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S07.E08: OH BABY

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2 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I disagree that Farrah needs a rich husband so Sophia can go to boarding school, but I think boarding school is a fabulous idea.  For obvious reasons.  But I'm sure Farrah could be convinced that it has nothing to do with her.

Maybe Farrah can send Mowgli Monroe to the same residential/boarding treatment school where Kate Gosselin banished a child a few years ago.

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17 hours ago, GreatKazu said:


Poor kid dealing with a cast that was in need of being removed. 

The kids in that family always get the short end of the stick. Look Carly! That could have been your life!  The adults splurge on themselves, but the kids have to suffer. 

I'm assuming that Tyler's sister's boyfriend wasn't the kid's father or else he would have taken the kid to have the cast removed? (I hope!)

I was seriously waiting for the kid in the cast to scream "Ow! You hit me with the blade!" or for some bleeding to happen.

Not even joking. 

How is not taking the kid back to have a cast removed not considered negligence?

Even if someone employed by CPS/Social Services was watching the episode or was made aware of the incident, we know there isn't much that can be done. I know the last resort should be to remove any child from their home, but I wish CPS had some type of "Three strikes and you're out" system.  I know it's near impossible to catch the parents engaging in the negligent behavior that a mandated reported called in, but the system desperately needs to be overhauled. I don't have any proposed solutions as I do not know the exact protocols that CPS employees follow, however I have seen my fair share of crazy ass parents who have no business being around kids, especially their own.

I had to report one family after they dropped off their older kiddo because I saw their 2 year old (not even a pupil at my school!) rolling around in the front seat of the car without seat belts to be found on anyone in the vehicle. This would be the same family that had a Type 1 Diabetic 7th grader who didn't have their their insulin administered every day at home, nor did the parents bring enough insulin to school each month. Kid was always in the health office because they were ill, which I understand. That also meant he wasn't in class and had already been held back in elementary school for the same reason: student didn't have the fundamentals.  Somehow, when CPS showed up to that family's house when someone from school called, CPS had "nothing to report as everything was fine." The sad part was that we were always ready to call 911 when the students was in our class out of true fear of when the kid would eventually go into diabetic coma.

Sorry for the long rant. I'm extra fired up about this because the news this morning reported that the "parents" (ugh!) of 13 kids in SoCal were expected to be in court today for "torturing their 13 children." I can't even read about animals in pain, so I instantly turned off the TV. I don't understand how it gets to that level without any warning signs or intervention(s) from anyone at school/CPS/law enforcement. I've seen plenty of documentaries about the victims of abuse and how they hide what's going on, so I know it does happen, but I'm still blown away when I hear about parents torturing their kids, whether it's one kid or 13. 

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@Bridget you are referring to the kids from Perris, I assume? That news is heartbreaking and maddening. Not enough words to describe the criminal acts perpetrated upon those children. My heart breaks. I am very glad the one child escaped and alerted authorities. 

Back to the show. 

The cast removal bothered me because 1) Butch was doing it with that saw blade, 2) he is an addict, 3) he could have been under the influence at that moment, 4) all of those adults in that family and no one offered to take him to get removed properly and ensure he had healed properly. 

What reason was there for the delay in taking that child to the doctor to have it removed? Was there a co-pay? JesusGodLeah, I can totally believe these trailer trash people quibbling over a co-pay. Take him to a free clinic, idiots!! 

Is that the same sister who was gifted the pair of fake tits by Tyler? 

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My husband broke his arm a few years ago. It was on the designated time. Once he went in to have it removed (according to him it felt fine) his Dr removed it, xrayed it and put another cast on. It wasn't healing properly.   Like i said my husband thought it was all healed. Seems like a ridiculous chance to take on a kid. 

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1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:


The cast removal bothered me because 1) Butch was doing it with that saw blade, 2) he is an addict, 3) he could have been under the influence at that moment, 4) all of those adults in that family and no one offered to take him to get removed properly and ensure he had healed properly. 

What reason was there for the delay in taking that child to the doctor to have it removed? Was there a co-pay? JesusGodLeah, I can totally believe these trailer trash people quibbling over a co-pay. Take him to a free clinic, idiots!! 

