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Season 2 Discussion

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On 10/18/2018 at 8:47 AM, eatsleep said:

Oh, I soooooo disagree. Tarik is OK looking. And since growing the beard, a LOT of women (YT vid comments, etc.) have said he looks much better. It's his personality that repels women, I think. He's a weak, whiny, insecure beta. ("No one wants me to be happy! That's why my baby mama can't see you.") Women hate that! 


Definitely his taste in clothing and personality add to his unattractiveness, but I seriously cannot look at him without conjuring up Elmer Fudd. He's got the same nose and mouth as Fudd, and when he rests a cap on top of his head, it looks like Elmer's hunting cap. 

On 10/16/2018 at 5:59 AM, alegtostandon said:

My first vision when Pole & Mother mentioned 'Father' was a  skeleton dressed in a suit sitting in his chair with an unlit pipe in his mouth & a toupee made from Mother & Pole's hair clippings. They consult 'Father' on important issues.  They said that 'Father' was not happy about this situation.

Definitely Paul gets the Norman Bates award for creepiest son and abusive husband.

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On 10/18/2018 at 12:01 PM, iwasish said:

Many women have irregular periods or their cycle varies by a couple days or a week. IMO, the only reason to try and “bring on your period” with some kind of herbal tea that you have to get from some back alley supplier is because you know or strongly suspect that you are pregnant.

I assume you are speaking only for yourself or a close friend. I would be totally insulted if someone assumed I was trying to bring on an abortion only because I drank a certain tea. If you know anything of women who suffer from debilitating periods, you would know it's hell to be in pain and discomfort waiting for a period to commence so you can get relief. There are teas out there (I believe raspberry is one of them) that help regulate your monthly so you are not experiencing extending PMS for a irregular. And... to play devil's advocate, what if Tarik did get her pregnant and she aborted in fear that Tarik would abandon her? That's her call to make.

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On 10/18/2018 at 11:34 AM, eatsleep said:

She seemed uncertain as to whether or not bringing the child to the US would ever be a possibility and was still raring to go. I think ANY parent (mother or father) who abandons a young child and moves thousands of miles away is a piece of crap. 

I don't believe any of 90 Days insinuated Hazel was abandoning her child. If anything, she and the baby daddy are doing everything they can to ensure the child has a future.

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My God.

Did Darcey bankrupt herself with new teeth and tits and tail? Because that head of hair she was sporting was so vile it hurt to look at her. The front part that went to her shoulders was like a brassy yellow mullet she was growing out and it did NOT match whatever wig situation she was sporting in the back. The back looked like pissed on snow in places and very blond/white in other places. None of it went together at all. It was so distracting I couldn't focus on what she was even saying which is always a good thing so I just feel grateful more than anything.



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On 10/15/2018 at 1:00 AM, millennium said:

The cheap production value of this show is not endearing.   The prolonged silences were maddening.   

Jesse's pants were two inches too short!   Haha.  High-waters.  Did he take his finger out of the dike at long last?

Angela says her weight goes up and down.  I'm guessing mostly up.   Fucking bully.

If this show had real editors, they would have shown the clip of Michael saying "I respect her because she is my elder," panned over to an enraged Angela, then cut back to the clip of the friends mocking "She's like your grandma!"   Wimps. 

If Rachel worked on her self esteem, lost a few pounds and splurged on some makeup, she could be a very attractive woman, which would no doubt help her get some work with respectable pay (I don't know of any jobless attractive people).

In John's defense, there are neighborhoods where boys do grow up having to fight to survive, and I'm betting a little guy like him was a frequent target until he learned how to fight back.    You can see it's a very sore topic with him, which makes me believe it goes back to childhood.

Was I the only one wishing John had been there in the same room as Jesse?   

Hazel is tedious.   Tarek is now the Black Dr. Phil.   Dean is looking like an animation.

Ximena's expressions during Ricky's monologue were great.    I want to use them as emojis.    But Ximena, c'mon ... engaged after five or six days?  You had to know better.  Oh, and that's the reddest lipstick I've ever seen.

"Marta and Daya were too uninteresting to be here tonight ..."

I got a "Flowers in the Attic" vibe when Pole and his mother spoke of "Father."   

The last time we saw Pole, he was telling Karine, who just had a D and C, that he had to leave to go back to the US to make money.   When did she get pregnant again?  Later that day?   Right after the film crew packed up their equipment?   I think Pole has every right to ask for a DNA test.


Flowers in the attic vibe ???

