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Season 4 Discussion


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That female deputy was really trying not to laugh! I got quite a kick out of watching her. Can you imagine having to sit there and look at him and try to take him seriously? She did a better job than I would have, and you know we only saw a small part of that discussion. 

I will give Matt props for reflecting a bit and coming to the conclusion that he's the weak one, not Andrew. Hearing Andrew straight up tell him there was no danger was pretty great too. He was so not surprised that his dad tapped out, and had a ridiculous tale that was reality only in Matt's imagination, for an excuse. 

  • Love 7

In the previews it looked like the deputy calls Angele in and tells her what she's doing isn't right. I really, really hope they pull her from the program right then and there and send her ass home. No going back to say goodbye to her little girlfriend, just go the fuck home. 

I wish this thread was more active. It seems there are just a few of us who post here. 

  • Love 8
18 hours ago, Maharincess said:

Poor Stephanie, I feel so bad for her.  It must be exhausting to be so perfect and having to spend so much time talking about everything everyone else is doing wrong. Poor thing.   A couple of things for you Ferret Face...first of all, there is no c in the word infatuation, second, it's midst, not mist and lastly it's PREposterous, not PERposterous.   I love when idiots like her try to sound intelligent but come off looking stupid instead.  When Ferret Face said something about Gabrielle finding out that Angele Is not a real inmate, the smug smirk on her face said "when I tell her that you're not an inmate".  And what business is it of hers what happens with Gabrielle and Angele on the outside? 

We must be twins separated at birth!!!  You said it better.

  • Love 5
19 hours ago, Neurochick said:


And that woman Sahar, what an ugly person inside and outside.  I got a racist vibe from her.  But she's no better than the rest of them because she's in jail too.

 My impression was much different than yours. I felt very sorry for her. She Appeared to be quite despondant about being there.   I think she was frustrated and angry with having to put up with the two of them.  It added icing to an already ugly cake. Locked in a room with all those people and you have to sit there and listen to two of them getting each other off.  Those two, Gabrielle and Angele, have no respect for themselves and certainly have no respect for their cellmates. Not to mention that what Angela is doing is so wrong for so many other reasons. None of which is the fact that it’s a homosexual relationship.

Edited by Kid
  • Love 7
5 hours ago, Kid said:

We must be twins separated at birth!!!  You said it better.

Can we be triplets because I agree 100% and then some?!?! 

Angele, as stated, should be pulled AND have charges, no question. I find that my initial opinion of her has completely changed. Not to mention that I saw beauty in her face previously but now can't stand to look at her. She has seriously lost a grip on reality and has made a complete ass of herself on national TV for what? Some strange tail? Sickening to lose sight of your moral compass as she has done. 

  • Love 7

I don't get this show.  In the first season, everybody was very careful what they did in jail.  They didn't want to get real charges.  In this season, it seems no one cares.  Stephanie did drugs; Angele did drugs and is having sex with an inmate; Johnny threatened to beat up an inmate.  Strange, it seems that on this season, everybody's doing whatever.  

Angele needs to realize that a large part of her attraction for Gabby is because they are in an unnatural environment.  It seems that Gabby is in jail for drugs and I feel some type of way about that, because many of the women and men in prison for drugs are there because they are poor, and don't have families who'll try to get them into rehab. 

Stephanie is one foul person.  She thinks she's on Big Brother.  First she got Jaclin kicked off, now she's setting her sights on getting Angele out.  Stephanie wants to play the master manipulator.


My impression was much different than yours. I felt very sorry for her. She Appeared to be quite despondant about being there.

Wait a minute.  That woman was in jail just like the others.  What made her better?  She had an ugly attitude like, "I don't belong here with YOU PEOPLE."



On the promo for next week's show; they show the warden (?) talking to Angele; hopefully he'll talk some sense into her, but I doubt. it.  It also looked like Stephanie was telling Gabby that Angele hasn't been truthful with her.  Stephanie wants to be the last woman standing, that's for sure.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 2

Am I the only one who thinks that if they pulled Angele from the program and didn't allow her to say goodbye to Gabby that she would go do something stupid to get put back in jail?  I don't know why I think that but I really do thing she'd commit a petty crime to go back in to be with Gabby. 

I agree with the above poster that I found Angele to be very pretty until I learned more about her as a person.  Is she on social media? I'm wondering if she's offering any defense. 

