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S13.E38: 3 Finalists Perform

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The Top 3 finalists (Alex Preston, Caleb Johnson and Jena Irene) travel to their hometowns to visit friends and family. Later, they each perform three songs: one selected by the judges, one picked by Randy Jackson and one chosen by fans from their hometowns.
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Not only did Randy choose INXS, he chose a 20+ year old song to show how Caleb will be relevant today.  Heh.  I guess compared to the seventies classic rock and eighties hair band stuff, that's true.

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Not only did Randy choose INXS, he chose a 20+ year old song to show how Caleb will be relevant today.  Heh.  I guess compared to the seventies classic rock and eighties hair band stuff, that's true.



When Randy said he wanted a current song to show that Caleb could be relevant in today's music market I thought "great, I want to hear him sing something current" ...... and then he pulls out INXS.  I guess Randy must have a TARDIS and think it is 1988.

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**blinks*** Okay did I miss something? Did anybody else think something was seriously wrong with Alex's first performance? I was getting the flop sweats for him out here in Florida. It looked like he totally forgot the lyrics and he also messed up the timing on the song when he was playing the drum. The judges were kindly acting like nothing was wrong and Alex seemed to think he did a good job. But I rolled it back and it looked like a big old FUBAR for a few seconds there. 


Even half voiced Caleb did a pretty good job tonight - I thought his falsetto sounded good on the first two songs because he wasn't full blown screaming. 

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There was an awkward pause during the first Alex performance, but he more than made up for it with the drum section.  I thought it was really good to see him energized up on stage.  And he also slung the guitar behind his back and interacted with the crowd a touch.  I was waiting for him to lose his voice a bit with all of that movement, but he seemed to hold up alright.


Caleb's really going for the sympathy, now isn't he?  But he sure managed to dig deep for the Led Zeppelin.  (Didn't doubt him until then...) I thought it interesting that Alex threw in how all three of them are under the weather after the weekend home.  I can believe it with Alex -- Saturday was in the 40s and raining, Sunday was in the 70s and sunny.  Schizophrenic freaking spring.


Jena's mom was certainly ready for her closeup when Jena revealed the Judges' Choice.  She was more done up than Jena.  I liked how the camera kept trying to crop her from the shot of the song reveal on the couch.

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Aw, flashbacks of Kelly, Clay, Daughtry, Carrie, Cookie, Fantasia …… sigh, I miss the days when this show was about the contestants and the contestants could actually sing and sing well.


What the hell was with the pink stripe on Randy’s jacket cuff and hem?


I appreciate the questions Harry asked each contestant about what kind of artist they want to be and what their concert performances would be like.  Caleb said he wanted to perform original songs, does he write and if so, why haven’t we heard any of them yet?


Hey y’all, did you know Caleb was sick and his voice was damaged?  I mean he was really, really sick you guys, so much so they had to bring a doctor on stage to clear him for singing.  Thank goodness Caleb has super powers and was able to overcome this tragic turn of events and shout, I mean perform for us. 


So Alex and Jena were sick too and no one mentions it except for Alex who says all three are battling the sickness that’s been going around.  Where’s the doctor for Alex and Jena?  Where are the kudos for singing while sick?


I can’t stand the fact that the judges and Ryan mentioned Caleb’s sickness before every song and during each judging segment.  Sheesh,

[Chandler Bing voice] could the show be any more obvious? [/Chandler Bing voice]. 


That Selfie song needs to die a painful death – I did notice that Jennifer did not go down to the audience for her selfie shots; she took the camera, snapped a shot of herself and handed it back.  Speaking of Jennifer, please, you are a gorgeous woman, stop with the asymmetrical hemlines and sequence overkill.


