David T. Cole May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 Anticipationy! Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/7066-flash-in-the-pan-the-anticipation-topic/
Lisin May 15, 2014 Share May 15, 2014 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/7066-flash-in-the-pan-the-anticipation-topic/#findComment-75085
calliope1975 May 15, 2014 Share May 15, 2014 It looks good. I'm cautiously optimistic, and I'm glad it seems like the tone will be lighter than on Arrow. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/7066-flash-in-the-pan-the-anticipation-topic/#findComment-75229
Kromm May 15, 2014 Share May 15, 2014 A few point, from viewing that Extended trailer... 1.) Even though he's clearly not the Season 1 Big Bad (which is clearly Weather Wizard), I think we've got close to a confirmation of Reverse Flash/Zoom as his ultimate nemesis (aka "his mother's murderer"). This is an idea which the Flash comics in recent years have played with quite a bit, as well as some paradoxical stuff with Flash and Reverse Flash sort of being mutually responsible for each other's existence. 2.) The timeline with Arrow seems a bit screwy. So he's in a coma for 9 months? If so, what was Felicity doing when she visited Barry? Sitting bedside by a coma patient? 3.) I will scream if the local media on the show shortcuts and calls him "The Red Streak". For the same reasons I hated "The Blur". 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/7066-flash-in-the-pan-the-anticipation-topic/#findComment-75408
GHScorpiosRule May 15, 2014 Share May 15, 2014 It looks good. I'm cautiously optimistic, and I'm glad it seems like the tone will be lighter than on Arrow. Same here. I stopped watching Arrow because Arnell just bored me to tears and I don't think he's a good actor and wooden as a bunch of Lincoln logs. The actor playing Barry/Flash is a LOT better in this trailer I've seen, so it looks like I'm headed back to the CW. Plus, there's the added bonus of Jesse L. Martin, Danielle Panabaker, and Tom Cavanaugh! 3.) I will scream if the local media on the show shortcuts and calls him "The Red Streak". For the same reasons I hated "The Blur". And I'll be right there with you! I saw that newspaper headline with "The Red Streak" so it better just stop right there. I"m still not a fan of the costume, though. Makes him look like an alien. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/7066-flash-in-the-pan-the-anticipation-topic/#findComment-75441
calliope1975 May 15, 2014 Share May 15, 2014 So he's in a coma for 9 months? If so, what was Felicity doing when she visited Barry? I think that timeline is accurate. Felicity was just sitting next to comatose Barry when she visited. And it's been about 4 months or so since Three Ghosts when Barry got Flashified. If The Flash is doing the same real time story lines, the it appears Barry will wake up in October or so which will be 9 months of coma-dom. I know Felicity quasi passed the torch to Iris in that Arrow ep a few weeks ago, but I do hope she has a crossover to wrap their relationship up. Actually, I hope they stay friends. I like knowing that Arrow and The Flash are in the same universe. Makes everything bigger yet more relatable. Felicity can continue to mention contacting STAR Labs or Caitlin or Cisco can mention Felicity or Diggle. Like the MCU. Everything's connected. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/7066-flash-in-the-pan-the-anticipation-topic/#findComment-75504
Sakura12 May 15, 2014 Share May 15, 2014 It looks like Barry's getting his Team Flash right away. Hopefully they handle Caitlin Snow and Cisco properly. They can also be different than Arrow if Barry tells Iris what happened to him during the pilot since they don't like secret identities. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/7066-flash-in-the-pan-the-anticipation-topic/#findComment-75534
pootlus May 16, 2014 Share May 16, 2014 Not a fan of the costume either, but holy hell thank GOD this show will be lighter in tone. I am utterly sick to death of 'gritty superhero reboots'. The humour and lightness are very welcome to at least this potential viewer. I think Gustin could become really appealing and if they tone down the annoyance factor of the geeky guy and Ed's smugness, it could be a really good show. I'm much more looking forward to it than Arrow S3, that's for sure. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/7066-flash-in-the-pan-the-anticipation-topic/#findComment-75581
