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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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10 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Personally, I've never understood why BB doesn't switch up this stuff to throw the HG off. The HG always seem to know when something is going to start or what the HOH will be. Granted, production has been doing this for so long it would be easy to guess but why not switch it up and do stuff earlier or later.

I think sometimes the DR actively (well, passively ish, but in a way they catch on) gives them the info. "Are you sure you want to vote out Fessy this week? What if there were a JBB coming up soon? Don't you think he'd be a strong competitor for coming right back in?" Stuff like that.

  • Love 2
29 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

idk, The Hive (minus Scottie) seem exactly the type to be a Paul minion. None of them are free thinkers, they've all made idiotic moves and have no idea what they're doing. Fessy absolutely loved that Scottie was a ~house decision, and he obviously made a great move since it was a unanimous vote. Bayleigh and RS both loved to fling around personal insults. 

I don't think Kaycee is a terrible person but she just seems like a toady. I just can't envision her to ever be the type of player who controls things. It's just not in her personality. 

Edited by Cutty
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Ceeg said:

Evicting Sam right now wouldn't be good for Angela or anyone else in her alliance tbh. I know they don't realize it, but the jury buyback will 100% bring back a Hive member. Which would give them a 3-person alliance (if Sam were evicted). If one of them wins HOH, L6 is down a member, and they're tied even at 3-3, with JC as L6's padding. But, evict Fessy this week rather than Sam, they've still got the majority in a big way, and on the off chance that Sam wins HOH, she'll 100% put up Haleigh, who will then get evicted. Sam is a great boot for like F6/F5, but it really doesn't make much sense to do it now. Also, she hasn't won anything, except for the tree comp, and we'll never know if Tyler could have outlasted her or not since he jumped down.

Tyler mentioned just this in their talk early this morning- if they got rid of Sam and then Bay or Rockstar came back they would work with Hay & Fessy and they would then be 3 strong. He said this after her hemming and hawing about maybe evicting Sam. Lol. 

Tyler wants her to put up Hay & Fessy- but he just was letting her get to that point with gentle prodding. He didn't want to push too much- he had JC & the others come in to do that for him. But he was 100% on board for Hay & Fessy- if they never came up he would have eventually gotten her to that point- he was saying they probably won't keep their part of the deal regardless- they will come for you etc. TBH I think that was kind of his plan- to steer her back to that- but have other people be a bit aggressive about it- so if it comes back to bite her in the ass she blames the others and not him. 

My favorite was Kaycees WTF face and mmhmms- she was not having it when Angela was talking about putting up Hay/Sam and evicting Sam- she kept looking at Tyler like WTF- but he of course then steered her back with help from Kaycee. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
  • Love 9

Yeah, this season, some houseguests have really subverted the typical tropes. 

For example, Brett does play up the douche card and he may be a douche IRL as well, but someone like him would have 100% been in a showmance this season. Brett has been actively avoiding any semblance of a showmance, only sticking to flirting and mild cuddling. Angela/Tyler have been pushing away any chance of a showmance. Tyler, in particular, would typically be seen as a dumb surfer but he's the smartest person in the house and playing to win. Both Haydens (Moss and Voss) had similar sufer boy traits and yeah, one won while the other one lasted until jury, but they weren't playing like Tyler. Basically, the typical "Popular Crew" side of the house isn't in showmances like they'd typically be in previous seasons. 

Meanwhile, the typical Misfits side of the house seemed to take on other tropes. They're the underdogs, but unlike other underdog seasons, it's through their own design 85% of the time (the other 15% is due to bad luck and the other side having control). It reminds me of OTT in that sense. The Misfits from OTT were the underdogs, but they were the mean crew. Meanwhile, the supposed Pretty Alliance became the underdogs and were pretty nice.

4 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Like I said before... all Angela has to do is nom Hay and Fessy and tell them it's to keep their alliance secret and there's a very good chance 1 out of the 3 of them will win veto and take one of them down to backdoor someone else.  It's a fool proof plan! (only because of Fessy)

I think Haleigh will know, but Fessy will insist it's a solid plan. He does have his moments of clarity (he didn't consider backdooring Haleigh at least) but overall, he believes anything that is said to him. 

I get why Angela thinks getting out Sam is better. I actually get the thought process. Tyler and Angela have a deal with Haleigh/Fessy that would work because the two have nobody else in the game. Getting Sam out this week gets rid of someone gunning for her right now (Angela knows she's Sam's target next to Haleigh). Working with Haleigh/Fessy for a week could help them with jury votes. However, I'm glad Tyler finally recognized that putting Haleigh/Sam up is a stupid idea. He's a superfan and it shows with this thinking. If he was watching the show, he'd know that this would be a stupid move to not put up a duo together. I know Tyler briefly considered not putting them both up outright. I think it was Brett and/or Kaycee who told him otherwise. I'm just glad this message got to Angela too.

