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S37: Spoilers and Speculation

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4 hours ago, Jextella said:

Are we reading different spoilers?  Here is the section about who might win (copied and pasted so no editing on my part):

  1. A GOLIATH Castaway with TWO immunity idols plays one for his teammate after another MALE Castaway discovers it while digging through his personal property. This Castaway goes onto the F3.
  2. MULTIPLE Immunity Idols Are.....discovered by TWO MALE Castaways, in S37; each of them finding TWO. One of these is used in the most shocking elimination of the entire season, in corroboration with a twist that has never been seen in Survivor history.
  3. The FINAL THREE Castaways For S37...include TWO males and ONE female
  4. John makes the merge
  5. One of John, Mike, Dan is F3

#1 - the person digging in Dan's bag is the one who goes to F3 and it is a MALE.  I only caught tribal council tonight (will watch in full tomorrow).  Did they show a male digging in Dan's bag? 

#2 - As dramatic as tonight's show was, I didn't think there was much of a twist.  Hopefully, that means there is more to come.

#5 - We now know John doesn't make F3 and either Mike and Dan make it.

From all this, all we really know is that either Mike or Dan make F3, the 2nd male is the person who dug through Dan's bag, and the 3rd person is a female.

I read 1 as Dan makes the F3. He has two idols, played one for a teammate, and Jeremy found the first idol.

I suspect Davie will find another idol and we are in for another huge tribal because I suspect that Davie will use his second idol with Carl's nullifier and knock out a Goliath. It doesn't sound like it is Dan, maybe Dan has immunity again and uses the second idol on Kara which the Goliath's figure out.

I hope Mike doesn't make the final tribal because his game play really has not been that great and he is coming off as kind of an ass.

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11 hours ago, Jextella said:

Are we reading different spoilers?  Here is the section about who might win (copied and pasted so no editing on my part):

  1. A GOLIATH Castaway with TWO immunity idols plays one for his teammate after another MALE Castaway discovers it while digging through his personal property. This Castaway goes onto the F3.
  2. MULTIPLE Immunity Idols Are.....discovered by TWO MALE Castaways, in S37; each of them finding TWO. One of these is used in the most shocking elimination of the entire season, in corroboration with a twist that has never been seen in Survivor history.
  3. The FINAL THREE Castaways For S37...include TWO males and ONE female
  4. John makes the merge
  5. One of John, Mike, Dan is F3

#1 - the person digging in Dan's bag is the one who goes to F3 and it is a MALE.  I only caught tribal council tonight (will watch in full tomorrow).  Did they show a male digging in Dan's bag, i.e. someone other than Jeremy?

#2 - As dramatic as tonight's show was, I didn't think there was much of a twist.  Hopefully, that means there is more to come.

#5 - We now know John doesn't make F3 and either Mike and Dan make it.

From all this, all we really know is that either Mike or Dan make F3, the 2nd male is the person who dug through Dan's bag, and the 3rd person is a female.


See, I read #1 as what I had found on reddit: a person whose idol was discovered by a male castaway plays the idol to save an ally, and that person goes to the final 3.  It also mentioned that it was a Goliath castaway who had two idols, but I don't know if it meant that Dan was going to the final 3, or the person who he saved with the idol was going to the final 3.  Since Dan is rumored to possibly make the final 3, I suppose it could be him.

As to #2-no way did last night's show apply to that.  My guess is Dan plays his second idol and Carl successfully uses the nullifier to send whoever who played it for home.  Another theory is Carl is voted out before using the advantage, it gets re-hidden, and someone else finds it, and perhaps uses it to shift the balance.  Maybe a Goliath turns on their own?  Either way I think that applies to the nullifier being used.  I really hope it isn't used and a David gets voted off.

#5-Mike seems like the makings of a goat so I wouldn't rule him out of making the final 3.  I heard it was 2 Goliaths and a David, but now I can't remember where I heard that from.  The way the edit is shaping up, I find it hard to believe a David doesn't win, but the only one that seems likely is Christian because the others haven't really gotten much of an edit yet.  Davie maybe, but I can't see Carl or Gabby winning.  While Nick has gotten a big edit, and a positive one, something about him doesn't scream winner.  On the Goliath front, unless her edit changes, it's hard for me to see Allison winning, or Kara whose been fairly invisible, we know Alec is out from the reunion, so that leaves Mike, Dan, and Angelina.  

Edited by LadyChatts
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5 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

The way the edit is shaping up, I find it hard to believe a David doesn't win, but the only one that seems likely is Christian because the others haven't really gotten much of an edit yet.  Davie maybe, but I can't see Carl or Gabby winning. 

I'm not ruling Gabby out. It seems kind of impossible based on how she is likely being perceived, but this season seems to be taking so many pages out of Australian Survivor's playbook and Gabby winning would really remind me of when Kristie won. Not nearly as awesome though, probably!

