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Season 4 Discussion


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3 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

After college my first job was working in residential program for teen age girls.  I worked the night shift and did bed checks every 30 minutes.  I used to vary my "schedule" so sometimes I would be doing checks at different intervals, sometime 45 minutes and sometimes 5 minutes.  I would catch a lot of stuff that way and it kept the girls safer.  The girls complained to the director that I was not keeping a 30 minutes routine.  When he asked me about it I told him why I was doing it.  He told me that my actions showed the girls that I did not trust them and that I needed to show them that I did trust them.  I told him that I did not trust all of the girls and the reason they were in our facility was because they could not be trusted.  I went on to list all of the shady things I had caught the girls doing and that the reason they were mad that I varied the checks was because they wanted to be able to time their shenanigans.  What did I know he had a PhD and I only had a B.A..

As far as prisons and other institutions have "trustees" is because they don't have money to hire the people they need to do those jobs.

Good for you!

Do you mind if I ask how long you worked there? It sounds exhausting in so many ways. I don't think I would last a week!

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, Whimsy said:

I agree about Jackie and Stephanie. At first I was irritated with Jackie when she asked to leave because I was thinking she was only worried about her safety. But, when she said she was leaving in order to avoid possible additions to the other inmayes sentences, I actually admired her a little bit.  Although, it’s probably just a matter of time before a similar situation comes up and they’re fighting with Swole anyway (not the participants, the other inmates). 

I didn’t like Stephanie prior to this episode but now I straight out loathe her. It was her fault Jackie was in that situation to begin with!  Stephanie is a weak person who only thinks about herself. 

Matt’s concern about his son, while somewhat understandable, annoys the crap out of me. I’m sick of hearing about it. I wonder how many of the inmates even know his son is there anyway. Although, with every other word out of Mat’s mouth is about his son, so I guess they probably do. I personally think Matt’s just itching for a fight with how much he’s talking about it.  I really think there’s something wrong with him mentally. He does realize that when he “says goodbye” to Andrew the guards weren’t taking him somewhere to shoot him dead, right?

Those guards need to conduct their rounds completely randomly. To be able to plan your criminal activities around the scheduled rounds is ridiculous. 

Ever since the first season, the “trustees”have annoyed me. First, they’re not trustworthy at all. What, is the criteria to become a trustee?  It needs to be stricter, they need to be reassessed frequently and they need to be searched before entering the pod. 

I don’t know what it is about this season’s cast, but I am so annoyed by almost all of them. I guess Johnny’s ok and Alan. I probably wouldnt mind Andrew except that’s all I hear about from Matt. 

Angele is completely out of control. I actually hopes she picks up charges so those weren’t empty threats from the Colonial. 

1. I genuinely believe that she didn't want to leave and not being able to say goodbye was hard for her. When everyone stood up for her, I was surprised because I hadn't realized how many people she connected with. I was impressed with the "I have a chance to stop this before..." part. She was truly looking out for those ladies and wanted what was best for them. 

2. Every crappy thing that S said about J when she opted to leave was beyond hypocritical. Stephanie was the one who dug herself too deep and even her glasses didn't help her see clearly! She was too scared to stay with Swole, tried to switch rooms & was sent back. Swole gave her crap for not telling Jaclin to shut her mouth and now it's all fine and dandy? I don't understand this. At.All.  Something is going to come back and bite Steph in the butt about the Swole/bullying thing...and I can't wait to watch!

3. Hahahaha - saying goodbye to Andrew! I shouldn't joke because of what happened in FL, but you're spot on. Matt is nuts for sure. He probably thinks he is off to a firing squad.

All Matt does is pace around the dorm & he never stops moving. Couple that with his hyperverbal issues and I wouldn't be shocked if it was an ADHD/depression combination. The two go hand in hand more often than not, with varying states/degrees of depression. It also explains why he is awake at night & blabbing to the cameras instead of sleeping. He said "my son will be under mortal threat" at least four times, including preview of next week. 

Assuming everyone had to go before filming, how did he pass the psych eval?

From Google:

"Hyperverbal speech is when someone talks excessively...it is one of the symptoms observed in a person experiencing a manic or hypomanic state. Usually, the affected person also shows elevated mood, lots of energy, decreased need for sleep and racing thoughts."

4. These people are all boring, except for Alan & Nate. Has Johnny even said two words about his "journey" yet? It seems like the balance of the participants & their screen time is way off in each episode. I swear we've heard Matt talk about the same thing for 1/2 of each episode during the entire season so far, but I want to hear more dirt from Alan or Johnny!

