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S05.E03: Sleeping Giants

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That was better than I expected after the first two episodes, although a lot of the dialogue was hard to understand because of background noise (or maybe I'm just getting old). Still not sure what happened with the prison/mining ship, but it looks like some of the prisoners staged a rebellion against the guards and crew soon after waking up and they kept alive one crew member (the lieutenant) presumably to help with the ship. But then why didn't the prisoners who took over wake up the rest of the prisoners?

Best (or worst) moment may have been when Raven told John there was no escape pod, and his reaction.

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I like the show best when the original 100 kids-now-adults are sharing scenes together like they were tonight.  If they're going to keep Raven/John up in the station, then I won't be as inclined to watch.  

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1 hour ago, Paloma said:

That was better than I expected after the first two episodes, although a lot of the dialogue was hard to understand because of background noise (or maybe I'm just getting old). Still not sure what happened with the prison/mining ship, but it looks like some of the prisoners staged a rebellion against the guards and crew soon after waking up and they kept alive one crew member (the lieutenant) presumably to help with the ship. But then why didn't the prisoners who took over wake up the rest of the prisoners?

Best (or worst) moment may have been when Raven told John there was no escape pod, and his reaction.

A lot of the dialogue was hard to hear.  Especially the stuff where they with listening to the transmission when Clarke was being pursued. 

I've got two guesses on why some are still in cryo.  First, they probably have limited supplies to let everyone out of cryo.  The other is the talk about not letting them "weaponinze the cargo" from the captain before they killed him.  My guess is that the sleeping prisoners are not easy to control.  They may have profiled who got to wake up.  The one guy they did wake happened to be a guy that would wake up and kill anyone he comes across and it takes three people to put him down,  I kind of doubt that he'd have stopped to check if they were fellow prisoners. They clearly knew enough about him to make him the security procedure for trespassers.

Murphy had a lot of good moments this episode, but that was a great one. 

1 hour ago, MostlyC said:

I like the show best when the original 100 kids-now-adults are sharing scenes together like they were tonight.  If they're going to keep Raven/John up in the station, then I won't be as inclined to watch.  

I'm glad they got Bellamy and crew reunited with Clarke.  They are all much better when interacting.  I tend to think that Murphy and Raven will be on the ground sooner rather than later.  Although it will probably have the consequence of 283 prisoners being brought down and woken up at the same time. I'm not overly confident that getting them to Earth will stop the isolation though.  I tend to think that someone is going to end up staying (by choice or not) with PrisonKru* just so there is a way to show what is going on with them with a familiar face present.  I don't think that will be Bellamy or Clarke because there is too much story to play out with them realizing what BunkerKru* has become/done.  So probably, sadly, Murphy and or Ravern get to hang out with PrisonKru for the season.

*It was too many words.  You get who I mean.

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Better episode. 

When the inmate/soldier told Diyoza they have 5 more hostiles, why did he leave out the important fact they just landed from space? 

Should I be grateful or surprised: after 6 years no children from the group that was in space?!

I will assume, those were Madi's first kills. And she didn't hesitate. You have made Clarke proud.

Was Diyoza a Navy seal and then became an inmate? Looking at her neck, she must have been collared many times.

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Finally a good episode worth watching. SpaceKru has the best characters and their interactions between them are just great.

Madi recognized Bellamy from the pictures? He looks completely different now, lol. But that was a nice scene, though. Also, Bellamy finding "The #1 Dad" cup? I see what you did there, writers.

Edited by CooperTV
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A story that involves characters debating on if they should just kill a hundred folks like its no big deal and Raven getting beat up?  Yep, Classic The 100!  Although, at least Raven had some company for this particular fight.  Took a lot to bring that guy down.

I'm guessing there will be some good (hopefully) reason for why the show feels they need to keep Raven and Murphy up in space, while the rest go back to Earth.  Kind of sucks that they will be separated from everyone else for the time being, but if had to be any pair, I'm glad it was them.  The show at least seems smart enough to know that Lindsey Morgan and Richard Harmon are hilarious together.

I actually got worried for a second when Emori and Harper got left with the pod, because I was thinking "So, all the folks whose names are in the credits go one way and the guests stay behind?  Shit, no!"  Really thought something bad was going to happen to them.

Meanwhile, the new folks are establishing, well, not exactly original traits, but ones that make them leave some form of an impression.  Diyoza seems to be in charge and his clearly a violent person, but seems to have moments or reasons and knowing when not to shed blood.  And she basically seems backed by two guys, where one is the psycho-happy psychopath, and the other is the "reasonable" one of the entire group.  I wonder what his deal is, because he seems way too well-adjusted for this particular group.

