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S03.E12: Born This Way

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Upon hearing news of a pregnant teen, Dr. Manning and Dr. Choi venture to a homeless encampment to help deliver a baby under dire circumstances. Dr. Rhodes and Dr. Bekker argue about the best way to treat a young boy with a chronic disease. Dr. Halstead and April are put in an uncomfortable situation when they find out their patient is a pedophile. Goodwin and Maggie have to deal with a lawsuit against the hospital. Dr. Charles learns of important news pertaining to Dr. Reese's father.

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Are real doctors this judgey?  Between Abrams (the kindest thing would be to put a pillow over his head"; I'm sure Dr. James Fallon would love to hear that) and Reese, it was revolting. And Reese, if  you don't know anything about pedophilia, don't make judgements about the people who suffer from it.

How did no one notice that the EKMO was failing for two hours?

They're trying to redeem Bekker to make her Connor's love interest and I'm not buying it.  The strings of the puppeteer are as obvious as her salon/shampoo commercial hair style.

Edited by statsgirl
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I love Abrams! He is so droll and snarky. I didn’t see him as being judgmental. He was just making a characteristic statement based on the MRI. BTW, I missed something: did the MRI belong to the paedophile or Reeses’s dad?

As for the paedophile, don’t people have the right to refuse treatment? 

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Weren't Drs. Choi and Manning taking a huge liability risk delivering a baby for a homeless woman right on the street, so to speak? If something had gone wrong, probably she wouldn't have sued (assuming she were still alive), but if she had blood relatives - say her parents - who caught wind of it wouldn't the hospital be liable if they sued? And if it wasn't a private lawsuit, couldn't the hospital be in trouble with the Illinois Dept. of Child and Family Services? I can imagine both doctors being at risk of losing their licenses. And of course they'd first have to bear a chewing out from Sharon, maybe even a suspension?

After all their efforts, wouldn't the new mother have to be admitted to a hospital anyway, given that they had to cut to widen the birth canal?

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The thing with Dr Charles and Reese's dad seems so wrong. He's treating his resident's psychopathic father who is lying to her and Dr Charles and it's just wrong.  He's doing a disservice to her and should never have said yes to him.  It would have made a lame script but it would have been believable.  She always has that blank look on her face, does the director want that?  I am hanging in there but found I FF small segments of it this time. Maybe when I stop watching ER on hulu, I'll be less irritated.

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The MRI was Reese"s dad, I think. Which prompted the conversation between Charles and the dad. I'm not sure what Charles is trying to achieve by keeping seeing Reese's dad in a professional manner, but it's apparently not working. He should stop talking to him.

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IMO, the show continues its downward spiral; it's like watching a slow trainwreck!.   It was so riveting last night, I fell asleep so, I'll try to catch up later.  What little I did see:  I simply can't stomach the Bekker/Rhodes relationship and yeah, they're trying to make it palatable but have failed.   I like your quote statsgirl, "The strings of the puppeteer are as obvious as her salon/shampoo commercial hair style".  Their relationship just doesn't work so end it now before it becomes unbearable to watch.   Choi and Manning attempting to deliver the baby--ludicrous with all the risks involved.   Did we really have to revisit the homeless storyline?  Can they think of no other interesting stories to weave into the hospital setting and lives of the doctors?

Glad there weren't too  many spoilers in the comments as I want to see how they handled the pedophile, Maggie/Sharon lawsuit against the hospital and Reese's dad with the bizarre interaction of Dr. Charles.   

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8 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

I missed something: did the MRI belong to the paedophile or Reeses’s dad?

It was Reese's father's. So now Reese's father is simply copy-and-pasting Daniel's comments about what a meaningful interaction with her father could do for Reese? That's actually kind of chilling. (Of course, the show had to put a bow on it by having Sarah say, in so many words, that her father seemed "selfless," ecch. And I think the word you're looking for is "soulless," Sarah.)

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I don't care for Reese very much (although I love Dr. Charles), but I'm kind of looking forward to how this whole story with her father plays out.  I figure it's going to go on without much development or drama until the season finale (just a guess).

I agree about the liability of treating the pregnant teen on the street.  As soon as they found out she had an infection, she should have been transported to the hospital.

