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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes

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Just watched the Supergirl trailer. Is it only me or did it cross anyone else's mind that it seems they're modelling Kara after a younger version of Felicity, at least a little?


Hah! My sister actually texted to ask if I've seen the new trailer for Supergirl. She's a casual viewer of Arrow and thought I would probably like this since Kara reminds her a lot of Felicity.


I'm in, though. It looks fun! And I like the supporting cast--Calista, Chyler, Mehcad (who, I demand, must be required to provide the gratuitous shirtless scenes here and there, yes?). Too bad that they scheduled it at the same time as Gotham, though. Not that Gotham is must-see tv but I would've thought DC would try to get the networks to avoid audience conflicts as much as they can to maximize the reach of all their properties on the television landscape.

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Supergirl looks good. The tights & skirt combo still look a little weird, but I could deal with that. So far enjoy all the actors they cast. So it will get a viewing slot from my perspective.

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I see the glasses as a Clark Kent thing too. I see the Felicity S1 in the work wardrobe (S1 Felicity) and the babbling (when she meet James). As the trailer progresses tho, it gets away from comparisons. 

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The Supergirl trailer looks better than I expected, but I wish they would have cast a different actor for James Olsen if they intend to go for a Kara/James pairing. The actor is such a manly and mature looking hunk. The actress who plays Kara looks like a child next to him.

Edited by strikera0
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Yeah, he did look quite a bit older than her. Anyway, I hope they won't force feed us a pairing right from the start a la Lauriver/West Allen. Otherwise I may be out from the get go.

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This only fits into the current continuity and not an alternate reality if it takes place a few years into the future.  Superman is the Big Good of the DCU - there's no way Barry would NOT seek him out for a chat if he existed.


Speaking of Superman, if you look at one of the frames around :27 when her ship crashes there's a shot of what looks like Supes holding little Kara's hand.  Maybe he's the one who decides that Dean Cain and Helen Slater would make good adoptive parents.

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Also, is SO REFRESHING that all important characters know Kara's secret. I'm just sick of this lying stuff.


It's the same as on Flash, quickly setting up the support team around them.  Berlanti (sp?) and Co HATE the secret keeping part and I for one am thrilled with anything that keeps the term "secrets and lies" from being uttered.  


I see the Felicity S1 in the work wardrobe (S1 Felicity) and the babbling (when she meet James). As the trailer progresses tho, it gets away from comparisons.


Yes and no.  Personality wise I think she'll become her own person pretty quickly but that final scene with her and James on top of the tower, I actually for a second thought it was Felicity.  At the very least their wardrobe continues to look very similar.


I wonder if that means they will change Felicity's style.  Maybe more suit like.  Hope not too much of a change though. 

I'm in, though. It looks fun!



It really does.  It also looks like if done right could be something positive for younger girls to see.  First featured female superhero on any screen since Lynda Carter.  About time. 

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As funny as this sounds, it looks like they are setting him up for a more mature mentor type type for now role. He certainly isn't a rookie, cub photographer here. He is Pulitzer Prize winning friend of Superman. 


She is 26 and he is 34. Not a crazy age difference, but they look like they are playing her younger.

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Hey look she's flying! Lol. It's not going to be like Smallville. I have to admit the trailer made it look decent. I'll probably check it out and I do love that it looks everyone knows her secret, so that will be refreshing. 

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I was worried it would be too Smallville when she said "I think I can fly." But then she stepped up and saved her sister. It looks a lot better than I though it would be. Love the way they played off the "what's wrong with 'girl?'" concerns.

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The Supergirl portions were cool, but the rest was a bit too rom-com for my tastes. I'll probably give it a shot still, but if they intend to pair off Kara and James, I hope they do not put him in any kind of mentorship role for her. Just no.

My only complaint with the trailer was the pop song they put over the montage. I little too much

Yeah hated the song too.

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Yeah hated the song too.


I kind of liked it.  Looks away in embarrassment.



As funny as this sounds, it looks like they are setting him up for a more mature mentor type type for now role. He certainly isn't a rookie, cub photographer here. He is Pulitzer Prize winning friend of Superman. 


She is 26 and he is 34. Not a crazy age difference, but they look like they are playing her younger.

