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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes

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6 hours ago, tv echo said:

15 Characters That Make Us Want To Rage Quit The Arrowverse
10.30.17  by Stephanie Holland


Some of this list I don't agree with like Lena, Patty, Julian, Cupid, Lyra, 

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14 minutes ago, thegirlsleuth said:

Mick really has magical chemistry with everyone.  He is the little black dress-or perhaps little black beer cozy?--of Legends of Tomorrow.

I never thought I would come to like Mick as much as I do.  I remember groaning when they announced that he was being added to the cast - now he's my second favorite behind Sara.

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OMG I cannot wait for Legends today! Ray is the absolute second CUTEST!!!!!!!! (No one's cuter than Felicity!!!!!)

After wanting to poke my eye out while watching Ruby on Supergirl, I'm surprised that they wrote Baby Ray so well! HE DOESN'T SEEM LIKE A MORON!!!! And yet he is supposed to be younger than all the other Arrowverse kids! He is sooooo cute! 

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After watching tonight's LoT, I have to say if they find a way to separate Firestorm so Stein can go home to his family and then kill him, I'm going to be pissed. I know killing the person about to retire is super common in tv/movies but I'd much rather see the Stein family get a happy ending.

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3 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

OMG I cannot wait for Legends today! Ray is the absolute second CUTEST!!!!!!!! (No one's cuter than Felicity!!!!!)

After wanting to poke my eye out while watching Ruby on Supergirl, I'm surprised that they wrote Baby Ray so well! HE DOESN'T SEEM LIKE A MORON!!!! And yet he is supposed to be younger than all the other Arrowverse kids! He is sooooo cute! 

Seriously, you are going to die over the little Ray cuteness.

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Oh there was a lot of goo in my eyes @BkWurm1 so much goo. I hope that in a future episode a Dominator attack is happening, only for one of them to save everyone, and then it starts singing Singing in the Rain tunes and he and Ray hug! 

The Supergirl writers could take some lessons on how to like a likable kid character. 

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Honestly, its been a pretty solid week in the Arrowvese so far. I thought the Supergirl episode was genuinely interesting, The Flash was fun (and the actor they got to play Ralph Dibney is pretty perfect) and I LOVED this weeks LoT. If Arrow can land a winner, I will be a very happy fangirl. 

If Supergirl would then get rid of that annoying 13 year old who acts like a particularly slow 6 year old, we would really have something! 

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Young Ray was adorable. You could definitely see little Ray becoming big Ray. Especially when big Ray started the episode by wanting the Legends to do team building exercises like 2 truths and a lie. I'm really enjoying Zari, she fits right in with this team. She also seems to be starting to like them. They may mess up time but they are a good group of people. They do need to work on that bathroom situation they have way too many people to only have 1 bathroom. At least carve out a space for a half bathroom. 

Also the Legends going Trick or Treating with young Ray in their full super hero costumes was great. 

Edited by Sakura12
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I still can't believe how much I'm enjoying LOT this season. I mean, I really did not like this show with the exception of a couple episodes. I decided to give this season a chance because I was interested in Zari & Kuasa... but last nights episode was so good. Ray got on my nerves on Arrow and how they wrote him, but I really like him on this show, and last night I loved him. Baby Ray was such a great actor and it was nice to see where Ray came from. I hope Ray gets a little more focus this season, and I loved his scenes w/Zari.

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Yeah, I'm willing to call the Flash and Legends of Tomorrow numbers pure outliers.

And barring any sudden proof that Arrow viewers hate their family, friends and football, yeah, I think those Arrow Thanksgiving numbers could end up being painful.

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3 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

LoT's ratings aren't that bad, all things considered. Looks like a good chunk of the Flash audience went trick-or-treating.

Which does show that the Flash is a kids show. I guess that would explain why I don't understand it's appeal. 

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1 minute ago, quarks said:

Yeah, I'm willing to call the Flash and Legends of Tomorrow numbers pure outliers.

And barring any sudden proof that Arrow viewers hate their family, friends and football, yeah, I think those Arrow Thanksgiving numbers could end up being painful.

They always have the choice of putting the Thanksgiving episode the label of a "special". 

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47 minutes ago, quarks said:


And barring any sudden proof that Arrow viewers hate their family, friends and football, yeah, I think those Arrow Thanksgiving numbers could end up being painful.

