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S08.E20: Reunion Part 2

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11 minutes ago, AnnA said:


I don't remember how Camille and Dorit were getting along when Dorit went off the reservation.    Whatever their relationship was, I'm guessing they weren't close.   I could cut a good friend some slack but not an acquaintance. 

Then when Dorit apologized Camille should  tell she could never forgive her.    Don't fake it and keep bringing it up.  How many apologies make it okay?  Camille is a two bit player on the show who needed something to try and get her diamond back and she failed.  Camille's problem is she swans in, which is totally RH fashion and no one has had a meaningful conversation with her in ages.  She had been dating Mr. Right for almost a year and no one had met him?  Great friends.   There are reasons Camille is just that not well received and then bitched at Dorit at the Reunion and went off stage and sucked up to her-pick a lane Camille.  Camille's new man knows who Camille is.  

Most likely I would have a hard time moving past a co-worker that called me a stupid "c" but it should only get so much mileage.  They don't need to be BFFs but Camille seems to have a hard time developing a deep relationship with anyone.  

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, AnnA said:


I don't remember how Camille and Dorit were getting along when Dorit went off the reservation.    Whatever their relationship was, I'm guessing they weren't close.   I could cut a good friend some slack but not an acquaintance. 

They got along fine last season and before Kyle's dinner this season. Camille knew Dorit was drunk when she made the comments at the dinner, they all did and Camille accepted her apology at Teddi's house, so she needed to let it go then. If Camille didn't trust Dorit or want to get closer to her, fine, be polite but stop with the "I'm so insulted" act for the rest of the season. LOL

1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

Wire-what do the others want to say?  Teddi and her wooden husband never say anything in a group.  Camille just wants to make sex jokes then acts so offended over the strap on comments.  That conversation could have been avoided had Mauricio not have asked a 50 year old woman, who used surrogates, if she planned on having more children.  Reasons why couples should not discuss decisions to have more children in a group setting.  

I do think had LVP not done the cut off her head she and Erika were close to being friends.  I blame Kyle for having to be the perpetual victim and act as if she slays all of LVP's dragons.  There were no dragons or unicorns.  I am on an island as I can see why Erika is bored and frustrated with the show.  Kyle asking for apologies and little nobody and her accountability does not a good show make.  LVP I think just became exhausted over no form and function.  I thought the limo ride with Erika and LVP might have loosened things up but all the showed was LVP and Rinna ruminating.  

Erika has shown she can get over stuff and I do believe Erika and LVP have more in common than the show allows them to explore.

I think it is that no one can get a word in edge wise when Dorit is talking, she tends to talk over everyone. Dorit admits to it as well, so there isn't a question "if" she does it but more of a how to deal with it kind of thing. 

As for Dorit's comments to Camille at Kyle's party, I put them in the "she was as drunk as a skunk" category and don't give them any significance. She apologized and they need to let that conversation go. 

I don't know why Erika is upset at Lisa's "off with her head joke" other than the woman has zero sense of humor. She knew nothing about the photo shoot, nothing and for her to put in her 2 cents was ridiculous IMO, as were Rinna's. The only reason they said squat was to stir up trouble between Lisa/Dorit and nothing else. Erika will never be close to Lisa, she has to be the dominate personality in her friendships and that will not happen with Lisa.

I do think they could've/would've gotten along better had Yolanda not filled Erika's head up with nonsense about her and then Rinna taking over after Yolanda/Eileen left the show. But at this point, the damage is done, I doubt Erika will ever open up to Lisa (or any of the others including Rinna/Kyle for that matter). IMO, Erika was over the show the first day she filmed it. I don't think she ever really wanted to do it but did so only to further her singing/performing career. She never wanted to get to know these women on a personal basis (like real friendships require), they are a means to an end and nothing more to her.

  • Love 11
9 minutes ago, AntAnn said:

I think maybe Erika J just might be is over us, her loyal fans. Being a star is never quite as glamorous as the illusion... like DWTS.

