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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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Are Robin/Patrick officially divorced yet? Did Patty get the signed papers from Rob?

They haven't mentioned Patrick receiving the papers from Robin. In six months, we'll find out the divorce was final two months earlier. It will be a throwaway line or Ron will acknowledge it indignantly on Twitter.

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They haven't mentioned Patrick receiving the papers from Robin. In six months, we'll find out the divorce was final two months earlier. It will be a throwaway line or Ron will acknowledge it indignantly on Twitter.


Didn't Patrick say something to this effect on the plan ride to Amsterdam? I wasn't paying full attention but he was upset the divorce was finale or closer to being finale. 

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They haven't mentioned Patrick receiving the papers from Robin. In six months, we'll find out the divorce was final two months earlier. It will be a throwaway line or Ron will acknowledge it indignantly on Twitter.

Lol, right?

All I remember from the Amsterdam flight is Patty saying the divorce will be finalized soon and then flirting with Sam.

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To be fair I still have no clue if lucy and kevin are divorced now or not lol.RC doesn't seem to like to mention those little pesky things lol.


The way Ron has written Lucy, I'd be surprised if she remembered Kevin's name.  Siiigh.

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I still have no clue where that this Duke and lucy stuff came from.Watching old clips when Tony was in a coma nd lucy and Bobbie both were fighting over temp custody of BJ.Duke was a character witness for Bobbie not Lucy lol.

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This week's promo is up on THE Facebook.

Ron is a lying liar who lies. There's a Luke mask.

Sam yells at Patrick "Tell me the truth! Is Jason alive?!"

Fluke vs Luke again.

Anna rips the Luke mask off someone.

And Johnny, mega hot in street clothes is all "what up" to Sonny.

Someone will link it soon. They reeled me in with Sam going off on Pat, and him being dumbfounded. They intrigued me with Anna peeling a mask off the dude. But Johnny kept me.

Oh yeah Nik asks Britt what are you keeping from me now. That's like in the middle. Whatever. Johnny!

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I haven't seen the promo yet, but I still think the mask is misdirection, i.e. Anna will rip the mask off of someone and everyone will THINK that's Fluke, but that Fluke is really the person Alexis just rescued.

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I just can't get excited about Sam yelling at Patty. I know it won't last and she still won't find out the truth. There's no way the Samtrick Saga ends without them in bed.

I will be eagerly awaiting Johnny!! Woo.

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Johnny looked pretty damn good in that promo.

And whoTF is kidnapping Sam this time? Honestly, I don't think it's a kidnapping, just someone trying to get her attention without drawing attention to him or herself. Probably Julian or I guess it could be Helena. IDK

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Per SOD, this week is supposedly the last of Magda/Madeline/Donna Mills we'll be seeing for a while.

I hope forever. I love Donna Mills, but Magda sucks. Ron keeps changing her reasons for doing what she's doing/done, and it's stupid. She's unnecessary, like so many characters are.


More masks. Sigh.

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This time last year, Nikolas and Britt were so sparkily, but now, I swear we've seen that exact scene of them teased in the previews over and over and OVER again. It bums me out so much.

Dude, I know. I feel this way about every couple on the show. They all eventually become so repetitive and start boring me to tears. Dante/Lulu, especially, I'm like....why? Hook him up with Anna, please.

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I'd like to believe - minus freaks like Nina and Franco whom I give less than half a shit about...and what the hell, throw in Sonny and Carly with them - that every character on this shitastic show is wearing a mask and all the characters have been zapped to "When Soaps Weren't Shit!" Land and what is on the screen now are those lizard aliens from V underneath. It would explain so much.

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If Johnny is someone in a mask that's not AJ, then I quit.

I would accept AJ getting Johnny surgery. Why? Because it might be kind of awesome. Can you imagine the reactions of Olivia, Sonny, and Carly?

At this point, I'm kinda desperate. It's like things peaked with the AJ reveal and I'm not getting what I want.

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Weren't there spoilers that Sam has some kind of run in with Faison (and Helena)?  My brain is not working properly today, I can't find it again (the spoiler, not my brain...) Maybe she is grabbed by Fluke's minions due to Julian's loose lips...could explain the scene of her being grabbed by some person in all black with black gloves.....


Just speculating.


Oh hi, welcome back hot Johnny.  I've missed you.

Edited by mybabyaidan
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after hearing some shocking news, Sonny is determined to protect his crime organization.


Shawn finally killed a person he was aiming at? That would shake the bidness to its core.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Sabrina apologizes to Ava for trying to hurt her baby.


Kick her ass, Ava!


Rosalie has very random connection to someone in Port Charles.




Heh, even the spoiler writers know Rosalie's secret connection is going to be contrived and dumb.

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Sabrina apologizes to Ava for trying to hurt her baby.


Ava killed Connie for...whatever. She needs to do the same to Sabrina, now, when she [Ava] has an actual reason to be pissed. So, turn Sobby to worm food, Ava! You did it before; you can do it again.

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Of course Jake comes to Carly's defense.  Of course he does.  I don't what's worse - Jason Morgan who actually knew Carly being her enabler or Jake who doesn't know a damn thing about her being her enabler.  He'll probably feel sorry for her that she was cut off from her son because she's a lying liar who lies who thinks with her vagina.

Edited by ch1
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Later at the Metro Court, Carly continues to bonds with Jake who comes to her defense.


No.  Just no.  I was not a Jason fan.  I did not want Jason to ever return after he was rolled into the harbor.  But, on the slimmest bit of hope that they might take "Jason" in a new direction, I was willing to give this new character a chance - he's laughed and smiled and showed actual personality.  But if he goes back to being a Sonny and Carly apologist and enabler, he is dead to me.  I can't with that Jason any more.

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I just enjoy all the misspelled versions of her last name y'all come up with. Thiebault! Thiebauld! Thibideaud! Thighbolt!


She'll exit as she arrived: Dead eyed and vaguely concerned!

Edited by jsbt
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after hearing some shocking news, Sonny is determined to protect his crime organization.



NOW he's going to "protect" his organization, after putting Rocky Raccoon in charge, and after having Yosemite Sam as his enforcer??  NOW he's gonna protect it?


I swear his "bizzzness" really must be selling illegal tanning lotion and shoe polish hair dye.  The guy is too much of an idiot for it be anything much more.

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