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Catelynn (and Tyler)

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Honestly, I am not a parent but I was in a relationship in high school that my parents gently encouraged me to pull away from-- from that perspective I get Kim. I see what all of you see in that she criticizes all of Cate's faults and none of Tyler's, but Tyler is her kid.

My high school boyfriend was a really great guy but he wasn't going in the same direction as me. I considered going to a different college to be closer to him, and my parents just weren't into their 16 year old daughter making major life decisions based on a teen relationship.

I don't think it's bad for Kim to want to Tyler to have some breathing room from a relationship that became too serious, too young, and lead to some heavy consequences for both these young people.  From the parenting perspective I get Kim. I don't understand her malice towards Cate though, Cate has been nothing but sweet to her for years--I am a little surprised she doesn't seem more attached to this girl she's watched grow up. 

Edited by evilmindatwork
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The guy I was so in loooove with at 15 and 16 went on to become a millionaire with a very nice family. In fact my nephew has spent two summers with them interning. Did my parents like him? Nope, tolerated would be a better word. Oh well, life goes on.

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11 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

The guy I was so in loooove with at 15 and 16 went on to become a millionaire with a very nice family. In fact my nephew has spent two summers with them interning. Did my parents like him? Nope, tolerated would be a better word. Oh well, life goes on.

Hahaha. Life! My parents actually liked him and still do. They didn't think I was emotionally ready to be in an intensely committed relationship. Looking back, I wasn't; and looking at C & T, I'm really glad we broke up when we did. 

Edited by evilmindatwork
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hehe this is the second time I've talked about my little love story (I'm sooo interesting....LOL!  NOT!)

Mister & I have been together since I was 17 & he was 22.  my girlfriend & I were at the senior prom w/our of-age dates, hanging out outside the bar  (we're like, "it'd be so cool if you guys went & had a legal drink at our prom!  HA!" ) the principal approached her & me and asked what we were doing & we sassed, 'waiting for our dates" like the badasses we thought we were...

sometimes it works.  we'll be celebrating our 27th wedding anniversary in December!!

Edited by teapot
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I blasted Kim in a previous post cuz lately all we see her doing is speaking negatively of Catelynn like her son is some prize.  I have two sons , believe me they'd hear it if they were sitting on the couch toking it up -house a wreck, no job , no school . Cmon Kim , open your eyes. If cate is a slug in your eyes , well then so is your little prince Tyler . And yes as mentioned above / can't bite the hand that feeds you , she's prolly getting thrown some $$ from Tyler so kid gloves .  Maybe use the google and enter Depression , maybe give a shit what cate is going thru. Pretend to care. 

Edited by DNR
Ninja edit
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Kim is another one making money off of Cate's misery and shitting on her. Kim gets her little appearance fees because of Catelynn yet she can't manage to not talk shit when the cameras are rolling? 

If Catelynn goes away, then you go away Kim. Tyler is only the star of Kim's house. Not Teen Mom. All of them bite the hand that feed them and blanket it under "caring" about Cate.

I await the time the show is cancelled and our intrepid young Tyler can show us all the ambition he holds back because of the TM filming schedule.  Can't wait to see all of the finishing of school, social working, acting and book writing he does. 

Edited by Brooklynista
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Kim's dynamic with Tyler is interesting. She really does coddle him while also simultaneously expecting him to grow up and be an adult. And the way she always comes to him when she has an issue with Cate is annoying. Cate doesn't do anything, so chances are she'll be home if Kim needs to talk to her. So talk to her instead of using your stupid son to relay your messages. But, seriously, I do think Kim is meddling way too much in C&T's marriage. She's not the first person to dislike her daughter-in-law, and she won't be the last. I sincerely doubt Tyler would've done anything remotely decent with his life even if he had broken up with Cate. 

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9 minutes ago, geekamonggeeks said:

Kim's dynamic with Tyler is interesting. She really does coddle him while also simultaneously expecting him to grow up and be an adult. And the way she always comes to him when she has an issue with Cate is annoying. Cate doesn't do anything, so chances are she'll be home if Kim needs to talk to her. So talk to her instead of using your stupid son to relay your messages. But, seriously, I do think Kim is meddling way too much in C&T's marriage. She's not the first person to dislike her daughter-in-law, and she won't be the last. I sincerely doubt Tyler would've done anything remotely decent with his life even if he had broken up with Cate. 

I don't even know if she dislikes Cate personally. Think Kim might be one of those moms that just sees every potential partner for their son as competition for his affection.

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32 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

It's such a good point that she makes her $ off of Cate. Same thing with any parent on here who's bitchy to their kid. Really? Where does your paycheck come from? 

She probably sees her fun money as coming from Tyler. 

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33 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

It's such a good point that she makes her $ off of Cate. Same thing with any parent on here who's bitchy to their kid. Really? Where does your paycheck come from? 