DWTS had to have been an eye opener to Erika. She blamed the judges for her loss/quick exit but in reality, the viewers voted her off, or more precise, didn't vote for her hence her early exit. LOL

  • Love 10
11 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Then when Dorit apologized Camille should  tell she could never forgive her.    Don't fake it and keep bringing it up.  How many apologies make it okay? 

Most likely I would have a hard time moving past a co-worker that called me a stupid "c" but it should only get so much mileage. 


10 hours ago, WireWrap said:


As for Dorit's comments to Camille at Kyle's party, I put them in the "she was as drunk as a skunk" category and don't give them any significance. She apologized and they need to let that conversation go. 

I don't understand why Camille should be expected to let something go when none of the other HWs ever do.   They're all guilty of dredging up the past when it suits them.

I'd  have more than a hard time moving past a co-worker who called me a stupid c**t.   Having that person as a co-worker complicates the situation because normally I would have nothing to do with someone who uses that word whether they were drunk or not.  

  • Love 12
8 minutes ago, AnnA said:


I don't understand why Camille should be expected to let something go when none of the other HWs ever do.   They're all guilty of dredging up the past when it suits them.

I'd  have more than a hard time moving past a co-worker who called me a stupid c**t.   Having that person as a co-worker complicates the situation because normally I would have nothing to do with someone who uses that word whether they were drunk or not.  

Camille had no problem with Erika, who uses that word, so I don't think it was the word but that Dorit said it about her in front of her then BF. That said, she knew what to expect (anything goes) when she brought him around these women when alcohol is served, someone was bound to drink too much/act like an ass and this time it was Dorit. I actually found Dorit's comment about a strap on/being a guy more offensive than calling her a SC but Camille can't be upset about that without being upset at Mauricio who brought up the subject (having more children) and Camille isn't going to go down that road again (that is going against anything Kyle including her husband). Again, if you aren't willing to move past it (teasing about it later on is ok as long as it isn't mean spirited) then don't accept the apology and act like all is well to the persons face, which is exactly what Camille did. I think if you removed the alcohol, Dorit would never have said it, which does make a difference IMO. 

The reunion is all about acting upset about things they said they were over long ago when in fact they weren't. They all seem to want themselves to look like victims even when they threw the first stone (and No, Camille didn't start this, drunk Dorit did).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

  • Love 1
19 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Camille had no problem with Erika, who uses that word, so I don't think it was the word but that Dorit said it about her in front of her then BF. That said, she knew what to expect (anything goes) when she brought him around these women when alcohol is served, someone was bound to drink too much/act like an ass and this time it was Dorit.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Exactly!   Saying it about Camille in front of her BF was the problem.   We don't seem to have as much drunk talk/acting like an ass as we used to back in the Kim/Brandi days.    Now it just seems to be Dorit and Dorinda.

Edited by AnnA
Just now, AnnA said:

Exactly!   Saying it about Camille in front of her BF was the problem.   We don't seem to have as much drunk talk/acting like an ass as we used to in the Kim/Brandi days.    Not it just seems to be Dorit and Dorinda.

Yes, the drunk acts have left for the most part but it still happens. Rinna got wasted in NY but she seems to get quiet when she gets drunk and none of the other remaining BH cast are big drinkers, including Dorit, which makes what she said more forgivable, especially since she apologized as soon as she saw Camille IMO. Again, Camille knows there is a risk that the fur will fly at these gatherings, she brought him anyway, and he didn't look upset/embarrassed/shocked by anything said by anyone. 

Dorinda is in a league of her own, she gets nasty drunk OR sober! LOL

  • Love 2
45 minutes ago, AnnA said:

Camille had no problem with Erika, who uses that word, so I don't think it was the word but that Dorit said it about her in front of her then BF.

Yeah, there is a big difference between being ok with someone who uses the word, and being called that word by someone. Erika wears a statement necklace with the word on it, I guess she feels like it's part of her brand. But, I think if Erika had actually called Camille that word, Camille would have reacted the same way she did with Dorit. 