Random thoughts:

-When Johnny put the bag of laundry on the floor, I was shocked. The inmate code is pretty clear (I thought) and I expected Johnny to ask out loud who the bag belonged to before putting it down...and making a possible seriously grave error. That said, when one gets their laundry, why wouldn't they have just put it in their cell? It seemed like someone wanted to fight (the lazy one who left his laundry out) & he created a "trap" so someone would get a beat down no matter what they did. 

I think Matt wanted an excuse to fight, hence him telling Tay Tay "Don't come at me bro" about 73746482 times. Pleasantly shocked there wasn't a single fight in this episode! 

-I loved that Imani called out Swole in her TH! "First of all, Swole, she's too old to be antagonizing people. How are you this old and this fat and you want to antagonize people? You have no room, no right, none of that!"

She's my new favorite! 

I also like that Imani was the one who called out Stephanie (even if it was only a TH) and said: "Jackie put herself in it because you didn't know how to stick up for yourself and now you want to leave her in the dust." I hope Imani ends up teaching Stephanie a lesson one way or another.

-I wonder why Alan's roommate was trying to avoid peer pressure when the pot was going around in the AM.  I loved seeing that, but I was hoping we'd get some cool back story about why he didn't want to partake.

-Stephanie's "dancing" in next week's preview was hilarious! She is so out of place that it's painful to watch.

  • Love 11

Imani cracked me up about Swole.  

Jaclin seemed too emotionally fragile, because of what happened to her first child, to be on the show, but maybe that's why she was "cast," (let's see what happens to her when she can't talk to her daughter every day).

I think Angele was cast because the producers hoped to get some "girl on girl" action.  They don't seem to be too concerned that she and Gabby are in a relationship, in fact they seem to be okay with it, so maybe that's what they wanted from her in the first place.

I remember the first season of this show, and Muhammad Ali's daughter was one of the participants.  She was pretty low key, some might have called her boring.  I sense that these people were cast for maximum drama.  Regarding reality shows, each season wants to be more "dramatic" than the previous season, each season wants to kick it up a notch, this show is no different, because that's exactly what it is, a show.

RE:  The Fights.  I think these folks are bored to tears in jail and fighting is just something to do.  I notice that folks fight and then an hour later, it's like the fight never happened.  How long did Swole scream at the top of her lungs that she was going to beat Jaclin? I was sick of her mouth, I'm sure the other women were too.  Swole was probably older than most of the girls in that prison, so she wanted to let them know who was boss, even though she really didn't do much.  Angele could probably wind up pod boss by the end of this season.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 3

Fuck you Stephanie, you smug, ferret faced bitch.  This moron seems to think she's on Survivor and will get a prize if she makes it to the end.  Jaclyn did not dig a hole for herself asshole, you dug the hole and threw her in. And dumb ass? It's COULDN'T care less, not could (pet peeve).   I don't do social media, is Stephanie being raked over the coals for being such an asshole? I hope she gets all kinds of he'll at the reunion. 

The only one I like on this season is Andrew and I thought going in that he'd be my least favorite.  He seems like a really good guy and is much more mentally stable than his father is.  When Matt said that if Tebow stays he goes, did he think they'd release him just so Matt would stay?  He sure does think he's tough. I hate violence but I wish Tebow would kick his ass. 

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 14
8 hours ago, Maharincess said:

When Matt said that if Tebow stays he goes, did he think they'd release him just so Matt would stay?  He sure does think he's tough. I hate violence but I wish Tebow would kick his ass. 

I agree. I think Matt thinks he has power there and is essentially asking Tebow to be moved. That’s not really unprecedented, though. They’ve moved inmates out of pods before to remove them from the participants. I just hate that Matt thinks he can just request it. 

  • Love 3

There are only two men’s pods’ being filmed. Whether there are more that are at the same security level, I don’t know. (If Tebow really is the highest ranking Blood in those two pods, I suppose there’s the argument to be made that he should be in a higher level security pod anyway). 


But, though it pains me to defend Matt in any way—and I’m not even sure if he recognizes this consciously himself, if he DOESN’T end up in any real problem with Tebow, I don’t think having Tebow in Andrew’s pod would be of any greater threat to Andrew than any other, current gang grouping: Andrew (much to Alphaman’s previous chagrin, is a peaceful (“soft,” per his loving, breath-taken-away, falling-on-his-sword father, dude, who has thus far managed to more or less stay out of the crosshairs of drama; even as his being perceived as gay threatened to make him a target, he managed (somehow; too bad they don’t have things like cameras to show us or even narration to tell us) to fly back under the radar (without sounding like an asshole homophobe or reactionary misogynist in the process. I mean, in the outside world, would there have been a more ideal response? Yes, and he even acknowledged that, but I can’t fault someone for not leading a revolution in jail when they handle it in a way that, imho, at least makes progress). 


