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Crashing - General Discussion

Meredith Quill

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Ali is too punk rock for NACA while Pete is ready to be the next Carrotop.

Lot of comics say colleges are too PC for their acts these days, with safe spaces even from jokes.

Ali got some laughs but biting social satire doesn't seem to be what the kids like.

She seemed to be supporting him by the end, but looks like they get to roast each other in the finale, which could reopen the rift.

Are they going to continue with the relationship into next season or it's mainly about Pete and his career?

BTW, I know Pete is a giant but she's tiny standing next to him.

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This episode is the first time that the character of Pete seemed at all savvy about the business and it came a little out of left field.  He was absolutely right saying that Ali heard all of the suggestions about what wouldn't go over with NACA and she chose to ignore it so she had no one to blame but herself for not booking any gigs; Pete seems more malleable and not as determined to be a comic " purist". He's right - when you're working at Coldstone Creamery you can't get on your high horse about what to do to book a gig.   On the other hand, I understand Ali's anger when she has been so helpful and generous with him and he's there yucking it up with the SNL girl ( a bit too enthusiastically, I thought) and offering to let her " open" for him in a patronizing way.

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This ep made me realize what a large part of Pete's talent is the physicality in his delivery.  "Gas it up" isn't really all that funny without the hands-behind-the head relaxation visual.  "Fresca?" is much funnier with the toss from behind the back.

I'm always rooting for Pete to be successful on stage, because otherwise--who wants to watch a sad sack whose whole life is loserville?  His talk with Ali about the price of success and the privilege of choice was the first time he was ever much more than a genial doofus who occasionally stumbles across a truffle by accident.


Probably overanalyzing here, but I think Ali could have been funnier if her theme had been "cutesy words for serious occasions" and she worked her way up to roofies--instead of "here's one element of rape culture that's pretty funky."

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I think he may have intended "opening for him" in a good way, like it's still something they can do together and it would give her additional exposure, but yeah, he could've phrased it better or waited on that offer.  Read the room, Pete.  That wasn't going to go over well.

i thought maybe he was going to have a Curb Your Enthusiasm Larry does Broadway freeze type moment before killing it on stage because he'd be flustered about changing up his act to meet the NACA requirements, but Pete flourished in that setting.  He's being smart for once about his career and making some real progress.  Of course, the show's called Crashing...

I'm enjoying these past few episodes far more because we're actually seeing him perform and growing professionally instead of all of that sad sack/mooching/general idiocy from the first half of the season.  

The roasting competition looks like it could be fun.  Loved his fearful, wide-eyed "Oh...Oooh!" look in the preview.

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I think Pete was genuinely caught off guard by her hostility and lack of support and was rushing, as usual, to fix things. Maybe she didn't know exactly how it would be but once she heard the rules and chose to break them then she shouldn't have been so shitty to him for doing well. I felt bad for him when he tried to hide his good news texts from her. That's not right.

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There were so many cringeworthy moments here.  I had to pause before finishing the episode during that awful car ride.  Melissa Villasenor was so over the top.  And Pete was acting like a douche.  But by the end, both had redemption arcs.  Real Life Pete is obviously more with it than his hayseed TV character. 

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Roast jokes were funny but there was definitely some hostility and Pete couldn't stand Ali putting out his dirty laundry on the stage.

Does Ali despise him because he can't completely cut loose?

Did it take a long time for Pete to overcome his conservative upbringing?

The show featured several scenes of other comics making jokes at Pete's expense but it hurt him when Ali did it, though she used some of the painful things from the end of his marriage.

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My God, what a depressing show this has been. Much more so this season than last. Was that the goal, to make a depressing show about a comic, to show how depressing their lives can be? If in the unlikely event this show gets a third season they need to make some big changes. I know it's called "Crashing" but Pete needs to find a place of his own and stop bumming off friends and sleeping on their sofas. If he doesn't even have enough money for a hotel room how did he have enough money to buy a plane ticket and pay extra insurance for the rental car? Don't tell me he actually won the Roast contest - he was terrible. It wasn't believable that he even won any of his rounds.

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He booked a bunch of NACA gigs at various colleges in the previous episodes.  So maybe they advanced him some money for his travel expenses.

I don't think of him crashing with friends as a gimmick, as I did during first season.