So let me get this straight Randy, your idea of current is to give Caleb an INXS song?  Okay then.  Caleb was flat for a good portion of the song and once again I felt he totally missed the emotional nuances of the song.  I really wish he would do something other than shout an entire song only to end on a big note; make use of the voice modulation that Harry keeps harping on (most notably with Sam and sometimes Alex).  I think we’ve found Caleb’s kryptonite; he can’t sing anything that isn’t belted at full volume and/or a classic 80s rock song as witnessed by the disaster of the Imagine Dragons song; it was shaky, out of tune, and missing the passion.  I wasn’t impressed with Dazed and Confused the first time and I am still not impressed (except for the band which was phenomenal).  The entire performance felt contrived and scripted right down to the mike stand throwing/banging. 


When I watch but don’t listen I’m entertained, however when I listen with my eyes closed I don’t find anything interesting, unique or pleasurable about Caleb’s singing voice.   The problem I have with Caleb is that he brings nothing new to any song he performs; he is a really good cover artist and that’s it.  That’s great if he wants to be a bar band or lead a tribute band; not so much for getting radio play.  And no, Jennifer no; that was not a “moment” for Caleb it was a moment for the band.  The only contestant who had a “moment” tonight was Alex with Stay.


Colored me surprised, I thought that the Bastille song for an Alex was an inspired choice.  Alex started a little shaky and a little sharp but I thought he got it under control pretty quickly.  I like how he changed just enough of the song to be uniquely Alex yet maintained the driving beat.   I loved Alex’s rendition of Stay, it was understated yet gorgeous (and too got goosebumps).  I’m not a One Direction fan, however I do like Story of My Life.  It can’t be easy to sing a song as a solo artist that is meant for a group; that being said I really enjoyed the performance.  It was strong, in tune, and beautifully sung – I’m disappointed that the judges gave it such a lukewarm reception. 


Jena and Titanium; no, just no.  While I always thought her voice was interesting this was downright unpleasant  to listen to.   I can’t believe Jennifer Lopez was the only judge to call Jena out on the shaky vocals and poor lower register.  I think Jena is getting worse as the season goes on.  I couldn’t hear the first half of Heart Attack; the sound mixing was really off.  I heard the second half of the song and it sounded mostly okay – I don’t know that song that well but I don’t remember that many runs in it.  Jena is a mixed bag for me; there are times when I find her voice interesting and intriguing and I want to hear more.  Unfortunately there are times when sharp, shouty, and marble mouth which makes her very unpleasant to listen to.  I do think there is a lot of raw potential there; she needs a good vocal coach to help with her annunciation and breath control – I think that might help a lot of her issues; though with a glut of pop princesses out there, I’m not sure if there’s a place for her in an already saturated market.


For me, Alex was the winner of the night with Stay far and away being the highlight performance.  Jena had a mixed night; I didn’t like Titanium but thought she was great on Creep (she really is much better at the piano).  Caleb was saved from a disastrous night through copious reminders of his illness and a killer band performance on Dazed and Confused.


I just hope Alex makes it through and if I had to choose, I’d pick Jena over Caleb because her voice is interesting (though it does need a bit of work) and I find it intriguing.

Edited by OakGoblinFly
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Seeing the other contestants from this season again was bizarre.  I didn't remember half of their names.  I imagine it was quite exhausting living with Malaya -- she just never turns it off, now does she?


JLo has chosen her winner, America take note!

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The hypocrisy of the judges continuing to mention Caleb's sickness then them saying "but you shouldn't point it out you should just perform like nothing" had my slowly bashing my head against a wall.

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Okay, completely circumventing the actual reason for American Idol, did anyone else notice Keith stealing covert glances at the JLo bresticles during Dazed and Confused?  No?  Okay, my prurience.  But check out 0:31, 0:58, 1:14.  Oh and for good measure, check out JLo's tassel-less tassel moves during one of her "does the camera ever look anywhere else but at me?" moments at ~1:16.



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I was strangely fixated on Jena's ill-fitting white pants during her first performance. It was like a diaper with legs.

I thought she'd put her pants on backwards. Isn't that what the young people are doing? Speaking of ill-fitting clothes, did the Idol doc not know he was going to be on TV when he put on that skin-tight t-shirt and track pants? Um, Dr. Oz could pull off that outfit, but you, Sir, are no Dr. Oz.