GHScorpiosRule May 16, 2014 Share May 16, 2014 I seriously need to bone up on who all the characters are! Truth to tell, the only ones I know about are the ones that were shown on Justice League/Justice League Unlimited. Because for sure I don't think there was an animated Flash series before! Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/7066-flash-in-the-pan-the-anticipation-topic/#findComment-76040
radishcake May 16, 2014 Share May 16, 2014 The Flash is one of my favorite characters and one that I'm familiar with comic book-wise from the late 70s to early 00s. So I'm cautiously optimistic on this show. I LOVE the actors involved and as @pootlus said, I'm looking forward to a more light hearted take. Apparently John Wesley Shipp is going to make an appearance, maybe that was him as Reverse Flash/Zoom??! I can't wait to see how it's going to go. I'm in for the season at least. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/7066-flash-in-the-pan-the-anticipation-topic/#findComment-76082
The Crazed Spruce May 19, 2014 Share May 19, 2014 This show's definitely at the top of the list of shows I'm looking forward to in the Fall. Especially now that I know it's not airing across from anything I'm currently invested in. (Not since ABC bumped Agents of SHIELD ahead an hour, at any rate.) Just a few things I really hope they include at some point: The Flash Museum. Just 'cause. :) The Rogues not only teaming up, but hanging out together when they're not trying to kill Flash. (I always thought that kind of camaraderie was what set Flash's villains apart from the rest.) A Mark Hamill cameo in The Trickster's origin story. Wally West. He doesn't need to become Kid Flash (at least, not right away....), but I'd still like to see him in the show. At least one crossover with Arrow each season. Two words: Cosmic. Treadmill. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/7066-flash-in-the-pan-the-anticipation-topic/#findComment-79290
aradia22 May 24, 2014 Share May 24, 2014 Same here. I stopped watching Arrow because Arnell just bored me to tears and I don't think he's a good actor and wooden as a bunch of Lincoln logs. The actor playing Barry/Flash is a LOT better in this trailer I've seen, so it looks like I'm headed back to the CW. Plus, there's the added bonus of Jesse L. Martin, Danielle Panabaker, and Tom Cavanaugh! Get out of my brain! But yes, my parents watch Arrow so I catch bits and pieces of it and I'm amazed that this far into the series, Arnell's acting hasn't improved one bit. That is dedication. Or a true lack of talent. Either one. I've only ever seen Grant in his small part on Glee but he seems much better here (though obviously, he's doing a lot more heavy lifting here). And yes, happy to see Jesse L. Martin and Tom Cavanaugh. I recognize Danielle from my Disney channel-watching days but I can't say I'm excited to see her. She goes bland very easy. Not as bad as Arnell because that man is truly skilled... or awful. The show strikes me as very Smallville-y. It seems much more (meteor) freak of the week than Arrow and the explanation of how everyone got their powers is very reminiscent of 'your landing in your spaceship in Kansas with all this Kryptonian energy created meteor freaks that you must battle every week, Clark'. The fact that this show is skewing younger also feels very Smallville though Grant and Danielle seem too young for their jobs. The thing that really makes me nervous is the 'we have a team to study and help you' aspect. It felt natural when Clark's friends helped him out on Smallville. Even Arrow sort of managed to make things feel natural. Sort of (cough pretty blond girl who works for the company who just happens to be a magical TV hacker). I'm not really sold on the randos who aren't Tom Cavanaugh. I've had enough comic relief 2-D stock characters to last a lifetime, thank you very much. Also, I think the only time I've liked the studying the paranormal/scifi weirdness is Alphas. I think the reason it seems to work best as a one-off episode on shows devoted to something else is that longterm, the writers don't really have the answers... Kyle XY, other shows I can't remember the names of. Still, the trailer was much better than I expected it to be and I'm in for the pilot (and probably a handful of episodes after that). 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/7066-flash-in-the-pan-the-anticipation-topic/#findComment-86752