As for the pedophile, if two different psychiatric opinions say that he is capable to making his own decisions about his treatment (or one and half opinions, maybe, since Reese is still training), then they should have made him comfortable, but nothing else.  His choice.  Also, I thought for the entire episode that the actor playing the cancer patient was John Diehl, but I looked him up and the actor is Bruce MacVittie.   The face looked like Diehl, but the hairline didn't seem right (which is why I checked--to satisfy my own curiosity). 

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10 hours ago, watcher1006 said:

Weren't Drs. Choi and Manning taking a huge liability risk delivering a baby for a homeless woman right on the street, so to speak? If something had gone wrong, probably she wouldn't have sued (assuming she were still alive), but if she had blood relatives - say her parents - who caught wind of it wouldn't the hospital be liable if they sued? And if it wasn't a private lawsuit, couldn't the hospital be in trouble with the Illinois Dept. of Child and Family Services? I can imagine both doctors being at risk of losing their licenses. And of course they'd first have to bear a chewing out from Sharon, maybe even a suspension?

After all their efforts, wouldn't the new mother have to be admitted to a hospital anyway, given that they had to cut to widen the birth canal?

I'm guessing maybe it falls under the Good Samaritan law?  She refuses treatment, so what else can they do?  They are doctors who have the skillset to help her where she was.  But then again, it's vague considering they have been to this homeless shelter multiple times and they obviously went there with the intent to help and realizing that she might not come to the hospital.

I noticed they didn't put on gloves at all when first examining her.  That's the first thing I would do.  If the girl had an episiotomy, I'm sure Choi could sew her up right there in the field.  Sad to see her give up her baby, but what she said was exactly right.

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Just as they can't force treatment on the cancer patient, they can't actually force the pregnant girl to go to the hospital.  They did try, repeatedly, to convince her, but they have no authority to drag her in off the streets.  And generally speaking, that's a good thing.  That was the only story that I was really paying attention to (I was working and cooking during the show), but it seemed the most realistic.  I can't see Choi refusing to help--both mom and baby could have died without his help--and as a former military doctor, I'm sure this isn't the worst situation he's done emergency medicine.

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If I were Charles, I would trust Reese enough to conspire with her.  In other words, I'd say... Sarah, I want to tell you something but if you expose me it could potentially ruin my career.  Especially as he already did the ethical thing by reasoning with him in the context of his illness, and pointing out how it was to his advantage to tell her about his psychological condition.  Once the dad screwed him over, (which was predictable, given his illness)  Charles should give her a heads up, and sleep like a baby afterwards.  Sarah would distance herself emotionally, treating him as a patient in her mind, and still be able to help him should she so choose given her specialty and his condition... but at least she wouldn't be blindsided and hurt once again if she knows what she's dealing with.  Maybe she would be too distraught to keep up the charade to protect Charles... but I think she's proven that she's tough enough to handle difficult situations.

To me it's no different than giving a colleague a heads up if someone had an infectious disease and knew the person didn't want to disclose it.  Technically it's wrong, but I wouldn't care as my friend's safety would be more important than that rule in my book.

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I wish TV doctors would stop with the "If he has cancer, he must be forced to accept treatment" idea. I have friends who have gone through cancer treatment and not only can it be brutal, you're not the same afterwards (we refer to ourselves as "cancer treatment survivors") and some say that if the cancer recurs, they'll skip treatment and go into palliative care because they don't want to go through that again.

13 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

I love Abrams! He is so droll and snarky. I didn’t see him as being judgmental. He was just making a characteristic statement based on the MRI. BTW, I missed something: did the MRI belong to the paedophile or Reeses’s dad?

The thing is, he's leaving out the nurture part. What is on the scan isn't necessarily how the person acts.

James Fallon is a neuroscientist who was doing a study on the brains of psychopaths. He was short some MRIs in the control group so he recruited his family.  He was going through the control MRIs when he found one that he was sure was in the wrong pile because it was a classic psychopath brain.  He looked up whose it was and it turned out to be his own.  He did some digging and found out that he was related to Lizzie Borden.  It's in his book, The Psychopath Inside.

I love Abrams too but here he was factually wrong so the show could be more dramatic.  Which is SOP for this season.

2 hours ago, Ailianna said:

Just as they can't force treatment on the cancer patient, they can't actually force the pregnant girl to go to the hospital.  They did try, repeatedly, to convince her, but they have no authority to drag her in off the streets.  And generally speaking, that's a good thing.  That was the only story that I was really paying attention to (I was working and cooking during the show), but it seemed the most realistic.  I can't see Choi refusing to help--both mom and baby could have died without his help--and as a former military doctor, I'm sure this isn't the worst situation he's done emergency medicine.

