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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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Greg Vaughn is hinting on twitter that he may in fact be headed back to GH.



Greg Vaughan ‏@greg_vaughan 1h1 hour ago


Talk about being a LUCKY guy this afternoon @Marth27 @afterbuzztv





Edited by mybabyaidan
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Greg Vaughn is hinting on twitter that he may in fact be headed back to GH.







The only downside to Lucky coming back is that I'm 100% sure Liez will decide she's in love with him again, especially now that the other love of her life has dumped her. 

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I don't want a Lucky/Sam/Jason/Liz quad.


If GV is returning, I bet that is exactly what will happen: Lucky gets Patrick's old slot. (Once again, a profound thank you to JT for leaving! And for the Scrubs HEA because of it. Ahem!)


Yeah, mass fuckery is sure to follow. In 3...2...1...

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Oh god no quad.....please.  Sam should punch Lucky in the face for keeping the secret, and then Liz and Lucky can be together and leave Sam the fuck alone.  


Getting punched in the face is punishment enough, he doesn't deserve to get stuck with Liez.

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I want Sam to leave Jason's boring ass to have sex in the hot but with GV's Lucky again. Liz can be like in therapy and cured of Chronic Jason Addiction by Sex in the Doctor's Lounge with Matt Cohen's character. Jason should just be alone and work on ELQ. Or himself. Or find his brother, plant a tree, slay a dragon. I don't care. As long as no one fights for him, over him, nor dies for him.

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If true, I guess...happy for GV and his fans? It's getting harder and harder for soap actors to find steady gigs.


But I really didn't like his Lucky, and I wouldn't expect anything different. With GV in the role, no matter what they promise him going in, Lucky will be a B-list fall guy. If you're happy about this news, go watch the YouTube of him attempting to rescue Liz from Manny Ramirez or whatever his name was, and imagine years of similar stories.   

Edited by Asp Burger
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Definitely disagree. I don't think Alexis is like that at all and neither is Kristina. Plus, I think both Lexi Ainsworth and NLG can actually act, unlike Hayley Erin. Though to me saying Kristina is a Cassadine through and through isn't an insult.

I'm just gonna walk away from the Lexi Ainsworth/Kristina debate. Where she is concerned, the FFwd button is my friend. And that's as nice as I can be about it.

As far as Alexis/NLG goes, same thing.

As far as the Cassadine thing goes, I don't think saying they are a Cassadine is an insult necessarily, but let's get one thing straight: the Cassadines are not nice people. Saying anyone is a typical Cassadine, like Nik is currently being, may not be an insult per se, but it is certainly not a ringing endorsement of them being a so called "good" person, either.

I would make it plainer and simply say Kristina is a young Erica Kane, but even Erica Kane had a few redeeming qualities.


Ah ooh, GV's Lucky. We don't need Lucky, but better him than putting up with JJ crying every five minutes.

Crying isn't acting, and if all you can do in an emotional scene is bawl......please get off my screen.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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Better GV's Lucky with Sam than JJ's. Between the waterworks of Monaco and Jackson together, the citizens of PC would need an ark to get around.

I really am tired of Sam, Liz, Jason. I don't need a triangle, or a quadrangle with Lucky. I need the three of them to go away for a good long while.

They are the main reason I cannot bring myself to watch much these days. So sick of all three of their faces. Sick of their names in spoilers. Just overall, want them to go away for a few months and not even be mentioned.

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These writers don't seem to need Jason to be the hero (although maybe that would change if anything EVER HAPPENED) so they probably won't need GV to be a goat - but he'll still be Larry because it wasn't just the writing that was the problem 

Edited by Oracle42
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I so called it. Lord Larry is totally Hayden's daddy.


And when you think about it, it makes perfect sense, because she's so far a blend of both of them.

Now if they can just have her take down Nikolas like a ruthless Quartermaine and nail his butt to the wall for almost killing her, Hayden might be a keeper.

