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Standifer, 20, tied the knot with her baby daddy Zachary Stephens on September 14, 2013 when she was five months pregnant with their son.

But the marriage didn’t last long, as she filed for divorce on July 13, 2016.

Standifer was awarded her 2015 Ford Mustang in the divorce, while her ex-husband was awarded his 1994 Jeep Wrangler. The parties were responsible for any debts incurred from his or her own name.

The divorce was finalized on November 10, 2016.

Standifer was granted primary custody of their son Hudson. Stephens was ordered to pay $503 monthly in child support.


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Eh, some people just look older and it's not necessarily our fault. I have pcos and had my first period at age 10, my mother was devastated. As an anecdote, once in eighth grade, age 12, please note I was actually  younger than most of my peers, I was talking to a friend while waiting for our bus to go on a field trip, one of the Spanish teachers (subbing as a chaperone) asked what I was doing there because "this is an 8th grade trip" when I explained that I was an eighth grade student he was incredulous and kept telling me I looked at least 16 years old. This was a highly uncomfortable moment for me because, well I wasn't 16, I was 12. He seemed angry and accusatory as if me looking older than my age was somehow my fault. I never ever forgot that moment. 

 I am 28 now and no one tells me how old they think I look now so I don't really know whether I look my age or not, I think my ex husband looks younger than me and he is 5 years older.

The thing is, I take good care of myself, exercise and diet wise, but I do have a medical syndrome that plays havoc with my body.  It can be frustrating for people to offer opinions about their perception of my age and my lifestyle. Some of us look our age, some younger, some older, and that sometimes has more to with how our genes work than individual negligence. I know it's an asset to look younger but not all of us are that lucky.  Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to be small, skinny,and vulnerable looking. It just wasn't my fate. I don't think I could look that way even if I ate a salad with vinaigrette for every meal for the rest of my life.

Edited by evilmindatwork
  • Love 14

I totally feel your pain. I developed breasts and started wearing a bra in 3rd grade. By 7th grade I was a D cup and constantly being accused of looking 18 or older. I even had a friend whose Dad didn't want her to hang around me because he thought I was intentionally trying to look older. He thought I was "inviting trouble" when I was constantly trying to look 13 (my age at the time) and binding my breasts-and anything else that might have made me look my age. It can be really unfair to girls like us,

  • Love 11
9 hours ago, mamadrama said:

It depends on where you live. We don't have curfews here, not even in our biggest cities in the state. I think it's strange that you can choose the president of the country but not drink beer. 

Here you can't drive after 11 pm until you are 18.  I just think it would be so weird as a married person to have to be home before 11.

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Interesting!  I'm in Canada and in my province, you can vote and buy alcohol at 18. There is a curfew (midnight - 5am), but that is for kids with their Learner's license. Once you are 16, you can get your full license and will no longer have a curfew. I've never heard of a high school couple getting married. Legally, if a 16 year old wants to get married, they will both need signed parental consent (lol).

  • Love 1
15 minutes ago, iheartla said:

Interesting!  I'm in Canada and in my province, you can vote and buy alcohol at 18. There is a curfew (midnight - 5am), but that is for kids with their Learner's license. Once you are 16, you can get your full license and will no longer have a curfew. I've never heard of a high school couple getting married. Legally, if a 16 year old wants to get married, they will both need signed parental consent (lol).

When I was 16 we had a transfer student come to my private high school. She was in the office, filling out the paperwork, and the secretary kept asking her for her emergency contact info. She kept repeating "my husband" and the secretary would say it back as "your cousin?" They went around for a good 10 minutes about it. 

Teen marriages are very popular when I am from. You don't need a parent's consent after 16. There have been documentaries about it. My mom currently has a pregnant student who is only 13. This is not where I am from, but it's a pretty good article explaining the teenage marriage epidemic in Kentucky, and why people get married that young. 


"Marrying young in Kentucky: By age 18, I’d been a bridesmaid three times"


Edited by mamadrama
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On 12/26/2016 at 8:48 AM, poopchute said:

Here you can't drive after 11 pm until you are 18.  I just think it would be so weird as a married person to have to be home before 11.