What's the over, under towards Clarke eventually escaping and using the shock collar on either Diyosa or psycho henchman? 

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55 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:

I wonder what his deal is, because he seems way too well-adjusted for this particular group.

It was mentioned that he was not one of the prisoners. He was one of the crew or the guards. Not sure exactly which of the two. I don't know why he joined up with the prisoners. Maybe he was threatened and didn't have a choice.

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The background was hard to hear but I'm sure I heard Diyoza thank the Lieutenant during the Captain's Log scene so he probably helped the prisoners because the space navy had a nefarious plan for the prisoners but he either already regrets it or is going to. The prisoners clashing with Wonkru seems inevitable.

I hope the Clarke/Space gang one episode, the Bunker the next pattern breaks next week. I need to know Marcus is okay but also I don't want to spend that much time with Octavia.

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2 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

A story that involves characters debating on if they should just kill a hundred folks like its no big deal and Raven getting beat up?  Yep, Classic The 100! 

I'm as bleeding heart liberal as they come, but in this case I was on the "let's kill them all now" side because it was Survival 101. The cryo prisoners were apparently all violent criminals, most if not all murderers, and if the rest of them woke up there is no way the few in SpaceKru could protect themselves. But it wasn't clear to me if it was expected that they would wake up soon (since the super-strong one had woken up) or would continue to sleep until/unless the commander on the ground gave the order. 

OTOH, who knows if some of the prisoners were wrongly convicted or could be rehabilitated. I realized after I wrote above that they "were apparently all violent criminals, most if not all murderers," that this description could also be applied to some of our 100 heroes. And, as one of SpaceKru pointed out (I don't remember which one), sending society's undesirables--however that is defined--to a place where they are not expected to survive sounds similar to the original 100 premise.

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Why would they put the docking bay on the rotating part of the ship -- that overly complicates things ?

Why didn't Clarke just shoot the guy with the BFG ?  

According to the Captain's log, it looks like the guards and some of the inmates rebelled against the ship's crew -- why exactly ?  Especially since they had no idea that Earth had been destroyed.

Did everyone that remain jump back into cryo for the long trip home ? No one stayed awake for periodic maintenance ?  Especially with 1 assploded engine.

I find it a tad difficult to believe that someone can be immediately fully functional after exiting cryosleep -- no freezer burn, there was frost on the inside of the cryopods.

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Great episode… Bellamy def had a hero moment walking up like that… Tho the episodes and pacing have been great I’m ready to see the world moving fwd ready for the bunker ppl to be outside…

So I’m guessing shaw was part of the transport crew and not a prisoner.. He obviously turned.. But didn’t expect bloodshed I wonder what it is that made him decide to side with the prisoners

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I'm glad they are not drawing out the reunions. However it looks like poor Echo knows she's done for with the way Bellamy reacted to Clarke being alive. Also did Clarke draw what she thinks her friends would look like 6 years later? How did Madi recognize bearded Bellamy in the dark? 

I thought I was the only having trouble hearing when they on the prison ship. Did no one realize that in post? 

Wait until the prisionkru finds out Clarke is the Commander of Death and has probably killed more people than all of them combined. She was being passive only killing 4 of them. Just like Murphy said if Clarke were there she would've killed all the cryo prisoners. Especially if they were anything like that one guy that just woke up and wanted to kill. Not even a hey what's going on? Who are you people? Just go for the kill. That won't be a useful person in the new society. 

I wish they had better actors because I think it would be interesting to hear from the prisonkru since they are from the Earth before the first Apocalypse. 

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20 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

I wish they had better actors because I think it would be interesting to hear from the prisonkru since they are from the Earth before the first Apocalypse. 

It also would be interesting, show-wise, if their response to seeing Earth mostly destroyed and few survivors was "Let's work together to survive and rebuild society" rather than "Let's torture and kill everyone we come across so we can take over the remaining livable area." But then they wouldn't be typical human beings.

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8 hours ago, CooperTV said:

Madi recognized Bellamy from the pictures?

Hmm, I didn't think of that.  I thought she just guessed it was him because he would be the one most likely to do the talking.  She probably knew that Clark's friends were the ones to land.

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3 hours ago, Sakura12 said:

How did Madi recognize bearded Bellamy in the dark? 

Madi had listened to Clarke talk about Bellamy Blake - and the others - every day for six years.  She knew a small space ship had just landed and a guy - presumably the leader - was coming forward to talk to her.  Of course she knew it was Bellamy.  I would only have been shocked if she thought it was someone else, LOL.