5 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

I heard it was 2 Goliaths and a David ...

Ugh! Dammit! Boo!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I don’t know if that’s 100% true, but it’s what been circulating on other sites, and I can’t find where the original source came from.  So while we may be stuck with Dan or Mike in the final 3, don’t give up hope :)

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7 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

So while we may be stuck with Dan or Mike in the final 3, don’t give up hope :)

I'd much rather see Dan than Mike. Mike sucks lol. At least Dan is hilarious!

I'm trying to imagine how there would even be 2 Goliaths and a David with how it's going now, but I guess things could drastically change. Allowing 1 David in the F3 would be very stupid of 2 Goliaths though. The David would almost certainly win.

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3 minutes ago, ProfCrash said:

I wouldn't be surprised if it is Alison. She is probably going to be fine in challenges, she has an alliance of sorts with Gabby. I suspect that Allison is flexible and can see her going far.

If it is Alison, I would hope for her to win. I think she could make a really good case.

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32 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

That reminded me that I just watched some of the extra vids today and in one we learn that Alison feels super tight with Mike, which surprised me. We have never gotten even a hint of that on the show.

So if Mike wanted to bail on Strike Force that might be why Allison didn't hesitate.  Considering her and Mike were essentially on the outs at the original Goliath camp, I can see where they've maybe bonded.  I do wish they would show this kind of stuff though!  I'm guessing it won't be relevant to the story, but still.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Ok we have a new soiler/clue from Reddit from the same poster who gave us the Pat medevac and the F3 spoilers we have been discussing.  It has to do with one of the final 3 contestants and is as follows:

....shares their name with a Billboard 100 Top 5 hit from the 1980’s. (Albeit one letter lost.) The song was sung by an artist who was notorious for being quite a Dick.


The speculation is that this is Angelina based on the fact that Richard Marx who had a hit single "Angelia" that peaked at #4 in 1989.  And given the fact that he capitalized the "d" in Dick that part of the clue is actually a nod to the singers first name Richard.

I buy it and I have seen no one else on that thread come up with any other possibilities that fit that clue.  Apparently we can expect more spoilers from this source in the next few days.

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10 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

That makes sense. Angelina in the F3 could be quite entertaining.

I can not see her winning at this point, so I think she's being set up as a goat/F3 loser.  I don't think she likes not being in control, and she isn't going to have much at a FTC.  Especially if people are critical of her game.  This would also go along with that spoiler that the male castaway with 2 idols saves someone, that person goes to the final 3.  We've seen Angelina talk about blindsiding Dan, Kara seems like she wants to bail on him in the previews, and Allison has also made comments about getting rid of him.  If Dan saved Angelina and she leads to his ouster, that may cost her.  I can easily see Dan being a bitter juror, and Carl might be too, since he wasn't over Elizabeth getting Jessica out.  Dan or Mike is one of the other finalists, so this could all go along with the 2 male/female F3 and it being 2 Goliaths/1 David (right now I'd say the David will probably be Christian).  I think Dan will also crumble during the FTC if he is in the final 3.

The part about an idol being used in an episode with a shocking twist (likely the nullifier) and the most shocking elimination, may well be Dan.  And it could be his Goliath ladies turn on him, rat him out with the idol, and he gets voted out.  Mike clearly isn't going to win this season, so him getting dragged to the final 3 might make sense.  

Edited by LadyChatts
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6 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

That makes sense. Angelina in the F3 could be quite entertaining.

Somehow, I’m not finding the prospect of Angelina going, “Jury...?  Jury...?  Jury...?  Jury...?” very entertaining.  :>


1 minute ago, LadyChatts said:

I can not see her winning at this point, so I think she's being set up as a goat/F3 loser. 

Agreed.  Barring some major change in the topology of this season, what will Angelina’s game resume consist of - other than “Well, I made it to F3 over all YOU losers....”, that is?  :)

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Since we have the final 4 fire making challenge, and someone getting picked to go to the final 3, I can see Angelina waving her arms frantically and saying "pick me, pick me, PICK ME!  Okay, good.  Wait, you told Jeff it was me, right?"

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I'm just laughing at the fact that anyone even remembers the song "Angelia" nearly 30 years later...

So, a possible/probable F3 of Angelina + Dan/Mike + [David]. If Angelina does backstab Dan and Mike goes to the end, it really would echo Original Recipe Fiji—she'd be the Dreamz in that scenario and I guess Mike would be the Cassandra, who blew up the Horsemen/Strikeforce but otherwise didn't really do anything.

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I read this thread yesterday and I had horrible, terrible, ghastly nightmares of Angelina in the F3.

I want you people to know that I have been thoroughly terrorized by thinking of her making it to the F3.