We have a curfew here in my city. However, it only is enforced if a police officer approaches you and informs you to go home. If a young person is married at such a young age, they are usually a young parent. That would mean they are at home with a baby/toddler or busy with school and maybe a part-time job. I can't imagine a young, married couple who likely have a baby at home, being out anywhere where they would be approached by law enforcement. If they are out at the movies, a restaurant, a gathering with friends, at a social event of some kind, chances are they are not going to be approached by law enforcement and have curfew imposed on them.

The last and only time I was told to go home by a police officer for curfew was when I was in a parked car with my then boyfriend. I was 17 and he was 23. This was in the early 80s. Being parked at a park drew attention to the officer who was patrolling the area.

On 12/24/2016 at 6:48 PM, CofCinci said:

Oh jeez. So she was still married when she started shacking up with Ryan. 

She's so ducking young. Slow down, girl. 

These girls need to just enjoy life and socialize with their friends without the constant need for a bed warmer.

  • Love 4
8 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

We have a curfew here in my city. However, it only is enforced if a police officer approaches you and informs you to go home. If a young person is married at such a young age, they are usually a young parent. That would mean they are at home with a baby/toddler or busy with school and maybe a part-time job. I can't imagine a young, married couple who likely have a baby at home, being out anywhere where they would be approached by law enforcement. If they are out at the movies, a restaurant, a gathering with friends, at a social event of some kind, chances are they are not going to be approached by law enforcement and have curfew imposed on them.

The last and only time I was told to go home by a police officer for curfew was when I was in a parked car with my then boyfriend. I was 17 and he was 23. This was in the early 80s. Being parked at a park drew attention to the officer who was patrolling the area.

These girls need to just enjoy life and socialize with their friends without the constant need for a bed warmer.

What I'm saying is that you only have a provisional license until you are 18 so it doesn't matter where you are, you can't be driving after 11.  I believe they make exceptions for work or religious reasons.   My whole point originally was that it's completely insane to me to be married at 17 but unable to leave your house in your car after 11.  I don't understand why anyone needs or wants to be married that young.

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, poopchute said:

What I'm saying is that you only have a provisional license until you are 18 so it doesn't matter where you are, you can't be driving after 11.  I believe they make exceptions for work or religious reasons.   My whole point originally was that it's completely insane to me to be married at 17 but unable to leave your house in your car after 11.  I don't understand why anyone needs or wants to be married that young.

It is crazy to be married at 17 regardless. That is far too young, although I know there are legit reasons such as health insurance.  Ryan's girlfriend married at 17 years of age. She was pregnant. She likely married the guy because he was working and in order to put herself on his health insurance, they needed to be married.

  • Love 2

While I agree that a teenager is wayyyyy to young to be married, I kind of give a pass to obvious shotgun marriages for teens in the South. My guess is that's what happened with Ryan's gf - she got pregnant so she got married (likely pressured by parents). When I was a young kid growing up in the South, if you got pregnant, you were getting married, even if you we 16 or 17. Part of the reason I wasn't having sex at those ages was because I feared that if I got pregnant, I'd have to marry the guy because my dad would insist (and give the boy an offer he couldn't refuse...,). I imagine that's what happened with Ryan's gf. Some families in the South are still all for shotgun weddings even if the parents are still teens....they see it as the only way to make it "right."

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, SPLAIN said:

Ryan's girlfriend married at 17 years of age. She was pregnant. She likely married the guy because he was working and in order to put herself on his health insurance, they needed to be married.

Wouldn't it be easier to just stay on her parents' health insurance instead of marrying someone at 17? Just seems so insane to me.

  • Love 3

I really doubt it was for insurance. The kids I've known who've done this were told by their parents that they needed to get married so the baby would have a "real" family and the soon-to-be grandparents wouldn't be embarrassed to show their faces at XYZ (often church). I can't count the number of times I've heard someone tell another person a teen was pregnant and the first thing they wanted to know was if they were going to get married. My own mother included.