I wonder if the girl could have got into trouble for putting her baby at risk.  It was two days since her water broke and she had an infection, she was putting the baby at risk.  Granted it's not El Salvador where a woman was given a 30 year jail sentence because her baby was dead when the ambulance arrived.(she said it was stillborn, the government said she tried to abort it) but prenatal law in the US seems strange to me and I can see where she could have been prosecuted for failing to provide the necessities of life for her child.

Charles needs to stop treating Reese's father immediately, especially since he sees Reese's father manipulating him. It's not like there are no other psychiatrists in Chicago.

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I don't see why Charles just doesn't stop treating Reese's father.  Yes, the prick has said on a number of occasions "this is protected under doctor-patient confidentiality", but the simple solution would be for Charles to just say he needs to find another doctor because there is a conflict of interest.  How hard can that be?  Charles just needs to make a referral and then the storyline is done.  Which of course isn't interesting.  So that's why we have to continue to put up with this BS.

When we saw Bekker slinking out of the bedroom in her sexy bra putting on her shirt, I thought this was going to go in a whole different direction.  The stupid banter about coffee.  (And what the heck, Connor doesn't know how to use a coffee machine?  And he is a CT surgeon?  I know the guy has a silver spoon but come on, surely he must know how to use a coffee maker.)  Not even a good morning kiss.  Then we see them argue during the day about the Cystic fibrosis kid.  With not even a hint of romantic attachment, aside from Connor telling her to do the lung transplant because she has small hands and is an excellent surgeon.  And then at the end of the day, she calls it off and says it was a mistake.  A terrible attempt at coupling the two and even worse attempt at exiting.  After watching this, I think I'd rather just see Connor plow his way through the bevy of single and available nurses at the hospital.  That would be more believable.

The cancer guy was so ridiculously out there as well.  It seems like maybe he didn't know of his diagnosis until Halstead told him?  And then all of a sudden, he is a pedophile who wants to die?  For 50 years or something like that?  Why not just step out in front of an El train and be done with it?  Certainly better ways to die than drowning in your own blood,

So confused about the ambo pizza room story.  So the hospital gets sued for picking up an insured patient over an uninsured one.  Administration finds out that yes, the ER is putting that message out there with the pizza room.  The hospital settles the lawsuit.  But then continues with the same practice?  What the heck?  Totally unbelievable.  Once the lawyer and hospital found out this was occurring, they would put a swift end to anything that wasn't kosher.

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I literally laughed out loud when Halstead smugly told April that the difference between him and her was that he didn't judge his patient. Halstead is one of the most judgmental TV characters I've ever seen. He's CONSTANTLY substituting his judgment for his patients. If that's not judgmental, what is? He is judgmental to the point that it is impossible to root for him and his relationships. 

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3 hours ago, greyhorse said:

The cancer guy was so ridiculously out there as well.  It seems like maybe he didn't know of his diagnosis until Halstead told him?  And then all of a sudden, he is a pedophile who wants to die?  For 50 years or something like that?  Why not just step out in front of an El train and be done with it?  Certainly better ways to die than drowning in your own blood,

So confused about the ambo pizza room story.  So the hospital gets sued for picking up an insured patient over an uninsured one.  Administration finds out that yes, the ER is putting that message out there with the pizza room.  The hospital settles the lawsuit.  But then continues with the same practice? 

They dismantled the pizza room at the end of the episode and both acknowledged that it had been sending the wrong message even though they hadn't intended it that way.  Or yet another example of the problems with US health care.

Taking your own life deliberately is against most religions.  Cancer provided him with a way out.

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

They dismantled the pizza room at the end of the episode and both acknowledged that it had been sending the wrong message even though they hadn't intended it that way.  Or yet another example of the problems with US health care.

Taking your own life deliberately is against most religions.  Cancer provided him with a way out.

The lawyer at the end told Sharon to put it all back and continue with the practice.  He said that ER charges were up 14% since they started the pizza room.  So while he acknowledges that it is wrong, he knows they should continue to do it to help the hospital revenue.  So wrong.  What I don't get is that they could bring in indigent patients with no insurance and still stop by the pizza room to play video games and relax.  Not sure if bringing in good insurance patients is a requirement although of course it would be preferred.


43 minutes ago, rhys said:

How would an ambo driver know if a pt had good insurance?