  • Love 10
On 5/5/2018 at 4:55 PM, Gam2 said:

I had vascular migraines (diagnosed by the Chief of Neurology at Vanderbilt Hospital because it was thought that I had a brain lesion) in my 20’s and early 30’s. This was before the new drugs that seem to be effective. Typically, it was about 3 days of vomiting, debilitating pain and the need to be in total darkness. I had two small children then and my mom would have to come take care of them. I’ve often heard people say that they have migraines and perhaps they do. Maybe I just had an extreme version of them. I do think people say that when they have a regular headache or just want some attention.

I get headaches quite often and migraines maybe a few times a year so I can definitely tell the difference and I know a couple people who get completely wiped out for days when they have migraines so I know mine aren't bad considering I can take advil or excederine and mostly they'll go away to where I can function but I can still sort of feel the side effects.  However if I didn't have those friends that have them way worse I would probably think mine were bad.  Feeling like you could vomit isn't very fun while at work, but easy-ish to work through if you could.  Which is what mine are.  But I've never actually gotten sick from one.  Just really sensitive to light and the feeling of possibly becoming sick and gone by the next day even if I don't take meds for it.    But on my level of headaches... I would call them bad for me so that could be what Erica bases her's on.  Maybe her own version of headaches/migraines and not compared to how bad other people have it. 

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, AnnA said:


I don't understand why Camille should be expected to let something go when none of the other HWs ever do.   They're all guilty of dredging up the past when it suits them.

I'd  have more than a hard time moving past a co-worker who called me a stupid c**t.   Having that person as a co-worker complicates the situation because normally I would have nothing to do with someone who uses that word whether they were drunk or not.  

In defense of Camille this has been an incredibly boring season and with most everyone rushing away from the villain side of the ship.  It just comes off as desperate the two big story lines are essentially Erika is rude and Dorit talks too much.   It reminds me of when Kim was telling Kyle about her being the most hurt.  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-3/blogs/no-need-for-mouthpieces * Camille suffered the most because of the comment.

Camille is not a full time RH.  I guess it comes down to if you can't move past it quit your job.  If all she has is Dorit called me a stupid "c" and Dorit has  apologized but let's relive it.   It isn't exactly the past when Camille brings up in almost every interaction she has with Dorit, brings it up outside Dorit's presence.  I mean if Camille was really so offended why go to PK's birthday?  What Camille has working against her is she brings it up and expects more from Dorit.  Camille wants the bitch to shut up, she humiliates her, Dorit accepts it-doesn't relish it, shuts up and Camille is pissed Dorit didn't find it hilarious.

Ten years ago on one of these franchises  RH would come on and a "why I would never allow such a thing", then all of sudden they are best buddies the next year with that person.  Then along came Eileen, an Emmy winning actress, who just could never get past LVP asking about when the affair began.  It ended up defining Eileen instead of the cool things about Eileen.

* I let this play and it has LVP talking about how she feels about the RH- she will always love Brandi and her relationship with Kyle had changed.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 5
2 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

In defense of Camille this has been an incredibly boring season and with most everyone rushing away from the villain side of the ship.  It just comes off as desperate the two big story lines are essentially Erika is rude and Dorit talks too much.   

Ugh!   You're right!

No wonder we keep rehashing the same old, same old......

  • Love 2
21 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Wire-what do the others want to say?  Teddi and her wooden husband never say anything in a group.  Camille just wants to make sex jokes then acts so offended over the strap on comments.  That conversation could have been avoided had Mauricio not have asked a 50 year old woman, who used surrogates, if she planned on having more children.  Reasons why couples should not discuss decisions to have more children in a group setting.  

I do think had LVP not done the cut off her head she and Erika were close to being friends.  I blame Kyle for having to be the perpetual victim and act as if she slays all of LVP's dragons.  There were no dragons or unicorns.  I am on an island as I can see why Erika is bored and frustrated with the show.  Kyle asking for apologies and little nobody and her accountability does not a good show make.  LVP I think just became exhausted over no form and function.  I thought the limo ride with Erika and LVP might have loosened things up but all the showed was LVP and Rinna ruminating.  

Erika has shown she can get over stuff and I do believe Erika and LVP have more in common than the show allows them to explore.

