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How did this chick get her associates degree? Regardless of what field you study, doesn't every degree require at least one basic English/composition class?

If you're talking about the community college she attended, I believe she just received a Certificate in Culinary Arts.  I don't think she was there long enough to complete the Associates Degree program.  I remember a later episode where she went to Los Angeles thinking she could get into UCLA or something, and she was directed to West L. A. Community College instead. She went to the campus, and there was some construction work being done.  She arrogantly said she wasn't going to attend a college that had construction going on, which was her excuse for not pursuing actual academic studies.  Her next stop was the cooking school in Florida.  Not that there's anything wrong with cooking schools, if that's what you want to do.

Edited by Bella Roche
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If you're talking about the community college she attended, I believe she just received a Certificate in Culinary Arts.  I don't think she wasn't there long enough to complete the Associates Degree program.  I remember a later episode where she went to Los Angeles thinking she could get into UCLA or something, and she was directed to West L. A. Community College instead. She went to the campus, and there was some construction work being done.  She arrogantly said she wasn't going to attend a college that had construction going on, which was her excuse for not pursuing actual academic studies.  Her next stop was the cooking school in Florida.  Not that there's anything wrong with cooking schools, if that's what you want to do.


That is hilarious that Farrah nixed a school based on the fact they had construction going on. God, these girls are idiots.


I wish there could be a Teen Mom remix, where they pick girls from various seasons of 16 and pregnant and just film them for one year, and then go back and profile another four girls. There are a few (very few) girls who, on the update specials, appear to have somewhat gotten their lives together and are responsible, contributing members of society. Why can't we see them (assuming they'd sign on for this show)?

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Her next stop was the cooking school in Florida.  Not that there's anything wrong with cooking schools, if that's what you want to do.


What I'm confused about is whether this school she went to was a culinary school where she graduated as a chef? Or is she just someone who kind of studied something food related? I just can't get over the terrible things she's cooked.

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My guess is Farrah tried to get some kind of Food and Beverage Management Certificate, I doubt she even has a degree. She never talked about being a chef, just owning restaurants, and Food and Bev Cert might require a basic "cooking" class or two. I don't know why she would have to move to Florida for it though, you can probably get them at any community college.

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Allegedly Farrah has an associate's degree in Culinary Management:


I seem to remember (maybe from TWOP?) that Farrah attended Metropoloitan Community College in Omaha when she was living n neighboring Council Bluffs and that's where she graduated from. Their culinary arts & management programs website does show several certificate programs- http://www.mccneb.edu/chrm/cculinaryartsandmanagement.asp. So who knows if she has a degree or a certificate? Either way, IF she did indeed finish one of them, I at least give her credit for finishing some sort of post-secondary education. She's the only original Teen Mom to do so (so far).

ETA: she lists an Associates from Metropolitan Community College on her LinkedIn account (which you can find via Google- but I warn you, it's written in "Farrah speak," so you may want to have a few drinks first...) Allegedly she's also taking classes online through Pace University to get a business degree. Hmmm....

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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I used to have a neighbor like Farrah who would use and mispronounce big words. He always tried so hard to sound intelligent. Our sons were friends and he told me once that he "enjoys observing the boys social interactions". I said "yeah? I just like watching them play".

He couldn't pronounce a 3 syllable word and use it correctly if his life depended on it but he thought he was the smartest guy on the block. And he would tell you that too.

Edited by Maharincess
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Was watching the 2014 AVN awards last night (they're like the porn Emmy's) and seems like our girl Farrah was nominated in the "best buttsex" category. Sadly, she didn't win.


It was also the first I heard of Machine Gun Kelly, who actually wasn't so bad. Watching all the porn girls in their red carpet best dresses was kinda hilarious, yet sad. You can tell most of them have no idea what red carpet ready means. Yikes.

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I think "Farrah wants to be a plastic surgeon" could be a scheme to land a new reality show.


I bet this Dr thinks by offering Farrah an "apprenticeship" they can get some kind of plastic surgery reality show together. Farrah is a hustler but hustle alone doesn't get you through medical school for your "Doctoral" in Plastic Surgery, people surely have tried to gently steer her away after hearing her speak, right? I'm sure she has some sort of ulterior motive for this apprenticeship thing.

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Farrah has just recently given a lengthy interview for a podcast with someone named Shane Dawson. I had never heard of this guy before (thank god), but apparently he is like Howard Stern for tweens. I didn't listen to the whole thing, but my opinion of her has changed drastically. While I won't go so far as to call her intelligent, she came across surprisingly coherent and acutely self-aware. OK, it's time to bust out my tinfoil hat...


