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Naked and Afraid XL - General Discussion

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1 hour ago, AZChristian said:

I remember Richard Hatch, the first winner of Survivor.  They gave him a check for the full amount of the prize and he didn't pay taxes on it.  That sounds more like Jeff's way of doing things.

I remember that.  Wasn’t his defense something like “I thought they (CBS/Production company) paid it”?

He served time in prison for that plus he had some other problems with the law …

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Great Comments So Far !

Sad watching Wes promote his tracking skills as he walked by a few quills.  He seems to be relying on the kindness of others rather than his skills - - so far.

Jeff trying to buy goodwill (or items) for not harming his opponents' chances.  What a creep.  He sure does get the most exposure of any participant, so he must be ratings gold.

Poor Matt.

Liked Waz better before he had an idea to get Stacey to tap (maybe a result in his judgement due to fatigue and hunger).   Then when Gary talked to Stacey, it only reinforced the negative view of Gary.

I like the two hour episode format, recording and FF'ing during the replay saves a lot of time, yet covers a lot of ground.

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10 hours ago, Liberty said:

Liked Waz better before he had an idea to get Stacey to tap (maybe a result in his judgement due to fatigue and hunger).   Then when Gary talked to Stacey, it only reinforced the negative view of Gary.

Yeah, this bothered me.  Stacey is bright enough to realize that if she taps, Jeff is gone, too.  She doesn't need the reinforcement and it made Waz look bad.  I'd expect that from Gary, who wasn't too subtle in his talk with Stacey.

Stacey isn't going to tap.  I think they're just building up all this drama because Jeff is the guy we love to hate, but he'll be here for a while.

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Oh, Stacey.  If you'd only tapped 24 hours sooner.

But you felt good, and wanted to beat HIM along with all the others, and you thought you could do it.

I wish you could have.

I love when Matt was behind Jeff on the trail, Jeff was gloating about Matt needing to follow him.  Not a word when he was following everyone else.  A**h***.

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So that line by Jeff about sharing Impala if he had that bow and arrow he tried to trade with Matt for … sounding more like a dig at Matt than trying to actually be nice and share.  He could have stayed out of the area when Matt was out there trying to get an Impala.  I think Matt has more of a chance getting one than Jeff anyway.  

If only Stacey could have just tapped a day earlier.  I was wondering if she was severely dehydrated.  They said her vitals were ok.  Who knows.  

As this version is progressing I’m starting to lose interest.  I’m not sure how much more I’m going to watch.  Not really enjoying the “Survivor” vibes I’m getting with this iteration.  At least we don’t have some on screen Jeff Probst person interviewing them about what they’re doing.  

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18 minutes ago, Cobb Salad said:

So that line by Jeff about sharing Impala if he had that bow and arrow he tried to trade with Matt for … sounding more like a dig at Matt than trying to actually be nice and share.  He could have stayed out of the area when Matt was out there trying to get an Impala.  I think Matt has more of a chance getting one than Jeff anyway.  

I may be wrong, but have we ever seen Jeff get anything other than fish/eels?

And - again - I may be wrong, but when he was talking to the camera, didn't he say he wasn't sure whether he would share an impala or trade off parts of it if he got one?  He doesn't verbalize - as Matt does - that he sees it as a responsibility to feed others out there.  He's just out for himself, because "This is what [he] lives for!!!!"

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18 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

I may be wrong, but have we ever seen Jeff get anything other than fish/eels?

And - again - I may be wrong, but when he was talking to the camera, didn't he say he wasn't sure whether he would share an impala or trade off parts of it if he got one?  He doesn't verbalize - as Matt does - that he sees it as a responsibility to feed others out there.  He's just out for himself, because "This is what [he] lives for!!!!"

If memory serves, the only land based animal Jeff has ever killed was a snake and that might have been with Eva’s help.  Then they overcooked it.  And yes, I think he’d use anything as currency in the way he’s playing this game and that includes food.  He strikes me as someone who would be okay if everyone else starved and quit due to exhaustion or whatever, similar to what happened to Wes in last night’s episode.  

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1 hour ago, rlc said:

I realized while watching last night that I was allowing my overwhelming hatred of Jeff to cloud how much I dislike several of the other contestants.

Gary going over to pal around with Jeff - ugh.  Waz is still sort of okay with me especially how he was trying to keep Gary from going too far off the deep end during that stick hardening challenge but he may be next in my book.  If Matt has to leave because of that deep cut that might be it for me.  I guess it’ll depend on how much they’ll dedicate to the others we really haven’t seen too much of yet.  

