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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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Sam just asked Kaycee who she was going to keep and who voting out.  Kaycee said she didn't know.  Sam is saying she has never been a part of any discussions.  Kaycee said that Sam never wanted to talk game.  So at this late date Sam decides to be part of the talks and strategy.  Well, you did this to yourself, Sam. 

Sam is now expressing she wants to stay in a round about way and pleading her case.  OY

I would love to think this works and they keep her but no way.  

43 minutes ago, Thalia said:

Okay, how cute are the Big 3 in the upstairs tub taking a communal bubble bath?  If you don't have the feeds, believe me.  It's cute, particularly the sunglasses.  

Here is a picture:


  • Love 6
35 minutes ago, MissBluxom said:

There is something that has always bothered me but I've never talked about it and I've never seen anyone else talk about it either. I hope you won't mind if I ask you if maybe you might explain it to me?

I remember how crazed RS became when Brett told some lies about her on "her daughter's birthday". She grew so incensed. She screamed repeatedly about this being "her daughter's birthday" and asked "how dare Brett do this to her on her daughter's birthday."

That always seemed so bizarre to me. Why would she expect another HG to know or even care which day is her daughter's birthday? Moreover, why would she expect that another HG would consider that day to be important enough to cause them to modify their behavior?

After all, Brett has been a stranger to her - at least for their entire lives except for the past couple of weeks or so.

That just seemed completely ludicrous to me. What could be in her mind to cause her to think that strangers would care whether it was her daughter's birthday or not? Moreover, why would she expect that a stranger would realize it was that day and then walk on eggshells so as not to offend her on that day? IMO, that was so Loony Tunes that I have never been able to understand it.

You seem to have a better understanding of this lady than I do. Would you have any clue as to why she would reasonably expect a stranger to modify their behavior - just because it happens to be her daughter's birthday?

I understand she wants to try and get some money together to have a down payment on a house. Would she wait until the birthday of one of her children before she went to the bank to ask for a mortgage? And if the bank declined, would she get upset and start shouting, "But today is my son's birthday! How can your refuse to give me a mortgage on my son's birthday?"

Loony Tunes.


Here's the thing about Big Brother: we scratch our heads and wonder how people are willing to throw away half a million dollars and their game for someone they met two weeks ago but it's a unique situation. You go from being a regular, possibly social, person to being thrown into this house that you can't leave with people you don't know. It forces them to create bonds quickly. It's basically like watching the evolution of a relationship that would normally play out in a year or two crammed into a few weeks to a few months. These people are all you have at the moment. 

Rockstar's daughter's birthday (eve) was a Big Deal to Rockstar - who has been without her daughter for a few weeks at that point but a few weeks in the Big Brother house probably feels like a few months. Rockstar had also made a big deal out of her daughter's impending birthday (eve) for the day or so leading up to it, complete with a birthday message on the pin-wall (that Rachel did, I'm not sure why Rockstar couldn't get off of her ass to do it but it probably had something to do with social justicing and bitching) and the HGs giving shout-outs to Rockstar's daughter on the feeds. It's hard to argue that Brett didn't know about Rockstar's daughter's birthday (eve). He most likely knew. He just didn't care.

Because to Brett, it was just another day and he was trying to save his ass - and his Big Brother game life. The fact that it was Rockstar he threw under the bus was just circumstance. If it had been someone else that he had issues with, he probably would have thrown that person under the bus. But you have to admit, it was kinda beautiful the way it all came together to bring us "ON MY DAUGHTER'S BIRTHDAY?!".

But to Rockstar, it was a personal affront because Rockstar is presented as a Mother first. And because it was Brett.

But really, it just boils down to the fact that the Big Brother house creates this super-speed relationship track that doesn't seem right to us because we're on the outside looking in. 

*All mentions of "relationship" are meant to be platonic relationships but I'm also rolling on pain-killers, so I might have gotten it confused somewhere along the line.