Hard to believe ANYONE would like EriCa. She's such a smug bitch. If she's SO bored with the show, she should leave. Her MO is she THINKs she is above it all. NO, EriCa, you're a trashy low-life c, a gold digger, and a complete a hole.

  • Love 4

Why should Erica be surprised when people turn away from the cold chill she has carefully and continuously cultivated?

I question if she has shown any genuine warmth to anyone the entire time we have seen her. Her costumed persona and Mrs. Golum role, both facades, are put up walls that she allows no one to scale save those that are paid, Golum buys his way in. She has no story other than her desperate grab at C level fame. That is it. That. Is. It. That is all she will give us besides a shallow "business meeting" with her husband once or twice a season.

She is not worth the effort.

  • Love 18
On 5/6/2018 at 11:11 PM, WireWrap said:

DWTS had to have been an eye opener to Erika. She blamed the judges for her loss/quick exit but in reality, the viewers voted her off, or more precise, didn't vote for her hence her early exit. LOL

 No one ever heard of her and her RH wife fans and gays will soon forget her. She is old and thick and will soon be forgotten.

I dislike her the more I hear her.

23 hours ago, Higgins said:

My migraines are often painless and consist of scintillating scotoma. It is debilitating non the less as you can't see.

I call BS on Erika and Migraines. Just a reason to be stoic and not engage with anyone.

Same as her leaving Teddi's house because of her period.

She didnt even tell anyone she was leaving. Classless Overblown Cow

  • Love 8

I'm not sure what type of emotion some are looking for in Kyle getting burgularzied.  It happened months ago, she has insurance and she can get new bags.  Sucks about the thieves taking some irreplaceables, but hey.......shit happens.  No one was killed, and in the end, its just stuff.  I was burglarized, (granted, I don't have Kyle's caliber of stuff, mine is better, cuz its my stuff ;), and  I was more upset about some jags being in my sanctuary, than I was about same jags stealing from me.  In the end, life is short and its not about material things.  So, I think Kyle's reaction is just fine.  (PS, I'm sure she was a crying lunatic when she saw her bare closest, but she got over it when she put it into perspective)

  • Love 10
4 hours ago, Giselle said:

Why should Erica be surprised when people turn away from the cold chill she has carefully and continuously cultivated?

I question if she has shown any genuine warmth to anyone the entire time we have seen her. Her costumed persona and Mrs. Golum role, both facades, are put up walls that she allows no one to scale save those that are paid, Golum buys his way in. She has no story other than her desperate grab at C level fame. That is it. That. Is. It. That is all she will give us besides a shallow "business meeting" with her husband once or twice a season.

She is not worth the effort.

What is strange to me is Kyle has worked overtime making sure her relationship with Erika remains pristine. 

Where Erika is at her best is behind the wheel/handlebars of a jetski-I think she would enjoy doing more physical things with these women.   Driving fast cars, dancing, singing she seems to be comfortable.  

I do think Erika honestly enjoyed Yolanda and Eileen and has fun with Rinna.  Whenever Erika tries to talk to Kyle about her mother and growing up Kyle interrupts her with tales of her childhood.  I don't think Erika minds Dorit or PK.  I think she likes they are over the top.

I just wish Erika and LVP would bury the hatchet-both of them have lifetime passes for the show.  I do think they would have fun together-and Ken would not be the oldest.

  • Love 3
On 5/4/2018 at 8:28 PM, WireWrap said:

Your Welcome!

 If this is true, it explains a lot of her behavior this last season. She has been less EG and EJ most, if not all, of the time yet when she first joined, she was insistent that her EJ character was only her stage persona and not to be confused with EG, Tom's wife. If she and Tom are really done, then she needs to sell her EJ persona to keep the money/semi fame rolling in because she won't have his deep pockets funding her lifestyle for much longer. 

If they are splitting, maybe that is why she got it out into the ether that it costs 40K to take care of herself (and be EJ).  Could help her get a settlement that would enable her to still live the life she has grown accustomed to after the divorce.

  • Love 2
48 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

What is strange to me is Kyle has worked overtime making sure her relationship with Erika remains pristine. 