How did you manage to so accurately describe me?

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11 minutes ago, Delphi said:

How did you manage to so accurately describe me?

You do realize that as Arrow's admitted family/friends/football-hating viewer, you are now singlehandedly responsible for delivering decent live numbers for that episode, right?

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3 minutes ago, quarks said:

You do realize that as Arrow's admitted family/friends/football-hating viewer, you are now singlehandedly responsible for delivering decent live numbers for that episode, right?

... but I still want the dressing and potatoes.  :(

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Just now, Morrigan2575 said:

I have no idea, in just assumed but, you're right could be a repeat. Which really screws Arrow.

I just checked IMDB and they are showing ep 13.7 on November 23, so if that's accurate then both SPN and Arrow  will be new episodes.

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8 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

Just recovered from watching LoT this week *sniffles*

LOVED LOVED LOVED it so much! I LOVE RAY SO MUCH!!!!! *bursts into tears*

I'll post the rest of my comments on the Legends board. 

OK, now I gotta watch this episode. LOT is something I can just jump right in, right? I mean, I know most of the characters.

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We'll know for sure next this week when episode 7 press releases are issued.

2 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

OK, now I gotta watch this episode. LOT is something I can just jump right in, right? I mean, I know most of the characters.

I think so.  I mean, Zari's new, but I think the "previously on"s will catch you up well enough.  And it's fairly stand-alone as far as the season arc goes.  

It's also insane, so be prepared.  I mean, insane in a good way (IMO), but yeah, still insane. :)

Edited by Starfish35
I have my weeks mixed up. :(
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The Flash boss on new addition to the team
Natalie Abrams   OCTOBER 31, 2017


Of course, The Thinker isn’t the only villain the team is facing. Amunet Black (Battlestar Galactica‘s Katee Sackhoff) left a (perfectly punctuated) threatening message at Caitlin’s (Danielle Panabaker) door at the close of the hour, which is teeing up next week’s episode where Killer Frost comes out to play. As the show previously teased, Killer Frost had been working for Amunet at her underground black market for super villains during the hiatus. “When you meet her, you’ll be like, ‘Oh, yeah! That's who left that message!'” Kreisberg says. “Katee Sackhoff is so amazing in the show. What she’s done and the performance that she has brought to the character is so beyond anything you’d expect from her. I think people are really going to be delighted. She is most definitely not playing Starbuck.”
*  *  *
Next week’s hour also features the bachelor and bachelorette parties for Barry and Iris (Candice Patton), for which Arrow‘s Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) comes to town. “We wanted to do something we had never done before,” Kreisberg says. “I think it’s the first episode we’ve ever done where Barry doesn’t wear the suit. We started with the concept of, ‘Wouldn’t it be really funny if Barry goes for the bachelor party with the guys and [Iris] goes for a bachelorette party with the girls, and the guys end up having the worst night ever, and the girls wind up saving the city?’ That was where the episode started from and then that’s where it ended up.”

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On 10/29/2017 at 10:50 AM, tv echo said:

For M'gann (I can't delete Barry, it's a problem I often have):  As an outfit, it looks cool.  But practically?  Why would you wrap those things around your arms?  They would get in the way of being able to fight and your upper arms would get cold (as SA's did in s4).

From the Spoiler thread:

24 minutes ago, tv echo said:

They also like to diss Oliver (using Joe West as a mouthpiece). Yet, up until the end of last season, Barry was the one who's been willing to sacrifice others in order to get what he wants. while Oliver was the one who's been willing to sacrifice himself for the good of others.

I don't think Joe should be allowed to have any more children. Look at the mess he's made of Barry.

I was with some people I work on settlement with and we were talking about how hard it is for families that come from male-dominated cultures.  It's not usual for the wife and children to do better and pick up English and integrating into the new culture more easily but the father really struggles with language and the sense of responsibility he now has for his family without the extended family back-up.  Instead of leaning on his wife and the community he shuts down and steamrolls on harder with his way and not the new way, sometimes become increasingly controlling. 

As my friends lamented how hard it is to help families like these, I thought of Barry and Joe raising him so that it was only Barry who counted and not Iris.  Even Joe refusing Eddie permission to ask Iris to marry him was about putting Barry ahead of Iris because Barry loved Iris so Iris shouldn't be allowed to choose.

