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Syndication Edits: "I am devastated, just devastated!"

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Not sure if this counts as a syndication edit as I believe the reason given for the edit was that the masters were damaged, but the scene that explains why there isn’t a microwave in the house after Blanche gets her pacemaker. I don’t even remember it because I’ve only seen it once on YouTube: 

Edited by link417
Damn iPhone.
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On 3/5/2018 at 9:56 PM, link417 said:

Not sure if this counts as a syndication edit as I believe the reason given for the edit was that the masters were damaged, but the scene that explains why there isn’t a microwave in the house after Blanche gets her pacemaker. I don’t even remember it because I’ve only seen it once on YouTube: 

Wow thanks for posting this, I don't think I've ever seen the beginning about the microwave, and it certainly makes the popcorn joke at the end much funnier!

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On 4/29/2018 at 10:31 PM, mmecorday said:

I'm almost ready to give up watching this show in syndication because when I watch my DVDs, I am always so amazed by just how much is cut from the episodes on TVLand and Hallmark. In "Joust Between Friends," Sophia has an hilarious exchange with Blanche's boss at the museum. He tells her that he wants to show her his two Gauguins and she thinks he's coming onto her. "My husband didn't even show me his Gauguins!" she retorts in absolute disgust. Also, what she says to the Hare Krishna at the airport in "Twas the Nightmare Before Christmas" is hysterical. "Beat it, chrome-dome! And while you're at it, get a job! Get a suit! And get on your knees and beg your mother's forgiveness!" All he did was offer her a flower!

The editing is bad. In a recent episode on Hallmark (I think) they cut out a bit with Sophia dressed as a pirate for her new job - the scene looked choppy to me, so I checked on Hulu and there was a whole part with Sophia about to leave for the job that was cut.

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The other problem is that they have to cut the show off due to the number of commercials that are run today versus when the show originally aired. It drives me crazy when they are still talking but the music to go to commercial starts to play. 

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It's been forever since I have watched my DVDs. I just watch the episodes on Hallmark, Logo, or TV Land.  BUT, I'm going to need to drag out my DVDs because someone was quoting Blanche the other day and for the life of me, I can't remember her saying it.  Anyone remember what episode it was where Blanche says, "Crying is for plain women; pretty women go shopping"?

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I just watched the episode with the guy who was afraid to leave his apartment. In the end, Dorothy says she'll be glad to drive him to counseling and will even listen to 8-tracks. But they cut the line where she says they'll have to take Rose's car, which changes the mood of the joke.

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On 6/28/2017 at 6:21 PM, ButterQueen said:

I've seen Blanche and Jake at the dive bar on Hallmark, but it seems they change up the editing quite often.  

I wonder why Lifetime gave up this gem?

I have been watching the reruns since they have been on and can't stop watching, Im a GG addict but I have NEVER seen Blanche and Jake in a dive bar, is that for real or a joke??

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4 hours ago, Miranda said:

Im a GG addict but I have NEVER seen Blanche and Jake in a dive bar, is that for real or a joke??

It's the "romantic little diner that serves a lot of my recipes" that Jake referenced when Blanche hits on him.  Hulu has all the episodes without any of the edits so the scene can be found there.

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1 hour ago, scarynikki12 said:

It's the "romantic little diner that serves a lot of my recipes" that Jake referenced when Blanche hits on him.  Hulu has all the episodes without any of the edits so the scene can be found there.

DAMN Lifetime and TVland!!! I knew they did alotta cutting but never knew that much...I!!! I want to see that scene! I have been Golden Girls obsessed since they first started!! All for commercials!😡😡😡

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20 hours ago, Miranda said:

DAMN Lifetime and TVland!!! I knew they did alotta cutting but never knew that much...I!!! I want to see that scene! I have been Golden Girls obsessed since they first started!! All for commercials!😡😡😡

It's really not a long scene, but it is rather important to the storyline in setting up why Blanche decides she and Jake are not meant for each other.  The place is filthy with bad service, broken tables, etc.  Jake slurps his chowder out of the bowl without a spoon with his elbows on the table and Blanche is disgusted.

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27 minutes ago, BigBingerBro said:

It's really not a long scene, but it is rather important to the storyline in setting up why Blanche decides she and Jake are not meant for each other.  The place is filthy with bad service, broken tables, etc.  Jake slurps his chowder out of the bowl without a spoon with his elbows on the table and Blanche is disgusted.

It does sound important and still peeved I've never seen it!! I am still watching the girls..Im addicted bad to that show! On TVland they are 35 mins for even more commercials...😡😡😡 Jake was totally one of the beat looking men Blanche ever dated so I never quite got her dumping him other than he wasn't rich and I supppse she was after money.

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On 3/3/2019 at 9:13 AM, BigBingerBro said:

It's really not a long scene, but it is rather important to the storyline in setting up why Blanche decides she and Jake are not meant for each other.  The place is filthy with bad service, broken tables, etc.  Jake slurps his chowder out of the bowl without a spoon with his elbows on the table and Blanche is disgusted.

I just saw that scene on YouTube!! I can't believe a scene that crucial to the story was cut out!!! I have been watching reruns since the show ended and now I wonder how many other important scenes have been cut!! Peeves me!!

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In the hurricane/telethon episode, I hate that they edit out one scene when Rose starts playing the "never thought I'd grow a hair there" song. In the original, she starts playing, and then Blanche interrupts her with the $50 pledge. What gets edited is Rose saying "Let's go the board and see how much we have!" Blanche then gestures towards the board which brings up a grand total of...$50. Then Rose starts playing again, and gets interrupted again by another $50 pledge if she will stop singing, which of course is Sophia calling.  But they never show that first bit anymore and just go straight to Sophia's call, which isn't as funny to me. Anyway...

