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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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5 hours ago, Nashville said:

I’ve seen various and sundry reasons posted why some people don’t like Vegas and/or their posts, but my attitude has always been:

  • If you don’t like Vegas, don’t follow Vegas.
  • If you don’t like Vegas’s posts, don’t read Vegas’s posts.
  • In any case - even if you don’t like Vegas or their posts, don’t ruin it for the people who do.


Yes, yes and yes.  Moral high ground is banned in Big Brother forums, many don’t know this. 


I fall asleep to Forensic Files and select ID channel murder shows with calm narration too. 

Kevin (BB19) has gained a lot of weight! 

Edited by Wings
  • Love 6
18 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

A Level 6 picture!


Whoa Rachel looks incredible in that picture.

15 hours ago, RandomWatcher said:

Rockstar being weird

What the hell is Blockstar trying to do?  Is she trying to be Genesis era Peter Gabriel?

9 hours ago, Nashville said:

Thurston Howell III?  I doubt Chris’fer would mind very much borrowing BaeDad’s money to qualify, so sure.  ;)


I’ve seen various and sundry reasons posted why some people don’t like Vegas and/or their posts, but my attitude has always been:

  • If you don’t like Vegas, don’t follow Vegas.
  • If you don’t like Vegas’s posts, don’t read Vegas’s posts.
  • In any case - even if you don’t like Vegas or their posts, don’t ruin it for the people who do.


McCrae has four relatively minor accomplishments to his name:

  1. Making F4 in BB’s worst season ever - BB15, the Season From Hell.
  2. Hosting a BB podcast (no idea whether or not it’s still active), and occasionally popping up as a guest and talking head on some others.
  3. Joint, with Amanda Zuckerman: supposedly being the first showmance in BB history to have sex in every room in the House.
  4. Having one of the worst skins of any BB contestant ever - he was ALWAYS picking at or picking off something, more than Tyler even.

So yeah, McCrae’s 15 minutes ran out a few years back - but from his point of view, I expect he’ll do ANYTHING to avoid going back to delivering pizzas again.

I mean season 15 is in the conversation for worst season ever but season 9 and 19 also have to be part of that talk.

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, gunderda said:

That’s usually second on my list after forensic files.

Thanks y'all  for the recommend on Forensic Files. Binged it last night and enjoyed it. I like the half hour format and the fact that they move from one episode to another with a minimum of commercials. Don't know why I haven't found this one before because I spend a lot of times on the Reelz and Oxygen channel's watching crime shows.

Edited by Skycatcher
  • Love 4
21 minutes ago, RandomWatcher said:

And Jessica's feeling a bit jealous, course that might be the pregnancy hormones speaking

I think it's natural for Jess to feel jealous that the BB20 cast is very close. BB19 had a horrific cast who didn't really seem to care about each other, unless they were in a showmance. I think a superfan like Jess would naturally be jealous that she didn't get close with her castmates. She obviously has a bond with Cody, but the only others she hangs out with are Mark and Elena. I like the way that Jess worded her tweet about her jealousy as well.

Some more stuff from Vegas Night, such as Level 6 doing their infamous handshake:

 Brett and BB19 Kevin got a picture together and Kevin is planning to invite him to his house. 

Kaycee was hanging out with Haleigh and Bayleigh (and other alumni) last night. 

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On 9/29/2018 at 3:43 AM, Summerday said:

I still don't think Angela and Tyler will be together 6 months from now (unless they have to stay together to go on TAR or the Challenge), but we shall see.

Oh I don't know, I was bored earlier and daydreaming about their future together.  I can see Angela hosting a successful fitness show on YouTube in the future.  While she performs crunches, you'll see several curly headed children doing cartwheels and lunges in the background.  Tyler will become a spokesmodel for a successful line of hair care product.   The whole family will get together in the evening for dinners involving protein shakes, vitamins, and kale chips.  