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I'm wondering, do they HAVE to stay in the same area?  For example, if Matt decides to travel a little further (If the finger cut doesn't take him out) he can hunt more effectively.  Could he stay out a bit further?  I know there has to be some collaboration, but they are messing up his hunting.  I guess he could say to the others, "Hey, I'm going in this direction.  Please don't come out this way and I'll share what I catch" ? Just so that he actually CAN catch something?

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9 hours ago, Biosynth said:

I'm wondering, do they HAVE to stay in the same area?  For example, if Matt decides to travel a little further (If the finger cut doesn't take him out) he can hunt more effectively.  Could he stay out a bit further?  I know there has to be some collaboration, but they are messing up his hunting.  I guess he could say to the others, "Hey, I'm going in this direction.  Please don't come out this way and I'll share what I catch" ? Just so that he actually CAN catch something?

Translation:  "Jeff, if you come out this way with your big mouth, I'm not going to catch anything.  You folks stay here - and keep Jeff here - and I'll share whatever meat or fish I can get."

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Another stupid cliffhanger.  Ugh.  Who will Jeff end up with? Who will Matt end up with?  So they won’t be on the same team.  When Jeff was running down the path it looked like it was going downhill.  I was hoping with all of stuff he was carrying that would give him enough momentum to fall.  I know it’s mean to think that but he’s such a jerk.  He’s complaining about how he’s being treated and it’s only because of the way he’s treated others in past XLs. 

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Adding to Jeff's list of characteristics:  hypocrisy.

"I'm not going to share anything with anybody for free.  If they want it, they can barter for it.  This is a competition.  It's every one for themselves."

But then, not only did he accept meat from Dan and Cheeny, he had the audacity to complain (to the camera) that everyone else got a better portion and all he got was fatty pieces of meat and part of the spine.  Maybe if he had offered to BARTER (his rules of the game), he'd have gotten more/better meat.

And THEN . . . he whined about the fact that everyone else shared the honey and he never got any of it.

So, what is it Jeff?  Is this is a competition, or is this a charity?  Depends on who is on the receiving end, I guess.

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I don't know, the continual piling on Jeff is getting so old to me. I have not liked the man in other XLs, but what did he do here? He went for the caches in the first leg as anyone could have done then he wanted to trade. I really don't understand the others' disgust with trading since this is a competition and not a tribe surviving together. He was completely frozen out of leg two, both from the caches and "community". Leg three could've been a reset since the others made their point. 

Like, I'm irritated the show is making me defend Jeff cause this editing (or the reality) is that he's the outcast and the high school clique keeps ragging on him every chance they get. I'd appreciate it if they were just adults who could be mature about it and not vindictive. Matt's so holier-than-thou as a result. Waz is just straight up mean. Cheeny and Sarah sound like brats or worse waiting for either Jeff or Matt to show up. 

This format and particular casting is really making me sour on a lot of people I used to like which is unfortunate. 

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It is kind of satisfying to see Jeff hurry scurrying and feeling the pressure of his past (and present) attitudes and actions coming home to roost. Of all the boasting he does about his survival prowess, I am not seeing any real talent from him on that claim. The four pronged spear he made before moving to the next step of the game was the crappiest looking one out of the bunch, just like the figure 4 trap he made. Also the crappiest of the bunch. He really doesn’t put careful and mindful effort into any of the tasks needed to survive, but he sure puts a lot of thought into how he can extract personal benefits from other survivalists, and how he can undermine any efforts they are carrying out.

He is always the parasitic tick in my eyes and he is so flustered and sounds a bit hysterical when he talks to the camera now that he is on his own with no real opportunities to suck from the other contestants for his own personal use. He ran his partner Stacey ragged with his quest to gain ALL the tools, while ignoring the need for food and rest that she obviously was in need of to keep up with his frenzy to dominate the objects gathered, category. Now he has to haul all that hoarded extra bulk around on his lonesome back.

We are seeing a side of Dan never seen before too. Waz is getting aggravated with him after seeing him eat the majority of the honey that Gary so bravely risked his own hide for, and helping himself to the very best filet mignon of the “bee bread” which held the most nutrients that really was Garys deserved portion that he so generously shared with the rest of them. That was really an overstepping self entitlement I was surprised to see coming from Dan. He just lost big points in the eyes of the other guys with that greedy act.