Well, they don't.  But it's pretty easy to tell if somebody is obviously homeless, right?  So maybe they drive by the guy and go tend to guy who crashed his Range Rover and needs help.

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1 hour ago, rhys said:

How would an ambo driver know if a pt had good insurance?

Because if you're at all able to speak, they ask you to give them your insurance information on the ride.

Edited by Ailianna
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What did Manning and Choi do with that baby?  Where did they take her that they can just show up with a newborn?  Wouldn't someone in Child and Family Services need to talk with the mother to make sure she's giving the baby up for adoption? 

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They were shown bringing her to the ED.  It looked like there was an unrelated call for CPS there and Choi gave her to them.  All they have to say is they found her.  Lots of people leave unwanted newborns at hospitals and fire stations.  Many states even have laws to allow people to do so openly, so babies aren't just left to be hopefully found.  But I'm sure in a Chicago ED it's hardly the first mystery baby they've seen.

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16 hours ago, Ailianna said:

Just as they can't force treatment on the cancer patient, they can't actually force the pregnant girl to go to the hospital.  They did try, repeatedly, to convince her, but they have no authority to drag her in off the streets. 

She's a minor, living on the street and giving birth to a baby with complications to her own health (how is that episiotomy going to heal, when she already has an infection?). Are they not required to call child services in such circumstances? We have been shown several situations in the hospital when the doctors had to call child services, so they do have some kind of legal obligation. Maybe is it different if they are not actually in the hospital?

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15 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I wonder if the girl could have got into trouble for putting her baby at risk.

I'm not a lawyer, but in school, we were taught in medical ethics that a baby is legally part of the mother's body until the baby completely leaves the birth canal.  It's the same reason you can't prosecute a mother who drinks or does drugs or smokes during a pregnancy.

8 hours ago, izabella said:

Where did they take her that they can just show up with a newborn? 

Safe Haven laws allow parents to legally surrender infants (some states go higher, there was a case in...I want to say Nebraska where parents dropped off teenagers, although I believe the law has been tightened since) to designated people or places (hospitals, fire and police stations) without fear of protection for abandonment.  They started after a spate of infanticides in the mid-90s.  Granted, the end result of stopping infanticide could also be accomplished by fair and equal access to contraception and abortion services, but since that would require women to be able to have autonomy over their own bodies, that's not really possible.

2 hours ago, Sarnia said:

She's a minor, living on the street and giving birth to a baby with complications to her own health (how is that episiotomy going to heal, when she already has an infection?). Are they not required to call child services in such circumstances? We have been shown several situations in the hospital when the doctors had to call child services, so they do have some kind of legal obligation. Maybe is it different if they are not actually in the hospital?

She would be considered legally emancipated in these circumstances, much like the child bride in the previous episode.  They could no more force her to go to the hospital than they can force a woman over 18.  That said, it's abjectly stupid that Ethan and Natalie would do an episiotomy in the field, particularly when she has a roaring infection, but making decisions that contravene logic is a hallmark of the show that we know and...know.

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1 hour ago, starri said:

Granted, the end result of stopping infanticide could also be accomplished by fair and equal access to contraception and abortion services, but since that would require women to be able to have autonomy over their own bodies, that's not really possible.

Yes, it's much more sensible to continue making both mothers and children suffer.

1 hour ago, starri said:

She would be considered legally emancipated in these circumstances, much like the child bride in the previous episode.  They could no more force her to go to the hospital than they can force a woman over 18. 

OK, thank you for clarifying (I'm not familiar with US law, and to be honest I'm not sure what the law would say about that in my country).

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19 hours ago, greyhorse said:

Yes, the prick has said on a number of occasions "this is protected under doctor-patient confidentiality", but the simple solution would be for Charles to just say he needs to find another doctor because there is a conflict of interest.  How hard can that be? 

Hard for an actual doctor? Not very. For these writers? Excruciatingly difficult, apparently.

14 hours ago, greyhorse said:

So while he acknowledges that it is wrong, he knows they should continue to do it to help the hospital revenue.  So wrong. 

That seemed like bad legal advice, to me. If having the pizza room is an inappropriate inducement because it led at least one EMT to conclude the hospital preferred patients with insurance, how does it expose the hospital to less risk if the pizza room is Maggie's idea or the hospital's idea, (tacitly) supported by counsel?

