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The People's Court - General Discussion

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That moron's statement that most people of color have plead guilty or warrants or whatever the hell he said really got my goat. Those types of people make it hard for us minorities when something racist actually does happen. What a jackass.

I, for one, wish MM had pressed him more about his so-called military service. He strikes me as the type of guy who would lie about his military service, and as a veteran of a foreign war, that really makes my blood boil. If he put half as much energy into legitimate work as he puts into running scams, he wouldn't have to run scams. What a piece of crap he is.

For the record, not liking rap music doesn't make someone a racist. This black woman prefers classic rock. Does that make me a racist, too?

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I can't believe that guy had the audacity to come on tv!! I loved Judge Milian reading all those reports out loud

There are enough real problems with racism in this country - no need to manufacture such a ludicrous one!

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I loved Judge Milian reading all those reports out loud


But they were all lies. It's a massive racist conspiracy concocted merely to put another man of colour on parole.


Judge M hates fake playing of the race card almost as much as she hates anyone thinking she's stupid.

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I couldn't stand the plaintiff in today's first case, what a complete ass. He scams and defrauds people, then claims racism when people call him on his shit.

I had to come in here and see if you lovely people had posted and you didn't let me down. That dude was HORRIBLE! And boy I loved Judge Marilyn when she flew up on the guy (figuratively of course) because he was crying racism. I LOVE her flash of anger! How dare he call himself a Veteran! I only wish people would come after that dude and press charges for his not so petty criminality. 

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From today's case with the "to-be-on-TV" pageant fashions:

I loved it so very much when MM forced Miss Spanish Harlem to repeat "specific." If that's a pageant requirement, them she has already lost the title of Miss It Thing (or whatever it's called).


How funny was the defendant (Boris from Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons) with his tee hee hee and "Fabulouuus."  And then MM put him on Front Street by commenting on his mangled texts.  Also loved when MM asked, "What about the body conscious costume?" and Boris replied, "The bawdy, I cannoot eeeven gooo thair weeth thees gorl."  In the hallterview, he dramatically announced, "God bless, America" ---Douglas' face in the background cracked me up!

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I loved it so very much when MM forced Miss Spanish Harlem to repeat "specific." If that's a pageant requirement, them she has already lost the title of Miss It Thing (or whatever it's called).


Honestly, "wit" that face and inability to pronounce "pacific" words properly, I really think she should stop with the stupid reality shows and think about taking English grammar classes. Clara Bow, she ain't.


Loved the low-rent Rudolph Valentino defendant. I'd say the gowns were lovely if I knew anything about that stuff.

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Honestly, "wit" that face and inability to pronounce "pacific" words properly, I really think she should stop with the stupid reality shows and think about taking English grammar classes. Clara Bow, she ain't.


Loved the low-rent Rudolph Valentino defendant. I'd say the gowns were lovely if I knew anything about that stuff.

The defendant, Sandro, was a contestant on Project Runway.

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I just shook my head when he said he was in another reality show.  Perhaps the producers didn't watch Project Runway to see his antics.  He's a very angry and scary person.

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Gahhh, I was putting the finishing touches on my taxes while the show was on and only half paying attention--I can't believe I missed that the defendant was SANDRO. At least he didn't snap on this show!

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Perhaps the producers didn't watch Project Runway to see his antics. He's a very angry and scary person.


Of course the producers know who he is .... So called "reality TV" is ALL about the made up drama and friction, that one of the reasons he is being considered.  lol

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The defendant, Sandro, was a contestant on Project Runway.

Thank you for this! I thought that might be him, but he looked a little different to me. I absolutely believe he called the plaintiff stupid (not nice, even if it's correct). He was such a tool on PR. 

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Is there someone here who can tell me why a middleaged woman would want a twenty two year old Momma's baby as a roommate and then act outraged when he comes home at all hours, never cleans a bathroom and eats all the food? What was she expecting? Seriously? WTF is wrong with her??


There certainly was a lot of "axing" going on in this case. I hope no one got hurt.


ETA: I don't know if today was reruns or not, but defendant in eviction case:


"Victoria is misconstrued. She bluntly lied."


Judge M: "Don't come near me."



Edited by AngelaHunter
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Is there someone here who can tell me why a middleaged woman would want a twenty two year old Momma's baby as a roommate and then act outraged when he comes home at all hours, never cleans a bathroom and eats all the food? What was she expecting? Seriously? WTF is wrong with her??


There certainly was a lot of "axing" going on in this case. I hope no one got hurt.


ETA: I don't know if today was reruns or not, but defendant in eviction case:


"Victoria is misconstrued. She bluntly lied."


Judge M: "Don't come near me."



I thought she was weird, I thought he was weird, too, for wanting to live with someone so much older, obviously their lifestyles were going to clash at some point. But I almost agree with MM, I wondered if she wanted to be some kind of surrogate mom.


I have no idea what the defendant's defense was in the axing case.  The home she was living in was being sold, so she had to move, what am I missing?

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The home she was living in was being sold, so she had to move, what am I missing?