I am happy Gary did not share it with Jeff though. That really stung Jeff, heeheehee 🐝. I like that he is finally,, after so many seasons, feeling the repayment of his constant withholding from others coming back to bite him in the butt. Jeff talks a good spiel about his ability to  screw with the minds of the others to gain an upper hand, but all I can see is, it is Jeff that seems to be affected the most from inner mental turmoil at being the outcast amongst the bunch. All alone with crappy survival talent, unable to suck energy out of the others.


I love that Matt figured out a way to catch frogs galore without getting his hurt hand in the dirty water, and laughed when Jeff held up those tiny crabs he caught as his only nourishment while the others were filled with the richness of honey and a frog feast festival. 

I didn’t like the way the 2 girls Sarah and Cheeny lacked enthusiasm when Gary showed up on their side of the fork in the trail. Gary has been playing this season very well I think, strategy wise, and has provided the others with that dangerously procured honey and climbing so high into that plum tree that none of the others would dare take a chance at. That cold shoulder attitude they gave him will not work out to their favor and will likely cost them “food in their bellies” that Gary has all along generously shared with the rest of them. I like how he is playing this game and I think he is playing it smartly. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if he won the $$ 💰 in the end. 

Edited by SassyCat
Overriding the drunk with power automatic spell checker
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30 minutes ago, SassyCat said:

It is kind of satisfying to see Jeff hurry scurrying and feeling the pressure of his past (and present) attitudes and actions coming home to roost. Of all the boasting he does about his survival prowess, I am not seeing any real talent from him on that claim.

Same here.  Jeff seems impressed with himself.  Sure, he can catch fish but I’ve never seen much other talent from him that would put him head and shoulders above others.  His behavior of wanting to grab everything else first/hog all the fishing spots like during the Philippines XL reeks of insecurity.  

Edited by Cobb Salad
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16 hours ago, Meraji said:

what did he do here? He went for the caches in the first leg as anyone could have done then he wanted to trade. I really don't understand the others' disgust with trading since this is a competition and not a tribe surviving together.

Jeff refuses to part with anything unless he thinks he can immediately benefit. Most of them are essentially trading as well; they are just willing to trade extra stuff now for benefits-to-be-named. Like sharing out doubles so when the other groups get food with those items, they'll share back due to that consideration.

Jeff's entire attitude is "what's in it for me?" so everyone else got tired of it and gave his exact same attitude back to him. Why share food with him if he's not willing to pay for it, just like he won't share hides unless they can pay for it? If he's only out for himself, why should they give him food when he won't return the favor?

The man doesn't know the meaning of the word "humility" A lot of these folks have understandable pride and bulletproof self-esteem regarding their skills; no problem! Jeff boasts and gloats constantly over every little thing he does, like he's the Second Coming just because he got a single thumb-sized crab, while his self-congratulatory hooting and hollering is scaring off big game. And then he whines that he isn't getting handouts when he refuses to give them himself.

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22 hours ago, SassyCat said:

 Gary has been playing this season very well I think, strategy wise, and has provided the others with that dangerously procured honey and climbing so high into that plum tree that none of the others would dare take a chance at. That cold shoulder attitude they gave him will not work out to their favor and will likely cost them “food in their bellies” that Gary has all along generously shared with the rest of them. I like how he is playing this game and I think he is playing it smartly. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if he won the $$ 💰 in the end. 

Agree 100%

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I am a bit disheartened that Matt got medical attention and remained in the contest.  

My imagination tells me that the project is more scripted than I had previously thought.

"I didn’t like the way the 2 girls Sarah and Cheeny lacked enthusiasm when Gary showed up"  Here Gary endured a difficult task, and shared his honey with everyone but Jeff.  Sarah & Cheeny benefitted a great deal, but did not welcome Gary as the provider he was.

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On 6/6/2023 at 2:04 AM, CoyoteBlue said:

Jeff refuses to part with anything unless he thinks he can immediately benefit. Most of them are essentially trading as well; they are just willing to trade extra stuff now for benefits-to-be-named. Like sharing out doubles so when the other groups get food with those items, they'll share back due to that consideration.

As much as I didn't like Jeff after the 60 day challenge (and he soured me on  Laura for a while as well), I really don't like him here.  He's doing the same thing he did on that challenge, taking, taking, taking and not giving.  He's received food from the two caches found by others, had the balls to complain that he didn't get a whole leg, then turned around and said he wouldn't share any kills with the others because it's a competition.  So why did he take that food, as Waz asked?  What's good for the goose ain't good for the gander?  I'm glad he wasn't offered honey or frog stew, because he sure as shit didn't deserve it.