Edited by Callaphera
blargh, typos
  • Love 19

Also, didn't Rock Star recently have a baby that she left behind when she entered the house?  I'm guessing not the Famous Birthday Baby, as I had the impression that she was still carrying pregnancy weight.  And believe me, I may have made all this up, and I'm not rolling on pain-killers TM @Callaphera, and if so forgive me.  But if that is correct, I've always thought she must be suffering from not a little guilt, mixed with regret, on missing these weeks and months with any of her children, much less a wee one.   That would certainly add to her tendency to, say, overreact. 

  • Love 7
6 minutes ago, Thalia said:

Also, didn't Rock Star recently have a baby that she left behind when she entered the house?  I'm guessing not the Famous Birthday Baby, as I had the impression that she was still carrying pregnancy weight.  And believe me, I may have made all this up, and I'm not rolling on pain-killers TM @Callaphera, and if so forgive me.  But if that is correct, I've always thought she must be suffering from not a little guilt, mixed with regret, on missing these weeks and months with any of her children, much less a wee one.   That would certainly add to her tendency to, say, overreact. 

I think Rockstar's outburst about her DAUGHTER'S BIRTHDAY (eve) was like 80% guilt that she wasn't there personally to celebrate it (or to be with any of her children) and 20% Brett Sucks. But it's easier to attack someone else than it is to admit that you feel guilty about something that was your own doing. 

Edited by Callaphera
  • Love 11
2 minutes ago, Lamima said:

Need live feed. cant watch due to continued hurricane coverage

...it wasn't until this moment that I was like "Oh, right, the show is on tonight. And it already started. Eh, Kids Baking Championship is probably more interesting." Guess I'll watch the west coast broadcast later (if I don't forget again).

  • Love 1
37 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Here's the thing about Big Brother: we scratch our heads and wonder how people are willing to throw away half a million dollars and their game for someone they met two weeks ago but it's a unique situation. You go from being a regular, possibly social, person to being thrown into this house that you can't leave with people you don't know. It forces them to create bonds quickly. It's basically like watching the evolution of a relationship that would normally play out in a year or two crammed into a few weeks to a few months. These people are all you have at the moment. 

Rockstar's daughter's birthday (eve) was a Big Deal to Rockstar - who has been without her daughter for a few weeks at that point but a few weeks in the Big Brother house probably feels like a few months. Rockstar had also made a big deal out of her daughter's impending birthday (eve) for the day or so leading up to it, complete with a birthday message on the pin-wall (that Rachel did, I'm not sure why Rockstar couldn't get off of her ass to do it but it probably had something to do with social justicing and bitching) and the HGs giving shout-outs to Rockstar's daughter on the feeds. It's hard to argue that Brett didn't know about Rockstar's daughter's birthday (eve). He most likely knew. He just didn't care.

Because to Brett, it was just another day and he was trying to save his ass - and his Big Brother game life. The fact that it was Rockstar he threw under the bus was just circumstance. If it had been someone else that he had issues with, he probably would have thrown that person under the bus. But you have to admit, it was kinda beautiful the way it all came together to bring us "ON MY DAUGHTER'S BIRTHDAY?!".

But to Rockstar, it was a personal affront because Rockstar is presented as a Mother first. And because it was Brett.

But really, it just boils down to the fact that the Big Brother house creates this super-speed relationship track that doesn't seem right to us because we're on the outside looking in. 

*All mentions of "relationship" are meant to be platonic relationships but I'm also rolling on pain-killers, so I might have gotten it confused somewhere along the line.

Nice post and very true. I would like to write a post one day with some opinions on how the subconscious mind ties a person's real "home life" with mommy and daddy and mixes that up with their life in the BB house. I think there are several ways that help to explain some of the behavior we witness. But it would be a very long post and I really don't feel like I have the energy to do that.

But I thank you kindly for your explanation. I enjoyed it very much and it opened my eyes to a few things I hadn't previously realized.