Is that the same sister who was gifted the pair of fake tits by Tyler? 

If B&T haven't seen that cast cut off yet, when they do I'm sure Carly will be hugged so tightly by both of them.   Carly really needs to understand how fortunate her adoption is.

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1 hour ago, AirQuotes said:

If B&T haven't seen that cast cut off yet, when they do I'm sure Carly will be hugged so tightly by both of them.   Carly really needs to understand how fortunate her adoption is.

If that is how negligent April and her daughter are towards that boy, who is Nova when she is in April's care? 

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1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

If that is how negligent April and her daughter are towards that boy, who is Nova when she is in April's care? 

Oh no doubt April is negligent, in a general sense, but this was Amber’s (Tyler’s sister) son.  

This Amber must have something up because C&T said last season that she was supposed to be watching Nova while they were away, but she never showed (???) so Butch was called in as backup.  Who doesn’t show to watch a child?  Good lord this family.  Butch is the most responsible of the lot.

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7 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

Oh no doubt April is negligent, in a general sense, but this was Amber’s (Tyler’s sister) son.  

This Amber must have something up because C&T said last season that she was supposed to be watching Nova while they were away, but she never showed (???) so Butch was called in as backup.  Who doesn’t show to watch a child?  Good lord this family.  Butch is the most responsible of the lot.

This is what kills me. If Amber is that much of a fuck up, April should at least step-up to get that kid to his doctor's appointment. At least. I am not suggesting she do anything more since I know she is incapable. If she can get her ass to Boogie Town, at least take your grandson with his mother to his appointment so he isn't suffering with a damn cast on his leg. If April can take care of Nova on a daily basis, why is her grandson having to suffer? C&T are all about taking care of their nieces and nephews. Shit, they almost adopted two of them. Why not at least offer to take their nephew to the doctor. Losers, all of them. 

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I'm extra fired up about this because the news this morning reported that the "parents" (ugh!) of 13 kids in SoCal were expected to be in court today for "torturing their 13 children." I can't even read about animals in pain, so I instantly turned off the TV. I don't understand how it gets to that level without any warning signs or intervention(s) from anyone at school/CPS/law enforcement. I've seen plenty of documentaries about the victims of abuse and how they hide what's going on, so I know it does happen, but I'm still blown away when I hear about parents torturing their kids, whether it's one kid or 13. 

Those poor 13 children were "homeschooled" which is why I have so many concerns with homeschooling being allowed.  I'm sure there are loving, caring parents who do a very good job with their children, but there is no safety net for children being abused and  no one will supervise Sophia and make sure she gets socialization beyond meeting porn stars and mediating fights between her mother and grandmother.  I was a teacher at Stuyvesant during 9/11, and some wing nut mother showed up to the parent teacher conference three weeks later to tell me how upset she was with her lazy, misbehaving son (and prior to teaching at Stuyvesant I'd taught at another NYC public school where it wasn't unusual to have a parent show up on parent teacher conferences to tell me how awful their kids were.  But normally those were drug dealing gang members and I could understand why the parents had run out of patience.  This was a really good kid - and she said all of this right in front of him).  She said she was angry because her son just sat in his room and didn't do his homework.   I tried to gently explain that her son, along with all the other students, had seen people jumping from the world trade center 3 blocks away, and if he was quiet and not doing anything he might need to be screened for ptsd or depression.  I went to the administration to tell them we needed to get this kid some help, and they told me nothing could be done since wing nut mother was planning on pulling her kid and homeschooling him and under NY state law homeschooling is protected and no one could interfere.  

Edited by kitkat343
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On 1/15/2018 at 7:37 PM, CofCinci said:

To defend Farrah for a moment, have you ever been to Italy, especially the Almafi Coast?  An air fills my lungs and I feel so much cooler and sophisticated than I actually am.  When in Italy, I wear clothes that I'd never wear in real life.  So, I 'swan' it up too.  I can't hate on Farrah for enjoying her trip.

It is one of the most marvelous places on Planet Earth.  And I will also say that one of the Teen Moms is knocked up again, another one is getting advice as to when and how she can next get one up the duff, one's a raging alcoholic with an addict for a baby daddy, and one is in Italy on a first-class vacation.  With her daughter.  Like or dislike Farrah and how she hustles, one of these things is NOT like the other.  When all of this TM stuff is done, I won't worry about Farrah and SoFEEuh.  Not at all.

