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S08.E19: Aohe mea make i ka hewa; make no i ka mihi ole (No One Has Ever Died For the Mistakes He Has Made; Only Because He Didn't Repent)

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A hitman, Leroy Davis (Frankie Faison), McGarrett's father failed to arrest comes to McGarrett to finally confess his crimes and admit where he buried his victims. Also, Jessie makes a dangerous decision that could ruin Adam's life. Mixed martial arts fighter Max Holloway also guest stars.

Original Airdate: April 6, 2018

SOURCE: https://www.cbspressexpress.com/cbs-entertainment/shows/hawaii-five-0/releases/view?id=49735

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I changed my mind Adam is fucking hysterical. I could  watch an hour of this idiot stumbling around with his cry face when he fucks it all up.

Lol at everyone congratulating Steve. I'm that guy confessed to everything Steve didn't even know these murders were a thing.

So what happened with the inspector will they have to close up shop until they fix the mistakes  of Steves electrician. 

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If Leroy was so careful, as he mentioned several times, then how does 5-0 know that the prints on the guns were a match to him? McGarret's father never arrested him, so why are his prints in the system?

Another thing that bugged was the doctor telling Steve about Leroy's medical condition. Did Leroy give permission for that? Don't HIPPA laws prevent a doctor from releasing a patient's info if the patient is still living?

I'm perfectly satisfied with Jessie out of the picture, since I didn't care for her character. I'm surprised, though. I thought she was part of the package of new hires to replace Chin and Kono.

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6 hours ago, Arkay said:

If Leroy was so careful, as he mentioned several times, then how does 5-0 know that the prints on the guns were a match to him? McGarret's father never arrested him, so why are his prints in the system?

Another thing that bugged was the doctor telling Steve about Leroy's medical condition. Did Leroy give permission for that? Don't HIPPA laws prevent a doctor from releasing a patient's info if the patient is still living?

I'm perfectly satisfied with Jessie out of the picture, since I didn't care for her character. I'm surprised, though. I thought she was part of the package of new hires to replace Chin and Kono.

The new hires to replace Chin & Kono are Meaghan Rath (Tani) & Beulah Koale (Junior). 

Plus, Ian Anthony Dale (Kono's now long-distance husband, Adam Noshimuri), Taylor Wily (Kamekona), Kimee Balmilero (New Medical Examiner Dr. Noelani Cunha), & Dennis Chun (HPD Sergeant Duke Lukela, who works most often with Five-0 on their cases) were all promoted from Recurring Cast status to Regular Cast status this season, complete with their names & scenes they've been in in the main title sequence.

It's assumed all those Cast Status promotions were connected to the unexpected departures of Grace Park & Daniel Dae Kim, but I'd like to play Devil's Advocate here & say that, at least Ian, Taylor, & Dennis might've been promoted even if Grace & DDK stayed, because of how long they've been on the show & how popular those characters have become. Kimee's promotion to Regular Cast status may be more of a popular character situation (like when Masi Oka's Max Bergman Medical Examiner was promoted from Recurring in S1 to Regular in S2); though, granted, it also may have been to help put a "Hawaii local"/more "ethnic" face back on the show after losing its only Asian heritage lead cast members in S7.

Christine Ko (Adam's CI, Jessie Nomura) was only hired to act in that storyline, as far as I know, & will probably be leaving the show once Adam's story arc ends.

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I liked the "A" story of Steve and the hit man.  Rough justice since he'll never see trial but the relatives all thanking Steve at the end was a nice touch.  Does Scott now have a clause in his contract that he doesn't have to work with Alex for more then 5min per episode or something?  I know he fixed it so he can skip a certain number of episodes but popping up for one scene then pretty much disappearing is a little weird.

I like Ian Anthony Dale and I sort of like Adam but they need to figure him out because he's coming close to comic relief now.  He's not so much "investigating" as stumbling around the island finding information from blind luck or simply by making himself so obvious when he think's he's being covert that he's pissing off the wrong people   Literally every crime boss knew who he was, what he was up to and that he potentially had that money hidden somewhere.      I wouldn't be surprised at this point if Jessie was really alive, that whole car scene was staged and Adam didn't figure it out.  I know that's not what happened but I'm also sure if it were he, of all people, would actually fall for it.  If they want to keep him in the show that's fine just drop his current story line, integrate him into the team and make him a special consultant or something but stop making him so fumblingly dumb!

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If Leroy was so careful, as he mentioned several times, then how does 5-0 know that the prints on the guns were a match to him? McGarret's father never arrested him, so why are his prints in the system?