  • Love 2

Unfortunately, from  my point of view, Tyler has had to lie to much to JC and Sam. They most likely will not vote for someone who called to have their back the whole game and just lied and lied to their face. They wont clap and say good game. They will say, you could have told me ( where of course,he could not). Tough spot to be in. Running the game, needing everyone on his side, and having to lie.  This will be seen as his biggest flaw and Tyler will lose.  Hope not. Hope he wins but..........

  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, missyb said:

Unfortunately, from  my point of view, Tyler has had to lie to much to JC and Sam. They most likely will not vote for someone who called to have their back the whole game and just lied and lied to their face. They wont clap and say good game. They will say, you could have told me ( where of course,he could not). Tough spot to be in. Running the game, needing everyone on his side, and having to lie.  This will be seen as his biggest flaw and Tyler will lose.  Hope not. Hope he wins but..........

I could be wrong here but I suspect Angela and/or Kaycee might be a tad baffled and/or miffed that Tyler never told them he had a power app but still told Sam. I doubt they’d make a big deal about it but I do think it might give them pause.

Edited by TimWil
  • Love 1

I thought the concert was pretty cool.  I am sure Sam was convinced BeBe was singing to her .I liked how they went "outside the house" twice . I liked the HOH comp. It was totally up for grabs. Did not favor anyone. And, i think Angeles nomination speech was just fine.  She cannot win against either of them .

Edited by missyb
  • Love 3
6 minutes ago, missyb said:

......  I am sure Sam was convinced BeBe was signing to her .   ......



Extremely funny! Good on you Mate!  ......  and I'm not even Australian!

Oh! The "B" stands for "Bleeped" by the way - Bleeped (censored by me because it would be offensive language had I not self-censored). 


Please understand.  I'm just trying to be funny.   I figure we all sure could use a good laugh watching this season.

Edited by MissBluxom
  • Love 2
Just now, diana said:

Why hasn’t Angela made any final 2’s? Or has she? At this point I guess it’s understood with Tyler but I wonder why it hasn’t been spoken about in so many words. I know why Tyler hasn’t brought it up. I don’t think she has made one with Kaycee either (before Tangela). That seems odd to me. 

She did have one with Rachel.

  • Love 5

It’s interesting about Tyler’s game. While I think he played a hell of a game early on, his lies and final two agreements were kind of like a small ball rolling down a hill which became an uncontrollable boulder he couldn’t (and quite frankly, didn’t really make much of an effort to) stop. Now I think he’s screwed with the jury. Either they’ll think Angela or whoever else is there is controlling him, or that he just lied and promised everyone everything. Neither is good for him.

I mean, Angela could be a smug bitch who rubbed people the wrong way (or I could be projecting), and Kaycee could be perceived as a total follower, but they weren’t so aggressive with their lies and promises. That tack certainly helped him control the game, but I think it’s gonna cost him in the end. And quite frankly, as much as I like him and have enjoyed watching him play this game, he’ll deserve to lose if he can’t get those votes. 

At least he wasn’t a total douchebag like Paul. I won’t cackle with glee if he loses. But my money right now is on Kaycee, and I would be thrilled with that result, despite her “Let’s Go” chant which just makes me stabby at this point. 

Edited by Katesus7
  • Love 14
1 hour ago, diana said:

Why hasn’t Angela made any final 2’s? Or has she? At this point I guess it’s understood with Tyler but I wonder why it hasn’t been spoken about in so many words. I know why Tyler hasn’t brought it up. I don’t think she has made one with Kaycee either (before Tangela). That seems odd to me. 

I’m still wondering if she thinks Tyler & Kaycee would just take her to the the end. I don’t think she really cares. She keeps talking how everyone hates her anyway. It’s kind of odd. She doesn’t really talk about winning as much as she does losing. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Skycatcher said:

Does anybody remember what the prize money is for 2nd, and 3rd place?