You didn't miss anything. She's just a squatter, grasping at any flimsy excuse to live in a house someone else pays for and not pay any rent.

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I just watched a towing case that amazed me.  The plaintiff claimed she was in McDonald's eating and the defendant tow truck came and towed the U-Haul truck she had rented.  The plaintiff had a time stamped receipt showing she was in the McDonald's around the time of the tow.  Defendant was the owner who wasn't there, she brought no witnesses (the driver}, no evidence (the receipt of call from McDonalds), or a statement from the tow driver.  All she had was a picture of the McDonald's parking lot (wth!!).  She one of the most ill prepared litigants I've seen on TPC.  She seemed to feel it was a forgone conclusion that as a tow company she would win.  SMH.....

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She one of the most ill prepared litigants I've seen on TPC.  She seemed to feel it was a forgone conclusion that as a tow company she would win.  SMH.....

That was an absolute jaw dropper, wasn't it?  The tow girl just stood there flipping her hair around like she was some type of untouchable!


Chances are either the plaintiffs were parked funny due to the U-Haul or did run into a business next door after eating, but hair flipper couldn't be bothered to back up her Tow Goddess-ness

Edited by zillabreeze
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The tow girl just stood there flipping her hair around like she was some type of untouchable!


That little girl needs to learn a bit more about her inherited business. How dare a judge expect her to have a single scrap of evidence?  Hearsay should win a case, right? I'm sure her family believes everything she says, so why shouldn't Judge M?

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For the tow truck young lady with absolutely no evidence, I suspect that she (and/or the tow company) knew that they didn't have a chance of winning so tow truck girl was just the sacrificial lamb to go on TV, look stupid, and have most of the costs covered by the show. YMMV.

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Pee Couch case was something else!!! 


Thought for the day...if your disabled mom peed on a friends couch would you go on the People's Court to dispute the Plaintiff's contention that it still smelled like human pee as opposed to cat/dog pee?


And I'm still shaking my head about the foil lined kitchen wall right above the kitty litter box.  Her whole house must smell like the urinals at a Mets game.

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The mohawk crowd surfing guy was an absolute douche. Dude - you're 34 years old.


If anyone deserves to be punched in the throat, it's him. Seething with rage and frustration over his tiny status, he'll end up in prison sooner or later. He reminds me of a JJ litigant, a violent little weasel named Garrett. He was just like this one. He died in prison not long after his appearance on JJ. Must have attacked the wrong person, finally.


Thought for the day...if your disabled mom peed on a friends couch would you go on the People's Court to dispute the Plaintiff's contention that it still smelled like human pee as opposed to cat/dog pee?


I was thinking about that. I took my dog once to visit friends and she hopped up on their couch and peed for some unknown reason. I fell over myself with apologies and told them to let me know what day would be good for me to send a professional cleaner over. They refused to hear of it and told me later they had it cleaned themselves and there was no problem afterwards. Dog pee is comparable to human pee and nothing like cat pee.


If plaintiff isn't bothered by walls and floors in her KITCHEN soaked with cat urine, I think it's true that her "significant other" just wanted a new couch.  I have cats too. They don't pee outside the box but urine from even my neutered tomcat is extremely pungent.

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The mohawk crowd surfing guy was an absolute douche. Dude - you're 34 years old. Time to grow the f up. I felt so bad for the security guard. His injuries looked really painful.

He also showed not one ounce of remorse. Some people are just so proud to be assholes. It's too bad that when he head butted the nearest guy he didn't head butt one who would put his dumb ass in the ER. I have had my run-ins with security guards too, but I'm impressed at the restraint the plaintiff showed, considering his injuries.

Who the hell still crowd surfs at that age? I thought that shit was stupid in my 20s!

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Who the hell still crowd surfs at that age? I thought that shit was stupid in my 20s!

I was sooooo looking forward to that case and had a DVR malfunction!  Apparently there is a short between the couch and the remote.

Luckily, I get sort of recent reruns in the mornings, so I should catch it soon.  


Was the the MM "Grow up" smackdown as good as the teasers?

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I was sooooo looking forward to that case and had a DVR malfunction!  Apparently there is a short between the couch and the remote.

Luckily, I get sort of recent reruns in the mornings, so I should catch it soon.  


Was the the MM "Grow up" smackdown as good as the teasers?

It was pretty good. I'd give it an eight on a 1-10 scale of her beat downs. He was just such a douchebag.
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Two really good cases this week. The guy who hid money from the bankruptcy court was defeated by the clean hands doctrine. No recovery of the money his ex was supposedly holding for him.

The case of the poor girl who took a DUI rap for a friend was crazy! Why would she have done that? Spoiled rich girl and her daddy were ripped a new one by JM. I loved the way she parsed their answers to indicate the girl had really been the one driving. Why would those people agree to go on national TV?

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The case of the poor girl who took a DUI rap for a friend was crazy! Why would she have done that? Spoiled rich girl and her daddy were ripped a new one by JM. I loved the way she parsed their answers to indicate the girl had really been the one driving. Why would those people agree to go on national TV?