Leroy was in the military (he commented several times he was a Vietnam vet) and they fingerprint their recruits for security clearance and identification reasons. Plus, Leroy walked into the building and confessed. They could have taken his fingerprints then. They acted like it was a big deal that his fingerprints were on them. He brought them in. His were the most likely fingerprints to be on them.

CJD? That's a terrible disease. I'm sure that he feels like he's being punished.  

This show is pretty unbelievable, but I'm having a tough time believing that construction was done in a police station without permits and violating that many fire regulations. I wonder what the guy had to say about the "egress" situation in the interrogation dungeon. 

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Christine Ko (Adam's CI, Jessie Nomura) was only hired to act in that storyline, as far as I know, & will probably be leaving the show once Adam's story arc ends.

"will probably be leaving"?  I'd think that is a safe bet considering that she now has a bullet in her head...

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Adam really as much as I love the actor really the writers really messed up Adam and really knew the FBI guy was corrupt from the very beginning.

Also that Steve IMHO should had went to his father's grave to say "I solved it for you" as that would had been a nice touch in the ending.

But one case John McGarrett messed up and should had arrested the villain of the week on the spot

Glad that the relatives of the victims thanked McGarrett

Think that Jessie committed suicide for a few reasons knowing she betrayed Adam, could not live with herself over it, and in the end, felt her conscience catching up with her.  And either it was prison or taking her own life

Scott Caan had nothing to add to the episode. Maybe he should not had been there. 

Tani has done a lot more than Grace Park did in her seven seasons in one year for the former. Love her and Junior.

Give it a 8/10!

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4 hours ago, Passepartout said:

Think that Jessie committed suicide for a few reasons knowing she betrayed Adam, could not live with herself over it, and in the end, felt her conscience catching up with her.  And either it was prison or taking her own life


She couldn't have; the trunk was opened and the money is missing and her body was in the driver's seat with a bullet hole over her right eye.

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9 hours ago, Raja said:

They were a bit early on their Disco era planting 1975 on the screen. Disco Inferno wasn't released until December of 1976.

Man, and this show has always been unwavering realistic in every other detail, so it is shocking that they didn't get the year right for a song. 

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I'm still so annoyed with what they've done with Adam's character. I used to love him and welcome his appearances. Before, he was a recurring character who had some competencies, but this season, they've written him as fucking up left and right the very purpose behind his being a regular. It's one thing if, say, someone starts working on the team and just doesn't understand technology, but is a great detective with great instincts and physicality. They're fulfilling their core purpose, even though they have things to learn. But Adam is fucking up his core purpose constantly. I honestly can't think of anything he's done right on this task force (with no real supervision). What kind of idiot leaves $20M packed in a car with someone he knows he can't trust? It pisses me off extra hard because so much was made of Junior's earlier lack of readiness to join Five-0, whereas Adam is the one who's been written as inept and bungling.

As this point, I'm expecting the Italian restaurant to explode into rubble on opening night. Oopsies, construction mistake.

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On 4/7/2018 at 1:11 PM, Passepartout said:

Tani has done a lot more than Grace Park did in her seven seasons in one year for the former. Love her and Junior.

Even if she and Junior had spent the entire time in the car without getting out (in the previous episode), it still was better than Park's whole run.

Edited by jhlipton
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Also that Steve IMHO should had went to his father's grave to say "I solved it for you" as that would had been a nice touch in the ending.

Except Steve didn't solve anything. A guy walked into his office to confess to a set of murders that Steve had no idea had even happened. Then, he followed the guy on his tour of his dumping grounds.  IDK. It was all kind of passive. Maybe it is setting up something for the future, but the hitman and his client were both arrested so I'm not sure where the story could go.

Adam visits a bonsai guy, plays exposition fairy, has his ally skip out on him, calls his ally and then finds her dead (the least surprising thing ever - that money is more cursed than Hugo's.  Everybody who wants it has ended up dead - only in not wanting it, does it Adam survive).  Danno follows around some guy poking around the office. The entire episode was a little sleepy. The most action in the episode was Junior getting maced by the old lady. Maybe it was a budget saver.

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On April 7, 2018 at 8:16 AM, sigmaforce86 said:

Does Scott now have a clause in his contract that he doesn't have to work with Alex for more then 5min per episode or something?  I know he fixed it so he can skip a certain number of episodes but popping up for one scene then pretty much disappearing is a little weird.