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I am just passing through to see how the most recent ep played out as I'd promised myself I'd take a break if/when Bekker and Rhodes hooked up cause I can't stand her. And hooking them up was just so uninspired. I like the other characters to varying degrees but I really really canNOT with that storyline. 

*prays Mekia Cox returns for S4*

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Dr. Reese's father used Dr. Charles' own analysis of him to manipulate her into thinking he was being selfless.  It's going to bite Dr. Charles in the butt that he told her that her father wanting to seek a resolution wasn't necessarily a bad thing.  At first, she was skeptical because of what her mother had told her.  Thanks to Dr. Charles' advice, she's trying to give her father another chance but he's turned it around to manipulate her (which her mother knew would likely happen).  Now, if Dr. Charles tries to back out, this psychopath Haywood may likely get a persecution complex and turn violent.  Depending upon how it all resolves, I see Dr. Reese reflecting on her father's mental illness and wondering if she is at risk of developing problems later in life.  The episode title was "Born This Way" after all.

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21 hours ago, greyhorse said:

When we saw Bekker slinking out of the bedroom in her sexy bra putting on her shirt, I thought this was going to go in a whole different direction.  The stupid banter about coffee.  (And what the heck, Connor doesn't know how to use a coffee machine?  And he is a CT surgeon?  I know the guy has a silver spoon but come on, surely he must know how to use a coffee maker.)  Not even a good morning kiss.  Then we see them argue during the day about the Cystic fibrosis kid.  With not even a hint of romantic attachment, aside from Connor telling her to do the lung transplant because she has small hands and is an excellent surgeon.  And then at the end of the day, she calls it off and says it was a mistake.  A terrible attempt at coupling the two and even worse attempt at exiting.  After watching this, I think I'd rather just see Connor plow his way through the bevy of single and available nurses at the hospital.  That would be more believable.

The cancer guy was so ridiculously out there as well.  It seems like maybe he didn't know of his diagnosis until Halstead told him?  And then all of a sudden, he is a pedophile who wants to die?  For 50 years or something like that?  Why not just step out in front of an El train and be done with it?  Certainly better ways to die than drowning in your own blood,

So confused about the ambo pizza room story.  So the hospital gets sued for picking up an insured patient over an uninsured one.  Administration finds out that yes, the ER is putting that message out there with the pizza room.  The hospital settles the lawsuit.  But then continues with the same practice?  What the heck?  Totally unbelievable.  Once the lawyer and hospital found out this was occurring, they would put a swift end to anything that wasn't kosher.

Couldn't agree more!   I don't believe I'm in the minority with Rhodes/Bekker relationship having a quick demise; that entire scene was so stilted.   Was she thinking (at the show's end) that she was, perhaps, just another in a long list in his "one-night stands" (he did say he had plans but changed them) OR was she just angry about what had transpired with the CF boy?   What are the writers trying to portray--two strong-headed/strong-willed people can/cannot make it work?   Please, just bring back Robyn (Mekkia Cox).

The pedophile - yeah, if you wanted to die, I thought the same thing--first being, don't even go to the hospital; just die at home.  Then Halstead has a revelation in the end?  WTH??  After all that holier than thou talk to April about life, he's my patient, etc., he holds his hand and lets him die--purposely sending April out of the room?  And the pedophile with the whole "cancer is my challenge"--whatever the words were--don't try to atone and play the martyr.

The pizza room "debacle" - seriously?    Guess it's all about the money for that hospital!

7 hours ago, starri said:

That said, it's abjectly stupid that Ethan and Natalie would do an episiotomy in the field, particularly when she has a roaring infection, but making decisions that contravene logic is a hallmark of the show that we know and...know.

So true; what an unbelievable stupid decision, and yes, I think you simply have to suspend belief (and sound logic) with some of the goings-on with this show!

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7 hours ago, starri said:

Safe Haven laws allow parents to legally surrender infants (some states go higher, there was a case in...I want to say Nebraska where parents dropped off teenagers, although I believe the law has been tightened since) to designated people or places (hospitals, fire and police stations) without fear of protection for abandonment.  They started after a spate of infanticides in the mid-90s.  Granted, the end result of stopping infanticide could also be accomplished by fair and equal access to contraception and abortion services, but since that would require women to be able to have autonomy over their own bodies, that's not really possible.

