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BiP Season 5: Speculation & Spoilers

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Spoilers from today's taping. Found on the Reddit subforum. Not sure if valid, but posting anyway.

Still engaged, Jordan and Jenna, Chris and Crystal.

Still dating, Joe and Kendall, Kevin and Astrid.

Kamil dumped Annalise. Said she was blindsided. 

Tia and Colton are not dating, seemed friendly to each other. John and Olivia are not dating. 

  • Love 3

Joe will be the new bachelor.  We saw him being stoic and long suffering every time that moron Kendall ran back to him after being pawed over by gross Leo and clammy John.  He defended her “honor”, and will be betrayed by her yet again.  A dreamy looking guy who happens to be an average Joe, not someone with a bullshit pseudo career.  

I’m not happy, but there it is.  There were three auditions IMO-Kenny, Colton, and Joe.  Joe has developed the biggest fan base on SM, and got the best edit.   

  • Love 3
9 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

Joe will be the new bachelor.  We saw him being stoic and long suffering every time that moron Kendall ran back to him after being pawed over by gross Leo and clammy John.  He defended her “honor”, and will be betrayed by her yet again.  A dreamy looking guy who happens to be an average Joe, not someone with a bullshit pseudo career.  

I’m not happy, but there it is.  There were three auditions IMO-Kenny, Colton, and Joe.  Joe has developed the biggest fan base on SM, and got the best edit.   

Wait, I'm confused. Why is there this sentiment that the next Bachelor must be coming from BIP? Did Becca's Final 2 and Final 3 - i.e. Blake and Jason, both publicly turn down the gig? I'm not being sarcastic, I'm genuinely curious because I haven't paid any attention to recent Bachelor Nation news and have only given BIP a passing glance.

YMMV but in my opinion, unless those two both firmly turn down the gig (and even then not, since Peter might decide it's been a minute since Bachelor Nation fawned over him and take the gig), I don't see the next Bachelor coming from BIP. They went there once with Nick but I just don't see it happening again. And even without watching this season of BIP, I feel fairly confident in saying that I don't think Kenny was being tested/considered for even a second. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, truthaboutluv said:

Wait, I'm confused. Why is there this sentiment that the next Bachelor must be coming from BIP? Did Becca's Final 2 and Final 3 - i.e. Blake and Jason, both publicly turn down the gig? I'm not being sarcastic, I'm genuinely curious because I haven't paid any attention to recent Bachelor Nation news and have only given BIP a passing glance.

YMMV but in my opinion, unless those two both firmly turn down the gig (and even then not, since Peter might decide it's been a minute since Bachelor Nation fawned over him and take the gig), I don't see the next Bachelor coming from BIP. They went there once with Nick but I just don't see it happening again. And even without watching this season of BIP, I feel fairly confident in saying that I don't think Kenny was being tested/considered for even a second. 

They brought on Arie several seasons after he first appeared and it was a flop. Ben Higgins is tired, and Jason who?

I think they decided to go with another BIP candidate.  Colton was definitely given more story than he could work, Kenny was the guy a bunch of women were after, and Joe is the guy who went from having no Instagram account to almost 300k followers in a couple of months.   I don’t think Joe or Colton could carry the show, but people are really obsessed with Joe.  People across all age groups.  

I don’t think Joe is in L.A. dating Kendall.  He’s not a mactor or Instagram shill who can pick up and take time off work unless there is a very good reason.  He looked annoyed dealing with Kendall after the Leo and John crap.  I think he’s a pragmatic person who realizes she’s just another self important Bachelor Nation c lister.  I think he’s in L.A. because he was cast as TB, not because he’s dating that loser.

chicago is a big city.  He has the pick of the litter.  No, something bigger happened.  

I’m probably wrong.  

  • Love 3

Who knows if Joe will be the next Bachelor but he did tell the Ellen staff that he'd do it if asked so there is that.   

What would be awkward is the Bachelor announcement is probably going to be before this reunion airs on Sept 11th unless they edit out any mention of him being with Kendall.

As for the others, I'm not surprised that the two engaged couples are still together.  Got to get those instagram followers up!

Oh nice me is actually feels a bit sorry for Annaleise to be blindsided like that by Kamil as that's a shitty thing to do.  But then she's the one that attached herself to him after knowing him for 30 seconds.    