Yes, what is going on with Caan? I know about missing whole episodes, but it's become noticeable for awhile now that he's often only in one scene per episode, and often never goes on the location "action" scenes (shootouts, etc.) Last week, I think all his scenes were the flashbacks or present-day with the guest actress. Is there some cast drama there that I don't know about? I thought he got along OK with AOL at least. I never noticed this is previous seasons when he had the episodes-off in his contract.

A lot less Jerry and Kamekona lately too. The show has become a serial of "Adam does something stupid."

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18 hours ago, Moxie Cat said:

The show has become a serial of "Adam does something stupid."

Yes, and what bugs me most about that--don't get me wrong, I love Ian Anthony Dale on my screen--is that we're supposed to believe that his beloved wife Kono is OK with all of his activities.  It is one thing to handwave convicted felon completely untrained Adam getting his own sub-task force on the Governors task force to handle the Yakuza surge on the island, but it is an entirely different thing to assume Kono would be OK with it all.  I realize the story is she's off saving tween girls from human trafficking, but the ass-kicking crusader we know would have taken a break from all her good works to fly to the island and have a little "come to Jesus" meeting with Adam and Steve and do some of the aforementioned ass-kicking.


I get it.  The actress is no longer on the payroll, therefore Kono is no longer there.  But the character is still married to Adam, and there's no way she'd just stand by and let this happen.  Unless the story is she's so obsessed with her crusade that she's dropped everything else in her life--including her be all, end all, star-crossed lovers fairy tale relationship with Adam.  In which case, the writers should just give Adam a break-up scene where he tearfully admits to Steve (certainly not Danno, who is apparently constantly occupied elsewhere on the island after he checks in to the office for his morning malasada) that his marriage is over, and Steve offers him more task force responsibilities to get his mind off his personal life.

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On 4/6/2018 at 8:11 PM, notcreative enough said:

I changed my mind Adam is fucking hysterical. I could  watch an hour of this idiot stumbling around with his cry face when he fucks it all up.

I think it's kind of BS that he actually knew where the $20 million was all along. I think having the plot being more like Treasure Island where everyone wants it but doesn't know where it is is far more interesting. 

On 4/7/2018 at 6:16 AM, sigmaforce86 said:

I liked the "A" story of Steve and the hit man. 

I thought Steve was a little sanctimonious to Leroy when Leroy was talking about how hard it was to come back from Vietnam and move on. You think, Steve, that in the 60s, there might have been a little bit of difference between your father coming home and Leroy? It doesn't excuse him, but lots of people took wrong turns because of the war. 


On 4/7/2018 at 7:37 AM, kili said:

This show is pretty unbelievable, but I'm having a tough time believing that construction was done in a police station without permits and violating that many fire regulations.

Or that Steve himself is the one who arranged for the repairs. The State doesn't have a standing contract or coordinator for that? I can buy the restaurant because I totally see them trying to cut corners on the electrical work. 

Given that the show season's are long, and some of the actor's aren't in every episode, I think they missed a really good opportunity to have this be largely a flashback episode. 

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17 hours ago, ganesh said:


I thought Steve was a little sanctimonious to Leroy when Leroy was talking about how hard it was to come back from Vietnam and move on. You think, Steve, that in the 60s, there might have been a little bit of difference between your father coming home and Leroy? It doesn't excuse him, but lots of people took wrong turns because of the war. 



Especially since Papa McGarrett was in the Navy. Sure there were the Hospital Corpsmen with the Marines a few SEALs, combat aircrews and river boat crews around but most Sailors were spared the trauma suffered by the Army and Marine "Grunts". Being a TV character where all veterans were special forces of course we will be told that Steve is second generation SEAL as well as being third generation Navy so let me put up a preemptive Never Mind

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A week behind, but just saw this last night.

Not sure what the point of the Leroy and Steve story was, other than to give some cool flashback scenes with younger actors playing John and Leroy.  So a guy who was a hitman confesses to killing and burying people.  OK.  There wasn't really a lot of investigating going on there.  Why were John and Leroy sitting in the car together when they saw the widow and son putting flowers on the police officer's grave?  Why would Leroy even have been in the car if he wasn't arrested for it?  Leroy willingly got into a car with a police officer every year to go watch them?

I can't stand Adam.  When he says "I'm out", I can only hope that he'll leave the show and never come back.  He is useless.  You have $20 million in the back of your car yet you leave the keys in the ignition?  Or are we to assume that Jessie hot-wired the car?  Either way, you hang on to that money like your life (or Kono or Chin's literally depends on it).  He should have held on to the money, and sent Jessie outside if he wanted to have a private conversation.  Bumbling fool.

