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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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Wow, yeah, he looks way younger than 30 to me.


So then who do we think he's for?


ETA...oh no, what if he's, like, Griffin's half-brother or something.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Before I saw the shirtless pic, I thought They were finally SORASing Cam.

Maybe he's part of Kristina's story? He's the same age-range and the Parker story seems to have been cut off

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Lordy, who is this bro for? Is he the male Darby to keep things "angsty" between Kiki and Morgan?

This dude can actually act.

I really want to know why people like he and Matt Cohen are signing into GH.

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Lordy, who is this bro for?  Is he the male Darby to keep things "angsty" between Kiki and Morgan?


He looks meh. He'll probably be my new favorite then.

Edited by ulkis
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*shrug* Of all the off-brand things Anna is doing lately - i.e. partnering up with Sonny - this isn't the one I'm gonna hang my hat on.  The show knew that there would be "But there was no DNA test!" protests from the audience until one was ran so here we go.

This is fine! I still think it's going to come back to bite her in the you know what though, and the scenes were orchestrated just for that to happen down the road. 

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The guy might have to do with Morgan—some friend at the hospital who shows him living with bipolar can be done. I can see the show getting all soppy about that, and it would make sense the message comes from someone closer to Morgan's age and not Sonny.


As for the new female character, I have a sinking feeling it's Rebecca Budig's mother, too. Ugh. 

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I really want to know why people like he and Matt Cohen are signing into GH.




I really liked that guy in the Teen Beach Movies. Don't judge me, those are really fun movies!


LMAO if he's for Kristina. I honestly thought they'd wait like at least a year before putting Kristina back with a guy.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I really liked that guy in the Teen Beach Movies. Don't judge me, those are really fun movies!


LMAO if he's for Kristina. I honestly thought they'd wait like at least a year before putting Kristina back with a guy.


Matt Cohen has a kid, a steady gig could be enticing.


The other guy is only recurring, so he's not shackling himself to GH anyway. 

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I really want to know why people like he and Matt Cohen are signing into GH.


They've got bills to pay, like everyone else. And from a technical view, working on a soap can teach you a lot (good and bad).

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So Nik simply made a mistake. Right, show. Whyyyyy does Sam want to show him any sort of mercy? Nik and Liz have proven that they'd do everything exactly the same and screw Sam over again if they had the chance to do it over. Why is this show making Sam defend them??


To do otherwise might ding up Saint Sam's halo.  Can't have that.


The sad thing is, I don't think they even realize that they've ruined / are (possibly) about to ruin Anna (even more).   Or why what they've done with her over the last few years and are now (possibly) doing is pissing off the fans who remember and care about what a unique character she used to be



The show's months-long trashing of Steve Hardy's granddaughter shows they don't care who's fans they piss off or alienate or drive away from the show.  They just don't.  They have their pets and they have their goats and nothing the fans say or do will change any of it.



Bye, Jane Elliot.  It was nice having you on the show.

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Show finally giving me ragey, punchy Jason AND Sam in a passionate love scene? Ok, I see you. I acknowledge you, show.

Why does Maura West have to get the OTT campy, screamy BS? Ugh. Enough. Let her do something else.

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on another board they said SID said Anna Paul Carlos and I forget who else, end up in a confrontation and one of them ends up dead. I bet show does a godfather rip off with dead Carlos in Ava's bed.

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on another board they said SID said Anna Paul Carlos and I forget who else, end up in a confrontation and one of them ends up dead. I bet show does a godfather rip off with dead Carlos in Ava's bed.

Please tell me Emma is gone by the time Anna does this crap.

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I cannot tell you how much I have not missed bad godfather ripoffs. Also, I feel like this is going to lead to me hearing Sabrina's damn name for weeks on end. DO. NOT. WANT.

It will always be amazing how important this show has made her. Even when she's gone, she's mentioned repeatedly.

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Finally someone hits Dikolas!!!!!!!!!!


Glorious!  Also, Jason seems to be hitting Curtis.  Por que? 


But gawd, that is a terrible promo.  Showing ten zillion quick clips at warp speed does not make this drivel look exciting, Show.