I guess it's suppose to show how uncertain his career was in the first few years.  Even when he gets some momentum in doing comedy and in his relationships, it could quickly unravel, in part because he's still coming to grips with a lifestyle and an outlook on life which are at odds with his conservative upbringing.

He can't be as freewheeling and personal in his comedy as Ali.  At least not yet.  So he gave up a comfortable bed and a gf to cuddle with rather than give in and adjust his beliefs.

IRL, it sounds like Pete made that adjustment eventually but Pete on this HBO show hasn't yet.

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I think where Ally screwed up was making jokes about the ex sucking dick while she was in the audience, because she (I forgot the her name, sorry) didn’t sign up to be roasted. Also she now knows what Pete has said to other people about her in confidence.

But Pete’s ‘aw, shucks’ persona bugged more. Maybe I’m asking too much by wanting him to be able to articulate that in that moment Ally brought out the worst in him and it made him resentful and afraid. But Pete had every opportunity to just not do the fucking roast and he still did it to “support” Ally, which is self serving IMO. He also knew that treating Ally like shit in that moment was an expression of love and respect. HE got his feelings hurt and I get that, but it bothers me that he walked away thinking he was too nice for Ally. She was right, Pete can and will go low and be mean like everyone else. 

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Ugh.  Worst episode of the season, to me.  "Mean" can be clever and funny, but most of the show just sounded like people randomly flipping through the Big Book of Generic Insults. 

Big ending when Ali dialed it up to Vicious and Pete freaked and responded in kind.  Throw in some exposition about respect.  It was like two people in a slap fight that turns lethal. 

Way to end on a low note, show.

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Pete Holmes appears on the Adam Corolla Show podcast, 12/18/18 episode.

The podcast comes in two parts, two separate files.  Get Part 2, skip past some commercials, a short segment with Mr. Skin and then Pete comes on.

He talks a little about the show but not too much details.

He mainly sits with the podcast regulars and riff on things, including some news items.


There is also a new comedy special on demand on HBO.

S03E01. Jaboukie

New season kind of crept up on but glad it’s here.

Pete returns to NY kind of as a conquering hero, brings along a protege.

But he’s quickly cut down to size by Estee, who won’t give him a regular spot at the Cellar because she has enough white guys talking about noth8ng as she puts it.

Meanwhile Jaboukie jumps ahead of him and gets Estee’s approval.

He manages to apologize to Ali and she becomes supportive but then Estee’s rejection makes him open up the old wounds from their fight about comedy.  Given how they broke up and all the time he had to regret it, it seems strange that he’d pick a fight with her again.

In the previews it looks like they’ll talk again but he’ll be looking to meet other people.

Seems like he no longer cares about Jess and Leif so maybe he’s over being heartbroken.

after the loneliness of the road, you’d think he’d try to sweeten up more to Ali.

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It's gotta burn that Estee's criticism of him was, in essence, the exact same critique he received from his own mom! He might want to start listening. LOL. Basically the same criticism they always have for the contestants on Next Food Network Star - you need to have a personal, unique point of view. Without a POV, why should anyone care?

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On 1/30/2018 at 6:46 PM, topanga said:

I enjoy him in general but don’t find 100% of his jokes funny. But whose are?

I don’t think the cake batter joke was a rant against reproductive rights. But the better jokes of the episode were the ones with Bill and Pete riffing about Pete not really being a guy’s guy and not caring much about sports. 

One nitpicky thing:  Bill Burr is left-handed, and Pete is right-handed. But when they were playing golf, Bill swung his club like a right-handed golfer, and Pete like a lefty. Unless it was a camera thing, and we were looking at a reversed image. 

Sorry for the quote a year later, but I just started watching the show. :) im lefty, but am righty when the sport requires different equipment from righty’s to lefty’s. My brothers are righty's, there fore I golf, hockey and catch with a mitt with my left hand. I’m a girl too. So back in the Olden  days...we never got our own equipment. 

I guess new love interest for the season.

Heard an interview with Pete on the Larry Wilmore podcast.  He said they didn’t want him to succeed yet so he was going to fail the Cellar audition.  They wanted him to be funny but still not get it.


Meanwhile, Ali is going places, going on late night TV while Pete has to take a gig at a synagogue, in the absence of steady comedy club gigs.

