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Naked and Afraid XL - General Discussion

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Id go with Shane before Lacey w/o question.   Have y'all seen that viral video playing on all the news feeds of that they caught in the Amazon jungle, caught on video chopping a tree with a tool.  He didnt know they were there. They said he is the last man of all his people. Anyway, you know im thinking.......man in the jungle chopping with a knife, wild hair, longish, possible naked,......thats crazier shit than ive seen in a while lol

On 7/3/2018 at 7:56 PM, TVbitch said:

I had to fast forward. I liked the group, but it was kind of snoozy. Maybe if someone actually got attacked by a leopard that would have breathed some life into things. ...just kidding.

Um, yeah, the warthog. They shoot it and immediately find it only a few yeard from where it was shot, yet it looked super dead. Already stiff and not even a twitch. The arrow was more up under the skin of the front leg and not right through the heart/lungs or anything. Yet the artistic drizzle of blood looked wet. Okay, whatever, I'm lettin' it go. :)

No, that poor thing got a machete hack to his haunch.  Poor thing was split open


Lacey is an ass, but, yeah, I would find Shane scary to deal with. He's fine until something happens where he feels slighted or disrespected (whether imagined, exaggerated, or real), and then he brings on the some pretty intense anger, especially when interacting with women. The motivation seems to be "You didn't stroke my fragile ego when I wanted you to, so now I'm going to punish you by acting like a threat to your safety."

I'm sure there were times when Trent felt disrespected or whatever, but he didn't make a habit out of projecting anger. Even when the women were talking about the homesteaders vs. hunters thing (which I thought was a little petty), they were all pretty respectful with each other at a moment that tempers could have gotten out of hand if they had let themselves do that. 

You can excuse Shane's behavior by saying he just has a problem with impulse control, but having to deal with someone who is larger and stronger than you (while you are both naked, no less) who has a problem with impulse control can be scary. 

But in the end, I think the women just disliked Lacey more than they disliked having to tiptoe around Shane's ego.

Edited to add: And I think the others never forgave Lacey for what she said to Mel to encourage her to tap out. Lacey's downfall was that she didn't understand the benefit to the group of taking care of someone who is down and hurting. A group actually is made stronger when they care for those who are in a weakened state because it builds trust and goodwill all around. After all, you never know when it will be you who needs the others' help (and Lacey did get hit with the karma bus pretty badly on that one in the form of a burnt hand). Also, Lacey didn't understand the emotional benefit of having Mel around even if she couldn't contribute as much physically. Everyone loved Mel. She was funny. She made them laugh. In a harsh situation, you cannot underestimate the healing power of the person who can make you smile.

I'm a cynical so-and-so to the core, but that clip of Jeremy saying, "That's my Mel," and then sprinting off to find her warms my cold heart every time.

Edited by janerazor
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I'm a little late to this party but I'm just about done with season 4 of XL on demand. Just a couple more eps and of course I couldn't NOT read the entire forum.

I was literally talking to myself when Lacey boo-hoo'd her way out of the challenge. I burned my finger with a glue gun, got a nasty blister and that killed like the dickens. I can't imagine how badly her hand must've been screaming at her and I did feel bad for the pain she was in but Shane was right, karma is a bitch.

I'm sure she was hoping they'd all crowd around her and say, "Oh no, you can't be alone. Oh no, here, let me help you feed yourself. Blah blah blah." None of them could be arsed after the way she blathered on about Mel being a burden and sending burdens out to die. How could she think that wouldn't or couldn't go right back to her. I don't blame her for leaving without saying goodbye. I'd have been too ashamed to myself.

And Gary, you wanna eat stinky funky meat and pretend like your a martyr for doing so? Sorry kid, you don't get a Bozo pin. You could've partaken of safely processed meat but if you want to be King of Foul Meat Mountain you go right ahead but don't pretend like you were doing anybody a favor.

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I’m looking forward to XL next week!

It looks like an interesting bunch and how they were grouped together as initial teams.  I’m a bit surprised to see Manu again, given her illness at the end of her original challenge and long rehab.  She appears to not give up easy so here’s hoping she’ll fare better this time. 

I’m also looking forward to seeing how well Jeff and Laura do after doing a separate 20 day challenge first.  There’s a bunch of 10 minute episodes on Discovery go about that challenge, I wish those episodes were longer. 