The threat to Andrew, wrt Tebow and Matt, at least from Matt’s POV, is that Matt (being  So Alpha), is at the end of his rope with Tebow and fears he’s going to end up beefing with Tebow. And, if that happened, the other Bloods (with or without Tebow’s physical presence) would then attack Andrew to retaliate against Matt (as Matt would likely be in a hotel but they’d assume he was in solitary, and, although he’s obviously not affiliated, gang-wise (where, if there were an issue between two members of two gangs and then the initiator was moved, the other gang would retaliate against someone else in the gang, regardless of their involvement), Matt’s essentially affiliated with his son, making Andrew a reasonable proxy for retaliation should MATT cause a problem. 


The reason this is all beyond ridiculous is that a) Matt, alpha though he may be, is a grownass man (and a religious one and one trained in self defense that I thought (maybe I’m mistaken and MMA is more like boxing than karate or ... anything else that I basically know nothing about) was first about discipline and respect (except he’s obviously a manchild because, as much as I’ve ranted (at Rap Game) about kids proclaiming how Swag they are, thhey’re... kids. I have a lot more tolerance for 12-year-olds covering their bags and homework with affirmations of their swagness than rich grown ups telling me how classy they are on Real Housewives or preacher fighter-trainer dads of eleventy grown children telling me they’re so alpha while simultaneously putting one of (lovely, on-a-great-path) young adults YOU raised in an environment you want to change him while simultaneously bemoaning your hyperbolized choice to put your child in danger for the very reason you wanted him to be there and b) Matt may not have lived and known the life of many of the inmates in the same way Johnny did, but in other ways, he knew what happened inside the walls of a jail (or prison? I forget which he said) possibly better, and he certainly knew better how he’d react to it; he’s not naive to jail politics because he worked as a chaplain, and he’s not naive to what it could do to his temperament, as it sounds like it already burned out a well-intentioned man wanting to do good before. 


So, at this point, I have to believe the guy has either completely lost his shit or he’s playing everyone to try to make good television.


How come the Narnia wardrobe door between the two pods was never even mentioned last season? I get that, with this season’s “family twist,” they may have wanted to minimize its presence last season, but now they’re editing it to seem like constant communication/contraband passing occurs there—like, maybe start building a wall there, first, if we wanna limit drugs and Cheetos smuggled through borders?—and I don’t even remember seeing a glimpse in the background during phone calls or anything last time (although, now, the minutiae- obsessed-part of me wants to rewatch the whole season just to catch a glimpse).


1 hour ago, August79 said:

Does anyone else think that maybe Jaclin is maybe not leaving?  They had her in segregation then intake.   Maybe they're going to put her in another pod?  I found it a little strange they didn't at least show her in a hotel this episode.


Before I even saw this last week’s episode, I read the description of next week’s in my cable guide as I was finding which shows I could tape at rerun times to fit in everything I needed to record, already a challenge, now with 80 channels of Olympics to chase around (and Big Brother. Shut up). It’s like a daily logic problem. And it said that Jaclin “shares her regrets and experiences after choosing to leave the program.” So I think she does go.


I have to say, maybe she came up with it after the fact to save face, but if, as she stated, her consideration for the potential consequences for the other inmates who all vowed to have her back, should they end up in trouble, really played even a part of her decision to go, I have a ton of respect for her. I was really uncomfortable with some of her race comments, but, while she is certainly an outwardly emotional person (not a judgment; I have a similar fight-then-cry-or-flight instinct), she actually remained more on point to her purpose there than the other two women; despite Stephanie’s misreading the brief and thinking she got cast for Survivor, I think that, even with leaving early, Jaclin was more “successful” in the (alleged) goal (not the make- good-tv- one, but the one where they really believe they’re helping). After her initial meltdown, she pulled herself back up, she connected well enough with others that, by only breaking rules like “using commissary for purposes other than that which it’s intended” rather than “use drugs AND become an active participant in drug trafficking” or “have sex with inmates which is questionably a far more severe violation than if you were another actual inmate yourself” (and, given the flashback to the training, and comments, I think we got some foreshadowing that Angele is doing or going to do far worse than smoking some fruit peels and had gone off the rails wrt the program, entirely) to make inroads with others, learn a lot about staffing problems, and being not only a far more decent friend to Stephanie than she deserved but actually (because S would hate this) a far tougher one in standing up for her. And  by leaving the program because (even if only in small part) she saw that her presence could bring harm to those who lacked the choice she had? That, to me is being a far greater successful participant than one who “completes” it (or would, if they didn’t Shut It Down. LOL at the thought that J chose to take herself out when appropriate, and S, who said she hoped that Jackie gets “sent home,” will be, herself, “sent home,” whether by her own or someone else’s [undoing]) while undermining “their prison family” who lack the privilege to tap out that they have and/or “the program” (well, I care less about that charade) in the process of Making It To Day 60/Jury. 

