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On 1/22/2018 at 6:01 AM, Vandy10 said:

The Maci-adoption story line is crap, just like Jessa Duggar's. I don't blame Maci for being ignorant of what adopting a 4-6 year old is really like, because there was a lot about adoption I didn't know until I started the process. But ya know what? I knew that I was ignorant and did some research before even contacting an adoption agency. This storyline is dead in the water the second Maci learns just a bit about the realities of adopting an older child. 

For example:

-Many agencies/social workers strongly recommend against adopting out of birth order

-An older child is going to come either from foster care or an orphanage abroad

          -Foster care means dealing with CPS, the courts, and the birth family until rights are severed

          -Institutionalization does a number on kids

-An older child up for adoption will have some past trauma & dealing with that trauma is no joke


There's so much more, but you get the gist. I can't tell if Maci genuinely has a desire to adopt, but just hasn't learned about it yet, or if she's just using it for a storyline. Jessa Duggar I believe was doing the latter.

I had the same thoughts about the "adoption storyline." They weren't really clear about why they wanted to adopt an older child, but I assumed that it was because they thought an older child would enable them to skip the needy/high-maintenance infancy phase and jump right into fun/reasonably independent/able to help out with the other kids. In reality, older kids are often more challenging to adopt, especially in a family with multiple young children, some of whom are possibly younger than the adoptee. Parents who prefer to chill in the hot tub with a couple of beers while their elementary schooler changes his toddler sister out of her wet swimsuit probably aren't suited to adopting a child who has experienced significant abuse/neglect, emotional trauma, multiple foster homes, etc., etc.

  • Love 24
On 1/22/2018 at 10:17 AM, Tatum said:

I read a really good article by a foster mother once, I'll look for it later and if I can find it, I will link it. What she was basically saying was, is as much as there is a massive shortage on good quality foster homes, and as much as these additional homes are needed by kids, she does NOT recommend that most people try to become foster parents. That sounds awkward how I just put it. What she meant is (or how I interpreted it) was that most people are not equipped to be foster parents, and throwing their hat in the ring, even with the best of intentions, will likely lead to more harm than good. These are seriously damaged children, who act out in a number of ways, and even if you can manage to establish a good relationship with boundaries and mutual respect (no easy feat) you run the continuous risk of having that child go back the that environment, and there is nothing you can do about that. She said she believes a lot of people interested in fostering that she knows are good, responsible people, and she still wouldn't advise they do it.

I absolutely could not be a foster parent. I know this is going to sound cold and callus but I could not handle some of the issues that often accompany fostering. Not only am I pretty sure that I am ill-equipped to handle some of the behavioral and emotional issues that children in foster situations frequently have because of their past living situation (I was a social worker for a while; most of those children were pulled out of their homes for a VERY good reason) but I would also be unable to handle my OWN emotions. Taking in a child, bonding with him/her, only to have them turned back over to their "real" parents? It would crush me. 

  • Love 18
13 hours ago, mamadrama said:

I absolutely could not be a foster parent. I know this is going to sound cold and callus but I could not handle some of the issues that often accompany fostering. Not only am I pretty sure that I am ill-equipped to handle some of the behavioral and emotional issues that children in foster situations frequently have because of their past living situation (I was a social worker for a while; most of those children were pulled out of their homes for a VERY good reason) but I would also be unable to handle my OWN emotions. Taking in a child, bonding with him/her, only to have them turned back over to their "real" parents? It would crush me. 

Yeah, the more I think about it, the more it seems irresponsible, not just fake and ill-informed, that Maci is promoting the idea of adopting an older child (or adopting at all, really) to people who are potentially influenced by her. The kind of people who look up to and seek to emulate Maci are definitely not the kind of people who would be suitable parents to traumatized, special needs children. I assume that Maci and Taylor never gave any real thought to, much less did research on, what would actually be involved in adopting a child of any age. We know that Maci has a really inflated idea of what an awesome parent she is, so I guess they just assume that "The Adoption Bureau" or whatever would be thrilled to have people like them sign up to take a cute, grateful 4-6-year-old orphan home.

