of throwing it wide open like they usually do. Maybe they're told to do that.


Yep. It looked like Scottie actually tried to slam it, but it wouldn't slam.

  • Love 1

And I'm sure that "heartless, emotionless, soulless" Armchair was probably playing to the cameras a bit there.  She had to know this bit ("Haleigh cries to the other side") was a good candidate to make the show, after all.


That was my take on it too. In fact, I think production likely nudged Haleigh to go crying to the enemy camp specifically to help Angela's image. Maybe they later decided that Angela's zing was too harsh on-the-nose and were trying to do some damage control.

  On 8/24/2018 at 11:54 AM, icemiser69 said:

When this is all over, Fessie can't honestly believe he has a future with Hayleigh.  He can't be that delusional.  He certainly does come off as possessive and controlling.


Fessie is not playing to win BB. He is there for a relationship with Hayleigh. That is why he was called a "moron" by Zingbot. He did not listen to any of Hayleigh's advice about how to play the game. And he ruined Hayleigh's chances. 

I am just hoping Angela does not win. I will be OK with anybody else except Angela. 

  • Love 2
  On 8/24/2018 at 3:19 PM, IndyMischa said:

Same. But I was also impressed that Sam handled it immediately. Instead of Brett standing there in a stupor, Kaycee(?) opening the oven (to add oxygen to the fire. genius.), or Scottie saying "there's a fire" in roughly the same tone/urgency as "someone should mow the grass."


Not taking anything away from Sam’s very effective response, but Brett didn’t just “stand there in a stupor” - he immediately opened the under-sink counter and started pulling stuff out, looking (I assume) for a fire extinguisher.  Credit to Sam, though, for apparently being the only person in the House to react AND know where the nearest extinguisher was.

Speaking of which: why the hell DIDN’T Production already have a fire extinguisher mounted right near the stove???

  • Love 3
  On 8/25/2018 at 1:58 AM, Nashville said:

Not taking anything away from Sam’s very effective response, but Brett didn’t just “stand there in a stupor” - he immediately opened the under-sink counter and started pulling stuff out, looking (I assume) for a fire extinguisher.  Credit to Sam, though, for apparently being the only person in the House to react AND know where the nearest extinguisher was.

Speaking of which: why the hell DIDN’T Production already have a fire extinguisher mounted right near the stove???


I also want to point out that Brett DID have another fire extinguisher in his hand and I assume he was trying to figure out how to work it before Sam charged in with one from who knows where. 

  • Love 6
  On 8/24/2018 at 12:21 PM, icemiser69 said:

Fessy isn't that deep.  Fessy doesn't want anyone in the house that could have any romantic interest in Hayleigh.  Jealousy is running Fessy's game. 


It was Scottie getting “that deep”, not Fessy.  Scottie seriously overthought the situation - the equivalent of trying to play chess with Fessy, when Fessy only had the board set up for checkers.  :)


  On 8/25/2018 at 12:38 PM, Lady Calypso said:

I also want to point out that Brett DID have another fire extinguisher in his hand and I assume he was trying to figure out how to work it before Sam charged in with one from who knows where. 


Really?  I missed that - but it does go to show Brett wasn’t doing his best imitation of an inert object at the time.  :)

  • Love 2
  On 8/25/2018 at 1:04 AM, ByaNose said:

Did I mention I hate when they stir their chocolate mix in their cup and stir. Drives.me.up.a.wall.


THANK YOU.  That and when they stick their hand in the container when they draw names for Veto players and rattle the chips around for half an hour.

  On 8/25/2018 at 11:16 PM, Skyfall said:

Only way this battleback will be interesting is if the winner also becomes HOH.


Well, that assumes that Haleigh isn't winning HoH and either her or Faysal's getting evicted this week.  Certainly likely, but not yet certain.

If Haleigh does somehow ensure that her and Fessy are safe, then we have the question of whether the returnee would be one of the current jurors (who would likely seek to align with H/F) or whomever Haleigh evicts, who would presumably go back to L4.  Thus, drama.

But yes, in the more likely event that the BattleBack is composed of nothing but former Foutté members, we'll be right back to 6-on-2, and it won't likely matter which piece of chum gets a second dance with the House sharks.

Edited by Halting Hex
  On 8/26/2018 at 6:03 PM, laurakaye said:

THANK YOU.  That and when they stick their hand in the container when they draw names for Veto players and rattle the chips around for half an hour.


I expect they’re trying to tell if the HG’s Choice chips might feel different from the others.  :)


  On 8/25/2018 at 11:16 PM, Skyfall said:

Only way this battleback will be interesting is if the winner also becomes HOH.


I’d disagree, simply because I believe this season is already a fait accompli for FOUTTE - stick a fork in them, they’re done, and the only thing they can do is possibly delay the inevitable for a week.  The only chance I see for this game to get revitalized strategy-wise is to finish flushing FOUTTE down the toilet, so L6 has no further distractions from beginning the FAR more strategically engaging task of eating their own.

  • Love 4
  On 8/24/2018 at 12:55 PM, GeorgiaRai said:

Both in the house & in his exit interview, the possibility of jealousy never seemed to enter Scottie's mind.  I doubt he considers himself to be jealous-worthy, but think there's more at play here.  Like maybe, in all his convos with Haleigh, Scottie saw no reason to think she was "Fessy's Girl" (hat tip, Rick Springfield).  Even as awkward as Scottie can be, I don't think he'd admit to feelings (or confusion about feelings) to Fes if he thought Hay & Fes were showmantic.  Maybe Hay purposely misled Scottie, or maybe she's just not that into Fes & sees both guys as nothing more than allies/friends.


I don't think many think that Hayleigh is into Faysal, of course it benefited her earlier when he used the veto on her, but long term it's been a handicap.

  On 8/24/2018 at 1:06 PM, mojoween said:

I laughed when Kaycee was talking to Tyler in one of the rooms and she concluded her sentence with “let’s go” because it certainly seemed organic when she said it, but chuckled right after as if she were thinking to herself “damn I guess I do say that a lot.”

Her “let’s go” in her eviction speech was not as cute as that was obvs planned.


The zing while making fun of her also might have made her think that she really does have a catchphrase to use.

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