  • Love 4

I have seen both things happen - marry for insurance and to make things "right".  Growing up, I remember at least two teenage girls from my neighborhood who married their older boyfriends. One did so to acquire her husband's health insurance benefits from his job after her parents had pushed her out of their house and into the boyfriend's family house. The other one married her boyfriend because they "had to". They both ended up on welfare as he worked only part-time and they lived in the girl's parent's house. The one who ended up at her husband's home did pretty good for herself. She went on to college and went into nursing. I heard several years ago they were still together.  The other girl and her husband ended up divorcing.

Majority of the time when a young girl marries, it is saving face for the family. It is the right thing to do, the guy has to step up and do the right thing, or as Maci loves to say, it makes the girl an honest woman. Pfft. Whatever Maci, as if you have ever been honest you friggin' idiot.

  • Love 4
15 hours ago, poopchute said:

Wouldn't it be easier to just stay on her parents' health insurance instead of marrying someone at 17? Just seems so insane to me.

It's possible a guy that just turned 18 (like, truly, his birthday was 8 days before the wedding) and just recently graduated from high school had a good job with benefits, but I find that SUPER unlikely. Also, given her private school education, I am going to guess she's from a fairly well off family (yes, I realize scholarships exist, I am going off the most likely scenario here) that probably has their own insurance and their underage daughter would certainly qualify. If she does not come from a well off family, and has no access to insurance, there are programs to help underage pregnant women.


I am 99% sure that this marriage was either largely pressured by their parents, or the bride and groom themselves had a very idealized notion of what teen marriage looks like, and went into this with wholly unrealistic expectations. She wouldn't be the first college bound, upper middle class teen girl to think it was very cool to be married young and have a child. I'll give her credit though, for sticking to a career path that's both practical and lucrative. I do not give her credit for hitching her wagon to someone like Ryan.

  • Love 6
17 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

While I agree that a teenager is wayyyyy to young to be married, I kind of give a pass to obvious shotgun marriages for teens in the South. My guess is that's what happened with Ryan's gf - she got pregnant so she got married (likely pressured by parents). When I was a young kid growing up in the South, if you got pregnant, you were getting married, even if you we 16 or 17. Part of the reason I wasn't having sex at those ages was because I feared that if I got pregnant, I'd have to marry the guy because my dad would insist (and give the boy an offer he couldn't refuse...,). I imagine that's what happened with Ryan's gf. Some families in the South are still all for shotgun weddings even if the parents are still teens....they see it as the only way to make it "right."

Could this be what happened for Ryan's (and probably Maci's) parents? Shotgun weddings. Luckily those seemed to have worked out.

16 hours ago, poopchute said:

Wouldn't it be easier to just stay on her parents' health insurance instead of marrying someone at 17? Just seems so insane to me.

Her parents may not have had insurance. In most states though, a pregnant teen with no income would likely be covered by Medicaid or another state program though.

  • Love 2
12 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

Could this be what happened for Ryan's (and probably Maci's) parents? Shotgun weddings. Luckily those seemed to have worked out.


I do believe it's been reported that Maci's brother (who is several years older than Maci) was born when Sharon and Maci's dad (his name escapes me at the moment) were in their late teens. Given their young age, I would think there's a good chance she was pregnant at the wedding. There are pictures circulating of Sharon graduating from college while Maci and her brother are young (like early grade school). They certainly seem to have done all right for themselves.


Jen's instagram name includes the number 65, which I am betting is a nod to her birth year. If so, that would have made her 22 or 23 when Ryan was born in 1988. Hard to tell at that age if marriage and kids that young is an "oops", or just something people do in certain regions.  In Leah Messer's neck of the woods, no doubt, they probably think your eggs go bad if you haven't had a child by age 24.

Edited by Tatum
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5 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

Could this be what happened for Ryan's (and probably Maci's) parents? Shotgun weddings. Luckily those seemed to have worked out.