Edited by CindyBee
  • Love 2
47 minutes ago, CindyBee said:


Oh nice me is actually feels a bit sorry for Annaleise to be blindsided like that by Kamil as that's a shitty thing to do.  But then she's the one that attached herself to him after knowing him for 30 seconds.    

Not me. She probably made eye contact with an audience member during taping and is madly in love again. 

  • Love 22

We've learned a lot about Joe with Paradise, about as much as we routinely learn about the other top 5 guys who all eventually went on to become Bachelor.  We haven't met his family though and that's a big component.  The other is social media recognition and following.  Joe's got a lot of that it seems.  So his only real deficit is no exposure to his background in the form of a hometown date.

I think it's possible for them to go off-book this season and give it to Joe.  He's the first one in a long time I think they may make an exception for, Juan Pablo notwithstanding. 

And he gives Chris Harrison yet another "first" for the franchise.  I can just hear his intro:

  "He went home on day 1 of the Bachelorette, but after a visit to Paradise, we know him well enough to want to see him find love.  Our new Bachelor Grocer Joe!"

  • Love 5

I don't know .. I don't think joe will be the bachelor for some reason . I think he's great and I would like it if he were , but I don't think he talks as much as Harrison would like . During beccas reunion , Harrison kept mentioning he was pulling strings to get him to say anything . 

I thjnk out of all the guys in the running , Jason has the most bachelor type personality to pull it off .. but I also get the feeling we would start the season really liking him and by the end , think he's gross .  I feel like if he was in paradise , he'd be the type who really likes someone and is with them steadily , and then jumps at any chance he has to meet someone new . 

Sucks for both Blake and Jason if Joe gets the gig and he got to experience bach in paradise and being the bachelor while those 2 get nada . 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Jaclyn88 said:


Sucks for both Blake and Jason if Joe gets the gig and he got to experience bach in paradise and being the bachelor while those 2 get nada . 

According to RS, both Blake and Jason have been quite busy sliding into the DMs of the various ladies of the Bachelor nation.  And Caroline has made it quite obvious that she's after Jason so if they do indeed get passed over by TPTB for Joe, I think they'll be just fine and then there's always the summer of 2019 for them to find their tru love forever. 

Interesting that TMZ showed Joe;  he def has the momentum going and the buzz surrounding his name over anyone else, even Colton.

  • Love 3
28 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

Why isn’t Reality Stove giving us any damn spoilers?

I think he checked out of this season after he spoiled the final episode.  

Edited to add the only thing I can't figure out is how Shushanna makes it past this next rose ceremony where the guys are giving out roses as everyone else matches up as to who Steve spoiled as who is there when the final 3 guys arrive:  Eric/Cassandra, John/Olivia, Kamil/Annaleise, Chris/Krystal, Kevin/Astrid, Jordan/Jenna, Joe/Kendall.

my guess is that Colton's rose goes to Shushanna after he and Tia head on home.

Edited by CindyBee

Holy shit, I'm just getting home and Reality Steve just tweeted out that he's hearing its Colton as the next Bachelor.   


RealitySteve‏Verified account @RealitySteve 15m15 minutes ago

(SPOILER): I know ABC has made last minute changes in the past so it’s not technically official, but after the Paradise reunion taping yesterday, I’m hearing that they will be announcing the next “Bachelor” soon and it will be Colton.


My thoughts are Sean Lowe has been their only successful Bachelor. They must feel Colton is the closest thing they’ll get to Sean. Character, morals, no shady past, etc. Sean 2.0. Here we go. Let the freaking out begin.

  • Love 1

F'ing hell, he's only 26!  

I think Sean was close to 30 when he was on.  You know--an age when guys actually start to think (and I say "start") about settling down.

By comparison, Colton's brain is barely out of the adolescent stage. (What do they say--male brain development is complete roughly around age 25?)

Well, I can just read the recaps from RS, like I did for Ben's season.

Edited by adhoc
  • Love 3

I was JUST coming here to post that....

Who called Colton? I did that's who. Soon as Becca sent him home I knew he was gonna be the next Bachelor.

The Virgin Bachelor....

I don't know...could be a pretty interesting season...

Or another Sean White Milk season....

Hopefully there's a lot of crazies and mental cases or better yet (OOH!!) Maybe TIA will make a re-return...changing her mind, wanting to fight for him, that should be sadly fun.