  • Love 7
27 minutes ago, PoshSprinkles said:

I'll put this under spoiler tags too as I got this info from another site that found her instagram. 

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Any feelings she had for Gabby must have disappeared quickly because she had a post from Christmas with a girl who was NOT Gabby saying something about spending time with the "love of her life". She finds and loses true love very quickly, it seems...

Is anyone surprised??

  • Love 7

Matt during the debrief: "My son's on the other side and I want to hold somebody accountable for that. I was very angry because you told me that we would be safe and I knew in that moment we would not." (Had to hit the "rewind" button on my DVR & watch way too many times to get the accurate quote.)

I really wish that the show hasn't edited Matt's debrief because I would have loved to know what the colonel said to Matt about the "safety issue." I wanted to hear the colonel tell Matt "I never told you that you'd the same pod" or something to that effect. I wonder how Matt would have responded to being told that he and Andrew would never have been in the same pod because of the way the inmates are separated, usually by age. I wonder if Matt would've even done the show if he paid attention during orientation where I'm sure he must've been told "inmates are typically divided into different pods, based on their age range." 

I have also found this season, especially this episode when Alan's roommate Dre was initiated into the gang, more violent than I remember from past seasons. I can't even cover my eyes during this season when there's a fight because it's just so damn violent (to me), I have to fast forward. I know there were fights in previous seasons, but this season seems to show a lot more violence than I can process. I understand there are separate rules/protocols for inmates, but to watch the fights happen so often is making me sick. Maybe those scenes are being used because there's nothing else to film? The whole "5 guys beat the crap out of one guy" just sickens me and I don't even want to think about the damage that's happening to them.

I wouldn't be surprised to find out (in the future) that frequent and repeated blows/kicks to the head are all contributing factors to an eventual issue with anything from memory retention to undiagnosed concussions to a possible traumatic brain injury. When the guard asked Dre what happened to his eye and Dre said "nothing", that didn't shock me. However, those are examples of situations when I wish inmates (with any visible trauma to their face/head) were taken straight to the infirmary to be diagnosed for a possible concussion. Perhaps had Dre been taken to the infirmary, someone there might notice his other deficits in his mental faculties. How did he even get processed through booking without anyone noticing that he definitely needed to be anywhere else other than Gen Pop?

  • Love 3

I'm going to put the spoiler under the spoiler tags.



IMO Angele is NOT the reason the program got shut down.  That's on the producers.  They cast Angele, they watched the footage, they saw her have sex with Gabby.  RIGHT THEN, they could, they should have pulled her.  But no, they probably thought it was good TV and basically, when it comes to reality TV, "good TV" is all anybody wants.  Sure Angele was wrong, but I'm not sure she was solid psychologically.  She defiantly came from a home where she must not have felt much love.  She was seriously taken aback when those women gave her a birthday party, it was as if she'd never had a birthday party in her life.  To me, I saw a bunch of bored as hell women who wanted a good excuse to have a party, and Angele's birthday was as good as any.  

I put this on Angele a bit, but I put it on the producers more, because they are in an objective position; it's like if someone is undercover, they always have a team or a partner to make sure they don't get in too deep.  

Maybe there were legal reasons why it look A&E almost a year to show this.


Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 2
On 25/02/2018 at 12:11 PM, Neurochick said:

I believe that Angele's birthday party was producer driven.  The producers are in this jail.  Their cover is they're filming a documentary.  I'm sure money changed hands somewhere.  Those girls at the party were twerking and dancing, where did the music come from?  How come the CO's didn't come in to check?

They are allowed to have radios if they can afford them. It's part of their commissary. Money is coming in from an outside source.

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, Visaman666 said:

They are allowed to have radios if they can afford them. It's part of their commissary. Money is coming in from an outside source.

True, but Jaclin got in trouble for just dying everything pink; I don't think coloring everything pink was worse than having a party in the pod, complete with scantily clad strippers.

  • Love 5

I’m still annoyed with the producers.  They knew before the Chief that Angele was with Gabby, and they just let it go.

Glad that the Chief gave Angele the smack down.  He should do the same to the producers.

Everyone is pissed at Angele, but we’ve seen this shit go on for weeks.  If production cares about everybody’s safety, why didn’t they tell the Chief what was up with Gabby  and Angele?