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, Maharincess said:

She's a hateful person and I firmly stand by smug, ferret faced bitch.  We hate a lot of people here on this site and much worse than what I've seen Stephanie get so I don't see why she's off limits.  She's acting like a jerk so I don't see why she shouldn't call her as we see her. 

And, I think that she gets such a strong response because this is not a game. She is playing with people’s lives.  They are in a very dangerous environment and someone could get very hurt or worse.  Either a participant OR an inmate.  We have seen how long it takes the guards to react to anything. The producers seem to get there quicker than the guards do.  She has had it out for Jacqui from the beginning, her actions created the situation,  a person she seems to detest stands up for her, and she throws her under the bus and created a very volatile situation  that went well beyond HER where someone could’ve gotten very hurt.  

  • Love 10
4 hours ago, Kid said:

And, I think that she gets such a strong response because this is not a game. She is playing with people’s lives.  They are in a very dangerous environment and someone could get very hurt or worse.  Either a participant OR an inmate.  We have seen how long it takes the guards to react to anything. The producers seem to get there quicker than the guards do.  She has had it out for Jacqui from the beginning, her actions created the situation,  a person she seems to detest stands up for her, and she throws her under the bus and created a very volatile situation  that went well beyond HER where someone could’ve gotten very hurt.  

That's true, and that leads me to a question.  Is there some type of financial reward that these participants get for completing the 60 days?  I cannot imagine someone with a young child, doing this.  I can't imagine Matt and his son doing this nonsense for nothing at all. 

And to Stephanie.

Why does she seem to think she's on a reality show like Survivor?  Is she insane?  If she is, how did she pass the psychological?  I mean a sane person wouldn't want Jaclin to go home, a sane person would bond with another program participant.  I think Stephanie read Jaclin as being weak because in the beginning, Jaclin was very emotional about the program, which was normal.  I think Stephanie read that as weakness and wrote Jaclin off, without seeing that Jaclin had a lot of inner strength that she, Stephanie doesn't seem to have.   I noticed Stephanie hasn't pulled any shit with Angele.

  • Love 3
On 02/16/2018 at 11:00 PM, Maharincess said:

Fuck you Stephanie, you smug, ferret faced bitch.  This moron seems to think she's on Survivor and will get a prize if she makes it to the end.  Jaclyn did not dig a hole for herself asshole, you dug the hole and threw her in. And dumb ass? It's COULDN'T care less, not could (pet peeve).   I don't do social media, is Stephanie being raked over the coals for being such an asshole? I hope she gets all kinds of he'll at the reunion. 

The only one I like on this season is Andrew and I thought going in that he'd be my least favorite.  He seems like a really good guy and is much more mentally stable than his father is.  When Matt said that if Tebow stays he goes, did he think they'd release him just so Matt would stay?  He sure does think he's tough. I hate violence but I wish Tebow would kick his ass. 

Don't worry,  Social Media is doing a fine job of dragging Stephanie through the coals and deservedly so...I haven't seem a contestant so dreadful and wretched. I've yet to see anyone be pro-stephanie. She is delusional and the idea that she is treating this experience like a competition is mind boggling to us viewers.

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Is there some type of financial reward that these participants get for completing the 60 days?  I cannot imagine someone with a young child, doing this.  I can't imagine Matt and his son doing this nonsense for nothing at all. 

They must be getting paid. And maybe they get paid more if they complete the program then if they do not. However, I am sure that one person doesn’t get less at the end of 60 days because another person also stayed in for 60 days. So I don’t see her issue with making sure that she stays in and nobody else does.

  • Love 2
8 minutes ago, Kid said:

They must be getting paid. And maybe they get paid more if they complete the program then if they do not. However, I am sure that one person doesn’t get less at the end of 60 days because another person also stayed in for 60 days. So I don’t see her issue with making sure that she stays in and nobody else does.

No, I think Stephanie is just batshit; I mean the woman thinks she's on Big Brother or something.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 4
On 2/18/2018 at 2:49 PM, Neurochick said:

That's true, and that leads me to a question.  Is there some type of financial reward that these participants get for completing the 60 days?  I cannot imagine someone with a young child, doing this.  I can't imagine Matt and his son doing this nonsense for nothing at all. 

And to Stephanie.

Why does she seem to think she's on a reality show like Survivor?  Is she insane?  If she is, how did she pass the psychological?  I mean a sane person wouldn't want Jaclin to go home, a sane person would bond with another program participant.  I think Stephanie read Jaclin as being weak because in the beginning, Jaclin was very emotional about the program, which was normal.  I think Stephanie read that as weakness and wrote Jaclin off, without seeing that Jaclin had a lot of inner strength that she, Stephanie doesn't seem to have.   I noticed Stephanie hasn't pulled any shit with Angele.