  • Love 2
19 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

Given the recent track record of sexual harrassers it makes sense they would go with the virgin. Considering they had no good options, I'm not surprised they went with Colton. I just hope Tia doesn't show up. 

I guess we can blame the dumbasses that cast Lincoln and Leo for this.

I bought into the whole "no way would they let Colton be on THREE shows in a row" but obviously I was wrong with that thinking.  

Unless they let the news get to RS to see what the reaction would be on twitter.  Right now its running about 95% NOOOOOOO  and Steve and Amy Kaufman's feeds are pretty funny right now

Edited by CindyBee
  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, hyacinth said:

Maybe they could just show her in the bushes and looking in windows.   

Since we know Colton is indecisive, instead of him eliminating a girl each week, we can have Tia lurking in the shadows and taking them out assassin style. 

1 minute ago, CindyBee said:

Unless they let the news get to RS to see what the reaction would be on twitter. 

It wouldn't surprise me. It's a great way to get at least a small idea of how well their choice will go over before they are completely committed. 

  • Love 4

If it is Colton, this will be the first season of the Bachelor I've missed in a while.  I can't stand him and there's something really off about the guy.  I'm slowly dumping the Bachelor franchise, starting with BiP last (and this) season.  Now the Bachelor (if it's Colton).  I may have my Monday evenings back permanently at this rate!!

  • Love 9

I'm on record to boycott anything else with Colton, it's a waste of my time. 

I'm not freaking out though.  It's just a TV show that I'll opt out of watching.  I did it with Nick's season, no big deal.  People that actually freak out over stupid shit like this must really not have any issues in life to worry about.

Life goes on.... :-) 

  • Love 6

I will probably check out the first night to see who the "ladies" are then tune out like I usually do. I watch just enough to get a handle on who is who, then I follow along here and at Sharleen's blog to get the gist of what's happening. I typically can't stand to actually watch the show with all the uptalking, overuse of "like", talk of "journey" and "(insert name) and I's whatever" and vocal fries. And then there is the visual assault. None of these people are as hot as they think they are. So it really doesn't make any difference to me who they pick. I might have watched Wills for the fashion alone. A few of the others I thought I would like came on Paradise and ruined my opinion of them so...sure, why not Colton. 

My problem is after the whole Arie fiasco when I was delighted he was going to be TB, I can't think of a single person I would be happy was TB. Not a single one of them is a catch of any kind. I would love an unfamiliar bachelor. An aspirational bachelor. Someone I could watch and actually believe at least four or five girls would be into fighting over him for real instead of for fame. Maybe then I'd actually believe in the "love story." But I'll watch for the train wreck because I'm a wrong reasons viewer all the way, baby!

  • Love 6

Big NO to Colton as the Bachelor. Remember how hot-headed he was on the Bachelor Reunion, shouting and getting into arguments? Very immature. He's not the right kind of guy for the lead role, and he lied about bringing a girl home (Aly Raisman).  Plus, ever hear about the concept of overdoing it? By the time summer ends we will have overdosed on him to the point that Bachelor Nation will all need shots of a specially formulated Colton antidote. 

And if this means more TIA, another big NO. I thought ABC was supposed to be a family channel yet every word out of her mouth is F u this and F u that.  

What is wrong with JASON??????

Edited by TheFinalRose
  • Love 4

I'm also one of those who watch just long enough to know the players then depend on my favorite blogs and podcasts (and this forum) to tell me what's what. I usually watch this show picture-in-picture and switch back and forth between shows when one gets boring...Before I had pnp I would mostly watch this show either while doing other things or if I was too tired to move, with the sound off/captions on...their voices irritate me.

Colton as Bachelor will either be really really funny or really really dull, depending on the quality/caliper of girls they bring on. Colton will ugly cry after every rose ceremony, every one will be the hardest thing he's ever done.

Can you imagine THIS Chach at final rose time? It'll be...i wanna say awesome but train wreck-y comes to mind too. Hope there's a balcony so he can do a full on Mesnick.

I'm just gonna look for the comedy in the situation. Couldn't possibly be as dull as Sean Lowe or Ari...no freaking way.

  • Love 2
13 minutes ago, Jaclyn88 said:

I am willing to bet that Colton won't be the bachelor . I haven't heard or seen anyone hoping for him to be the bachelor and the other guys in the running are much more talked about and wanted . I think RS has wrong information or not enough of it . Seriously , has anyone been rooting for him ? 

