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Giuliana And Bill - General Discussion

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Remind me to never go on a couple's retreat with G&B. They are so annoying. The other couples were invited so they could avoid alone time together; I am quite certain. I realize it is good to get away but they act like they do not even have a child most of the time. They clearly miss him very little --he is never discussed when they leave him behind.

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I had to ff through a lot of it because they are just so disgusting.  It basically was a 1 hour commercial for that resort, which I am sure comped the entire stay.


Telling moment:  when G and her mother and Duke were out on the sidewalk and Duke trots off and G skies out of there.  A camera moment with her "son."


These vacations with "friends" is tiresome, I don't know why anyone would go even if it's free.  Where's the relaxation?  Everything is coreographed by those two.

She's looking more and more skeletal.  I really don't see him having any interest in her sex-wise.  And why hasn't anyone told her to NEVER wear her hair pulled back?  With a hairline that starts almost in the middle of her head it's not an attractive look.


I think there's only 2 more episodes left to the season, thank God.  We all need a break!

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I am so happy to read your views.  I assumed I am the cynical minority.


I continue to be amazed weekly at how shallow G is.  Can she be any more uninvolved with this child?  I notice how they minimize the role of the nanny who is obviously raising little Duke.


And how about wondering what would be the best sun sign for the next one?  With all the potential problems in having a healthy baby, the average woman is not worried about whether the baby will be a Capricorn or a Taurus.  And that's without all the issues involved in surrogacy that makes it so much more fraught with potential problems.

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The People Magazine website has a story today that Delphine miscarried their second baby at nine weeks.  The People article fails in providing important details, such as when did this miscarriage happen? Recently, or a while ago? Are the Rancics releasing the information as it happens, or have they known for a while and are just releasing the news now to promote their show? I'm wondering if this second surrogacy used their last fertilized egg? Or did they have some more stored up?  


I feel sorry for them for the miscarriage, and the dashed hopes, but I still am amazed at how much they leave Duke behind and never bothered to change their lives for him. 

Duke is so adorable. I'm glad that Giuliana doesn't have another accessory to tote around. That's seriously how she treats Duke. Bill is a loving parent. While I feel for them, I don't think this will stop them from trying again. They'll extend their fame for as long as possible. They started out real, but are now fame seekers. 

I think it sounds like the miscarriage happened a few months ago. I love how Bill talks about it in terms of the show. He says something like "all season on Giulliana and Bill, we've been trying to get pregnant...". It is kind of like it has to be referenced around the show. Sick. I don't think anything is genuine with these two. Everything is for publicity.

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I saw the video when they "got the news" and it was so obvious that they knew in advance, or the entire thing was staged.  It did seem odd to me Delphene was ready to jump on board so soon.  I am leaning the entire "let's have another baby" thing was just something to add interest in the show otherwise who would bother to watch?  The entire show is just a self-promotion tool for them and their "projects" and one big infomercial.

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Hope it's okay to post this here, since Fashion Police doesn't (yet) have a space. I'm finding myself enjoying her many, many absences from that show lately. Some of the more recent guests they've had on are a breath of fresh air in comparison. Pretty stark contrast, at least to me, with virtually every recent fill-in.

A G&B link :) : I do think my frustration with her there started to skyrocket after watching her shenanigans here.

My totally ignorant impression: she's probably a perfectly nice, generally good person - but one of the shallowest individuals walking the planet. If it's possible to be all of the above. I certainly don't 'hate' her; but darn, she seems tiresome to be around.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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So what'll become of G now that Menunous has signed a big contract with E!


I missed that news, had no idea until reading it just now. I had read a few weeks ago that Maria Menounos was quitting Extra, but no mention had been made regarding her future plans, and she's still be on the show since the announcement.


I used to watch G & B, but gave up a few seasons ago after I checked out her website. She had some Q&A post and answered a question about what she eats every day. She described in excruciating detail the extremely calorie restricted meal plan she adheres to on a daily basis, (in order to maintain her stick figure frame). It definitely seemed to me that she had an eating disorder. That, coupled with the episode where she chose to ignore the fertility doctor's advice about trying to add 10 pounds to her underweight body in order to possibly improve her chances of conceiving just turned me off for good.


I just Googled to see if I could find her website post that I referred to. All I found was this HuffPo article from June2010 where G was apparently trying to put it out there that she does indeed eat a decent amount of food:




However, the article mentions that G revealed a far more restrictive diet last year (2009), with a link to her website. I suspect that link went to the Q&A post that I was referring to, but it gives an error message now. I bet she deleted that post from her website because of all the criticism regarding the extreme diet that she said she followed on a daily basis.