GHScorpiosRule May 24, 2014 Share May 24, 2014 I didn't know that Danielle started out in Disney. I know her from when she played James Woods's daughter in Shark, and when she was on an episode of L&O:SVU. Now, I can't remember if it was her or her sister, that played Marg Helgenberger's daughter on CSI as a 'tween/teen. But I think she's decent. I think a lot of my friends love Arrow, because Arnell is so much active in social media and at least one or two think he's soooo sweet, and soooooo authentic that it makes me roll my eyes. That's the ACTOR who may come off genuine and with emotions. Too bad it doesn't translate into the role he's supposed to be playing. I've never watched Glee, so I guess you could say, I'm coming into this show as a blank slate. I'm hoping it won't devolve into the SUCK that was Smallville, since that show also had some very good supporting actors like O'Toole, Schneider, Glover. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/7066-flash-in-the-pan-the-anticipation-topic/#findComment-86991
Chicago Redshirt June 4, 2014 Share June 4, 2014 I think this has the potential to either duplicate or dodge the bad parts of Smallville/Arrow. While there will be a lot fewer "secrets and lies," since from the jump it appears that Caitlin, Cisco and Wells all know Barry's Flashiness, there still could be similar dynamics: Iris=Lana/Laurel (as the OTP girlfriend shoved down our throat in a poorly written, poorly acted fashion, where arbitrary obstacles are put in the path of the hero and his girlfriend getting together) Detective West/Falsely Accused!Father=Pa Kent (Father figure who dispenses with smug, platitude-ridden advice) Caitlin=Chloe/Felicity (Girl Friday who develops feelings for the hero, albeit in this case with much less snark and adorableness than in the other shows) Cisco=Pete (Minority best friend and comic relief) Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/7066-flash-in-the-pan-the-anticipation-topic/#findComment-105148
tv echo June 19, 2014 Share June 19, 2014 (edited) I think Stephen Amell is doing a great job on Arrow as Oliver Queen - a character who has suffered through 5 years of trauma and learned to suppress his emotions and hide his true self. But everyone's entitled to his or her own opinion. I'm looking forward to The Flash and am trying to keep an open mind past the familiar character descriptions. Edited June 19, 2014 by tv echo 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/7066-flash-in-the-pan-the-anticipation-topic/#findComment-140735
catrox14 June 19, 2014 Share June 19, 2014 (edited) parents watch Arrow so I catch bits and pieces of it and I'm amazed that this far into the series, Arnell's acting hasn't improved one bit. That is dedication. Or a true lack of talent. Either one. I think it's not really an apt comparison of their skills sets because Amell (A-M-E-L-L) and Gustin are are playing very different types of characters. Amell is playing a PTSD ridden man, who holds himself in check because he must, is pretending at times to be happy when he's not, has some anger issues, keeps some massive secrets and is trying to reintegrate into his family that thought he was dead, and save the city. He's not the young.eager beaver brainiac character that we saw in the Flash backdoor pilot in Arrow. I think Amell is doing terrific work playing all the aspects of Oliver Queen with aplomb. And I think Gustin will prove to be a capable Barry Allen/Flash. Both are talented actors. ETA: I thought Gustin and Amell had a fun semi-friendly antagonistic dynamic in the Flash episode. Edited June 19, 2014 by catrox14 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/7066-flash-in-the-pan-the-anticipation-topic/#findComment-141197
FurryFury June 19, 2014 Share June 19, 2014 I don't think Amell is particularly bad, but he's nothing to write home about, too. He doesn't take me out of the show in his scenes and has an OK screen presence, so there's that. My problem with Oliver is the writing, which has, in many ways, ruined the character for me, mostly the lack of humor and way too many love interests, including the notorious sister-swapping. Flash doesn't have this baggage, and I find the main actor much more charming than Amell anyway (maybe partly because I like that character type more, I dunno), not to mention I can at least hope there'll be less male power fantasy with constant semi-random hook-ups and romances, because Barry's not a womanizer. I do fear a lot for Iris, though. The writers of Arrow have apparently still not realized how much they had failed with Laurel, so who says they won't repeat that mistake? 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/7066-flash-in-the-pan-the-anticipation-topic/#findComment-141883