  • Love 11
15 hours ago, BK1978 said:

Whoa Rachel looks incredible in that picture.

What the hell is Blockstar trying to do?  Is she trying to be Genesis era Peter Gabriel?

I mean season 15 is in the conversation for worst season ever but season 9 and 19 also have to be part of that talk.

19 had some good parts to it. BB9, though, wasn't even really a season, so I think it's almost unfair to compare it to the other seasons. So I almost like to skip it when comparing BB seasons.

After that, then, BB8 and BB15 are the two BB seasons where it was just like, "What the fuck is wrong with this show? How are they letting this happen?" BB19 wasn't quite on their level, it was just that the biggest piece of shit was in charge the whole season and CBS was PUSHING HIM TO WIN which was super gross. 

So yeah, I do think that BB19 was bottom 5 all-time, seasons-wise. Just not in the same realm as BB8 and BB15.

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I think it's natural for Jess to feel jealous that the BB20 cast is very close. BB19 had a horrific cast who didn't really seem to care about each other, unless they were in a showmance. I think a superfan like Jess would naturally be jealous that she didn't get close with her castmates. She obviously has a bond with Cody, but the only others she hangs out with are Mark and Elena. I like the way that Jess worded her tweet about her jealousy as well.

I actually think it's totally right that Jessica feels jealous/sad that the BB19 cast were so vile to each other in the house that after the show ended those relationships could not be repaired. Everyone just went off on their own. I think of all the BB casts only BB15, BB19 and BB11 had casts that could not repair their relationships after the show ended. 

I mean, think of this:

Jen (BB8) went to Daniele Donato's wedding

Rachel and Britney (BB12) are friends

The BB3 cast STILL hangs out regularly. I  think they've all said though that theirs was the closest cast.

When Will went to NY he still visited Monica. It was still ON.

Janelle I think remains friendly with most of BB6, including Friendship members.

So yeah, it is pathetic that BB19 had to be the cast of turd weasels that can't sit together and laugh about all the crazy times they had together in the house.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, RandomWatcher said:

Not sure if true, but apparently JC and Fessy are going on the Amazing Race.

I doubt it since TAR, Survivor & BB never want the cast to reveal that they've been cast. It’s always top secret. Also, I think they’d want anybody besides those two. Of course, I don’t work in production so what do I know. LOL!!!!!

  • Love 2

I wouldn't read the comments. Otherwise, this is a genuinely funny picture.

ETA: Also, I found this on JC's instagram and chuckled at the not so subtle dig at Swayleigh:


Also, JC, if there's any guy this season that you'd have the best chances of getting together with, it probably would be Winston.

Edited by Lady Calypso
27 minutes ago, HartofDixie said:

Swaggy's & Bayleigh's instagram stories they are at dinner and they have a camera crew with them.  No one else from the cast.  Are they getting their own reality show?!  o_O

I'm going to go with No- only because they are literally owned by CBS for at least a year- so they can't really do much unless it's approved by them. 

Josh (from last season) said that both Christmas & Him were asked to do MTV Fear Factor- Celebrity Edition (with Reality Stars) as a duo that aired a few months ago- but was filmed like 6 or 7 months ago that they weren't allowed since they were still under contract. 

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, Thalia said:

Oh I don't know, I was bored earlier and daydreaming about their future together.  I can see Angela hosting a successful fitness show on YouTube in the future.  While she performs crunches, you'll see several curly headed children doing cartwheels and lunges in the background.  Tyler will become a spokesmodel for a successful line of hair care product.   The whole family will get together in the evening for dinners involving protein shakes, vitamins, and kale chips.  

Hilarious!! That would require Angela to not speak in a monotone and to be interesting, don’t think she can do it! But yeah, I can see Tyler being a full time reality tv character like CT on the Challenge. What if they hire him to host if Julie resigns, I would die. lol

7 hours ago, HartofDixie said:

LOL of course he was going to be friendly to the winner but I doubt Kaycee will hang out with them over Angela/Tyler.  I would like to see them all hang out together but I think Swaggy will prevent that from happening.  The game hasn't ended yet for him.