So no more children for you, Joe.

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Posting here because RG also talks about the crossover...

'Arrow' star Rick Gonzalez on why Barack Obama is a superhero
Metro US - Oct. 31, 2017


While super-powered vigliantes aren't taking to the streets to fight crime, that doesn't mean the world is devoid of beacons of hope. For "Arrow" star Rick Gonzalez, world leaders and even everyday people can be heroes, especially those who've overcome an immense amount of adversity in their lives.

The actor tells Metro that he thinks of Barack Obama as a superhero because of the way he was able to lead the nation during his presidency in the face of overwhelming opposition.

"He is the ultimate hero," Gonzalez says. "The dignity, strength and ability to run the country the way he did for 8 years, and the ability to become president prior to that, understanding that no one in Capitol Hill wanted to see a black man president... that, to me, is a real world superhero."
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"If we’re going to do a comic book TV show, then we still can’t be afraid to touch the layer of truth that’s happening in our world and even go to the past and revisit some of those ugly moments that we might not be comfortable speaking about," Gonzalez says. "We can use art to open up a discussion, heal, help and just have a dialogue." 
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Gonzalez believes that the upcoming television event [The CW's 4-show crossover] is extremely relevant and, in many ways, mirrors the struggles happening today.

"When we talk about Nazis, we’re talking about a regime that was trying to eradicate people and, in an extremist way, impart their views on the world," Gonzalez says. "In so many ways, you see that today. There’s so many different factions trying to impart their ideals onto others and there’s no inclusion happening." 

"That’s the general idea when we’re talking about superheroes and supervillains, two sides trying to fight for their ideals," he adds. "Ultimately, we’re taking that idea and pushing it to the boundaries."

Edited by tv echo
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2 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

OK, now I gotta watch this episode. LOT is something I can just jump right in, right? I mean, I know most of the characters.

Yeah, pretty much. There might be plot points that you won't get the full nuance of, but for the most part this is a stand-alone and context will supply what you need.

Fair warning: on Reddit one poster stated he stopped watching Legends after Season 1, but he just happened to leave this on after Flash and loved it so much he's going back to watch Seasons 2 and what's aired of 3. So you might end up with one more show to keep up with....

Edited by Miss Dee
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17 Arrowverse Weapons Ranked From Weakest To Most Powerful
November 1, 2017   by Amy West


His most notable creation being — aside from the implantable bio stimulant he made to enable a formerly-paralyzed Felicity Smoak to walk again — his T-Spheres, small electronic drones that can fly, emit flashbangs and act as sensors, recording devices and projectors. The problem is, Arrow hasn’t really allowed Curtis to really show off all that the T-Spheres can do and therefore, they’re more lame than awesome. Thankfully, there’s still time for the series to change that though!
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It wasn’t until he was was injected with the experimental Mirakuru serum that he turned homicidal though. Triggered by the serum and Shado’s death, Slade swore vengeance against Oliver for saving Sara Lance over Shado and vowed to destroy Starling City. Mirakuru can prove fatal — and is therefore, unpredictable — but it can heighten the user’s strength and stamina while also making them aggressive; the perfect weapon in the eyes of a villain.
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The Canary Cry is non-lethal but always proves useful in a fight and enables the user to gain advantage over their enemy. The downside of the Canary Cry is that it can easily be stolen and used by someone with the wrong intentions. This happened after Laurel died when orphaned teenager Evelyn Sharp stole the collar, made its screams more deadly and posed as the Black Canary as she set out to kill anyone associated with H.I.V.E; the organization responsible for the death of her parents.
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While they might not be as flashy or mystical as some of the other weapons — nor are they technologically advanced — bow and arrows are certainly effective when it comes to battle, and that’s why they’ve ranked so favorably in our list. But as much as a bow and arrow themselves make for a great and reliable weapon, it’s essential that the user be skilled as well; perhaps more so with this than any other entry here.

Fortunately, the Arrowverse, the clue is in the name, after all, boasts plenty of highly-trained marksman from Oliver Queen himself to Yao Fei Gulong, Malcolm Merlyn and Nyssa al Ghul. Even Roy Harper, aka Arsenal, and villains such as Cupid and Prometheus have successfully used archery to take down opponents.


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