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She also saw a spaceship come down a few days prior that had a bunch of people that wanted to kill her and Clarke and captured Clarke. How would she figure it wasn't more of them? 

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She only approached Bellamy after she had killed the prisoners that were about to kill Bellamy and the others. So she knew that Bellamy was not with the prisoners.

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1 hour ago, paulvdb said:

So she knew that Bellamy was not with the prisoners.

She knew Bellamy was Bellamy instantly upon seeing his face in the dark, even though she only had seen him on the drawings Clarke had made when he looks younger and different. My scientific theory to explain this phenomenon is that Bellamy emits his Dad #1 waves on sub-space level that every child in needs instantly recognizes as "Bellamy Blake is here to be my Dad".

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I guess I'll just to go with Madi knew it was Bellamy to move the story along because they were running out of time. 

Clarke should be proud her mini me killed 4 more of the prisoners. It's also nice to know that being raised by Clarke she still is able to be like maybe we don't have to kill everyone we meet. 

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So it wasn’t just me that could barely hear some dialogue. And hubs questions my occasional CC habit.  I may rewatch—the cable cut on this channel and I missed about 10 minutes. Doesn’t sound like I missed much, but I did miss the explanation for why Murphy and Emori broke up.  It is continually cool, btw, to hear characters checking in with Murphy and valuing his opinion. I do wish Raven’s being kept separate wasn’t a plot constant—at least she isn’t alone. Or in pain. At least not yet. 

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7 hours ago, Dizzychickstar said:

Doesn’t sound like I missed much, but I did miss the explanation for why Murphy and Emori broke up.

Emori threw him out because he wasn't pulling his weight as a part of the team and refused to learn more.

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I love Raven and I love Murphy, so them being together for an arc pleases me, but I also know that I'll start getting annoyed the longer they keep them in space, separated from everyone else. The whole bunker stuff annoys me for the sheer fact that they're going to have to come up with some reason as to how they get out, as I don't expect the bunker Wonkru to be stuck down there all season. Plus, if they were, I'd simply fast forward through all of those scenes. 

I did like this episode, but I agree that it was hard to hear at times.

Of course, as a non-Bellarke shipper, I'm a bit annoyed with the anvils finally being dropped this season with them (could they be any more obvious?), but it was cool to see Bellamy get a good entrance and a somewhat partial win. 

Madi recognizing Bellamy was a bit eye-roll worthy (at least have her sound less confident on how she knows who he is exactly), but I accept that it was to move the plot forward. 

But, most of all, no bunker storyline, which is a win in my books. 

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16 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I love Raven and I love Murphy, so them being together for an arc pleases me, but I also know that I'll start getting annoyed the longer they keep them in space, separated from everyone else. The whole bunker stuff annoys me for the sheer fact that they're going to have to come up with some reason as to how they get out, as I don't expect the bunker Wonkru to be stuck down there all season. Plus, if they were, I'd simply fast forward through all of those scenes.

I would be surprised if either of those take too long to happen.  I think Raven and Murphy will be joining the friends on Earth soon.  I also think the people in the bunker will be out of their soon.  It seems like this season the plot is moving along at a decent pace.

I really hope I'm right about this.  I agree that if they drag these story lines too long, it will get very annoying.

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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Of course, as a non-Bellarke shipper, I'm a bit annoyed with the anvils finally being dropped this season with them (could they be any more obvious?)

Yeah, well. At the beginning of season 3 Bellamy ran away to save Clarke from Roan and yelled at everyone that they couldn't loose Clarke and also caressed her face in the cave/ex-subway where Roan was holding her, and these were also supposedly really obvious anvils. And that was the season where Clexa happened.

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A few quick observations - I'm annoyed they left Raven back. She is my favorite. But John is there and he looks so much better so maybe?


Also, Clark in the beginning killing the inmates and saying, "this is our home." Hhhmmm - you think the grounders thought that too when you The 100 arrived? No one learns in this show.

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8 minutes ago, Bobcatkitten said:

Also, Clark in the beginning killing the inmates and saying, "this is our home." Hhhmmm - you think the grounders thought that too when you The 100 arrived? No one learns in this show.

Yep. Because clearly, this place is too small for... two of them already or something?

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6 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I love Raven and I love Murphy, so them being together for an arc pleases me, but I also know that I'll start getting annoyed the longer they keep them in space, separated from everyone else. The whole bunker stuff annoys me for the sheer fact that they're going to have to come up with some reason as to how they get out, as I don't expect the bunker Wonkru to be stuck down there all season. Plus, if they were, I'd simply fast forward through all of those scenes. 