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 5

The second those producers saw that sheet go up, and knew what Angele and Gabby were doing, was when they should have pulled het from the program immediately.  It’s not safety they’re about, it’s good TV.  And if the Chief knew what was going on, it’s on him too.  They are supposed to keep the participants safe and they failed.

If Angele had to tell Gabby anything, she should have told her she was an actress, since that’s what another inmate thought anyway.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 4

Sorry for blowing up all your boxes but Teen Moms and Housewives have been hot and heavy.

 Now this….I hate the dorm set up for the women. Bad fuckin news as we have seen. First night and you have all stripped down to your issued unddies ?! WTF? That many women in a cell is asking for trouble. They haven't shown much rec time either. Fuck fight over the remote. I enjoyed that better. Matt is nuts. I like his son. I like I think it was Nate that  gave us We can't get hot food, but we can get weed?! EXCELLENT! He's the one pulling the double right? Earned every penny. Jac was just not ready. Angel WTF?! Girl did everything wrong and got ratted out right quick. Good. Johnny and Allen seem sane as well. Those fights were so brutal I had to look away. All and all this season kinda sucked for me. Weird editing to who they show. I forget sometimes who is in there. 

I gave it a half watch tonight and will come back tomorrow cuz this shit is bananas now. 

  • Love 3

Angele is an idiot. She just could not see that she had done anything wrong, and I want to wipe that stupid smirk off her face. It will be interesting to see if she's changed her tune at the reunion show. As much as I don't like Stephanie (AT ALL), I couldn't disagree with anything she said tonight, and I felt bad for her when she was crying after Angele told her that she'd spilled.

  • Love 8
11 hours ago, Neurochick said:

True, but Jaclin got in trouble for just dying everything pink; I don't think coloring everything pink was worse than having a party in the pod, complete with scantily clad strippers.

Some of this is on the camera staff and the producers who were in the prison during a lot of this.  They HAD to see this coming and should have removed Angele when the relationship started to get out of hand.

And yeah....why was Jaclin called out for dying clothes pink and a frat party was left unchecked?   

The Colonel biggest problem may be the fake mates.   

Edited by Chaos Theory
  • Love 3
9 hours ago, slasherboy said:

I came here to say the same thing, Kid, about slapping Angele.  She always has that smirk on her face like she's all that.  I've gotta say, this was a really good episode.  I was hoping Gabrielle would, and she didn't waste any time doing so.

Looking forward to next week.

Me too.  Is that where they all sit down together because that should be interesting?

They really need to go after her legally. First of all it was a breach of contract. So they have her there. Secondly, she did drugs  and that is illegal and they have it on film. And that applies to Stephanie too.  Finally, she was acting on behalf of the sheriffs department. What would’ve happened if a corrections officer had had the affair with Gabriele?  There has to be criminal penalties for that. Because the inmate has no choice, really, because they’re not there by choice.

So, OK, they put her in a hotel room with no contact with anybody until they get everybody out but, I personally don’t think that’s enough. Actions have consequences. And I have a feeling they’re gonna let her skate on the consequences.

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, redpencil said:


Angele is an idiot. She just could not see that she had done anything wrong, and I want to wipe that stupid smirk off her face.


And when she was told Gabrielle spilled, she said that could not happen.  They should have shown her the video right there and slapped charges on her if they could.  That would have wiped the smile off her face.

And, those of you that have commented about the producer’s role in this, you are spot on. They should’ve pulled her as soon as that relationship heated up. It heated up in record time.

Edited by Kid
  • Love 5

I have some horror stories about being inside Fulton County if anyone is interested. I was there 12 days before all charges were dropped. :/

I cannot stand Angele. She went into this like it was a game. So did Stephanie, but Stephanie seems to think she is on Survivor while Angele was playing The Dating Game: Sex Edition. Angele is one nasty girl and so is Gabrielle. This is coming from a lesbian, too. To have sex with someone in that setting, someone you JUST met, someone who could have HPV, AIDS, and who DEFINITELY can't truly take care of feminine hygiene ... it's repulsive. Just absolutely repulsive. And maybe I'm a prude, but putting up a sheet doesn't make it soundproof. They are both nasty nasty nasty individuals with absolutely NO sense of pride or self worth.