@SKYCATCHER  I don't think there is any specific amount for 2nd or 3rd. I think there is some kind of sliding scale that pays people for the length of time they spend in the house plus the length of time they spend in the Jury house.

But I seem to recall that several people have written articles or posts about that so if you Google something like "Big Brother USA stipends paid to HouseGuests", there is a good chance you  might find the info you want. Good luck.

I'll try that search now and I'll let you know if I find anything good.

OK. I found it. Try that search I advised above and there are several good stories that have that info for you.

I was wrong by the way about 2nd and 3rd place. You will see it for yourself.


I would post the link for you except every forum has particular rules for what kinds of links you can post and what kinds you can't. It's too complicated to remember so I prefer to just tell you the search parms I used and you can take it from there. OK?

Edited by MissBluxom
2 hours ago, RandomWatcher said:

Meanwhile on Twitter, Hamsterwatch got suspended for some reason

Heh. This Hamsterwatch Twitter drama is waaay more interesting than what's happening in the house. Plot twist, mistaken identity, a (probably false) confession... I already give it more stars than Gone Girl (not like that's hard). 

  • Love 4
10 hours ago, Wings said:

Ah yes, it is all coming back to me now.  Pretty sure Sam goes tomorrow. 

I'm pretty sure Julie said the next eviction will be shown on Wed. But you may well be correct as it may actually happen sometime before Wed and they will show it on Wed.

6 hours ago, Wings said:

I don't think so.  Both Sam and JC know it won't be used.  Sam is sure she is going and JC is sure he is staying.  

I wish they would change their minds.  Come on DR!  Don't you want JC gone?  I know 'Bob' [production guy] does.  Tyler said, I don't know how you do this to 'Bob' after JC was told not to sing again.  BB replied 'thank you.' 

I sure do wish they'd change their minds too. I've heard several people explain why they want to evict Sam first. I suppose it makes sense. I just don't see the real need for that though.

14 hours ago, Wings said:

They would never flood the air with smoke.  I am pretty sure it was fog and the extra moisture in the air could have caused some temporary respiratory distress.   

Depends on exactly what kind of rig Production was using to generate the “smoke” or “fog” in the comp, and how long the HGs were exposed to it.  The fueling source for fog machines may vary widely, ranging from simple compounds such as water or dry ice to more esoteric fuels such as glycol, mineral oil, or linseed oil.  Judging from the adverse respiratory effects suffered by both Angela and Kaycee I’d guess (a) the fog fuel was one of the latter oil-based compounds, and (b) some of the HGs were breathing it in for quite a while.


11 hours ago, IndyMischa said:

Sam will go sometime soon, well before the Wednesday show. I can't remember the exact timing, but I want to say tomorrow. And the feeds will be down until after the Wednesday episode, which annoys the fuck out of me every season! 

IIRC eviction will be recorded on Tuesday, aired on Wednesday.


5 hours ago, MissBluxom said:

There is something that has always bothered me but I've never talked about it and I've never seen anyone else talk about it either. I hope you won't mind if I ask you if maybe you might explain it to me?

I remember how crazed RS became when Brett told some lies about her on "her daughter's birthday". She grew so incensed. She screamed repeatedly about this being "her daughter's birthday" and asked "how dare Brett do this to her on her daughter's birthday."

That always seemed so bizarre to me. Why would she expect another HG to know or even care which day is her daughter's birthday? Moreover, why would she expect that another HG would consider that day to be important enough to cause them to modify their behavior?


Pinky doesn’t, really - it’s simply that:

  1. Pinky already hated Brett, for reasons both real and imagined;
  2. After Brett’s speech, there was NO way Pinky wasn’t going to unload on him; and...
  3. The whole “daughter’s birthday” garbage was simply Yet More Crap Pinky could come up with off the top of her head to further villainize what she saw as Brett’s “unforgivable” actions - namely, throwing her name out in stirring up enough confusion to keep his ass from getting voted out.