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9 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

This is what kills me. If Amber is that much of a fuck up, April should at least step-up to get that kid to his doctor's appointment. At least. I am not suggesting she do anything more since I know she is incapable. If she can get her ass to Boogie Town, at least take your grandson with his mother to his appointment so he isn't suffering with a damn cast on his leg. If April can take care of Nova on a daily basis, why is her grandson having to suffer? C&T are all about taking care of their nieces and nephews. Shit, they almost adopted two of them. Why not at least offer to take their nephew to the doctor. Losers, all of them. 

It pains me to take up for April but this isn't her kid or grandkid. This is Tyler's mom's daughter. Now if you take out April and replace it with Kim I'm 100% with you. Poor Nova. Both sides of her family look like a Jerry Springer show.

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6 hours ago, mscav said:

It pains me to take up for April but this isn't her kid or grandkid. This is Tyler's mom's daughter. Now if you take out April and replace it with Kim I'm 100% with you. Poor Nova. Both sides of her family look like a Jerry Springer show.

Thanks for straightening it out. They all seem like a bunch of inbreds to me at this stage. Yes, Kim could at least have taken that poor kid. 

Does Kim ever spend time with Nova? I can't recall any interactions other than when she was born. 

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On 1/16/2018 at 11:38 PM, MrsBestes said:

I agree with everyone, Rhine does not seem sober. I wonder though if he is on methodone now. I’ve watched my fair share of Intervention so I know people can get high on it. Maybe he’s taking more than he’s supposed to and mixing it with alcohol (he oftentimes has a beer in hand). I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s just back on H again though. 

I've wondered if he's on methadone now, as well. But like you, being back on H wouldn't surprise me either. 

On 1/17/2018 at 9:08 AM, Blissfool said:

It really seemed like MTV was trying to embarrass Catelynn. They showed her smoking constantly. They zoomed in on her fatty food. They revealed her weight. They showed her dirt-crusted minivan. Meanwhile, Tyler was working, playing with Carly, and talking about how he managed to quit smoking.

I have a half of a foot in height on Catelynn and weigh over 30lbs less than her....and I still would have been hella pissed if MTV had shown my weight without my explicit consent. I'd have refused to have that camera on when they weighed me unless I had signed up to be on a show about weight loss, which TM ain't. I suppose the $300k check from MTV would make me feel better about it, though.... 

On 1/17/2018 at 3:26 PM, CofCinci said:

Buddies, who becomes pregnant first: Cate or Mack?

Maci again (since we know she had the miscarriage) - I expect a fourth miracle Maci pregnancy before either Cate or Mac get pregnant. 

On 1/18/2018 at 9:07 AM, Calm81 said:

I think Amber isn’t trying to get the money Matt stole from her because Matt’s probably thrown out the “Come after me for the money and I’ll have my publisher on speed dial for a ‘tell all’ book on your lazy ass.” It just seems odd that she will allow this man to play her on national television and not want some sort of revenge for it.

Even if she wanted revenge against Matt, she's so damn lazy that whatever her plan was for revenge, it would never even get out of the planning stage.  She probably couldn't even be assed to pick up the phone and text a writer at Radar about him. It's all too much work for Amber.  Plus, anything she reveals about him further makes her look bad for being with him (and he probably knows where all her skeletons are buried).  But I'm still going with the number one reason is because of her incredible laziness. 

15 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Oh no doubt April is negligent, in a general sense, but this was Amber’s (Tyler’s sister) son.  

This Amber must have something up because C&T said last season that she was supposed to be watching Nova while they were away, but she never showed (???) so Butch was called in as backup.  Who doesn’t show to watch a child?  Good lord this family.  Butch is the most responsible of the lot.