Another one I miss is in the ep where Blanche learns she has menopause. They leave out the bit where she gets back from the Doctor, and Rose and Dorothy ask what did the doctor say. Blanche then goes "Say?!? Say?!?" before running off to her room. It was a hysterical call back to earlier in the episode when Dorothy says Blanche must be feeling better, and Blanche, thinking she's pregnant, exclaims "Better?!? Better?!?"  Now they just come back from commercial and Blanche is already running off to her room.

All the edits seem to be the same these days, no matter which channel I'm watching.

Edited by Giuseppe
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In the episode with Rose's blind sister, Sophia made a heartfelt speech about being grateful to Dorothy for forcing her to get better again after her stroke. All of a sudden, it cut to laughter from the audience which was horribly out of place. I assume there was a wisecrack after the speech. Does anyone know what was cut? 

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After the speech, Dorothy thanks her, and Sophia says, "I only have one question.  Now that I'm better, why do you still scream and holler at me?"  (And then Rose says, "I'm not sure what was best for you is best for Lily," they all continue talking about what Rose should do, and Sophia's final wisecrack is, "But after all is said and done, I would sell Dorothy to the gypsies to get that bedroom.")

2 hours ago, Snow Apple said:

In the episode with Rose's blind sister, Sophia made a heartfelt speech about being grateful to Dorothy for forcing her to get better again after her stroke. All of a sudden, it cut to laughter from the audience which was horribly out of place. I assume there was a wisecrack after the speech. Does anyone know what was cut? 

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28 minutes ago, Bastet said:

After the speech, Dorothy thanks her, and Sophia says, "I only have one question.  Now that I'm better, why do you still scream and holler at me?"  (And then Rose says, "I'm not sure what was best for you is best for Lily," they all continue talking about what Rose should do, and Sophia's final wisecrack is, "But after all is said and done, I would sell Dorothy to the gypsies to get that bedroom.")

Thank you. They sure love to cut important bits, don't they?

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They also always seems to cut out a scene from that episode where Lily crosses the living room and the girls all have to scramble to move things out of her way.  I hate that they leave this out as it adds to the storyline that she can't live by herself. (aside from the grease fire)

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One edit that I remember and only found out it was an edit recently was when the show was on Lifetime. I watched it to get to "The Nanny" but ended up getting into it a little bit but it didn't take off until recently. Anyway, when it was on Lifetime, they cut the song down. Because when I started watching again from the DVDs, they have the whole song. I literally only just found out about this a year ago. It makes me wonder what else I missed.

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I started watching the episodes on Hulu while Hallmark ran their endless Christmas movies. There are so many lines that I can’t ever remember hearing before. It’s such a joy to watch a full episode without those horrible edits often right in the middle of a scene. 

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30 minutes ago, chessiegal said:

I usually watch on Logo or TVLand - are their edits just as bad?

TVLand is probably the least of the offenders.  Hallmark censors content (including the word "butt") in addition to cutting for time, but is overall not much worse than TVLand.  Logo, though, I find unwatchable unless it's my only option to see something; between the cuts and the utterly stupid and unnatural places they insert the commercial breaks, I find myself perpetually frustrated.

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Hallmark censors content (including the word "butt") in addition to cutting for time,

Hallmark also bleeps out Jesus when the Lord's name is used in vain. As when Blanche finds out that because of the hurricane they could be trapped inside for days and she says, "Oh, Jesus!" She is also dressed as a nun at the time.

Hallmark is done with Christmas for at least another six weeks so GG is back on in the mornings.

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I have been watching the Hallmark morning marathons and I so agree that the editing or lack there of, is sooo much better.  I never knew there was a scene in the episode where Sofia gets lost after her hernia operation and she's in the elevator.  She meets an orderly who is wheeling another gunshot wound patient and she thinks she's in heaven and they are angels.  For as many times I've seen that episode, this was the first time I saw that scene.   Also, at one point they muted Dorothy saying Bitch.

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Apparently Hallmark thinks Sophia saying "I was blowing my breasts, Rose" sounds dirty, so they totally take that line out and make it look like Rose is reacting to Sophia finding her lucky handkerchief in her bra.

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On 1/9/2020 at 6:33 PM, Gillian Rosh said:

I think Hallmark also edits out "ass" (as in, "I don't want to have 15 people in my garage trying to knock 10 cents off your "I Lost My A** in Vegas" cup!")

For years, I had no idea what that line meant because I thought Blanche was saying “your ‘I Lost My ”Ock” in Vegas’ cup” 🥴

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I've always wondered if there is a missing scene that is perhaps edited out in syndication is this episode:

S5 Ep 22 - Cheaters

The main plot it Dororthy getting back with Glen OBrian, but the B-plot is Sophia and Blanche being scammed at the mall. They each put up $1000 and lose it to the scammers. Sophia got the money from Dorothy's account. Later in the episode, Sophia refers to Dorothy's reaction when she told her what happened Yet we never see that moment. Was a scene where Sophia confessed to Dorothy edited out???

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6 hours ago, BigBingerBro said:

Later in the episode, Sophia refers to Dorothy's reaction when she told her what happened Yet we never see that moment. Was a scene where Sophia confessed to Dorothy edited out???

I don't think so.  We see Sophia tell Rose (right after she and Blanche had agreed never to tell anyone), but when Dorothy comes home the conversation is all about Glen.  Cut to that night, when Dorothy can't sleep thinking about his proposal, and that's when Sophia references Dorothy's response to Sophia's confession.  The conversation itself was not shown.

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3 hours ago, greekmom said:

Watched it on Prime.  All the episodes are there except for Season 3, episode 23 - Mixed Blessings where Dorothy's son Michael marries an older African-American woman. 

That's because Rose and Blanche appear in blackface (mud masks, about which a joke is made).

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