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On 5/24/2019 at 12:58 PM, Lady Iris said:

And Gary, you wanna eat stinky funky meat and pretend like your a martyr for doing so? Sorry kid, you don't get a Bozo pin. You could've partaken of safely processed meat but if you want to be King of Foul Meat Mountain you go right ahead but don't pretend like you were doing anybody a favor.

I’m watching season 4 XL marathon today and couldn’t believe how Gary kept going on and on about that stinky meat ... then Matt shows up out of the blue with good meat that everyone chowed down on.  I prefer any meat I eat to be free of flies buzzing around it myself.  

That Lacey is a real piece of work.  I hope to never see her in this show again.  

Glad to see Shane made it further this time.  He didn’t deserve what he got during the first XL challenge.  

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I get why Laura and Jeff want to keep things a twosome but they could’ve offered that group shelter for the night and shipped them along the next day. 

Felt so bad for Manu. I wouldn’t be able to focus 100% on survival if a loved one was in that bad a shape. OTOH it didn’t help the two she was with weren’t particularly strong partners. Rylie was driving me nuts. 

Russell so far hasn’t been an insufferable ass. Maybe there is hope that he grew up a bit. 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Lady Iris said:

I get why Laura and Jeff want to keep things a twosome but they could’ve offered that group shelter for the night and shipped them along the next day. 

Felt so bad for Manu. I wouldn’t be able to focus 100% on survival if a loved one was in that bad a shape. OTOH it didn’t help the two she was with weren’t particularly strong partners. Rylie was driving me nuts. 

Russell so far hasn’t been an insufferable ass. Maybe there is hope that he grew up a bit. 

About Laura and Jeff and their wanting to stay a twosome, that should be interesting going forward as it looks like next week another team shows up and is told the same thing.  At least they offered the girls’ group water before sending them away.  I don’t know how Manu was able to focus either given her brother’s illness.  I hope we see Manu again in the future.  

Yeah, Russell seems ok so far but he started out with no women around him.  We haven’t seen much after they merged with the other group yet.   Maybe since he doesn’t have that fish net he’ll be better this time.  Jury is still out for me about him. 

Laura and Jeff have that (sort of) nice boat to go out fishing.  I wonder if their wanting to stay separate from everyone else and having this boat will create some animosity amongst the others.  

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Personally I would have left some of the bananas on the tree - they had so many hanging there in camp that I think they could have spared some as they weren't exactly hunted down and killed and seem to have been foraged quite easily. Jeff is so intense so often - I'd end up eating him as a slow roast I think.

Lots of complaints about resource-poor locations.

Looks like the boyteam spent the pre-entry day braiding each others hair.

Sorry for Manu.

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I hope it works out for Manu.  She's just great.  Rylie was on my last nerve.  Manu showed amazing restraint dealing with her.

Really, why not use the already down bamboo now, and incorporate the "super" green stuff as needed later.

We'll see if Jeff & Laura's isolationism foreshadows some karma where they need the others.  Not likely, but you never know.

Russell seems to be really trying to be decent.  Time will tell.  

Edited by PaperTree
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27 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

We'll see if Jeff & Laura's isolationism foreshadows some karma where they need the others.  Not likely, buy you never know.

It’s risky given they’ve already been there for 21 days and had a rough time getting to their spot on the beach but I guess they figure they’ll do alright alone - Jeff did fine with only him and EJ (and Shane for a short time) on the first XL challenge.  Most of that bunch put together were no prizes either and I guess both Laura and Jeff want to avoid that behavior entirely.  IRC he was the one with the most success catching the caymans.  

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, PaperTree said:

We'll see if Jeff & Laura's isolationism foreshadows some karma where they need the others.  Not likely, but you never know.

Heh, Lacey and karma biting her in the ass come to anyone's mind? Although Jeff and Laura are nothing like her.

Good point about Russell not being with any wumminfolk yet. He didn't treat Matt in their XL challenge like he did any of the women til they merged. I find it interesting how he calls, is it EJ, sir all over the place.

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, Lady Iris said:

I get why Laura and Jeff want to keep things a twosome but they could’ve offered that group shelter for the night and shipped them along the next day. 

