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Spoiler Discussion Thread: The Sequel

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I'm excited for tonight's episode. Unfortunately, I will be getting home later tonight so I don't know how much of it I will miss watching live (whether it's just the first ten minutes, the entire first half, or the entire episode in itself) and I'm sad I won't be able to live blog a lot tonight, but I WILL watch the entire episode tonight, no matter what.

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That promo just makes me hate the fact that Diggle and Dinah are going around acting like they never didn't give a shit when Oliver was in prison and actively told Felicity to give up on her husband go back to witness protection, with the consequence being to just let Oliver serve time while he was getting beaten to pulp and Diaz was trying to kill Olivers son. 


Yeah act like your his best girl pal Dinah! Brother from another mother Dig. 

Edited by Mary0360
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9 hours ago, lemotomato said:


Fan: How is the relationship between Lyla and Diggle will be like now that Oliver is free?

David: That's a good question. Um, what can I say. Lyla and Diggle... you know, there is no foundry anymore, or the... whatever it was called. The lair. I'll give you a little spoiler, you're going to see it again, the lair. We're going to get back there. So ARGUS kind of works as the lair right now, everyone is in ARGUS. The relationship... there's only so much I can say because there's a lot they want to do with Lyla and Diggle that has a lot to do with Team Arrow and where we go with this arc, in this future arc. So ARGUS plays a big role in that. And I can't say more than that because I'll be giving a really big secret away in terms of Diggle's future. But speaking of Diggle's future, all I can say is this: there's a big tease about Diggle's future in the crossover.


So this sounds like the spoiler about seeing the Foundry is wrong.  I think when he says lair, he meant Bunker.  Which makes sense since that's the more recent set.  

Just now, apinknightmare said:

I don't recall seeing it before

Yeah, I don't recall seeing that image before and I want to say a couple of the shots with just Oliver were cut different, more zoomed in.  

Also, I wonder if the thing that Felicity does that shocks him is some friendly thing with Laurel.  

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34 minutes ago, Mary0360 said:

That promo just makes me hate the fact that Diggle and Dinah are going around acting like they never didn't give a shit when Oliver was in prison and actively told Felicity to give up on her husband go back to witness protection, with the consequence being to just let Oliver serve time while he was getting beaten to pulp and Diaz was trying to kill Olivers son. 

Yeah act like your his best girl pal Dinah! Brother from another mother Dig. 


This is the worst part of plot over character writing. They don't seem to pay any attention to what making someone do something for a plot need is going to do to their character, so when the plot is finished all of the character issues it caused are rarely ever addressed. Sometimes they manage to tie in plot and character together, and boy is that nice! I don't recall ever watching a show as bad with plotty writing as Arrow, and once we part ways (at the bitter end, I'm guessing, for I am weak) I hope I never watch another one like it. It's maddening, LOL.

Edited by apinknightmare
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It feels to me like the other Arrow characters want to put Felicity on some kind of pedestal so that they can justify the bad things that they do because they do them to keep her pure.  (It reminds me of a line in Tamora Pierce's Wild Magic where a character tells Daine that it's not fair that she keeps her friends from fighting because it hurts her when they get hurt or die.)

Just as it's not true that what Oliver does is so terrible as Chase said so that Diggle etc. can treat him like a pariah, it's not true that Felicity is so good that she should be treated like an angel. Maybe some of it is the writing, maybe some the lies the characters tell themselves.

13 hours ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I need more present-day characters to show up in the FFs because now all I can think when I know a FF is coming up is, “more Dinah? Ugh.”

Nyssa, where are you? At this point, I'd even take Rene again.  But not Curtis, never Curtis unless he's in a wheelchair now and kept away from Felicity. I'd take Malcolm Merlyn if it would mean less Dinah.

8 hours ago, Angel12d said:

That write-up didn't exactly make me want to watch the episode tbh, although I know they can't tease everything. But I really hate how Oliver is jumping right in to help Dinah out. I'm still so bitter over NTA getting away with everything they've done.  She doesn't deserve his help, even more so after her reluctance to help Felicity this season so far. It's gonna annoy me.

They're certainly doing better with BS and Rene this season. I wonder if Beth is just using Dinah to set up the FFs and she'll pull back on her in later episodes but she's so prominent in the present storyline I fear we'll be stuck with her annoying me for the rest of the season.

Please send Dinah to Coast City, show. She can come back in 20 years for the flash forwards.

3 hours ago, Mary0360 said:

Felicity has been determined, effective, result driven, competent and unafraid to make choices that the others were too lazy, unwilling or incapable of making. If it was Diggle that was making Felicity choices, I garuntee that it would have been treated like Diggle was the strong leader and hero and Felicity would have been supporting him every step of the way. I mean even Lyla, who is portrayed as competent and effective at her job despite making tough choices is often in the writing talked down to by Diggle or other characters.

Lyla doesn't wear a mask.

I'd say it's a male vs female thing but Dinah is one of the worst offenders.

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In the 708 promo, when Oliver shoots that guy with an arrow without looking, are we to assume that he only injured the guy and didn't kill him? Because it would really aggravate me if he was killing minions when he left Diaz alive.

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8 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I am going to be so disappointed if she's not Olicity's daughter, and I'm going to put 100% of the blame on whoever cast her even if it's not their fault at all that I've fallen in love with speculation about who she is. 

I have to admit, for not watching the show at all for the last couple of seasons, I’ve gotten surprisingly invested in her being Olicity’s daughter.  Even though I’m still not watching. 😂

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I was wary at first both with the potential baby and her and I'm wary now about her potential upbringing but damnit I have ended up invested. That is awesome casting if she is and kinda disappointing casting if she's a random or a dreaded BS daughter, heh. 