That's why I'm confused.  The mother didn't drop off the baby.  Two doctors are bringing an unknown newborn from where?  No questions asked?  In this day and age, I'd wonder where they got the baby and was it legitimately relinquished?  No one knows if they stole the baby or pressured the mother into giving it up or it's human trafficking related.  No one knows if Manning got on her high horse and decided that the baby should be taken because SHE thinks the mom is unfit.  Plus, it begs the question of where is this new mother who just gave birth to this newborn.

I know none of these things happened, but no one else knows that, no one knows where this baby came from except that they brought her in from some unknown place.  Personally, I'd be asking some serious questions and want some proof that they have a right to have this baby.  I mean, if I showed up with some random baby that I said I found abandoned somewhere, I'd expect serious questioning and request for proof that I didn't do something to the mother and that this baby was actually a foundling and not kidnapped.

I know I'm making too much of this!

Edited by izabella
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If they say they saw her outside the hospital on their way in (or really, just Choi on his way in), who would challenge that?  And as for trafficking, they are turning her over to the proper authorities, not selling her or keeping her.  There's no profit motive here.

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4 hours ago, cathmed said:

The pedophile - yeah, if you wanted to die, I thought the same thing--first being, don't even go to the hospital; just die at home. 

I don't think he would have chosen to go to the hospital -- he passed out and was brought in unconscious. His loss of consciousness (syncope) was one of the signs that he might have cancer. In the first conversation with Red Halstead, he said he wanted to leave.

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9 hours ago, cathmed said:

I don't believe I'm in the minority with Rhodes/Bekker relationship having a quick demise; that entire scene was so stilted. 

I wish I could believe the relationship was having a quick demise but they've been setting it up for too long.  My guess is that it's going to continue till the end of the season and maybe into the next  if they re-sign the actress.

It's a sad comment on the show when Will/Natalie is the best relationship on it. At least they have some chemistry.  I have no idea when Choi is banging April when he had a good relationship last season, or why Connor is so needy as to go after Bekker. He'd be better off with his ONSs.

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Is Becker suddenly developing a conscience? I'm thinking she's thinking they are competing for that what-cha-may-call-it, and she's thinking maybe I shouldn't be in a relationship with Connor....I can't imagine why else she would say it's a mistake because she's been after him since she got there....

May be I'm thinking too much lol

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20 hours ago, Guildford said:

Did mother of the year, Natalie Manning really tell her babysitter to give her toddler cold pizza, because it's his favourite for breakfast?

I think it's worse she kept letting him hit Halstead and laughing. I honestly have to start FF her scenes if I want to watch Dr Choi and Dr Charles.  There have been many medical shows, but why write this like a soap opera? When I watch Choi with April, it's cringe-worthy and Dr Charles is given a blank-faced resident who doesn't seem to have any common sense. Both are good actors and deserve better scripts. Maybe they are waiting for the season end?

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On 3/23/2018 at 9:32 AM, Guildford said:

Did mother of the year, Natalie Manning really tell her babysitter to give her toddler cold pizza, because it's his favourite for breakfast?

I'm pretty sure that was just incredibly subtle product placement for either GMC or Apple Car Play, or both.

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13 hours ago, Lyanna19 said:

Is Becker suddenly developing a conscience? I'm thinking she's thinking they are competing for that what-cha-may-call-it, and she's thinking maybe I shouldn't be in a relationship with Connor....I can't imagine why else she would say it's a mistake because she's been after him since she got there....

She suggested that they have "a drink" after work that night until he told her that he had a date with another woman and then she backed away.

I think it's just a way to stall them getting together until the season finale because this show writes the absolutely worst relationships.

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On 3/24/2018 at 6:54 AM, starri said:

I'm pretty sure that was just incredibly subtle product placement for either GMC or Apple Car Play, or both.

Not subtle at all!  Seemed completely out of place for the show.  I'm surprised that she didn't get out of the car and moved her foot underneath the rear bumper to get the handsfree tailgate to open, if this GMC has that sort of thing.  Since when is product placement like this part of a show like this?  I get if it's The Amazing Race, with Travelocity gnomes and Toyotas, or with Top Chef and BMW, but on Chicago Med?  

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On 3/21/2018 at 5:55 PM, Ailianna said:

Because if you're at all able to speak, they ask you to give them your insurance information on the ride.

Interesting...I used to be an EMT and we never asked for insurance information in the back of the bus.  I've also ridden as a patient in one, and never been asked. 