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, Nashville said:

I know some of the folks here have expressed dissatisfaction with the Pagonging of FOUTTE/S65432/Hive - it’s too predictable, it’s boring, etc. - but I feel I have to disagree.  When an alliance insists on playing in a manner which repeatedly demonstrates total idiocy and ignorance of their environment and its dynamics - when they are figuratively* on their knees begging for blindside after blindside after blindside even when they’re the ones in power - then it gives me great satisfaction to see them properly rewarded for their piss-poor gameplay.  It’s the reality show version of an educational beatdown, and school is in session.

Preach it, Nashville! Can I get an AMEN?! : )

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Sam looses it on Thursdays after the HOH comp.  I think she got meds directly after. They take awhile to work and timing seemed right.   She pouted silently for a period of time, cleaning and emerged a happy Sam part way through dinner.   She was eating silently apart from the others at the big table alone when all of a sudden she started laughing at Brett being witty.  Voila!  Happy Sam burst on the scene.  

  • Love 2

Angela, just go downstairs.  Figure out a reason to leave.  Fess and Hay continue to go over how great it is going to be with the 4 of them in the end.  They are gloating, excited and proud.   And repeating! 

3 minutes ago, gunderda said:

He's going to die when he learns that he's basically talking about what L6 has been doing since the beginning. 

Nope.  It is going to fly over his head.  He will not get it.  Really, he won't. 

  • Love 7

So, Tyler/Kaycee agree that Fessy needs to be the target.

I was upset at first over them not targeting Haleigh since she may be a more dangerous player, but upon reflection, I think it's actually a good idea. Haleigh is a major target for Sam and JC, two people who are not L6. If Fessy stays over Haleigh, it's someone that JC and Sam could work with, since JC and Sam are connected to Fessy while both hate Haleigh. If Fessy stayed and won HOH, he wouldn't be putting up JC and he might not even put up Sam. Haleigh's a little trickier, but there's a chance she's more pissed at JC, and she knows Sam's coming after her. So, essentially, Haleigh's not a bad meat shield. Besides, Fessy could easily get to the end while Haleigh might have a harder time. 

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, Ceeg said:

I'm not sure if it was posted in here or not, but apparently Sam kept calling Brett "Hogan" because that was the name of her childhood dog and he reminded Sam of him. 

"Hey, I have a bit of a crush on you and by the way, did I tell you that you remind me of my childhood dog? You don't mind if I call you by his name, do you?" I'd say that's creepy but it's Sam so I kinda expect it to be a little weird. Still. Her dog?

3 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Ah, so I will see you on the Survivor threads too?  All I need is for you to show up on the This is Us hate thread and my snark-loving trifecta will be complete.

There's a This is Us hate thread? I wonder if you have to actually sit through a full episode of it to play or if my seething dislike of even just the promos is enough. I REMEMBER WHEN YOU WERE THIRTEEN AND COULDN'T LIP SYNC, MANDY! She could do so much better than Peter Petrelli. 

  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

"Hey, I have a bit of a crush on you and by the way, did I tell you that you remind me of my childhood dog? You don't mind if I call you by his name, do you?" I'd say that's creepy but it's Sam so I kinda expect it to be a little weird. Still. Her dog?

There's a This is Us hate thread? I wonder if you have to actually sit through a full episode of it to play or if my seething dislike of even just the promos is enough. I REMEMBER WHEN YOU WERE THIRTEEN AND COULDN'T LIP SYNC, MANDY! She could do so much better than Peter Petrelli. 

YES and you will see me there too!  In that forum it is labeled Unpopular Opinions.  You don't have to watch, previews and the episode thread tell you all you need to know.  

Edited by Wings
  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Angela irritated that someone put the peanut butter and honey in the fridge.  Sam explains to her that fessy puts the PB in the fridge because it holds up better on his toasted PB & J. 

Not sure I agree with that assessment.  Cold hard peanut butter doesn't work well with any form of bread, toasted or not. 

I almost broke up with my wife while we were dating because she kept putting the damn peanut butter in the fridge. 

THEN she brought Crunchy PB home and I slept with her sister.