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15 hours ago, madmax said:

As much as I didn't like Jeff after the 60 day challenge (and he soured me on  Laura for a while as well), I really don't like him here.  He's doing the same thing he did on that challenge, taking, taking, taking and not giving.  He's received food from the two caches found by others, had the balls to complain that he didn't get a whole leg, then turned around and said he wouldn't share any kills with the others because it's a competition.  So why did he take that food, as Waz asked?  What's good for the goose ain't good for the gander?  I'm glad he wasn't offered honey or frog stew, because he sure as shit didn't deserve it.


He really cracked me up on this last move when he bundled up all his shit and started running to be ahead of Matt. He was like Mr Bean or something trying to be quiet and running on his toes arms all full.  It really made me laugh. Do-de-do-de-doo

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1 hour ago, ForumLou said:

He really cracked me up on this last move when he bundled up all his shit and started running to be ahead of Matt. He was like Mr Bean or something trying to be quiet and running on his toes arms all full.  It really made me laugh. Do-de-do-de-doo

Then they show Matt casually walking along like he’s taking a stroll through the park.  It would be interesting if after the lukewarm welcome Sarah and Cheeny gave Gary Jeff shows up … then their spirits would be further dampened.  

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5 hours ago, Cobb Salad said:

Then they show Matt casually walking along like he’s taking a stroll through the park.  It would be interesting if after the lukewarm welcome Sarah and Cheeny gave Gary Jeff shows up … then their spirits would be further dampened.  

I thought they might have foreshadowed that this week when Jeff said he didn't trust Gary.  Trust this about all of them, Jeff.  None of them like you, and no one wants to be teamed up with you.  

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Off to a great start Jeff. He and Gary cutting branches to build the community platform bed. Waz walks up and now Jeff knows that group has a head start finding the cashes.
Gary: Let me use that silky saw Jeff so we can get this platform bed built quickly.

Jeff: (Ignores him)

Gary: Let me use that silky saw Jeff.

Jeff: (Ignores him) 

Gary: Let me use the silky saw on this branch

Jeff: (Blatantly ignoring him)

Jeff: Medic!!! I just cut myself with the saw! I need stitches! 

Karma: Here ya go Jeff! Instantly at your service!

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40 minutes ago, SassyCat said:

Jeff: Medic!!! I just cut myself with the saw! I need stitches! 

Karma: Here ya go Jeff! Instantly at your service!

I laughed out loud so hard when that happened.   He is getting karma back in spades especially when everyone else is off eating the impala.  He’s hungry and they’re eating … when the situation was reversed in the Philippines XL he just didn’t care.  

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Jeff now sporting a handicapped hand, back at the homestead gathering wood and boiling water.

I wouldn’t touch water Jeff said he prepared with a ten foot pole. I was rewatching the Stacey tapped episode that they ran tonight before the new episode and one of the medics said could be a water born illness. I know I am not the only one who thinks Jeff could have possibly tainted the water and pretended to drink from the same pot. Couldn’t have Stacey tap on anything other than a medically forced tap.

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Want to add, now Jeffs got a burnt foot to add to his handicapped new situation he’s finding himself in. The hysteria he’s feeling is showing in his eyes.

He is feebly attempting to pretend he is still on top of his game and not worried he will undoubtably win, having to talk himself into his delusions of superiority on every aspect of “his game”. 

Does he really believe himself? Probably, while he’s spouting that drivel, ..but is literally terrified he wont “win” underneath all the false bravado.

Waz is dead ass correct when he says this is exactly how a narcissist acts. He was handed an opportunity to become part of the whole tribe working together but wont budge on his stance that he has done nothing wrong and is trying to twist it all back on to the others. Its all their fault that they feel like this. He has done no wrong. Its THEM who are acting out of guilt for being bullies to him who hasn’t shared shit except to let Gary borrow a skin after he fed him some snuck impala and the two girls have huge hides now to keep themselves warm and he can’t hold that over them anymore with his hoarded hides.

Narcissists WILL NEVER ADMIT they are wrong about anything, ever. Even in the slightest bit. Exactly what Jeff is doing right now, to the bitter end.

Jeff just proved Waz was right in labeling him as one. 

Waz was also correct in stopping Matt from trying to reason with him and getting angry and emotional because Waz must know that that is the finest food you can feed a narcissist. Your emotional pain or anger. Jeff loves that he broke Stevens heart. That means he won. Thats how this kind of entity works, thinks, lives and thrives on. Don’t feed the narc your emotion. Ever! Teach em Waz! 