Basically, Pinky and the rest of Footy thought Brett was a lock for eviction (which wasn’t going to happen, but they didn’t know that - typical Footy blindside) - and when it didn’t happen, Pinky was incensed to think Brett’s speech implicating her might have been one reason why he didn’t walk.  So Pinky exploded and proceeded to throw everything but the kitchen sink at Brett in the way of venting her ire, rational or not.


5 hours ago, MissBluxom said:

Loony Tunes.

This is probably a much more succinct explanation, and just as accurate.

  • Love 4

 Second place is 50,000.  I recall there being some question about whether they got that and the stipend or just the 50k.  I think someone let it slip on the feeds that 3rd and 4th were increased this year, presumably to combat all the 'i just want to make it to jury so I can chill and collect a check' that's been happening the past few years. 

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

Does anybody remember what the prize money is for 2nd, and 3rd place?

I’m a little fuzzy having mentally checked out of all things re: BB20, so even though I saw the numbers again within the last day or so, I’m only about 90% confident my memory is correct. 

Having said all of that, it’s still 50k for 2nd and then 10k for 3rd, 7.5k for fourth, and 5k for fifth in addition to the 1k/weekly rate. 

All things considered, it’s a reasonable chunk of change and should be enough to cover any therapy required for everyone that isn’t Sam. 

I’m not sure if Humpty Sam can be returned to a pre-show state, much less actually put back together. Even if a team of therapists were to call in all the king’s horses and all the king’s men, it still might not be enough. I suppose it’s possible the camera dude hasn’t entered witness protection and is counting down the minutes until he swoops in and sweeps her off of her feet so they can live happily ever after. Yay? 

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, Maverick said:

 Second place is 50,000.  I recall there being some question about whether they got that and the stipend or just the 50k.  I think someone let it slip on the feeds that 3rd and 4th were increased this year, presumably to combat all the 'i just want to make it to jury so I can chill and collect a check' that's been happening the past few years. 

So, I'm guessing that Steve & Swaggy just got $50 gift cards from Target. LOL!!!!

  • Love 14
6 hours ago, MissBluxom said:

@SKYCATCHER  I don't think there is any specific amount for 2nd or 3rd. I think there is some kind of sliding scale that pays  if you Google....

OK. I found it. Try that search I advised above and there are several good stories that have that info for you.

I was wrong by the way about 2nd and 3rd place. You will see it for yourself.

 I did Google before I posted the question here. All I found was that 1st place was $500000 snd the stipend was a $1000 a week.   I did not find any mention of 2nd and 3rd place prizes nor any mention of a sliding scale.

 I don't think P TVA has a very strict policy on links.  I don't post links simply because I can't figure out how to do it on my cell phone.

12 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Thanks! Normally the Detroit CBS I watch isn't pre-empted or pushed back for anything but I guess it was this week.

CBS and Fox always alternate showing the 4:30 pm NFL games each and every year.  This past Sunday (second week of the season) was CBS's turn so everything running a half hour behind is pretty par for the course.  Next (last BB) Sunday should be Fox so CBS shows will start at the regular time.


11 hours ago, ByaNose said:

JC was way angry at Tyler and he doesn’t even know about Level 6 yet. I hope we get to see the full reveal of this when JC told from either them or Brett in the jury house. 

Someone caught a discussion from a couple of days ago about the three discussing how to reveal Level 6 to JC.  Angela wanted to do it right away but Tyler convinced her and Kaycee to wait as he tried to reveal it in stages quietly to JC so JC wouldn't feel totally humiliated.  I think Tyler underestimates JC's total self-delusion and inability at this point to accept that a controlling alliance called Level 6 ever existed even if they all wore matching Level 6 uniforms and waved flags with Level 6 emblazoned on them though.