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9 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

I need her to be Olicity's kid so much you don't even know. Since I'm 100% certain SA is a little bit in love with Felicity (not EBR,) there's no doubt he'd be in love with their kid, too. 

I'm needing her to be Olicitys Child as well NOT a Laurel Daughter

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20 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

ETA: oops, just saw @STATSGIRL‘s lash comment. 😂

I'm surprised there are two of you - I think her lashes look great and not at all spidery. Her mascara isn't at all clumpy looking to me, LOL.

ETA: I think her actual lashes look good - not the smudging everywhere

Edited by apinknightmare
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2 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Don't worry, we'll know who she is just by how Dinah greets her. If she hugs her like an old friend, she's obviously Laurel's daughter. If she says anything rude/says she can't be trusted, she must be Olicity's daughter. 

Shows how insane these writers are. Dinah and Felicity SHOULD NOT want to be friends with a Woman who took Ones Husband from the World and helped another Pyscho take  The Birth Mother of a boy she considers her son from the world 

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2 hours ago, KenyaJ said:

Waiting for all the post episode write ups: "Arrows shocking twist: Olicity have a future daughter!"


And then the writers or cast members pretending like we didn't know this/suspect this for months lol 😂 

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Just now, Mary0360 said:

Waiting for all the post episode write ups: "Arrows shocking twist: Olicity have a future daughter!"


And then the writers or cast members pretending like we didn't know this/suspect this for months lol 😂 

I'm hoping that's what its about maybe this and Reveal of New Green Arrow

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1 minute ago, Mary0360 said:

The dream of Maya being Olicity's daughter was nice while it lasted 😢 I blame David. 

There is still plenty of time to reveal that she is. I dont get why people would think this episode kills that theory. Maya didn't look happy at all about Felicity being "Dead". The way she told them asking Questions about Felicity isn't good for any of them sounded like a Daughter that's protective of her mother. Loved how she was towards Dinah

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4 minutes ago, jay741982 said:

There is still plenty of time to reveal that she is. I dont get why people would think this episode kills that theory. Maya didn't look happy at all about Felicity being "Dead". The way she told them asking Questions about Felicity isn't good for any of them sounded like a Daughter that's protective of her mother. Loved how she was towards Dinah

I just don't know how the show is going to explain how Dinah William and Zoe don't recognise her as Felicity and Olivers daughter is all. It makes me think she's probably not their kid. But I'm open to being surprised because she still looks so perfectly like their daughter on the show. 

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13 minutes ago, jay741982 said:

There is still plenty of time to reveal that she is. I dont get why people would think this episode kills that theory.

If she is their kid and William doesn’t know her, than that’s a bummer too because it means that either Maya or William didn’t grow up with their parents (or maybe neither did). And that sucks. The bleakness of the flash forwards is really beginning to turn me off.

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It really makes me want to laugh that Felicity has loved Oliver through so much utter bullshit on his part and she shoots someone and yes, works with some unsavory people because she and HIS SON got attacked and he's like, "Hey now, this might be a little too much for me." 


Ah, Arrow.

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16 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

It really makes me want to laugh that Felicity has loved Oliver through so much utter bullshit on his part and she shoots someone and yes, works with some unsavory people because she and HIS SON got attacked and he's like, "Hey now, this might be a little too much for me." 

I wonder how much of this is plot point to service MG stupid body switch crossover?  If they are fighting or estranged that explains why Felicity wouldn't immediately figure out the switch.  If the rest of the episode has not been so horrible I would assume the stupid was all MG.

I am over the idea of Oliver and Felicity having a kid.  Maya can just be her friend - since on one else on this show is.  Let Felicity be evil - she will still be a better person than DD.  

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I thought it was a bit surprising that SA confirmed Olicity would get through it quickly but now that I know what a downer 7x08 is I get it. He probably realized that isn’t the best move before hiatus.

I still think Maya is their kid. 

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39 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I thought it was a bit surprising that SA confirmed Olicity would get through it quickly but now that I know what a downer 7x08 is I get it. He probably realized that isn’t the best move before hiatus.

Agreed. Part of me is a little angry at him for that because I had resigned myself to a few episodes of Olicity tension before he got my hopes up that it would end quickly, but on the other hand I appreciate him trying to assure everyone that this isn’t going to be a long-lasting thing after the hiatus is over. (I’m still holding out hope that there will be hints of reconciliation at the end of the crossover next week. I mean, they got married on another show last year so there’s precedent for big Arrow relationship moments happening outside of Arrow.) 

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1 minute ago, KenyaJ said:


 Is it bad that I'm still the girl clinging onto hope that this means Maya is their kid? I'm so stupid for watching this show 😣

He's only said it to 3 people. One is the son, one is the half sister so.......

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KM tweeted about that Olicity scene too.

She has an arrow tattoo. Her reaction to Felicity was interesting. 

I think there’s a good chance Maya is their daughter. I just think they are writing it stupid for plot. 

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I’m trying to wrap my head around who Maya is. IMO everything added up to her being their kid, even down to SA welcoming KM to the family. And I feel like only Olicity’s daughter would have a pivotal role. But obviously 708 kind of dismissed the idea. 

As it stands right now, William doesn’t know his “sister” and Dinah doesn’t seem to either. If she was Roy’s daughter with Thea, why was Roy living on Lian Yu? 

Part of me thinks William and Maya are playing some kind of long game and actually do know each other because they’re siblings but IDK if that’s wishful thinking and expecting a twist or what?! 😂

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