Angele absolutely does not care one bit that she put several lives in jeopardy. She can't see the bigger picture past the piece of tail. I don't care how abused she was or how unloved her childhood felt --- mine was worse, I can guarantee it --- and she can't use that to justify breaking a binding contract and jeoparding the safety of the other participants.  I don't think she even apologized. She is one smug, cocky, sanctimonious little snot and I can almost guarantee you this "love affair" with Gabby that is so real and so right and so wonderful won't last one second on the outside.

I wish there was a clause that stated breaking the contract would result in the participant refunding the jail the costs for room/board, food, etc ... And no pay at all. None. Not one dime should be given to Angele.  She should be paying THEM for wasting their time. Oooh, I am so pissed at her.


  • Love 18

Angele and Gabby more Lifetime movie then Hallmark movie then?


I’d say charge Angele but apparently she really likes jail.  


Even while the Colonel tried to explain to her that she put lives at risk I don’t think Angele was able to see beyond her own selfish needs.  I think she kept telling herself once everything was over She would be with Gabby and whatever price she would have to pay would be worth it.  When she got told that Gabby was talking it was like her bubble got burst for the first time.   Angele just couldn’t or wouldn’t see that other people mattered.

I am not sure of my feeling about Stephanie.  She isn’t wrong but she isn’t especially likable either. 

Edited by Chaos Theory
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, IntoTheMystic said:

I have some horror stories about being inside Fulton County if anyone is interested. I was there 12 days before all charges were dropped. :/

I cannot stand Angele. She went into this like it was a game. So did Stephanie, but Stephanie seems to think she is on Survivor while Angele was playing The Dating Game: Sex Edition. Angele is one nasty girl and so is Gabrielle. This is coming from a lesbian, too. To have sex with someone in that setting, someone you JUST met, someone who could have HPV, AIDS, and who DEFINITELY can't truly take care of feminine hygiene ... it's repulsive. Just absolutely repulsive. And maybe I'm a prude, but putting up a sheet doesn't make it soundproof. They are both nasty nasty nasty individuals with absolutely NO sense of pride or self worth.

Angele absolutely does not care one bit that she put several lives in jeopardy. She can't see the bigger picture past the piece of tail. I don't care how abused she was or how unloved her childhood felt --- mine was worse, I can guarantee it --- and she can't use that to justify breaking a binding contract and jeoparding the safety of the other participants.  I don't think she even apologized. She is one smug, cocky, sanctimonious little snot and I can almost guarantee you this "love affair" with Gabby that is so real and so right and so wonderful won't last one second on the outside.

I wish there was a clause that stated breaking the contract would result in the participant refunding the jail the costs for room/board, food, etc ... And no pay at all. None. Not one dime should be given to Angele.  She should be paying THEM for wasting their time. Oooh, I am so pissed at her.


Damn Spill Mystic! I've been a trustee. In a Mayberry town. WAY different. Nothing at all like this setting.

  • Love 8
42 minutes ago, xls said:

With all the cameras & sound catching all the drug & beatings ect. why do they need undercover volunteers? And weren't any of the inmates suspicious after the show being on for 2-3 seasons & the crews around, wouldn't take a genius to figure it out.

Different prisons in different states.   Plus there are other “Prison shows” like Lockup and a kids in prison show on Netflix which are legitimate documentary/series shows.  So 60 days on crew can go in saying they are one of those types.  

  • Love 3

I hope Angele takes whatever money she got from her stint here and uses it for counseling. You could see it when she first entered the facility and everyone was fascinated by her - she was SO HAPPY to have all of that attention and "love." Same for her bday party - she was genuinely so pleased that they would do that for her. And then, of course, the Gabrielle stuff. Angele is SO in need of love and affection and attention that she was unable to step back and consider anything else. That her "love affair" might just be circumstantial. That girls in jail love any excuse for a party. Etc. 

  • Love 9
53 minutes ago, xls said:

With all the cameras & sound catching all the drug & beatings ect. why do they need undercover volunteers? And weren't any of the inmates suspicious after the show being on for 2-3 seasons & the crews around, wouldn't take a genius to figure it out.

 I am pretty sure that in the past, the crew said they were there to film people who are experiencing lock up for the first time. 


