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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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9 minutes ago, zorak said:

Whoever called BB having Brett in the DR referring to his cyber security expert status for the hacker comp, congrats you win a prize.

Can I have a pony? I've always wanted a pony.

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Bayleigh’s parents seem well off enough to hire a sky writer, don’t they? I’d like to see it fly over the BB house with the message “BAYLEIGH? YOU IN DANGER, GIRL.” Heh heh.

Edited by TimWil
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42 minutes ago, zorak said:

And I think Bayleigh really did get zero points during the hacker comp.  So much for her near genius status.

Not for nothing but I'm gonna guess actual geniuses don't apply to be on Big Brother. 

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

...did Brett get a handmade sweater from his Granny punishment? Hee!

That's cute!

Kaycee just used some of the garlic powder that's in RS' basket and she got a "Stop that!" I don't get why they won't let them use/keep the food from this. 

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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

I know. Bayleigh was literally complaining about Sam blabbing about her power, and how she can't keep her mouth shut (Bayleigh's said the same thing with Kaitlyn). But....maybe don't tell people this stuff?

I do hope that with Bayleigh snapping at people, it'll be an accumulation to some big explosion for tomorrow. I need a major fight with Bayleigh and the house. 

Correct me if I am wrong but didn’t Sam find out about Baileys power during Brett’s speech. If everybody knows now, what the heck is there for Sam to blab about.

actually, I think Sam can keep her mouth shut about important things. She still hasn’t told anyone about Tyler being a super fan and only told Tyler about her power.

i despise Bayleigh and wish Sam would rip her a new one.

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5 minutes ago, leocadia said:

Bayleigh and Sam are both controlling, condescending and attention seeking....I say let them have at each other.  ;-)

You could put that on pay per view (which technically, I guess it is) and I would be calling all my friends to host the viewing party. BYOP(opcorn).

Edited by Callaphera
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37 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Not for nothing but I'm gonna guess actual geniuses don't apply to be on Big Brother. 

Vanessa Rousso did ! And Tiffany wasn't far behind in the IQ department.

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39 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Not for nothing but I'm gonna guess actual geniuses don't apply to be on Big Brother. 

I think the show gets a decent amount of really smart people. They tend to want geeky, antisocial guys as their smart guys, but they DO get them. 

There were a lot more intelligent people on the show in the Pre-Grodner days. 

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I can't watch Rockstar "cook". (I know, then don't.)

At first I was going to give her shit for looking away while chopping green peppers but then I remembered that they get those shitty pretend knives so it's like trying to hurt yourself with safety scissors. Not to say it isn't possible but you might end up as one of the Darwin Award winners eventually. Still it's painful to watch.

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4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I hated like all of these genius players lol. I don't give a fuck if they get smart people, I'd just like them to get people who have like a bit of a clue about how to play this game.

I don’t know that he was a “genius,” but I thought Dan was really smart, and he clearly knew how to play the game.

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Bayleigh just promised Angela to use her power on Angela and says "it's me and you ride or die".

Bayleigh leaves and Angela, still wearing the Snapchat glasses, says, "Someone might be backdoored tomorrow." LOL  Let's hope!

Edited by zorak
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So I'm still traveling and turn on and see that Rockstar's made some stir-fried that looks edible and Sam is eating it. She's taking this punishment really well. 

And not for nothing but she has lost a lot of weight and looks good in the costume.

Screenshot 2018-08-05 22.42.53.png

Edited by Growsonwalls
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3 hours ago, Skycatcher said:


Insta-Granny, I think.  ;)


1 hour ago, TimWil said:

Bayleigh’s parents seem well off enough to hire a sky writer, don’t they? I’d like to see it fly over the BB house with the message “BAYLEIGH? YOU IN DANGER, GIRL.” Heh heh.


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10 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

They then started dancing and chanting "Amazon alliance." Once Bay left, Angela said, "Someone's getting backdoored tomorrow. Who will it be?"

I gotta admit, Ice Queen Angela is entertaining. She's screwing her own game, but it's fun to watch. I feel bad for starting to enjoy this side of Angela, since she can say some really mean stuff. 

But do you know how many times I've wanted a true blindside and never got it because some asshole ruined it for me? We haven't gotten a true blindside in years, and suddenly they're coming left and right all season.

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Guys, lost amidst all this chatter is the fact that RS might get the award for most improved player? Contrast her first time on the block with this time. She was going nuts, pots-and-pans, whining, moping and crying last time. Now she's taking it all in stride and actively improving her relationships with everyone in the house. She can't win but she's dropped the target on her back and has a good chance of getting far enough in the game to get the "jury bonus" which will have been more money than she would have earned at home this summer.