Has my ex-wife paid you all to do this to me?

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Wow, a Mike/Angelina/Christian F3 would be absolutely horrible. And thoroughly predictable. Christian would obviously win. It wouldn't even be close. Might be interesting to see how those 3, who have literally no connection with other other as of now, got there though. But ugh, what a shitty end, which I have been preparing myself for anyway, but still ugh.

I hope this is all wrong and either at least 2 Davids are in F3, Dan is in F3 over Mike, and/or the 1 David in F3 isn't Christian.

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Angelina making it to the final annoys me only because I fear she will be brought there as a goat. I hope I am wrong and she suddenly manages some good game play and earns her spot through good play. I just don't like goats. I understand why goats happen, it makes total sense, but I prefer to see someone play a good game and make the end.

Mike at the end is likely because he not a competition threat and potentially goat worthy. He has alienated the David's with his betrayal of Christian. I'll be interested to see how things play out for him. Right now he smells like a  goat.

Christian has been playing a good game. He has been playing hard. I want to see him win some challenges and move a bit from the geek edit to something more just a good player.

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I'd be fine with a Christian victory.  Frankly as long as its anyone but the Goliaths I'm good (I'd be fine with an Alec or Allison win, but since Alec isn't attending the reunion, clearly it isn't him).  Normally I absolutely hate when someone is dragged to the final 3 as a goat (especially if its 2 goats getting dragged), but since it could very well be Angelina, I'm fine with that.  I'm sure she'll be livid if she discovers she's only sitting there because that's how she's viewed.  Mike definitely seems like a goat: voted against Natalie (a Goliath), only voted against Lyrsa because he felt he had to, made a side alliance, then betrayed the Davids for petty reasons.  I can't see Dan winning, either.  My worst nightmare is Angelina will take it, but as of now, I can't see her winning with her edit.  I only thought Christian was the David because of his edit.  It could very well be Nick, who is playing a strong, strategic game.  Though Davie has had a quiet edit he also seems to be playing a strong game, but not sure yet if he screams 'winner.'

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On 11/15/2018 at 2:38 AM, Jextella said:

Are we reading different spoilers?  Here is the section about who might win (copied and pasted so no editing on my part):

  1. A GOLIATH Castaway with TWO immunity idols plays one for his teammate after another MALE Castaway discovers it while digging through his personal property. This Castaway goes onto the F3.
  2. MULTIPLE Immunity Idols Are.....discovered by TWO MALE Castaways, in S37; each of them finding TWO. One of these is used in the most shocking elimination of the entire season, in corroboration with a twist that has never been seen in Survivor history.
  3. The FINAL THREE Castaways For S37...include TWO males and ONE female
  4. John makes the merge
  5. One of John, Mike, Dan is F3



Ok. So now we now that the first spoiler does not refer to Dan. I am guessing it was Angelina all along.  And given that two people in spiler number 5 are out of the game it looks like we have two member of the final 3:  Angelina and Mike.

A lot of people are now speculating that the final member is Nick given that he did previously work with Angelina and Mike back when they were on the Jableni tribe.

Edited by LanceM
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Since I definitely do not see Mike winning, and have a hard time seeing Angelina win (unless something changes in the next few episodes), then I think the David has this.  I'm going with Nick or Christian, because based on edits and game play, they seem the most likely.  Davey possibly, but I'm doubtful.  I do believe we have a jury that is going to vote based on game play, and some of the Goliaths are all about resume and big moves, so Nick and Christian have those.

I am very curious what happens the next few weeks, but I hope 2 Goliaths in the finale doesn't mean the Goliaths somehow take control and pick off the Davids.  Mike seems tailor made as a goat, because the Goliaths are probably pissed at him, and he betrayed the Davids.  Angelina is more of a wild card, but she hasn't done too much to solidify a win, and her edit hasn't been that great.  However, she seemed pretty pissed at Kara and Alec in the preview, and she said 'the Goliaths don't know how vindictive I can be', so maybe something else happens where she turns on them?  Finds out she's been on the bottom this whole time?  So maybe she starts having a break out episode next week.  Hey, we saw nothing of Natalie White's game thanks to Russell, and Natalie Anderson didn't get too visible until after the merge.  I don't want Angelina to win by any stretch, but not completely ruling it out. 

Edited by LadyChatts
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22 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

Since I definitely do not see Mike winning, and have a hard time seeing Angelina win (unless something changes in the next few episodes), then I think the David has this.  I'm going with Nick or Christian, because based on edits and game play, they seem the most likely.  Davey possibly, but I'm doubtful.  I do believe we have a jury that is going to vote based on game play, and some of the Goliaths are all about resume and big moves, so Nick and Christian have those.