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You're probably right, DangerousMinds. Like I said, I haven't watched the show in years. I'm just going by her gaunt appearance and the ridiculously low calorie diet she posted on her website years ago. She seemed kind of proud of herself for following such a restrictive daily meal plan, and was totally oblivious to the fact that she was revealing how she strictly follows a very low calorie diet which might be temporarily used by someone who needed to lose weight. It's certainly not a good idea  or enough calories for the average woman on a regular basis.... unless that woman wants to look like a stick, that is.

I forgot to mention earlier that I saw that G was on  Extra on Monday, promoting her show. Mario Lopez introduced her by talking about the surrogate's miscarriage. It was the main focus of the very brief interview. I'm sure she did other appearances like this too. As others have said, it's pretty creepy that they seemed to sit on the miscarriage news until they wanted to use it this week to garner headlines and promote the season finale.

Edited by LuckyBitch
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Wait, I'm confused? So whatever was on tonight's episode, which was the implant not taking, is different than the miscarriage at 9 weeks that Bill was talking about the other day?  So they had two failed Delphine related pregnancies?


Also, RPM Steak did not look ready. And thanks for the horrible photos of the snowplows Bill. We are trying to forget this last winter, not look at it again. And by the way, I thought that closet that looked down on their bedroom was an awful idea. 

Thankfully the last show of the "season."  That whole baby thing seemed staged to me, that it didn't really happen but something they cooked up for this year's "drama."  And of course getting the "news" nobody seemed really broken up about it, another staged moment.  The entire baby thing seemed like an after-thought and the main focus seemed to be her singing with Dee Snider and him showing us a restaurant that wasn't finished.


And the poor house, if there is a next season, the inside will look like a hotel because that's all they're used to living in.  Every time I see that total gut job I think of how beautiful that home was until he got his hands on it.


Duke is the only thing worth watching on this show, the kid is cute and we see way too little of him.

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I was confused about the embryo thing as well, but it does seem if she had a miscarriage, that had to be the 2nd embryo....it is clear they are leaving this season as having one left after the first one not taking.  So, unless they miraculously come up with extra embryos in their TV empire, there isn't any left.


I would never wish a miscarriage on anyone, so the following comment is unrelated.  I think one child is the right amount for them....they need that flexibility that one child offers...it is much harder to do what they are doing with multiple children.  Plus Duke is such a blessing, they shouldn't feel like they are missing out on a thing if they do stick with one.  It bothers me to see G of all people acting like they need a second when she has no involvement with her first, but that is also probably why she is fine with another...she won't have to do a thing but hire a second nanny to help the first nanny out.  


I still don't get all of the push with the Chicago house...we know she signed another contract with E.  She is not moving to Chicago.  And Bill travels all of the time anyway, so when will he actually be home either?

She's not a vegetarian so why no animal protein (besides the cheese)? A good piece of meat at lunchtime would give her a big load of protein, and she may even forgo dessert at night.

I rarely eat red meat, but every so often I crave it. It feels like my body is telling me something. I think G's body is calling out for a more balanced diet. She already looks much older than her age; her skin doesn't glow and she must have zero percent body fat. I have a little too much body fat, but I just turned 65 and people think I'm in my 40s.

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Whether G has an eating disorder or not, I am tired of hearing people hate on thin chicks. It's really insulting to have people say things like "you need to eat a cheeseburger....or 10" when you may really just be doing the best you can. Would you be saying the same about an obese person? Probably not. Fat people are not to be shamed or insulted, because it might hurt their feelings! So why is it acceptable to hate on thin women?? Being thin myself, I've heard it all. And you know what? I have bona fide health problems that make me stuck not being able to gain any weight. No matter what I eat. And you know what else...I don't fucking care because I like myself, even if I don't weigh an "acceptable" amount in other peoples' opinions.

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I got hated on for being too skinny growing up; people will say things to a skinny person's face that they would think were too rude to say right to a heavy person's face. As if anyone wants to hear their body critiqued. As for G, however, I don't think her current weight is natural. I think it is artificially attained and then maintained through calorie restriction and constant working out. 

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Whether G has an eating disorder or not, I am tired of hearing people hate on thin chicks. It's really insulting to have people say things like "you need to eat a cheeseburger....or 10" when you may really just be doing the best you can. Would you be saying the same about an obese person? Probably not. Fat people are not to be shamed or insulted, because it might hurt their feelings! So why is it acceptable to hate on thin women?? Being thin myself, I've heard it all. And you know what? I have bona fide health problems that make me stuck not being able to gain any weight. No matter what I eat. And you know what else...I don't fucking care because I like myself, even if I don't weigh an "acceptable" amount in other peoples' opinions.

