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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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35 minutes ago, missyb said:

I read a tweet from Andy Herren ( BB15 winner) that the zingbot voice is really through the house speaker system. The bot just does the movements.

Yeah, but he once tweeted that BB15 Amanda was dead so really, how trustworthy is he?

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17 minutes ago, RandomWatcher said:

Yeah, but he once tweeted that BB15 Amanda was dead so really, how trustworthy is he?

I heard that was part of an ongoing joke with Amanda and the fans took it seriously for some reason. Why anyone would take anything Andy tweets seriously is beyond me. 

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9 hours ago, ByaNose said:

How dare you! LOL!!!

JC is playing HARD for America's favorite with his loud "America is the best country in the world" shout outs during voting. Blugggghhhhhhh. #brownnose

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3 hours ago, MrHufflepuff said:

One day, many years ago, I turned on the fan over the stove and then ran the cleaning function on the oven.  All the windows at my place were closed.  This was a mistake.  It made the entire kitchen smell like ash, even with the stove fan.  I caught it pretty early in the cycle and opened up the windows, so no long-term problems.  Let's just see what happens at the BB house...

In this House, that might be an improvement.


3 hours ago, urusai said:

That's fine and dandy if you want to cook 6 strips at a time.  Me?  I need 15 strips and i'm not standing in front of my stove to fry a double batch.  Hee

More power to you - but I’m all about quality over quantity.  ;)

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Aww earlier Kaycee was asked some questions about her coming out story and her mom because JC & Her were talking bout it the other day. I guess she officially came out to her mom about a year and half ago even though she said her mom always sort of knew but would always ask her when she was going to meet a nice boy and settle down. She was crying a bit about how she hopes her mom is proud of her- both Angela & Tyler were telling her that they know her mom is proud of her. Those 3 are going to be buddies for life. 

Now I'm hoping she gets a HOH tomorrow so she gets a letter from her Mom. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
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11 hours ago, HartofDixie said:

Funny FOUTTE video

I saw a slightly longer version of this, it starts with a sitcom style cold open of Fessy and JC talking right before Eviction and goes along the lines of:

Fessy: "Stick with the plan. We have the votes." *Laugh Track*

JC: "I don't think we have the votes." *Laugh Track*

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15 minutes ago, TheGapper said:

JC is playing HARD for America's favorite with his loud "America is the best country in the world" shout outs during voting. Blugggghhhhhhh. #brownnose

It worked with me.  I was like...yeah!!!

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Just now, Callaphera said:

Okay, you guys know how I feel about Swaggy. But do you know how I feel about Swaggy having an epic fail on Twitter? I laugh and it feels amazing. Swaggy tried. And failed.

Enjoy! (the comments are great)

https://twitter.com/SwaggyCTV/status/1032433204760862720 (text link for those that can't see the embedded tweet)


I enjoy all the comments are thinking like I am. But seriously...Swaggy, you failed as a Big Brother player. You came in fifteenth place and couldn't support your claims to be a legendary Big Brother player. However, you will be able to claim one thing...CHILD SUPPORT.

I think my zing is better than his. 

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4 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:


I enjoy all the comments are thinking like I am. But seriously...Swaggy, you failed as a Big Brother player. You came in fifteenth place and couldn't support your claims to be a legendary Big Brother player. However, you will be able to claim one thing...CHILD SUPPORT.

I think my zing is better than his. 

100% better. And you know he worked on his "zing" for an hour or something.

It's pretty rich of Swaggy to be joking about child support when the rumour is that Bayleigh baking a baby for him right now. No wonder he's trying to sling so many t-shirts right now. He might have to get a *gasp* real job if he's a father.

Edited by Callaphera
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29 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Okay, you guys know how I feel about Swaggy. But do you know how I feel about Swaggy having an epic fail on Twitter? I laugh and it feels amazing. Swaggy tried. And failed.

Enjoy! (the comments are great)

https://twitter.com/SwaggyCTV/status/1032433204760862720 (text link for those that can't see the embedded tweet)

Scraggly, you’re such a maroon; according to you, Zingbot would be PAYING child support - not be ON it.

But that’s a good thing.

Now you’ve identified a subject matter expert you may need to talk to in... about 8 months, now...?


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 I don't use Twitter, but as I look at Swaggy's tweet and see that 147 people are talking about this, I find myself wondering 'how do we petition Twitter to add a button so we can see that 9,547 people are mocking and laughing at this'

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1 minute ago, Maverick said:

 I don't use Twitter, but as I look at Swaggy's tweet and see that 147 people are talking about this, I find myself wondering 'how do we petition Twitter to add a button so we can see that 9,547 people are mocking and laughing at this'

Facebook promised me a "dislike" button and instead gave us those stupid emoticon buttons. Like, I appreciate a funny but sometimes I don't want to go for the sarcastic "funny" click, I just want to start shit with the "dislike" button. If Twitter had a point and laugh function, I'd probably actually use it from time to time instead of just having an account to spy on people's tweets+replies. 