There's a spaceship with mining equipment so I'm sure that the rubble on top of the bunker door will be cleared by the end of the next episode or the beginning of the one after that.

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I liked this episode. I was pretty impressed by how smoothly the writers finessed the situation on the prison ship so that we have an explanation for why they didn't just kill all the chryo dudes, why Raven stayed behind, and why Murphy stayed behind. I also suspected right away that there was no escape pod, so I'm glad they just admitted that and moved on instead of trying to draw it out. My favourite moment was when Emori heard that someone had to stay behind and said they should leave Murphy -- it was so casual but so brutal at the same time; it told us a lot about what it's like for him to have to live in close quarters with her after they broke up, and what it's like for everyone else to be in the middle of it.

On 5/9/2018 at 3:09 AM, CooperTV said:

Madi recognized Bellamy from the pictures? He looks completely different now, lol. But that was a nice scene, though. Also, Bellamy finding "The #1 Dad" cup? I see what you did there, writers.

Honestly, she would have done just as well thinking he was Kane, but maybe she recognized them all collectively as resembling the drawings of spacekru.

On 5/9/2018 at 7:00 AM, Paloma said:

I'm as bleeding heart liberal as they come, but in this case I was on the "let's kill them all now" side because it was Survival 101. The cryo prisoners were apparently all violent criminals, most if not all murderers, and if the rest of them woke up there is no way the few in SpaceKru could protect themselves.

I don't totally disagree -- given that this is a TV show, and we know that any sleeping criminal who shows up in episode 3 will definitely turn into a problem before episode 8. But I also think it's worth being cautious. Like, yeah, it appears that that's what the situation is, but this situation is completely new to them, and there are still a lot of missing pieces they don't understand. Doing something rash and final as a first resort can also screw you later if the situation turns out to be different than you thought it was at first glance.

On 5/9/2018 at 7:17 AM, ottoDbusdriver said:

According to the Captain's log, it looks like the guards and some of the inmates rebelled against the ship's crew -- why exactly ?  Especially since they had no idea that Earth had been destroyed.

The Captain said that the prisoners found out about "order 11" or something similar, and I got the impression that the Lieutenant told them because he thought it was immoral or something. I'm guessing the mining ship wasn't just on an innocent mission, and that whatever its purpose was and whatever its mysterious cargo is is being set up as this seasons big problem somehow.

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43 minutes ago, SourK said:

I liked this episode. I was pretty impressed by how smoothly the writers finessed the situation on the prison ship so that we have an explanation for why they didn't just kill all the chryo dudes, why Raven stayed behind, and why Murphy stayed behind. I also suspected right away that there was no escape pod, so I'm glad they just admitted that and moved on instead of trying to draw it out. My favourite moment was when Emori heard that someone had to stay behind and said they should leave Murphy -- it was so casual but so brutal at the same time; it told us a lot about what it's like for him to have to live in close quarters with her after they broke up, and what it's like for everyone else to be in the middle of it.

Honestly, she would have done just as well thinking he was Kane, but maybe she recognized them all collectively as resembling the drawings of spacekru.

I don't totally disagree -- given that this is a TV show, and we know that any sleeping criminal who shows up in episode 3 will definitely turn into a problem before episode 8. But I also think it's worth being cautious. Like, yeah, it appears that that's what the situation is, but this situation is completely new to them, and there are still a lot of missing pieces they don't understand. Doing something rash and final as a first resort can also screw you later if the situation turns out to be different than you thought it was at first glance.

The Captain said that the prisoners found out about "order 11" or something similar, and I got the impression that the Lieutenant told them because he thought it was immoral or something. I'm guessing the mining ship wasn't just on an innocent mission, and that whatever its purpose was and whatever its mysterious cargo is is being set up as this seasons big problem somehow.

 Could be.. I get the feeling that Shaw( I think that's the LT's name)  is a bit of a pacifist... Tho he's also a speaking black dude so if ( Wells... Lincoln... Jaha..Miller's Dad and whoever Michael beach's character was)  are any indication he may not be around long

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I wish I'd waited and bingewatched this. It all feels like prologue, all of it. But hopefully next week something will actually happen. 

On 11/05/2018 at 6:16 AM, SourK said:

I don't totally disagree -- given that this is a TV show, and we know that any sleeping criminal who shows up in episode 3 will definitely turn into a problem before episode 8.