  • Love 12
15 hours ago, TheRealT said:

Yeah, the more I think about it, the more it seems irresponsible, not just fake and ill-informed, that Maci is promoting the idea of adopting an older child (or adopting at all, really) to people who are potentially influenced by her. The kind of people who look up to and seek to emulate Maci are definitely not the kind of people who would be suitable parents to traumatized, special needs children. I assume that Maci and Taylor never gave any real thought to, much less did research on, what would actually be involved in adopting a child of any age. We know that Maci has a really inflated idea of what an awesome parent she is, so I guess they just assume that "The Adoption Bureau" or whatever would be thrilled to have people like them sign up to take a cute, grateful 4-6-year-old orphan home.

True enough, but the adoption process would weed these people out quickly, just like it would Maci. Honestly just thinking about that scene makes me roll my eyes, as Maci is likely internally thinking, look how AWESOME I will look, wanting an older child instead of a cute little baby. People will think I am such a humanitarian. As if adopting an older child is akin to adopting an older cat or dog with health issues instead of a little kitten or puppy, or buying said kitten or puppy from a pet store.

  • Love 15
12 hours ago, Tatum said:

True enough, but the adoption process would weed these people out quickly, just like it would Maci. Honestly just thinking about that scene makes me roll my eyes, as Maci is likely internally thinking, look how AWESOME I will look, wanting an older child instead of a cute little baby. People will think I am such a humanitarian. As if adopting an older child is akin to adopting an older cat or dog with health issues instead of a little kitten or puppy, or buying said kitten or puppy from a pet store.

Yes, if you go through a good adoption agency, they will weed those people out. For example, my adoption agency requires many learning hours above and beyond the minimum set by the state. I am now as well-informed about the issues and possible pitfalls of adoption as I can be before actually parenting an adopted child.

Unfortunately, there are still unethical adoption agencies around--just ask B&T/C&T about Bethenney.

  • Love 6
47 minutes ago, Vandy10 said:

Yes, if you go through a good adoption agency, they will weed those people out. For example, my adoption agency requires many learning hours above and beyond the minimum set by the state. I am now as well-informed about the issues and possible pitfalls of adoption as I can be before actually parenting an adopted child.

Unfortunately, there are still unethical adoption agencies around--just ask B&T/C&T about Bethenney.

I would also be concerned about misguided birthmoms/parents who might offer to place their children with Maci, fellow Maci followers, or similarly inappropriate people. I think it's easier to adopt if one has an arrangement with the birth mom and adoptive parents in that situation aren't necessarily subject to the same level of vetting, training, etc. as they would be going through an agency or social services.

Most likely, it's just some bullshit Maci came up with to seem interesting and compassionate and nothing will ever come of it, but it shows how lame she is that she throws stuff like that out there without any thought. I wonder how she would react if a fan contacted her saying they'd love for her to adopt their 4-6-year-old or put it out there on her SM that they are looking for a good home for their kid.

  • Love 11
2 minutes ago, druzy said:

I didn’t even read the article yet, and I’m ? at the description !

So Maci changed the time.....ok. Way to curse in front of the child Ryan. He’d still get to see Bentley, but I guess that’s not the first thing to enter his mind.

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, druzy said:

BAHAHAHAHA. You mean after the YEARS of Ryan being late to Halloween or just not showing up??? NOW he wants to act like a super involved dad? Oh, and by the by, he got himself a wife a few months back so we have to work HER custody issues in as well. Have fun with your shit show. 

  • Love 24
9 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

BAHAHAHAHA. You mean after the YEARS of Ryan being late to Halloween or just not showing up??? NOW he wants to act like a super involved dad? Oh, and by the by, he got himself a wife a few months back so we have to work HER custody issues in as well. Have fun with your shit show. 

Maybe not. I am sure Big Mack will be willing to concede more time to her ex if fighting with him inconveniences the Edwards clan in any way.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Tatum said:

Maybe not. I am sure Big Mack will be willing to concede more time to her ex if fighting with him inconveniences the Edwards clan in any way.

I noticed she said to Hudson:  "you can eat all of your candy while you're with your dad." 

My first reactions:

1. She's (still) such an asshole because she doesn't want to be around him on a sugar high. Her tone was super bitchy, even when speaking to her son!

2. She would rather have Hudson's father "deal with the behavior" from a sugar high.

3. She told him he can eat all of his candy, not something like "you can have some candy", which might incite a battle with dad over candy. Wouldn't a parent automatically be armed with "words I must use on Halloween" to make sure their kid(s) knows the rules?

Maybe I'm overanalyzing (a habit of mine, both good and bad!) the whole candy issue, but it was something that I noticed.