Where Erika is at her best is behind the wheel/handlebars of a jetski-I think she would enjoy doing more physical things with these women.   Driving fast cars, dancing, singing she seems to be comfortable.  

I do think Erika honestly enjoyed Yolanda and Eileen and has fun with Rinna.  Whenever Erika tries to talk to Kyle about her mother and growing up Kyle interrupts her with tales of her childhood.  I don't think Erika minds Dorit or PK.  I think she likes they are over the top.

I just wish Erika and LVP would bury the hatchet-both of them have lifetime passes for the show.  I do think they would have fun together-and Ken would not be the oldest.

Lisa isn't the issue here, it is all Erika. Lisa has tried reaching out to Erika and has been rebuffed each and every time. Erika has major issues with strong/confident/intelligent women (Lisa) and prefers to be around the more needy/slower witted girls women (Kyle/Rinna/Eileen) that she can lead.

  • Love 6
4 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

If they are splitting, maybe that is why she got it out into the ether that it costs 40K to take care of herself (and be EJ).  Could help her get a settlement that would enable her to still live the life she has grown accustomed to after the divorce.

Even though Erika has said that there is no prenup, I have no doubt that there is one/something similar in place and that it is redone every ten years. I don't think Erika has to worry about having enough money to live on but I doubt that Tom would be willing to fund her "singing/preforming" dreams until the end of time, so I suspect there is an expiration date attached to him funding her dreams and it is near it use by date. 

  • Love 8
5 hours ago, Giselle said:

Why should Erica be surprised when people turn away from the cold chill she has carefully and continuously cultivated?

I question if she has shown any genuine warmth to anyone the entire time we have seen her. Her costumed persona and Mrs. Golum role, both facades, are put up walls that she allows no one to scale save those that are paid, Golum buys his way in. She has no story other than her desperate grab at C level fame. That is it. That. Is. It. That is all she will give us besides a shallow "business meeting" with her husband once or twice a season.

She is not worth the effort.

You put it much more eloquently than I would. I just say she pretty much sucks donkey balls....

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

What is strange to me is Kyle has worked overtime making sure her relationship with Erika remains pristine. 

Where Erika is at her best is behind the wheel/handlebars of a jetski-I think she would enjoy doing more physical things with these women.   Driving fast cars, dancing, singing she seems to be comfortable.  

I do think Erika honestly enjoyed Yolanda and Eileen and has fun with Rinna.  Whenever Erika tries to talk to Kyle about her mother and growing up Kyle interrupts her with tales of her childhood.  I don't think Erika minds Dorit or PK.  I think she likes they are over the top.

I just wish Erika and LVP would bury the hatchet-both of them have lifetime passes for the show.  I do think they would have fun together-and Ken would not be the oldest.


I think its a Bravo paid version of Erika interacting with the others.

I believe she has enjoyed very little save that which benefits her in some way. It has nothing to do with genuine warmth it has to do with doing the right thing to get a payoff. Eileen, it was a bit part, Yolanda, I believe the payoff was a perceived friendship, and not getting a "how dare you I'm sick" card played against her. I still remember that weird all most "getting to know you" conversation with the Fosters in their backyard with Golum and Yoyo her first season. With Rinna she got a nice trip to Tokyo or wherever and TV time.

She has snapped at most of them. Kyle has seen first hand what happens if you say the wrong thing to her or she believes you have. Hell, she snapped at Eileen for no reason.  She went after Teddy time and time again. 

Shetold us by action, comment, body language who she is. For all of her "girl power" posturing I find her a fraud. She'll fuckover any female to come out on top.


It's all about her and if the divorce rumors are true maybe Golum has figured that out. She doesn't do caregiver on any level. She would be galavanting on stage somewhere or playing Barbi doll with Mikey while a nurse wipes his ass in his last days and he's asking where is his wife.