I am very curious what happens the next few weeks, but I hope 2 Goliaths in the finale doesn't mean the Goliaths somehow take control and pick off the Davids.  Mike seems tailor made as a goat, because the Goliaths are probably pissed at him, and he betrayed the Davids.  Angelina is more of a wild card, but she hasn't done too much to solidify a win, and her edit hasn't been that great.  However, she seemed pretty pissed at Kara and Alec in the preview, and she said 'the Goliaths don't know how vindictive I can be', so maybe something else happens where she turns on them?  Finds out she's been on the bottom this whole time?  So maybe she starts having a break out episode next week.  Hey, we saw nothing of Natalie White's game thanks to Russell, and Natalie Anderson didn't get too visible until after the merge.  I don't want Angelina to win by any stretch, but not completely ruling it out. 

I'll laugh if Kara or Alec leave next. Espicallly Kara. Dan could've used his idol on her but she turned on him quickly for Alec And to be on Bottom of Davids

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Angelina will be insufferably delusional at final tribal.   Just like that season where Adam Klein exploited his dying mother to win the game... the other two were Ken the provider and a nerdy girl with frizzy hair and glasses (can’t remember her name).  I don’t recall her doing a thing in the game yet she seemed absolutely convinced that she played the best game and kept saying that she made all these moves.  I remember at the time that I didn’t even remember any of her moves.

Angelina is going to be the same.  I agree that she could still make things happen but it’s kind of hard when she’s turned off so many of her own tribe.  

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A Nick/Mike/Angelina final 3 would be interesting because there's still a bit of mystery behind Nick and how he would make it to the end.  I suppose it would be fun to see how Christian gets the target off of his back to make it to the end but Christian feels like such an obvious winner, if that makes any sense.

It's crazy to me that Alec has gone this far into the game and won't be at the reunion, although the reunion show is a pale imitation of what it used to be.  

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I have a weird feeling that Angelina is actually going to win this thing. It just seems to me that they may be setting her up as the biggest underdog left the game. Nobody trusts her.  She is at the bottom of her alliance. Though we heard at tribal council from one of the Davids that one may be a the bottom now but that can switch in hurry.  I think this is about to happen next week ans I don't think she will have any qualms whatsoever about flipping. She also hasn't back stabbed anyone on the jury yet and as I have noted in previous weeks nobody other than Natalie that has been voted out of this game seems to have  a bad thing to say about her. I could be totally off base here ans she gets shellacked at FTC but I would not be shocked in the least if she somehow ended up winning.

( I should note I may be a little biased here because I would actually love to see Angelina win)

Edited by LanceM
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17 minutes ago, blackwing said:

Angelina will be insufferably delusional at final tribal.   Just like that season where Adam Klein exploited his dying mother to win the game... the other two were Ken the provider and a nerdy girl with frizzy hair and glasses (can’t remember her name).  I don’t recall her doing a thing in the game yet she seemed absolutely convinced that she played the best game and kept saying that she made all these moves.  I remember at the time that I didn’t even remember any of her moves.

Angelina is going to be the same.  I agree that she could still make things happen but it’s kind of hard when she’s turned off so many of her own tribe.  

Well, Angelina is friends with Klein, and she has a husband in the military so perhaps she learned something from her friend, and will milk that.  It's been such a great season that every week I'm expecting something to go wrong and ruin it.  Mike getting to the final 3 is bad enough, and I wonder if he's delusional enough to think he can win.  But Angelina winning would be my luck.  This season has surprised me, Christian or Nick seem like such obvious winners.  I believe the finale is the 19th, so that's 4 episodes for her to pull something big off and turn her edit around.  


It's crazy to me that Alec has gone this far into the game and won't be at the reunion, although the reunion show is a pale imitation of what it used to be.  

I've been thinking the same thing, but considering the reunion show started at 10:30 the last two seasons, Alec could make it to the finale and probably still not get any airtime.  It's too bad, too, because he's been such an amazing character and game player this season.  This whole season deserves a full reunion because of all the stuff that has happened. 

In addition, who knows if Sia has favorite and will crash the stage this year.

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On 11/21/2018 at 9:11 PM, LadyChatts said:

Since I definitely do not see Mike winning, and have a hard time seeing Angelina win (unless something changes in the next few episodes), then I think the David has this.

In such a scenario I’d say the David wins as well, if for no other reason than a F3 of two Goliaths and one David means a jury composed of  5 Davids and 5 Goliaths.  If the FTC vote follows original tribal lines and there’s ANY degree of vote spread across the 2 Goliath finalists by the Goliath jurors - even so much as a single sympathy vote - then the David finalist wins.

Edited by Nashville
Fixed my digits - 5/5 Jury, not 6/6
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12 hours ago, LanceM said:

A lot of people are now speculating that the final member is Nick given that he did previously work with Angelina and Mike back when they were on the Jableni tribe.