Also, if Maci said 5pm & those two assholes (R&M) knew that H had to be at his dad's by 6pm, that's on them. Ryan was still his annual dickhead dad self because he'd only have less than an hour with Bentley. 

Maci doesn't need a copy of Mack's custody arrangement, but R&M should have given Maci a heads up about H needing to be elsewhere by 6pm. Perhaps she'd have been able to stick to the 5pm meet time had she known about the Hudson "issue" ahead of time.

R&M bitch that Maci doesn't communicate with Ryan, and want to paint an image of her as being tyrannical and stubborn, but they're the morons who continue to make themselves look like hypocritical assholes. They clearly didn't think about common courtesy and communicate "we can only stay for 45 minutes" or (I assume) ask about coming back after dropping Hudson off. Had they started at 5pm & suddenly announced at 5:45 it was time to take H to his dad, that would have been a dick move too. The more I see of R&M, the higher my blood pressure gets!


Edited by Bridget
  • Love 13

She wants to shed the walrus body to fit into her mermaid wedding dress and doesn’t want Hudson’s candy around her. 

Don’t most neighborhood do trick or treating hours between 6pm-8pm? They do everywhere I’ve lived (NY, Chicago, Cincinnati).  Maybe Maci didn’t change the time to be malicious.  She could have been wrong. Also, she has 3 kids to get ready and maybe camera crew in the way?

Also, splitting every single holiday is so sucky.  Not mature enough to alternate?  It puts so much stress on a kid. 

Edited by CofCinci
  • Love 11
32 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

She wants to shed the walrus body to fit into her mermaid wedding dress and doesn’t want Hudson’s candy around her. 

Don’t most neighborhood do trick or treating hours between 6pm-8pm? They do everywhere I’ve lived (NY, Chicago, Cincinnati).  Maybe Maci didn’t change the time to be malicious.  She could have been wrong. Also, she has 3 kids to get ready and maybe camera crew in the way?

Also, splitting every single holiday is so sucky.  Not mature enough to alternate?  It puts so much stress on a kid. 

I never made the connection between maturity and alternating holidays. I had an "Aha!" moment. Thanks for that. It helps to put a lot of different things into a new context. It's like you do this for a living or something! 

Wouldn't the stress of having to share holidays and making sure the kiddos are where they need to be by X o'clock cause major anxiety and even more stress in itself? Most kiddos can sense stress in adults, no matter how well we think we're hiding it. You couldn't even enjoy a few cocktails because you have to leave and drive off in a wee while (if you're one who cares about driving without being intoxicated/impaired). Then having to cram the whole celebration into half of the time or being sad because you're having a great time and have to leave early? Not my idea of a good time. 

If you're the parent that's waiting for the kid to be dropped off for the "second half" of the holiday, having to wait to do XYZ would be a bummer, especially if other people were indirectly involved in the celebration too. "Sorry, we can't eat/have an egg hunt/open our Valentine cards/play Pin the Tail on the Leprechaun yet because _______________ isn't here yet."  Bummer isn't the right word, I know, but having to wait to celebrate wouldn't be fun. In the event the kid is late, how does one parent not get pissed at the other parent? I suppose if you're married to Ryan I guess you get an automatic free pass on having to be on time. 

I wonder how they split of the 4th of July. Does Hudson get to see any fireworks from the car because his parents are immature and he's got to be shuttled back and forth in a car? I wonder what special traditions they have for Labor Day. Does Hudson eat half of his meal with Parent A and the other half with Parent B?  

I'm not snarking on anyone who was ever a part of sharing holidays at all. I'm just floored at the splitting up of holidays. Seems like it's a sad thing rather than a celebratory event.

(M&R were SO PROUD of themselves for being on time for Halloween. It was ridiculous. Straight up ridiculous. What did they want? For Chris Rock to give them a cookie?)

  • Love 11

I agree. If I was planning on dropping off my kid to a different trick or treating event after spending one hour on the first event, then I would drive to the first event separately so my significant other can spend more time with his kid. I hate that the people  who talk about co-parenting the most have little idea how it actually works. 

  • Love 12

I don't get how you split holidays like Halloween.  One year, one parent gets trick-or-treating.  Next year? The other parent.  I suppose each year could be one parent at school and the other gets the evening events.  Then swap the next year.  But it all sounds stupid and they might as well be grown-ups and alternate.  Period.  Not 30 minutes here and then rush for 30 minutes there. 