Edited by TeeVee329
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from SID (not typed up by me)


4-11 Maxie digs for info
4-13 Kiki says something to Ava that shocks her
4-15 Julian hatches a plan that relies on Alexis
4-21 Ned wonders about Tracy and Sonny tells Alexis that her marriage to Julian is not a good idea.

4-14 clues lead Laura in a new direction.
4-20 will Laura find the answer
4-22 will Mikey reunite with Sabrina

4-13 someone wonders if Anna is cray cray
4-15 Jordan's worried about Anna
4-18 Paul and Anna deal with the results of their actions
4-19 Paul tells Anna something that shocks her
4-22 Scotty has a plan to save Anna.

These are in my own wrds, so if something doesn't pan out, it's my fault. I'm not very good at this. LOL

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Why is Jason punching Curtis?


I have no idea.  It seems to happen at the same time/place Jason slugs Nikolas.  I dunno why Curtis would try and defend Nikolas, he hates him too.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I have no idea.  It seems to happen at the same time/place Jason slugs Nikolas.  I dunno why Curtis would try and defend Nikolas, he hates him too.


I was going to say, I thought Jason and Curtis are on the same team here.

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on another board they said SID said Anna Paul Carlos and I forget who else, end up in a confrontation and one of them ends up dead. I bet show does a godfather rip off with dead Carlos in Ava's bed.


Oh boy, if they undid the wretched Anna-kills-Carlos plot just to put her back in the same (still out of character!) murder situation, I'm gonna have a rage-fit.


Well, who am I kidding.  This isn't even really Anna anymore, so I should probably just save my Anna Devane Fan Forever! rage at this point.  I will think of this new character as "Hanna" and congratulate FH on the opportunity to branch out in this edgy, gritty new role as a compromised cop who just constantly makes shitty, asinine decisions for plot purposes.   Grrrrrrr .... 

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Anna hasn't been Anna for yeaaaaars now.


Like, not since Night Shift 2, I guess?  If we're being honest here?   Bother.    This - and so many other reasons having to do with crap writing quality - is why I binge watch 80s episodes instead of watching actual, current show.

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Just FYI to everyone - I denounce this promo entirely. Why they continue to write the way they do, I have no clue. Well, except everyone and everything must cater to Sonny. Ugh, so much rage at what they're doing to her. It's so insulting to me as a viewer.


Billy's been working out, eh?

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Why is Jason punching Curtis?

Maybe Curtis pulls him off Nik.

And I don't think Jason is going back to the mob…yet.

I wonder if Kiki tells Ava she's a good mom. That would shock Ava.

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Sonny is the biggest waste of a mobster I've ever seen in my life. Lawd, how I wish Lucius and Cookie Lyon would come to PC and laugh and laugh at Sonny's 'organization'. Then I want Cookie to beat his ass with a broom while Lu looks on & laughs & provides commentary ("Damn, son, Cookie sho did whup yo bitch ass!"). Then Cookie tells him to get the fuck outta town with his gummy bear mafia cuz she bout to run shit fo real, though.

Can somebody write me up a quick fanfic using this very premise? Please and thanks.

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Billy just has that kind of body that he is best looking when he has weight on him, anyway. Even if he  isn't working out, I think he looks good.

I think unfortunately it will be Carlos that is dead(was thinking it might be Paul, still not sure) and yeah if Carlos, it will be Anna who is arrested.

Of course, this time she didn't do it. Save us all from that. I just don't find any of that interesting.


So....supposedly someone on DD has read an interview/article with ME where he says he is connected to at least two people in town.

I do think one of them is Griffin. Don't know if they are making them blood relatives or not, but they do look alike, and IMO it's too coincidental that they both are doctors showing up at GH so close together.

Is the other one Helena? Because it doesn't seem to be any of the Qs or Liz or Sonny or any of their extended family and friends.

I guess it could be Hayden or Curtis, etc, but I think at least one of the connections has to be a character that's been around a while.

For now, I still say he's a Cassidine or tied to them some other way.

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That promo is too fast. Like I can barely see anything.


That's the only way to make anything seem interesting.


So....supposedly someone on DD has read an interview/article with ME where he says he is connected to at least two people in town.


Of course. Jasus forbid the writers have to actually think about a character. Though given how Jason has no interest in his past, it's not as if connections matter to these writers.

Edited by dubbel zout
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