Yeah, I understand their position and it was nice of them to offer water. I probably would've thrown in a few bananas too (they have a ton) if only for the good karma.

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I can't wait till that beyotch Rylie gets her due. The way she naysayed EVERYTHING Manu tried to interject pissed me off. Nothing Manu could say or do was good enough for that controlling ass. It was quite ok with her tho to allow Manu to be ahead of them on that insane pathway they took over the mountain because Rylie Insisted upon not going in the water. Using her as snake bite bait. The overly to the side part in her hair looks stupid too. Manu was so sweet and nice. Way nicer than I could have ever been to that stupid haired jerk and her sidekick. 

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On 6/10/2019 at 7:21 AM, Lady Iris said:

Felt so bad for Manu. I wouldn’t be able to focus 100% on survival if a loved one was in that bad a shape. OTOH it didn’t help the two she was with weren’t particularly strong partners. Rylie was driving me nuts. 

What type of Cancer did Manu say her brother had....Jaw?

  • Love 2

Well I don't know how to post a quote (my post above). I tried to edit but it wouldn't let me.                                                                                                                                                 

Weren't Manu and Russell in an episode together where they at some point in the challenge merged with another couple? There was a girl in the other couple (Chrissy I think) who was a problem. Anyway if it was Manu and Russell they got along well and he showed none of the assiness he did in the other XL challenge.

Edited by little hermit

@little hermit

Regarding Manu’s brother I believe you are correct. 

About the episode you mentioned per the show’s Wikipedia page Russell and Manu were a team then there was the other couple, the guy was ok and the young woman sat around all day doing absolutely nothing for the entire time.  Manu did not get along with her at all.   So for this challenge I am curious to find out how he acts here with the other people.  It would be nice to see him act better this time.  

Then Rylie and her disagreements with Manu - when they were all meeting Jeff and Laura, didn’t she even look at their shelter, how it did not have green bamboo? I guess not.  

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If I was Manu's brother, I'd kick her ass for blaming me for tapping out on the challenge. Talk about not inspiring. I loved Manu and was so excited to see her again, only for her to crap out big time. We shall see if her teammates can survive without her around to rebel against on every turn. 

Jeff needs to go. He was basically ok on his first challenge, and then The XL series where he was with EJ, he went psycho, and his intensity is still over the top. Laura is steady and reasonable and humble, and the biggest bad-ass on this series as a whole. I'm sorry she is linked with him. 

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Is it just me or does this XL seem extremely staged and scripted? I am getting really tired of Jeff's Rebel Yells!  Jeff had that go it alone attitude in his last XL challenge. Wonder how either Jeff or Laura will feel if one of them has to leave the challenge in the next day or so. Will they want to join the others then or just try to go it alone? They might find out they need allies!!

Edited by little hermit
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I loved Rylie whining about how hard it is without Manu.  You just know Manu was working her ass off, picking up all the slack.  Christina seems good at taking orders.  She has to.  Gets taken out by a UTI.  Bummer.

Getting flooded in their "shelter" was hilarious.  A little karma?  How many days have they been working on that thing?

Of course Laura is prepared to restart the fire in a howling thunderstorm.  I'm surprised they aren't trying to patch the boat better.  Maybe the stuff didn't work?  Jeff is just too intense for me.  Nice fishing haul.

Duke, James, Gabrielle set sail for a better site, right to a shark.  Yikes!  Goldilocks indeed.  lol.  Did Jeff or Laura not tell them the others were down the beach?  A crappy shelter is better than nothing.  They'll find Rylie eventually.  I'd rather they didn't.

The new gang of 6 seems pretty together.  Risky float trip for Max, scores coconuts. 

Iron gut eh?  I was waiting for him to keel over.  Looks like he's done, but tune in next week!.

"His coconuts are bigger than mine"  rofl.

I remember peeling like that when I was a kid back in the dark ages.  Thankfully no skin cancer.

  • Love 5

I’m not sure about the scripted part but I had a feeling that once Laura and Jeff went out fishing someone else would come along and help themselves to what’s there.  Were they that hungry that they couldn’t at least not make a mess before leaving? I guess they didn’t figure the spot was where other XL people were staying.  Anyway, it’s interesting that twice now Laura and Jeff’s spot was the welcome wagon, I wonder if the other team will find them first when they get to that area or will they find one of the others first.   Rylie could use some company now, right? 