Given that Maci was a pregnant and engaged teenager in high school, I don't think his gf's situation is all that uncommon among middle class families in that area when a young couple get pregnant. Had Maci gone through with the wedding to Ryan (which both sets of parents were pushing for), she'd have a similar wedding date and divorce date relative to her age. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 3
8 hours ago, Tatum said:

I do believe it's been reported that Maci's brother (who is several years older than Maci) was born when Sharon and Maci's dad (his name escapes me at the moment) were in their late teens. Given their young age, I would think there's a good chance she was pregnant at the wedding. There are pictures circulating of Sharon graduating from college while Maci and her brother are young (like early grade school). They certainly seem to have done all right for themselves.


Jen's instagram name includes the number 65, which I am betting is a nod to her birth year. If so, that would have made her 22 or 23 when Ryan was born in 1988. Hard to tell at that age if marriage and kids that young is an "oops", or just something people do in certain regions.  In Leah Messer's neck of the woods, no doubt, they probably think your eggs go bad if you haven't had a child by age 24.

I just read a "15 facts" thing about Maci that said her parents were also teen parents.

I didn't get through all 15 facts. I got bored.

Although, she did mention that Rhiiiine didn't bother her for sex even though he pursued her. After 3 or 4 months of dating she pushed it with him.

That totally made me think of Jake Gylenhall's character in Brokeback Mountain.

  • Love 6
5 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:


Although, she did mention that Rhiiiine didn't bother her for sex even though he pursued her. After 3 or 4 months of dating she pushed it with him.

I think Ryan was really hot back in the day, so I can't really blame her for that. But I can blame them both for not using some form of birth control.

  • Love 5
On 12/29/2016 at 5:34 PM, guilfoyleatpp said:

I just read a "15 facts" thing about Maci...


Although, she did mention that Rhiiiine didn't bother her for sex even though he pursued her. After 3 or 4 months of dating she pushed it with him.


That to me comes off as a humblebrag. Like, I was SO charming and magnetic Ryan wanted to date me even if sex (due to my age and inexperience) was off the table. In the end I had to bring it up! (Lest anyone assume he only dated her to get in her pants).

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Tatum said:

That to me comes off as a humblebrag. Like, I was SO charming and magnetic Ryan wanted to date me even if sex (due to my age and inexperience) was off the table. In the end I had to bring it up! (Lest anyone assume he only dated her to get in her pants).

All it days to me is he was banging other chicks in the meantime.  Perhaps her cunny wasn't the draw she thought it was. 

  • LOL 1
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I've seen a couple blind items for Maci, see below. I have no idea who writes these, but interesting to see something similar from two sources.


207. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 08/18 **#2**
The MTV cameras have turned a blind eye to the cheating by this significant other of an OG Teen Mom because it doesn’t fit in the storyline for this season for the couple. Maci Bookout/Taylor McKinney



#2 – This significant other of a Teen Mom should maybe think about a paternity test. The timing is very very close to a hookup with her ex. Maci Bookout/Taylor McKinney

  • Love 3

Time will tell. Despite her protest for a ring and a wedding, I could still see her getting drunk and cheating on Taylor. I can see Taylor's features in Maverick, but she totally could have cheated days before conceiving with Taylor. Who knows with these two, Maci thinks she hot shit. The blind item might be totally fake. 



Here's another one. Her anger towards Farrah would make more sense if this is true. This was back when she was still living in that big party house, IIRC.


January 2, 2014

This Teen Mom saw how much money Farrah Abraham made so shot her own porn video Monday. The actor who shot with her says she was wasted but they filmed anyway. The mom controls the product so it's up to her what to do with it. He says there is nothing glamorous about the shoot and that if the public is expecting something nice and sweet then this porn is not for them.

Maci Bookout

Maci, you idiot. Porn is not supposed to be seen as nice and sweet. It is about sex and people getting their jollies from watching it. Farrah may or may not have been wasted but it would not be surprising since a lot of porn actors do perform under the influence. As if Maci was never wasted when she opened her legs. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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