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5 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Parchment paper has always been my preferred method because you don't have to wash the pan when you're done, provided you don't slop cookie dough all over the pan. It keeps them from sticking and it keeps the pan from getting mucked up. Also, the pans look pristine like you've never used them before, which I like. 

I don't understand the self-cleaning feature. My oven has one and I've never used it. Doesn't it just crank the temperature up to, like, 700 degrees and just bake everything off? You still have to remove the charred bits from the oven after. Some good old elbow grease and oven cleaner seems like it would be faster. 

Omg no. The self cleaning feature is soooooo much easier. Everything turns to ash. But you do have to pre plan a bit since it takes forever and do it when it’s cold otherwise it will heat your house up. I think I even open the window to vent. But I used to have overspills A LOT when cooking. I think I’m much better now lol 

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JC: I miss Rockstar. She made me laugh.

He’s kidding, right? To stay in good with Fessy and to manage jury votes? I think he loathed Rockstar and Bayleigh, for good reason.

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8 hours ago, lilabennet said:

Brett set the kitchen on fire.  Fish.

So I guess this means that Brett is the one who is cooking the competition this year.

5 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Back on topic: Fessy just took a bottle of something out of the fridge, took a drink directly from it, and put it back in the fridge. Fuck you, Fessy.

See that would piss me the hell off.  That is just foul.

1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:


I enjoy all the comments are thinking like I am. But seriously...Swaggy, you failed as a Big Brother player. You came in fifteenth place and couldn't support your claims to be a legendary Big Brother player. However, you will be able to claim one thing...CHILD SUPPORT.

I think my zing is better than his. 

I was just thinking, I wonder if Christopher is going to follow in the footsteps of Jason and be invited back for another season.  Despite the fact that he was voted out so early.

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5 hours ago, Callaphera said:

That's how I got through my early twenties: flavoured vodka and 7-11 Slurpees. 

Although, if you boil some sugar and water together, add vodka and 7-Up, and throw it in the freezer? You get alcoholic slushies without having to leave the house. I totally recommend Stoli Blueberry and Stoli Raspberry for that. (And if you layer it, add grenadine to one layer, leave one white, and add blue curacao to another layer, you basically get an alcoholic Rocket popsicle in drink form. Mmm, vodka.)

Apropos of nothing...

Costco sells lo-cal vodka popsicles and they come in flavors, like Lemon Drop.

And BevMo does, too, if you have those where you live.

Mmm, vodka.

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2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Okay, you guys know how I feel about Swaggy. But do you know how I feel about Swaggy having an epic fail on Twitter? I laugh and it feels amazing. Swaggy tried. And failed.

Enjoy! (the comments are great)

https://twitter.com/SwaggyCTV/status/1032433204760862720 (text link for those that can't see the embedded tweet)

Thanks so very much!!  A zillion thumbs up!!  The http link worked perfectly for me.   Unfortunately it lead me to Swaggy but hey it did work.  :-)

Interesting that they ended the TV show BEFORE the veto ceremony.  I guess it would be a pretty bland and anti-climatic way to end the show compared to ending it after the edited version of Sam's Most Excellent Gamey Idea Ever convo with Fessy.  Man she managed to make Fessy look smart in that conversation by comparison and that is a near impossible thing to do.

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On 8/19/2018 at 8:46 PM, HartofDixie said:

BB19 Kevin posted a little while ago that Swaggy has been at his place for the last 3 days and he’s a great kid.

Waiting for Swaggys reaction to ED’s tweet.

I honestly liked Saggy 'C'eats on his pre-house segment.  I did not like him after he entered the house. 

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FYI: “VimeBro” was a play off Vimeo.

Which itself is a play off the word “video” - which gives you a clue as to how it’s pronounced.  :)


ETA: Posted because Tyler was obsessing over how “VimeBro” was pronounced.

Edited by Nashville
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8 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Sam has ripped into one of the pillow in the Have Not room to get at the feather stuffing and she's... building a bird? Around some frame that she made earlier? I have no idea, y'all. 

I read this as "ripped one into the pillow" and was like SLOW FEED NIGHT, EH?

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12 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Sam has ripped into one of the pillow in the Have Not room to get at the feather stuffing and she's... building a bird? Around some frame that she made earlier? I have no idea, y'all. 

DIY taxidermy?  :>

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1 hour ago, TimWil said:

JC: I miss Rockstar. She made me laugh.

He’s kidding, right? To stay in good with Fessy and to manage jury votes? I think he loathed Rockstar and Bayleigh, for good reason.

I'm assuming she unintentionally made him laugh. He found the "I can't believe this" humor in her. 

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I swear if we get a Hay HOH I am going to scream. I’m not saying I want her gone- cuz I think Fessy would leave before her anyway. But I can not handle another week of the two of them in the HOH room fighting. 

Please L6 pull this one out. Tyler was almost a professional bowler! Let’s go!! 