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3 hours ago, greyhorse said:

Not subtle at all!  Seemed completely out of place for the show.  I'm surprised that she didn't get out of the car and moved her foot underneath the rear bumper to get the handsfree tailgate to open, if this GMC has that sort of thing.  Since when is product placement like this part of a show like this?  I get if it's The Amazing Race, with Travelocity gnomes and Toyotas, or with Top Chef and BMW, but on Chicago Med?  

Days of our Lives and Cheerios....very in-your-face.

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On 3/22/2018 at 11:00 PM, statsgirl said:

I wish I could believe the relationship was having a quick demise but they've been setting it up for too long.  My guess is that it's going to continue till the end of the season and maybe into the next  if they re-sign the actress.

It's a sad comment on the show when Will/Natalie is the best relationship on it. At least they have some chemistry.  I have no idea when Choi is banging April when he had a good relationship last season, or why Connor is so needy as to go after Bekker. He'd be better off with his ONSs.

Maybe if there's enough fan uproar on that Bekker/Rhodes relationship, they'll ship her off somewhere or just end it.   I believe it was S1 where Connor was sleeping with another dr. there at the hospital (seemed to be a budding relationship) but they wrote her off the show.    I can only pray they'll do the same with Bekker; she's just annoying and so brittle.   Yeah, would rather see him playing the field than settling with her.   Also, in agreement with the Choi/April relationship - it really doesn't make any sense and for me, no chemistry.   I guess I'm not ready to admit Manstead is the best relationship, LOL, but I don't care for them either.

On 3/24/2018 at 9:54 AM, starri said:

I'm pretty sure that was just incredibly subtle product placement for either GMC or Apple Car Play, or both.

Oh you cynic--but sadly you're probably right!   Just like another show, the guy drove a Ferrari and the S550; suddenly, he's extolling the virtues of his new Buick, "the trunk space", lol!!

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On 3/21/2018 at 8:55 PM, Ailianna said:

Because if you're at all able to speak, they ask you to give them your insurance information on the ride.

Really?  I've been transported by ambulance and have never been asked for insurance info until I was already situated at the hospital.

On 3/24/2018 at 6:22 AM, debraran said:

I think it's worse she kept letting him hit Halstead and laughing. I honestly have to start FF her scenes if I want to watch Dr Choi and Dr Charles.  There have been many medical shows, but why write this like a soap opera? When I watch Choi with April, it's cringe-worthy and Dr Charles is given a blank-faced resident who doesn't seem to have any common sense. Both are good actors and deserve better scripts. Maybe they are waiting for the season end?

Perfect description.  She comes across as very bland and not as intelligent as she thinks she is.  As we've seen (with the knife incident), she's really not qualified to be making judgments and treating patients.  She's defied Dr. Charles more than once, and has gone ahead and done what she wanted despite clearly being inexperienced.   I find her to be very boring and not at all interesting to watch.   Her blank face is off-putting.

On 3/27/2018 at 11:30 AM, SoCal Mema said:

Interesting...I used to be an EMT and we never asked for insurance information in the back of the bus.  I've also ridden as a patient in one, and never been asked. 

Yes.  In my experience, EMT's are busy doing other things, and don't get involved with details such as insurance.

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I never had anyone in my family/friends get asked about money in the ambulance. Usually there is a bill later, but not discussed in the truck. Maybe they do in other areas.


Re Dr Charles, I'm still holding out he and Choi will find some better scripts. I found season one to be better, but I want to hope the show improves. My husband thinks it got worse but feels watching ER on hulu spoiled it also.  I know you can't compare but CM got more like my memories of General Hospital as a teen. April and Natalie remind of the actors then, good but dramatic and over the top, but they were supposed to be. Maybe that is what the show is driving for, more of that. A 55 year old who didn't know she was pregnant? That might fly with a teen but I'm sorry, most of my 50-ish friends just laughed at the absurdity and of course  the baby "is healthy" just looking at it.

I'm holding on, FF through some silly scenes and will give it to the end of the season but I hope it improves. I'm glad others like it but I was hoping with some great actors it was given better scripts.

Edited by debraran
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On 3/24/2018 at 2:00 AM, Lyanna19 said:

Is Becker suddenly developing a conscience? I'm thinking she's thinking they are competing for that what-cha-may-call-it, and she's thinking maybe I shouldn't be in a relationship with Connor....I can't imagine why else she would say it's a mistake because she's been after him since she got there....

May be I'm thinking too much lol

Maybe he just isn't that good. Sad because that man is so nice to look at.

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