4 hours ago, cork dork said:

I’m not sure if Humpty Sam can be returned to a pre-show state, much less actually put back together. Even if a team of therapists were to call in all the king’s horses and all the king’s men, it still might not be enough. I suppose it’s possible the camera dude hasn’t entered witness protection and is counting down the minutes until he swoops in and sweeps her off of her feet so they can live happily ever after. Yay? 

From Jokers last night while the other four were playing with a gift ice cream maker and getting into a whipped cream fight in the kitchen with much laughter and hilarity, Sam declined invitations to join them and stayed in the Have Nots room where she mused out loud to the camera about -- but fortunately did NOT act upon despite weird grammar in transcript below-- the following:


Sam is losing it in the HN room. Says its hard to explain..just get up grab lead pipe, smash all the glass tvs, shredded all the drawers in the HN room picked a saucer up and throw it through a window. She could gather what she needs in 45 seconds and the parking lot is right there. She says she would not call that a voluntary exit. Cameras cut from Sam to others in KT.                                      9/16/18 11:25 PM

The cameras then kept off Sam for several hours during which time a couple of loud door slams were heard from the area of the diary room entrance.  Later she was shown sound asleep in the Have Nots room in her mega saucers bed she made last week there. Yeah they need to vote Sam out asap or production is going to run out of meds to give her.

(Edited to add I think what Sam meant by "glass TVs" is the Have Nots room wall decorations depicting tech stuff and what she calls TVs are suppose to be computers.  The "saucer" of course is one of the saucer-shaped beds there).

Edited by green
  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, green said:

CBS and Fox always alternate showing the 4:30 pm NFL games each and every year.  This past Sunday (second week of the season) was CBS's turn so everything running a half hour behind is pretty par for the course.  Next (last BB) Sunday should be Fox so CBS shows will start at the regular time.


Someone caught a discussion from a couple of days ago about the three discussing how to reveal Level 6 to JC.  Angela wanted to do it right away but Tyler convinced her and Kaycee to wait as he tried to reveal it in stages quietly to JC so JC wouldn't feel totally humiliated.  I think Tyler underestimates JC's total self-delusion and inability at this point to accept that a controlling alliance called Level 6 ever existed even if they all wore matching Level 6 uniforms and waved flags with Level 6 emblazoned on them though.


From Jokers last night while the other four were playing with a gift ice cream maker and getting into a whipped cream fight in the kitchen with much laughter and hilarity, Sam declined invitations to join them and stayed in the Have Nots room where she mused out loud to the camera about -- but fortunately did NOT act upon despite weird grammar in transcript below-- the following:

The cameras then kept off Sam for several hours during which time a couple of loud door slams were heard from the area of the diary room entrance.  Later she was shown sound asleep in the Have Nots room in her mega saucers bed she made last week there. Yeah they need to vote Sam out asap or production is going to run out of meds to give her.

I wonder if Sam might be bipolar.

14 minutes ago, RandomWatcher said:

I wonder if Sam might be bipolar.

Yeah I try to stay away from diagnosing people on these shows but something is a little bit tilted with her. 

Early in the evening Sam was asking her favorite camera (or her "cameraman" in her mind) if after the houseguests are let out of the house it they let the cameramen out too or if they have to stay behind.  For what, Sam?  To keep cameras on that spider and her descendants you forgot to take with you when you left?

She was crying even earlier because she missed her mother and wants to talk with her.  That was when she was eating in the stairwell and Angela, coming down same, didn't see her in time and tripped over her and almost fell down the rest of the way.  It did end up with a long long convo between the two that was rather sweet and human and the opposite of Angela's "public" Ice Queen persona.  So there was that at least as well as the fact that Angela didn't end up dead at the bottom of the steps from falling over her.

Edited by green
  • Love 7
5 minutes ago, green said:

That was when she was eating in the stairwell and Angela, coming down same, didn't see her in time and tripped over her and almost fell down the rest of the way.  It did end up with a long long convo between the two that was rather sweet and human and the opposite of Angela's "public" Ice Queen persona.  So there was that at least as well as the fact that Angela didn't end up dead at the bottom of the steps from falling over her.