Edited by SiobhanJW
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To go back to the body language comments, I'll add this:  you can't lie in your sleep.  Did you see that shot in the broadcast show with Fessy and Haleigh in the HOH bed?  They were both deeply asleep, Fessy on his back on one side of the bed, with Haleigh curled up in the other side of the bed, close to the edge, facing away, with throw pillows between them.

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32 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

Please L6 pull this one out. Tyler was almost a professional bowler! Let’s go!! 

Although I love him, Tyler winning would probably be very bad for his game.   He now has deals with pretty much everyone, including Haleigh and Fessy.  Plus I'm not sure he could avoid taking the next showmance step with Angela if he has the HoH room.   He is probably throwing, but with these types of comps it's possible he could luck into it, so who knows.

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2 minutes ago, McKinezeInFloMnd said:

If everything breaks right for L6, they win the HOH's... survive the DE, does anyone see them turning on each other before F4. 

Yes I hardly doubt Brett will sniff the final four if L6 were to somehow remain intact.  I see either Sam or JC being in the final four with the other three.

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5 hours ago, Rosebud1970 said:

Mmm, vodka.

College, New Years Eve, hostessing in a 24- hr coffee shop, waitresses in the back nipping on scotch or bourbon.  I lit into them big time and they thought I was quite a buzz kill until I told them "If you're working you drink vodka so the customers can't smell it and report you!"  Then I snuck out to a local liquor store, got vodka and made US all  screwdrivers with fresh squeezed orange juice


Mmm, vodka.

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9 hours ago, Thalia said:

  This group curses less than any group in recent memory. 

This! I like it. But JC is certainly the exception.  Every other word out of his mouth seems to be  some variation of "fuck." He really stands out in this crowd.

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14 hours ago, Slider said:

I was talking to my uncle and told him that someone set fire to the oven (before I knew it was Brett).  His reply?  "I bet Faysal tried to use the oven to do his laundry." 

I love your uncle!

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6 hours ago, green said:

Man she managed to make Fessy look smart in that conversation by comparison and that is a near impossible thing to do.

I think she was attempting to talk to him on his level.

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4 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

To go back to the body language comments, I'll add this:  you can't lie in your sleep.  Did you see that shot in the broadcast show with Fessy and Haleigh in the HOH bed?  They were both deeply asleep, Fessy on his back on one side of the bed, with Haleigh curled up in the other side of the bed, close to the edge, facing away, with throw pillows between them.

During the first segment of the show last night, FUF and Hay were arguing in the HOH bed...Hay said, "I can't do this" or something, made a move to get out of bed, and right before the show cut to commercial you can see FUF grab her around the waist and physically drag her back to his bed.  I was kind of surprised they showed that.  Had the show cut out 3 seconds earlier, we wouldn't have seen it.  Disturbing, is what that was.

Edited by laurakaye
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5 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

To go back to the body language comments, I'll add this:  you can't lie in your sleep.  Did you see that shot in the broadcast show with Fessy and Haleigh in the HOH bed?  They were both deeply asleep, Fessy on his back on one side of the bed, with Haleigh curled up in the other side of the bed, close to the edge, facing away, with throw pillows between them.

I dunno.... no matter how much I like someone I need my space while sleeping. 

4 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

I can't believe it's another fucking crapshoot HoH. 

I don't mind crapshoot HoHs (I never LIKE them, but I understand how they can help with the drama of the show), but it seems too soon for another one. 

Wasn't the last crapshoot comp the one Kaitlyn won?? 

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53 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

During the first segment of the show last night, FUF and Hay were arguing in the HOH bed...Hay said, "I can't do this" or something, made a move to get out of bed, and right before the show cut to commercial you can see FUF grab her around the waist and physically drag her back to his bed.  I was kind of surprised they showed that.  Had the show cut out 3 seconds earlier, we wouldn't have seen it.  Disturbing, is what that was.

Exactly.  I mean, we're talking the horror movie-type of pull a body backwards against one's will.  Creepy as FUF.

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Real Vegas has to be a higher up producer because sometimes their timing on tweets is while crap is still ongoing.  Wouldn't the boss see them on their phone and know who it is?  I figure they are pretty high up, or the boss knows and is okay with it because they get some show publicity out of it.  

1 hour ago, Pixiebomb said:

I love your uncle!

He's pretty awesome, and definitely my favorite! We are the only ones at work (family business) that watch the show, so we compare notes at lunch and break times.  I always joke that if I ever get on the show and win HOH, I want him to write me my letter.

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29 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

Rooting for Brett or KC tonight, so it’ll be 9 consecutive new HOHs. 

I don't know what outcome I want. On the one hand, a Kaycee HOH saves Brett to win the next HOH, and that's when he might be the most in danger. This upcoming week, it's Haleigh/Fessy on the block anyway and one of them will be going home (unless Sam wins HOH). So a Kaycee HOH would be a very simple week for her. 

On the other hand, imagine Brett winning HOH, Fessy/Haleigh going up, Haleigh winning veto, and Brett putting JC on the block. I just want to see a squirmy JC next week, since he's been way too comfortable. 

But nah, I think I want to save a Brett HOH for later. 

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