I really really hope you’re right!!

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, CindyBee said:

So Joe was on Ellen with Lea Michelle fawning all over him.  So I can't see producers trotting Joe out on such a big show if they weren't seriously considering him for the next lead.

Can't link the clip as I'm at work still but will do so later.

Are the producers responsible for that or Ellen just likes him? I know some of the people who work on her show love him.

26 minutes ago, Jaclyn88 said:

I am willing to bet that Colton won't be the bachelor . I haven't heard or seen anyone hoping for him to be the bachelor and the other guys in the running are much more talked about and wanted . I think RS has wrong information or not enough of it . Seriously , has anyone been rooting for him ? 

I think Fleiss is trolling RS by leaking a fake spoiler, at least that's what I want to believe.

  • Love 9

Listen, they could put any guy in a suit in front of a tray full of roses and I’m in. Considering even the people I LIKE going in I end up disliking by the end of the season, it doesn’t matter. I’m Here for the Wrong Reasons, so we just need the usual assortment of contestants with varying personality disorders, and THEY make the show.

The producers pick not only a fan favorite but whomever they feel will be obedient to them playing along—especially after the Juan Pablo disaster. On both TMTA and when Harrison met him on his way into Paradise, Harrison tried asking Joe questions and the guy COULD NOT string together more than a mutterance of vague disinterest. Have you noticed the guy rarely has any ITM talking heads? Now HE would really be the disaster because he’s not the kind of person to read the journey cliches off the cue cards. It’s probably the most critical thing the producers look for.

Now the guy who has that quality is Jason. Oh, Jason REALLY played up the heartbroken journey thing in TMTA. He threw in EVERY Bachelor/ette cliche—and probably even invented some new ones.

But, Colton will have gotten his heart broken TWICE on TV, and the way he just gets strung around like a dumb puppy by Tia. “Colton, you are my boyfriend whether you like it or not!” “Well, okay.” This guy will do anything the producers tell him—with the exception of going to the fantasy suite unless Harrison chaperones, maybe. Can you imagine the girls telling them that THEY’RE in love. Well, I don’t love any of them but they all told me I’m their boyfriend so I have no choice in the matter. I’m also banking on his dating 25 girls at once will make him realize he doesn’t like girls. Considering he’s a “former football player” he can’t really use “football” as the only reason for being a virgin any longer. That would be the Most Dramatic FRC in Bachelor History if he came out of the closet instead of proposing. But, if not, he does have some “shades of Sean Lowe” qualities about him, and it seems pretty apparent that Sean was the producers favorite Bachelor ever, so I can see why they would choose him.

Edited by JenE4
  • Love 5

Reality Steve never gives a 100% guarantee on who the new Bachelor or Bachelorette is.  He gives us his most current info, but it's the same every season.  Nobody knows for sure until the announcement.  He admits that straight up because spoiling that pick is not his thing.  He knows they change things at the 11th hour, but not because of him.  

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 1
20 hours ago, hnygrl said:

I was JUST coming here to post that....

Who called Colton? I did that's who. Soon as Becca sent him home I knew he was gonna be the next Bachelor.

The Virgin Bachelor....

I don't know...could be a pretty interesting season...

Or another Sean White Milk season....

Hopefully there's a lot of crazies and mental cases or better yet (OOH!!) Maybe TIA will make a re-return...changing her mind, wanting to fight for him, that should be sadly fun.

I would love Tia charging in.  “Col-in!  Ah caint believe you had your first Ore-gassum on this fuckin’ show without me!“

for the record, I like Tia and her cursing. 

Edited by Mu Shu
  • Love 1
42 minutes ago, leighdear said:

Reality Steve never gives a 100% guarantee on who the new Bachelor or Bachelorette is.  He gives us his most current info, but it's the same every season.  Nobody knows for sure until the announcement.  He admits that straight up because spoiling that piock is not his thing.  He knows they change things at the 11th hour, but not because of him.  


Yeah I never, ever hold it against Steve if he gets the next lead wrong as they had Calia film her intro package and Luke was packed up and flying out to LA that night when he got the call not to come.   

It probably is Colton, just for the fact that he will do what he's told, but if its not, I won't fault RS at all. 

  • Love 3

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