I forgot about that. I had been thinking that it would be so weird if Angelina/Mike/Christian were F3 since they have never had any ties, so now I'm betting the F3 is Angelina/Mike/Nick and that they eventually work together again. It makes more sense than Christian and those 2 getting to F3 together.

I think if it really is 2 Goliaths and 1 David, which I guess it basically is confirmed to be right?, then the David almost undoubtedly wins unless maybe if it's Gabby or Carl. But it won't be one of them lol. I'm expecting another boring, predictable finale.

I would kinda love it though if Angelina emerges as a force and somehow wins. That'd be funny.

But I think the winner is Nick, with Christian as my second choice.

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However, if the David gets there by betraying the original David alliance, the former Davids on the jury may not vote for him/her.  It's a touch call whether or not a jury will be bitter or not.  So, it could still work out that a Goliath could win even if there's an even split of Davids/Goliaths on the jury.

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Is there a spoiler about the David having worked with the Goliaths making the final 3?  I think there are several ways Christian can make it.  He could still end up working with Angelina and Mike, despite Mike's betrayal and Angelina wanting him gone.  If Angelina wants to turn on the Goliaths at the next vote, she would need the Davids (including Christian) for that.  He has an idol, and there's always a chance he could win immunity when he needs it.  At this point, I think it'll be Christian or Nick, but I suppose anything is possible.  As long as the David wins I'm happy.  The only Goliath that I'd be happy to see win is Alec, but clearly that isn't happening.  Disappointing that he had to go screw up after the show, because I'd love to see him return in another season, but that seems unlikely.  

In the one preview posted, Gabby is seen asking Christian if people think she's stupid (and it was just a clip, but her tone made me think she was surprised by that).  So there's always a chance she could make a move, especially if she gets pulled in by Alison.  Carl and Davey never really had ties with Christian/Nick/Gabby, so whose to say they don't go rogue.  I still think it'll be Nick and Christian based on edit, but who knows.  I'm more curious how Mike makes it, unless he really is just getting dragged along.  Since he's a friend of Probst, I wonder if he's disappointed that Mike is basically the worst game player left.  

Edited by LadyChatts
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If it came down to Mike, Nick, and Angelina, I hope Nick takes it.  He's worked his tail off to stay in this thing and has done a stupendous job.  Davey, Alec, and Angelina are right up there with him.  

Nick is pretty good at physical challenges - not so much at the balancing kinds of things.  It wouldn't surprise me if he won immunity a time or two.

I hope Alec is on the reunion.  He has been an essential player this season and a big reason why the show has been so entertaining.

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In thinking about it, is it possible Strike Force could shape up again-but without Alec?  Alison/Mike are supposedly close, Gabby wanted to work with Alison and may get drawn back in, but I don't see her betraying Christian.  And Alison and Angelina may decide to make big moves that means moving on from the Goliaths, especially since she didn't seem too happy about Kara and Alec voting for her (not sure what role she'll feel Alison had since Alison didn't vote).  Christian obviously will still have his alliance with Nick, so I'm wondering if that's how Angelina/Mike make their way to the final 3 with whatever David is sitting beside them.  It would probably be one of the more dysfunctional groups to work together and making it to the end, but then again, the Goliaths didn't like each other but went all Goliath Strong, and the Davids didn't have a choice but to band together.  So maybe that'ls an underlying theme of the season-work with the people you don't like and trust the least.

Since Alison was talking about resume building, the Davids kind of have a one up on the remaining Goliaths if the game came down to that, so next week might be where everything descends into chaos.  And Christian/Nick/Gabby might insist that they if they were to team back up with any Goliaths, to gain their trust, they would need to vote a Goliath off first before they'd want to work with them (meaning Kara or Alec could get it).  Obviously this is pure speculation.  I just don't want Christian or Nick having some huge underdog triumph to the final 3, where they have to win immunities and find convenient idols when they need them because they are being targeted.  And I don't want 2 Goliaths in the finale to mean they gain the upper hand and pick the Davids off.

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Somebody pointed it over at Survivor Sucks, John's jacket that was used in Davie's "I just took out the mayor of Slamtown!" confessional was seen in Dan's Ponderosa video. That along with the preview clip with the Davids sans Davie having a strategic convo, is leading people into thinking Davie might be the next boot. 

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20 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

However, if the David gets there by betraying the original David alliance, the former Davids on the jury may not vote for him/her.  It's a touch call whether or not a jury will be bitter or not.  So, it could still work out that a Goliath could win even if there's an even split of Davids/Goliaths on the jury.

I think the fact that it's Mike and Angelina kinda makes this unlikely. But it's a good point. I just know I will be utterly shocked if the David doesn't win unless the spoilers about the other two being Angelina/Mike are wrong.