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On 10/15/2018 at 7:19 AM, TrininisaScorp said:

Both Hazel and Tarik looked good!  Nice to see folks not looking tore up.  I never, however, have any interest in hearing about these ppl's sex lives and abortion/not abortion.  Jesus.  That escalated quickly. 

Yeah that was TMI, I even had flash imaginations of them having sex. Mostly Hazel saying things like "I will not ... give the oral...sex... it's is not... Christian". "Tarik ask me ... to do.. the doggy.. but I only do the Christian".

Edited by BabyDaddy
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16 minutes ago, BabyDaddy said:

Yeah that was TMI, I even had flash imaginations of them having sex. Mostly Hazel saying things like "I will not ... give the oral...sex... it's is not... Christian". "Tarik ask me ... to do.. the doggy.. but I only do the Christian".

I just laughed out loud, really loud. I can totally hear her voice saying that.

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On 10/21/2018 at 6:47 PM, iwasish said:

Molly strikes me more as a woman who is comfortable with her body. I never heard her say anything about being a larger woman and neither did Luis ( he was an ass in other ways though).


Late to this, I'm finally getting caught up on episodes but wanted to quote this because it's the one truly nice thing I could say about Luis. With most of the larger women who have appeared on this series their size has received negative comments here and there from their SO. Unless I missed something I never once saw Luis say anything nor Molly berate herself the way other women seem to do to themselves. 


And i think you're spot on about Rachel! 

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On 10/15/2018 at 2:21 PM, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

I hear ya. Completely wrong to out the desire for DNA testing on the tell all and blindside Karine. At the same time, I feel like a jerk saying this, but before I spent thousands on the K1 process (or I guess it's not K1 because they are married already)  I would want to be sure it's my child. I think he can still love her and trusting but verifying on the DNA test. In his twisted way!

He doesn't know how to do math? If he knows how far along she is then do the math. You can easily get pregnant after a miscarriage and D&C. After she got out the hospital he told her that he had to go back to the states because he was out of money. I ganrantee he got busy with Karina before he left. Seems like he is concerned about guys on social media, so unless they got long d*cks he has a problem he needs to work on or Karina might go missing. It seems like to me he say and do things to save face, that he won't look like a fool to folks if for some reason it did turn out she cheated.

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Thank you TLC Europe (or part of it) for broadcasting in August first the series with Coltee and only start in December with these series. The 'tell all' ended here this Tuesday lol and I couldn't join the snarking.

Thanks ppl for learning me the word 'snark'. I didn't have to look it up as it is so obvious what it means.

Also thanks for got me in the world of rice a roni; must be goog and I will start a campain to get it in the supermarkets here. Lol.

Well, nobody is going to read this as I am a bit late (understatement) but I am glad I found this forum last year and finally registered today. Hop for other seasons TLC will be a bit more in line. Haha

Edited by DutchbutnoJesse
Trying out how this forum works
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So I just started this season and I'm very far behind...

I like Hazel. I can see her being the kind of woman who, while not feeling romantic love for her partner, will still be a good wife. I've seen marriages like that work. They don't feel that "spark" between them like the movies talk about, but they have mutual respect for each other, they support one another, they make good partners, and even manage to have a good sex life. I can't judge women like Hazel too harshly because I've never been in that situation. Here in the US, even if you're born into poverty you can still theoretically work hard in school, earn scholarships for a trade school or college, and improve your life. It's not like that everywhere. In many countries, women's physical qualities, as well as their temperaments, are their meal tickets for getting out. 

Jesse scars me, no shit. Not a fan of Pole, either.

Oh, and I don't know what Jon's problem is with Rachel's looks. I think she's as cute as a button. I'd date her. (If I weren't married and straight.)

Edited by mamadrama
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I could not finish the second season. I don't care whom these people end up with because they are confusing love with desperation. I had to fast forward through all the Darcey-Jesse drama because I could feel my blood pressure rise every time they were on screen. I wish I had been a fly inside Michael's head when he saw Angie running toward him for the first time. Boobs flopping everywhere, fake blond hair breaking off with every Godzilla step, squealing like a pig. And I'm sorry, if I were a young woman with an 8-month-old baby, I would not be hauling my ass across the Atlantic to meet a guy with a history of violence who looks like Andy Cohen after six weeks stranded in the Alaskan wilderness. Oh, Ricky, I'm sorry things didn't work out with your first Colombian cutie. Good thing you had a spare. Pole and Kreeney were a snooze and Virginia Beach's answer to Elmer Fudd was a creep.

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13 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

Pole has gone missing!

90 Day Fiancé's Karine Staehle shares cryptic post about husband Paul:







Doubt anyone would care if he was never seen again.

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