Why didn't we get shown the footage of Angele telling Gabby?   How long did the crew keep that information?    I'm not sure Stephanie is right to be paranoid or not.    "Who was always walking with her? Who spent lots of time with her? I'm the first person they'll come after. "    If she's truly maintained her cover then that shouldn't be the issue.   She can act just as surprised and pissed as the rest of the inmates.


From the teaser, it looks like the men getting pulled at the same time is catching interest.   Aren't they careful to stagger putting them in?  In light of no active concern for the men maybe they should have staggered the releases like they normally do.   

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, August79 said:

From the teaser, it looks like the men getting pulled at the same time is catching interest.   Aren't they careful to stagger putting them in?  In light of no active concern for the men maybe they should have staggered the releases like they normally do.   

Or ALL of them at exactly the same time.  Then, no one will still be there when the lightbulb goes on.  

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, Kid said:

Me too.  Is that where they all sit down together because that should be interesting?

I don't think the next episode will be where they all sit down and share their experiences.  They have to get all the other participants out first, and I suspect that will be next week.  But I don't know this for a fact.


6 hours ago, IntoTheMystic said:

I have some horror stories about being inside Fulton County if anyone is interested. I was there 12 days before all charges were dropped. :/

I cannot stand Angele. She went into this like it was a game. So did Stephanie, but Stephanie seems to think she is on Survivor while Angele was playing The Dating Game: Sex Edition. Angele is one nasty girl and so is Gabrielle. This is coming from a lesbian, too. To have sex with someone in that setting, someone you JUST met, someone who could have HPV, AIDS, and who DEFINITELY can't truly take care of feminine hygiene ... it's repulsive. Just absolutely repulsive. And maybe I'm a prude, but putting up a sheet doesn't make it soundproof. They are both nasty nasty nasty individuals with absolutely NO sense of pride or self worth.

Angele absolutely does not care one bit that she put several lives in jeopardy. She can't see the bigger picture past the piece of tail. I don't care how abused she was or how unloved her childhood felt --- mine was worse, I can guarantee it --- and she can't use that to justify breaking a binding contract and jeoparding the safety of the other participants.  I don't think she even apologized. She is one smug, cocky, sanctimonious little snot and I can almost guarantee you this "love affair" with Gabby that is so real and so right and so wonderful won't last one second on the outside.

I wish there was a clause that stated breaking the contract would result in the participant refunding the jail the costs for room/board, food, etc ... And no pay at all. None. Not one dime should be given to Angele.  She should be paying THEM for wasting their time. Oooh, I am so pissed at her.


Yes, PLEASE share our horror stories.  Tell everything you know, please & thank you.

I agree with everything you said about Angele and you put it all so succinctly.  I wish they would have shown Angele the tape of Gabby spilling the beans and all the reactions.  Honestly, I would like to have seen more reactions.  Maybe next week.

Still, I don't think Angele has even the slightest grasp on the reality of this situation and is only focused on her true love.  I think she'll be shattered when she realizes it was just sex for Gabby.  And IntoTheMystic, everything you said about how nasty their sex was is 100% accurate.  I wanted to puke while it was on and they even had closed captioning so we wouldn't miss a thing!

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

Angele and Gabby more Lifetime movie then Hallmark movie then?


I’d say charge Angele but apparently she really likes jail.  


Even while the Colonel tried to explain to her that she put lives at risk I don’t think Angele was able to see beyond her own selfish needs.  I think she kept telling herself once everything was over She would be with Gabby and whatever price she would have to pay would be worth it.  When she got told that Gabby was talking it was like her bubble got burst for the first time.   Angele just couldn’t or wouldn’t see that other people mattered.

I am not sure of my feeling about Stephanie.  She isn’t wrong but she isn’t especially likable either. 


She seemed to have no idea about how jail really works, including the part about news traveling quickly, regardless of which building (male/female) one is in.

I wish they'd shown her the tape of her "strong Gabby" telling her fellow inmates the truth!

I am trying to think of the "info" that Angele had for the sheriff during the debrief, but I think all she said was "these women are just like me."  I agree that people need to remember that anyone in jail/prison is a human being, first and foremost...except for that asshole Allen who disrespected the female CO in the 600 dorm. I really want to see Johnny & the other older men (who agree that women shouldn't be disrespected) kick his ass!