I'm furious at all the attention given to Caleb's illness. No telling how many sympathy votes that captured him.

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I was strangely fixated on Jena's ill-fitting white pants during her first performance. It was like a diaper with legs.



That seems to be a thing now ...... I've seen kids at the mall wear them and I don't like it.

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Not impressed. I think I liked Alex the best but what was up dressing him up like a banana?

I was not impressed with ANY of their stylist's choices tonight at all. But poor Alex really got slammed into that "he's quirky let's make him stand out even more as a horse of a different color!" Even his home visit clothes were awful.

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I was not impressed with ANY of their stylist's choices tonight at all. But poor Alex really got slammed into that "he's quirky let's make him stand out even more as a horse of a different color!" Even his home visit clothes were awful.



I thought Jena looked quite stunning in her last outfit ...... I do agree about the choices for poor Alex; is that just his own weird, quirky, odd sense of fashion or does he get dressed in the dark?

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I admit I wasn't looking at the tv for the last performance. (I was watching my Bruins lose.) Alas...

Watching the old idol winners on video was bizarre. They really dusted off Lee DeWyze for this?

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I think the "Caleb is sick" moments were for viewers just tuning in. They might be wondering what was up with no full out screeching. But if I recall from previous AI seasons, all the contestants come back from hometowns looking and sounding exhausted.

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That was way more entertaining than most Top 3 nights, possibly because I don't have a favorite. 


I was strangely intrigued by Caleb's first 2 songs, which he couldn't shout and which were NOT classic rock. I'm trying to remember when in the past they had the doctor come on stage to verify that 'yup, (s)he's really sick'- Lauren Alaina, maybe?


Jena's first song was rough, but I kind of liked 'Heart Attack', and 'Creep' was actually better/more controlled than the first time she did it. I like this girl, she has a genuine quality that shines through all the styling and affected pronounciations and all the rest. I don't know that she'll win, but I think she could do something on radio-if only she didn't have that awful name. 'Jena Irene' is dumb, and 'Jena Asciutto' is impossible.


Alex was very good on 'Stay', and I loved seeing him drumming, but the reprise seemed kind of perfunctory- maybe I'm just bored with that song. His hometown may have hurt him with that choice. I have to say, tonight was the most personality we've seen from him all season. 






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I think the "off" thing people were noticing during Alex's first song was that the second mic by the drum was not on, so he was singing, but we couldn't hear the first few words.  I distinctly thought to myself, wow if that was Caleb or Jeena, the judges would have shat on the tech crew.  

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Wow yikes-a-doodle-doo to Jehna's bitchface that she was rockin' during the applause for Caleb's first song.


Why was Randy wearing a window treatment?


Liked the song choice, Titanium; HATED the performance. Omg just no.


Question: When will those fucking diaper pants be over already? No one looks good in them.  No. One.


Agree, Mrs.M if the audio monkeys had committed that atrocity that "happened" (was it deliberate? me wonders) with Alex's mic during the beloved Jehna's (or Caleb's) number, heads would be rolling as we speak.


Caleb got the "he's super sick; Here's a real Dr. fah realz to vouch for it; but Caleb's been instructed not to bring it up, so we have to -  so we will - several times... in case ya missed it" edit.

Edited by ari333
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When they brought out the doctor it reminded me of the S10 finale when the same thing happened to Lauren Alaina. They should have just not said anything at all. For the most part you could tell nothing was wrong, except in some places when he tried to go full blast and couldn't. Then we would have all just assumed maybe he was tired or ill. No need to mention it 5,000 times throughout the show. All it does is draw more attention to the problem. And at this stage in the game, it could be seen as a ploy for sympathy votes.


That being said...


The song choices overall were great tonight. There were a couple clunkers but overall good. I liked Harry's questions for each of them. It's what most viewers have been asking all season long, like what kind of album would Caleb make, what would Alex's concerts be like, etc.