Since I watch this show primarily to revel in schadenfreude, I feel bamboozled. The distinct Farrah-brand of craziness displayed on the show seems to be just that: a brand, carefully crafted by Farrah and her management. In stark contrast to the other girls on the show, Farrah views herself, first and foremost, as an entertainer. Hence, all the stupid and crazy stuff she says is part of the plan, so to speak. That's also why the other girls can't stand her; they are more earnest in their search for fame whereas Farrah is intentionally seeking infamy.


I now wish she wasn't brought back. Booooo!

Edited by nowahuta
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I think "Farrah wants to be a plastic surgeon" could be a scheme to land a new reality show.


I bet this Dr thinks by offering Farrah an "apprenticeship" they can get some kind of plastic surgery reality show together. Farrah is a hustler but hustle alone doesn't get you through medical school for your "Doctoral" in Plastic Surgery, people surely have tried to gently steer her away after hearing her speak, right? I'm sure she has some sort of ulterior motive for this apprenticeship thing.


"“From seeing the best and the worst in the industry and experiencing it as well, it has me wanting to pursue and achieve the best in education to help men and women from trauma scenarios to reconstructive and aesthetic surgeries.”"



Can you imagine how awful it would be to have her as the one you have to show what can be both physically and emotionally painful bodily imperfections? Ignore all of the million reasons she would be a horrible plastic surgeon/any form of medical professional down to the high school volunteers who bring the book cart around to patients' rooms in the hospital. I just can't imagine what kind of hurtful things she'd say. She has this weird lack of social intelligence where she doesn't realize what reactions she gets, or doesn't care, or something. Even if you ignore every other issue of hers, she'd be horrible. Just thinking about showing her or someone like her the scars on my body makes me nauseous. 

Edited by this is not a user
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I will say that she did seem to finish her culinary management class well and without issue, and didn't she do some further education beyond that?

Without issue?


Wasn't it culinary school when she had a shit attack when the teacher was going over one of her assignments? I recall Farrah did not take it well. I think Deb had tried to help Farrah with her assignment which I think was some sort of essay. Anyone? Tell me I am remembering this right.

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If I recall, there was an assignment where she had to write a business plan for a new restaurant, and Deb helped her. I guess her teacher had a problem with some of Farrah's project, and Farrah was telling her mother that she had told her teacher, well my mom helped me, and she has an MBA (suggesting that Deb's word was gospel).

Deb awesomely says, I have an EXECUTIVE MBA. I remember on twop she was referred to as Debra Abraham, e. MBA for awhile.

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If I recall, there was an assignment where she had to write a business plan for a new restaurant, and Deb helped her. I guess her teacher had a problem with some of Farrah's project, and Farrah was telling her mother that she had told her teacher, well my mom helped me, and she has an MBA (suggesting that Deb's word was gospel).

Deb awesomely says, I have an EXECUTIVE MBA. I remember on twop she was referred to as Debra Abraham, e. MBA for awhile.

That's what it was. Thank you. I think Farrah then turned on her mother afterwards for her failed assignment.

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The teacher commented about her defensiveness and attitude as well...


I don't think it was said what the exact assignment was- but it seemed like Farrah's presentation was fairly thin- she had focused on what kind of food (not specific foods, but a certain label, like Asian Fusion or something) would be served, and what the interior colors of the restaurant would be, without much detail about an operating budget, local market research, labor needs, any potential vendors or third party services, etc. Debra more or less just nodded her head while Farrah read it aloud, knowing she any advice she offered would not be well received.


But yeah, the executive MBA line provided much appreciated mocking material for several weeks. I wish we could get Deb without Farrah.

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Asian/Italian fusion. To which the instructor commented, maybe there's a reason there aren't any Asian/Italian fusion restaurants already?

(Just watched this season- my memory isn't this good!)


Yeah, I've been to Council Bluffs. That's not really a town that screams for Asian/Italian fusion. If I recall, Farrah did spend an impressive portion of the paper talking about interior decorating for the restaurant.

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People have said that Council Bluffs is a pretty rough place.  I have always found that odd since Farrah's family has always seemed pretty well off.  Compared to a lot of other teem moms on the show, Farrah actually had it pretty good.  She came from from a financially secure educated family and both of her parents were (at that time) in the house.  She seemed motivated to work hard.   Farrah seemed the least likely to do porn.  I  am not trying to slut shame, but I do not think porn is a great career choice for most people.