I’m sorry but Sam is a fucking hazard at this point and I don’t know why she has not been asked to leave the house.  It would be for her own mental stability as well as the safety and security of the others 

Without going into the gruesome and horrible and tragic details, a boy at a frat house at my daughters school fell down the stairs because he tripped over a girl sitting on the stairs, he did not see her, and he died.  There were other sad factors, and yes he was drunk and Angela was not, but she didn’t see Sam skulking there and this could have been tragic.  Enough is enough

Sam is tormented and she wants to stay/wants to leave/can’t decide/wants to murder everyone/wants to destroy the house 

I think she’s a danger to herself and to the others.  Are people so fooled by her occasional sweet country bumpkin act?  Don’t they hear all the violent deeds she keeps planning?  I didn’t even fall for that the first week, because I was so taken aback that when she was a robot she was so angry, she demanded one on one meetings with housemates who at that point were total strangers, she expected everyone to be as upset as she was about the stupid robot thing.  She came to play a game but got so weird when the game didn’t go her way that first week.    She’s a scary one because she loses control and her fantasies are sick.  I honestly think she needs to get help, like today 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, KnoxGirl said:

Have the ants made an appearance this season? 

Yeah, early in in the season, but Sam beat them back.- remember Sam’s home-made ant traps?  That’s one of the primary reasons behind Sam’s constant cleaning mania, especially in the kitchen.  

They still stick their noses out every now and again, but these ants ain’t stupid - they’ve already learned better than to do that while Sam’s around.  Once Sam’s evicted, though, I have little doubt the ants will make their usual annual bid for AFP.

  • Love 17
14 hours ago, Wings said:

Sam just asked Kaycee who she was going to keep and who voting out.  Kaycee said she didn't know. . .

I think this is a mistake on Kaycee and Tyler's parts. If they let her leave without telling her that they're evicting her and why that is just so stupid, especially on Tyler's part. Honestly, I think Tyler needs to point blank tell JC/Sam about Level 6 like the Brigade did with Britney, but at the very least he needs to explain to each one of them prior to their eviction that he's evicting them. 

9 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

It’s interesting about Tyler’s game. While I think he played a hell of a game early on, his lies and final two agreements were kind of like a small ball rolling down a hill which became an uncontrollable boulder he couldn’t (and quite frankly, didn’t really make much of an effort to) stop. Now I think he’s screwed with the jury. Either they’ll think Angela or whoever else is there is controlling him, or that he just lied and promised everyone everything. Neither is good for him.

I still think Tyler will win, but I am more torn now because I so agree with this. Tyler played very well for a month or so, but then he just went off the rails. And for him to still be playing with these blindsides and shit now, I'm just astonished. I don't understand his thought process. I don't think he fully does either lol. 

8 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I already give it more stars than Gone Girl (not like that's hard). 

Oh good, someone else who hated Gone Girl!

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 4
30 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Yeah, early in in the season, but Sam beat them back.- remember Sam’s home-made ant traps?  That’s one of the primary reasons behind Sam’s constant cleaning mania, especially in the kitchen.  

They still stick their noses out every now and again, but these ants ain’t stupid - they’ve already learned better than to do that while Sam’s around.  Once Sam’s evicted, though, I have little doubt the ants will make their usual annual bid for AFP.

LOL!  I laughed and laughed. I wonder if the ants know her name. "Beware of Sam the Destroyer!"

Edited by MissBluxom
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Nashville said:

Yeah, early in in the season, but Sam beat them back.- remember Sam’s home-made ant traps?  That’s one of the primary reasons behind Sam’s constant cleaning mania, especially in the kitchen.  

They still stick their noses out every now and again, but these ants ain’t stupid - they’ve already learned better than to do that while Sam’s around.  Once Sam’s evicted, though, I have little doubt the ants will make their usual annual bid for AFP.

What was her murder weapon?

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