Walk away and grey rock him. Not only do not give him food, but do not give him attention of any kind. No more back and forths, debating… trying to make him see the logical points of your reasoning/argument. If you do, narcissists always see ANY inkling of attention as them being in the winners seat. 

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I don’t understand how Sarah could give Jeff the fish, even after they all agreed no feeding Jeff.  I had been “meh” on her from her first challenge but was starting to like her then this.  I don’t get it.  I sort of get why Gary gave him some impala, he wanted to keep that pelt to stay warm at night.  

Cheeny’s line about Jeff - “he’s the one who graduated but you could never figure out how” was classic.  😆

Loved how when Jeff after he’s told the other team got the impala he said “we’re all eating tonight?” and Matt flat out said “no” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Yes, this is a competition and they all want to win.  The 7 of them seem to realize you don’t need to pi$$ people off to do it.  

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I assume the other contestants know that Jeff is a convicted felon (insurance fraud), and will lie and attempt to manipulate anyone for his own advantage.  He had liability-only coverage, wrecked his car, had it towed to his house, and then upped his coverage to comprehensive.  He then notified Geico that he had had an accident AFTER upping his coverage, and filed a claim to get his car fixed.  Insurance companies are VERY wary of claims filed right after coverage has been changed.  They determined he had upped the coverage AFTER the wreck, and filed a fraudulent claim.  They reported him to the authorities.  He pled guilty, got three years of probation, fines and restitution.

His behavior last night was frightening.  There's something broken in his soul.  He doesn't care about anything but trying to "win" any argument.  His moral compass swings freely . . . there is no "true north," because Jeff keeps changing directions so haphazardly that the little arrow is off its spindle.

A totally despicable human being.  

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1 hour ago, AZChristian said:

His behavior last night was frightening.  There's something broken in his soul.  He doesn't care about anything but trying to "win" any argument.  His moral compass swings freely . . . there is no "true north," because Jeff keeps changing directions so haphazardly that the little arrow is off its spindle.

A totally despicable human being.  

Steven’s reaction was heartbreaking.  What Jeff said at the end of last night’s episode plus the incident with the pot Jeff that wanted to throw in the river I think pretty much sealed the deal for Steven.  They were a team for 60 days in LA and by all appearances got along very well. After this display it seems like that is gone.   

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I cannot stand Jeff, but I'm also 100% over Matt's arrogance and don't completely disagree with some of the things Jeff has said about him (it pained me to write that).

That said, I find most of these people unlikeable. At this point in the competition, my dream team would be Waz, Steven, and Cheeny, with the possible addition of Gary. Gary still takes too many risks, but I've found him to more likable here than in the past.

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I'm noticing a little band-aid on Steven's lift pinky toward the end of the episode.

What did Waz say, "when you argue with an idiot you have two idiots arguing".

Really did not like Cheeny's 'cut his balls off' statement.

Jeff's constant use of hyperbole suggests to me his drastic injuries may not live up to the gravity he portrays.

As overbearing as I usually find Matt, he sure has many, many survival skills.

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Gotta say, I’m not seeing the arrogance in Matt on screen you speak about. I see just a normal human who has and knows his strengths and is a helper to every other contestant. He seems willing to be generous to them if they are willing to help themselves and not just ride on the coattails of the others. Especially if they are injured or incapable at the time and being truthful about it. I also see a normal human reaction to scum in his vicinity.

I see him as an asset to his peers who all seem to think he is pretty much a great asset to whatever group he is interacting with too, and also a genuine respect and real caring friendship feelings towards him. I only see one person who seems to be jealous of his talents. Jeff. But that’s because the attention is being diverted away from his own need to be seen as a superior amongst his peers. Thats my honest take on what I see on the screen.

I do see Jeff as playing up his little injuries to the hilt at this point, especially the foot burn where he is claiming it is exceedingly painful to even walk. 🙄 He’s got a couple boo boos at this time need to be kept clear of the bacteria filled water, but nothing a day or two of scabbing and healing won’t take care of on its own. 

But as we all know, he is the master (he thinks) manipulator, and will start his tick suck poor me act from this moment on, because that’s what true narcissists do. His other schtick isn’t working out to well, so he’s all ready to pull out the poor victimhood act. Playing on the sympathy of normal people who he knows possess what he does not. Compassion..And a conscience. 

Thats why he was so quick to claim Sarah gave him that fish because she feels guilty. Lol. He knows exactly what he is doing. Playing people whom he considers weak, because they they are kind in general. To him, normal human kindness can be exploited and we will be seeing a bunch of that next week, I am sure. 