But first half enemies becomes allies against a greater threat in the final act. Western sci fantasy needs a new narrative structure. Which brings us to


The Captain said that the prisoners found out about "order 11" or something similar, and I got the impression that the Lieutenant told them because he thought it was immoral or something. I'm guessing the mining ship wasn't just on an innocent mission, and that whatever its purpose was and whatever its mysterious cargo is is being set up as this seasons big problem somehow.


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On ‎5‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 9:33 AM, Lady Calypso said:

Madi recognizing Bellamy was a bit eye-roll worthy (at least have her sound less confident on how she knows who he is exactly), but I accept that it was to move the plot forward. 

I thought there was clear questioning and hope when she said 'Ballamy'.  They didn't take enough of a beat for her to take failure to say anything as a non denial confirmation.  But the acting from Madi wasn't any worse than from Bellamy learning Clarke was alive where he conveyed basically nothing.  No joy or disbelief or wonder or shock.  Total blank slate.  He didn't manage to emote until he learned that everyone else was still in the bunker.

It doesn't bother me that Madi recognized Bellamy because I don't think she really did.  I think she was desperate because her mother figure was captured.  Then a spaceship landed and the people on it were not aligned with the others that have Clarke.  Deductive reasoning makes it plausible to assume this is Spacekru.  Then add in that Clarke talked to Bellamy on the radio every day and the stories she likely told Madi and I'm sure that Bellamy is the person she most wanted to show up from Spacekru to help Clarke.  I think if  Monty were standing up front or if Bellamy had stayed with Raven and Murphy had come down, Madi would have still said 'Bellamy to them given that it was the middle of the night.

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I know the dudes in cryosleep are all murderers, but big dude wakes up, goes to the bridge, finds young adults he doesn't know there who, in all likelihood, are piloting the ship, and he immediately starts trying to kill everyone? I don't know why it bothers me so much, on a show where everyone assumes strangers are automatically enemies, but I find it immensely stupid. And cliché.

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6 hours ago, Isazouzi said:

I know the dudes in cryosleep are all murderers, but big dude wakes up, goes to the bridge, finds young adults he doesn't know there who, in all likelihood, are piloting the ship, and he immediately starts trying to kill everyone? I don't know why it bothers me so much, on a show where everyone assumes strangers are automatically enemies, but I find it immensely stupid. And cliché.

I think there's a very strong possibility the prisoners have been "altered" somehow, and he didn't react the way a person normally would because he's not normal.  Dude appeared to have superhuman strength (you don't full on take a sword to the gut and brush it off like you just scratched your finger) and I have a strong suspicion the prisoners (possibly all, possibly just some) are the "cargo" that was potentially going to be "weaponized" if sent to Earth.

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19 hours ago, Taryn74 said:

I think there's a very strong possibility the prisoners have been "altered" somehow, and he didn't react the way a person normally would because he's not normal.  Dude appeared to have superhuman strength (you don't full on take a sword to the gut and brush it off like you just scratched your finger) and I have a strong suspicion the prisoners (possibly all, possibly just some) are the "cargo" that was potentially going to be "weaponized" if sent to Earth.

I assumed that the "cargo" to be "weaponized" was the cryo prisoners and didn't even consider that there was an alternative to that until it was mentioned here.

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19 hours ago, Taryn74 said:

I think there's a very strong possibility the prisoners have been "altered" somehow, and he didn't react the way a person normally would because he's not normal.  Dude appeared to have superhuman strength (you don't full on take a sword to the gut and brush it off like you just scratched your finger) and I have a strong suspicion the prisoners (possibly all, possibly just some) are the "cargo" that was potentially going to be "weaponized" if sent to Earth.

I hope you're right, and you probably are. They insisted on the fact that it took 3 of them to take down big dude, which is not normal, indeed.

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On 5/9/2018 at 5:46 AM, Sakura12 said:

Wait until the prisionkru finds out Clarke is the Commander of Death and has probably killed more people than all of them combined. She was being passive only killing 4 of them. Just like Murphy said if Clarke were there she would've killed all the cryo prisoners. Especially if they were anything like that one guy that just woke up and wanted to kill. Not even a hey what's going on? Who are you people? Just go for the kill. That won't be a useful person in the new society.  

This gave me a right giggle.  I thought throughout the episode that they don't know who they are dealing with and she'll be killing more of them soon.


 I also noticed that Murphy mentioned Clarke would have killed the Cryo's.  Frankly, I think it will come back to bite them that they didn't, and the Cryo's will wake and start killing in space or on the ground.  The Scooby gang will have to eliminate them anyway.  I suppose they need a new nemesis as the grounders and Skykru are one now.

Edited by Tvtimebomb
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