2 hours ago, loki567 said:

Somebody pointed it over at Survivor Sucks, John's jacket that was used in Davie's "I just took out the mayor of Slamtown!" confessional was seen in Dan's Ponderosa video. That along with the preview clip with the Davids sans Davie having a strategic convo, is leading people into thinking Davie might be the next boot. 

Oh no! But at the same time, I kinda love it. Another shocker!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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TBH I get confused with all the spoilers out there but at this point, and I’m sure it will change, I’d love to see the final TC be Nick, Christian and Davey only because I’m sure it would be hilarious with them reliving each moment of triumph.  Not to slight Gabby or BING!!! here.  Or ....

I guess Survivor could possibly have the best reunion ever if the Davids relive their moments there too as final TC would probably not be the best time to give credit to other people in their group. 

Question.  Does anyone think that Alison and Alec are actually working with the Davids?  They appeared to ‘confirm’ the Angelina vote after Alison’s vote was stolen.  

Or are the Davids that many steps ahead of the Goliaths?

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Awww, I don't want Davie to go.  Next week is two hours, so a double boot.  Hopefully if a David goes a Goliath goes, too.  I'd hate to think two Davids go back to back, just because I don't trust the stupid Goliaths to not go Goliath strong again.

ETA: they seem to be speculating if it is the same jacket Davie was wearing at camp.  Also, there's a screen shot of Christian holding what looks like a folded up piece of paper.  Maybe he gets an advantage?

Edited by LadyChatts
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Nick gave a mid season interview with the Hollywood Reporter. Here are few tidbits that lead me to believe that a Nick, Mike, Angelina FTC is possible and that these 3 might end up working together after all.



"Mike was my number one ally on Jabeni. Also, I developed a close personal relationship with Angelina. Then when we merged, I got back with my close allies Christian and Davie, as well. It's great to have many close allies, but sometimes that forces a tough decision. Mike told me about their plan to get out Christian, and I used that information to blindside John. Mike felt very betrayed after I made that decision. The day after John went home, Mike and I had a conversation on the beach that can only be described as two people in a relationship when one of them cheats on the other. We were still in love, but we had to break up. He was hurt. I was sorry. We agreed he wasn't gunning for me and I wasn't gunning for him, but we would weigh other options, unless and until it made sense for the band to get back together. All great rock bands have a breakup! And I was loyal to my word: while we considered voting out other Goliaths instead of Dan, Mike was not an option."

Also from the Jon vote:

"Mike, Alec, Alison, and Angelina all told me that they regretfully had to vote out Christian because he is such a threat. They didn't want to blindside me. So I took the information to Davie to brainstorm about how to save Christian." 

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There seem to be a lot more mid season interviews with people this year. This is at least the third that I have seen. Lyrsa, Angelina and Nick. I want to say Mike had one as well but I didn’t read it. 

It would have been nice for them to show Mike, Alec, Alison, and Angelina telling Nick about Christian. That would have been fun, show the four seperate clips back to back... And it explains the Davie idol play. He hadn’t told anyone about the idol but he gave Nick and Christian enough info that they could probably guess that there was an idol in play. It was also a nice test of how far Davie could trust Nick and Christian. John was going home no matter what but would Nick and Christian trust Davie enough to vote for John based on the little info Davie gave them? 

The game play this season has been pretty amazing.

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17 hours ago, LanceM said:

Nick gave a mid season interview with the Hollywood Reporter. Here are few tidbits that lead me to believe that a Nick, Mike, Angelina FTC is possible and that these 3 might end up working together after all.


"Mike was my number one ally on Jabeni. Also, I developed a close personal relationship with Angelina. Then when we merged, I got back with my close allies Christian and Davie, as well. It's great to have many close allies, but sometimes that forces a tough decision. Mike told me about their plan to get out Christian, and I used that information to blindside John. Mike felt very betrayed after I made that decision. The day after John went home, Mike and I had a conversation on the beach that can only be described as two people in a relationship when one of them cheats on the other. We were still in love, but we had to break up. He was hurt. I was sorry. We agreed he wasn't gunning for me and I wasn't gunning for him, but we would weigh other options, unless and until it made sense for the band to get back together. All great rock bands have a breakup! And I was loyal to my word: while we considered voting out other Goliaths instead of Dan, Mike was not an option."

Also from the Jon vote:

"Mike, Alec, Alison, and Angelina all told me that they regretfully had to vote out Christian because he is such a threat. They didn't want to blindside me. So I took the information to Davie to brainstorm about how to save Christian." 


When Lyrsa got voted off, and Nick, Mike and Angelina were sitting at tribal council, they seemed like family almost.  They seemed to gell really well. I wouldn't be surprised if they spoilers are true and they go to the end or at least work with one another in that direction.