I’m guessing that Laura and Jeff enjoyed that fish without sharing with the others, lol.  

  • Love 4

I thought Laura's eyes were gonna bug out of her head when she was told that bananas were eaten.

Now I feel bad for Rylie. There are groups of people struggling to make it there. I can't see how she's gonna do it alone.

I hope Russell's ok. So far he's been doing pretty well albeit a bit stubborn about eating that fruit that everyone warned him about.

1 hour ago, Lady Iris said:

I thought Laura's eyes were gonna bug out of her head when she was told that bananas were eaten.

Now I feel bad for Rylie. There are groups of people struggling to make it there. I can't see how she's gonna do it alone.

I hope Russell's ok. So far he's been doing pretty well albeit a bit stubborn about eating that fruit that everyone warned him about.

Yeah, they have a lot of bananas and Jeff said that would take them to the end so who knows how many they’re eating each day.  Even though James, Gabrielle and Duke helped themselves I guess it was only right for them to have a few since they have to build their own shelter after that treacherous swim.  Then they can go off to find some of their own.

What I’d find interesting if this time more team merges take place much later than usual due to Laura and Jeff’s go it alone strategy.  Who knows how much exploring Rylie will do on her own (to find food or someone else) or if either of the other teams find her or she decides to tap out due to the monumental task of being alone for more than half the challenge.  

I kind of saw Russell’s predicament coming due to the warnings from everyone else and the coming attractions.  I was also concerned for Max when he went off alone for the coconuts - I must have missed something because I think at least one other person should have gone with him.  

  • Love 3
4 minutes ago, Cobb Salad said:

 I was also concerned for Max when he went off alone for the coconuts - I must have missed something because I think at least one other person should have gone with him.  

It seemed strange they let him go alone. I didn't see anything that indicated somebody offered to accompany and he refused.

  • Love 6
14 minutes ago, Cobb Salad said:

Yeah, they have a lot of bananas and Jeff said that would take them to the end so who knows how many they’re eating each day.

How many days do they have left 20++? I don't think all those bananas will last (not rot) before the challenge is over. I'm turned off by what seems to be, primarily, Jeff's selfishness. 

The group that ate some of the bananas where wrong to leave the peels scattered all around J and L's camp.

  • Love 7

@little hermit

I think it has to be at least 25 days left and to your point I agree.  Many of those bananas will be mush at the end, even those very green ones they picked when they first got there.   I think Jeff’s unwillingness to share brings a good wrinkle to the challenge.  Since he did mostly the same thing last time (not join the others even though he did share the eels he caught) the producers had to know he’d pull this again as well.  He is obviously there for himself and at most one other person (who happens to be very capable on her own) so in his book, no others are invited.  Quite a dichotomy to Matt Wright who was eager to share what he caught with the others, but he was also looking for companionship on his last XL challenge.  

Thinking again about the question is this scripted or not, Jeff’s unwillingness to share and pairing him with Laura for 60 days may be just that.  

  • Love 5
28 minutes ago, little hermit said:

How many days do they have left 20++? I don't think all those bananas will last (not rot) before the challenge is over. I'm turned off by what seems to be, primarily, Jeff's selfishness. 

The group that ate some of the bananas where wrong to leave the peels scattered all around J and L's camp.

I know right, they keep (J & L) talking about how well they work together, he's telling her she's the best partner ever, then he's the only one that keeps saying how they should just stay as a team. She hasn't disagreed with him but she hasn't acted like she was all for it either. I'm not a Jeff fan. 

  • Love 3

 I was thinking that if the hungrier tribes start going on banana & fish raids, Laura probably wont mind too much but Jeff might want to go to war. haha I kind of hope so, but by the end he'll probably learn his lesson about being selfish and apologize.

Please delete one of my posts. First l was trying to quote Little Hermit which didn't work right, then in trying to fix it, made more of a mess. Sorry.

Edited by Eataton
Don't know what I'm dong.
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  1. 2 minutes ago, Eataton said:
    1.  I was thinking that if the hungrier tribes start going on banana & fish raids, Laura probably wont mind too much but Jeff might want to go to war. haha I kind of hope so, but by the end he'll probably learn his lesson about being selfish and apologize.
      11 hours ago, little hermit said:

      Is this Naked and Afraid challenge going to turn into Lord Of The Flies???