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Is there any info about who's playing Parker, Kristina's professor? Apparently he/she will be in Friday's ep so I'm surprised we didn't hear anything about casting. I suppose maybe they hired some random and didn't get a 'get' for it. I hope they let whomever cast young Luke and Patricia cast Parker and then maybe this story will have a chance of being not horrible.

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Is there any info about who's playing Parker, Kristina's professor? Apparently he/she will be in Friday's ep so I'm surprised we didn't hear anything about casting. I suppose maybe they hired some random and didn't get a 'get' for it. I hope they let whomever cast young Luke and Patricia cast Parker and then maybe this story will have a chance of being not horrible.

I've seen a couple actors (& their pics) who have recently been on set. Now, they could have been dayplayers, so who knows? And one actor was a woman and one a man so it didn't even solve Professor Parker's gender. LOL

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I'm going with Professor Parker is male. Why? Because GH was fast to forget about Brad and Lucas, and even though I never watched it, I read ABC also ditched a gay pairing on OLTL.


If I'm wrong? Awesome! Truly. But I think ABC has gone the way of Days on NBC and shed the gay population.

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Sam really needs to get her balance checked. Alway tripping into Jason, and now the bitch can't even walk up the stairs without tripping.

WTF demon spawn.

I know its my fav. being pushed down the stairs but Im sure creepy Jake will be hilarious in these scenes.

Jake is underneath the stairs when she falls. How is he pushing her? He looks shocked when he sees her fall.

I don't think he has anything to do with her falling, but he probably runs away, and just leaves her. Too bad she doesn't die.

Edited by MissE
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We dont know if he pushes her. But he could grab her leg and she falls. And if he just leaves her there to bleed out then thats just as bad as pushing her.

If he grabbed her leg, I don't think he would look so shocked to see her fall. Also, while he hates Sam, I think a lot of kids would freak out seeing something like that, and run away because they are scared. Of course I don't think Jake is some evil child either.

I'm sure Liz comes home and finds her and helps her.

Edited by MissE
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Oh I have such a soft spot for GV's Lucky and man did I love me some Lucky/Sam, so I am tentatively excited about this possibility.


But intellectually I know it will be horrible in every possible way.


You can come to my condo to watch. We'll sip large glasses of burgundy and thrill to GV's pulchritude. The mute button will get a workout, tho.


I'm still rooting for PlotPointJake to not actually be Jake. Or he's a failed clone. Or he's still dead and he's just haunting them. 


Every woman who gets involved in Jason suddenly loses her ability to walk without falling. Does he literally fuck them in the ear and destroy their natural sense of balance? Stop, show, stop. I'm sick of STAIRS being the number one enemy of women in Port Charles.

Edited by JaneDigby
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This show is so stupid.  If Jake is going to do something to Saintly Samantha, I wish he would finish the job.  He can take some tips from his murderous father.  


"OK, son, first, make sure you have the proper size tarp..." 

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Honestly, I don't think enough was shown to know whether she was pushed by Jake, or he grabbed her ankle or if she just tripped. Although why would they be going out of their way to show him drawing his evil drawings and him being shown to have a screw or two loose? We know that something is wrong with him.


WTF? Ugh, god this show is so cheap. That clip of Ava/Carly is from a year and a half ago, soon after Ava told Sonny she was pregnant. Way to completely discount your audience, Frank. We're not stupid.

Edited by tvgoddess
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I always thought that Liz's real comeuppance in this ridiculous story, other than obviously losing Jason to Sam, would be through her kids.  Maybe it's heading that way?

How would Liz pay through her kids? She hasn't done anything to lose them, and that's the only way she would pay through them.

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Every woman who gets involved in Jason suddenly loses her ability to walk without falling. Does he literally fuck them in the ear and destroy their natural sense of balance? Stop, show, stop. I'm sick of STAIRS being the number one enemy of women in Port Charles.

The Vestibular System is a tricky thing. Lol!

I am thinking he either grabs her leg as a "prank" and isn't expecting her to fall, or he doesn't touch her, but people automatically assume it was him because of the drawings, and Sam is unconscious and can't refute it. I just really don't need to see a CHILD become violent enough to try and murder someone. It's not entertaining. But this is the same show that thinks Nikolas and Hayden are root able so.....