Where the heck was Kim? She's allegedly the only real grown-up in Tyler's family. I know it isn't her job to take care of her daughter's son's basic needs, but when the daughter and the rest of the family think that Butch using a saw to remove a cast is just fine, you'd think the one seemingly responsible person in the family would be like "or maybe I could take him to the doctor" or ask that her son or daughter-in-law (who don't have jobs with real work hours, so to speak) please take their nephew to the doctor since his mom can't (probably because the poor child's mom is higher than April & Cate on their way to Boogietown).  I get that Kim works, so maybe she couldn't do it, but it seems like if she knew the kid needed his cast off, she could have kind of intervened (although I get that it's not her responsibility). The trashiness of this family hurts and yes, it is damn sad that Butch, with all his addiction issues, seems to be the best at some basic level of white trash "adulting."  

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48 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Thanks for straightening it out. They all seem like a bunch of inbreds to me at this stage. Yes, Kim could at least have taken that poor kid. 

Does Kim ever spend time with Nova? I can't recall any interactions other than when she was born. 

I really don't recall seeing those two together. Hardly at all. Kim seems only interested in Tyler, not really anyone else. I wonder if she hasn't really bonded with ANY of her grandkids, because she's so over the fuckery in her kids' lives? 

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Watching Catelynn and April together was horrific. They are the trash bag twins. Their entire conversation was the trashiest thing to witness. Cringing so hard. I’d be embarrassed to be seen in public with them with their guffawing, swearing and table slappin’ at their own trashy jokes. Take better care of and pay more attention to the kid you currently have and then think about taking your BC out, Catelynn. Plus, PLEASE don’t be an idiot and lose the weight your doctor advises, at least, before getting pregnant. Also? Stop saying “I had postpartum” - you had postpartum DEPRESSION, jfc, how has no one told her that her phrasing sounds so stupid?

Speaking of, what the fuck was Farrah wearing - the purple crushed velvet? dress - in Italy? That would embarrass me as well. It looked better with the sweatshirt over part of it. I would not be shocked to learn that Mother of Deb was batshit herself. She has a vibe. The whole trip to Italy with everyone but separate is super weird but I’ve learned not to expect anything to be normal in Farrah’s world. Stop acting like Sophia is a toddler...”awwww yaaaaayyyyyyy” this 8-9 year old can CRACK AN EGG - where is the Nobel?! Debra doesn’t want Ashley as the MOH because Ashley can’t get her camera time. It’s crazy to watch Farrah be the rational, normal one but she is in the scenes with Debra. I was impressed with how she understood exactly why Debra brought up Simon out of nowhere. 

I hate you, Amber. Yeah, go on vacation to “think about the next time” you’ll see Leah instead of staying home and BEING WITH HER. I literally want to slap her. And then again on behalf of her fetus. To stand out as particular horrible in this sea of assholes is a true accomplishment. Gary Forever!!! That pregnancy test is soooo re-enacted.

Mackenzie gives me chills... Also, her “squad” is fucking sad. The Edwardses remain a total joke to me...yes, go with your recent rehab resident, addict son to “the club” in Las Vegas for his unnecessary bachelor party for his second wedding to the same asshole. Wonderful and not at all inappropriate. Almost as brilliant as Mackenzie planning on having a kid in a year and Loser Larry bringing it up too. I hate them all. So trashy to not invite Taylor and to address it to “Maci Bookout” even if Mackenzie “didn’t know” Taylor’s last name she’s in the unique position of being able to google and figure it out in 4 seconds. I would be just as trashy in return and send it back saying THREE would be attending if I was Maci. A special fuck you to Larry. Ryan was SO FUCKED UP during that scene.

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For some strange reason I thought if you are an addict and in recovery that abstinence would include not partaking in alcohol.   Pretty sure that's how it used to be done. The engagement pictures and bachelorette parties are so beyond stupid I can't believe someone with some gray matter functioning didn't try to talk sense into them. So tacky. 

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58 minutes ago, Rebecca said:

Watching Catelynn and April together was horrific. They are the trash bag twins. Their entire conversation was the trashiest thing to witness. Cringing so hard. I’d be embarrassed to be seen in public with them with their guffawing, swearing and table slappin’ at their own trashy jokes. Take better care of and pay more attention to the kid you currently have and then think about taking your BC out, Catelynn. Plus, PLEASE don’t be an idiot and lose the weight your doctor advises, at least, before getting pregnant. Also? Stop saying “I had postpartum” - you had postpartum DEPRESSION, jfc, how has no one told her that her phrasing sounds so stupid?