  • Love 19
Just now, ByaNose said:

Speaking of Brett. I often wonder if Dopey Fessy hadn't been in the house would Brett have hooked up with Haileigh? They are cute and blonde together. LOL!!! There weren't many woman to choose from this season. That said, Brett took to Winston like nobody's business. LOL!!!!

Likely not. Like Brett has specifically stated, he's not in the house for a showmance and hasn't gone past cuddling with some of the women. Now, outside of the house, Brett and Haleigh could hook up, even WITH Fessy in the picture. Otherwise, yeah, Brett was taken from the moment him and Winston locked eyes.

  • Love 1
17 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

See, this is why we keep a jar of smooth Kraft peanut butter in the cupboard for me and a jar of that natural fancy stuff in the fridge for the husband. His and hers peanut butter. It's the secret to a good marriage. 

My hubs is smooth & I'm extra crunchy.  We have our own jars.  Accepting and living with differences is the secret to a successful relationship.  That and separate bathrooms!!  I'll not share a bathroom with a male of the species.  I don't understand why basketball players can reliably sink shots from the 3-point line, golfers can hit a hole-in-one from 100 yards away, but a male can't stand DIRECTLY OVER a toilet and hit the hole.  

  • Love 16

Honestly I'm surprised that L6 hasn't had a talk about JC yet- Kaycee & Tyler have and they agree he's sneaky- Angela knows this too. I think Brett is picking up on that as well. It'll be interesting when they all sit down and talk about what he's been saying to the others. 

Kaycee & Tyler believe that JC is trying to get them to go against Brett- which he is. 

Angela & Tyler already know that he's been telling Brett that Angela has a crush on him to sew mistrust. 

L6 aren't FOUTTE- they aren't going to fall for his stuff for too long. 

  • Love 10
11 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

Honestly I'm surprised that L6 hasn't had a talk about JC yet- Kaycee & Tyler have and they agree he's sneaky- Angela knows this too. I think Brett is picking up on that as well. It'll be interesting when they all sit down and talk about what he's been saying to the others. 

Kaycee & Tyler believe that JC is trying to get them to go against Brett- which he is. 

Angela & Tyler already know that he's been telling Brett that Angela has a crush on him to sew mistrust. 

L6 aren't FOUTTE- they aren't going to fall for his stuff for too long. 

A Battle Back is exactly the type of Twist that rewards JC's gameplay. They know he's sneaky, but have targets that are actually a threat to win Power in front of him. Now, instead of looking forward, they'll have to backtrack again. 

Thinking about a Battle Back is just making me tired thinking about the rest of the season. Just when we could get less FOUETTE vs L6 gameplay, we have to go and watch them try to do it all again. 

And everyone but Rockstar screwed their own games. Bayleigh blabbed about her power. Scottie bought into Haleigh's flirt game. Fessy got rid of Scottie, and Haleigh threw Scottie under the bus one too many times. Oh, and they all wasted their seasons pointing the finger at each other. 

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I know she was just misting, but Angela raised the hackles with her plaintive lament, "Why do I (we) have to be the ones to get blood on our hands." when she was deflecting her true thinking to nom Haleigh and FUF.  She even knew she did not want to win HoH this week.  So, even though I know she was not being genuine, the remark got on my last BB nerve.

Will the house be stoopid enough to not vote FUF out if he fails to win POV?  I can see it now...FUF surviving and proclaiming how great his game was to survive.  

OK.  I'll slink away back into my hidey-hole.

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
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19 minutes ago, Carolina Girl said:

One of my lasting memories of Big Brother is Marcellas sitting down next to Julie for his post-eviction interview and the first thing she did was whack him on the head with her index cards.

I think that was the first time she short-circuited and came out of Chen-Bot mode.

Edited by mikewho
  • Love 10
11 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Man, Fessy is totally coming right back into the house, isn't he? Bayleigh and Rockstar aren't going to win shit, so it would be between Fessy and Scottie and you would think Fessy would have the advantage in most comps.

What if it is a Battleback/HOH combo and it is the egg game?  Bay has freakishly long and slender fingers.  She could end up coming back as the HOH.

2 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

Hay thinks she's going up as a pawn next to Sam. Fessy has ZERO idea he's going up right next to her. 

Hahahahaha, of course.  He has created more comedic moments than any HG to date.  Last night during their joyful gathering with much laughter, Fessy blurted (related to nothing being said) “I never know who is going on Thursday.”   More laughter.  Gotta love his contribution.

2 minutes ago, gunderda said:

OHHHHH is he nomming them both right away or hoping to put it up after Veto??

The plan was to put them both up ensuring that one will go.  

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