I thought Zack had said (maybe an interview I read if not on the show) that they got $60,000 for completing the show. That’s why it was suspected Ashleigh did it too. Maybe it’s $10,000 a day?

  • Love 1
On ‎2‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 8:51 PM, Neurochick said:

RE:  The Fights.  I think these folks are bored to tears in jail and fighting is just something to do.  I notice that folks fight and then an hour later, it's like the fight never happened.  How long did Swole scream at the top of her lungs that she was going to beat Jaclin? I was sick of her mouth, I'm sure the other women were too.  Swole was probably older than most of the girls in that prison, so she wanted to let them know who was boss, even though she really didn't do much.  Angele could probably wind up pod boss by the end of this season.

I just want to scream at her to FTFU! She's all swagger & talk=scared creampuff ??????

  • Love 1
On 2/19/2018 at 6:42 PM, Whimsy said:

I thought Zack had said (maybe an interview I read if not on the show) that they got $60,000 for completing the show. That’s why it was suspected Ashleigh did it too. Maybe it’s $10,000 a day?

I seem to recall that it was a decent enough amount to encourage Zack & Ashleigh to do the "tag team" version of it. I am really, really certain that one of the participants (probably Z or A) said they earned $20 or $30k for the 60 days. It was definitely no more than $30k.

I remember thinking the people who do this show probably need a lump sum of money for something in order to get their life together (down payment on a condo, pay off student loans or other debt) or pay for school like the guy from Detroit who was a Criminal Justice major. It wasn't enough money to make your average Joe want to jump at the chance for a huge windfall. I understand the participants also did it for personal reasons, but they weren't taking home a check for any dollar amount higher than what they could earn during one year of a basic entry level job.

The $20-30k is divided into 60 days to create a daily rate.

I'd imagine that if someone leaves early, they don't get the whole amount though - as it should be. Anyone who leaves early will earn the daily rate for as many days as they lasted. I'd be pissed if I stayed the whole time and someone who tapped out on Day 15 received an identical paycheck.

  • Love 2
17 hours ago, seahag50 said:

I wanted to slap the arrogance off Alan's face.  His daughter is left handed and he acts like he was told she was brain damaged.  I'm a lefty have my masters owned my own home at 25 gifted musically and got to retire at 61.  That just pissed me off

I was shocked too.  He sounded so ignorant.  I thought people didn’t have that attitude anymore.  I know people felt that way about having a left handed child when I was growing up.  But I thought today people were aware that many intelligent people, both in history and today, have been left handed.

What does it even matter today?  The kids use electronic devices to do everything.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 6
7 hours ago, seahag50 said:

I wanted to slap the arrogance off Alan's face.  His daughter is left handed and he acts like he was told she was brain damaged.  I'm a lefty have my masters owned my own home at 25 gifted musically and got to retire at 61.  That just pissed me off


2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I was shocked too.  He sounded so ignorant.  I thought people didn’t have that attitude anymore.  8 know people felt that way about having a left handed child when I was growing up.  But I thought today people were aware that many intelligent people, both in history and today, have been left handed.

What does it even matter today?  The kids use electronic devices to do everything.

I agree, I thought he was joking when he first said it, but he didn't seem to be.  I don't understand the attitude about that.  It's not a disability...

I can't stand Angele.  I feel like she just went in to have a good time.  For some reason, this person I never even met frustrates the hell out of me. lol.

  • Love 1
14 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Interesting they showed Jaclin with her family, but not Matt.  I wonder what happened when Matt went home.

That party was crazy, talk about turning up.


I still do not know how Stephanie and Angele I’m not getting charges against them for drug use when they’ve got it on camera. Also, for those of you that suspected that Angele is the one who blew their cover, you may just be right.   And again, I don’t understand why this jail is allowing her to carry on a sexual relationship with an inmate. They know she’s doing it, they’ve got it on camera. 

This jail is very poorly run. The guards never respond to anything, especially in the women’s section, and when the smell of gas was obvious, it took them forever to get those people out of there. The whole place could’ve blown sky high.  The fact that they have members of this program doing drugs and fucking an inmate doesn’t seem to bother them in the least.

14 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Interesting they showed Jaclin with her family, but not Matt.  I wonder what happened when Matt went home.

That party was crazy, talk about turning up.


In my opinion, the less they showed Matt the better. I wish he would wash his damn hair.  Something about that man that is  just slimy.

Edited by Kid
  • Love 4
39 minutes ago, Kid said:

I still do not know how Stephanie and Angele I’m not getting charges against them for drug use when they’ve got it on camera. Also, for those of you that suspected that Angele is the one who blew their cover, you may just be right.   And again, I don’t understand why this jail is allowing her to carry on a sexual relationship with an inmate. They know she’s doing it, they’ve got it on camera. 