Angele didn't have any real valuable information to pass along ( i.e. how RXs are cheeked/sold/used to party with). She had nothing to share with them. What a waste of a participant. I bet Jaclin was fuming when she saw this because she really did want to stay in the jail. I do believe that. Jaclin was very upset to leave so abruptly without getting to say goodbye. Angele said she was sad she didn't get to say goodbye to Gabby too, but when Jaclin said it, I felt more emotion from her, which is very telling about the reality of A & G's "love story."

The minute A said she didn't get a lot of love as a kid, so she'd take it whenever she could, I had the lady sheriff in my head, who asked A: "Ask yourself why you did it - maybe there's something in your life that you need that G provided." ( paraphrasing)

@IntoTheMystic, if you would be kind enough to share your stories/experience and shed light on what the jail is really like, I'd be very interested. Please and thank you!

Edited by Bridget
  • Love 6
9 minutes ago, Bridget said:

I wish they'd shown her the tape of her "strong Gabby" telling her fellow inmates the truth!

Me too!!!  Maybe they will do it on the show where they all get together and talk about the season. That should be really interesting. Especially, when the other ones find out that she blew her cover and put them in jeopardy.

One of the other posters here had a point. Gabrielle thought that she was an actress. She could’ve gone along with that and said she was an actress doing research for a role.   Rather than do that, she had to play the knight in shining armor that she likes to play and tell her she is there to report back to the warden. And that’s what made it so dangerous for everybody else because they are perceived as snitches.

Edited by Kid
  • Love 4
7 hours ago, IntoTheMystic said:

Angele is one nasty girl and so is Gabrielle. This is coming from a lesbian, too. To have sex with someone in that setting, someone you JUST met, someone who could have HPV, AIDS, and who DEFINITELY can't truly take care of feminine hygiene ... it's repulsive. Just absolutely repulsive. And maybe I'm a prude, but putting up a sheet doesn't make it soundproof. They are both nasty nasty nasty individuals with absolutely NO sense of pride or self worth.

You know, I never thought of that.  Yuk, neither one of them knows where the other has been.  And they're grown women, not love struck teenagers.  

I'm not surprised Gabby told everybody about Angele, out of sight out of mind.  Gabby might be just "gay for the stay" and not really care about Angele at all, she was just there for Gabby.

  • Love 1

I can't wait for the reunion show; hopefully there will be one.

Angele screwed herself and everybody else over.  But I can't help but wonder why Angele wasn't pulled from the pod and the show as soon as that curtain went up.  The producers had to have known she and Gabby were having sex.  So to protect Angele and everybody else, they should have pulled her.  If an inmate went to fight a participant, I'm sure they would have pulled that participant.  I'm cynical because I watch UnReal, where producers manipulate the action.  I wonder if that's what happened here, "hey, let's put a hot stud in the pod and see what happens."

To me, Angele acted like an immature teenager.  I don't get why she was cast for the show.  Maybe it was because she was so immature; maybe the producers wanted to secure some drama.  I don't think anybody is going to catch a charge for anything on this show; there won't be any consequences, because the show itself and the producers are complicit too.  They watched it happen and did nothing, even though, especially in the case of Gabby's and Angele's affair, it compromised the entire program.  I mean who's responsible for the participant's safety?  They thought it was okay for Angele to have a sexual relationship with an inmate?

 I'm glad someone here brought up STD's.  What if Angele was in a relationship, caught an STD from Gabby and gave it to her partner?  Angele is to blame for getting involved with Gabby, but the producers are to blame for letting it go on for however long it went on.  In fact, they even laughed with Angele about it all.

So shame on everybody involved with this show.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 6

And the extra worst part about Angele’s crap?

IT LET STEPHANIE “WIN” the game show of 60 40-ish Days In Survivor, just like she wanted. 

(Otoh, I guess the best part is ... I don’t think she got to Last Woman Standing just like she wanted to. I don’t want her Swoled we nuthin’, but I appreciate the poetic justice of her spending her last few days (appropriately) fearing for her life. And, as I don’t think she has the self-awareness to figure it out herself, I hope that they loop her “I hope Jackie gets sent home” TH continuously through her hotel TV the whole time she’s sequestered).

But, seriously, reality show contracts generally have clauses that leave participants liable for like a million dollars if they so much as leak a spoiler AFTER filming.