Caleb- In spite of the illness, he still sounded superb. As JLo said, he sounds better on his worst days than most people do on their best days. I don't care if people think all he would make is a good bar band singer or a cover band singer- the man has pipes. He has showmanship. He writes his own songs. Harry asked him what kind of record he would make and he answered. I, and I'm sure many others, would go out and buy that record. Clearly, if he's made it this far without ever reaching B3, then people must be liking what he brings to the table. At the very least, you can't say he didn't give it 100% tonight, doing the best he could under the circumstances. He really gave it his all


Alex- The first 2 performances were good, Stay was probably his best. I liked when he did Story of My Life in Top 10 week, but tonight his voice sounded shot by the end. His vocal sounded weak to me. Even though I think he was okay, I don't think he'll reach the finale. I think he's good at what he does but he can be boring and he does the same thing all the time. Not once the whole season (except in a few group performances) did he ever let go of the guitar. Only tonight did he finally feature a new instrument for a change. I think for the finale people want to see something exciting and Alex doesn't really fit that mold


Jena- I liked Jena's first and third songs but the second was just horrible. They should have given her a different Demi song like Give Your Heart A Break or Made in the USA. Heart Attack is just one of those songs that's like impossible to sing live. It sounded a mess. I was actually impressed at her ability to hit the high notes in Titanium and Creep tonight without sounding shrill for once


I think Alex will be going home tomorrow night, simply because he's just not a very "exciting" performer and people want to see exciting for the finale. 


- The JLo closeups tonight really irritated me, even more than usual. WTH was she doing during Dazed and Confused? SO sick of seeing the obnoxious chair dancing


- Randy surprisingly, at least I thought, chose good songs tonight. I don't think Randy was ever cut out for mentoring or judging but he knows music. He just doesn't know how to convey anything useful to the contestants

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Just some random thoughts on this horrible night:


The hometown visits used to be a bigger deal. Is there over-saturation of this?


Randy's jacket was annoying to figure out.


P2 still can't cobble together a sentence of over 12 words.


Early Clay makes Alex look like a GQ model.


My guy walked by while JENA was doing her thing, and asked why she gets to sing in her native language and everybody else has to use English.


Caleb made me yearn for Bo Bice and Adam Lambert.


Ryan doesn't age.


JLo needs to learn that God gave her that big ass as a hint to sit down.


I didn't remember most of the Top 13 from this season. And I've watched the whole thing.


The movie ad with Tom Cruise came right after the picture of Nicole Kidman. Gross.


I forgot who Candice was.


There was a doctor once before for someone....complete with stethoscope or some such prop. The scrubs were stupid...like he just came for the ER.


I was waiting for them to all start smushing that cake in each other's faces, like a redneck wedding.


The songs were all boring.

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Why did they only mention poor, poor Caweb's illness when all of them had been down for the count?  No, it didn't bring out any feelings of pity for him.  He's still an arrogant ass suffering foot in mouth.   Why did they call Caleb's trying to trash the mic an "Idol moment" when it was really just a stupid and contrived faux rock star move?  


Why does Keith say JENA#$% has an endless range when she has shown time and again that she has little to no lower range and has gone screechy and shouty in her upper range?  Why am I not seeing and hearing the STAR&%#  potential with her that they see?  And why do the stylists hate JENA#$% most of all.  Those pants were...just NO!


And why has no one, in all these weeks, told Alex to" just roll the fucking pant legs down dude"?  He's not cute enough to have that not be a distraction.  [PipeDream]He would still be my pick to win though[/PipeDream].


These and more questions will haunt my dreams tonight.  Why can I not quit this show?

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JLo went a tad too far for me when she was doing that humping, grinding dance with her O face on during... IDK what song it was of Caleb's.


Omg... and Urban kept looking at her breasts-tah-sez.  Not once in glancing... kept LOOKING. Just take a picture.... or an effing selfie. GAG. 


And frankly, I wish they'd both sit the hell down. Jesus, Mary, Joseph, the wise men, the shepherds,  and the donkey. [/tm Kathy Griffin]  for the love of God, sit the hell down already.  

Edited by ari333
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Harry's wife is way hotter than Nicole Kidman, on a bad taste note.  