@Eataton and @little hermit

There is a Forum FAQ guide where you can find out how to quote posts, delete stuff, etc can be found - it’s under the “Browse Forums” tab at the top of the page.  You may need to do some scrolling to find it but it’s there.   

About the show - yes, whenever one of the other groups meet Jeff and Laura and are told sorry, we are not merging with you, they should be looking at what Jeff and Laura have done already.  That’s what is available in the area.  They should be going out and getting the food/material themselves.  I don’t see any reason for these people to merge anyway if there is still a decent number of people in each group.  Later on toward the end it might make more sense if enough tap out but a group of 10 is too large.   If they do it gives some of incentive to sit around all day and be lazy while some designated person or two provides food.  

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2 hours ago, Cobb Salad said:

About the show - yes, whenever one of the other groups meet Jeff and Laura and are told sorry, we are not merging with you, they should be looking at what Jeff and Laura have done already.  That’s what is available in the area.  They should be going out and getting the food/material themselves.

I've never thought of it that way, really interesting point. If you're not a 9 or better on this island, prepare to have your ass handed to you.

I wish Jake was on this challenge.

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This may be an unpopular opinion, but I agree with Jeff and Laura's decision to stay separate from the rest.  This is SURVIVAL, not a Big Brother-type popularity contest.  Jeff and Laura have a much more difficult challenge than the rest and they need to survive by any means necessary.  They are killing it (so far) and don't want to be weighed down by any other personalities or weakling mouths to feed.  If, later in the challenge, they come up against something that would be better accomplished by being part of a larger group, then they can and should admit their poor judgment.  In the meantime, I would say that if they have an over-abundance and want to share something that would otherwise be wasted, THEN they should definitely share with the others. 

  • Love 8

I just thought it looked a bit awkward for Jeff to be standing there with a string of fish, seeing a bunch of hungry people and saying, "Well - we're gonna stay separate.  Good luck to ya.  Gotta go cook now."

But I fully understand their philosophy.  It's harsh, but agreeing to spend 40/60 days with pretty much nothing should set you up to expect harshness.

  • Love 5


I am in agreement with Laura and Jeff’s decision to stay separate as well.  IIRC listening to Jeff telling the others this he does not specify whether or not the additional days are before or after the main groups started, only that they’re going at a slower pace.  

If any of the others think a pair of elite survivalists can help carry them along to the end when they’re weak should really think seriously about being there in the first place.

I am waiting for that boat (which has been taking on water) to become a source of contention amongst the others due to the ability to catch nice fish.  

  • Love 3
33 minutes ago, Lady Iris said:

I cant help but think that Laura and Jeff have an unfair advantage with the boat. Granted it was absolutely necessary so they could travel where they needed to in the beginning but I'm surprised they were able to keep it.

Eh. Production had no way of knowing it might not become a community boat among the groups. There's always the assumption that all groups will merge up. Of course, they should have assumed, though, that Jeff would do exactly what he and AJ did in the previous XL challenge. It shouldn't be a surprise that he would want to keep his "tribe" small, so that on hunting/fishing days with small rewards, the food portions aren't ridiculously low. That said, he and Laura *could* barter boat time (or some fish) for other things the other tribe might have that they want. 

Edited by Captain Asshat
  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Lady Iris said:

I cant help but think that Laura and Jeff have an unfair advantage with the boat. Granted it was absolutely necessary so they could travel where they needed to in the beginning but I'm surprised they were able to keep it.

Yeah, that crossed my mind too. I expect there will be some complaints. Maybe there's some kind of time-share solution but I doubt it would go smoothly.

On 6/18/2019 at 1:28 PM, Eataton said:
On 6/18/2019 at 9:47 AM, Lady Iris said:

I cant help but think that Laura and Jeff have an unfair advantage with the boat. Granted it was absolutely necessary so they could travel where they needed to in the beginning but I'm surprised they were able to keep it.

Yeah, that crossed my mind too. I expect there will be some complaints. Maybe there's some kind of time-share solution but I doubt it would go smoothly.

Luckily, the boat is sinking. Now they will be on more equal ground as the rest of them.

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