She already did. Last night Kaycee was at Drais Las Vegas with her two friends, brother and his fiancee and Swaggy, Bayleigh, Haleigh, Fessy, and Zakiyah. Tyler and Angela were at Zedd with his best friend and her brother. JC might’ve been there too.

Seems like everyone's been partying at different clubs at night and then going to the hotel pool during the day.

I don’t think Swaggy, Bayleigh, Angela and Tyler will ever be friends. It just got too personal in the house. I don’t think Kaycee has to choose between those two couples, but if she does, I don't think it's a given that she'll choose Angela over Bayleigh. She’s currently following everyone in Level 6 on Instagram except Angela. (She doesn’t follow Bayleigh or Haleigh either...maybe she couldn’t find their accounts.)

Interesting tidbits:

  • Angela follows Bayleigh and Kaycee and neither of them follow her back.
  • Tyler’s following Bayleigh, Swaggy and Kaycee. (I think he followed everyone on the show.) Out of those 3, only Bayleigh doesn’t follow him back.
  • Angela doesn’t follow Swaggy and he doesn’t follow her.
  • JC only has around 60K followers (he claims it’s because he couldn’t figure how to make his account public.) Everyone else except Sam and Scottie has at least 100K. (I’m pretty sure Kaitlyn had more than 100K before her acct was hacked and I don’t know about Rockstar.)

So, make of that what you will. I, however, feel the need to state that I do have a life! lol

Edited by Summerday
  • Love 6
10 hours ago, HartofDixie said:

Swaggy's & Bayleigh's instagram stories they are at dinner and they have a camera crew with them.  No one else from the cast.  Are they getting their own reality show?!  o_O

Camera crew or a videographer the hired independently?   It is clear they want a reality show but what network is going to buy it?   MTV would be the only one that has this type of programming but why would they want 2 people who were voted out of B.B. in the early weeks?  They wouldn’t. 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, RandomWatcher said:

Which is funny since in all the Instagram stories of them in the club, he's never shown

Heh. I actually saw some of him in JC's stories last night, so he's around....but I guess he's not really a partier. 

On the opposite end of the spectrum, I had somewhat of a blast watching the Tales of Drunk Brett last night, completely shit faced to the point where, by the end of the stories I was watching, he was basically asleep through half of them and couldn't stay awake. It seems like JC, Winston, and Kaitlyn took care of him. 

1 minute ago, Wings said:

Camera crew or a videographer the hired independently?   It is clear they want a reality show but what network is going to buy it?   MTV would be the only one that has this type of programming but why would they want 2 people who were voted out of B.B. in the early weeks?  They wouldn’t. 

Bayleigh and Swaggy also wouldn't be able to do any reality tv shows if it's not part of CBS. I think Jess/Cody weren't allowed to do Fear Factor because they're still under contract. 

  • Love 1

As per Tyler's Twitter- him & Angela are back home (at her place) and will be hibernating for the foreseeable future- which makes sense- they are all troopers going to Vegas all weekend long after getting out of the house. But before they do- they'll be doing an Instagram Live today. So I'm sure that'll be a shit show of weird questions. Haha. I don't know what time they are planning on doing it- or if I'll be able to watch Live- but if anyone does- can you do me a favor and ask Angela where she got her necklace? I love it and I want one! Haha. I would love you forever! 

Edited by SiobhanJW

Honestly how can anything top BB20? After 5 to 6 awful seasons we got a return to greatness BB..we had an all new cast with huge personalitiea, great gameplay and blindsides. Level 6 is my all time favorite. It was such a great top 2 that i wanted both of them to win. What do u all think was the magic of BB20? Imo the casting was so good it was huge personalitiss and gamers. Who from this season would be in contention for BB All Stars? I say Tyler, Brett and Hayleigh.