I have a mad crush on Nick.  I have since the moment he climbed up onto the fishing boat in the first episode.   He's a smart dude and if he makes it to the end, he'll deserve the win over any who sit next to him. 

I'd put Davie up there too, but from what we've seen, he didn't have the ability to bond with people the way Nick does.  Nick really epitomizes the elements that I think are so important in this game.  He's strategic, sociable, and adaptable.  I think another thing that keeps Nick under the radar is that he's just the right amount of "good" at challenges.  Enough for people to want to keep him around but not too much to be a threat.  I wonder if that was a strategy of his.

I'd like to learn more about his relationship with Angelina given the use of the words "close personal relationship".  Based on Nick's and Mike's interviews, I suspect she's more likeable in real life than we see on tv.

Edited by Jextella
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On 11/20/2018 at 6:43 PM, LadyChatts said:

Since we have the final 4 fire making challenge, and someone getting picked to go to the final 3, I can see Angelina waving her arms frantically and saying "pick me, pick me, PICK ME!  Okay, good.  Wait, you told Jeff it was me, right?"

Is fire-making for Final 4 confirmed?  

On 11/21/2018 at 10:11 PM, Silver Raven said:

Wasn't there talk before this season began, that nobody would actually be permanently off but could come back?  What's happened with that?

I never heard of this.  Does anyone have more information?

On 11/21/2018 at 10:26 PM, LanceM said:

I have a weird feeling that Angelina is actually going to win this thing. It just seems to me that they may be setting her up as the biggest underdog left the game. Nobody trusts her.  She is at the bottom of her alliance. Though we heard at tribal council from one of the Davids that one may be a the bottom now but that can switch in hurry.  I think this is about to happen next week ans I don't think she will have any qualms whatsoever about flipping. She also hasn't back stabbed anyone on the jury yet and as I have noted in previous weeks nobody other than Natalie that has been voted out of this game seems to have  a bad thing to say about her. I could be totally off base here ans she gets shellacked at FTC but I would not be shocked in the least if she somehow ended up winning.

( I should note I may be a little biased here because I would actually love to see Angelina win)


I wouldn't mind if Angelina won either but not if up against Nick.  Nick has the most impressive resume out there.  Angelina might be next followed by Christian and Davie.

Resumes (good and bad):

  • Nick - Jessica, Natalie, Lyrsa, John, Dan, hidden advantage, loyal, not a liar, successful cross-tribe alliances
  • Angelina - Natalie, Lyrsa, Elizabeth, lied to team
  • Mike - Natalie, Lyrsa
  • Christian - Jessica, John, Dan, cross-tribe relationships (but not successful alliances), immunity idol, challenge win (with Lyrsa)
  • Davie - John, Dan, Elizabeth, two idols
  • Alec - Natalia, went back on his word to David's, strong in challenges
  • Kara - 
  • Allison -
  • Gabbey - 
  • Carl - 

Anyone care to add to the resumes of those who remain?

I'm having a hard time recalling pre-merge activity so I'm missing things for sure and I'd have to look back and tally team victories and the role each played in achieving them.

And, as I typed this up, it sort of occurred to me that resumes are hard to quantify.  For example, Nick, Angelina, and Mike were responsible for getting rid of Natalie and Lyrsa, but it also means their team wasn't very good because they had to go to tribal council twice.  Although Jeff said it well.  A poor performance on the field isn't the same as having a bad team.

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Wasn't there talk before this season began, that nobody would actually be permanently off but could come back?  What's happened with that?


I never heard of this.  Does anyone have more information?

This is a theme for a future season.



Resumes (good and bad):

Nick - Jessica, Natalie, Lyrsa, John, Dan, hidden advantage, loyal, not a liar, successful cross-tribe alliances

Angelina - Natalie, Lyrsa, Elizabeth, lied to team

Mike - Natalie, Lyrsa

Christian - Jessica, John, Dan, cross-tribe relationships (but not successful alliances), immunity idol, challenge win (with Lyrsa)

Davie - John, Dan, Elizabeth, two idols

Alec - Natalia, went back on his word to David's, strong in challenges

Kara - 

Allison -

Gabbey - 

Carl - 


In Alec's case, I can see where he can make the argument that he didn't have a choice but to go back on his word to the Davids.  I really believe he wanted to work with them, but didn't have the numbers to do so once Mike bailed.  After this week, it'll be interesting.  Kara kinda, sorta seems like she's playing the game, but I don't know that it'll be enough at this point.  Probably her biggest move was trying to get Dan out/voting Angelina.  What exact good that did her game, I don't know, but it seems like there's a lot of bonds being made and alliances that we aren't being shown.  I don't believe Gabby or Carl have anything.  Alison could be viewed as wishy washy, but she could try to make the same case as Alec-wanted to work with the Davids, but didn't have the numbers.  At this point, I think Nick and Christian still stand the best chance of winning, maybe Angelina.  Davey I'd love but I just don't think his edit supports it.