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Just now, Alice Mudgarden said:

lol I just noticed that Swaggy's twitter handle is "SwaggyCTV". How dopey.

It throws me for a loop all the time because CTV is one of the big Canadian television networks. 

You guys, I'm literally setting an alarm for myself to get up early in the morning so I'm properly awake, fed, and caffinated in anticipation of this Veto meeting. I will not miss the aftermath. Bayleigh better deliver. 

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Just now, Callaphera said:

It throws me for a loop all the time because CTV is one of the big Canadian television networks. 

You guys, I'm literally setting an alarm for myself to get up early in the morning so I'm properly awake, fed, and caffinated in anticipation of this Veto meeting. I will not miss the aftermath. Bayleigh better deliver. 

I'm super glad it's a holiday tomorrow and am even more super glad that my boss gave almost all of us the day off because of it (some people have to go in to work but NOT ME).

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Granny gave Brett a bath?  That's what someone just said.  WTF!  When the feeds came back I heard him say he thought she was going to make him get naked.

So, so far, this is what it sounds like "Granny" made Brett do the following, or what she did herself:

  • Take some sort of bath
  • Stood over him while he was sleeping
  • Made him eat cookies with black pepper in them
  • Made Brett rip Sam's bedsheets off and other things
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Angela is now my BEC, so as much as I’m good with Bayleigh getting her ass backdoored tomorrow, and am HERE for the aftermath, I’m not going to enjoy Angela’s bitchface before, during, or after the ceremony. She can still suck it, as far as I’m concerned. 

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I really hope Haleigh makes it through this hacker business unscathed, rises from the ashes of FOUTTE and goes on to obliterate Level 6, saving Sam for last just because it would piss her off that much more by being "ignored".  I also kind of hope the final two comes down Tyler vs Haleigh.  It most likely wont happen, but I can dream.

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41 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Can the have nots eat rockstars food? 

Have Nots ended last night and they didn't do new Have Nots.  They seem to think there won't be any this week because 3 people got punishments from the veto comp.

Bayleigh and Haleigh are talking.  Bayleigh said something about putting Sam and Tyler on the block against each other.  

Haleigh:  "We just need to focus on keeping Rockstar and Fessy this week."  I can't wait for tomorrow!

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Uh oh... Sam is in super whiny mode.  She wants everyone to know that she has no agenda in trying to help RS with her punishment and she hopes RS isn't offended by it.  Also, she got "kicked out of the kitchen" when she just wanted to make french toast for Scottie so she was going to take a shower, but Brett was in there so now she doesn't know what to do...

I guess she's just going to sit in the corner and tear up...

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5 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

This just cracked me up. I love this cast. They are such good sports about everything. And are also giving us awesome Feeds & awesome Big Brother!

ETA: Full Video- https://streamable.com/antoj

What I absolutely adore about this cast is that they're all fairly supportive of one another, even when they don't like each other. A bunch of people were in the kitchen doing workouts with Rockstar when she had to do them. Angela/JC/Haleigh are Kaycee's back-up dancers whenever the Peanut Signal starts, but clearly everyone's now joining in. This cast also talks to each other, which is nice. They don't intentionally isolate anyone. Even when L4 was kind of isolating Rachel (and she was also kind of staying away from them the last few days), Rachel still hung around Bayleigh/Haleigh/Rockstar a lot. 

Another reason why this is on its way to being my second favourite season (BB12 will always hold a special place in my heart).

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I've found that a way to unlock Angela's cold cold heart is to have body image issues. Angela is a raging cold bitch about everything else but yesterday she told RS in a nice sincere way that RS looked great having lost some baby weight and would rock the tight-fitting costume. And she's been working out with RS during her punishments.

Not a surprise. Angela's a model and it's a brutal brutal world. You are routinely told that you are fat/ugly/"bigboned" even if you're concentration camp thin. So she shows a fair amount of sensitivity when it comes to body image issues.

Here's another cute video of the workout routines:

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Ok, soooo....Plan Baby Watch is still apparently on with Bayleigh, since she has ALLEGEDLY not gotten her period yet and she's talking about requesting for a test next week. Well, I guess the good thing is that she can take it in the privacy of her own jury house.

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4 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Ok, soooo....Plan Baby Watch is still apparently on with Bayleigh, since she has ALLEGEDLY not gotten her period yet and she's talking about requesting for a test next week. Well, I guess the good thing is that she can take it in the privacy of her own jury house.

Do you think Bayleigh's dad is currently sitting in a chair, buffing the outside of his shotgun while glaring daggers at Swaggy? 

That must be one uncomfortable dinner table at the Dayton house right now.

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