Did anyone notice when Caleb yelled out that the Mayor was hot, and she said: I am smart too.  She didn't look happy with that but what can you do?  I doubt he is sick, I think he partied and sang and screamed his heart out and then had a cross country flight back and is exhausted.

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Oh Ari ...


Flashing back to my Irish Catholic dad Jesus, Mary and Joseph-ing stuff in my youth.  He's been gone for almost ten years, so I'll raise a glass of the single malt to him with this.... And he's a native New England-er, so he'd be all out for our NH boy.


And yes, we are talking about Jill Goodacre for Harry's wife.  A little six degrees tonight -- using a Chandler Bing voice with Jill Goodacre's husband?

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I wasn’t impressed with Dazed and Confused the first time and I am still not impressed (except for the band which was phenomenal).  The entire performance felt contrived and scripted right down to the mike stand throwing/banging. 


Thank you. That's another thing that bothers me about Caleb. The stomping around and falling down and the mike stand stuff doesn't feel natural. It doesn't feel like he feels that emotion there. He's just rehearsed those moves in those spots. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, throw the mike stand. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, fall to the ground. And so on. And maybe that's how all performers do, but when I watch concert video of Queen, I can't tell that Freddie Mercury rehearsed those moves in exactly that way. It doesn't look like he's crossing the stage because it's his cue to do so but because that's what he feels at the moment. Caleb seems to me like he's following cues, not feeling the performance. Maybe he needs acting lessons.

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Caleb has some real issues with his voice so I'm fine with the heads up.  I think he was really good (not great) tonight despite it.  Jena was Jena.  She has a good range but the diction kills it.  We keep trying to get my 13 year old into the show.  She's a huge Demi Lovato fan so when Jena did Heart Attack we expected her to run in but she didn't acknowledge it until half way through when she said it sounded familiar.  She didn't even recognize it until the chorus when it sounded somewhat familiar.  Her only stake in Idol now is to see Jena go home.  I'm rooting for Alex but I don't think he wants this.  He was awful on the first song.  The second was one of my favorites of the season but tonight it was really off.  He is much more creative than they will let him be if he wins.  He will go home and be glad he did.  It will be the battle of 2 finalists that couldn't shine the shoes of former contestants.

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That's a problem, too, BogoGog24, particularly since the cameras still seem to miss big stuff (probably because they're too busy showing Jennifer Lopez). Seems like the camera operators and the director (? whoever is in the control booth telling which cameras go live at which point) ought to be good enough to deal with a little spontaneity. But even if they can't, I shouldn't be able to tell the difference.


I guess the good news for me is that at least Caleb didn't try to sound too much like Robert Plant. I'd still rather listen to INXS or Led Zeppelin do those songs, though. I wish at least on the final three show, each contestant got to do an original song. (Jena does have some, right?)


Speaking of Jena, I have no idea what she sang. I couldn't understand any of the songs. I think one was about someone showing her down, though, and then maybe she gets up? I'm not sure. Most of the time, I couldn't even make the sounds into any words, whether or not they made sense. Was she singing in English?

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Did you know that JENA (all caps!) has an ah-may-zing range? Or is it a kill-uh range? Either way it starts off unintelligle mumbling that leads to gargled/swallowed words, to now I have a lisp, and ends with shrieking being the top of her ah-may-zing (albeit endless according to Mr Kidman) range. The masses are buying it so who am I to argue this? Plus she's your next American Idol. Whatevs. 


Tonight was basically S.O.S. - different week. They all did their usual thing with the exception that zomg Caleb is sick!!! Complete with a rent a doc. Every season these contestants get sick because this show puts high demands on them just so that the ones who do the least amount of work can stay uber rich. 


Only performance I actually enjoyed was Alex performing Stay. I mildly enjoyed Pompeii. I wish he could have played more instruments during his run during the season. If he's voted out tomorrow night, I atleast will be freed up to watch the finale of The Voice (and yet I have no dog in that fight). 