It’s jail is very poorly run. The guards never respond to anything, especially in the women’s section, and when the smell of gas was obvious, It took them forever to get those people out of there. The whole place could’ve blown sky high.  The fact that they have members of this program doing drugs and fucking an inmate doesn’t seem to bother them in the least.

In my opinion, the less they showed Matt the better. I wish he would wash his damn hair.  Something about that man that is  just slimy.

I agree about Angele.  I don't know why they haven't pulled her a long time ago.  She's having sex AND doing drugs on camera.  She needs to be yanked ASAP!  And that shit eating grin she gives when she lies, irritating.  Obviously she told at least Gabby she's not an inmate, which then will obviously get around to everyone else. 

That party was insane.  What the hell are those guards doing??  They need to have WAY more frequent walk-through's.  Those girls all should've been put into segregation or whatever it's called.  I know this is jail and not prison and not everyone there has been convicted of any crimes (at the very least, not for the crime they've been put in there for), but I still think it should be much more strict. 

  • Love 5

I thought it was funny that even Stephanie, who I don't like was like, "I had to ask myself where am I?  Oh yeah, I'm in jail!"

I think the producers are enjoying Angele.  Someone on Facebook said they probably put her on the show because they wanted to see some "girl on girl" action.  This is a show and it's all about ratings, sad but true.

Last year there was a show called "Behind Bars Rookie Year" which I really liked.  It was about correction officers working in a state prison (can't remember if they were in Arizona or New Mexico).  It was a supermax prison, and it was a very scary place. But what I got about that show, was that most of the rookies were there for the pay, benefits and pension, and I'm sure that's what the correction officers in this jail are there for.  

As for the party, it looked crazy, but I also remember in Clark County, the women were up all night doing drugs, (those women might have been actually smoking crack, the trustees brought them in) and one of the participants, Ashleigh complained how she couldn't sleep, so this seems to be an issue in all of these jails.  

Why are there so many women in a pod, where the men only have two to a cell?  Maybe because of drugs, more women are coming into jail now?  I don't know.

10 hours ago, Whimsy said:

I can't stand Angele.  I feel like she just went in to have a good time.  For some reason, this person I never even met frustrates the hell out of me. lol.

LOL too, sometimes I find when someone frustrates me, it's because they're kicking up my own issues.  Angele doesn't frustrate me, but I believe she is too immature for this show.  I bet she's a huge partier on the outside, which isn't a bad thing, she's only 26, but somebody who likes to have a good time really shouldn't be on this show.

If Angele is the one who causes the program to implode, I can't put it 100% on her.  The producers knew what she was doing, they knew about she and Gabby for some time and did nothing.  They didn't pull her, they didn't do anything, so I can't completely fault Angele for anything if the producers were agreeable to what she was doing.

  • Love 1
7 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

If Angele is the one who causes the program to implode, I can't put it 100% on her.  The producers knew what she was doing, they knew about she and Gabby for some time and did nothing.  They didn't pull her, they didn't do anything, so I can't completely fault Angele for anything if the producers were agreeable to what she was doing.

Oh, I won’t blame her either. Not directly. They (the producers, the Colonel, whomever else) shouldn’t have let it get this far. This program was on limited legs anyway since the inmates already know about the show. There’s not much more they can do with this premise. 

  • Love 1

I couldn't believe Alan either. It's actually harmful to force someone to switch dominant sides... What does he want to do? Tie her left hand behind her back? Smack it with a ruler like school teachers did in the olden days when ignorance ruled? Good grief.

Not to mention, this is an infant old enough to have 2 teeth. Grabbing at things with one hand more often doesn't mean squat! I remember wondering the same about my daughter at times when she quite young. But by the time she was halfway decent with her crayons we could see she preferred her right hand. Not that it matters at all, other than it's a PITA for lefties to sit next to righties at the dinner table and lefties have to deal with smearing ink when they write. Certainly nothing worthy of such a visceral reaction. 

  • Love 5

1. Stephenie hopefully gets hurt or taps.

2. Swole is a old fat snitch that's all talk.

3. Jonny is giving bucchi a hard time now bc he's got nothing else to add to the show.

4. Anyone else notice in episodes 7 & 9 Nate isn't featured at all? No reaction shots, no in pod scenes. no commentary. He's on camera more than once. But zero interaction. Like did they forget he's been there 100 days?

  • Love 4
On 2/23/2018 at 7:24 PM, Whimsy said:

Angele is the one who causes the program to implode, I can't put it 100% on her.  The producers knew what she was doing, they knew about she and Gabby for some time and did nothing.  They didn't pull her, they didn't do anything, so I can't completely fault Angele for anything if the producers were agreeable to what she was doing.