That's the saddest thing about Cate's story. Every person on her part of the story hit the jackpot on her personal tragedy but spends the majority of their screen time shitting on her looks, her illness, and glorifies Tyler who contributes to her sadness. 

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3 hours ago, Tatum said:

I don't even know if she dislikes Cate personally. Think Kim might be one of those moms that just sees every potential partner for their son as competition for his affection.

She's always going on about how Cate has no ambition and isn't doing anything meaningful with her life while her son is actively not doing anything with his life and has even said that he considers getting a regular job to be beneath him. I agree that her dislike for Cate probably isn't personal, and she may feel the same towards any significant other Tyler has. The hypocrisy is just so bothersome. Every negative thing Kim has said about Cate can easily be applied to Tyler. And unlike Cate, who has geniune mental issues, Tyler doesn't want to work because he thinks he's too good to get a regular job. 

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Kim is lucky Cate doesn't have my momma. The second time she caught that Kim on camera low talking her daughter she would have driven the entire camera crew over to Kim's house for a confrontation. Kim would have gotten the tongue lashing of life . Every thing from her twinkish son being a lazy POS  to Kim being a cum dump for a druggie Butch would have been thrown in her face. Don't throw stones at my house unless you're ready for me to break every window in yours. We are verbal assassins over here.

I'm so sorry Cate doesn't have anyone in her corner who'll really fight for her. Cate believes these people love her. The only bit of true tenderness she gets comes from Teresa and she only gets that positivity once a year.

Edited by Brooklynista
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5 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

Kim is lucky Cate doesn't have my momma. The second time she caught that Kim on camera low talking her daughter she would have driven the entire camera crew over to Kim's house for a confrontation. Kim would have gotten the tongue lashing of life . Every thing from her twinkish son being a lazy POS  to Kim being a cum dump for a druggie Butch would have been thrown in her face. Don't throw stones at my house unless you're ready for me to break every window in yours.

I'm so sorry Cate doesn't have anyone in her corner who'll really fight for her. Cate believes these people love her. The only bit of true tenderness she gets comes from Teresa and she only gets that positivity once a year.

Just wanted to say that tongue lashing was AWESOME!!! Twinkish son.  I die lol but Tyler has put on too much weight to still be considered a twink.  Just sayin.

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You guys are right. Tyler lost his twinkness maybe 20 pounds ago.

Perhaps Cate needs to be more like Farrah. Ouch, that hurt to type. But for the asshole she is, those folks in Farrah's orbit know who butters their bread. And she doesn't let them forget it. 

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2 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

You guys are right. Tyler lost his twinkness maybe 20 pounds ago.

Perhaps Cate needs to be more like Farrah. Ouch, that hurt to type. But for the asshole she is, those folks in Farrah's orbit know who butters their bread. And she doesn't let them forget it. 


Do you guys think if given the opportunity, Tyler would bone Farrah? I don't think she'd be into him unless she grudge fucked him to stick it to Cate, but I feel like Tyler would pay for that transgression for the rest of his life which would be awesome.

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Tyler doesn't give me the vibe that he's into boning any woman.  I'm going to stop saying I think he's gay. I think he's gay. There are just some men who have no interest in sex.

 Someone mentioned him looking pleased at his bachelor party, but I think that was because he was the center of attention. It's doubtful to me that the promise of sex in the champagne room made him giddy.

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In previous episodes he bitched to his friends about wanting hotter women and Cate complained that he wants sex every day and gets mad that she doesn't want to. Plus, it's not like being gay carries much of a stigma anymore. 

I don't know, I know a ton of straight guys just like him, especially in LA and especially ones who want to be "actors" or models. Anyone who doesn't...is quite fortunate. 

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On 9/22/2016 at 3:15 PM, poopchute said:

He's writing fiction?? I just assumed he was writing more autobiographical shit.  What makes him think he can be a successful fiction writer?!

From the experience he does on a daily on Twitter.

Tyler wanting sex from Cate on a daily basis could just mean he is watching so much porn that he wants to get off once in a while with some help. 

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I never thought that Tyler was gay, but I have a hard time believing that he's some kind of sex maniac. Especially when he never shows even a second of interest in Cate when they're onscreen. If anything, I can see Cate being the one to demand sex on the regular because she might be one of those girls who equates sex with love. 

Edited by geekamonggeeks
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1 hour ago, Lm2162 said:

In previous episodes he bitched to his friends about wanting hotter women and Cate complained that he wants sex every day and gets mad that she doesn't want to. Plus, it's not like being gay carries much of a stigma anymore. 

I don't know, I know a ton of straight guys just like him, especially in LA and especially ones who want to be "actors" or models. Anyone who doesn't...is quite fortunate. 