So they wanted to pair him with someone who’s not in the bus8ness?

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On 1/28/2019 at 8:10 PM, DrivingSideways said:

I really enjoy this show, but Pete's string of beautiful, charming girlfriends really defies belief.  It's not that he's unattractive, but his personality is kind of annoying.

Who is the actress that plays Cat?

This is what happens when you get to write your own show.

Kat is Madeline Wise, whose IMDB credits were all unfamiliar to me.

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On 1/28/2019 at 6:10 PM, DrivingSideways said:

I really enjoy this show, but Pete's string of beautiful, charming girlfriends really defies belief.  It's not that he's unattractive, but his personality is kind of annoying.

Who is the actress that plays Cat?

He is also funny (funnier in real life, though), and funny goes a very long way with women (including me).

I like that he has someone who loves him and believes in him, his wife was obviously had her own issues and the last girl friend was a bit dour. I don’t know how long the relationship will work out. Happy relationships don’t always make for good sitcoms.

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I like the new girlfriend. She's odd yet also endearing, and she's good for him. She can get him out of his comfort zone and shake him up just enough .

I thought the guy in the sex store was a little into Pete or at least was willing to help demonstrate how the items worked if he was asked.

I'm easy to please. The "Chico and The Man" theme made me smile.  Sweet touch. 

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It’s interesting how they portrayed Jason.

There are more than a couple of white male comics decrying what they characterize as runaway PC ruining comedy.

They especially put down millennials who won’t laugh at their jokes as joyless and too PC.  And let’s face it, male comics don’t come off great with #MeToo.

Jason didn’t pull a Louis CK but he was insufferable with that waitress.

At the end, Pete didn’t want to be a lifer like Jason so he books that Christian tour.

Pete might get some blowback from other comics for this ep.

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5 hours ago, ALenore said:

I liked the scene during the church service when everyone is shaking hands and saying "peace be with you" Kat says "blessed be the fruit" to one woman.  (That's the greeting from The Handmaid's Tale).  No one seemed to notice.  

I know it’s supposed to be funny but cant a girlfriend fake it for one weekend and get along with the family?  And Red Sox fans and evengelicals?  Never.  

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On 2/18/2019 at 8:19 AM, ALenore said:

I liked the scene during the church service when everyone is shaking hands and saying "peace be with you" Kat says "blessed be the fruit" to one woman.  (That's the greeting from The Handmaid's Tale).  No one seemed to notice.  

No one there noticed or no one on the forums? I noticed and laughed my head off but immediately forgot about it - ha ha. I like that she was also saying things like “That sweater is a lovely color” - anything to prove she wasn't going along with what was expected of her. Red flag!!!

The ending fight this week was uncomfortably real. Especially saying “You can’t do jokes IN the club so do one outside of it” (paraphrased, even though I put it in quotes), and saying he was a bad comic when she knows he’s insecure. She’s a nightmare emotional manipulator.

I didn’t think Ali’s set on Seth was all that great.

4 hours ago, cpcathy said:

I didn't like Ali's set either!

Yes, my husband was sitting beside me and noted how real that fight was, he kept turning to me and saying, "That was real, don't you think that was real?"

It's pretty good acting when two actors can fight and make you feel wildly uncomfortable. Bravo to Madeline and Pete.

She played a drunk pretty realistic but Pete's always so nice and calm.  She's starting to show her instability and we are seeing Pete's discomfort with it.  Funniest part of the show was the text Ali sent Pete showing Trump imitating a disabled person.  

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Wow. Pete's finding out that all of the things that made Kat his manic pixie dream girl have a flipside, one that can make her a nightmare. Everything that attracted him to her in the first place has a dark side. She's a free spirit with few inhibitions = she's got no freaking boundaries. She pushes him outside his comfort zone = she thinks she's always right and doesn't know when to stop. She's a fun party girl = she drinks and loses control when she feels insecure. And finally, she believes in him and is instantly invested and loyal = she's weirdly possessive, protective, and territorial.

There are no free lunches!

ETA: I've always held up Jim and Pam's phone fight from season 9 of the office as being the most realistic "married people" fight I'd seen on TV. Now I have a standard for most realistic "drunk and dating" fight

Edited by auntiemel
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