I really have not been able to figure out her dysfunction.  I really hate the way she uses Sophia as a tactic to control her parents.  I wish Debra and Michael would just tell her to go eff off, but they are too afraid of hurting Sophia.   I also think they are terrified of the people Farrah would leave Sophia with to be able to do her porn adventures (sorry, sex tape).

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I think there was a lot of dysfunction in Farrah's home. Let's not forget her mother slapped her in the face on camera while driving, and was arrested for hitting her on a separate occasion. I don't think she came from the healthiest home, despite the financial security and level of education of her parents.

Did anyone see her on the Couples Therapy all star reunion? She admitted to being embarrassed about her, um, career choices. It seemed like the most real I've seen her.

I don't dislike Farrah, but she seems to have a huge attitude with everyone 24/7, and that is very off-putting.

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People have said that Council Bluffs is a pretty rough place.  I have always found that odd since Farrah's family has always seemed pretty well off.


I lived in Omaha for three years (2005-2007). Council Bluffs is in IA, but about 5-10 miles from downtown Omaha. It is a very blue collar town, and it does look depressing, but I wouldn't say it was like Detroit or other severely economic depressed, high crime areas. A lot of people live in Council Bluffs and work in Omaha, which does have a metropolitan area and a high insurance/banking concentration.


But yeah, while Deb and Michael pulled down a decent income, I think they were pretty odd, and growing up in that house couldn't have been fun. It's too bad Debra has such a temper and can get so scary, because she does have really good advice sometimes (which Farrah never follows), and seems fairly shrewd.


Something about the Abrahams remind me of this creepy movie from the early 90s, The People Under the Stairs, about a seemingly normal couple who kidnap kids and mutilate them and then keep them in the basement.

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People have said that Council Bluffs is a pretty rough place.  I have always found that odd since Farrah's family has always seemed pretty well off.


Eh, CB isn't necessarily "rough". I'm from Omaha, which is right over the river; lots of people who live in CB work in Omaha. And we kind of make fun of CB, call it "Council Tuckey", like it's our redneck little sister or something. But there are parts of Omaha that are much rougher than Council Bluffs as a whole. Council Bluffs is definitely more down-to-earth, working class; it's cheaper to live there. But there are still some nice parts, just with any city. They do have a plethora of casinos and strip clubs, so maybe that's how it got that rep. But I've never really found it "rough", just kind of podunk and boring. 

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btw - the difference between an MBA and an Executive MBA is when and how the classes are scheduled. The executive programs generally meet a night per week and weekends, allowing busy executives to attend. It is not a more vigorous program or more exclusive.

If anything, Executive MBA programs are less selective and less rigorous academically than full-time MBA programs.  They are designed for people who have been out in the workplace for awhile and want to pursue a graduate degree at their own pace without leaving their job.  Most full-time graduate programs (business and otherwise) screen out a lot of students up front because the required courses are very demanding and must be completed within a specific timeframe.  There's nothing special or exclusive about an "EMBA."

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Debra more or less just nodded her head while Farrah read it aloud, knowing she any advice she offered would not be well received.

The scene is all a big blur to me now, but this I remember, now that you posted it. I think Debra had a bit of an input, but overall, Deb seemed to pat Farrah on the back and tell her it was a good paper.



Did anyone see her on the Couples Therapy all star reunion? She admitted to being embarrassed about her, um, career choices. It seemed like the most real I've seen her.

I might be remembering wrong, but Farrah was still claiming her porn video was a "leaked sex tape" and that shit right there is what irks me. Farrah needs to own up to her behavior, but she won't. I don't see how she can be embarrassed about anything when she chooses to do the things that she does and enjoys  the spotlight that it gives her. What is she embarrassed about? She should be embarrassed for her DUI, something she still denies occurred. Farrah is like the Kim Richards of Iowa.

Edited by GreatKazu
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Ah yes, semantics. Farrah loves that little game. She even pulled this bull on Dr. Phil by claiming she wasn't driving.

Found this:

telling Dr. Phil in an interview on Apr. 19 that she was "not driving. I was parked … I drove around the corner and parked."


"If I was still driving and then the cop pulled me over then, yeah, that's really driving drunk," she argued.

(bold by me)


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Found this:

telling Dr. Phil in an interview on Apr. 19 that she was "not driving. I was parked … I drove around the corner and parked."


"If I was still driving and then the cop pulled me over then, yeah, that's really driving drunk," she argued.

(bold by me)

She was parked too when she almost hit another car. There is Farrah's truth and then there is the police report.

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