  • Love 8
17 minutes ago, JONNYSBRO said:

Honestly how can anything top BB20? After 5 to 6 awful seasons we got a return to greatness BB..we had an all new cast with huge personalitiea, great gameplay and blindsides. Level 6 is my all time favorite. It was such a great top 2 that i wanted both of them to win. What do u all think was the magic of BB20? Imo the casting was so good it was huge personalitiss and gamers. Who from this season would be in contention for BB All Stars? I say Tyler, Brett and Hayleigh.

I think the magic of this season was a combination of a few things:

1.  A lot of the cast was there to play the game, not just make it to jury or get some TV time.  That was probably helped by the apparent change in financial incentives this season.

2.  Of the people who were playing the game, half of them sucked massively at playing it.  Which led to a lot of blindsides and other assorted fun.

3.  The cast was pretty subdued when it came to being outright cruel or malicious to people.  I think Sam and JC were the worst, but generally we were spared a lot of the ugliness of previous seasons.

  • Love 14
4 minutes ago, MrHufflepuff said:

I think the magic of this season was a combination of a few things:

1.  A lot of the cast was there to play the game, not just make it to jury or get some TV time.  That was probably helped by the apparent change in financial incentives this season.

2.  Of the people who were playing the game, half of them sucked massively at playing it.  Which led to a lot of blindsides and other assorted fun.

3.  The cast was pretty subdued when it came to being outright cruel or malicious to people.  I think Sam and JC were the worst, but generally we were spared a lot of the ugliness of previous seasons.

I agree- I think the incentive of money for different placements really gave people more motivation to actually try and make it to the end game instead of just saying they want to "make it to Jury" and then just wait to be taken out. 

Mostly everyone- minus Sam a few times- wanted to be there- and were fighting to stay. No one really played dead this season. 

  • Love 4

I loved no matter how production tried to throw these twists. Bayleighs power wasnt used, Tylers wasnt used, Kaitlyn lost the puzzle. It was just great gameplay. The HIVE was so dumb that it was entertaining. Omg Bretts speechs were epic outing Rockstar and Rachel. What do u think was the highlight of this season? Imo Rachels eviction was amazing tv. Bretts speech and her being so shocked to Angelas nasty goodbye. Such great TV

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, MrHufflepuff said:

3.  The cast was pretty subdued when it came to being outright cruel or malicious to people.  I think Sam and JC were the worst, 

 Agreed. But I think in Sam's case I don't  think her meanness was for game or entertainment, but because her Ass-Hat of Self-Righteousness was on too tight.

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Heh. I actually saw some of him in JC's stories last night, so he's around....but I guess he's not really a partier. 

On the opposite end of the spectrum, I had somewhat of a blast watching the Tales of Drunk Brett last night, completely shit faced to the point where, by the end of the stories I was watching, he was basically asleep through half of them and couldn't stay awake. It seems like JC, Winston, and Kaitlyn took care of him.

I was relieved to see Brett upright and okay (looking very hung over, saying his goodbyes to Winston) in Kaitlyn’s story a bit ago. Those videos of him passing out were worrying me! 

17 hours ago, Summerday said:

Hilarious!! That would require Angela to not speak in a monotone and to be interesting, don’t think she can do it! But yeah, I can see Tyler being a full time reality tv character like CT on the Challenge. What if they hire him to host if Julie resigns, I would die. lol

Dear Lord. Tyler would be equally boring as a game show host. YAWNSVILLE. that's why him and Angela are perfect together. They're both bland.


10 hours ago, RandomWatcher said:

Rockstar apparently does weird stuff for Halloween, if not all October

WHERE WAS THIS HAPPENING ROCKSTAR? This one looks like a lot more fun with some genuine provocateur vibes. Not the unicorn purple 10 year old hippie infested boring tulle wearing lame-o.

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