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Best moment of the night: my tween walked through the living room while Caleb was singing (my beloved) INXS & asked who the guy was ruining a good song. Exactly!

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It was fun watching the clips of shows long past.  I remember most of them, and I can't believe I'm still watching this thing.    Last year was the only time I've ever stopped watching completely, and that was because the blatant manipulation to get a girl to win made for a very boring final 5.   


This season isn't the most exciting, either, but it has its bits and goodies.   If it was up to me, Alex would win.   He is more creative and has more honest musicality than the others.   I don't mind his fashion quirks.  I'd much rather watch a kind of  funny-looking singer who sings than the other two and all their stomping and yelling and arm thwacking.    I hope I get a chance to buy Alex's original music.    I really enjoy his style, which is often just plain beautiful with no need for performance embellishments. 


The good thing about Caleb's supposed sickness is that it shut him up when he was "saving his voice " between songs.    If he would keep his trap shut, he might be more tolerable, as his biggest drawback is the unchecked ego.   He has a great performance voice.  I do think he's fun to watch, but in small doses.   


JENA is just so affected  when she performs.   There are lots of little yelly girls like her who oversing everything without really paying much attention to the lyrics they're singing badly.   The Voice has one this year, too, and had another last year.    Line 'em up, and it would be hard to tell them apart.


I'm tired of being required to look at Jennifer when I should be seeing the kids perform.  




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After watching Jacquie Lee's and Christina Grimmie's performances from last night on The Voice, I actually think I like Jena way better than either one of them. They're all more or less the same age, same genre, same style and have their screeching issues, but I actually somehow prefer Jena to either one of them. Both of them just seem to have very thin voices. Jena has no lower register to speak of but sometimes she's capable of hitting the high notes without sounding like she's squeezing her larynx like the other 2. The other 2 are just painfully unbearable. And sorry but Christina, even though she's supposed be like 19 or something, looks like she's 12 but then dresses like a teenager, which I just find off-putting. As bad as Jena's styling is, I like her look way more than Christina's. If both or either of them end up winning their respective show, it'd be interesting to see how well they would do against each other. If I had to choose, I'd probably buy Jena's album over Christina's.

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My guy walked by while JENA was doing her thing, and asked why she gets to sing in her native language and everybody else has to use English.


Best description I have read this season with regards to JENA!@#$'s singing!  I just can't see her as a radio/CD artist because how would anyone ever know what she is saying? She could put out a DVD but it would have to be closed captioned. I had to look up the lyrics to Creep as I had no idea what words she was singing. As it turns out, my guesses weren't even close. Also JENA!@#$ would like to have lots of instrumental breaks in her concerts so she could go around and bathe in the adoration of the audience. I just don't see her making it far if she wins.


I would buy original stuff by Caleb (which someone posted a link to on another site), and by Alex. I have wondered all season why Caleb has never sang an original song - better than anything he has covered, IMO. I really hope Alex and Caleb make it into the final.


Keith was hilarious tonight, and loved that he had Nicole's picture beside him. Mind you Jennifer's breasts did seem to garner as much attention at times.


The only real negative of the night for me was seeing Malaya. I wonder what poor John Legend has done wrong to be saddled with her next week?

Edited by Lisin
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And here are my picks for "best of the night"--------



I was strangely fixated on Jena's ill-fitting white pants during her first performance. It was like a diaper with legs.


Not only did Randy choose INXS, he chose a 20+ year old song to show how Caleb will be relevant today.  Heh.

And last but certainly not least.........


My guy walked by while JENA was doing her thing, and asked why she gets to sing in her native language and everybody else has to use English.


Edited by 4leafclover
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Maybe I missed it but did they tell us who Caleb or Alex would be singing with on the finale?  I know they mentioned JENA@#$ would be singing with Demi Lovato when they announced the judge's pick for her was a Demi song but I don't remember if they made mention of the singers they got for the others.

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If Caleb indeed has some hemorrhaging, the man is ill.  It's totally a legit excuse.  It just is.


Now, did TPTB overdo the hell out of it?  Yup.  That is not Caleb's fault, though.