And Mackenzie can shut the fuck the up with anything having to do with Bentley and Maci.  Ryan made his bed years before Mackenzie plopped her ass down in it.

Edited by MissMel
words are hard
  • Love 12

Anyone else remember when Maci wanted to have Bentley on Halloween for a few hours back when Bentley was 2 years old?

Bentley's party was on Halloween. It had been agreed upon by Maci and Ryan that he would take Bentley for trick-or-treating along with Larry and Jen. Maci then decided at the last minute she didn't want to miss trick-or-treating with Bentley and asked Ryan if she could have Bentley for a couple of hours after the party. Ryan told her no because it was interfering with his custody time. Maci then told him she could just "do it" if she wanted. 

When Bentley was with Ryan and his family, they vacationed at the beach. Maci showed up unannounced with her crew and decided to just interject herself with the family vacation. 


And there is this news that Maci has been faking her storylines. Anyone shocked? Didn't think so:


Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 9
11 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

When Bentley was with Ryan and his family, they vacationed at the beach. Maci showed up announced with her crew and decided to just interject herself with the family vacation. 

From that episode:

Mean Girl Maci

Maci and Dalis call each other out for shady behavior during the Florida family vacation, while Ryan keeps quiet in the middle.

  • Love 5
On 1/28/2018 at 5:01 AM, mamadrama said:

I absolutely could not be a foster parent. I know this is going to sound cold and callus but I could not handle some of the issues that often accompany fostering.

Hey at least you're honest with yourself.  My friend and her husband fostered for a little while and she said it was the worst experience in her life.  I'm not entirely sure what made them want to foster in the first place... they don't really seem the type to me and I don't totally know what her experience was but apparently not good at all. 

  • Love 7
21 hours ago, MissMel said:

I don't get how you split holidays like Halloween.  One year, one parent gets trick-or-treating.  Next year? The other parent.  I suppose each year could be one parent at school and the other gets the evening events.  Then swap the next year.  But it all sounds stupid and they might as well be grown-ups and alternate.  Period.  Not 30 minutes here and then rush for 30 minutes there. 

And Mackenzie can shut the fuck the up with anything having to do with Bentley and Maci.  Ryan made his bed years before Mackenzie plopped her ass down in it.


Even Kail, Javi, Jo, and Vee and their assorted kids managed to Trick or Treat TOGETHER this past Halloween.  We know how nasty the four of them have been together over the years. But they know Halloween is one damn evening.  If you can't fake it for a few hours with the kid, step-parents, and exes (and you don't even have to really interact/talk with them beyond politeness), then yeah, alternating holidays is what you do. Get it together.

Also, Mac. Let me let you in on a parenting secret. Kid gets to eat a couple of pieces of candy on Halloween night and save the rest for desserts later. Then the kid gets to pick one piece of candy after dinner to eat each evening for a week or so. Mom and Dad hide all but 7-10 pieces of candy after the kid goes to bed on Halloween and eat the rest of the candy themselves. LOL. (This works best with small kids like Hudson.)You're welcome. 

And I'm so not shocked about Maci faking storylines, @GreatKazu. Too bad she can't even fake stuff that isn't boring. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • LOL 1
  • Love 13
1 hour ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

And I'm so not shocked about Maci faking storylines, @GreatKazu. Too bad she can't even fake stuff that isn't boring. 

Exactly. The problem (to me) is that Maci is boring. She seems to basically embrace mainstream, white, conservative, Southern culture with the "twist" that she is (supposedly) super badass, a tomboy, and a survivor in the face of unbelievable hardships. Which, to me, is... <<yawn>>>...

Her "hardships" are getting knocked up at 16 by a guy who ended up being an irresponsible father with a family that was so supportive that they even helped her with her second kid by another guy. She overcame that by lucking into a career/very healthy income for basically doing nothing, having a super fun late adolescence/early adulthood that was probably more carefree and exciting than that of her friends who didn't have kids in high school and went to college/worked their way up the career ladder.

At this point, her idea of a "compelling story" is, "I had a miscarriage [before I had even informed family that I was pregnant and after having 3 healthy kids]." Not to minimize how painful a miscarriage can be under any circumstances, but, come on. She's too boring to even come up with good fake stories. (Not saying that the miscarriage was fake, but I do believe that her use of the event as a "storyline" is very calculated and contrived.)