I was commenting only on Giuliana. Having had a lot of experience with eating disordered patients, I think she definitely has an eating disorder. A serious one. It's not about you.

Both under- and over-weight people get ragged on. 


My Mom always was trying to gain weight. She hated that there was a space between her thighs ???   I'm on Weight Watchers and learning to eat healthy AND lose weight.


We need to just love ourselves, and others, or leave them alone.

Yes, except that snarking is acceptable here and so we comment on anyone and everything. In real life, I wouldn't say these things to Giuliana's face. But I for one am here to snark!

I got hated on for being too skinny growing up; people will say things to a skinny person's face that they would think were too rude to say right to a heavy person's face. As if anyone wants to hear their body critiqued. As for G, however, I don't think her current weight is natural. I think it is artificially attained and then maintained through calorie restriction and constant working out. 

I will say that growing up (and even now), I've heard plenty of people commenting on others' weights, both skinny and overweight. I definitely hear more insults from others about fat people, but of course mileage varies.

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So, I feel stupid for admitting this, but I was reading some of the comments on the G & B Facebook page, as there are quite a few people fed up with G & B there as well.  Anyway, the embryo thing is still confusing.  One person was saying that on the show they made it look like the embryo didn't take, but they had really learned about the miscarriage (kept it private), so they have one embryo left.  They claimed they read this in one of Bill's statements (no, I didn't feel like looking for it!).


And then someone else said that timeline wouldn't work, as the show was filmed around Christmas, thus a miscarriage announced now at 9 weeks would mean a second pregnancy/implant would have been necessary since Christmas was many months ago.


So strange they don't just come out and say exactly, since they do have a show and all...maybe I missed a confirmation of this somewhere but I am still confused :-)

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 Giuliana was on an Australian morning radio show on Wednesday and she said there's one embryo left:


'We'll have another perfect little Duke': Giuliana Rancic remains positive of baby joy after revealing they have one embryo left after surrogate's miscarriage 


The brunette beauty, who has a 21-month-old son Duke with husband Bill, 43, said that despite the tragic circumstances of late, the pair, who have one embryo left, are hopeful to have another child.


'Speaking of Duke who just walked in the room, he makes me realise that life moves forward and yes we had bad news today but before we know it we’ll have some great news again and we’ll have another perfect little Duke,' she said.


Duke was born via gestational surrogacy in 2012 seven months after Giuliana struggled with infertility and then discovered she had breast cancer, which led to a double mastectomy.


The reality star went on to say that it was important for the pair to speak about their devastating news, as the topic was only lightly touched during the finale of their reality show Giuliana and Bill. 


'It was something that we just felt like we had to tell because it’s going to come up at some point,' she said.


'We watched the finale a week before it aired.  We thought people are going to ask questions and want to know a little more and so we came out with the news.'


Will Delphine agree to another pregnancy? There was Duke, then the miscarriage at 9 weeks, and now she has to endure another round of G&B's baby drama? (Hmmm, that whole discussion of whether we should implant one or both now seems kind of suspect. I would have opted for both, since the odds were better with two, and it would save Delphine from yet another pregnancy. Maybe that whole discussion was faked so we would know there's another embryo left?)


They really have a problem with the one child they already have being flown all over the country, or being left behind while they travel. Now that Duke's 2, he's really much more portable and there's no excuse for running off for constant vacations without him. They should think long and hard about what having another infant will do to their lifestyle. As if Duke has affected the pursuit of their lifestyle - not really that much.

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When she does hold Duke on her lap, it's always with his face away from her.  You can't interact with his back.  I'm guessing she doesn't want baby spit up all over her designer clothes and since she is camera ready, Duke is up on a lap for a couple minutes then back to Bill.  


As Princess Diana said once, "There were three of us in this marriage."  With this family it's five!  Guliana, her Iphone, her career, Bill and lastly Duke.


Duke is so cute!  

Edited by Lablover27
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Anyone notice in that furniture ad how bulked up her under garment is?  It looks like they would a layer or two of bubble wrap under that striped "Suzy Homemaker Throws a Garden Party" frock (which is so odd on her to begin with because if anything since she became a wife let alone mother she has styled herself aggressively as more of an edgy couture fashionista -- what is the point of hiring someone who is known for E! news and red carpets and then trying to jam her into the dress Amy Sedaris on the set of that fabric softener commercial said " yeah that's dowdy, I'll stick with the one I have on"?).


Still the way she moves in it and the way the fabric itself moves shows just how much the commercial people think of her cleaned out vulture buffet looks is in terms of appeal.  I'm surprised they went with the Rancics anyway.  I wonder if they were signed when she had the high profile exploitation of her cancer thinking they couldn't possible sour that level of appeal. 

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