I think it's totally possible that he's straight, but I don't for one second believe he's trying to get on Cate daily. Or weekly. *Maybe* once a month Tyler drinks a couple pina coladas, watches Backdoor Teen Mom, closes his eyes and goes for it.  

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In the end, there is Cate right back with the lollipop kid. And she supposedly got help?

Cate gets dumped on and talked about because she won't tear away from Tyler. Ever. She will be happy to be acknowledged as his wife in name only. 

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11 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

She went to stop smoking crack.  Hopefully it worked and she's not going to Boogietown with April anymore. 


Did I miss something? Did she really not go for anxiety and depression? And I thought she just smoked marijuana. Guess I REALLY missed something!

Edited by mamadrama
guess I wasn't finished
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3 hours ago, mamadrama said:

Did I miss something? Did she really not go for anxiety and depression? And I thought she just smoked marijuana. Guess I REALLY missed something!

You didn't miss anything. That is pure speculating. There is no proof Cate went for anything other than anxiety and depression. I don't see her doing anything other than pot. She's too heavy to be a crack smoker. I've never seen her act all tweaked out either. Her behavior the night of the pig reminded me more of my step father, who is bi-polar, when he was having a manic episode. They can be especially jarring when sufferers tend to cycle more heavily on the depression side. 


14 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

From the experience he does on a daily on Twitter.

His tweet implied his book is about a heroin addict. I would bet anything he's just going to take a bunch of Butch stories and tweak them a bit. There's no way he is creative enough for anything more than that. 

Edited by ghoulina
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The fact that MTV couldn't film (or even mention the name) at the rehab facility screams volumes to me.  MTV did not arrange her treatment and the producers most likely had little notice that she was going.  Her rehab trip was an impulsive decision with little planning.   It's clear that Catelynn has more than anxiety, depression and the pot smoking going on.  Harder substances are being abused. Do not let her weight fool you. Drug addicts come in all shapes and sizes. They now brag that they have Rx cards for the marijuana -- then why on earth fly across the country to detox from marijuana???  The pre-high during the "Boogietown."  Everyone in that family is speaking circles around Catelynn's issues.

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I really can't say whether or not Cate has been abusing harder drugs, but I agree that MTV producers didn't really know she was going away until she announced it a few episodes ago. It seemed like such a sudden decision and I still wonder what happened during that night to make Cate decide to up and leave. As for the rehab not disclosing its name...well, you may be onto something there because I can't think of why the center's name at least wasn't disclosed. The Rx cards bother me, mainly because C&T are acting like everything is fine now that Cate can legally smoke pot. Just because she can lawfully do it now doesn't erase the fact that it was illegal before. It also doesn't erase her toking up while driving since that's still against the law. 

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21 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Kim is lucky Cate doesn't have my momma. The second time she caught that Kim on camera low talking her daughter she would have driven the entire camera crew over to Kim's house for a confrontation. Kim would have gotten the tongue lashing of life . Every thing from her twinkish son being a lazy POS  to Kim being a cum dump for a druggie Butch would have been thrown in her face. Don't throw stones at my house unless you're ready for me to break every window in yours. We are verbal assassins over here.

I'm so sorry Cate doesn't have anyone in her corner who'll really fight for her. Cate believes these people love her. The only bit of true tenderness she gets comes from Teresa and she only gets that positivity once a year.

Yes! My mother would have let her know that water seeks its own level so what does that say about her since she procreated with Butch not once but twice and what does that say about her kid since he won't  break off the relationship!

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12 hours ago, Brooklynista said:


Just who were pics like this one for? 

Trigger warning plz 

5 hours ago, ghoulina said:

You didn't miss anything. That is pure speculating. There is no proof Cate went for anything other than anxiety and depression. I don't see her doing anything other than pot. She's too heavy to be a crack smoker. I've never seen her act all tweaked out either. Her behavior the night of the pig reminded me more of my step father, who is bi-polar, when he was having a manic episode. They can be especially jarring when sufferers tend to cycle more heavily on the depression side. 


His tweet implied his book is about a heroin addict. I would bet anything he's just going to take a bunch of Butch stories and tweak them a bit. There's no way he is creative enough for anything more than that. 

Definitely going to agree with all this. 

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I apologize for ruining everyone's Saturday w that picture. But I must know who that pose was for???

He's been with Catelynn since they were 7 so I think it's pretty darn disrespectful to his relationship  to have been posting pics like that for all of the leftover Justin Beiber fans.

Or his Grindr profile. JS.

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On September 24, 2016 at 2:31 AM, Brooklynista said:


Just who were pics like this one for? 

Holy mother of God ! How about a NSFW or better yet NSFL tag lmao ?

hmmm not sure WHO that pic is for and Tyler " don't want no heifer for a wife " but I'd say he's pretty Skinny Fat to be throwing around insults 

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