Speaking of, what the fuck was Farrah wearing - the purple crushed velvet? dress - in Italy? That would embarrass me as well. It looked better with the sweatshirt over part of it. I would not be shocked to learn that Mother of Deb was batshit herself. She has a vibe. The whole trip to Italy with everyone but separate is super weird but I’ve learned not to expect anything to be normal in Farrah’s world. Stop acting like Sophia is a toddler...”awwww yaaaaayyyyyyy” this 8-9 year old can CRACK AN EGG - where is the Nobel?! Debra doesn’t want Ashley as the MOH because Ashley can’t get her camera time. It’s crazy to watch Farrah be the rational, normal one but she is in the scenes with Debra. I was impressed with how she understood exactly why Debra brought up Simon out of nowhere. 

I hate you, Amber. Yeah, go on vacation to “think about the next time” you’ll see Leah instead of staying home and BEING WITH HER. I literally want to slap her. And then again on behalf of her fetus. To stand out as particular horrible in this sea of assholes is a true accomplishment. Gary Forever!!! That pregnancy test is soooo re-enacted.

Mackenzie gives me chills... Also, her “squad” is fucking sad. The Edwardses remain a total joke to me...yes, go with your recent rehab resident, addict son to “the club” in Las Vegas for his unnecessary bachelor party for his second wedding to the same asshole. Wonderful and not at all inappropriate. Almost as brilliant as Mackenzie planning on having a kid in a year and Loser Larry bringing it up too. I hate them all. So trashy to not invite Taylor and to address it to “Maci Bookout” even if Mackenzie “didn’t know” Taylor’s last name she’s in the unique position of being able to google and figure it out in 4 seconds. I would be just as trashy in return and send it back saying THREE would be attending if I was Maci. A special fuck you to Larry. Ryan was SO FUCKED UP during that scene.

Loved this. Especially the last bit.

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1 hour ago, Jeanne222 said:

I wonder is someday when they are adults Carly and Nova will be drawn to each other.

Probably. Nova will go running to her and see if Carly's (real) parents can "adopt" her for all family gatherings. 

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4 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

I wonder is someday when they are adults Carly and Nova will be drawn to each other.

I doubt it. They are raised in two different social classes. Carly will be in a sorority and date a nice boy from her church.  Nova will hold her baby shower slash seventeenth birthday in a church rec room. Two worlds. 

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23 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

For some strange reason I thought if you are an addict and in recovery that abstinence would include not partaking in alcohol.   Pretty sure that's how it used to be done. The engagement pictures and bachelorette parties are so beyond stupid I can't believe someone with some gray matter functioning didn't try to talk sense into them. So tacky. 

Ryan was drinking beer right out of rehab. 

Heroin isn't the only problem he has going on. 

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46 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

I doubt it. They are raised in two different social classes. Carly will be in a sorority and date a nice boy from her church.  Nova will hold her baby shower slash seventeenth birthday in a church rec room. Two worlds. 

I'm hoping it's that way for Carly, but I could also see C&T looking like the "fun" ones when she is a teenager, and becoming more involved with them if B&T were to have "too many rules" as some kids think. Teenagers are teenagers, we've all been there lol. 

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On 1/16/2018 at 6:49 PM, CofCinci said:

Why on earth did they allow Dr. Butch Baltierra, Junkie MD, to take the kid’s casts off with power tools?!  What fucking idiots. 

Does Butch have a thread here? If so...this NEEDS to be the title of it.   This may be my favorite post ever!!   Junkie MD...buahaha!!

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I missed the beginning of this episode last week and watching now. 

I didn’t see Butch use a saw at all on his grandson’s cast, they must have deleted that part.  All they showed was Butch prying the cast off with pliers or something. 

I may also be missing something here too, but WHAT is the hilarity during the conversation while April and Catelynn are eating in that restaurant?  They are full on knee slappin’ over shit that just seems like normal conversation.   Vulgar conversation but minus talking about Cate’s vagina and Tyler’s balls,  it seems normal and not bend over the table (April) laughable moments.  Call me crazy...

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