The plaintiff was nuts! I would not do that for any one in my own family, let alone a friend.

I was wondering why she didn't fall under the clean hands thing - I mean, she committed a fraud on the court by lying about what happened.

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The plaintiff was nuts! I would not do that for any one in my own family, let alone a friend.

I was wondering why she didn't fall under the clean hands thing - I mean, she committed a fraud on the court by lying about what happened.

I have to agree!  I was expecting JM to take that position.  I guess in this case she felt really sorry for the plaintiff.  The plaintiff did not gain anything by her fraud. 

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OMG...the guitar case!!!!

I was yelling to myself a quote from the classic film Zoolander...."I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!"

That woman was certifiable. What the hell was she talking about?!

Edited by Eliza422
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I came here specifically (or "pacifically" if you're a TPC litigant) to share my amazement at the Guitar Lady. The guitar was covered in cracks that can only be seen using the Hubble, it's made of Italian olive wood, but she doesn't know,  Martin sent her certification but it's still not a Martin, the serial number was... what? I kind of lost track around there.  It's a huge national conspiracy to defraud her. OMG, the craziness was ramped so sky high that even Judge M. was momentarily rendered speechless.

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It wasn't a Martin. It was a Martin. What the ever-loving hell was she talking about?

My DVR skipped the bankruptcy court case. Can anyone give me a recap?

Edited by teebax
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So when is a Martin not a Martin? When it's a Martin. I was amazed that JM did not treat her w/kid gloves like she usually treats looney tunes (no pun intended). You think plaintiff thought she had a well-laid out plan to confuse the judge, so that she would rule for her just to get rid of her?

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The people who stand outside with Harvey are some of the most dim-witted dullards on the streets of California. Maybe Harvey should give them the question several minutes before the tape rolls, so they can have some "think time."  Still, it might not prevent these folks from their usual, "uuuhhhhhh, I don't know."  Have these people never played a board game?  Well, don't let them near Taboo or Scattergories.  The name of a fruit that begins with the letter A? "Uuuuuuuuhhhhh, I don't know" {bites apple as Harvey lowers the mic}.


Today, Harvey told the crowd that a drunken man told his neighbor, in front of her 8-year-old son, "I hope you get Ebola."  Then, Harvey asked the misfits behind him, "What would you do if your neighbor said to you, I hope you get Ebola?" The first person said (with a heavy accent), "I'd say I already have one."  From her facial expression, it was obvious that she wasn't trying to crack a joke. Then, the genius next to tried to convince Harvey that it was a top-shelf answer.  And then Harvey gets frustrated with the people, as usual.

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The people who stand outside with Harvey are some of the most dim-witted dullards on the streets of California. Maybe Harvey should give them the question several minutes before the tape rolls, so they can have some "think time."  Still, it might not prevent these folks from their usual, "uuuhhhhhh, I don't know."  Have these people never played a board game?  Well, don't let them near Taboo or Scattergories.  The name of a fruit that begins with the letter A? "Uuuuuuuuhhhhh, I don't know" {bites apple as Harvey lowers the mic}.


Today, Harvey told the crowd that a drunken man told his neighbor, in front of her 8-year-old son, "I hope you get Ebola."  Then, Harvey asked the misfits behind him, "What would you do if your neighbor said to you, I hope you get Ebola?" The first person said (with a heavy accent), "I'd say I already have one."  From her facial expression, it was obvious that she wasn't trying to crack a joke. Then, the genius next to tried to convince Harvey that it was a top-shelf answer.  And then Harvey gets frustrated with the people, as usual.

I don't even get the whole point of the street idiot sequences. It just proves that most of us are just as dumb as the maroons who try their cases on TV.

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It wasn't a Martin. It was a Martin. What the ever-loving hell was she talking about?

My DVR skipped the bankruptcy court case. Can anyone give me a recap?

Basically, the defendant filed for bankruptcy and gave the defendant $5,000 to hold for him so creditors wouldn't get it. He claimed it was a loan, but the defendant said he gave it to her to hide and that she gave it back to him, he said she didn't and was suing for it. The defendant won, partly because she had a witness who testified that she witnessed her giving it back to him in front of her, and partly because it was obvious what was actually going on.


Was the defendant in today's first case drunk? He was slurring his words like crazy.

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Guitar lady latched on to the wording of Martins letter that said the guitar had all the attributes of being a Martin. They intended that to be a verification of authenticity but she kept trying to say it meant that even though it looked like a duck and walked like a duck and quacked like a duck, it oddly enough WASN'T A DUCK! She was one of those who see a conspiracy around every corner. She did remind me of Rhea Perlman though.

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The story doesn't make sense.  One twin keeps making payments on a car that she has no idea who has it,  The other twin is not concerned about the car or her twin sister.  I agree, something is off, teebax.


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Was the defendant in today's first case drunk? He was slurring his words like crazy.


Was that the case where the woman accused her neighbor of punching her from behind?  Yeah, he wasn't all there.

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