aradia22 June 19, 2014 Share June 19, 2014 Amell is playing a PTSD ridden man, who holds himself in check because he must, is pretending at times to be happy when he's not, has some anger issues, keeps some massive secrets and is trying to reintegrate into his family that thought he was dead, and save the city. He's not the young.eager beaver brainiac character that we saw in the Flash backdoor pilot in Arrow. YMMV but I think he has dead-eyes and terrible line delivery. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/7066-flash-in-the-pan-the-anticipation-topic/#findComment-141884
Isabelle June 20, 2014 Share June 20, 2014 My problem with Oliver is the writing, which has, in many ways, ruined the character for me, mostly the lack of humor and way too many love interests, including the notorious sister-swapping. I have to admit that I found myself disliking Oliver after season 2 ended. I have no problem with Stephen Amell's acting but the writing for his character has been really disappointing lately. I still can't believe he tried to have a relationship with Sara again. I wish Felicity was guest starring in the pilot instead of Oliver. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/7066-flash-in-the-pan-the-anticipation-topic/#findComment-142399
The Crazed Spruce June 20, 2014 Share June 20, 2014 Y'know, I'm thinking this conversation is better suited for the Arrow forums, wouldn't you agree? 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/7066-flash-in-the-pan-the-anticipation-topic/#findComment-142878
JTMacc99 June 23, 2014 Share June 23, 2014 The CW sent out some DVDs with episode one of a couple of their new shows for the fall. I grabbed The Flash. I'll report back with non-spoiler opinions for you all after I watch it. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/7066-flash-in-the-pan-the-anticipation-topic/#findComment-148869
slayer2 June 25, 2014 Share June 25, 2014 The CW sent out some DVDs with episode one of a couple of their new shows for the fall. I grabbed The Flash. I'll report back with non-spoiler opinions for you all after I watch it.Lucky duck! Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/7066-flash-in-the-pan-the-anticipation-topic/#findComment-154425
ottoDbusdriver June 25, 2014 Share June 25, 2014 The CW sent out some DVDs with episode one of a couple of their new shows for the fall. I grabbed The Flash. I'll report back with non-spoiler opinions for you all after I watch it. FYI -- there's already a thread for the leaked pilot. http://forums.previously.tv/topic/9709-early-pilot-reviews/#entry154440 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/7066-flash-in-the-pan-the-anticipation-topic/#findComment-154569
tv echo July 12, 2014 Share July 12, 2014 (edited) Moved to Media thread... Edited July 12, 2014 by tv echo Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/7066-flash-in-the-pan-the-anticipation-topic/#findComment-194019
The Crazed Spruce July 12, 2014 Share July 12, 2014 I'd say the Media thread is more appropriate. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/7066-flash-in-the-pan-the-anticipation-topic/#findComment-194084
Trini October 3, 2014 Share October 3, 2014 I couldn't tell you any details, but I remember watching the original Flash series as a kid. I like Grant and how he's playing Barry Allen from what I've seen on Arrow. Looks like they're going all out with the superhero stuff (costumes, effects, etc.) and I hope it lives up to the hype. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/7066-flash-in-the-pan-the-anticipation-topic/#findComment-435007
blackwing October 6, 2014 Share October 6, 2014 Think I'm skipping this one unless I hear really great things about it. Saw more commercials, thinking they would have made some adjustments, but nope. The actor playing the Flash still looks very much like a goober. Supposed to be the lead actor, looks and acts more like a goofy nerdy sidekick. I wasn't impressed with the two actual sidekicks they brought onto Arrow late last season either. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/7066-flash-in-the-pan-the-anticipation-topic/#findComment-442461
FurryFury October 7, 2014 Share October 7, 2014 (edited) Supposed to be the lead actor, looks and acts more like a goofy nerdy sidekick. Funny, this is one of the reasons I'm kinda interested in the show. A welcome change of pace. I'm really tired of your scruffy, man-painy guys in their late 20s to late 30s who are struggling to overcome the weight of their past decisions, failed relationships and daddy issues. Give me more variety. Edited October 7, 2014 by FurryFury 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/7066-flash-in-the-pan-the-anticipation-topic/#findComment-444950
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