Obviously there are always B stories, existing solely to get the other characters some screen time.  But this stupid inspector story was ridiculous.  McGarrett would have hired his shoddy electrical people to do a renovation of the headquarters?  Why wouldn't that have come from state funds and an actual contract been made?

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5 hours ago, greyhorse said:

A week behind, but just saw this last night.

Not sure what the point of the Leroy and Steve story was, other than to give some cool flashback scenes with younger actors playing John and Leroy.  So a guy who was a hitman confesses to killing and burying people.  OK.  There wasn't really a lot of investigating going on there.  Why were John and Leroy sitting in the car together when they saw the widow and son putting flowers on the police officer's grave?  Why would Leroy even have been in the car if he wasn't arrested for it?  Leroy willingly got into a car with a police officer every year to go watch them?


Papa McGarrett's HPD were more concerned with constitution rights and proving beyond a reasonable doubt than the son's 5-0 Task force. So yes Leroy willingly got in the car secure in the knowledge that he wouldn't be taken to the basement. And if McGarret could have proved his gut feeling he would have been arrested rather than try to shoot his way out and get off the island somehow is my feeling.

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On 4/7/2018 at 9:37 AM, kili said:

This show is pretty unbelievable, but I'm having a tough time believing that construction was done in a police station without permits and violating that many fire regulations. I wonder what the guy had to say about the "egress" situation in the interrogation dungeon. 

The thing of it is, in both versions of the show, Five-0's offices have never been in the same building as the real (or fake) HPD Headquarters (when the HPD's fictional headquarters blew up in, I think, the 3rd season opener, it was in a whole different building than Five-0 Headquarters) or a real (or fake) precinct for HPD. So the building involved is only technically a police station--it wasn't constructed strictly for that purpose, like most other buildings serving that purpose are; Five-0 probably ended up there because they're a statewide government agency (they at least have a statewide jurisdiction, being an anti-crime task force set up by a former governor, though most of their cases are still being written as taking place in Honolulu, &/or the island of Oʻahu)  & it's being used as a government office building--taking it, at least in some ways, back to when it was the Palace of the current Hawaiian ruler. I think people in real estate might call the building "commercial property", for "mixed use", but I'm not positive.

Five-0's headquarters, in both versions of the show, has been located in the ʻIolani Palace complex; I think the original team was supposed to have had their offices in the actual Palace (which is the only Royal Palace in the US; it functioned as a Royal Palace between the time of King Kamehameha III, of the Kamehameha Dynasty, & Queen Liliʻuokalani of the Kalākaua Dynasty, which was founded by her brother, King David Kalākaua). ʻIolani Palace was designated a National Historical Landmark on December 29, 1962; It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in Oʻahu on October 15, 1966.

I think the current Five-0 team actually has their offices in the Aliʻiolani Hale--this building is across the street from the Palace, & it's also where the offices of the state's judiciary are located. They seem to use exterior shots of the Palace & of the Aliʻiolani Hale interchangeably, though, in scenes which are supposed to be taking place in the Five-0 offices. And for continuity purposes between the classic & present shows, even though they apparently work out of the Aliʻiolani Hale, our current team will, at least occasionally, refer to their offices as "the Palace". Probably because, I'm thinking, both buildings are treated as parts of the same office complex (or whatever).

Having said all that, although you're right, things would never get to the point of becoming safety violations in real life (at least probably not), & they would be allowed to bring the building where the offices are located up to current local safety codes, as needed (I mean, they'd have to or move somewhere else), the fact that the Palace has been designated an historical landmark by at least 2 historical/historical preservation groups also can (& I think maybe does) limit what they can do, repair wise, when something needs repair, at least in real life . Since the Palace is an historic(al?) landmark, (I think) they have to try not to make repairs in such a way that the "look", or whatever, of the building involved is altered & "modernized" so much that after the repairs it's unrecognizable from its original, historical landmark designation-worthy appearance (think Dirty Dancing actress Jennifer Grey before her nose job & then after it--hopefully at least some will understand the analogy/reference). That's about the only thing I can think of, other than the building owner/management was lax in taking care of it; I don't see how it should've been up to Steve alone to make sure the office space was up to code; the building owner/manager should primarily be responsible for that kind of stuff, I think.

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6 hours ago, Raja said:

So yes Leroy willingly got in the car secure in the knowledge that he wouldn't be taken to the basement.

When John showed up to take Leroy to the cemetery, Leroy said, "Is today the day?" And John said, "No." So it would bear that out. Although we shouldn't put John on too high a pedestal since he smashed up Leroy's car and apparently faced no consequences for that because he should have be reported for harassment. 

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