Yeah I put it all on the production. They don't care if angele catches a charge. It's good tv. The  could have contractually obligated them not to do drugs if they were worried about that. And I doubt that they charge Angele with anything, I believe it would be public record ad we would already know, they aren't gonna wait till after the show airs to file aginst her. She's completely got her head up gabbys vag and offers nothing in the way of improving the program. Any of them that say that's the whole reason they are there is to fix the system, they are full of BS. All they want is fame and $$$.

Edited by Steve.s.
  • Love 1
5 hours ago, Steve.s. said:

Yeah I put it all on the production. They don't care if angele catches a charge. It's good tv. The  could have contractually obligated them not to do drugs if they were worried about that. And I doubt that they charge Angele with anything, I believe it would be public record ad we would already know, they aren't gonna wait till after the show airs to file aginst her. She's completely got her head up gabbys vag and offers nothing in the way of improving the program. Any of them that say that's the whole reason they are there is to fix the system, they are full of BS. All they want is fame and $$$.

I believe that Angele's birthday party was producer driven.  The producers are in this jail.  Their cover is they're filming a documentary.  I'm sure money changed hands somewhere.  Those girls at the party were twerking and dancing, where did the music come from?  How come the CO's didn't come in to check?

  • Love 1

This season's cast is so unlikeable! The only one I do like is Nate from last time and he's hardly been featured. Oh wait, I like Andrew, despite his crazy-ass dad.

This cast is so arrogant. We have Angele who keeps talking about how the other girls worship her, are inspired by her, they all want her, lol. Matt is over the top dramatic, he thinks he even matters in that pod, that people are conspiring against him? I really don't think any of the guys even notice he's there. Matt just likes to make himself feel more important than he ever could be. 


  • Love 1

To my mind, Jaclin was just scared and tapped out.  I don't judge her harshly--that whole place is damn scary, with the guards dropping by every once in a blue moon and a woman named BIG SWOLE gunning for her.  Oh, and also, "friends" like Stephanie.

So that's cool, Jac; go home and see your baby girl.   I'm just not sure you need to make it sound like you were sacrificing your time in the program to save all those women who were supporting you.


Now Matt . . . I can't even get a grip on his for-tv explanation, let alone whatever might be his real motivation for leaving.  I think he had a vision of how it was all going to be--that he would set a wise and manly-man example to show--and maybe "toughen up"--the son he finds . . .weak?  too sensitive?  suspiciously effeminate?

But Matt really sucked at adapting to an unexpected set of circumstances.  (I bet that had something to do with his leaving his job as a "pastor" at the other prison.) 

In the end, it was ironic that Andrew was calm and composed about his father leaving and supported his dad doing whatever he felt he needed to do.  Andrew's not inmate material, but he'll probably be okay in his real life (once he finds his virgin soulmate.)

Edited by candall
  • Love 6

I really like Andrew. I don't understand Matt's reasoning that Andrew is in danger so Matt has to leave. 

In regards to Alan and the left handed thing, I took that as some kind of inside joke between he and his wife. He was kind of smirking when he said it. I don't think he was being serious about breaking her of using her left hand. That's just my opinion though. 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Maharincess said:

I really like Andrew. I don't understand Matt's reasoning that Andrew is in danger so Matt has to leave. 

In regards to Alan and the left handed thing, I took that as some kind of inside joke between he and his wife. He was kind of smirking when he said it. I don't think he was being serious about breaking her of using her left hand. That's just my opinion though. 

Agree with you about the left handed thing. Alan has been shown to be quite open-minded during this entire season, so I doubt having a southpaw in his immediate family will traumatize him, especially after seeing such violence in the 500 dorm.

I don't understand anything about Matt. Dude is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. 

  • Love 9

I was shocked that the producers and the warden allow the participants, especially the women, and especially Angele, to behave so inappropriately this season.

I mean, I realize that undercover LEOs do drugs in order to ingratiate themselves with their targets of investigation, but these are civilians.  Perhaps part of their contract resembles an undercover officer's in that they are excused from prosecution during their participation should they engage in criminal behavior whilst there?

  • Love 2

So.... I've been wondering.  How safe are some of these people when the actual inmates get out of jail and realize there were people in their snitching on stuff they did? It can't be that hard to find them, can it? Although maybe they're ok because they bring most of these people in from out of state.  I know they are given fake last names but it must be pretty easy to figure out who they are. 

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, gunderda said:

So.... I've been wondering.  How safe are some of these people when the actual inmates get out of jail and realize there were people in their snitching on stuff they did? It can't be that hard to find them, can it? Although maybe they're ok because they bring most of these people in from out of state.  I know they are given fake last names but it must be pretty easy to figure out who they are. 

No kidding!

perhaps everyone is given a free pass, program participants as well as unwitting inmates, no matter what they do, just to facilitate the program and the change they wish to happen as an end result of the investigation?