Doesn't help when last I saw that actress she was playing (very believably) a high school student under eighteen. 

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He looked older next to her in the scenes I saw. The last time I saw him was on True Blood & he looked much older now. But who knows how it will be in the season once the out of the pilot episode. They might make changes that make them seem closer or further apart in age.

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Eh, they could just go for one of the previous iterations of Supergirl and have her be a lolita-esque figure who is trapped in the body of a teenager, while flirting with and sharing rather suggestive scenes with men significantly older than her.


As for this show? Well let's see... Arrow is crap now, The Flash hasn't ever been much good, DC's movies all stink so... I doubt this will be any better. But I hope it succeeds, just to prove that female superheroes can draw an audience.

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The Supergirl show description says that Kara is 24 - so about the same age as Felicity in Arrow S1.  I'm gonna give the show a try, though I'm not a big fan of CF.

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Caity is dressed in whit ein that new Legends picture, is she like, the white canary?


Yep. Mark Pedowitz confirmed at the CW Upfronts presentation that Caity is White Canary.

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So…are all the heroes dead on Legends of Tomorrow then? Serious question. 

Pretty sure Ray is alive, somehow. I don't know who half those people are though, who are the two guys with the guns?

And isn't White Canary a villain?

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Why would you think so? Sara is the only one who is dead so far. Ray, Stein, Cold and Heatwave are all alive.


It's interesting that the poster doesn't feature the last main character who was cast a bit later. Why, I wonder.

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It was only a thought because Ray could have died. Not saying he did but it wouldn't surprise me. 

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Why would you think so? Sara is the only one who is dead so far. Ray, Stein, Cold and Heatwave are all alive.


It's interesting that the poster doesn't feature the last main character who was cast a bit later. Why, I wonder.


I think because he was cast late. He wasn't there for the teaser trailer, where it looks like that poster is shot from.

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Why can't she be in a show called 'White Canary and Nyssa Al Ghul'? Because I would watch every episode of that show, and probably buy the DVDs too. The pair of them are so goddamned sexy and fun and engaging and badass, that they deserve their own show.

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I'm pretty sure Ray didn't die, but that him touching the nanobite suit at the moment of the explosion is going to make him full on ATOM with powers.  I originally thought they were going to have him shrink within the suit, but now it seems like he will have superpowers.


If she was put in the LP by Malcolm - I really, really wish they would have showed that in the finale to Arrow - like an apology to Nyssa.

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So is Sara just going wear white all the time?


Interesting that they went with Lazarus pit. Do they say when she was put in? or how?

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Ugh, so they threw her in the Lazarus Pit? And why couldn't that be done on Arrow? For all those presumed side-effects Thea sure seems to have ZERO.

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I hope Sara will be on Arrow in the fall. I mean we have some episodes before Legends airs. And unlike Other characters I already love Sara so having her be the Arrow story that leads to the Spin off Works since she has Ties to ALL the characters. Her survival heavily affects Laurel and Thea's journey. Nyssa's too.

Edited by tarotx
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The thing about possibly bringing Sara back in S4 to set her up for the spin-off is that it'll leave less time for everybody else's stories. Bringing her back to life is a really big story, so I can't imagine they could do it in one/two episodes. Diggle/Felicity have been waiting since S1 to finally get a big arc and I hope this doesn't negatively affect them too much. 

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Hmmm. I wonder if Sara is the floater character. She has reason to be on all three shows. OMG WANT.

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Agreed about Lyla being the floater. I'm wondering if she's going to rejoin ARGUS in some unofficial capacity that allows her to help with tech/prisons/transport and the like.

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Yeah I agree that fact that she was dunked in the LP means she's going to be too unstable/unpredictable to be a floater, and she really has zero ties to Barry/The Flash.

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They made such a point of having Malcolm say that you don't come back from the LP the same that I'm interested to see what that's going to mean for our two heroes who have been brought back. We haven't seen anything from Thea yet, but that could be really interesting as she's become a hero to see it begin to influence her. Same goes for Sara on this new show. I think there could be some cool ramifications of that for everyone.


As we've seen elsewhere, bringing someone back from the dead rarely ends well. 

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