Nick winning would be amazing-from a guy who was supposed to be the first boot to being one of the best game players this season and taking the whole thing.  I will be curious next week if anyone has a huge break out episode.  

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3 hours ago, Jextella said:

Is fire-making for Final 4 confirmed?  


Yes it has been confirmed and speaking of which according to Mike is his interview with the Hollywood Reporter:

"Angelina and Lyrsa would have been forced into a fire-making challenge. Angelina was a ringer at starting fires. She would have smoked Lyrsa, no doubt"

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Just a thought....I rewatched Dan's Ponderosa and I see John's jacket in his bungalow when Dan waltzes in to wake him up.   John tells Dan it takes a while to adjust.  It is very clearly Dan's first morning or two on Ponderosa.   It seems unlikely Davie would have arrived by then.  And, I don't think it's editing because Dan's hair is the same as it was on the beach.  In other scenes, e.g. with Elizabeth, he's clearly had a haircut.  The video with Davie proudly wearing John's jacket was at night - likely immediately after tribal.   My guess is that the production crew retrieved John's jacket after that scene filmed and brought it to him.  I don't think we can take the jacket thing as proof positive Davie goes next.

Another interesting point is that in a recent interview with Nick, Nick says two things that are interesting.  He's explaining how one of the votes went down for Dan and he says "At this point, we were all on the same page and strategized as a group on how to approach the next vote."  The "At this point" phrase could mean being on the same page is temporary. 

He also says things that may be hints about Angelina and Mike.  For example, he says "Mike was my number one ally on Jabeni. Also, I developed a close personal relationship with Angelina."  And when he talks about Mike being hurt Nick went against him, he said "we would weigh other options, unless and until it made sense for the band to get back together."  The key words being "unless and until".

Nick is very articulate and chooses his words strategically.  I'd wager a small sum he sprinkled a few clues in the interview.

It often seems like the "scenes from next week" highlight a bit of drama involving the next person to leave.   Based on this, my guess is that either Carl or Gabby is out next.  The only other option would be Angelina, but the spoiler of her going to the end makes sense.

What's really clear is that Nick was close with both Christian and Davie.   That trio will be put to the test at some point, and it won't be fun to watch.

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17 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

Davey I'd love but I just don't think his edit supports it.

Yea, I can't get over the fact that Davie was invisible for the ep before his big idol play. I think he was actually invisible both of the first 2 post merge eps. It doesn't bode well for him winning imo.

I have been thinking Nick has more of a winner's edit than Christian, but it is worrisome that they aren't really showing his big plays. The info that he spearheaded the John vote out was kept to a secret scene. I would understand them not showing it in the ep because they wanted the surprise, but the fact that they didn't show that secret scene in the next ep makes me wonder. 

7 hours ago, Jextella said:

What's really clear is that Nick, Christian, and Davie have been close and loyal.  That trio will be put to the test at some point, and it won't be fun to watch.

I actually never saw any evidence that Davie was close to either Nick or Christian pre-merge. Or even post-merge. That could be editing though. But it comes off to me like Davie/Carl and Nick/Christian were not that bonded but that they've all come together simply because it's the only thing that made sense. 

Edited by peachmangosteen
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5 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Yea, I can't get over the fact that Davie was invisible for the ep before his big idol play. I think he was actually invisible both of the first 2 post merge eps. It doesn't bode well for him winning imo.

I have been thinking Nick has more of a winner's edit than Christian, but it is worrisome that they aren't really showing his big plays. The info that he spearheaded the John vote out was kept to a secret scene. I would understand them not showing it in the ep because they wanted the surprise, but the fact that they didn't show that secret scene in the next ep makes me wonder. 

I actually never saw any evidence that Davie was close to either Nick or Christian pre-merge. Or even post-merge. That could be editing though. But it comes off to me like Davie/Carl and Nick/Christian were not that bonded but that they've all come together simply because it's the only thing that made sense. 



Reading Nick's interview indicates that how things were played the last two times was a joint effort between himself and Davie (John) and himself, Davie, and Carl (Dan).   Another interesting point in the article is that the David's didn't gather much to strategize - or at least not for long periods of time.  I wonder if camera crews missed a lot of how things went down as a result.

I don't think it would be fair to give Nick full credit for the last two votes.  Davie is right in there with him and for Dan, Carl was too.  They "bro'd out" a bit at tribal which also spoke of more a team effort than just plain old happiness.

I think Nick has played a really good game, the best on the beach so far, IMO, but I also think Davie should get huge props for the last two votes.  And also Carl for getting out Dan.  Both were truly sling-shot moments and they deserve every accolade they can get for BOTH moves. 


Edited by Jextella
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