My question is, where are they? Liz's basement? And WHY is jake by himself down there? Does he lure Sam there somehow? Or does he pretend to run away and this happens when people are looking for him?

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The Vestibular System is a tricky thing. Lol!

I am thinking he either grabs her leg as a "prank" and isn't expecting her to fall, or he doesn't touch her, but people automatically assume it was him because of the drawings, and Sam is unconscious and can't refute it. I just really don't need to see a CHILD become violent enough to try and murder someone. It's not entertaining. But this is the same show that thinks Nikolas and Hayden are root able so.....

My question is, where are they? Liz's basement? And WHY is jake by himself down there? Does he lure Sam there somehow? Or does he pretend to run away and this happens when people are looking for him?

I think he might run away from therapy, and end up at Liz's house. Sam comes over to make peace with Liz next week too, and its supposed to end badly. My guess is Sam comes over, sees the door open, hears a noise in the basement and goes to check it out. Then she falls, which is why her trying to make peace ends badly.

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How would Liz pay through her kids? She hasn't done anything to lose them, and that's the only way she would pay through them.


I think at the very least Cameron should be hell on wheels with her or something. What really should have happened was for them to age Cameron up to at least like 13 and then have him give her hell for her lies ruining his family.


I am thinking he either grabs her leg as a "prank" and isn't expecting her to fall, or he doesn't touch her, but people automatically assume it was him because of the drawings, and Sam is unconscious and can't refute it. I just really don't need to see a CHILD become violent enough to try and murder someone. It's not entertaining. 


I'm somewhat torn because I think it would be fucking hilarious if they do a story whyere Jake is like legit psychotic and tries to murder Sam. The UCG would be off the charts. But then I'll feel bad for laughing at a story about a child being insane which is actually really gross and not the type of story they need to be doing.


Is the Julexis wedding going to be a sweeps event? LOL. #GHWildWinter!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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How would Liz pay through her kids? She hasn't done anything to lose them, and that's the only way she would pay through them.


I meant that she will feel guilt and remorse for her lie because of what it did to her kids.  The writing has been super uneven for Liz-she feels guilty one minute, not the other, then blames Sam.  But I think she will truly get past Jason because she realizes she needs to truly focus on her boys.  

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I meant that she will feel guilt and remorse for her lie because of what it did to her kids.  The writing has been super uneven for Liz-she feels guilty one minute, not the other, then blames Sam.  But I think she will truly get past Jason because she realizes she needs to truly focus on her boys.  

The writing has really sucked in terms of Liz's POV, and I think one of the main reason's its been so uneven, is instead of letting the fallout for Liz be her realizing how much she sacrificed of herself for Jason, and what this lie cost her outside of Jason, its mainly been about keeping this stupid triangle going.  I really hope this is leading to her realizing that Jason was never worth any of this, and move on from him, but I don't trust the writers to do that. 

Edited by MissE
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The writing has really sucked in terms of Liz's POV, and I think one of the main reason's its been so uneven, is instead of letting the fallout for Liz be her realizing how much she sacrificed of herself for Jason, and what this lie cost her outside of Jason, its mainly been about keeping this stupid triangle going.  I really hope this is leading to her realizing that Jason was never worth any of this, and move on from him, but I don't trust the writers to do that. 


I'll respond in the Liz thread.

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I'd be okay with Jake tripping Sam down the steps if she invites herself in Liz's house uninvited again. He can just claim he was pulling a Kevin McCallister. "This is my house, I have to defend it".

Haha! I would actually love that. I think Sam is in their uninvited.

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I'm somewhat torn because I think it would be fucking hilarious if they do a story whyere Jake is like legit psychotic and tries to murder Sam. The UCG would be off the charts. But then I'll feel bad for laughing at a story about a child being insane which is actually really gross and not the type of story they need to be doing.


I would laugh with no hesitation. Remember - DNAJ isn't a real boy, he's a zombie.

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