Angele is responsible (in part; I think the guards are also partially responsible for their negligence of monitoring and managing her (and others’) behavior as “inmates,” and the production team—who DIDN’T pull the “we’re just there to document, not prevent someone from falling into a fire” card like they did on Survivor but actively said on camera that they put the safety of the participants ahead of the show, and, thus, by both standards of human decency AND their own stated standards, should have stepped in waaaaaay sooner ... I hadn’t realized how active they were in the pods themselves until they caught multiple shots of the boom operator (and part of the camera operator in the mirror) in the scene where Angele went to blows with that homophobic chick whose name I forgot) for something sooo much bigger; they literally had to shut down production on the show. 

Yes, they still cobbled together a season out of it, but the financial impact had to be major (and probably hit the per diem workers a lot more than the network or anyone at the top: I sure hope all the non-salaried staff got paid for the full number of expected days).

I don’t think that she’s in any position that charging her a million or whatever is in her contract would be right, but, as she doesn’t seem to get the impact of her actions, fining her enough that it will affect her day-to-day life — not so she can’t afford her bills for more than a substandard existence, but enough that she won’t be able to afford great jail parties or having a kept-through-being-able-to-afford-tons-of-commissary woman — would be fair and appropriate. I hope when they had her sign that “make it right” second contract, they didn’t create too big a loophole that now she’ll be able to say that her not completing the terms of that one was because THEY chose to shut down production, AFTER she left (otoh, she wasn’t smart enough to ask to have her lawyer—the one who probably doesn’t exist because she also probably never sought one to go over the first contract with her—look it over before she signed, so I don’t anticipate any brilliant legal maneuvering on her end. If she got hit with some serious fines, though, she has all her new friends who could likely give her a name or six).

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Neurochick said:

You know, I never thought of that.  Yuk, neither one of them knows where the other has been.  And they're grown women, not love struck teenagers.  

I'm not surprised Gabby told everybody about Angele, out of sight out of mind.  Gabby might be just "gay for the stay" and not really care about Angele at all, she was just there for Gabby.

In prison they're called LUGS, lesbian until gates. Meaning they're lesbian until they walk out the gate.  That's the impression I got of Gabby. 

  • Love 4

I thought the episode had some great editing.  They started off with the prior footage of Angele being all coy about whether she'd told Gabrielle the truth:  <grin> Maybe!  No.  I dunno.  Yeeeeah.  <twinkle twinkle>

Then that grin got a little less perky as they scolded her.  Then she got defiant and chose to die on the hill of true love.  Then she got upset at being kicked out and not getting to say goodbye.  Still stubborn, though--insisting that Gabby could be trusted and if they only knew her like Angele knew her, they'd understand there was no risk . . . oh.  "She did?"

LOL, bummer!


I disagree that Angele and Gabby getting physical was a reason to pull Angele out of the show.

I'm pretty sure there were blowjobs going on behind those "privacy curtains" where the cameras weren't allowed, last season.  (BJs and beatdowns.)  Where there are people, there will usually be sexual activity, in one form or another.  Not that I want to listen to the sound effects through the blanket buffer, but basically:  shrug.

The only warning I heard the "participants" receive was that engaging in illegal activity would make them liable for criminal charges.  So not the smartest move in the world, but not prohibited either.  I don't think she broke any rules until she got to the pillow talk.

  • Love 2
21 hours ago, methadonna said:

And the extra worst part about Angele’s crap?

IT LET STEPHANIE “WIN” the game show of 60 40-ish Days In Survivor, just like she wanted. 

(Otoh, I guess the best part is ... I don’t think she got to Last Woman Standing just like she wanted to. I don’t want her Swoled we nuthin’, but I appreciate the poetic justice of her spending her last few days (appropriately) fearing for her life. And, as I don’t think she has the self-awareness to figure it out herself, I hope that they loop her “I hope Jackie gets sent home” TH continuously through her hotel TV the whole time she’s sequestered).

But, seriously, reality show contracts generally have clauses that leave participants liable for like a million dollars if they so much as leak a spoiler AFTER filming.