I never fail to be moved by even the most fleeting glance at Mama Elliott in the homecoming parade.  I'll forever argue that was the greatest AI moment evah.  I also really enjoyed the other flashbacks we saw.  I could definitely have done without the good wishes we saw from previous Idols. 


Keith is in big trouble with Nicole.  Yowza  :)


Jena absolutely improved her performance of Creep.  So?  It was still all wrong.


Speaking of which, the jidges screwed over Caleb with that song choice.  It forces him to go on runs which is his weakest skill.  This is not the show to ask for someone to "reach."  Dirty pool, y'all.  Very dirty.  They gave the other two songs right in their wheelhouse - as they should have.


I get Alex's artistry.  I just don't care for it.  He'd be a deserving winner.


So, if it comes down to current ability, Jena is done.  If it comes down to being current, buh bye, Caleb.  I've wanted an Alex/Caleb finale for many weeks.  I think it's gonna be Alex and Jena.

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Jena's re-tread of Creep ended up being my favorite of the night, not because I was so enthused about it, but because it was just a very meh night overall.

I don't like that Led Zeppelin song, so I skipped most of it. Caleb's voice definitely sounded strained on the other two songs and while I liked INXS as much as any other middle schooler back in the day, Randy's 20+ year old "current" song for Caleb is one of my least favorite INXS songs. Also didn't really like that Imagine Dragons song and didn't think it suited Caleb at all.

Alex's voice also sounded a bit worn out. Don't like that Pompeii song. Stay was pretty good, but kindda sleepy. SOML was better the first time he did it.

Jena's first two songs were pretty bad. Not a Demi Lovato fan and didn't like that song. Titanium is OK, but she didn't do much with it. Very played out on these shows. I thought Creep part deux was nice.

Hoping for a Jena/Caleb finale because they occasionally do songs that are interesting to me and Alex does not. Though, the finale is usually a boring mix of re-treads and horrible coronation songs, so it probably doesn't matter. I doubt tonight changed any minds as everybody pretty much did what they always do.

Glad slapout got her parade.

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In a knollish way, do you think all the Caleb is sick stuff was subtle bussing?  Probably not - there has never been a hint of subtlety about this show.   I could be an evil genius...

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I think the "off" thing people were noticing during Alex's first song was that the second mic by the drum was not on, so he was singing, but we couldn't hear the first few words.

I think you're absolutely right.  It distinctly sounded like he wasn't at the right mic, even though he was, and yes, if it had been anyone but Alex, the judges would've pointed out the problem and made sure viewers knew it wasn't the singer's fault.

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To an extent all of their performances are choreographed because of the camera blocking. 



There is (in my mind)  a huge difference between learning where to be for camera blocking and a performance that is completely scripted.  The mike throwing, falling down, and mike stand trashing had nothing to do with camera blocking; in my opinion Caleb performed those movements because (in his mind) that's what rockers "do."  It felt contrived and not organic.  Bo Bice and Adam Lambert might have carefully choreographed and rehearsed their performances, yet when they hit the stage their action never felt contrived/forced -- everything felt very natural. 

Keith was hilarious tonight, and loved that he had Nicole's picture beside him. Mind you Jennifer's breasts did seem to garner as much attention at times.



Every time the lights hit Jennifer I was so afraid that we were going to a little "extra" --- the dress didn't seem to be lined and that was a rather, erm, unfortunate choice for wearing under the bright studio lights.

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If Caleb indeed has some hemorrhaging, the man is ill.  It's totally a legit excuse.  It just is.

Now, did TPTB overdo the hell out of it?  Yup.  That is not Caleb's fault, though.

Thank you. A hemorrhage on a vocal cord is worse than "being sick" (as in I got a cold and I'm hoarse or I've overused my voice from yelling).


One of my dogs started howling during the "Selfie" song. I don't know if it was the flashing lights, the music or all the people running around - or the combination.


I too was glad Slapout got her hometown parade. It broke my heart a little last week when she went home so I was glad to see her get recognized. 

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