40 minutes ago, PoshSprinkles said:

Every season they've been told that if they do something illegal in jail and get caught, they will be given real charges just like any other inmate. The ones who have done something illegal have just been fortunate that they weren't caught at the time. 

Oh ok, thanks for that.

They really seem to be turning it up a notch with the questionable activity this season~as well as teasing the whole "shut it down early" storyline.  I wonder which one ends up being the cause if they really do cut it short.

On ‎2‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 1:53 PM, kicotan said:

I was shocked that the producers and the warden allow the participants, especially the women, and especially Angele, to behave so inappropriately this season.


You know, I have often wondered the same thing.  It's not just the participants but the actual inmates who we've seen doing drugs out in the open, or at least, where the cameras can see it happening.  I've often wondered if the producers do not share the video of what is happening inside of the pods until the experiment is over.  I just can't fathom that the warden wouldn't be doing something if he knew and could see how obvious and out in the open the drug use is.  They also seem to be oblivious to most of what the participants are talking about in their exit interviews even though we've clearly seen it from what the show has captured.  I would guess the producers may mention things if there is a danger to the participants but otherwise I think they keep their mouths closed.  At least that is my theory.  

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On 2/16/2018 at 11:00 PM, Maharincess said:

Fuck you Stephanie, you smug, ferret faced bitch.  This moron seems to think she's on Survivor and will get a prize if she makes it to the end.  Jaclyn did not dig a hole for herself asshole, you dug the hole and threw her in. And dumb ass? It's COULDN'T care less, not could (pet peeve).   I don't do social media, is Stephanie being raked over the coals for being such an asshole? I hope she gets all kinds of he'll at the reunion. 

The only one I like on this season is Andrew and I thought going in that he'd be my least favorite.  He seems like a really good guy and is much more mentally stable than his father is.  When Matt said that if Tebow stays he goes, did he think they'd release him just so Matt would stay?  He sure does think he's tough. I hate violence but I wish Tebow would kick his ass. 

Ferrit face lol shes a shitty person

  • Love 3

I would bet anything Stephanie is going to be the one to spill the beans. Because she can’t seem to keep her nose out of other people’s business and she can’t stand if one of the other participants manage to be liked by the inmates.  I am not saying that what Angele is doing is in anyway appropriate.    But it is not Stephanie’s place to tell the girlfriend who Angele is.  If she has a problem with what Angele is doing,  and she should have a problem with it  for the right reasons, she should take it to the people in charge of this program. Not tell the inmate and I have a sneaky feeling she told the inmate girlfriend.

And I still cannot believe they are ignoring Angele sleeping with an inmate and getting into a fight with another inmate.  If she were a real inmate, there would be consequences for these actions.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Kid said:

And I still cannot believe they are ignoring Angele sleeping with an inmate and getting into a fight with another inmate.  If she were a real inmate, there would be consequences for these actions.

I think at this point Angele IS a real inmate.  I think she has gone so far over the edge that she should face some serious consequences for her behavior.

Edited by movingtargetgal
  • Love 9

Poor Stephanie, I feel so bad for her.  It must be exhausting to be so perfect and having to spend so much time talking about everything everyone else is doing wrong. Poor thing.   A couple of things for you Ferret Face...first of all, there is no c in the word infatuation, second, it's midst, not mist and lastly it's PREposterous, not PERposterous.   I love when idiots like her try to sound intelligent but come off looking stupid instead.  When Ferret Face said something about Gabrielle finding out that Angele Is not a real inmate, the smug smirk on her face said "when I tell her that you're not an inmate".  And what business is it of hers what happens with Gabrielle and Angele on the outside? 

Is it just me or did it look like the female deputy was trying hard not to laugh when Matt was talking?

I hope this isn't offensive because it's not meant to be, but it makes me so damn sad when I see a young woman like Alan's wife be so overweight.  She's so young, it makes me sad. 

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 8

As soon as Matt walked in that room, the female deputy WAS trying not to laugh, like "what the hell did you expect?"

Something has to be wrong with Angele for her to think that the party thrown for her in jail, was the best thing that ever happened to her.  Her life must be quite sad.

Alan's roommate, Dre, is probably mentally ill and that's sad because he probably should have been in an institution/hospital years ago.

They told Alan he had done forty days.  I wonder how many days in had people done before they pulled the whole thing.

Stephanie was right when she told Angele that if she believes everything Gabrielle is telling her, then she is a fool.  What is Gabrielle in jail for anyway?

The first season of this show, people really wanted to do some good, but now it's just like any other reality show, and too many participants are there for fame.  

And that woman Sahar, what an ugly person inside and outside.  I got a racist vibe from her.  But she's no better than the rest of them because she's in jail too.

  • Love 8

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