  • Love 10

I have chronic migraines and there are a variety of headaches that fall under the category of migraine.  Some are the ones that you traditionally think of as a migraine, puking, laying flat in a dark room, with no noise, etc.  Others are intense, but not as obvious to other people.  There are times I am sure that people think I'm milking a regular headache when I have a migraine, but I'm not.  It's bad, I'm just able to push through and go on with my day somewhat.  I do take preventive meds and also have rescue meds, but they aren't something that works 100% of the time.  The thing that works the best knocks me out completely and it's not always realistic to just go sleep it off for however long it takes.  

Erika, in some ways, reminds me of me at a work meeting.  At some point, I begin to lose my mind because it's clear we're not going to get anywhere.  I can go around the table and, depending on the topic, I can peg which coworker will take which stand, who MIGHT budge a bit, who will not at all, and then you have the ones who will pontificate forever, trying to sway everyone to their side or just not "get" the topic at hand.  All of this makes me rage-y inside, and I have very little tolerance for it.  I feel that we should come to the meeting with open minds, a bit of an idea of the agenda, accomplish what we're supposed to do, as quickly as possible, and then get out of there and get back to the actual stuff we should be doing.  So, when "that person" hijacks the meeting for the 3rd time to go on and on about how they don't understand why this topic was even brought up, then yeah, I'm pretty much ready to stab someone with a pencil.  The reunion is their job, and I get it, as I'm sure does Erika.  But, how many times has she already had to hear about Lisa and Kyle and their friendship?  And then, how many years has this been a topic at the reunion?  Is it settled? No, ok, will it be an issue next year?  Yep.  So, can we at least move on to something else?  

  • Love 2
17 minutes ago, smores said:

I have chronic migraines and there are a variety of headaches that fall under the category of migraine.  Some are the ones that you traditionally think of as a migraine, puking, laying flat in a dark room, with no noise, etc.  Others are intense, but not as obvious to other people.  There are times I am sure that people think I'm milking a regular headache when I have a migraine, but I'm not.  It's bad, I'm just able to push through and go on with my day somewhat.  I do take preventive meds and also have rescue meds, but they aren't something that works 100% of the time.  The thing that works the best knocks me out completely and it's not always realistic to just go sleep it off for however long it takes.  

Erika, in some ways, reminds me of me at a work meeting.  At some point, I begin to lose my mind because it's clear we're not going to get anywhere.  I can go around the table and, depending on the topic, I can peg which coworker will take which stand, who MIGHT budge a bit, who will not at all, and then you have the ones who will pontificate forever, trying to sway everyone to their side or just not "get" the topic at hand.  All of this makes me rage-y inside, and I have very little tolerance for it.  I feel that we should come to the meeting with open minds, a bit of an idea of the agenda, accomplish what we're supposed to do, as quickly as possible, and then get out of there and get back to the actual stuff we should be doing.  So, when "that person" hijacks the meeting for the 3rd time to go on and on about how they don't understand why this topic was even brought up, then yeah, I'm pretty much ready to stab someone with a pencil.  The reunion is their job, and I get it, as I'm sure does Erika.  But, how many times has she already had to hear about Lisa and Kyle and their friendship?  And then, how many years has this been a topic at the reunion?  Is it settled? No, ok, will it be an issue next year?  Yep.  So, can we at least move on to something else?  

Erika acts like this even when she doesn't have a "migraine", she always has a stank face/attitude unless it is all about her. LOL

  • Love 12
3 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

What is strange to me is Kyle has worked overtime making sure her relationship with Erika remains pristine. 

I think all her life Kyle has been the Peace Maker-The Fixer with her family

She needs things to be in order,that everyone is okay and they all get along

Having someone not like her or being in conflict is foreign to her

  • Love 6
9 hours ago, smores said:

I have chronic migraines and there are a variety of headaches that fall under the category of migraine.  Some are the ones that you traditionally think of as a migraine, puking, laying flat in a dark room, with no noise, etc.  Others are intense, but not as obvious to other people.  There are times I am sure that people think I'm milking a regular headache when I have a migraine, but I'm not.  It's bad, I'm just able to push through and go on with my day somewhat.  I do take preventive meds and also have rescue meds, but they aren't something that works 100% of the time.  The thing that works the best knocks me out completely and it's not always realistic to just go sleep it off for however long it takes.  