Poor Jeffy will be playing it to the hilt. 

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I was just rewatching the scene where Jeff supposedly cut his hand. The saw was NO WHERE near his left hand where the cut is, at all! He was holding the branch with his left hand, and sawing about  18 inches down the branch with his right hand. The saw did not touch his hand at all. Its all there right on film. He suddenly stops and says oh dear I cut my hand, and looks at and cradles his left hand… kind of squeezing it near where you can see a cut. Squeezing to open it up.  I don’t see any blood flowing, but a red line of cut flesh that does not look too deep. 
 It looks like he may have cut himself and got a booboo previously, and used the moment of manual labor to say he obtained it right then and there. It does not even look deep enough for stitches from what I saw. Its a half inch little gash line. 
Look for yourselves! I rewound it a couple times to make sure I was seeing what I was seeing. 

Watching a few more minutes into it, the medic was tending to it and it is a newish gash. Maybe could use a stitch or two.. or not. Pulling edges apart of a previous cut might cause it to look like it suddenly did.. But it certainly didn’t happen from the saw hitting it at that moment. Maybe the branch bit him while he was holding it? 

Edited by SassyCat
A little booboo
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Gary's "playing the game", too, but he's playing it right. He knows you need to work with the others while taking care of yourself. It's not either or, Jeff. You're constantly hoisting yourself on your own petard there and no one is buying your martyr tears.

I will say that I don't entirely fault Sarah for "sharing" the fish between the two people who went fishing together. It's not like he sat on his ass or ran around searching for caches while she got food for him. For all his selfishness, I think Jeff would have at least split their catch with her, had he been the only one to get a fish. Gary just flat out gave Jeff the other team's impala meat, that they found and chose not to share with Jeff, for Gary's own benefit, so he's a bit of a dick.

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On 6/12/2023 at 8:22 PM, SassyCat said:

I was just rewatching the scene where Jeff supposedly cut his hand. The saw was NO WHERE near his left hand where the cut is, at all! He was holding the branch with his left hand, and sawing about  18 inches down the branch with his right hand. 


This is a very good description of the situation.  Did he called it mangled?

Saw Jeff on 'Snake in the Grass", I suppose he has an agent who finds only the best opportunities for him to express is artistic impulsion.

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28 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

I want to see a Jeff eaten by a hippo.

During Jeff’s talking head segments tonight I’ve wanted to punch him through the TV so I’ve been wondering if the cameraman was wanting to do the same. 

On 6/12/2023 at 7:00 PM, AZChristian said:

Has anyone else noticed how often the opening/closing of many scenes that feature Jeff have a snake slithering around?

Yep, production must think he's a snake, too.

They did it again tonight.  

About that challenge, too bad about Sarah.  From the way the challenge was designed someone was going to be crowded out. I guess Steven wasn’t keeping track of how many trails were being followed already since he couldn’t find one that someone else wasn’t already on, but it looks like survival kicked in when he saw Sarah instead of looking for the last untouched trail.  I wouldn’t be surprised if something similar happens further through the competition. 

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I just loved one particular part of the challenge.  

Mr. "THIS IS WHAT I LIVE FOR" was fairly quick running to the challenge area to find his cache.  Matt had a bad muscle pull or something making it almost impossible for him to do  more than hobble slowly.  He was dead last in getting to the clue, and very slow in accomplishing the tracking part of the challenge.

So who comes in second after constructing the snare?  Matt.  Jeff is still out there trying to get the snare constructed and working.  Even though he was slower than anyone else in his ambulatory ability, Matt's expertise and experience in building the snare made that an easy thing for him to do.

Even with (figuratively) one leg tied behind his back, Matt comes in second!!!

Jeff needs to put his money where his big mouth is.  Except I don't think he's going to win any.

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As much as I wanted to hate Steven, I get that all's fair.  Maybe producer/editor shenanigans, but Steven looked like he felt bad.  Gary is really impressing me with his people skills, but in the end I'm rooting for Matt to win, although I won't be mad if Gary does.  I get leg cramps and felt Matt's pain, it feels like someone/thing is bending your bones in unnatural directions. 

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Hubby just asked whether they had shown whether Jeff was successful when shooting at the impala.

I told him that Jeff had commented, "Ohhhh . . . so close."

In Jefftalk, that means, "I shot it in South Africa, and it landed in South Africa - but not in the impala.  Other than that slight detail, THIS IS WHAT I LIVE FOR!!!!"

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