  • Love 10
On ‎2‎/‎7‎/‎2018 at 8:59 AM, druzy said:

Maci: "I'm sweeter." Yeah right, bitch. You are shady and manipulative. 

OMG that reunion scene. Aside from Maci being her usual bitch self, her skin is friggin' horrible!!

Maci hasn't grown up one iota. 

Maci and the fake storylines aren't surprising. I still maintain she either blatantly lied to Taylor about being pregnant or she believed she was pregnant for some reason, had a painful period, some clotting and concluded it was a miscarriage. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 8
37 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Maci: "I'm sweeter." Yeah right, bitch. You are shady and manipulative. 

OMG that reunion scene. Aside from Maci being her usual bitch self, her skin is friggin' horrible!!

Maci hasn't grown up one iota. 

Maci and the fake storylines aren't surprising. I still maintain she either blatantly lied to Taylor about being pregnant or she believed she was pregnant for some reason. 

It really was. And Maci was so annoying with her “you don’t want to go there” to Dalis. Dalis was exactly right to call Maci out for whining to Twitter about how hard it is to co parent when your ex has a jealous girlfriend, when SHE’S the one texting catty shit and stirring up drama. She’s a forever 17 year old. Bentley will have surpassed her in maturity in a few years, if he hasn’t already. I feel sorry for whoever winds up with Maci as a mother in law. 

  • Love 12
4 minutes ago, druzy said:

I just watched this.  Mac still has that same bitch-face expression even as she's minutes from walking down the aisle.

Of course Maci is drinking her Bud Light while Taylor drives and drinks from a plastic cup, most likely full of booze. Seriously?  Actively drinking and driving like that?  You can't hold off on the alcohol for a hour or so until you get to the reception? Will there be anyone sober enough to drive Bentley home?  WTF?

And I'll be surprised if Ryan can even use unslurred speech to give his vows.  That was quite the drink he had coming out of the limo.  Then he went into the church to have a shot.  Don't even get me started on the chewing tobacco!  So gross!!  Yep!  Mac picked a winner!

And Mac can lose me with the whole hiding from Ryan so he won't see her before the wedding.  YOU TWO ARE ALREADY MARRIED!  That ship sailed for you looooong ago!

That scene was short but there was so much to rip apart.  So let me say two nice things: At least Maci's dress was appropriate and Bentley is a cutie!

  • LOL 1
  • Love 13

Of course Maci is drinking her Bud Light while Taylor drives and drinks from a plastic cup, most likely full of booze. Seriously?  Actively drinking and driving like that?  You can't hold off on the alcohol for a hour or so until you get to the reception? Will there be anyone sober enough to drive Bentley home?  WTF?


These assholes piss me off. Sanctimonious Maci can go to hell and take her fake storylines with her. 


And Mac can lose me with the whole hiding from Ryan so he won't see her before the wedding.  YOU TWO ARE ALREADY MARRIED!  That ship sailed for you looooong ago!

Mac and Maci are twins. Maci said nearly the same shit when Taylor took a bite out of the top tier cake on their anniversary - "It's tradition....."  Seriously, you lush who had two trap babies as you walked down the aisle. 

These chicks can miss me with what they choose to be traditional about. 

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, Marisagf said:

Of course Maci is drinking her Bud Light while Taylor drives and drinks from a plastic cup, most likely full of booze. Seriously?  Actively drinking and driving like that?  You can't hold off on the alcohol for a hour or so until you get to the reception? Will there be anyone sober enough to drive Bentley home?  WTF?

I thought that too until I watched it again and they were both actually in the backseat. Neither of them was driving. 

  • Love 8
23 minutes ago, IgnoranceisBLISS said:

I have ridden any plenty of limos that provide alcohol. If it is a chauffeured ride it shouldn't be an issue. It doesn't look like in Tennessee that is illegal to drink as a passenger.

Well, I wasn't thinking of limos or party buses, I meant more if you're riding backseat in your friends' cars. But regardless, from google:



Can you drink in a car if your not driving?

If you are driving in Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Missouri, Mississippi, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Virginia, it is not illegal for passengers to drink freely from open containers of alcohol (In Mississippi, the driver is also free to imbibe while driving as long as the driver's .BAC remains below .08%.)

Note to self- stay off Mississippi roads.


In MN, it is a BFD to get pulled over with an open container, even if the driver isn't drinking.  But that must only apply to non commercial drivers.

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