Angele is responsible (in part; I think the guards are also partially responsible for their negligence of monitoring and managing her (and others’) behavior as “inmates,” and the production team—who DIDN’T pull the “we’re just there to document, not prevent someone from falling into a fire” card like they did on Survivor but actively said on camera that they put the safety of the participants ahead of the show, and, thus, by both standards of human decency AND their own stated standards, should have stepped in waaaaaay sooner ... I hadn’t realized how active they were in the pods themselves until they caught multiple shots of the boom operator (and part of the camera operator in the mirror) in the scene where Angele went to blows with that homophobic chick whose name I forgot) for something sooo much bigger; they literally had to shut down production on the show. 

Yes, they still cobbled together a season out of it, but the financial impact had to be major (and probably hit the per diem workers a lot more than the network or anyone at the top: I sure hope all the non-salaried staff got paid for the full number of expected days).

I don’t think that she’s in any position that charging her a million or whatever is in her contract would be right, but, as she doesn’t seem to get the impact of her actions, fining her enough that it will affect her day-to-day life — not so she can’t afford her bills for more than a substandard existence, but enough that she won’t be able to afford great jail parties or having a kept-through-being-able-to-afford-tons-of-commissary woman — would be fair and appropriate. I hope when they had her sign that “make it right” second contract, they didn’t create too big a loophole that now she’ll be able to say that her not completing the terms of that one was because THEY chose to shut down production, AFTER she left (otoh, she wasn’t smart enough to ask to have her lawyer—the one who probably doesn’t exist because she also probably never sought one to go over the first contract with her—look it over before she signed, so I don’t anticipate any brilliant legal maneuvering on her end. If she got hit with some serious fines, though, she has all her new friends who could likely give her a name or six).


I wonder if Stephanie will ask what her prize is during the reunion show?!?!

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, candall said:

I disagree that Angele and Gabby getting physical was a reason to pull Angele out of the show.

I'm pretty sure there were blowjobs going on behind those "privacy curtains" where the cameras weren't allowed, last season.  (BJs and beatdowns.)  Where there are people, there will usually be sexual activity, in one form or another.  Not that I want to listen to the sound effects through the blanket buffer, but basically:  shrug.

There's a difference between a blow job and falling in love.  My issue is that Angele fell in love with Gabby, was emotionally involved with her and the producers knew it.  It wasn't like, "we're just fucking, oh well."  

I think Angele needs some serious therapy.  The Colonel said something very interesting, that people look for things in jail that they're missing in their lives.  Angele was missing something in her life that made her prime for someone like Gabby.  I listened to her, "love it hard to find."  "You have to hold onto love."  She acted like a love struck teenager, she seriously had no idea what she'd done.  When the woman producer spoke to her, kept trying to get Angele to understand what she'd done, she seriously had no clue, it was all about being in love, for her.

Didn't one of the women participants do whippets last season, or the season before?  

Interesting that the Colonel said they removed Angele because she became intimately involved with an inmate, but the producers saw that a while before Angele told them she blew her cover to Gabby.  Also interesting that the woman officer mentioned STD's.  Angele's face nearly fell when the Colonel told Angele that Gabby told on her.  I wish they'd shown Angele the film of Gabby telling on her, now THAT would have been interesting.  

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 8

I don't watch the show but couldn't help but watch the episode on youtube.  What the hell?  Angele is some whacked out person, no?  I think she is truly in love with Gaby.  Does she not think that her family member in jail won't face anything either?  I do know that people in jail/prison do talk and word gets around to the other facilities.  The guy who wanted to buy drugs is a cop or something?  Oh this will go over good.

I am so there for the reunion show.

  • Love 1

As much as I like to harp on adults being responsible for their decisions and actions, why in the hell was Angele ever let in that jail?! After seeing her total befuddlement at the idea of the other plants being in danger, I'm wondering how she ever passed a psychological screening to participate! I'm putting 95% of this clusterfuck on the producers. They let her in, they let her stay even after becoming intimate with a real prisoner, and they should be ashamed. 

Thanks to them, I felt badly for Stephanie! That's just unforgivable. 

  • Love 5

Angel reminds me of your typical 20 year old (she's in her early-mid 20s right?)  They always think they're right.  They never regret what they do and they think they're above it all. You just effed up the whole program and you don't regret anything?? You just fell in love with a drug addict and you still don't regret anything??? Makes me wonder what kind of people she hangs out with in real life.  


Totally random but I wonder why the guys' pods don't make whip-its.  Do they not get as many prescribed drugs or are they just able to get in regular drugs easier than the women?

  • Love 6

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