Erika, in some ways, reminds me of me at a work meeting.  At some point, I begin to lose my mind because it's clear we're not going to get anywhere.  I can go around the table and, depending on the topic, I can peg which coworker will take which stand, who MIGHT budge a bit, who will not at all, and then you have the ones who will pontificate forever, trying to sway everyone to their side or just not "get" the topic at hand.  All of this makes me rage-y inside, and I have very little tolerance for it.  I feel that we should come to the meeting with open minds, a bit of an idea of the agenda, accomplish what we're supposed to do, as quickly as possible, and then get out of there and get back to the actual stuff we should be doing.  So, when "that person" hijacks the meeting for the 3rd time to go on and on about how they don't understand why this topic was even brought up, then yeah, I'm pretty much ready to stab someone with a pencil.  The reunion is their job, and I get it, as I'm sure does Erika.  But, how many times has she already had to hear about Lisa and Kyle and their friendship?  And then, how many years has this been a topic at the reunion?  Is it settled? No, ok, will it be an issue next year?  Yep.  So, can we at least move on to something else?  

I think that many of us have been in a similar meeting, and felt the same way. The point is that Erika consistently looks like she wants to stab someone with a pencil. 

If I went around with that attitude every day at my workplace, I think it would be time to find another job.

  • Love 6
19 hours ago, smores said:

Erika, in some ways, reminds me of me at a work meeting.  At some point, I begin to lose my mind because it's clear we're not going to get anywhere.  I can go around the table and, depending on the topic, I can peg which coworker will take which stand, who MIGHT budge a bit, who will not at all, and then you have the ones who will pontificate forever, trying to sway everyone to their side or just not "get" the topic at hand.  All of this makes me rage-y inside, and I have very little tolerance for it.  I feel that we should come to the meeting with open minds, a bit of an idea of the agenda, accomplish what we're supposed to do, as quickly as possible, and then get out of there and get back to the actual stuff we should be doing.  So, when "that person" hijacks the meeting for the 3rd time to go on and on about how they don't understand why this topic was even brought up, then yeah, I'm pretty much ready to stab someone with a pencil.  The reunion is their job, and I get it, as I'm sure does Erika.  But, how many times has she already had to hear about Lisa and Kyle and their friendship?  And then, how many years has this been a topic at the reunion?  Is it settled? No, ok, will it be an issue next year?  Yep.  So, can we at least move on to something else?  

Sorry about your migraines.

The difference with what you are saying (and I so agree, I have work meetings where the same d**ned thing gets mentioned forever!), is that - for the Reunion shows - the purpose IS to hash out all the stuff from the last year.  So yeah, people should be over it, but the format is to get back to the issues.

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Oh, I agree that it's the purpose of the reunion, I just see Erika check out after a bit of the back and forth, when it's clear that it's not going to be solved.  There have been times that she has engaged, trying to help Dorit understand a point, say that she wasn't ever upset with Kyle over pantygate, etc, but Dorit will never get that she might be wrong in a situation.  She just deflects things and then moves the goal posts to something else, or flat out lies about what she said/did.  That's when I see myself and Erika being similar, there's a point where I just check out at meetings, I mean, I'm there, and I do participate, but at some point when an issue has gone around and around, and you've tried to get it resolved, then screw it, we're getting nowhere and let's just move on.  If we're not going to move on, I'm going to stop talking about it, because I just can't participate anymore without possibly saying something I shouldn't, and so I'm out.  

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On 5/2/2018 at 2:24 PM, Mrs peel said:

I had forgotten about the RH money (DUH!), and managed to forget she was DWTS.  Wow, wouldn't it be nice if the "stars" on a show like DWTS would donate their money to charity?  Oh yeah, right, 99% of them aren't really stars and might need the $$. 

But her $40k a month is almost $500k, before taxes.  She can deduct the cost of preparing for her "performances," including clothing - IF it's not stuff that can be worn outside of the "work" (i.e. police uniform, etc.)  She can't possibly legally claim all her appearances on RH relate to her Erica Jayne character, so those clothes are out.  THE RH money, if $400k, doesn't cover her costs, since if she has a manager that's 10% off the top, then taxes, agent if she has one, etc.  Of course, the IRS has very limited resources to conduct audits, so unless she's audited, who knows what she's doing.

I've always wondered how much Mikey makes.  $75,000? $100,000? I hope she's paying him enough to be at her beck and call at all times.

On 5/8/2018 at 1:55 PM, TV Diva Queen said:

I'm not sure what type of emotion some are looking for in Kyle getting burgularzied.  It happened months ago, she has insurance and she can get new bags.  Sucks about the thieves taking some irreplaceables, but hey.......shit happens.  No one was killed, and in the end, its just stuff.  I was burglarized, (granted, I don't have Kyle's caliber of stuff, mine is better, cuz its my stuff ;), and  I was more upset about some jags being in my sanctuary, than I was about same jags stealing from me.  In the end, life is short and its not about material things.  So, I think Kyle's reaction is just fine.  (PS, I'm sure she was a crying lunatic when she saw her bare closest, but she got over it when she put it into perspective)

I don't doubt that losing all that stuff, particularly her mother's, would be traumatic. I have a close friend who had a totally destructive house fire and lost close to everything. It is absolutely a trauma.

There is another side to it, though. There was grief, but there was also the fun of getting to buy new stuff, once the insurance payment came through. Maybe Kyle has comforted herself with a little retail therapy. 

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Camille just wants to make sex jokes then acts so offended over the strap on comments.  That conversation could have been avoided had Mauricio not have asked a 50 year old woman, who used surrogates, if she planned on having more children.  Reasons why couples should not discuss decisions to have more children in a group setting.  

Ok, so I have two opinions about this.

1. I personally think it is invasive to ask a couple when/If they are planning to have children, no matter what their age. To me, it is the equivalent of asking whether or not they are using birth control. It is simply no one's business. My husband and I will have been married for 15 years in October and for the first 5 or so years of our marriage we were constantly bombarded with questions about children. We had long decided that we weren't going to, but if we did change our minds, it would be to adopt. It didn't matter if it was a close friend or even a close relative who asked, it always felt very invasive to discuss something so personal with someone other than my spouse, unless it was a topic that we brought up ourselves (which we never did with other people). 

I do understand that it is a social norm and that people mean nothing by it when they ask. It's especially true when you are newly married or engaged that people feel their curiosity outweighs your privacy, because it's just what everyone asks a newly married or engaged couple. I get it, but I still think it's rude because it simply isn't anyone's business. So that is just my own pet peeve and wish the well meaning but curious folks out there would consider how invasive and personal a question it is before it comes out of their mouth.

2. Understanding that it is a social norm to ask such a personally invasive question, I don't really fault Mauricio for asking other than my own personal issue. Again, it is a social norm to ask a newly engaged couple whether they plan to have children no matter how much I hate it. The fact that Camille is 50 and used a surrogate really has nothing to do with the question. Obviously, she could use a surrogate again if she wanted more kids, and since there are women who have had children into their late 40's early 50's (Halley Berry and Janet Jackson, and my grandmother come to mind), I think her age is moot. 

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On 5/1/2018 at 10:12 PM, missyb said:

Erika sums up her elitist approach to life perfectly when addressing the issue of Dorit not liking her hair makeup , photos.  She says she could have arranged for her own people to come back, at her expense for a makeup shoot ! So, in other words, stop production of a magazine , insult everyone , and let me coordinate the events and my shoot. 

No regard for the people who are working, professionals , etc. Completely dismissive of the editors and staff of the magazine. LVP was completely right about deferring to her editor. If Dorit hated it all, LVP was still able to use her perfect little poses without her horridly made up face. She should have been very happy about that. The problem was solved. 

Right? And what is the purpose of bringing in her gaggle of untalented leeches? So they can make another howife look like a miserable, bloated, past her prime ho? There is something so 'unmodern' about ErICKa's look. I just see a sad, hopeless, washed up Tammy Faye Bakker/aged ho when I look at her. That's the problem with trading ONLY on your sexuality. You ain't Benjamin Button, honey.

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